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20570930 No.20570930 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ little grils edition

Previous thread >>20565094

>> No.20570939

man I can't wait to go to work and contribute to society tomorrow

>> No.20570947

What does the Low Key open?

>> No.20570957

Sometimes I want to get married and have children, but I feel that it's going to fuck over my career path. Plus after I coom all those romantic desires just go away and I just feel like doing mathematics and play the saxophone for the rest of my life. I don't know bros, I'm conflited. Should I just fuck thots for the rest of my life?

>> No.20570959

I only ever need to sneeze when my mouth is full of food. My chicken sandwhich blew out through my nose. Fuck this gay life

>> No.20570987
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>family saw the slam pig

>> No.20570989

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20570990

If you fall in love with someone who wants children, you can make that work.
Unless you’re the one getting pregnant, you aren’t fucking over your career path.

>> No.20570994

God bless Clarence Thomas

Globohomo has failed to disarm Americans. That will be a -20% modifier to the Antichrist's attack strength when Ragnarok finally kicks off.

>> No.20571002

>someday we’ll defend America. Any day now.

>> No.20571045

The case was much more banal than that. All this ruling does is make it so states cannot ask for good reason when issuing conceal carry permits. This is great for me because I live in one of those formerly "may issue" states, but it certainly doesnt make firearms more accessible nor does it prevent the currently forming federal level red flag laws.

>> No.20571053

If a man fucks my wife I'll let him live.
But if a man fucks my horse, I'll fucking kill him.

>> No.20571065

Reading Between Two Fires and there are things I don't like. The dialogue is nicely sharp and flows very organically despite some of the arcane language. I'm still waiting for something to happen with the heavenly war, and thought the death of one of the characters happened too abruptly. Thoughts?

>> No.20571066

What if your horse fucks a man?

>> No.20571071

Don't make me think about it.

>> No.20571077

Your horse and I... had an affair. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.20571093

God I fucking hate millennials so much. Only zoomers are interesting to me. Fuck millennials. I went to the bar with a millennial once I was puking, he kept wanting to talk about "soros" and get me to be mean to his girlfriend like le epic Sam Hyde idk think he had a cuck fetish but i was just sitting there like..wtf is this

>> No.20571110

A house for midgets.

>> No.20571128

>Le sharp generational differences
Oh, zoomy

>> No.20571143

I recently watched this really weird porn video where a woman had a dildo that must have been at least a foot in diameter and was inserting it into another woman's anus. I'm extremely confused and disturbed. How is that even possible? What possible pleasure could a person have from that?

>> No.20571145

What are you reading and what are you planning to read?

>> No.20571151

My mom told me that it's okay to not have children, I told her that I really wouldn't mind having kids. Then she asked if I would adopt or get a sperm donator. Wdym? She assumed that I would raise it alone. Alone. She can't picture me in a relationship. I'm going to kill myself one of these days I swear to God.

>> No.20571156

That's weird man

>> No.20571159

Is it because your mom is herself a single mother and has internalized it as normal or does she think you're just so ghastly that she's shocked to think you even have a chance at finding a partner?

>> No.20571163

Woke up from a weird nightmare, twice. At least these ones were less disturbing. The second was about being trapped in a liminal space covered in tiles.
>What are you reading and what are you planning to read?
I'm reading for the first time multiple books at once, but only small segments each time. The last one I picked up to read for a short bout was Mariel of Redwall.
We're going to be okay. Just uh, don't be a single mum. t single mum haver.

>> No.20571174

vince took THE call?

>> No.20571197

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20571270

My parents have been happily married for 20 years. I've been alone since elementary school, no friends, rarely speak, autism and desu I'm scared of men even though I know there are plenty of good men out there.
Thank you

>> No.20571278 [DELETED] 

I don't know how the desu got there, was supposed to be desu lol

>> No.20571290

What does your daily routine look like?
It's a word filter installed site wide. t b h

>> No.20571295

Ancient filter desu

>> No.20571311

I'll donate my sperm if you'd like. Free of charge. Tall, blonde, handsome. Though fair warning, mental illness is omnipresent in my family.

>> No.20571315


>> No.20571316 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20571326

have you guys been vaccinated?

>> No.20571345

No lol

>> No.20571346

What's the difference between magic, miracles, science and technology? I get frustrated when authors/writers can't agree on such things, and it's enough to stop reading books altogether because I feel like it is making me dumber.

>> No.20571372

Harnessing some kind of innate or non material natural force to enact physical change
Divine intervention in the natural order
>science and technology
Using knowledge of material reality to construct machines

>> No.20571377

why not

>> No.20571378

>non material natural
Maybe i should I say super natural?

>> No.20571390

Yes, but a plethora of authors lack sense and don't like it when magic is "just fictional physics" - even though that is every instance of magic ever. The word 'supernatural' has never not been an oxymoron, or purely ironic. If it exists, it is natural. If it "defies" physics, it is defying current understanding of physics, not physics itself, which makes no bloody sense.

Series like Dresden Files are gross because of this. The technology-vs-magic angle does not work when such things overlap much too intimately and are indistinguishable after a point.

>> No.20571391

>young and healthy
>not at risk of death
>have natural immunity
>experimental and untested vaccine
>loses all efficacy after 2 weeks
>my brother came out as gay after receiving the second dose
>they told me I had to so fuck them lmao

>> No.20571392
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One Dionysian-Apollonian Balkanized sandwich, coming right up. Would you like to try the memetic entity?

>> No.20571401

It just werks™
It just werks because something wills it
Does it always works, why?
It works because I will it and I know why

>> No.20571419

>loses all efficacy after 2 weeks
gonna need a source on that
>young and healthy
until you're not
>my brother came out as gay after receiving the second dose
your brother was gay before dude

>> No.20571421

I read and go for walks, sometimes I play videogames, draw or watch anime, yeah I forgot about the filter, embarrassing

>> No.20571433

Can some anons maybe share their experiences with antidepressants which increase dopamine baseline? Maybe I will going to make it even tough I get filtered by these Captchas.

>> No.20571436

Well there are a lot of fictional books and non fictional books which do treat magic as a kind of higher level form of physics. You could just call it a force or power which denies, overrides, or affects physics (e.g. gravity, law of conservation) which would otherwise operate uninhibited absent direct intervention. With magic comes intentionality which is its defining trait.
So for example, the best scientists and engineers could never construct a machine which overrides the boundaries of physics. All technology must operate within those limits. But the posessor of magic can intentionally use a kind of force which would violate those.
What you're trying to do is establish a logical and internally consistent definition of nature in the face of a phenomenon whose defining feature is the violation of nature. Hence fiction

>> No.20571437

antidepressants are really bad for you, use natural remedies

>> No.20571446

It's okay I forget too. Basically the same as me except I don't leave the house anymore. It's nice to know I'm not completely alone, even if I am physically. I wish to give you a no homo hug.
I'm on Fluvoxamine and it's so far been shitty. I also have CBD/THC oil and that's been much better.

>> No.20571448

>gonna need a source on that
Every medical institution ever. Just look it up. Thats old news.
>until you're not
Great tautology.
>your brother was gay before dude
Yeah but he repressed it until he started hanging out with vaccinated libshits

>> No.20571450

Were there some bad effects? I heard they can mess up your memory, but to decrease the pain I'm willing to try them.

>> No.20571459

I'm not on any antidepressants, but I've been off hard drugs (amphetamine) for a few weeks

Cold showers and ice water submersion seems to work well to revamp the adrenals, specifically dopamine. Been looking to start running too, since that raises dopamine and serotonin. Other than that, been taking L-Tyrosine (raises norepinephrine and dopamine)
All of this fucking sucks because I'm numb and I haven't felt anything for years

>> No.20571485

My wage slave job is sitting doing nothing. I knew to avoid this when I was young, yet here I am.

>> No.20571489


>> No.20571495

Shitty in the sense that you feel worse?

I tried cold showers and will propably do them again but they didn't cut it completely. I also workout 2 times per week and walk countless kilometers.

Thanks for the replies guys, didn't expected any to be honest.

>> No.20571509

Lol keep crying troon. Some mutt dork got away Scott free after smoking your comrades and he's about to win the nigger lottery against the media companies kek

>> No.20571512

I'm losing my mind to be honest with you, so if you find anything else (besides SSRIs) let me know

>> No.20571514

Oh absolutely worse. Have really bad side effects, headaches, nausea, shaking etc. I feel no mood improvement if anything I'm slowly getting worse. That's combined with exercise etc too. I made an appointment with my gp but it's busy here because it's winter so that's still a bit away.

>> No.20571524

Because my ex gf is a nurse and gave me a valid vaxx card. Also I'm not fat or weak.

>> No.20571543

They make you fat

>> No.20571555

Not him but they don't work. There was a flaw in FDA approval which allowed companies to cherry pick studies, and FoI requests found out of you include all the studies, the effect is indistinguishable from placebo. Most got approved by being as effective as Prozac, which only got cleared because they not only cherry picked positive data but also side effects.
Funnily enough, when they tried to move into the Japanese market around the time this was about to get them sued in the US and EU for what amounts to medical battery and bribery scandals, they ran into a massive hitch: Japanese drug licensing doesn't allow you to submit your own studies. They do the studies, and if they think it works then it gets approved. So drug companies started a whole other advertising campaign in Japan which you can find out about by searching the term "cold of the soul" because they couldn't advertise it as treating "depression" in Japanese, because depression is a legit medical disorder in Japan which you need to pass studies to use.

>> No.20571562

You should get vaccinated

>> No.20571574

Will post an update in this thread if I find out more. The L-Tyrosin from the other anon may be helpful? It just doesn't increases baseline but will give you a good shot for the day (as far as I understand).

Ufff, this doesn't sound good. My mom is on some antidepressants and she said it helps her. I hope you get better anon.

>> No.20571582

Why are you depressed?

>> No.20571589

Might just off myself soon, no reason to live really. Couple people would be sad but they'll get over it. Too much damage has been done and I don't think I can get better. I'd rather just stop struggling and let it all go.

>> No.20571627

My wage slave job is me being very physically active.
It tires me out to the point where I fall asleep the moment I get home.
I'm kind of regretting making the switch to a trade job.

>> No.20571634

Really? Increased appetite?

Interesting. I should have mentioned that I don't exactly know what I will get because the first therapy session is in the future. Also I'm not in America but I will keep this in mind. Thanks anon. Any suggestions for alternatives?

I don't know if there is an exact reason for it... I quit every "bad" thing in my life like video games, overweight but I'm still extremely melancholic. I always was, even when I was younger. I always played for myself and such shit. My mother was diagnosed with depression and maybe that's the reason for mine. But I really don't know.

>> No.20571647
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Stay with us for the memes

>> No.20571649


>> No.20571659

If you think video games are bad you still have to hit rock bottom, sorry to say.

>> No.20571661 [DELETED] 

Homo Puppy

>> No.20571665

>Increased appetite
Not sure why actually. I just know people balloon after starting meds
>quit every "bad" thing in my life like video games, overweight but I'm still extremely melancholic
You need to not only quit the bad but also add the good. I think happiness is largely a social condition. Being alone will always be miserable. I know pretty damn well that my social isolation is the root of my unhappiness

>> No.20571666
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Quit my job. Decided to drop everything in life and move to Omaha Nebraska for no particular reason. What am I in for?

>> No.20571671

Tornadoes and cherokees

>> No.20571674

idk but keep us updated on your trip, satan

>> No.20571675

cheer up, it doesn't sound so bad

>> No.20571682

I get you. I also think life is not for me. I like to read the pessimists and they say that death is just only the last disappointment from nature in the sense that it isn't an escape (reincarnation etc). That is what prevented me from doing it. But everybody can only decide for himself what he is able to tolerate. Godspeed anon.

>"What is truth?" is a fundamental question. But what is it compared to "How to endure life?" And even this one pales beside the next: "How to endure oneself?" - That is the crucial question in which no one is in a position to give us an answer. -- Emil Cioran

>> No.20571685

What tradie job? Welding was easy for me even though I had to lug around shit and lay down proper welds for all the sad fuckups so thatt the inspectors could pass the welds even though I didn't have a welding license(mega illegal by the way but contractors need to meet deadlines).

>> No.20571689

What are you talking about? Geez Louise.
I mean the first amendment is trampled. Redacted completely, and you still toot about the second amendment getting some press. It’s just political theater

>> No.20571695

Also welding but it's only a part of it. Basically we make the entire installation that provides heating/cooling in very large buildings.
Funny thing is I also don't have a tig welding license but have been doing it for months now.

>> No.20571697

>death is just only the last disappointment from nature in the sense that it isn't an escape (reincarnation etc).
What a fucking nightmare

>> No.20571702

My coworker, solid god-fearing man by the way, told me his older brother moved from Los Angeles to Omaha and he was glad his brother made the move. Because there was absolutely nothing there to get him in trouble. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

>> No.20571704

Change is good, good choice

>> No.20571729

After I started to plan my suicide I thought I have seen everything but you are right anon. To be honest I'm pretty weak and can't tolerate much stress. I hope I never reach rock bottom.

Indeed. Social isolation is also a problem for me. I have at least some family and 1-2 friends (which are in worse condition than me tough). I wish I had a gf, but I don't know if I could handle the price which comes with it.

Yeah, the situation is not that tragic. I know most of you guys have it worse.

Damn guys, I didn't expected so much responses. You are the best.

>> No.20571730

Lol it's the fucking same everywhere. Even funnier since I did structural stick and fcaw. Had a blast talking shit to all the other contractors. If you're ever in Los Angeles don't worry about going into half of the new buildings in downtown. Half my welds are on those shits and they are x-ray solid lol. Just don't let the unions know. Also the only thing that keeps me from reading is the strain on my eyes. I think I need to move up to twelve shade gold lenses.

>> No.20571734

>n. Any suggestions for alternatives
Diet and exercise and working out why you are depressed. Cardio helps anxiety and low mood, and a lot of vitamin deficiencies/diet choices etc contribute to feeling like shit. We live in a world of obese yet malnourished mfs who don't have social skills and that's why depression rates are booming.

Worse still, one of the reasons antidepressants got so many headpats was because "new" antidepressants (like Prozac onwards) were supposed to not attack the heart, which is what stopped doctors from giving out the old ones like candy. Turns out the Selective Serotonin part of SSRIs wasn't so selective, so they're damaging heart function of people who are probably only on them because their heart was already choking from lack of exercise and fresh vegetables.

Further weeb knowledge: 3-5 a day for vegetables is only in the west because that was the most they thought they could convince people to eat. In Japan it's 9-11 because they knew people would listen to government advice even if fruit is insanely expensive.

>> No.20571748

How come I prefer the female French accent over male and the male Japanese accent over female?

>> No.20571750

9-11 only makes sense in Japan because they hardly eat fruit and most of their meals consist of rice with veggie sides and sauces.

>> No.20571758

Rambo III was produced by the CIA.

>> No.20571777

You get different vitamin deficiencies in Japan (like, white rice and no soba will kill you), but the west has a much bigger problem with general malnourishment, because they think 9 a day is impossible without a race change when it was usual for most of western history because of meat fasting days.

>> No.20571779

Some languages are inherently feminine or masculine.

>> No.20571798

Thanks anon. I regularly workout at least 2 times a week and for cardio I walk like a madman around the neighborhood (2-8 kilometers per day). Maybe I should start running again, although I hate it. I swallow vitamin D3, K2, all Bs, Magnesium, L-Theanine, Omega-3 and Creatine each day. The vegetables are a weak point and I'll start tommorow, thanks for that. I stopped eating processed food and cut the refined sugar from the diet (at least 90%). I'm also not overweight anymore.

Not sure what the exact reason for the depression could be. The lack of social circles definitively contribute.

>> No.20571825

Unless your doctor approved the vitamins, you might not need them and might be better getting them from food and sun exposure etc. ADEK vitamins are stored in fat and your body doesn't just flush them out in your piss like the rest of them, and magnesium and creatine can fuck your organs up too. Unless your doctor does regular blood panels because he's worried about their levels, they are generally not shit you should be taking.
General reminder not to take medical advice from the internet because you have no idea who is typing it too. And even if they are a doctor, they're a bad doctor for talking to a patient they can't examine. You seem to be on the right track though.

>> No.20571853

Oh and find cardio you like to do. Dancing, swimming, cycling, calisthenics, whatever.

>> No.20571856

Most productions, actually fuck that, most private businesses are money laundering schemes.

>> No.20571864

Most productions, actually fuck that, most private businesses are money laundering schemes.

>> No.20571866

Some are cool meta ones like that time they made the Wolf of Wall Street with money stolen from Malaysian people

>> No.20571883

arrived here yesterday afternoon after a long drive. been chilling in my hotel so far and looking at appartments. i want to go out but i dont really know what there is to do in omaha yet

>> No.20571894

It was propaganda for anti soviet support for the nobel Mujahideen

>> No.20571905

The D3 and K2 were suggested by a doctor some years ago because everybody here has low D. Sun is a rarity here for a good junk of the year. But I will look into them again. You are right, I only took the Creatine and Omega-3 because the Internet told me so. Fish is just something very difficult to get every day. I know this sounds silly, but what do you eat regularly?

>> No.20571906

Or Midsommar being some barely disguised weird jew-swede money laundering. Movie was still shit but thanks for the soundtrack.

>> No.20571928

On Monday, I was inspired by a /biz/ thread to write some smut. Funnily enough, I had a dream the day after that inspired some of that smut. I don't wanna get into it because it's very self-indulging and I don't want to be so nasty here. Don't worry, it does NOT involve bodily fluids other than cum.

>> No.20572009

Balkanized dicks cannot rule anything.

>> No.20572057

Japanese sounds better in woman
Just about every language. German even.

>> No.20572065

Is the chef here today? I think all have the balkanized hero sandwich with extra serbia and ill have a small gun with no bullets as well please.

>> No.20572087

i never dream of food but last night i dreamed i ordered a general tso's combo platter and it looked delicious but then i saw the price $18. the inflation is seeping into my subconscious causing weird dreams.

>> No.20572110

If I time it right I could use the time of gayness during amphetamine use for epic gay sex.

>> No.20572145

I eat a pretty wide variety of fruit and vegetables, shellfish/fish (fatty and not so fat)/red meat, dairy, nuts, rice of all shades, sometimes pasta or bread if I can get the high quality stuff. But I'm on a specific diet because of genetic problems, and I lucked out that fish and red meat are cheap here, as are fresh high quality vegetables. It's also hard to find the things that would cripple me without paying a lot. A lot of vegan food might kill me despite everyone thinking it's "the healthy option".

Get a blood panel done if you're concerned about vitamin and nutrient levels because too much can be as bad as too little. You also might be spending money on something you're getting too much of, so the cost of a blood panel would be worth it to check you're not overdosing yourself with anything, or spending that money on something you don't need when you really need something else.

Fatty fish gets easier to find in extreme latitudes, so I'm surprised there isn't much omega rich fish near you. Omega supplements probably won't hurt you, and if you're living in a sunless area, vitamin d might not either, but unless you have some absorption or extreme access problem, it really is better to get them from your diet and lifestyle.

Quality of food is also important. A lot of people buy organic because they think it means it's higher quality, but organic doesn't tell you shit about the soil quality. Nutrient dense food tastes nicer and more complex than food grown in shitty soil. Frozen fruit and vegetables are often more nutrient dense than organic shit from nutrient drained soil, so the expensive option is not always the best.

>> No.20572154

my debut novel is less than four years away from being complete

>> No.20572194

You’re never going to complete it, stop wasting your time.

>> No.20572197

dreaming of a big titty goth gf again.

>> No.20572202
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Well I just got back last night from spending time on a relatives farm then going for a 5 day camping trip and holy shit has it ever made me realize how much I fucking hate the way I live in the city. its actually god damn unbearable. the lifestyle is horrid and soulless, the city people are unironically subhuman compared to decent white country folk. god damn im tired bros. I want out

>> No.20572225

I will likely have to buy another bottle of ink

>> No.20572234

So much of my life was wasted on wasted thoughts.

>> No.20572240

When the fuck is life supposed to get good? I'm tired of being miserable all the time

>> No.20572243
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One day everyone in this thread right now will be dead.
We're all going to be dead someday.

>> No.20572252

thank god

>> No.20572256

Hoping sooner rather than later

>> No.20572262

You're mostly bacteria any way, when you die, they really get to shine.

>> No.20572268

I only lived to bring happiness to the person I loved and now there's no point.
It's just not enough anymore. I don't enjoy anything anymore.

>> No.20572327

I have a similar feeling. I think that Im so far gone that I can never feel any happiness for myself and that the best I can do is make someone else happy. Ive yet to find a person to do that for though.

>> No.20572579
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How do you anons find the motivation to do anything? I spent a decade of my life learning a skill that will be soon be obsolete because of AI. Everything I try ends with the realization that it's pointless endeavor, or that it's something that "would have possibly worked in the past, but doesn't work now".

>> No.20572706

>Try to talk about female authors
>Get only /pol/ and /r9k/ responses
The fuck?

>> No.20572720

I'm starting to think you like the abuse

>> No.20572733

There is a part of you which wants to kill the other

Countless times someone new takes over

You will die a thousand deaths before you are ever buried

But for those who never died before being buried

That is a fate worse than death

>> No.20572753

There is usually some core component of your ego which strives for something beyond your means. If you entertain this part of your ego, that requires finding the motivation - or rather discipline - to continue striving.

There is another aspect of your ego which wants nothing more than to be content. That is enemy of the part of the ego which strives.

Do not let that excuse be something which holds back your striving, instead, see it as an opportunity to strive further.

Microsoft has a website that has a neatly organized series of educational modules which touch on all aspects of IT technology from making a website to machine learning. It even segments modules by your level of experience. Perhaps consider learning how to use AI to achieve more than you could possibly imagine with your human mind on its own. If you are scared by tools which could be used for your own striving, you have the wrong attitude.


Maybe if you're still in university, simply join a programming club of some sort for guidance.

>> No.20572759
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>20 yo roastie intern who works in my office always talking about her classes
>says she writing a paper on the "woman tax"
>do tell
>companies are sexist because they make higher priced products marketed to women, while mens products arent as diversified (it took her 5 minutes of slogan-flinging and outrage-baiting language to say this)
>thats not a tax, roastie, its branding
>yeah but women are forced to pay more for basically the same products
>nobody is forcing women to buy pink razors with fake cocoa butter technology TM or whatever
>and no they're not "basically the same", because clearly theres a niche market for different branding
>anon, this is an example of misogyny in our society
>no roastie, its an example of marketing. markets dont think. markets dont hate anybody. theyre actually great examples of single minded motivations, ie profit. they're responding to existing consumer patterns.
>anon, this is also tied to the gender pay gap
>roasie, there is no gender pay gap, there is an earnings gap
>anon, the earnings gap is a myth, and (i quote) my professor said only conservative bring that up

>> No.20572887

I thought I found that person then they abused me in every way and abandoned me. Now I have nothing to live for. Might just drive my car off a cliff, someone died around here doing that.

>> No.20572888
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>> No.20572898

The pandemic is OVER.
Come up to present time.

>> No.20572907

I try try try and try every fucking day. I've been failing everything that I tried to do for whole year now. Failure after failure. I'm 24 yo and I feel like I didn't accomplished anything and will never do shit although I tried a lot of different things and was pretty optimistic about myself and my future up until now. I thought fate was on my side. I thought I was lucky and I thought I had talent. I realize now that I'm average and it hurts a lot.

>> No.20572908

Oh yeah?
What if reincarnation is real?
Do you really want to go through grade school again?
Middle school?
I'd live forever just to avoid that nightmare again.

>> No.20572923

When you start making it good.
No one is responsible for your life except you.

>> No.20572928

I'd be fine with that. My body right now is fucked from trauma and I don't think I'll ever recover. A new body and mind would be fine. I have no education, job etc. I was only ever skilled in domestic stuff and thought I'd found a partner who needed and wanted that too. I can't restart, and I can't stop loving that person even though they broke me.
What are you trying to do? There is still so much time at 24, please believe me.

>> No.20572937

New body...same mind.
You really want to be the same asshole again?
Also, you may get born in a much worse place, with much worse conditions.
Want to be a woman in India? Me either.

>> No.20572942

i like fat women
thats all

>> No.20572943
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made some OC, testing if it looks ok

>> No.20572959

I don't believe in reincarnation anyway man.. I get where you're coming from and I am grateful for the little things I have but I'm just being realistic that I don't think I can get better.
How fat?

>> No.20572973

I'm just trying to find a goal. A real goal that'll make me love my life and waking up in the morning. I tried studying, got a degree and everything but it lead me nowhere. Sure I can eventually find a job but it feels like hell to work a desk job. I just can't do that anymore and I feel like I don't have time to do something else. I first wanted to become an engineer but dropped out once I saw I wasn't particularily good nor passionate about it. So I graduated from a bachelor in international trade marketing and stuff like that but fuck it I just don't give a fuck for real. I feel like I've wasted my whole life behind a desk whether it's at school or at work.

>> No.20572993

But reincarnation believes in you...

>> No.20572994

>No one is responsible for your life except you.
My dad made that exact same statement to justify abandoning his daughter in South America.

>> No.20572997

Have kids. They cant abuse you and you're hardwired to find joy in making them happy.

>> No.20573007

Any other anons in corporate settings can help me? Is it really that common for people not neurotypical to hate this shit? Im a high performer but really hate the women I work with, the gossip, the jockeying for status, it’s all so annoying and I thought I was past my ‘i hate normies’ phase too. Just weird how being here has almost regressed me back to a point where I genuinely do hate most ‘normies’.

>> No.20573009

>why isn’t life entertaining me?!
>Like I’m supposed to do it?!
>fuck that gay shit. I’ll my brains out

>> No.20573019

it is not that life is hard, but that I'm too weak to face it

>> No.20573026

>Like I’m supposed to do it?!
Do what?

>> No.20573029

I love pussy

>> No.20573034

I feel the same way. Actually left my former desk job because I just couldn't stand people anymore. Too much blahblah I just can't, i'm done.

>> No.20573039

I'm tired and hopeless

>> No.20573056


>> No.20573060

I was planning to, he bought an engagement ring and everything. He just changed in one day. The doctor said it sounds like some kind of schizophrenia or alcohol induced personality disorder. I don't know.
Bruh no one believes in me kek
Have you ever tried working outside? I mean even as a hobby but I mean working outdoors with your hands? There are courses and such for wildlife and national parks that are really accessible and might at least let you experience something different from desk jockeying.
It's okay anon, it will be alright

>> No.20573063

You think people despair because they're bored?

>> No.20573073

Do normal people really enjoy this? Is it because I’m so young? The older people seem to have very fake scripted responses to each other and keep to themselves (what i want) but everyone in my dept and in their 20s has to ramble on about their lives etc. Some girl in my dept purposely tried to find my dating profile and I found out secondhand she did, was really weirded out by this. More so because I lied about my height (don’t really care if she told people that, she’s ugly and I rounded out my 5’11 to 6ft) but it’s odd that people really go after trying to know more about you for some odd reason. just leave me alone

>> No.20573087

>When the fuck is life supposed to get good? I'm tired of being miserable all the time
He/you are doing it to yourself.
I see a lot to despair over. I mostly do not. It does no good.

>> No.20573090

>feel lonely and wish I had someone to talk to
>hate getting close to people or letting people get close to me
>alternate wildly between the two extremes
>"wtf why am I so miserable all the time how could this have happened" t. me

>> No.20573097

The situation of Argentina is very bad and it will only get worse.
If we start to have problems with the supply of diesel like them, this country will go to absolute chaos, truckers are already threatening a strike and the whole supply chain depends on them. Thanks God they didn't do it yet because of their support for the government.

>> No.20573112

Truckers in Argentina? Join their strike. Pressure the bosses to capitulate.
Down with the rich fags. Give the workers their work.

>> No.20573121

I know nothing of life but images cast upon the walls of a cave. I'm a virgin in all matters of life, locked in my room out of my own volition and incapacity to get out.
Fear consumes my soul, I'm not a human being anymore at this point, I'm just a slave to it, deprived of life and vitality, resigned to dark corners, regret, resentment, jealousy and, from time to time, to run away into escapism, pretending I'm someone else somewhere else, leaving reality and seeking refugee in the depths of my imagination.
What a pathetic creature. What is its purpose? Why did God allow such weakling to be? Why am I alive?

>> No.20573122
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>> No.20573128

I wish it was that easy, both here (brazil) and there.

>> No.20573129

That's pretty ignorant of not only neuroscience in general, but common empathy for other people. Suffering doesn't happen because of boredom

I would get checked for autism if I were you

>> No.20573135
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Go sit in a cold shower. Then watch some gore

>> No.20573138

The internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.20573142

Without the internet I could never have flirted with Butterfly

>> No.20573144

Bby, you don’t need to worry about me. It’s you who needs the help. Get yourself checked out.
I do care, but you’re just another anonymous.

>> No.20573148

without the internet you wouldn't know any Butterfly and you wouldn't suffer with the fact that she will never be yours.

>> No.20573162

i wish my country had some cool mountains

>> No.20573191

Tfw I will never impregnate Butterfly

>> No.20573199

Good thing Argentina doesn't matter.
Seriously, if they disappeared tomorrow, would the world even notice?

>> No.20573205
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Japanese hikikomori?

>> No.20573211

is there labor action going in the united states that's not being reported by the press? a ton of flights and trains have been cancelled recently for no apparent reason around the tristate

>> No.20573212

Doesn't she "play for the other team"?

>> No.20573219

The airlines lost a lot of pilots over the pandemic.
Many didn't return.
The ones that did are now overworked.

>> No.20573230


>> No.20573241

Just internalising my worries and keeping all my problems to myself. Not healthy but neither is telling the people in my life what's wrong

>> No.20573249

Lesbianism isnt real

>> No.20573286
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That's my job

>> No.20573300
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I used to think I lacked self believe.
But I absolutely do believe in me.
Then I thought the problem was others didn't believe in me.
Yep, that's still what I think.
Blog post because this is what is on my mind, but none of you will care...
While there are five lovely wonderful souls who believe in me, not including family, but none of them have the money, influence, or agency to "make it happen" for me. At least two have tried, and it has helped, but there is a limit to their influence. Nor are any of those people hot babes who want to date me and be a hipster power-couple where we could use our connections and combine influence to help each other's creative dreams flourish into vivid realities.
For the two who have helped, I wonder if I've done enough to thank them? A rewarding moment was when I yelled on the dance-floor to one "because you did that for me, I got paid commissions" she gave me a knowing embrace without a word. That's elating, to know that there's people who want to see your success.
If anything it makes me guilty for not flourishing materially and creatively, as if I'm not rewarding their belief and faith.

>> No.20573374

That’s like admitting that heterosexuality isn’t real

>> No.20573398

I hate that I have to waste the hours I feel the most drive and energy on my job and the hours where I'm tired and sluggish on the things I actually want to do.

>> No.20573401
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>bullies people into mental illness
>"ugh what's wrong with you. get help seriously. fucking school shooter take meds"

>> No.20573411

Be nice lads. Everyone is doing their best with what they've got.

>> No.20573431

This, except forget the concept of responsibility and obligation. It doesn't matter if someone "should' do something, what matters is who will. And ultimately the buck stops with the individual.
That's terrible, he sounds like a cunt. But again, if he's going to shirk and abandon his responsibilities and not follow through on his moral obligations: who is actually going to look out for her?
When you become an adult you have to accept in practical terms that the only person you can rely on is yourself (which is also why things like self-care (cringe phrase I know), mental health, physical health, and having good routines and upskilling, and most important of all MONEY are important: so you can at least depend on yourself and have more 'bandwidth' to work with)
tl;dr - no one else is gonna help you, what you gonna do about that?

>> No.20573454

Wash your bedding and sheets, dirtball. Hasn’t it been long enough?

>> No.20573469

They're the only flannel sheets I have and it's cold as fuck here so no I will not. Also my favourite doona cover tore into a hole big enough for me to fit in and if I take it off I know I'll have to dispose of it. I refuse.

>> No.20573475

>The shitjack poster is blaming me for someone’s own psychosis
>Telling them to get it checked out is “bullying”
>cyber bullying is reeeeal Sisko.jpg

>> No.20573491

now you're making me mad paranoid

>> No.20573510

Yep. Day-jobbery is soul-draining.

>> No.20573584

Baffles me how there are couples who are both good looking have an ugly ass kid or ugly ass parents somehow have really good looking children.

>> No.20573590

Believing mental illness doesn't exist unironically makes it worse for mentally ill people

>> No.20573599

I have noticed that the beautiful people are often ugly as children

>> No.20573606

Read about the pygmalion effect jackass

>> No.20573611

If a teenage girl has an awkward look to her, she will usually be beautiful when she matures in my experience

>> No.20573614

I finally had sex. I feel really gross now

>> No.20573615 [DELETED] 
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as soon as i see a cartoon album art in the electronic section i smash the play button this shit goes

>> No.20573616

Ugly duckling thing right? Not people per se but my dog was ridiculously ugly as a puppy. When he grew into an adult, he became very cute.

>> No.20573626

A wise man keeps his wisdom to himself.

>> No.20573628

if you're self conscious about being ugly as a child you might take steps to make yourself more attractive. 70% of what makes a woman attractive is "don't be fat". It's interesting how many "glamour models" have large noses or unaesthetic faces, but they're skinny and have relatively big tits.
And even facial things can be helped by haircut, weight, and of course our good friend though the ages: cosmetics.
Even men can improve their appearance with the right haircut, grooming their facial hair in the way that best suites their facial structure.

>> No.20573921

I need a leader to follow. I need someone with truth on their side. I can’t live in this anti-truth nation.

>> No.20574091

Its funny how you can live with so much knowledge and yet make an unwise decision out of a impulse to see if their is something beyond this knowledge. You can fill your head up with all these scientific and philosophical arguments, sharpen your intellect to a frightening degree and still seek to look past, refusing to believe the world is as cold and brutal as reason makes it. And even when you lose and the impulse was wrong, you go on defying it once again as if you're sucked back into the canvas, caring only about the dream and reaching for something more.

>> No.20574104

Nine Inch Nails is the best band of all time

>> No.20574113

What went wrong??

>> No.20574121

Well I was eavesdropping on my dad. Apparently I'm just like his brother who killed himself. My uncle (still alive) confirmed.

>> No.20574123

I've been eating non-stop over the last few weeks and I know I'll regret this soon but I don't wanna stop.

>> No.20574129

what country?

>> No.20574131

She can still be impregnated.

>> No.20574139

how does that make you feel?

>> No.20574144

Really weird. Makes all my hair stand up and I feel dizzy. I feel like my dad only keeps me around out of guilt

>> No.20574145
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>> No.20574165

Eating what

>> No.20574185

Whatever I get my hands on, my appetite's been insane

>> No.20574210

Last night one of my female friends offered me sex and I declined. I'm a volcel but even I was surprised at my utter lack of desire for it.

>> No.20574236
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Show me all around the world!

>> No.20574272
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The belief that one is the "protagonist of the universe" - the only one with salient complex thoughts, personality traits and dimensions, viewing all other people as simple and featureless "NPCs". Alternative analogy - protagonist is the "main character" of some story, while others are "supporting characters" who are not given much development.

The dangerous and harmful part of this belief is that, unlike a conscious ideology such as solipsism or egotism, protagonism is unconscious. The victim is unaware of his self-bias, he doesn't know that he's an egotits who gives no mind to other people's thoughts and problems, and does not even consider that such as thing as "their perspective" exists.

Being less of a constructed ideology and more of a parasitic mental infection, protagonism causes victim to regularly engage in following exercises:
- caricaturizing other people and their beliefs
- reductionism in arguments
- selfish, narrow-minded words and actions
- self-aggrandizing worldview, narcissism, stubborn belief that one is a unique special snowflake
- inability to empathize, sympathize
- thinking "for" other people, attempting to simplify their personas and "predict" their choices

PROTAGONISM stems directly from man's pride, but in the modern era, it is a mindset that you are incredibly much more prominent to falling into: because on the internet, one constantly engages with people whose name, face, voice are obscured (as well as actual real bots posing as human), it is easier than ever before in history to forget their humanity.

Don't fall into protagonism. Consciously remind yourself that other people exist and their inner world is just as complex as yours, and their lives are just as rich in experience. Don't engage in reductionism. Don't be selfish.

>> No.20574396
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>> No.20574402

Why do they want more ethnically diverse authors?

>> No.20574403

Diversity is ontologically good chud

>> No.20574420

>The belief that one is the "protagonist of the universe" - the only one with salient complex thoughts, personality traits and dimensions
I'm not the only one, there are others as well. The vast majority of people are cattle, they are treated like cattle by their masters, and will only ever be cattle. And what's more, they are the ones who believe they are the "protagonists" because they continue to seek power despite it only superficially changing their condition.

Good. Hopkins is too based for these NPCs.

>> No.20574494

This is it then.

>> No.20574522

only right-wing incels ask stupid questions like that.

>> No.20574647

>Let's make the UK more diverse
>You mean axe the Celts who are keeping our language from just being Saxon grunting?

>> No.20574674
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After 7 years I finally had sex again. It was very anti-climactic.

>> No.20574685

To be fair they're probably only going to bring in the Jamaicans and other Caribbeans, so it's still people the Irish and French taught English.

>> No.20574697

Last time I had sex was on the 6th of June last year, and before that was three years of abstinence. Not even jerking off.
It was also very anti-climactic and the experience itself, although it wasn’t that bad, made me consider abstaining for the rest of my life.

>> No.20574728

I wish
I'm just some regular loser

>> No.20574735

It just a test. Go outside and make mistakes.

>> No.20574740
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We have beautiful moutains like monte roraima, but not those cool ones with snow and that cover your surroundings like a huge wall

Pic related is from the hills near the isle of florianopolis when we had a cold front six years ago

>> No.20574878

Absurdism seems like its a perfect stepping stone philosophy but not the end.

>> No.20574891

Good for you, I can't for the life of me get laid in my shitty town for years

>> No.20574899

It's sad that I know what I should be doing, what are ny goals, why I'm failing and yet, I still keep wasting my time and complaining I'm not doing what I should be doing. To have goals and lack bot focus and will should be a circle in hell, because it's already torture in earth.

>> No.20574923

For me, its the opposite.

>> No.20575025

Life is like pissing at a tree. Women need support and men need something to aim for.

>> No.20575029

I'm going to repeat this one to my kids when I become a boomer.

>> No.20575039

>Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
This is clearly fall. Hell hath no fury like an angry bitter resentful young man with a grudge.

>> No.20575043


>> No.20575154

I am glad I remembered it because I thought of it while being drunk. Definitely parent slogan

>> No.20575184


did anyone one who is old enough to watch the old beavis and butthead when it was new see the new beavis and butthead movie that just came out? was it good?

>> No.20575196

>girl that I like and talk to everyday asked me if I would suck a dick to save her life
>I said yes

We're never gonna date are we

>> No.20575215

It's not the people, who are sometimes bad, its the pretending to care about stuff I could not care less about for 9 hours a day that really gets me about the corporate setting. Everyone makes everything seem like its the most important thing in the world, when its just all so fake.

>> No.20575254

I find it so weird to be a careerist. You break your back for the corpos who'll never meet and they dont really care about you besides performance.

>> No.20575400

you should let her suck your dick

>> No.20575422

I've been working corporate jobs for a decade now and I've never been in a workplace like that.

I'm an engineer. I sit at my desk, do my work, and don't talk to people. Problems weren't.

>> No.20575493

seems boring as fuck

>> No.20575570

I have this thing like a diary where I write down data about people I know, so things like age, occupation, biographical data, personality from a psychoanalytic perspective, and so on. One of the identification data points I write down is something I call "Based status". So for example my anti-vax professor is a Brad, my non anti-vax professor is a Bradlite, my friends are soiboys, NPCs, and normalfags. Beethoven is a Gigachad. And so on. For women I just write "Based status: Woman".

>> No.20575598

my mom swears by it. Then again my mother's line is full of Presbyterians.

>> No.20575604

>personality from a psychoanalytic perspective
post an example

>> No.20575619

Nightmare haver had a nightmare and woke up. Was directly 100% related to fucking trauma again and woke up mentally okay but body wasn't having it. Had to have a shot of vodka to calm my nerves. I read so much information about fixing this shit and then implement it and still see no benefit.

>> No.20575635
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I'm reading the monk and I'm just getting bricked up. Why cant I sell my soul to the devil and get a seductive little whore like Matilda for my own?

>> No.20575765

Yeah. I despise it. Some workplaces are worse than others. My current one is pretty terrible. I’m holding onto it until I can pay off my debt and then I’m hoping to never work a job like this again.

>> No.20575794

I don’t hate them but I have given up on them, and any sort of social satisfaction in general if I’m being honest.

It’s weird isn’t it? I didn’t like most of my peers when I was a college student but I could get along with them well enough and not resent them, but all of the sudden that becomes impossible when you start working in office. I think it’s the hierarchy of yes men and hr girls than leak position along the rungs. Normies then develop a coffee addiction, get on anti-depressants, and abandon their reasoning faculties so they don’t have to face the miserable reality. I suspect we are just the people who either can’t or won’t do that.

>> No.20575810

Because hell doesn’t real

>> No.20575827

Dream haver had a dream and woke myself up. I was in the middle of explaining to the police
>This is my mother, and she is the homeowner
because a psycho criminal couple had called the police before breaking into her house to claim they were being attacked in their home, when really it was my mom's house. So I woke up because I said
>This is my mother, and she is the homeowner
in a slurred sleepy voice out loud and woke myself up with the noise. Thought I'd had a stroke for a minute because of how slurred I sounded and half my face was numb, but it was just the way I was sleeping had numbed my face and made speaking sound weird.
Haven't lived in my mom's house in well over a decade lol.

>> No.20575838

Nigga I hope you're enjoying the hot weather, it's a free trial for what awaits you

>> No.20575848

rent free

>> No.20575867

All kinds of shit lives in my brain rent free every night. I had a great one the other night where I was pissing on a mop and I was like
>Why am I even doing this?
I don't own a mop and didn't even need to piss.

>> No.20575885

what's a good free antivirus?

>> No.20575892

>Little Catholic boy tries to scare his older brother

>> No.20575918

Not him. It sounds more protestant to me
t. Catholic

>> No.20575947

We have a lot of tradcath larpers, and they believe in a fiery furnace for eternity too.

>> No.20575956

Most larpers are raised in protestant cultures, which is why they don't understand Catholics.

>> No.20575960

> want to live alone away from parents and siblings
> need to save money
> can’t save money if I move out
I’m too fucking old to live here

>> No.20575978

I do this all the time. Nightmare fren here and I woke up the other night because my car couldn't get up some white tiled liminal space thing, I was trying to shift gear and got so frustrated I started talking to the car out loud which woke me. A lot of them lately have been about being stuck, chased or raped. Can we please swap? I'm fine with peeing on a mop...

>> No.20575986

Is it normal that my gf doesn't initiate sex?

>> No.20575999

somewhat. are you sure she's not getting dicked by someone else?

>> No.20576005

I don't know anon. I hang out with criminals a lot in my dreams, and sometimes Soviet bloc prisons, I can't guarantee you would be less fucked. The most frustrating thing about my dreams is their length and detail. I can sleep for five minutes and have a four hour dream. The mop one was frustrating because it was like thirty minutes of endless pissing.

>> No.20576014

We've been together for 5 months only. I thought that would happen after some time, but not so early.

>are you sure she's not getting dicked by someone else?
I guess...

>> No.20576030

did she initiate at first?

>> No.20576035

>Pope Francis made the statement, which was on the Vatican website for years, that God does not exist. He said, we have the three persons; we don’t have God. What’s this “God”? We have the three persons. So in other words, he turns the Trinity into a trio of pagan gods. He makes it a polytheistic Christianity, which is total apostasy; it’s denial of the Nicene Creed. That’s the end of Catholicism right there.
Does Charles Upton really not know the Trinity? I'm not even a trinitarian Christian but I'm familiar with the "one nature three persons" thing. Wasn't fixing trinitarian metaphysics one of the key points of the Nicene council?


>> No.20576038

>remaining in a relationship where you expect to get cheated on eventually
You poor little cuckold.

>> No.20576077


>> No.20576083

One of the most annoying traits of other people is their tendency to urge others towards the things they would have for others, but not what they others would have for themselves. A father pushes his son to do not what the son wants to do, should do, or needs to do, but what the father wants to do.

>> No.20576084

I didn't because I was taught to be ashamed of showing desire from a young age. "Unladylike" Etc. Once I did start initiating it ended up even worse. Maybe mum was right about it after all.
I get what you mean about the length. A small doze can end up whisking me away too.

>> No.20576116

>ended up even worse

Should I abstain myself completely from relationships just because my mind is a little broken? It's not as if I'm motivating her to cheat on me.

>> No.20576153

My ex realised he could withhold affection to force me into doing whatever he wanted, he used this a lot. Punishments too, usually mental things like silent treatment or outright putting me down. Him doing this and me being so distraught meant it worked. I eventually would initiate just so he would pay attention to me, though afterwards he would immediately ignore me again. Sometimes I would initiate out of fear as well, physically. He was a violent alcoholic and I was often very frightened. Made my self worth below zero.

>> No.20576265
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>no talent for writing
>no talent for music
>no talent for arts

>> No.20576288
File: 80 KB, 1180x240, Screenshot 2022-06-24 at 19.26.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 100% sure using social media makes people dumber.

>> No.20576375

Good idea. Physical violence is too much for me, but I can totally go for emocional abuse. I'll distance myself to see if it changes - and if not I'll just break up with her.

>> No.20576382

What's a good book for a 12 yo old girl who's not that literate? I convinced my little cousin to go book shopping with me today.

>> No.20576388

>talent for art
>talent for writing
>talent for coding
>could be writing a novel
>could be drawing a comic
>could be making a game
>do nothing

>> No.20576389

Sometimes I feel that I'm the smartest person in the world

>> No.20576408

I'm the opposite. I have the autism but no ideas.

>> No.20576426

Talent ain't shit.

>> No.20576430

So what is shit then?

>> No.20576436


>> No.20576447

what ive learned on social media today is that fascism is when people who have different opinions of issues win important elections and elected officials then produce policy decisions that the constituents who elected them support

>> No.20576451

just go into a shop and look at books with her and buy her whatever she wants even if it looks shit

>> No.20576456

That's a good idea.

>> No.20576476

Haha I also saw that meme

>> No.20576505

What I like about this Roe stuff being in the news is that it triggers all the hysterical women, so it's easy to identify them. Notice that stable, married, non-loser women don't care about this shit. It's great because they don't realize how disgusting it is for the rest of us for them to scream about not being able to get free abortions. Like damn bitch I guess we see what you're up to. Can you talk about your haunted pussy even more? Bitches are so self-obsessed that THIS is the one issue they'll scream about?

>> No.20576509

i move with the trees in the breeze i know that time is elastic and i know that when i go all my particles disband and disperse and i'll be back in the pulse and i know none of this will matter in the long run but i know a sound is still a sound around no one and while i'm in this body i want somebody to want and i want what i want and i want you to love me

>> No.20576518

in the age of internet fandom passion is the most overabundant resource. everyone's passionate as fuck about whatever stupid thing they're into and constantly competing with ten million other guys that are passionate about it. it won't buy you more than half a second of attention before everyone scrolls down to the next passionate guy who built a life-sized replica of the millenium falcon out of matchsticks.

>> No.20576535

>your haunted pussy even
ngl I imagined a whole scooby doo episode before I worked out what you were talking about. It doesn't change anything but it was funnier when it didn't have a real life parallel

>> No.20576553

>when i go all my particles disband and disperse
They do this anyways anon. It's just how electrons are.

>> No.20576561

why would a woman piss at a tree?
she can just squat and pee right there on the ground, don't even have to aim.

>> No.20576563

That's funny, but clearly we're talking about artistry. That kind of passion. I mean an individual kind of passionate vision. I wouldn't consider an autistic fanboy "a passionate person". They're just obsessed. Passionate people don't make replicas.

>> No.20576580

i think it's just a metaphor of how, when you die, your consciousness and physical body will just evaporate and become one with the universe once more.

>> No.20576584

Alert. Hoes mad. I repeat: hoes are mad.

>> No.20576588
File: 75 KB, 828x450, IMG_20220624_093121_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but these crazy women are so fuckable. Tfw no psycho gf

>> No.20576591

meh most of your body is already bacteria and they can have a significant impact on consciousness, so that might not even happen

>> No.20576597

>evaporate and become one with the universe once more.
Yeah they're not separate now. It's not like dead people create black holes or anything weird. They're still interacting with the other electrons.

>> No.20576609
File: 204 KB, 810x508, ilustracao-ea-desacordo-denis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are actually a lot of pro-life activists just the media doesn't cover it

>> No.20576618

i feel like that's "perspective." if you have your own idiosyncratic perspective then you don't make replicas. "passion," the way people use it these days, is mostly just internalized social pressure. i find a lot of artists that stand out are ambivalent about their own art, they hate the process, they do it in fits and starts. i wouldn't call them "passionate."

>> No.20576631

I really have to start going to pro life rallies. So many qts

>> No.20576636

>Sexual Harassment Panda found a new job
Good for him

>> No.20576698

not that anon but how to get passion? is it one of those things you either have it or not?

>> No.20576707 [DELETED] 

>mfw i go to pitchfork to find out what rappers got shot yesterday and which washed up indie bands from 2006 released a new album today and it has a big lis of abortion resources on the front page
uh stay in ur lane

>> No.20576723

How can Americans still claim they're the most free people in the world when their women don't even have the right to abort anymore? Will they ever realize that they don't have more freedom than most comparable countries?

>> No.20576734

I know right, you can't even cut up your own baby in the womb anymore. What kind of country do we live in. So barbaric!

>> No.20576735

I'm gonna go get a conceal carry pernit and walkaround in public with a gun

>> No.20576736

You’re finding the worst examples so you don’t have to value anything.

>> No.20576738

well i can just go to the drugstore on the corner of the street, buy a fully loaded semi-automatic rifle and then my girlfriend can "accidentally" shoot herself in the uterus.

>> No.20576746

Why go through the trouble when you can just get her boosters till she miscarriages

>> No.20576747

can't wait to see all the frustrated american responses.
i hope the "i demand you tell me what gay country you live in" autist will show up.

>> No.20576752

the states now get to decide democratically if aborting the lives of the unborn is in line with their community standards. the courts restored freedom.

>> No.20576782

Rent free

>> No.20576808

Go to bed, Trent. You're drunk.

>> No.20576811

>Go to comfy bookstore
>Bunch of zoomer(<18) women
Summer is here

>> No.20576825

you're 23

>> No.20576826

Wish I was smart enough to lurk bookstores in high school. Now I feel creepy when I'm the only adult male surrounded by underage girls

>> No.20576843

I've met Americans surprised guns exist anywhere else in the world, but I've also met Americans surprised that television exists anywhere else in the world.
It's like meeting North Koreans on their first time out from the glorious dictatorship.

>> No.20576851

statistically more likely that he's 18 or 20.

>> No.20576852

No you haven't

>> No.20576873

I’m sure you have. Were they 500 lb mulattos with Israel flags too?

>> No.20576884

Engineering is the art of making science do something practical.
We're like artists whose palette is the whole of scientific knowledge.
That can never get boring.

>> No.20576886

They had little Israeli flags pinned to their mobility scooters and a 711 big gulp in one hand and a big mac in the other
>munch munch
>has mouthfull of big mac
>wow I didnt know the french had tvs

>> No.20576890

Did you try pleasant smells while you sleep?

>> No.20576902

You're already in Hell.
What, you think ALL planets are this f'ed up?

>> No.20576906


>> No.20576923

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
-Calvin Coolidge

>> No.20576929


>> No.20576934


>> No.20576939

>The denial
I didn't even tell you the amount of them surprised by public transport.

>> No.20576945


>> No.20576948

The Democrats had 50 years to pass a federal law on abortion.
Instead, they slacked off.
They have no one to blame but themselves.

For the record, I'm in favor of mandatory abortion for poor and stupid people.

>> No.20576975

It's really okay with everyone if you don't leave to find out

>> No.20577115

Leave america to talk to americans? Are you retarded?

>> No.20577654

the whole point of constitutional protections is to protect freedoms that states, a majority, etc might try to infringe (see the federalist papers). that’s exactly what’s happening here. the court didn’t promote “freedom,” they just made it easier for majorities in states to infringe on the freedoms of individuals

>> No.20577706

>just got back from LAs most popular independent book store
>nothing but women
>women in their twenties checking out YA
>le activist baby and shit like that being shilled
>meme books

>> No.20577721
File: 202 KB, 404x720, hello-ladyboy-arm-cute-and-looking-for-love-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't left the country in 3 years
>gf's friend wants us to go to thailand with her
>would be funny if i hooked up with a tranny
wouldnt that be funny? just a humorous idea haha