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20418234 No.20418234 [Reply] [Original]

do most women read books?

>> No.20418241
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>> No.20418243

Women are vile
They have poison juices inside of them
Stay pure anon
Don’t let them corrupt you with their vile juices

>> No.20418317
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Most book clubs are for housewives

Housewives have the most free time of any demographic,
they get bored when husband and children are at work and school, home alone, and before/after doing chores they read or watch soap operas,
statistically most readers are women (the reverse of OP’s question).

>> No.20418322

Do most men?

>> No.20418352
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I've seen more women read contemporary novels more than men.
Contemporary books can be a hit or miss but on the men side we aren't any better when 90% all read the same self help crap too.

>> No.20418375

No, dog brains don't read. They "want to" but never start, just like everyone else but gayer.

>> No.20418510

Only if their friends do.

>> No.20418515

Yeah I confirm, also retired people

>> No.20418530

Who was that one female author that exposed the subtle ways they control men? She was an M.D. but I just can't recall her name

>> No.20418541

>movie is so low-budget they have to rely on photoshop for the catering
Even Hollyjew is becoming desperate to turn a profit with their bankruptcy of good ideas.

>> No.20418542

We must protect our precious bodily fluids

>> No.20418543

Actually. . . . that would've been a solid opener if he followed through. Put her 100% on defense but not on the retreat. Hmm.

>> No.20419123

nigga I ain't trynna open no book I'm finna open them legs

>> No.20419288

I will have sex this evening with a girl who reads :)

>> No.20419297

If she's having sex with you, I doubt she does it very well

>> No.20419304

>They have poison juices inside of them
This is cool because its actually kinda true Women's vaginal discharge is actually acidic enough to bleach their underwear.

>> No.20419314
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I need to know more of this.

>> No.20419322

holy reddit post

>> No.20419388

>https://youtu.be/m1nAAhDeugk [Open]
Love from kazakhstan

>> No.20419438
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I am am from Kazakhstan, but this lass deserves some respect for actually laying down the formula for inspection.

>> No.20419444

they read shit like YA fantasy novel and

>> No.20419445
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And WHAT anon??

>> No.20419446
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More women read then men. But the difference between men and women is mosstly WHAT we read

>> No.20419452

bad romance novel

>> No.20419473

Very true, although its kind of creepy having it laid out.

>> No.20419507

If anything I am more secure in that I understand things clearer and can now apply this knowledge to practice.
Namely beating women.

>> No.20419529

Blah blah blah blah.
Can someone give me the cliff's notes? I don't have a short attention span, but this monotonal slut hasn't gotten to a single point in the past 5 minutes.

>> No.20419536

2x speed retard.

>> No.20419546

Outside of Harry Potter and Tolkien far will have read much. Unfortunately.

>> No.20419555

My girl listens to metal music and sometimes threatens me with a knife but I don't think she reads books

>> No.20419832

Women navigate the world by taking advantage of people's willingness to be manipulated, placated, appealed to, etc. Women subject themselves to varying degrees of genuine intention when doing this, because they can never know for certain what the consequences for this behavior will be. A woman's independence is predicated on this reflexive posture. This can manifest as situational awareness when a woman is unsure of her safety, or coldness to a romantic partner as a hedge bet in case he becomes incompatible for whatever reason.

This knowledge can be learned by the late master Patrice O'Neal

>> No.20420104

Is that you Thrawn?

>> No.20420761


>"Bitch I ain't..."

Negresses don't read.

>> No.20420839

Stop trying to connect with women thru shared interests. If you want a meaningful connection/relationship then find someone who shares your values. There’s plenty of time to consume music, art, literature, etc.

>> No.20421099

Villar's "The Manipulated Man". Heard of it in this board but never read it. Good link btw, but you posted the worst video of that girl

>> No.20421175
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Women and gays read flavour of the month biographies and feminist young adult fantasy

Men read self-help and pulp fantasy

Cunts reads "the classics" (what does that even mean?) and talk about reading "the classics"

Midwits read flavour of the month non-fiction and take every word as gospel, repeating it to everyone

GigaChads grab the next book they see and read it in one go

>> No.20421234
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Simple as that.
Books are free, the globalists don't want you to know this, but you can just download books on libgen.rs. I have 243 pdfs in on my phone that I will never read.

>> No.20421263

I heckin love science, bros! Updoots!

>> No.20421267

That sucks, dude. Does she at least take it in the ass?

>> No.20421416

I use ca1lib.org but they cap the number you can have for free each day. That said, I have hundreds now too, and in epub format not stinky pdf

>> No.20421428
File: 186 KB, 893x675, TheSocialistDeletedFreeBook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You should be a socialist!"
>Free book link deleted
Reality is funnier than fiction

>> No.20421586

Hell yeah brother, instead of cringe lame-ass snooze shit like poetry and religion, us men (sigma gender!) read scifi and graphic novels.

>> No.20421629

those lists are shit as well. spirituality and religion could be the summa theologica or zen as f*ck: a journal for practicing the mindful art of not giving a sh*t, poetry could be rimbaud’s illuminations or it could be milk and honey. the only thing you can conclude from this list is that men and women consume cringe.

>> No.20421699

on god bruh, fr fr no cap

>> No.20421835

I thought these questions had been settled. Men dont read, women read nonsense. Do we really need another thread?

>> No.20421895

Yuh but only YA trash

>> No.20421952

finna fr unga unga

>> No.20421966

If she spent as much on a microphone as she did on having her portraits taken, I might watch her video.

>> No.20421984

You're just gonna brush over the history, politics and classics? Why are you trying to cherry-pick a simple chart that we can all see?

Besides, its all meaningless if we don't see what books in those categories are actually being read.

>> No.20421986
File: 60 KB, 600x399, 1652169710984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally one of the worst movies I had ever seen in theaters since my mother wanted to go see it when I visited her. Thanks a lot for bringing this movie back into my memory after I spend a good few weeks expunging it after I left the theaters.

>> No.20422009

books are a commodity and the mode of production of the world is capitalist, the publisher DMCAs everything regardless of subject

>> No.20422197

capitalism is not a mode of production, it's a state of the control and transferability of capital. What the capital actually is would constitute the mode of production, mostly that is industrial, industrial agricultural, and service today.
Arguably copyright is anti-capitalistic because it creates state-enforced monopolies. Under some kind of "pure" theoretical capitalist system, any firm would be able to produce physical books containing the information of say Harry Potter and compete with each other. Maybe this results in better quality physical books and/or lower costs for consumers maybe it doesn't (occasionally that ideal can actually happen but it's rare, usually it's just a race to the bottom or firms invent schemes where they all make more money by not directly competing), but the point is that it would be allowed. Currently whoever publishes Harry Potter has a state enforced monopoly on a very specific type of product, and Rowling herself has a more bizarre kind of "intellectual monopoly" on various distinctive concepts in the books which under normal circumstances only she or someone she permits can write about.
Though there's still a capitalistic element in that the copyright can bought and sold freely.

>> No.20422240

it says religion and spirituality and women are reading the horosCOPE fag

>> No.20422241

based and kinsella pilled

>> No.20422254

It's one of the few things that women excel over men. I'd say 4 out of 10 women read books while 2 out of 10 men do. And of course I don't count manchildren comics

>> No.20422379

Vacate this website and go back to the "front page of internet"

>> No.20422437
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You don't understand innovation. Ideas have zero marginal cost; once produced they are free to copy. But it takes work to produce them. This is why a monopoly on ideas must be instituted, otherwise there's no economic incentive to their production. But capitalism relies on constant growth to be stable, and this growth depends on innovation. Patents and author's rights are really important to the system and free competition (i.e. I can do whatever I want and pay no royalties) just can't produce the same results

>> No.20422448
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I remember a girl coming over and asking me to read Bukowski. I remember being really impressed until she attested that she was a lesbian and that coming over at 3am didn't mean anything.
A little later she ended up getting with the local bar fly who goes through women like shoes.

Truly, life imitates fiction.

>> No.20422522

all lesbian women are still straight
and all straight trannies are still "lesbian"

>> No.20422830

have sex

>> No.20422875

isnt this the guy who fired his entire media company after they started to unionize

>> No.20422888

Underappreciated post.

>> No.20423025

Nah that was cenk uygyr

>> No.20423032

no it was nathan j robinson too

>> No.20423314


>> No.20423345

>Bitch I ain't reading a book
Ah yes I can sense the dainty feminine physiognomy

>> No.20423356

He also said that socialism would have been better had Marx never existed.

>> No.20423358

Can someone tell me how you actually download a pdf / epub from this?


>> No.20423372

You'd be find u1lib.org easier and more comprehensive
But if you insist on using the other then when you click on an option, note the "GET" at the top of the page. Just click that and it'll give you the option to download

>> No.20423376

the only club a housewife should partake in is the one I hold in my hand.

>> No.20423379

>self help crap

maybe YOU do, but I have better things to do with my time, like construct systems of metaphysics

>> No.20423385

>history, sci fi, political

we have the best taste, gentlemen

>> No.20423741
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>Current affairs
>Science fiction


makes you think huh

>> No.20423756
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>middle aged upper class yt w*men

>> No.20423785


>> No.20423822

my gf mostly reads trashy ya but has the self-awareness to know it's not objectively good stuff
she reads more than i do and has read most classics

>> No.20423904

Define "Read", define "Books" and define "Women"

>> No.20423923
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>my gf

>> No.20425027

Based Prussianist

>> No.20425037

White women talk this way now. Ebonics won, chud.

>> No.20425046

Onga fr bruh we ahh

>> No.20425055

Based and true

>> No.20425789

How's high school?

>> No.20427030

> sorted by popularity among both men and women combined

>> No.20427084

Certainly more women read books than men.

>> No.20427107

Uhm anons other than dune what is good sci-fi?

>> No.20427155

I used to date a girl who said she had done and enjoyed anal before but she I could never get her to let me do it so I broke up with her. I miss her.

>> No.20427173
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I hate women

>> No.20427254

>religion and spirituality
Given how often the theology section of my local bookstores are filled with books about Wicca, Witchcraft and Occult garbage, I have a feeling that spirituality and religion primarily means this sort of pop-Paganism and not actual studies in religion or theology.

>> No.20427285

incels don't think that far, as a general rule tho most people are fucking retarded and I'm glad they don't read because there opinions on said books would be worthless anyways.

>> No.20427304

Men cannot become women. You are a freak. Your parents live in constant "what did we do wrong" mode even if they suppress it for you.

>> No.20428422

>a bloo bloo bloo
Lol, keep it up.

>> No.20428430
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my girlfriend reads gk chesterton, the bible, and manga exclusively.

>> No.20428438

Good morning beautifuls

>> No.20428453

I asked a woman once if she wanted to borrow a book and she said she couldn’t focus long enough to read a whole page of anything.

>> No.20428811

what the fuck are you doing nigger?

>> No.20428872

fruh fruh bruh buh

>> No.20428927
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It's an actual book, anon.

>> No.20428950

Holy sh*t

>> No.20428962

W* sh**ld j*st d* *w*y w*th v*w*ls *nt*r*ly tbpf.

>> No.20428964

First step for English to morph with Hebrew

>> No.20428971


>> No.20429007

Zoomertongue is worse than blackspeech

>> No.20429012

Hot and checked

>> No.20429029

Esther Vilar?

>> No.20429703
File: 29 KB, 480x540, 7 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met my then to be wife off the back of Oswald Mosley speeches when she was a baby murdering faggot enabling globalist (default setting and they do this because they think this is what men actually want).
In my older years i've realised Islam is the salient and correct remedy to modernity, yet i've created a blood and soil pagan schizo, who in turn is raising a new generation of hyperborean wheatfield enjoyers.
Truly there is a God who weaves poetry into our lives, beautiful and hilarious poetry making us eat our own words and hang by our own gallows.
Be careful what you give your woman to read. Because they do read, they do understand, and they can take things to do with society, culture and family extremely seriously; so much so that I would wager their seemingly stale and boring nature is actually a natural remedy against the excited research of most intelligent men.
Women are the wardens of society and the filter of the gene pool (hence the push to turn them into materialist whores by those who despise order).

>> No.20429722

It's the sort of socialism where the hooknoses play musical chairs and the rest of us aren't invited to the party to begin with.

>> No.20429770

Oh my science! What a great post, have some reddit gold!

>> No.20429772

shi onga fr fr no cap we finna try bus a nut cuh

>> No.20430627

WOAH! Ground-breaking news

>> No.20430716

Yeah, this is a safe, but boring choice. If she doesn't read, you can pivot into why she doesn't, which is sure to stir something up.

I have a lovely gf now, but when I was on dating apps, I would send the most balls-to-the-wall wild thing I could think of in literally 2 seconds. For example, "I bet I can jump higher than you."

It doesn't matter what you say, as long as they respond with something. From there you just have to use wit and charm to keep them interested. It's not too hard, but maybe thats because I've been given privileges that it's hard for me to see

>> No.20430799

in my experience yus, usually more then men. i think it has something to do with them not being able to grasp complexity. plus like 70% of men are npcs not able to think for themselves