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/lit/ - Literature

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20591465 No.20591465 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>will spend a month this summer at my sister's property
>I offer to pay rent, supply thing they need, etc.
>she won't hear of it
>I insist.
>says "then just bring a few books" for my teen niece
>precociously smart, deep thinker, amitious, polite, good values
>school lit lately has been chosen for its "wokeness"
>as soon as school finished she read Portrait of Dorian Grey
>sis says, "she was ecstatic to read great writing again"

So, which books should I bring?

looking for:
-Well-developed characters
-Engaging cliche-free stories
-Elite observation skills and wordsmithery

(She likes (serious) poetry, too, if that helps.)

thanks for any help!

>> No.20591479

unironically lolita

>> No.20591498

Outer Dark. Cormac McCarthy
100 years of solitude.

>> No.20591599

Give her Sophie's World and Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.20591627

Imagine asking a board full of autistic incels to recommend a book for a teenage girl. You're gonna have a rough time.
>What are girls? Organisms with two X chromosomes. Hmm... What has two Xs? Ah yes, Xerxes. I remember. Try something like CCRU or Cyclonopedia.

>> No.20591633

>She thinks picture of dorian gray is great writing
it never even started

>> No.20591652

atlas shrugged

>> No.20591695


She isn't read for that, but Sadie Plant's book is unironically good to get her on some nonfiction.

>> No.20591721


>> No.20591729
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she should read these

>> No.20591731

Therese Raquin by Zola. Obligatory teenage read.

>> No.20591772

Instead of "bringing books" you should take your niece to a book store or used book store.

>> No.20591803

there's enough insufferable retards on earth thank you

>> No.20591847
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>> No.20591909

The little Prince
Lord of the Flies
Sherlock Holmes maybe?

>> No.20591926

my love letter to her desu

>> No.20591939

All 40 diskworld novels by Terry Pratchett

>> No.20591983 [DELETED] 
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have you been to a bookstore lately, every prominent display is "Woke & Diverse".
Went to a huge bookstore looking for Barbara Gowdy - they had none.
OK. Good writer but not huge.
So I looked for sKipling for a gift -- and NO KIPLING. Nothing.

Dozens and dozens of copies of Song of Achilles and Rupi Kaur, tho.

The kind of advice OP wants is exactly what a /lit/ board should be able to provide.

>> No.20591995
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Have you been to a bookstore lately?
Every prominent display is "Woke & Diverse".
Went to a huge bookstore looking for Barbara Gowdy - they had none.
OK. Good writer but not huge.
So I looked for Kipling for a gift -- and NO KIPLING. Nothing.

Dozens and dozens of copies of Song of Achilles and Rupi Kaur, tho.

The kind of advice OP wants is exactly what a /lit/ board should be able to provide.

>> No.20592007

come on man, its great in comparison to woke shit. Most zoomer girls don't even have a conception of literature past sterile woke stuff.

>> No.20592020

The Quran or Torah, and possibly the Talmud

>> No.20592042

Jane Eyre is fantastic for this age bracket especially the type you described

>> No.20592077
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>Sadie Plant's book
She has three, so which one, and why?

>> No.20592240

Forgot Good Omens

>> No.20592458

Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey

>> No.20592505

Pullman - His Dark Materials

Did you notice the anon also wrote "or used book store"?

>> No.20592515

Dude you're 40years old and giving a little girl books.

>> No.20592550

Buy a copy of Plato's complete works and replace the cover with a boy band album. If she asks why the band members are all called weird names tell her it's an early edition from Korea.
Also these, plus book girls with conservative families tend to like Lord of the Rings.

>> No.20592563
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Buy her this

>> No.20592687

obligatory the secret history. bitches love dark academia

>> No.20592961

>woke shit
the only difference between Oscar Wilde's pulp and modern pulp is time and Oscar Wilde is gayer than most modern authors already

>> No.20593803

you're saying most woke authors today write on the same level as Oscar Wilde?
is that your position?
please cite some of these woke authors, I'm keen to read them.

>> No.20593820


>> No.20593831


>> No.20594369
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what's your point, tho? kid is smart asnd loves reading. books seem a pretty on-target gift, no?

>> No.20594378

Master & Margarita is unironically a great suggestion

>> No.20594399
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Everyman's Library has some nice topical collections of poetry. There's love poems, like in pic, and there's an erotic collection.

>> No.20594431

Isabelle carmody

Female characters with depth, fairly heavy story lines, light on the sex.
Pretty much free of globohomo, she's not selling hamburgers

>> No.20594440

speaking of holmes some agatha christie stuff might be good

>> No.20594445

damn women would love this shit
plus anything by the brontes

>> No.20594486

Maybe Virginia Woolf? idk man ask me about some schizo shit

>> No.20594509

Fuck you.

>> No.20594521
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>> No.20594566

You will never be a schizophrenic.

>> No.20594577
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>> No.20594580

You're normal. You retweet unfunny memes on Twitter.

>> No.20594593

I wish I was honestly and pls don't ever put in the group as shitter users

>> No.20594789

Dunno what she's read already. Dorian Gray will probably be better-written than most of the crap she gets force-fed at school, but it's a pity if she feels that's the best that literature has to offer.

Three novels (UK):
— Jane Eyre (Bronte)
— The Rainbow (Lawrence)
— Lord Of The Flies (Golding)

Three more novels (UK):
— Rebecca (Du Maurier)
— Titus Groan (Peake)
— Watership Down (Adams)

Three novels (USA):
— The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter (McCullers)
— Catch-22 (Heller)
— The Road (McCarthy)

Three essay collections:
— The Renaissance (Pater)
— Encounters With Animals (Durrell)
— Slouching To Bethlehem (Didion)

Three short story collections:
— Pigeon Feathers (Updike)
— Cathedral (Carver)
— Revenge Of The Lawn (Brautigan)

Three more short story collections:
— Tales Of The Unexpected (Dahl)
— Best of (R.A.Lafferty)
— Nine Stories ['For Esmé With Love And Squalor'] (Salinger)

Three historical novels:
— I, Claudius (Graves)
— Gone With The Wind (Mitchell)
— The Leopard (Lampedusa)

Three novellas:
— The Old Man And The Sea (Hemingway)
— Breakfast At Tiffany's (Capote)
— Flowers For Algernon (Keyes)

Three humorous:
— Let Your Mind Alone! (Thurber)
— A Tramp Abroad (Twain)
— Guys and Dolls (Runyon)

Three at random:
— Out Of Africa (Dinesen)
— Under Milk Wood (Thomas)
— Guards! Guards! (Pratchett)

>> No.20594821

Story of the Eye by Bataille. Have her read it out loud to you.

>> No.20595644

I really liked Edith Wharton at the age (e.g., The Age of Innocence).
I also thought Faulkner was super interesting, though I admit that it helped to have a class process As I Lay Dying when I was trying to parse some of that in high school.
In general, maybe check out an AP Lit curriculum. I actually really liked a lot of the books I read for it when I was in HS.

>> No.20595902

its his niece not some random teenager. family members give kids books all the time

>> No.20595910

You’re genuinely fucking stupid

>> No.20595921

>hehehe look at me I am such a schizophrenic
Equivalent of women identifying as their horoscope

>> No.20595940

Harry Potter

>> No.20595946

If she liked The Picture of Dorian Grey, I suggest poetry along the lines of:
John Keats - Complete Poems (Odes if you can't find that)
William Shakespeare - Sonnets and Poems
John Milton - Samson Agonistes, Paradise Lost, and Paradise Regained (or the English Poems and Sonnets)
Ovid - Metamorphoses
Virgil - Aeneid
Homer - Iliad and Odyssey
Lord Byron - Don Juan (or Complete Poems)
Oscar Wilde - Complete Poems (especially "The Sphinx" and "The Balld of Reading Gaol"
For prose/novels:
Mary Shelley - Frankenstein
Polidori - The Vampyre
Bram Stoker - Dracula

>> No.20595975


Zeroes + Ones, I think a teenage girl would find it relatable and thought provoking, without being totally convinced. Her other shit isn't 'bad' but I think it'd be either inaccessible (her situationist book) or inappropriate (the drugs book). The layout is also very easy for a 'theory' book, lots of short sections that she could digest independently.

>> No.20596024

Did she like it because it's about a faggy twink? She should try watching animu.

>> No.20596040


>> No.20596062
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Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta is excellent.
Contemporary fiction with a high school girl protagonist. It won the 2009 Printz award.

>> No.20596762

American Psycho. The protagonist is a fashion conscious wealthy rascal, perfect for little girls.

>> No.20596841


Good list! Of the novels I know and think a teenage girl would like I second:

- Jane Eyre
- Lord of the Flies
- The heart is a lonely hunter
- Revenge of the lawn
- Flowers for Algernon

>> No.20596890

..What the fuck kind of impoverished mental/cultural world do you live in that anything OP said or did is abnormal to you

Fucking subhuman

>> No.20596910

This is a good suggestion. I suggest giving her a ton of relatively easy and readable shorter books rather than trying to overwhelm her with dense technical stuff. Better she reads dozens of books and remembers her triumphant year of reading for the rest of her life, so she can always return to this activity that feels natural to her, than for her to vaguely remember trying to read Bleak House or War and Peace once.

That said, Dickens is a nice idea. Try to teach her a bit about the history of the English novel so it seems less like "literature" is just this monolithic field of people writing frivolous make-believe stories. I find certain kids only really take to literature once they get a sense of history and its situation and importance in history. That's mostly boys though, since boys seem more interested in knowing the "point" of things. Women seem to have an easier time getting lost in something for its own sake, without needing to know the why of it.

Also get her some of Rilke's poetry, bitches love Rilke sometimes