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20329563 No.20329563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did you met a smart girl reading good books like Guénon or something ?
I met one, unfortunately she's a bit old (I'm 24 and she's 31). And she has some magical and mediumnic capacities but is not totally stable (my spiritual father says she's half mad).
So do you search women who read smart books ? How ? What does it mean about them ?

>> No.20329626

>Did you met a smart girl reading good books
no. never go for "smarties", they usually dont have anything to offer except for mediocre conversations. if i wanted to talk about books, i would find a guy.
get a girl who loves cooking and cleaning. that's it

>> No.20329653

Smart girls is a bait. Girls can regurgitate information but they don't formulate their own opinions from what i've seen. I've only ever met one smart girl in my life and she has an eidetic memory and now goes to Oxford University. That being said intelligence isn't a quality I desire in a women. It's just a bonus

>> No.20329663

Guys can’t get pregnant

>> No.20329786

I think you're right anon. I thought there could be genuinely intelligent women

>> No.20329804

I am 22 but I'm considering finding a girl 2 to 4 years younger than me with a semblance of intelligence and potential and recommend her to read the books I consider important. This I think is the only way I could a woman who would share my values in life.

>> No.20329826

Women look down on men who read books

>> No.20329846

No. The point is to impress women with you being smart.

>> No.20329854

It's better to find a nice receptive girl and bring her to your level than deal with an intellectually arrogant woman who at best has a generic university education and thus knows fucking nothing.

>> No.20329867

Only if they are unattractive.

>> No.20329872

No one cares. Just do what you like to do.

>> No.20329884

Can 100% confirm, dated a genuinely intelligent girl for two years and she used her mental capacity for just social climbing and gaslighting me. Her intellect was just a mixture of interests within her social circle, mostly mine. Terrible experience overall.

>> No.20329894

I am talking to one and so far she seems to be admiring me - undeservedly so in my opinion. I don't think I'm really anything special considering that we are on /lit/, but in her words she has "a lot of respect for my intelligence." I think the women around you just might be plebs.

>> No.20329944

Why did she gaslight you ? And is that bad she climbed the social ladder ?

You're right but the point is to find a girl with the ability to follow you.

>> No.20329971

you want a girl you can indoctrinate because you couldn't handle a woman with an independent thought? pretty weak

>> No.20329984

I handle people - man and woman - with independent thoughts on a daily basis. That doesn't mean I would want to share my life with them. For marriage I need someone who shares my values.

>> No.20329990

Because that's women do if you let them, I had no experience at the time. If you open up, women interpret it as weakness and won't shy away from any dirty manipulation to squeeze the most out of you. Unsurprisingly, she's in politics now, truly awful person even for a woman. I've had far nicer girls since then - none as smart - but I suspect the relationships were better because I already knew not to confide in them. What's the point then, you might ask. There's none.

>> No.20330005

sharing values from an independent and personal background is a thing; you, on the other hands, made it sound like you would shove your personal views and values down someone else's throat before being able to share a life wit them. that's completely different

>> No.20330028

I would only recommend them to engage with the books that inform my values. Whether they accept it or not is not something I have any part in.

>> No.20330042

Most women I dated were smarter than me, but that doesn't say much. I have nothing to show for myself but I don't think, I could date a truly dumb person.
But also, my intention isn't breeding, marriage or living together. I treat women mostly like my friends, but also have sex with them.

>> No.20330065

This is blatantly untrue. There are entire social media accounts devoted to taking pictures of guys reading in public and fawning over them.
You're just ugly.

>> No.20330148
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Read picrel and then take a walk outside.

>> No.20330151

Women don't respect "intelligent" men that seem weak and need to read books

>> No.20330164

>don't read the traditionalists, goy, read the kosher philosophy textbook

>> No.20330167

>regurgitate information but they don't formulate their own opinions
How is this a gendered phenomenon, exactly? I have seen this exact opinion posted in every /r9k/ style thread on /lit/; it certainly does not sound like a self-realized position arrived at through any critical thinking. You are not any less of a drone or dullard by merit of resenting other people.

>> No.20330192

More like:
>don't dive head first into some shit a bunch of autists told was based and epic
Not sure how that's "kosher" exactly? You may need meds sadly.

>> No.20330199


>> No.20330201
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>Smart girls is a bait. Girls can regurgitate information but they don't formulate their own opinions from what i've seen. I've only ever met one smart girl in my life and she has an eidetic memory and now goes to Oxford University. That being said intelligence isn't a quality I desire in a women. It's just a bonus

>> No.20330208

Does the fact that every Guenon thread makes me want to gobble the codeine pills I have in my medicine cabinet mean that Guenon, who was a great enjoyer of smoking opium without pause to assist his meditation, is talking to me across space and time, beckoning me to get high as fuck?

>> No.20330229

I haven't met any women reading any books because I read in the comfort of my own home where there are no women

Also I always wanted an older gf because I am pretty much an old man myself (don't like loud commotions, get really tired after 11 pm, like to cut coupons etc)

>> No.20330232

it means that you should go on grindr and get fucked in the ass

>> No.20330549

All of you are wrong. You should date women that are intelligent. Not for good conversations or to have someone to challenge you, but so you have smart children. Intelligence is inherited maternally. You want to have smart children and having children is the only reason I can think of to go anywhere near a woman, besides hedonistic pleasure.

>> No.20330569

Women challenge us no matter how smart they are

>> No.20330572

A smart girl (or boy, for that matter) would never read this shit, have sex