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20562595 No.20562595 [Reply] [Original]

Why yes I do think it is Evola and not Heidegger who is Nietzsche's greatest student. He captures Nietzsche's spirit without simply being a mindless copycat or saying reddit shit like "will to power is metaphysics!" Heidegger was a coward in his personal life too. Shame on him.

>> No.20562612

Evola was tasteless mystic trash with 0 understanding of actual metaphysics, no philosophical learning, completely uncultured and lumpenbourgeois. What courageous things did he do in his personal life? He died in a tiny apartment like the literally who he was.

>> No.20562643

Oh no, Evola had a very big understanding of actual metaphysics, high philosophical learning, and deeply cultured with an aristocratic past.

>> No.20563441


>> No.20563528


>> No.20563914

>will to power is metaphysics
It is. Nachlass.

>> No.20564532
File: 87 KB, 244x409, Eumeswil_by_Ernst_Junger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche's greatest student
Read Junger

>> No.20564671

I don't know where you're getting this. I read virtually the entire philosophical canon in university. Then I started reading Evola, beginning with Ride The Tiger, and holy shit did it blow my mind. He's not even that edgy. Something finally clicked in my mind, confirming what I had already suspected all along, that ancient philosophy is vastly superior to modern philosophy and that the ultimate philosophical questions are mystical in nature.

>> No.20564688

>What courageous things did he do in his personal life
He fought in the first world war unlike Heidnigger

>> No.20564689

The guy was an artillery officer who crossed the alps with heavy artillery, was a mountaineer, was active in the second war despite being barred from enlistment, and was only immobile because he was paralyzed by a bomb, and as a cripple became a prolific author and active voice in the dissident right community in Italy. You don’t have to like his books to admit that he walked some sort of walk (while he could).

>> No.20564691

Nietzsche's greatest student theoretically is Deleuze.
Nietzsche's greatest student practically was David Bowie.

>> No.20564697

I know that Nietzsche is an influence on Deleuze, who wrote a lot about him, but in what way does Deleuze carry on the Nietzschean spirit? None of the French poststructuralists seem to embody the aristocratic, domineering spirit that Nietzsche seems to worship (from what I picked up in Beyond Good and Evil).

>> No.20564795

>Nietzsche completely rejects metaphysics.
>People say will to power is Metaphysics.
>A concept specifically about earthly struggle and the rejection of higher morality is about really about metaphysics

>> No.20564803

You're not very smart, are you?

>> No.20564876

> I read virtually the entire philosophical canon in university.
No you didn’t. Otherwise you wouldn’t fall for a run of the mill theosophist.

He probably carried around some boxes for the alphachads while scribbling in a little notebook about his spells and shit

Sounds like an assistant role. Also he got hurt from a bomb because he was walking around after dresden or berlin or whatever got bombed. It wasn’t in combat he was just being an idiot fairy romanticist.

Hitler and Mussolini walked walks, Evola didnt walk shit nor did he even commit fully to the priestly lifestyle. Heidegger knew his place and studied his craft better than anyone from the century. He knew his role in the world and faithfully committed his time and talent to it. Evola was a pseudointellectual yogafag who would be indistinguishable from a slightly racist karen kombucha drinker from the san francisco suburbs if he were alive today

Deleuze doesn’t, he’s a retarded sophist who deliberately misinterprets Nietzsche and others and turns them all into hyperactive narcissist masturbatist hedonist buttfuckers basically

>> No.20564900

They compliment one another, and you can appreciate their attempts to articulate a language of Being, in part or whole, without slavishly approving of everything they might have done or said.

>> No.20564931

>No you didn’t.
I very much did. Granted, I've only read Ride the Tiger and excerpts from the Metaphysics of Sex so far. But it's all higher-level stuff, something you'd only appreciate if you've pondered deeply about the nature of the world and tried to understand the world by cohering the best elements from all the philosophers. Time and time again, I'd see problems that I intuitively recognized as an undergraduate explicated in clear prose and lucid detail by Evola. It's a shame he gets memed by nihilistic neonazis because I guarantee you they haven't read him. You have to deeply care about the human condition and one's purpose in life to get where Evola is coming from.
>Otherwise you wouldn’t fall for a run of the mill theosophist.
Evola isn't a theosophist.

>> No.20564935

Real ones know it's not Evola or Heidegger but Klossowski. Even Foucault is a better student of Nietzsche than Evola.

>> No.20565382

this guy gets it

>> No.20565630

I read Revolt Against the Modern World and several of his essays hosted on the internet. Not one of them is worth a sentence from Heidegger’s Pathmarks.

Since Evola operates in a notion of “spirituality” and “spirit” totally divorced from any religious orthodoxy and outside the bounds of Western metaphysics and it’s problems, and without any genuine feel for, learning or upbringing in Eastern religion, he is metaphysically identical to a theosophist (meaning a late modern anachronistic misreader of long dead cults information on which is scant and entirely too limited to provide anyone living with actual knowledge of what they did and thought, much less provide the ability to practice it).

Read Hölderlin and realize the gods have fled the world.

>> No.20566131

Deleuze puts an enormous emphasis on reality as a multiplicity of forces much like Nietzsche, with a great emphasis on being an active, creative principle instead of being a reactive, passive one. In his work 'What is Philosophy' he explicitly stresses philosophy is about creating powerful new concepts, not about reaching any platonic truths. One of his first published works is one of the best works on Nietzsche, called 'Nietzsche and philosophy' in which he creatively re-reads Nietzsche (thereby staying very true to the spirit of Nietzsche) and laying the foundations for the rest of Deleuze's work.

Also, as a sidenote, Nietzsche in Genealogy of Morals is much more ambiguous about this 'aristocratic, domineering spirit'. for him the master morality is not the ultimate aim, since its precisely the conflict between master morality and slave morality which together create the 'higher man' heres a exerpt from GM:

'It can be said that, even as the ferocity of the battle reaches new heights, it grows deeper, more psychological; and so nowadays there is perhaps nothing more clearly indicative of the 'higher man', of the more intellectual man, than to be in that sense ambivalent, ant to serve as a battleground for those two opponents [master and slave morality]' (GM 1 16)


>> No.20566149


good effort post, there is so much more to Nietzsche than the normie tier political interpretations. Nick Land and "shamanic Nietzsche" also opened by eyes to him being a sign post for a great psychological struggle internal to philosophical arguing.

>> No.20566160

If you weren’t such a lazy degenerate you would have read the rest of Niet’s work including the Antichrist with all of its manifest eugenics, antisemitism, and unabashed hierarchicalism. There is nothing in Nietzsche that aligns with Deleuze’s nihilistic pedophilic fantasies. Go back to twitter coomunist tranny

>> No.20566186

>he explicitly stresses philosophy is about creating powerful new concepts, not about reaching any platonic truths.
I never will understand how people philosophers are original thinkers. These are literally the same arguments made by Callicles and Thrasymachus. The rejection of dialectics for rhetoric. It also underlines the problem they had with philosophy - its not a medium for truth; its just bullshit people use to rationalize their actions and beliefs. Nietzsche was interested in truth, the real truth, which is where the metaphysics that drive philosophical beliefs come from.

>> No.20566200


>> No.20567308

source: has not read a single page of Evola and is repeating the same trite platitudes he has learned and copied from other people who come onto /lit/ to posture as a pseud

>> No.20567450

>Since Evola operates in a notion of “spirituality” and “spirit” totally divorced from any religious orthodoxy and outside the bounds of Western metaphysics and it’s problems, and without any genuine feel for, learning or upbringing in Eastern religion, he is metaphysically identical to a theosophist
Low IQ detected. Nothing you said here is correct, it's obvious that you just don't like Evola and are making things up to justify it, which is what hacks do.

>> No.20567488

>What courageous things did he do in his personal life?
He used to literally take walks while the allies were bombing cities because he didn't give a fuck. That's how he became crippled.

>> No.20567638
File: 606 KB, 600x840, CDCCF89B-6FEE-4E5B-BAD2-6511E5F2AF46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: wingcucks mad their pseud of choice can’t hold a candle to archmage Hide-nigger.

Try reading real books losers