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/lit/ - Literature

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20427720 No.20427720 [Reply] [Original]

It’s time to admit it anons. Post books that filtered you. I’ll go first: pic rel.

>> No.20427776

Ride the Tiger.

>> No.20427843

what does it mean to be filtered? take pity on a newfag

>> No.20427849

It means you, the reader, didn't understand something.

For example. Most everyone here gets filtered by math, which is the only reason they're into literature.

>> No.20427859
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>eighty six named characters in four pages
>half of them have apostrophes
visceral disgust

>> No.20427860
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I can't even this.

>> No.20427880

Naked Lunch.
(Either that, or it's just rubbish. and given how much I enjoyed Finnegans Wake, Last Exit To Brooklyn, etc. I'm veering toward the latter.)
also Phenomenology of Spirit, and Critique of Pure Reason.

>> No.20427882

Couldn't appreciate more like
Pic rel

>> No.20427884

I've never been filtered because I don't read

>> No.20427904
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Couldnt penetrate the writing style. It's just a list of theses!

>> No.20427938
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>> No.20427942

I don't want to admit it, but here I am

>> No.20427962
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had to read this in school, i understood nothing, i didn't get the point he was trying to make or if there was even a point

>> No.20427987

virtually everything i read
>t. 107 iq and ADHD

>> No.20427993

Lord of the Rings. I loved the movies but was completely caught off guard by Tolkien's writing style. Endless genealogies, poems, songs that make no sense in the context of the narrative, and an extreme emphasis on minutiae. I didn't like the Hobbit either. It was extremely repetitive and the films were bad.

>> No.20428003


It’s typical Marxist rhetoric. Purposefully vague and pretentious. That book is trash.

>> No.20428007

Gender Trouble
I wouldn't even say that I was filtered, it's just insufferable to read, both in style and subject matter

>> No.20428251

It might be the most impenetrable philosophy work ever written, so I understand
Read Adventures of Ideas and Modes of Thought first

>> No.20428261


>> No.20428347

Chicka chicka boom boom

>> No.20428349

Probably the brothers Karmazov
Gave up before finishing the first third of the book
Yes, I am retarded.

>> No.20428356

Pale Fire

>> No.20428360

>It means you, the reader, didn't understand something.

More specifically, it means that you didn't understand such a large portion of the work that you gave up reading it, or powered through just to gain nothing in the end.

>> No.20428363

Because it’s supposed to emulate an epic or chronicle.

>> No.20428371
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>> No.20428390

Your first Dostoevsky?

>> No.20428409

Well that's the worst thing about it, it's not. I loved C&P, The Idiot was enjoyable too, Demons blew me away and then some. Notes from the Underground was riveting too.

Then came The Adolescent which I found outright boring, and I suppose it has to do with being let down, that that feeling carried onto the next book, TBK. I decided I will take a break from anything Dostoiesvki for at least ten months or so.

Perhaps I am becoming vulgar...

>> No.20428416
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Not picrel, but every book mentioned within.

>> No.20428420
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>getting filtered by a Children’s novel

>> No.20428458

Scary! BK is the only Dosto I haven't read yet. Hopefully I don't get filtered as well.

Currently reading War & Peace and frankly I find Tolstoy's writing a breeze in comparison to Dostoevsky.

>> No.20428503

>I find Tolstoy's writing a breeze in comparison to Dostoevsky.

In what sense? I wanted to get into Tolstoy after I'm done with Gogol (some short stories were recommended to me). I'm curious now!

>> No.20428534

Mostly just length and structure of his sentences. Tolstoy never writes sentences that take up a quarter of the page with a dozen commas. His writing is a lot more 'normal' I suppose. His characters don't ramble all over the place. I don't dislike that aspect of Dostoevsky's writing but it does lead to more re-reading and head scratching (for me anyway.)

I started with Anna Karenina, then a bunch of short stories, now I'm onto W&P. Enjoyed it all.

>> No.20428541

Thank you fren. Now I know what to expect. I always liked the massive commas used by Dostoievski, but still would like to read another style from time to time.

I liked "A hero of our time" by Lermontov. Brilliant and, while in some aspects reminiscent of Dostoievsky, in others it is simpl fresh. It is a short story too. The author has got a sense of humour I hadn't seen before :)

Have a good night fren, I'm going to sleep. Pleasure talking to you :D

>> No.20428557
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honestly picrel even though I'm still reading it

>> No.20428562

oh come on that was my entry text into Nietzsche. really? its aphorisms. doesn't necessarily have a theme.

>> No.20428568
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>Filtered by the entire Western Canon

>> No.20428570
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Good night bud. Lermontov is definitely on my radar for an upcoming read.

>> No.20428611

All are terrible books. Feel no shame, lads.

>> No.20428620

I have never been filtered

>> No.20428622

Butler and its ilk should be thoroughly patronized

>> No.20428660

I think this what they call trolling sir.

>> No.20428910

What do you think of Golgol? Which short stories did you read?

>> No.20428991
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The way it’s worded is too much for my smoothbrain. I just watched two videos instead explaining what happened in Inferno + Purgatorio

>> No.20429091

The sequel is much more clear and honestly you can forego all the analysis of Marxist movements that make up the largest chapter of this book.

>> No.20429094

Man, Nick Land ended up being a parody of himself. I hate him so much, is unreal, bros

>> No.20429125
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Boring characters, outdated, feels like an old B-movie, characters talk in a strange way. I gave up after 4 hours.

>> No.20429458
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>> No.20429559

A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.20429568

>it's supposed to be bad

>> No.20429687

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out

>> No.20429698

One of the greatest poems in the history of mankind/kidkind/mankid

>> No.20429764
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>> No.20429788

It's just a fragmented degenerate story that attempts to portray a heroin addicts fever dreams during cravings and withdrawal. There's nothing to "get", you just can't into abstract art.

>> No.20429798

wtf do u mean

>> No.20429808

I was quite young when I read this. I think you're exaggerating. It's only sixty five names you have to remember. The rest aren't that important.