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20611678 No.20611678 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20611683
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Mark Twain predicted WW1

>> No.20611688
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kafka predicted the modern "call center" experience

>> No.20611699
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HG Wells predicted the demise of serial killer Richard Ramirez, the nightstalker after terrorizing an entire town. it is the people of the town who would end up forming a crowd and subduing him

>> No.20611720
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Dostoyevsky's The Idiot predicted art hoes, aka girls who will cut their hair short, wear colored glasses and call themselves nihilist to pretend they have a personality

>> No.20611761
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HG Wells Predicted the rise in Asian hate crimes, aka a race of subterranean dwellers who were bred to be workers (blacks) periodically feeding on a tiny plump race of naive surface dwellers (asians) i'm not joking

>> No.20611769
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The Island of Dr Moreau predicted the fall of the Sha of Iran, and the fall of Bagdad in other words, when a harsh dictator dies, and the people who overthrow him devolve into animals and regress evolutionary

>> No.20611775
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That was predicating the present

>> No.20611776
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Mark Fisher predicted Covid when he talked in the last chapter about "labs that are creating superbugs"

>> No.20611788
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Albert Camu's The Stranger Predicted Derek Chauvin being put in jail for life simply for not crying during "his mother's funeral"

>> No.20611796

It’s well known (outside the US) that the US has been very active in developing biological and chemical weapons. Now they’re working on genetically specific bio weapons

>> No.20611801
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Sherlock Holmes predicted George Soros: aka a Professor James Moriarty character who lurks int he shadows and is behind all the crime in the city

>> No.20611830

Were you dropped on your head as a child?

>> No.20611836

t. world bank intern

>> No.20611858
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>step 1 donate to DA's across the country who will relax incarceration times
>step 2 those DA's literally make stuff like armed robberies into misdemeanors
>step 3 crime increases across the country
>step 4 ???

what of what I said hasn't been proven yet? Are you saying he didn't donate to Chesa Boudin for example?

>> No.20611859
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In a way it is sort of unfair to name some writers like HG Wells, George Orwell, or Aldous Huxley for this thread because they were not really "predicting the future" so much as planning it.

>> No.20611877

All you have to do to get crime rates up is tell the cops to relax a little more. They do it all the time to get more funding. Were people getting too docile or something?
Pff. I hate Soros as much as you, but you seem to be one of those black, white and blue flag yahoos

>> No.20611892

You need to read the dictionary more.

>> No.20611918

All three of those writers were involved in the globalist and fabian socialist circles

>> No.20611928

>we’re lidderaly in a socialist dystopia!!!!,

>> No.20611940

Stop memeing and read about them you stupid idiot. HG Wells literally said almost a hundred years ago, you won't be allowed to eat meat, religion will be banned, and people will believe in a secular atheistic religion of science. He wasn't saying this as a warning. That was his vision of how the future should be.

>> No.20611949
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And I love them and their clean-shaven pussies.

>> No.20611956

That was what a lot of people thought back then. Nothing much has changed

>> No.20611960
File: 49 KB, 600x531, R.c394d2e0c9b8de68820566546d157cee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading instead of memeing

>> No.20611961

>pretend they have a personality
Males, especially the sadsacks here, are so thoroughly devoid of personality.

>> No.20611963

damn, you seem really frustrated. even for this place.

>> No.20611967

Have sex.

>> No.20611969

>All you have to do to get crime rates up is tell the cops to relax a little more

>> No.20611981

That’s the thing though. I do read and know that this perspective on religion, and meat was common in progressivist circles. They were also quite jazzed about eugenics. This strain of pseudo-socialism was later adapted to the Futurist fascist movement.
Like I’ve said before. Fascism is liberalism in decay. They’ve always been connected, they’ve always opposed socialism/communism/anarchism

>> No.20611987

What caused the homicide spike?

>> No.20612004

yes, you should.

>> No.20612005

BLM riots -> less policing in black neighborhoods (either because of defunding or because police chose to do so) apparently.

>> No.20612019
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How did he get so much right?

>America and USSR were two prongs of the same evil
>Capitalism and Communism lead to one another fundamentally
>NGOs will reign in the NWO after a few decades of brainwashing and subversion
>The Priestly and Warrior caste principles are asleep and now reigns the Mercantile caste, soon after the slave caste will be only attainable principle for humankind. Everyone will toil to Death.
>The races will be continually mixed and changed until the higher classes have a slave class below them
>The principle of intelligence will be swept out of human control and humans will no longer be able to even possess basic intelligence... (AI)
>it will be illegal to preserve ones people and traditions
>Christianity will completely die out in influence
>Catholicism will cuck harder and harder
>It will become unsuitable and perhaps irresponsible to try and start families since the traditional model is borderline unattainable and you will only fuel human misery by bringing more unfulfilled people into the rapidly expanding and mutating collective with dire economic pressures.
>Americans are a nation of nigger loving niggers and are more spiritually black than white
>American women are frigid thots that will divorce rape you
>American dream will collapse and each generation of children will be noticably poorer than the last

>> No.20612029

Notice how funding for cops has skyrocketed because of the infiltrated movement to address police violence.
Notice too Uvalde

>> No.20612155
File: 59 KB, 247x329, Unabomber-sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Unibomber's Manifesto predicted leftist hypocrisy

>Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is war-like, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

>> No.20612193

>leftist hypocrisy
Liberals aren’t leftists >>20611981

>> No.20612205
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Sit down and watch the show.

>> No.20612207
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>> No.20612470

>Liberals aren’t leftists
In the US, they are.
Adolph Reed, a Marxist professor wants you to vote for Hillary to prevent Nazis
If you don't vote blue for midterms, we will relive the Reichstag
If you don't support a Biden-Cheney-Blackrock ticket, fascism will come
Socialist Cornel West tells people to vote for Biden because of fascism (Reed featured)
Bhaskar Sunkara, editor of Jacobin and a socialist tells you to vote blue. He also spent months trying to convince everyone that Warren is good actually
Nathan Robinson thought Marx ruined socialism and is a vote-blue-no-matter-who fag
All the left journalists preferred Warren
Ken Klipenstein is an Omidyar slave and only publishes DNC propaganda.
Ben Burgis, a Marxist, is also for vote-blue-no-matter-who.
Maybe you and your friends aren't, but everyone with a platform is.

>> No.20612545

H.G. Wells explicitly did about the same in 1909 with Mr Polly and honestly many others did and if you read any history book, Tragedy and Hope is good case, then you see how clear it was even to lay people leading up to it. After 1878 with the treaty of Berlin, just about every country had their appetites whetted for war and were already adopting institutions for total war. Propaganda, abolition of slavery (thus did not happen because elites love people) public education for civilian rather than mercenary military, unlimited and inflexible objectives. There was a good while that people saw it coming but no one was ready for how horrible itd be.

>> No.20612562
File: 46 KB, 1200x630, 5616390._UY630_SR1200,630_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally predicted the whole of history

>> No.20612574

>Adolph Reed, a Marxist
Literally who? What egg on his face now that she’s proven to be a rightwing imperialist? Or is he like Vaush and a complete fraud?
>Biden-Cheney-Blackrock ticket, fascism will come
They’ve been nursing the Ukrainian Nazis into power over there.
May as well be quoting MSNBC. DSA, Green Party, BLM, they’ve all been compromised by the security state to sheepdog the naive and new progressive and socialist lefties. Anyone who wakes up and doesn’t go to the pussy hat marches is ignored or outright censored.
Liberals aren’t left. Not only are faux socialists not left, the conservatives are liberals too.

>> No.20612579
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>> No.20612835
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but it's crazy how Animal Farm has predicted the woke movement. Like the sheep who say an actual good-hearted axiom "4 legs good, 2 feet bad" but the pigs make the sheep repeat it so loudly that it drowns out actual political discourse. like BLACK LIVES MATTTERR. LOVE IS LOVE

>> No.20613610
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art hoes detected