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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 119 KB, 745x635, 6701A76A-4D0C-49A7-845B-96DED1982742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20479023 No.20479023 [Reply] [Original]

/WWOYM/ Loquacious edition

Previous >>20475276

>> No.20479038

y'all niggas discourteous

>> No.20479041
File: 1.22 MB, 2390x1000, 1653517271530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone sort out /lit/ jannies? They just delete literature threads for no reason and ban people for nothing.

>the bible is not literature
It very much is, and it was voted the #1 book on /lit/ 2021 chart https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Charts?file=Top_100_Books_2021_lit.png#General
>the discussion was offtopic
It wasn't, see >>/lit/thread/S20434354 . And even if it was, why ban OP for 3 days on all boards for "spamming/flooding" when I didn't even make the previous threads?
>go to /his/
Why would we go to /his/ to discuss /lit/'s favorite book?

>> No.20479046
File: 122 KB, 639x607, 1652571415553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liberal -> skeptic -> conservative -> fascist -> nazi -> christian pipeline is the pipeline of our time and it makes people seethe to no end

>> No.20479049

that's why you should never make threads. why create content for them for free? that bible thread was way too sweaty dude

>> No.20479054
File: 56 KB, 480x480, jesus frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists finally got me and I'll vote for one this month. Feels very weird but the other lad seems vile, and I can't bring myself to vote for him.

>> No.20479055
File: 10 KB, 256x256, 9k=(60).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a summer gf

>> No.20479061
File: 6 KB, 224x224, yJp6xQIT_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm realizing how impactful business ratings are on Google. A powerful tool of social conditioning and conformity. Fewer and fewer eccentric shop owners. They are slowing snuffing out everything below 5 stars.

>> No.20479071

>glowie frog pic
I literally had a conversation about this yesterday. Are you an AI or glowie intelligence officer listening to my conversations?

>> No.20479075
File: 1.56 MB, 582x411, 3B0AD6B8-6ADD-4D27-9E15-298B286CAFD5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have shin fractures so I’m not gonna be running or doing Muay Thai for a while. Sitting at home doing nothing after work is killing me. My ego compels me to train, I’m going insane.

>> No.20479083

Huh I did follow that route

>> No.20479086 [DELETED] 

same thing happens with apps on the app store. these fake ass indian bots come and drop a bunch of 1 stars to fuck you up, and you downloads drop way off. basically, it's just the luck of which momentum you catch. you get some good review and the algorithm show it to more people who might keep giving good reviews, a couple bots or upset users leave low star rating and the algorithm drops where even if u fix an issue no one gonna see it unless you buy a bunch of ads.

>> No.20479090

lmao dude you're even more paranoid that i am, but like the cone says "Paranoids are not paranoid because they're paranoid, but because they keep putting themselves, fucking idiots, deliberately into paranoid situations."

>> No.20479093

that was me in college absolute muay thai fiend too bad i sucked and had a losing record, still had to do something with all the young man seethe energy

>> No.20479094

Where do I acquire female companionship

>> No.20479098

Negative frogposter. There is a used book store in my town with semibad ratings. It is an amazing store but the owner is a complete autist. He is old, successful, has prime realestate and lives in the goddamn shop. Extremly knowlegegle but if some dumb tourists leans their fat grease slathered arms on a stack of vintage records they should be told to move without any pretense. He has gotten some bad ratings for sperging on people but I'd rather shop their than barnes and fucking noble.

>> No.20479099

The Nevada femanon never emailed me :(

>> No.20479102


>> No.20479103

Should I be searching for a purpose or a cope? I read that Houllebecq essay To Stay Alive: A Method and that really resonated with me but it feels somehow forced.

>> No.20479104

this is good news to me because I was jealous.

>> No.20479105

Read The Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.20479106

What was your record?

>> No.20479116

>Stay Alive: A Method
Urgent: post link immediately.

>> No.20479119

anyways, I mostly use google ratings to know where to eat. I end up deciding which restaurant to order from based on the following metrics.
>4.5-5: Excellent service, excellent food, etc. This is the gold standard and I always end up choosing some place in this category.
>4-4.5:Good but nothing spectacular
>3-4:Most likely OK. Could be anything from decent or even good food to the worst customer service ever.
>below 3: you're probably going to get scammed or experience food poisoning

>> No.20479124

How often are you eating at new restaurants that you have constructed such a thorough a method of selection?

>> No.20479125

I got really into philosophy several years ago but decided I didn’t like reading it. I don’t think it will be much of a solution for me. Still, if I’m supposed to take away from it that I should pursue virtue than it’s hard to disagree but who knows what that looks like. My life feels empty so where virtue lies here, I don’t even know.


>> No.20479128

My laptop is 12 years old and still works just fine. It’s like an old friend at this point, always there for me in this mean old world. If it stopped working I would be sad.

>> No.20479131

Just read the reviews. If I care enough to check the rating the I read the negative reviews to see if the complaints are anything worthwhile. Theyre usually just whiney karens who feel offended for not receiving royal treatment

>> No.20479135

i don't remember but once i got to 10+ fight and it was clear the extra ring experience wasn't helping i just decided to give it up. had a few wins, and some total wars that i'm glad i got to experience, but my last fight was a boring loss where we both had low activity and the guy edged me out on points.

>> No.20479138

The Consolation of Philosophy is very poetic. It isnt dry like other works. Its worth a read. It saved me from a depressive slump a few months ago

>> No.20479144

you're right anon, this mostly applies to food and restaurants in my opinion.

>> No.20479147
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1547978598707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the intersection between autism and schizophrenia

>> No.20479151

here we are

>> No.20479157


>> No.20479160

I hate God for making me.

>> No.20479161

not too often, thats why I actually prefer to see some reviews instead of guessing and throwing the dice on where to eat.
>Theyre usually just whiney karens who feel offended for not receiving royal treatment
these type of people are usually parasites trying to see what they can get out of the system

>> No.20479162

>Suffering is the necessary consequence of the free play of the parts of the system.
oh fuck... I dont feel good.

>> No.20479165

I can't tell if this pizza is using mature or out-of-date cheese. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.

>> No.20479167

Well, I’m not sure I’ll read it if I’m being honest with you but I appreciate the sincere suggestion.

>> No.20479178

pointless suffering is the worst one.

>> No.20479184

There was no glory to be found in the west, no riches or gold. Any promise of fame was squashed by the third day, and all hope for survival by the third week. Montenegro had successfully ushered the hungry and the poor into a dry, dust ridden cataclysm unlike any other land known to European immigrants before. It took no small fee to do so, but the gain would at the very least, establish his blood as ruler in the west, for generations to come.

"I can see it in your eyes. You're half alive. On the cusp of knowing and having the soul that lives on in me, and those like me. But you aren't alive. And you might never be, if you need someone to tell you so."

"Why bother? Why tell me that? What's in it for you?"
Henry stood feigning confidence. His chest swayed towards the door, feet pointed towards the nearest exist. Only the burning of his eyes indicated any desire to stand tall.

"Because Henry, I need you. I need minds. People find reasons to respect me and they find reasons to justify the things I do. But why? Because they can't stand the fact that I have no hidden motive, no credo, no political ambition and no religious calling. That kind of person is easily to manipulate, and you yourself are similar to them. But you've grown. You're seeing through many of the lies you've been taught. Now I need you to take that next step. Squash the self doubt and cynicism holding you back. We have things to do in this world, in this time, here in front of us. You're going to Mexico next. I need you to negotiate on behalf of Montenegro Conglomerated, to prevent the nationalization of our railroad lines. Here's your real test though, you're going to let them nationalize it. But you need to buy 2 days worth of time. Normally, I wouldn't even tell you that, because you've utterly failed at statecraft until now. Stop putting yourself to sleep and wake up Henry, I have no use for sleeping toys."
Montenegro gave a quick look at his copy of The Adventures of Pinocchio, before slowly drifing out of the office. Henry stood watching, wearing a half disturbed frown. The question raging inside him remained. Does one have to be cruel to be human, to do wrong to be "awake"?

>> No.20479201
File: 59 KB, 933x933, 1654060976312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Story of Civilization-Will Durant
>History of Philosophy- Copleston
>A history of religious ideas-Mircea Eliade
Its too much information. I want to read it all but just reading the entire Story of Civilization is a entire task of its one that would take couple of months at best.

>> No.20479203
File: 39 KB, 656x679, 1613103180879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the greeks were good but the christians are better

>> No.20479205

Starting to think Marquis de Sade was right

>> No.20479216
File: 176 KB, 539x615, 8fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ooh yeeah, you read /wwoym/?? Well list the last 5 books you read. Lets see if you actually read books, real books.

>> No.20479222

I'm at conservative right now but I don't think I'll ever go fascist. Not for me.

>> No.20479223

I wasnt ready for that...

>> No.20479233

NEW TRIP! Welcome to the fold, MTF Maoist.

>> No.20479237

Conservatives lose to communists without fascism, so you don't really have a choice if authoritarian leftism grows. So then your position must be based on the expectation that authleft is not growing, which is wrong.

>> No.20479240

Thats not a trip, retard

>> No.20479252


>> No.20479267

A year ago I moved into my parents’ house to save money, but I just turned 29. It was supposed to be a short-term thing to shore up savings but now I’m coming up on a year and at my age, I know I need to move out. My problem is I just have nowhere in particular I need to go and nowhere in particular I want to go, not here in this country at least. I have a stable and “good” job but I really hate it and hate where it’s headquartered even more. Fortunately, it’s remote so I don’t have to live there but where the hell do I go now?

>> No.20479292
File: 275 KB, 600x600, 1654450581533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you, guys..
*sends kisses*

>> No.20479293


>> No.20479295

I'm 23. i have no employment prospects. My dads wife is beginning to hate me. This area has some of the highest housing costs in the entire country. I'm so fucked. Be thankful you can at least move out without becoming homeless

>> No.20479310
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1653451901276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AbeBooks you have no idea what you're doing to me...please give me some tracking information....please.....

>> No.20479316

Do they have a physical location? Go there and flip tables or something

>> No.20479335

it's amazon used sellers market but branded for people who are too uptight to order off amazon

>> No.20479336

It’s true. I am thankful that I have options but I still feel aimless.

>> No.20479356
File: 31 KB, 225x225, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted the edition with the cover I like...i am not uptight.

>> No.20479367

This is fascinating. I never bothered to read him because I thought he was another Nietzsche clone but this stuff seems blatantly contrary to Neetch

>> No.20479398

I looked a little more into Sade. I no longer think he was right

>> No.20479463

not sure how it contradicts nietzsche but i got bored and dropped the last section

>> No.20479466

How do they decide between banning on all boards and only on the board the incident happened? How does that deserve a 3 days ban everywhere?

>> No.20479473

cuz they prob know he will just go make lame threads on other boards, they can obviously see all your posts

>> No.20479483

You'll be dead and in hell
Before I'm born
Sure thing
The only solution, isn't it amazing?

>> No.20479490

What, he'll make a bible general on other boards? Are you 12? Why do you type like this?

>> No.20479499
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>> No.20479510

>the mods see me blogpost about my sad and pathetic life all day

>> No.20479517
File: 63 KB, 509x339, concerned-fbi-agent-in-the-office-picture-id1184820947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not the only ones.

>> No.20479521

It's over

>> No.20479530

real life is so fucking boring

>> No.20479551

good news: on the internet, YOU can be the little girl!

>> No.20479558
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1614596615288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refresh the main page and that autistic AI images thread pops up again with the same zizek jokes

>> No.20479561

i refresh the thread and that autistic frogposter pops up again with the same pepes

>> No.20479573

it's prob cuz zizek's face works well with it because of the beard, bulbous nose and sunken eyes. if you try someone who doesn't look like a lord of the rings extra the uncanny valley is too much

>> No.20479576

modern life is rubbish

>> No.20479580
File: 154 KB, 833x768, 1646916557681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag doesn't undestand the difference between reaction images and image posts with no text
>the 12 year old types his zoom zoom stuff again

>> No.20479584
File: 953 KB, 938x736, 5830b07bfbbc86400f8ae4bb80965d27 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said it brother

>> No.20479591
File: 10 KB, 256x256, download-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it thug life

>> No.20479605

The frogposter is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a virgin, incel, retard, tranny, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a frogposter and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.20479606

>read translation of an augustine's text
>the footnote quotes horace
>doesn't translate it
Bro if I knew how to read Latin why would I read your crappy translation to begin with

>> No.20479610

academic flex

>> No.20479612
File: 125 KB, 600x600, 1648821081237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag thinks calling frogposters trannies makes sense

>> No.20479616
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>> No.20479629
File: 15 KB, 528x228, Screenshot 2022-06-05 at 23.31.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some squiggly african country
It's over for me

>> No.20479630

yeah, that'd be an insult to trannies

>> No.20479632

It's the old leddit switcharoo!

>> No.20479634

L after L after L. No job, no girlfriend, looks fading. But I've got to believe that it's temporary.

>> No.20479644

This "trans"gender shit is no joke dude. Literally hundreds of thousands of children and mentally ill teenagers are being castrated and mutilated. It's horrific. They need counseling not needless cosmetic sugery. The detrans stories are so sad. The monsters who perpetrate this butchery need to be punished to the fullest extent.

>> No.20479646
File: 115 KB, 900x900, 1654362994829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking has paralyzed us and we rather exist in simplified abstractions than to face a more complex and painful reality. We are becoming more used to keeping to ourselves in our fantasy realms that media like videogames, movies, books in combination with our own minds enable. We suffer greatly because of this but convince ourselves otherwise. We convince ourselves
that we are smarter than everyone and that we have a moral superiority because we read and thought about morality at some point while being removed from it completely. Yet despite hypocritically preaching about morality, we hurt those around us by being immoral and cruel, but even the cruelty is artificial, as we never lived life enough to know or administer real cruelty. We read about it once, thought about it twice, and ape and parrot it thinking it's the real thing.

We masturabate about ideals such as purity, the place of wimin, proper states of society but we do nothing to achieve these and are degenerates that often do the opposite quietly.
We take the moral high ground because we have constructed it from the abstract of ideas in a corner. We are lonely and dream about love in the purest sublime sense that can never be achieved in reality. We recede to our chink cartoon fantasies, movies, books and anything else that can fuel this fantasy.
We can not even begin to love ourselves and our minds are constantly at war with our hearts. We hurt those that have a potential to be close to us because we have to feel superior to them at all times and dominate them because of our insecurity and internal conflict.
We are lost in our minds and we spend too much time in them. Our thoughts grow over our spirit and body like a cancer. We feel the brain tumor growing every day. Can you feel it now?
The mind, the body, and the spirit. It is true indeed that there are three (duality is a meme), with the spirit being the buffer between the mind and the body, and the mind and body being dangerous extremes. We are allowing our spirit to corrode. The all important buffer between the mind and the body is being destroyed to leave us damaged beings. We must not allow the mind and its detached idealism rule over us and we must not get lost in our minds and abandon our bodies and reality. We must allow our spirits to mediate and have a balance of ideas, action, and human compassion and love of life. We must not allow the spirit to further rot by becoming NPCs due to the overpowering mind.
Our bodies are riddled with more sicknesses than ever and our spirits are absent or hollow because the mind is a growing cancer over them all. We must strive for balance, lest we move into a violent insanity.

>> No.20479652

History should be the basis of all knowledge. Without context you will never be able to extract real information and meaning from what you read. Grind it out or you will be stymied in your future learning.

>> No.20479661

patrician taste

>> No.20479670

That’s a badass Pepe

>> No.20479695

You are only 23. Living with your parents isn’t remotely shameful until at least 25. By 29 you should probably be out on your own and living with your parents only temporarily here and there.

>> No.20479698

”trannies disgust me” would’ve sufficed

>> No.20479699

I made an online acquaintance whom I get along with, but he's a leftist, fervently fedoratipped and so on. He genuinely likes me but he obviously thinks I'm dumb, backwards or generally "inferior" because he figured I lean right (I keep my power level suppressed so he can't imagine to what extent). He fancied himself into this mentor role and misses no occasion to lecture me, in hope that I become enlightened and stop being an unsophisticated savage. I find this really tiring.
Obviously because the janny is a seething tranny who's repelled by morality.

>> No.20479704
File: 7 KB, 250x237, 03B715A9-6CCE-4C10-9616-54AA758F1960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> That’s a badass Pepe

>> No.20479709

You must be really out of friends to keep talking to someone like that. I understand doing this if he's a co-worker, but a private acquaintance in one's own time? Damn.

>> No.20479734

thats rude, anon

>> No.20479739

What follows after?

>> No.20479742

me? i come to 4chan for the morality

>> No.20479746

Do whatever. Just remember they’re working for the same people. Your vote will never count more than the dollars he’s going to get

>> No.20479748

it appears we have a pepe collector among us boys.

>> No.20479749

it's right back to liberal

>> No.20479758

Doubt anyone's going back to it after having a taste of actual thought out systems that have solid foundations.

>> No.20479761

>to keep talking to someone like that
I won't. It was fine when we talked about hobbies but the lecturing is coming up regularly and my patience wore thin.

>> No.20479767

the antifrog hatred must stop RIGHT NOW. I will not let redditors and /lgbt/ users defame and slander the reputation of /lit/'s frogposting community.
enough is enough

>> No.20479773

I'm ridiculously self-obsessed. I spend most of my days dissecting my emotions, image and psyche in general. I don't think there's anything that genuinely interests me other than myself. Even when I take (rather superficial) interest in something, it's solely because I like the idea of myself being interested in that thing and others perceiving me as someone who's knowledgeable about it. It's sick and I wish I could make it stop.

>> No.20479777
File: 194 KB, 980x1225, 1654460191953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are at the bottom with Dorian Grey

>> No.20479785
File: 43 KB, 332x344, 11764956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people should just render a fresh pic off dall-e whenever they need an image, it's 2022, pepe was 2010s flavor, just like those motivation poster templates were 2000s

>> No.20479792

funny guy

>> No.20479794

The frog posters slander the reputation of lit.
There’s others, but you’re not innocent.
Stop making shit threads

>> No.20479801
File: 1.01 MB, 757x788, Screenshot 2022-06-06 at 00.13.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20479805 [DELETED] 

weren't rage comics sponsored by reddit and when that chinese company bought them stopped making them? i don't think those were ever that big on 4chan

>> No.20479808

What are the foundations of liberalism?

>> No.20479810

I never chose to be mentally ill, this is not a pleasant way to exist.

>> No.20479814

you’re perfectly normal, stop being a little bitch>>20479808

>> No.20479819
File: 98 KB, 728x546, 39EF8B7E-6C76-4A11-9830-B3348DD2049D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20479821

oops didn't mean to quote epic politics guy

>> No.20479826

I'm on antipsychotics, depressants and mood stabilizers and I have to take medication so my hands don't shake from all the other medication I have to take

>> No.20479831

So your answer is that liberal ethics are represented by utilitarianism. What's the foundation of utilitarian ethics?

>> No.20479833

oh nvm then

>> No.20479835

Meant to say antidepressants obviously

>> No.20479844
File: 57 KB, 680x670, CBFE4354-BAB9-449E-94AD-B82C95ABBD28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So your answer is that liberal ethics are represented by utilitarianism. What's the foundation of utilitarian ethics?

>> No.20479845

What about Neo-reactionary?

>> No.20479851

>the foundation of liberalism is epic memes

>> No.20479867
File: 73 KB, 600x315, 435245235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pepe is a basic reaction image that allows the poster to convey a specific feeling, thought, emotion or state and to the recipient of that message to interpret the specific meaning of the image all within seconds. Frogs are charachterized due to being personified representations of basic human expressions and emotions, laughter, crying, panic,joy, etc... it doesnt require the two parties to know the same language, one could even argue that frogposting is a language of its own. Frogposting is a prime example of the complexity of human behaviour and communication.

>> No.20479869

I've posted frogs for more than a decade and seeing trannies seethe only makes me happier

>> No.20479873

this was meant for >>20479785

>> No.20479876

The anti-frogposters are just trannies seething because of
>Originally an apolitical character, Pepe was appropriated from 2015 to 2016 onward as a symbol of the alt-right movement.[7][8][9] The Anti-Defamation League included Pepe in its hate symbol database in 2016, but said most instances of Pepe were not used in a hate-related context.[10][11]
That being said, the namefag ITT is just as cringe

>> No.20479885

>seeing trannies seethe
>trannies seething
something on your mind there, fellas?

>> No.20479892

>newfag filtered by a word again

>> No.20479896

Slept pretty bad I guess. Dreamed about you and your sister. It was a nice dream at the time but once I woke up it just left me feeling sad. Anyway, I hope you're well.

>> No.20479903

playing the hits!

>> No.20479946 [DELETED] 
File: 554 KB, 1684x2048, 1653050229008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "sex"
>0 results
Have sex

>> No.20479953

c-care to assist me, ma'am?

>> No.20479975

i'm taking a break for a while, need to do something productive so my brain doesn't become total mush. hopefully i can last till the end of summer but i doubt it.

>> No.20479977

Did pornstars suddenly become actual celebrities or am I wrong?

strange times

>> No.20479980
File: 180 KB, 700x518, 1627346873826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With that attitude uhmmm no

>> No.20480010

Like who?

>> No.20480038

Like your mom lmao

>> No.20480042

Watch how quickly they wilt and you'll see how shallow their celebrity is.

>> No.20480103

lots of gay niggas ITT

>> No.20480111

"start with the greeks", they said

>> No.20480129

microplastics cursed our generation and possibly the entire human species and most people dont know about it or care at all and when you bring the topic here somehow you get called a chud....What went wrong?

>> No.20480130

>no one will save you
>they will only let you down
>you can make a difference
>and it starts with you


>> No.20480136

In all seriousness though, what are you supposed to do? You have no passions or deep interests, work is beyond miserable, dating isn’t even on the table and you never get to meet anyone, in debt, living with parents, don’t make enough to save much. How are you not supposed to neck like that?

>> No.20480138

are you me?

>> No.20480146

I'm a pretty girl I'm a pretty girl
I'm a pretty girl with a heart of gold
My lips are wet and kissable
My titties are all I need
My pussy's tight, I'm tight
Now let me tell you about this poem

It's a poem about women's right
To have their clitoris
And if it has three holes
We'll say that it's a little hole
And if a little hole
Holds all the love of a man
We should remember that
That all women's love is a lie

>> No.20480148

are you me too?

>> No.20480162

if you are him and I am him, are you also me?

>> No.20480169

Video games and porn, let normoids and w*men have all the fun. It's their world.

>> No.20480170

Of course we are

>> No.20480201

That’s great and all but in the end utterly meaningless precisely because you have to go back to work in the morning. It’s not a real escape, just a temporary therapeutic.

>> No.20480309

I’m going to start weight training in the mornings and see if that improves my outlook any.

>> No.20480324

I'm tired, I'm just tired, tired of everything around me, everything I'm doing, tired of this clusterfuck of country, tired of the piece of shit that I am, tired of this depressing future that awaits me
I'm just tired, I need to rest, lay down and rest for a while, for a good while, for a long while
why do I keep doing this? why do I keep going on? I'm tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired , tired, tired, I'm just tired

>> No.20480337

Have some rest anon

>> No.20480349

the intersection between autism and adhd

>> No.20480354

did you fix your windows me laptop?

>> No.20480359

this, at the end it literally costs the same including shipping.

>> No.20480392

Just ordered Capitalism Realism and Marx's capital from Amazon

>> No.20480394

Only reason I went that direction is because I'm literally poverty level and want my values perserved

>> No.20480403

You're a moron

>> No.20480419

He might be, but you certainly are.

>> No.20480429

Thinking about writing a book. Perhaps it should be short.

It would be a succinct summary of religion(mysticism), philosophy, science and math. I'd be covering the basic ideas where necessary, and then tying it all together to reach new conclusions.

Philosophy - > 1. Types of argumentation. 2. Why we believe in evidence. 3. Rationalizing God's existence.
Religion - > Perennial Philosophy / Modern take on spirituality that is consistent with plain truth.
Mathematics - Overview of Pure/Applied Mathematics. Delineation of math as containing internal logic of enumeration with the implications and deductions that can be made.
Science - A vision of a Grand Design that is coherent and compatible with modern science which is to be contrasted with materialism.

>> No.20480458
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>> No.20480473
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>> No.20480511
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>> No.20480536
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>> No.20480546

Why is our love based on fixed sexes? Why can't we love a person simply because they are the person that we love? What makes us love a person exactly, outside the scope of sex, is intellect, values, or sharing the same sentiment. Ripping out the primitive instincts of physical and sexual desires, we really can't distinguish the form of love between a friend and a lover. So what does it mean to love a lover? And what does it mean to love a friend?

>> No.20480571

tomorrow I definitely won't waste the whole day masturbating, for real this time

>> No.20480575

Same here. I have fantasies about total freedom, going to relax for a few months in Southeast Asia, the Swiss Alps, some American city with bars and music and cafes and all that.

But at the end of the day, I know it would disappoint me. Just some purpose that invigorates me is all I really want, not a vacation.

>> No.20480581

It's funny because all of those are midwit

>> No.20480589
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>> No.20480599

There's nothing left of me but my depravity and the memory of what I used to be but the liars are still worse to endure.

>> No.20480602

At the end of the day you're dead.

>> No.20480604

Christianity is midwit. Get over it.

>> No.20480652

Good, life peaks in late teens when you’re high and pounding prime pussy. It’s just disappointment and decay afterwards.

>> No.20480689

I hit puberty early and had very religious parents. I was basically trying to get laid at 8 years old, but if I ever so much as looked at a PG-13 movie, I would get told what a terrible person I was. Of course, I never got to experience prime prepubescent pussy, so my life never hit a high point.

>> No.20480690

Keep the hat. Hide your tears in it.

>> No.20480698

You're trying to write a book summarizing religion, philosophy, science, and math, with new theories interweaving these extremely old and board fields like never before? And you're thinking about making it short? Look man, we've all seen plenty of "Theory of Everything" shit already, and the fact that you're here talking about how you'd write the book about your theories instead of talking about the theories themselves shows you putting the cart before the horse. You might as well be talking about what kind of outfit you're going to wear at your first book signing.

>> No.20480732

the amount i have drank in the last 72 hours is disgusting and obscene. had to go to the doctor and my blood pressure was so high they left the thing on my arm for like 5 straight minutes because they didn't believe the readings were accurate

>> No.20480737
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The r/antinatalism drama is the most entertaining thing in my life right now.

One of the mods on the original sub is a rape apologist and its driving a good chunk of the community mad. Based rape apologist mod.

>> No.20480760

go back

>> No.20480782

With joy!

>> No.20480783

nothing. people are retarded and deserve to suffer

>> No.20480787

>he replied to every comment in the thread except for mine
Life is pain.

>> No.20480794

If nothing actually matters and all life is a mistake then things like rape or racism shouldn't matter either

>> No.20480799

They matter inasmuch as the pleasure they bring you in return for the risk you're playing. Also, you know, empathy might play a big role in that too.

>> No.20480813

If you have empathy you're not a real nihilist then, just a poser

>> No.20480818

what i've felt and what i've known never shined through in what i've shown

>> No.20480823

Why is everyone this website so misanthropic?

>> No.20480825

The only antinatalists I respect are the ones who commit suicide. Everyone else is a faux-depressed poser

>> No.20480829

Because we're autistic and therefore immune to propaganda of any kind

>> No.20480831

that's a really interesting take. that's actually the first time i've read this opinion, wow.

>> No.20480840

Plenty of reasons to be misanthropic are you fucking blind or just stupid?

>> No.20480844

That's how the old AN thread thought. They didn't like the negative but they didn't seek to control it either, outside of their own commitment against reproduction. In recent years a r/childfree element took control and tried to merge antinatalism with ethics that can only be described as leftist. Most of them had never even read Zapffe or any of the source materials.

What's happening now is the final war between the original r/pessimism style AN and the modern childfree flavor.

Not defending them but that only bolsters their argument.

>> No.20480847

Fuck nihilism. I consider people's emotions when I think about what does and doesn't matter.

>> No.20480861
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Everyone else is posting under the assumption of comprehensive surveillance and a permanent 4chan posting record connected to your DNA sequence, right?

>> No.20480863

tell him to come here to give rape talks

>> No.20480870

another night spent shitposting on /lit/ and not working on my novel... sigh

>> No.20480877

Of course Daniel, why wouldn't we?

He's probably on whatever modern incarnation of incels forum exists, if any.

>> No.20480878

You think you know how bad it is but you have no idea how bad it can get when the average "citizen" is this


These people maintain or will soon maintain most essential services

>> No.20480883

you did the right thing. if it's a bad novel, it isn't worth working on. if it's a good novel, people do not deserve it.

>> No.20480889

How does he defend it?

>> No.20480896
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I want to get fucked on the buttholer

>> No.20480897

Just classic incel stuff, he may even be trolling.
I haven't looked into his profile myself but its stuff like "women like rape" and "only if its Chad" type ideals.

If its trolling, its artistry.

>> No.20480903


>> No.20480912

Incels are the only true keepers of antinatalism/pessimism, don't let it get coopted by normies and liberals

>> No.20480913
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have epidemologic charts ever made you nostalgic?

>> No.20480926

facts fr fr

>> No.20480937

Normies already swatted antinatalism aside like a bug, and have been pissing in pessimists faces for my whole life. I wouldnt worry about them diluting anything.

>> No.20480942

This is basically the heart of the conflict.

r/antinatalism was co-opted by angry childless women who think its about not getting stretchmarks while having zero knowledge of the philosophical underpinnings.

Now do you see why this drama is so fun?

>> No.20480945

There's a reason why the Greeks had four different words for love. Because in modern English 'love' basically means a depth of emotion, not what character that emotion takes.
> So what does it mean to love a lover? And what does it mean to love a friend?
To love a lover usually means to be comfortable being vulnerable and honest with them, literally and figuratively naked, being physically attached to them, integrating your habits and routines with them and cohabiting a living space because you share certain values and 'needs' which compliment one-another.
To love a friend is a more sporadic type of intimacy, your lives aren't intertwined, you won't have children together, you may share meals together: but you live your own lives.

>> No.20480949

I'm wondering how they can get from Hegel to antinatalism while having even the most basic grasp of either.

oh wait, never mind, they haven't the most basic grasp of either

>> No.20480957
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Does the concept of personality actually exist?

What is personality anyway. A collection of our past experiences? My reaction to present moment situations? Personal moral values? My current preferences for art and entertainment.. the way I choose to express it?

Not to mention mirroring.. Huh

>> No.20480964

Yeah I'm about to go read thru all of it actually, sounds funny. The audacity of those women is pretty hilarious. I didnt even consider that the pessimistic foundation wouldn't be selfevident..

>> No.20480965

i resent my dad because he's a functioning alcoholic while i'm a non-functioning one. i know he's as much of a damn addict as me and his liver is gonna shit out on him decades before mine kicks it, but i can't say anything because i'm worse. i just have to watch the fat bastard throw em back knowing he can actually afford it and go about his life that way while i writhe around in squalor and dysfunction like a wounded animal

>> No.20480967

really nice pepe anon.

>> No.20480972

>The audacity of those women is pretty hilarious.
They're trying to make an entire school of philosophy about themselves and are frustrated that its not bending to their will. Its a pisser!

Also they've all been molested/raped. Its a statistical miracle. I must be one weird man having never molested or raped anybody.

>> No.20481002

Just took a look over there that fella sure has them riled up

>> No.20481003

>its stuff like "women like rape"
that's true tho
they also fuck dogs

>> No.20481011
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The gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.20481012

No, it isn’t true.
Some, very few, are into bestiality, but any that are into BDSM aren’t saying they’re into rape

>> No.20481017

you know what else women like? lying

>> No.20481019

To be fair if I was her I'd be probably an anti-natialist too

>> No.20481022


>> No.20481023
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HAHAHA, an antinatalist pagan!

Yeah, lets just promote this pessimist philosophy that condemns nature as a horror show but also I love and worship nature.
They have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.20481024

and shopping

>> No.20481026

and eyeliner

>> No.20481028
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My communist friend keeps trying to provoke me into arguments and it's getting obnoxious. The thing is (and I have said this to him many times), I truly do not care what belief system a person subscribes to. Honest to God. What pisses me off so much is that he provokes me, then presents his ideas as irrefutable gospel, and flat out refuses to consider any view not at least tangentially related to his own (because in his own words, "some things can't be considered because they're evil"). It's getting to the point where just ignoring him, pretending to agree, or trying to change the topic won't work because he just keeps pressing and pressing. I don't know what to do at this point because I refuse to stoop to his level of all-encompassing pessimistic retardom.

>> No.20481030

It's so fucking gay how everything needs to turn into a 'community' and get a subreddit.

>> No.20481032


>> No.20481043


>> No.20481044

Communists are truly religious fanatics. You will have as much success in convincing one of them that Marx was wrong as you would in trying to convince a Salafi that Muhammad was.

>> No.20481055

why would you be friends with someone who annoys you so much?

>> No.20481057

>Normies already swatted antinatalism aside like a bug
Anti-natalism subreddit has 100K users, it's a normie ideology. Honestly kinda worrying, I don't want to be killed by some redditor who thinks he's doing me a favor.

>> No.20481061

>Communists are truly religious fanatics.
religious fanatics who don't have any moral code. that's why they're dangerous

>> No.20481068

Marxist-Leninists. The “scientific socialists” rely on cultish trappings. But you know who else does?

>> No.20481070

I mean REAL normies. Like my cousin.

>> No.20481071

>trans male (FTM) to can get pregnant
That's a "she". I'm sorry. The way FtMs in Ukraine suddenly claimed to be women again and evacuate was a bit of an eye-opener.

>> No.20481082

The not real normies fallacy!

>> No.20481086

forgot those existed

>> No.20481089

Honestly desu I feel like my barometer for what the average person adheres to is probably somewhat inaccurate. But I do feel anti-natalism is something most white liberals believe in, it's why they don't have kids. That's like roughly a quarter of the country. As long as they keep to themselves it's fine I guess, but if they start trying to limit other's ability to have kids I will have a problem.

>> No.20481093

>what the average person adheres to
nothing, average people are like animals

>> No.20481100

>No really. I can tell when a woman wants to be rapped, even while she’s saying stop.
Drink bleach, tardo

>> No.20481108

Liberals would have to grow about 20 iq points to even get started with philosophical pessimism.

>> No.20481109

Sad. Many such cases!

I've known him for a long time and this is a recent development. Normally I can avoid a heated argument but not when he literally says to me "tell me your opinion on x."
It's such a shame because I love to argue, but it feels like he's not interested in finding out the truth in things, he's only interested in proving what he already thinks is right.

I think a true communist would disagree and say that it's the capitalists who don't have a moral code and are guided only by the market.

>> No.20481124

>a true communist would disagree and say that it's the capitalists who don't have a moral code
absolutely. of course without specifying anything about his own morality, because he has none
commies can only think in terms of an efficient hive model to get to. even if they propose a morality it is functional to developing the system
they're literally not human

>> No.20481133

In Iowa I know by now
In the land where they let the children cry

>> No.20481163

>a true communist would disagree and say that it's the capitalists who don't have a moral code and are guided only by the market.
marxism is amoral and does not care much about individuals actions and motivations

>> No.20481190

>saw a flier advertising a company paying you for stool samples
>look it up
>basically, they're looking for the ubermensch who was breastfed until age 5, delivered via vaginal birth, had a clean diet their entire life including childhood, no acne, no digestive issues of any kind, no mental illness, no antibiotic ever, sky high libido, and on top of that be a top-tier athlete (or at least be in pretty good shape)
>and they take the shit and shove it up the ass of people with crohns or IBS or whatever
>get fucking $500 for every single poop you successfully deliver to them
>180k a year for one poop a day

>> No.20481191

Well bros I declined the project that I was ill prepared for. The employer called me several hours later asking me tocome on again, but under someone else. I accepted. Wondering if I shouldn't have. I figured this person must be desperate for a worker to call me back on after I literally said I'm not skilled enough to perform.

>> No.20481192

What the fuck does mental illness have to do with quality of my shit

>> No.20481211

>art of the adept 5
>reviews claim it's absolute shit on the bottom of a descending rollercoaster
>even worse as a series end
wew lads

>> No.20481212

The health of your gut bacteria biome is linked to your mental health. Apparently the bacteria can communicate with the brain.

>> No.20481261

B-b-but anonymous said that was pseudo science!!!

>> No.20481263

>this is what scat fetishists believe

>> No.20481277

it's probably going to hurt a lot when i die
just imagining the raw animal fear mixed with the anguish and the plain old physical suffering
maybe i'll get lucky and die from a lightening strike or a gunshot wound to the head or something

>> No.20481290

Doubt it.

Fear, suffering, pain, panic, these are all due to you having a well-constituted system. When you're dying the system breaks down. Your conscious experience of disliking a system is dependent on a metabolically sound biological system, and dying is the metabolic disintegration of said system.

How can you think "this fucking sucks!" if the very system that supports that thought is now totally fucked?

>> No.20481292

*disliking a situation, rather

>> No.20481298

sounds like you're assuming i'll die in bed in a nursing home
but i'll provide you with one of many infinitely more likely scenarios
if i die of cardiac arrest, my last moments will be ones of intense pain and discomfort, and in all likelihood i will understand what's happening to me and what it means. even though i'll only have a short time to complicate it, it'll be enough to feel abject terror and remorse

>> No.20481304

>sounds like you're assuming i'll die in bed in a nursing home
Not at all. I was actually picturing a cartel torture death where we see the organism responding, but make assumptions about its subjectivity.

>if i die of cardiac arrest, my last moments will be ones of intense pain and discomfort,
Personally for a period of time it will suck, but even your outward appearance to others in this case cannot be trusted. The animal could be in distress but the subject may be in who-the-fuck-knows state of mind. Once you even begin to interrupt cardio-pulmonary function a tiny bit, all bets are off. Just stand up too quickly after sitting for a long period of time. You'll find its neither bad nor good but quickly a fade into god knows what?

>> No.20481313

there's been no shortage of people who've survived heart attacks who can confirm first hand that it's extremely unpleasant. i'll take their word over that of some guy on 4chinks.com
if even the ones you live through are painful, just imagine the ones you don't

>> No.20481319

>there's been no shortage of people who've survived heart attacks
Yes, which means they never suffered total metabolic collapse. Might as well throw NDEs in there. Such reports cannot be trusted because you're dealing with an organism that remained vital through medical intervention. If enough brain survived to recollect, the account can't be trusted.

What you want to know is what happens when the process is allowed to continue past the point of recovery.

>> No.20481321

>Apparently the bacteria can communicate with the brain.
In the same way that the rain can communicate with your brain, or your central heating can. So not at all.
The gut-brain axis isn't that simple, also the body's natural inclination is to create homeostasis, if you have altered gut bacteria your brain is going to secret hormones to correct for that and bring it back to homeostasis. However if you have a chronically unbalanced diet or if you suffer from trauma or constant stress, or if you vagus nerve is compressed or damaged then that homeostasis will always be an uphill battle and the overcompensation of secreting hormones may cause side-effects in other ways.
To simply say "good bacteria = good brain" is to ignore the hundreds of factors at work that can each drastically change the way your metabolism functions. Bad bacteria alone is unlikely to be a problem, your immune system will fight it off, but if you are already immunocompromised or under chronic stress or dealing with trauma - then your immune system can't fight off the bacteria, and that's when you start getting things like stomach ulcers for example.
Not only that, what might be the bacteria person A is missing person B might have in dangerous overabundance

>> No.20481328

you're quibbling
clearly i'm saying my last lucid/ semi lucid moments will hurt
what happens after that is irrelevant because i'm already essentially dead
does dying of suffocation magically not suck just because you were unconscious for the last minute and a half? how much consolation is it to those who died of cerebral hemorrhage that it was only painful until the last moment?

>> No.20481341

I'm saying that your monkey mind has ruled-out alleviation because you're extending your subjectivity past the point where it resembles "healthy" subjectivity.

I want you to stop listening to the scared the monkey. Don't get bogged down by the fear of pain. Pain and suffering are the domain of the healthy, paradoxically.

>> No.20481343

*the scared monkey

fuck, I'm making a lot of mistakes, I'll stop posting now. Goddamn brain. Really the heart of the discussion here.

>> No.20481352

there is no alleviation and there's no shortage of evidence for this
people die in agony, that's why we pump people in hospice care with drugs until the very moment they flatline, because that's the most humane thing we can do short of shooting them as soon as they show up

>> No.20481360

And those people up until brain death have every neuron firing and healthy. Juxtapose that with severe dementia patients. I've cared for severe dementia patients. You could throw darts at them and they wouldn't raise an issue.

>> No.20481367

you're ignoring what i explicitly said earlier, which is that that's simply not my fate. nor is it most people's. dying in the home is a luxury. most of us will become terminally ill while still completely lucid and intelligent

>> No.20481378

>No you won't die painfully, instead you can have ten years of paralysing confusion and distress first where you don't have the capacity to realise you're not constantly being robbed or gaslit or attacked by strangers
Uhh, not him, but wtf?

>> No.20481383

>most of us will become terminally ill while still completely lucid and intelligent
And that is a problem for the lucid, and we do well keeping people lucid enough to live in abject misery, but we get confused when we let the process take over. We spend our lives constructing shitty narratives to hate the process and wonder why we live in fear.

I trust in death as the last word in natural medicine. Not saying that when my time comes I won't cling to the edge like a bat, but that its my life's work to learn why I shouldn't, because deep down we know we shouldn't.

>> No.20481386

The problem is you're using the word "realize" here. In that state you won't realize shit.

>> No.20481394

>The problem is you're using the word "realize" here. In that state you won't realize shit
The problem here is that you read "don't have the capacity to realise" as "realise".

>> No.20481396
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You're right, but the point stands; No capacity to realize, no problem.

>> No.20481397

in my own experience m my grandfather was in a state of acute distress in spite of being far past the point we would consider lucid. the alz is not forgiving, it isn't oblivion. imagine the worst stoned stupor you've ever experienced and multiply that by 100 and you've probably got a more accurate image. you ever notice how the demented are always cursing and moaning and crying? don't you think there's a reason for that?

>> No.20481400

You seem incapable of understanding the sentence, or are deliberately refusing to. Either way, it doesn't stop dementia patients from being in distress, it's just a way of you not dealing with it.

>> No.20481405

I think you're grandfather was likely spared the suffering of higher-order thought, and that whatever the disease had reduced him to cannot be compared to you, sitting in a seat, fearing what those outward signs of distress meant. You really can't get into his head at that point.

Similar to Nagel's bat argument. Never trust the living when it comes to the subjectivity of the dying, myself included.

>> No.20481408

>doesn't stop dementia patients from being in distress
You're assuming the distress of a metabolically intact human system. This is the whole problem with this line of reasoning.

>> No.20481414

No I'm assuming distress of a human. What you're saying seems to imply that human distress is void in those with diabetes, which is obviously risible and callous.

>> No.20481418

>What you're saying seems to imply that human distress is void in those with diabetes
I don't see how I ever said that. Assuming we're not talking about a person slipping into a diabetic coma, this is just another case of unhealthy system brought to equilibrium and sustained by medical intervention, otherwise they would give directly over to the death process.

>> No.20481420

sorry i'm gonna back out i'm getting really sad and i don't want to think about this anymore. i wish i hadn't brought it up. have a good night anon, i hope you're right

>> No.20481426

Hey, Hey!

I'm sorry. I had to watch others go the same way. In fact I'm doing it as we speak. Hopefully you're just sad that I'm an idiot. In that case, don't be. Never feel for the idiot.

>> No.20481429

>I don't see how I ever said that.
>You're assuming the distress of a metabolically intact human system. This is the whole problem with this line of reasoning
Dementia patients and diabetes patients are both not metabolically intact human systems and your voiding of dementia patients suffering was based on this line of reasoning you came up with; it follows that any metabolically non-intact human is equally as void, ergo the diabetes patient's suffering can equally be dismissed from the category of distress. You painted yourself into that corner.

>> No.20481432

Death is such a crappy subject for humans.
That's why Zapffe lamented so strongly man's "knowing," and the cosmic sense of distress it imparted.

>> No.20481436

I'm speaking of neuronal death, not the metabolic failure of all the systems that don't directly lead to it.

>> No.20481439

I clearly entered this argument with the line that it was years of distress until that point, in comparison to anon's alternative of a brief distress from any other death which is not preceded by years of deep suffering.>>20481378
You again seem to be incapable of understanding the sentence.

>> No.20481444


This general is stupid and y'all niggas LOQUACIOUS

>> No.20481445

>years of distress until that point
And I guess I'm speaking from "that point," and that all the distress leading up is lamenting living and not dying.

>You again seem to be incapable of understanding the sentence.
I guess so. I'm just sensing the tendency to project into situations where we would be better served not to.

>> No.20481447

I went to school with a Loquacious. To be fair I grew up in the inner-city.

>> No.20481452

>that all the distress leading up is lamenting living and not dying.
That's patently untrue for dementia patients. Their distress is not lamenting living and not dying, and you yourself have posited they would be incapable of such a realisation.
>I'm just sensing the tendency to project into situations where we would be better served not to.
I don't think you are as you've done this more than most anon posts. Even when it contradicts your own such previous projections as above.

>> No.20481459

I'm friends with so many benefits!

>> No.20481471

>I don't think you are
I can sense it in others and not deny I'm doing it myself. My whole claim is that it doesn't serve us but I hold no special position outside of the argument. I'm alive waiting for it to hit just like you.

>incapable of such a realisation
I believe that to put their subjective misery on a footing with that of a well-constituted consciousness (whatever the hell that is) may mislead us.

>> No.20481475


>> No.20481478

I cannot comprehend it.

>> No.20481481

>I believe that to put their subjective misery on a footing with that of a well-constituted consciousness (whatever the hell that is) may mislead us
And I called that risible and callous. Your pollyannaish view may be comforting to you, but you are doing it in a way which dismisses real suffering and distress which would disturb you as not real, and therefore at the expense of others. That's what makes it tip from optimism to callous and selfish disregard of reality to minimise your own distress.

>> No.20481483

my problems are all my own fault and i am the one making me unhappy

>> No.20481488


>> No.20481491

It's funny to be called pollyannaish, being a philosophical pessimist.

My entire point was I leave my appreciations and condemnations at the door once we start talking about the dying brain. No more, no less.

>> No.20481501

Well, if you try to argue that dementia patients don't really suffer, people will tell you that you are being overly optimistic to the point of dismissing reality. I doubt you are philosophical pessimist, since you refuse to accept distress of others as valid, and you haven't left your "appreciations and condemnations" at the door as you've constantly introduced them including by trying to override others experiences of dementia as invalid. Philosophical pessimism would actually help you to accept suffering as a reality rather than having to do these mental gymnastics to dismiss suffering as not real because it would make you uncomfortable to accept.

>> No.20481502

called a nice gentleman a faggot while nutting in his butt and perhaps that was too far. it's not right to say such things, no matter how horny you are

>> No.20481517

Does anyone here use Memrise? Post your usernames and I'll add you. I need some competition to keep me motivated.

>> No.20481527

My autism consequently makes me undomesticated, an unsocialized savage mind undiscerning of civilized pragmatics.

>> No.20481533

I do, arseniykc

>> No.20481535

>you try to argue that dementia patients don't really suffer
Not like we are now trying to place ourselves in that place, no. Could be 10x better or worse, or some tangent we'll never understand until we're their, and with dementia patients in consideration, "we" won't be there.

>> No.20481538

No, you post yours and we’ll come after you.
Oh! I mean… come looking for you.

>> No.20481554

How would ancient greeks feel about the /r/smalldickgirls sub?

>> No.20481564


>> No.20481581

Jesus. This shit is just depressing. They all probably lead happier lives than me too.

>> No.20481584

It's okay anon, I know that feel. I couldn't get a (You) to save my life.

>> No.20481595

I'm convinced microplastics are the great filter

>> No.20481608 [DELETED] 

it's /snrub/

>> No.20481649

Managed to develop a crush on someone I’ve only met a couple of times. I knew that would be the result if I kept stalking her twitter profile, but even so still kept at it. We aren’t part of the same circles and, barring some happenstance, will probably never meet again.
The whole thing wouldn’t be so bad if I could at least see her irl, since my crush would either evaporate after getting to know her or I would be able to make a move and get the whole matter done with.

>> No.20481660

yeah but for the sake of reaching its goals it will make accusations of immorality. don't forget that commies not only are immoral but they also embrace doublethink

>> No.20482148
File: 417 KB, 439x577, Screenshot 2022-06-06 at 12.57.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing's going on inside that head

>> No.20482166
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 1653342064584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she was my wife. She would just believe anything I told her and give me blowies on demand.

>> No.20482423

I'm sure they all have university degrees

>> No.20482522
File: 76 KB, 474x546, BD4D1401-79C6-45C4-89CE-C0D96AC2C41D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back faggot >>>/s4s/

>> No.20482554

Yeah they all look so happy.

>> No.20482566

I wish I wasnt awake for work right now.

>> No.20482570

What do you anon's actually write about?

>> No.20482572

This is my blog

>> No.20482666

Kill your self

>> No.20482682

Off boarder must have made the new thread.
Here’s the link anyway.

Hey, asshole. This is the general where you write what’s on your mind. No one cares if you post a /b/tard post here. We do, however, care when the board is flooded with off topic frogs etc. trying to get attention away from the board theme.
Take your ugliness out here.