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/lit/ - Literature

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20198429 No.20198429[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to overcome depression?

>> No.20198433

Getting off /lit/

>> No.20198434

Do 100 burpees

>> No.20198444

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse (or almost anything written by Hermann Hesse for that matter)

>> No.20198456

Not my diary desu

>> No.20198457


>> No.20198470
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Good luck friend.
I don't want to sound saccharine or insincere but I am rooting for you.

>> No.20198490

Man’s search of meaning

>> No.20198493
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I found pic related on the review page for the book on amazon. I might check it out.
Don't meds mentally castrate you?

>> No.20198514

ive read over 2000 books and it didn't do anything

reading doesn't do anything, you need to act, get out of your house etc

>> No.20198517

healthy food, exercise, walking, socialising, reading, music, travelling, working on your goals, green tea

>> No.20198525

>Don't meds mentally castrate you?
This is the stupid goddamn thing people say. People have said this to me too. You do not get dumber, and you don't turn into a zombie. Here's the choice.

a.You feel slightly less, but are mentally stable and can function as a human being, free of crippling self-hatred, or
b. you can't fall asleep because you can't stop thinking about how much of a worthless fucking failure you are and crying. Which happened to me last night, because I forgot to take my meds.

>> No.20198529

>Don't meds mentally castrate you?
Not him
The don't but there is no need to take them for now. Physical activity is often overlooked by people since they're over sold. All books, based on science, will recommend it to you. Do it and you'll save yourself money and time.

>> No.20198533

>Don't meds mentally castrate you?
Not in my experience. If you have endless amounts of anxiety, then they really will help, it'll stop that feeling in your chest that your soul is boiling in oil. When my anxiety started to fade I cried tears of joy for the first time in my life.

>> No.20198546


Dubs of Truth. You can also try different meds, folks. If one is making you feel loggy or side-affect ridden, get to a good place and try another. Your happiness is worth the small effort to find the thing that works.

>> No.20198568

Reality Transurfing steps I-IV by Vadim Zeland

>> No.20198588
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In that vein, any recommendations of books that just make you feel empowered? Books that make you feel just good and capable?
>bonus if based and red-pilled

>> No.20198611

Carlos Castanedas dealings with Don Juan

>> No.20198617

The essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson, particularly Seld Reliance and the Representative Men collection.

>> No.20198624

I already work out regularly.
How much do meds cost? I live in America.

>> No.20200046


>> No.20200141

just try and see the funny side

>> No.20200157
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This is the stuff that a lot of therapists will teach you, except you don't have to pay for a therapist to learn it.

>> No.20200230
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Misery is a form of stupidity, and whoever has a modicum of intelligence does not rest on it for long.
I recommend suicide if you really can't get out of it, because it's a sign that you're not fit for life.

>> No.20200280

Cope of an ESL.

>> No.20200285

Get the fuck out of here, subhuman.

>> No.20200290

What a damn fool. Take your own advice.

>> No.20200328

You think depression is just being sad? lmao

You must be in public school still huh

>> No.20200333

Hey fag what is your steam? Let's just talk it out

>> No.20200357
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I do not think it is mere sadness, but it cannot be denied that those who suffer from it are adolescents or mentally weak.
And just like the worst people, only the worst literature has anything to do with 'depression'.

>> No.20200375

>Don't meds mentally castrate you?
No, not unless you're hooked on neuroleptics or that kind of shit, but don't expect any miracle with 'normal' meds. I suffer from anxiety and depression and I've tried several treatment over the years, none of them had the slightest impact on me. I only had a few negative effect (a sore throat with Zoloft, and weird pseudo-electric shock in the brain when I stopped Venlafaxine cold turkey).
Some people are really responding to it though. So don't hesitate, you're not necessarily going to become a zombie, just don't expect drugs to miraculously change your life.

>> No.20200532
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>> No.20200580

should you buy drugs that make you tolerate the situation you're in?
yeah, it's called B12
should you pay people to talk to you?
yeah, with reciprocating kindness
should you just do nothing while expecting anything?
probably not

>> No.20200635

if you have real depression then nothing will help except medicine if you are lucky.

>t. bipolar 1 depressed all the time

>> No.20200845

Anon exposes himself for not understanding anything about brain function and the human condition. Why are you on lit if you obviously dont read much or do critical thinking?

Read about the limbic system bucko. Read about how trauma disturbs the whole system. Read about genetic disposition to nuerochemical issues. Read about learned helplessness and how your brain filters information to the hypothalamus to send the hormones that influence our state and actions. If you are so strong mentally I guess you dont even need your brain since you are above it.

>> No.20200863

I read it. I still feel nothing afterwards. Felt like the latter half become an ad for logotherapy and stopped short of reading all of it.

>> No.20200898

>small effort
>fucking your mind for weeks at a time

>> No.20200947

A book won't cure your depression. You need to meditate (lots of good apps to teach you different methods), see a therapist, see your doctor, do exercise, give yourself goals, and eat good quality food. You also need to practice mindfulness.

If all this sounds exhausting, I get it, but trust me, you will start to feel better.

>> No.20200964

Completely the opposite is actually the case. Depression is heavily correlated with high intelligence. Additionally, you should know that a ridiculously high proportion of the 20th century's greatest writers suffered from depression, so it's no surprise that there will be similar kinds of people on a /lit/ board.

>> No.20200976

Do you believe you are stronger and more mature than Winston Churchill ever was, seeing as he suffered from visits from "the black dog"?

>> No.20200999

How about some psychology or philosophy books ?
Depression differs in everybody.
I cured mine by staying one year totally alone, only working out and playing the guitar. I started the year 100% suicidal and 9 months later I was clear and immune to sadness.
I also stopped eating and drinking refined sugar.
Hope that helps bro

>> No.20201001

Get a dog and go outside. Idk, go buy coffee and pastries in the morning. Listen to music on your walk there. Go on a roadtrip. Contact your friends and go get a drink at some bar.

>> No.20201004

start with the greeks

>> No.20201139
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Depression isn't real. You are what you do, if you sulk in idle misery that is what you are, you could do and be otherwise.

>> No.20201358

I've realized that I've been having an existential depression all this time. Meds didnt work in my case.

>> No.20201485

This guy started well
>Depression isn't real.
When did melancholy, the most noble stance a human could occupy with all great artists producing there finest works under such conditions: Bach's Mass in B minor written with the stiff hands of a blind man, Rembrandts drawings of his own face as it ages, Du Fu, china's greatest poet, attaining to indifference after the loss of his son to needles starvation, Hamlet written with Shakespeare son Hamnet 4 years dead, Pessoa's got no pussy so started questioning if you could ever connect with a woman, DEATH Grips, become a treated condition. I never say I'm depressed; those aren't my words their a bitch physicians. What's health? I lie awake at night with my thoughts slowly rotating around death and I tell my friends they say your surly depressed. That's how the bitch normies at my work talk.
>I hate my job man actually I hate my life in general!
I hate Jung but the only useful concept to come out of self help introspection is the Shadow. You down now huh? Can't get any worse? Jump on a rekt thread on Adult Gif; if that's not enough find something worse in real life to watch. Go volunteer at a child rape shelter. Go work in a halal meat factory. Your a pussy so you'll probably kill yourself instead.

>> No.20201488
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>> No.20201570

Why would you hate Jung?

>> No.20201753

I'm not sure you understand what exactly "the black dog" is

>> No.20201862

big pharma in the replies.
don't believe their lies

>> No.20202173


>> No.20202177

What helped me OP was pursuing productive hobbies.

Workout in the morning everyday, something easy at first like 10, 15 or whatever pushups are difficult for you. Take a cold shower. Read and write for a few hours. Try meditation. Most importantly:


>> No.20202193

>learned helplessness
Not him but this sounds like an interesting phenomenon, where can I learn about what you are describing?

>> No.20202207
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I'm looking for how to become more depressed because there is some solace in feeling sad and sorry for yourself.
Does anyone have suggestions as to how I can get depression or make it worse?

It sounds preferable to boredom at least.

>> No.20202228

>tfw when I have zero ambition (since I was a kid)
>constantly nagged by family to "get my shit together"
>don't want to burden my parents so I do my best to get a job and do more productive stuff with my free time
>quickly get stressed, start drinking and smoking
>my mother and sisters go all hysterical and crying saying "this is not me", that I was supposed to be better than that (all my family drinks and smokes)
what the fuck is their problem? now I have a fucking job and I no longer waste my time with "childish" hobbies. Fuckers didn't stop until I was just like them; and now I'm wrong for becoming like this?

>> No.20202344

Take some time and do what you want to do in life anon

>> No.20202391

>it's no surprise that there will be similar kinds of people on a /lit/ board
yes it is

>> No.20202400

You're American, OP, so there's only one way up. Walden.

>> No.20202471

What meds are you taking? I have severe social anxiety but I am afraid of benzos

>> No.20202645

Meditations by Marcus aurelius.

>> No.20202698

Either / Or. Depression means you're looking for ultimate value to your existence which only exists with reference to the eternal / infinite. Good luck!

>> No.20202768

Imagine thinking any of these fags have a legitimate grievance compared to the modern atomized man. I'd kill for a son to mourn. I mourn the entirety of human connection, 'depression' is so widespread today because all community is gone traded in exchange for the promise of a better future that is now too clearly a swindle.

>> No.20202822
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Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History by Stephen Jay Gould

>> No.20203058

>Depression means you're looking for ultimate value to your existence
Does it really happen because of lack of the faith?

>> No.20203066

Depends on the meds. I find aniracetam and l tyrosine work best without downsides.

>> No.20203072

Don't use benzos. The withdrawal can kill you.

>> No.20203622


>> No.20204548

Existential psychotherapy, either reading about it or trying to find someone in person might help

I don't know though honestly. I'm going thru the same thing and it's difficult to answer any of the big questions. Philosophy and religion only help so much overall I think, personally I've never been able to take the full leap of faith towards organized religion. It's also hard to feel engaged with real life when you've been looking to escape it for so long

>> No.20204553

I wish no but I have to tell you the truth - yes.

>> No.20204558

Religion is nothing more than using love, community, and moraloty to counter the pure trembling-inducing awe of existence itself. I hope you find comfort in knowing even the comforted need one another. Strength is recognizing this moment of weakness and moving past it so you may help those others who are depressed.

>> No.20204626

Sorry got my thoughts going so I'll just explain it. Depression is a state at being bitter that you can't stop your birth from happening and simultaneously annoyed that the ways to flourish are essentially cliche. It's a catch 22, you don't want to give up yourself to flourish in existing so existing hurts, and you don't want to be good at existing because then you're just optimizing for something you had no choice in. Depression stems from an inability to accept one's existence as a hard fact which must be dealt with. Oftentimes, really, the key to getting out of depression comes from recognizing that flourishing might be good for you, and thus cliche and selfish, but rotting will make everyone sad, whereas flourishing will be rejoiced by the fellow ethical folks. I don't know if this helps but check out Either/Or regardless. Depression is a theological state more than a pyschological. For myself, I use Christ.

>> No.20204645

omg so much this. OP, pay attention to my fellow Jewish over here

>> No.20205431

I need help for this too. I’ve tried multiple antidepressants that have done nothing. Suicidal thoughts daily. Anhedonia not allowing me to enjoy even art. Idk what to do. I don’t see a reason not to end it all.

>> No.20205820

cut your dick off i guess

>> No.20205831

You don’t want depression. There’s nothing positive to say about it.

>> No.20205835
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>> No.20205836
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Pondering orbs has been scientifically proven to cure depression.

>> No.20206077

It causes even bigger depression as no girl has even been romantically interested in me. I fucked up my life.

>> No.20206473

Go outside, get a job you don't hate and quit this shithole. Al else will come on its own.

>> No.20206627

This is the worst book I've ever read. Manson is unbelievably insecure and cringe throughout. Redditfags will buy it anyway because it's 'edgy' enough to almost write fuck on the cover

>> No.20206924

This + exercise + healthy diet + regular sleep

Self reflection is key to CBT. Also important as a way to measure your mental state and try arrest depressive slips as early as possible. For me I use SMART goals, daily habit tracking, and monthly reviews. Am I reaching my goals, if not why, and how do I change that.

Talk therapy was near useless. Zero actionable techniques, just allowed me to wallow in my misery. Maybe if you had real trauma you're not just a jaded cynical nihilist like myself it would help so your mileage may vary.

>> No.20206935

I'll admit that I've made being a doomer a bit of my personality because it seems like the intellectual thing to do.
For me, every day is the end of the world.

>> No.20206968

>books that will treat a medical disorder
you already know the answer, sleep, food, exercise and socialisation

>> No.20206974

Doesnt help

>> No.20206976

>Don't meds mentally castrate you?
people will say this shit then unironically struggle to brush their teeth because of how depressed they are

>> No.20206999

holy shit, we've found a human whos oxytocin system doesn't respond to socialisation, incredible stuff - all memes aside have you ever actually had a deep meaningful relationship? even if they don't make you feel good support structures (friends and family that care about your well being) is one of the significant predictors for positive outcomes with mental health issues - you can't maintain friends or family connections without interacting with them

>> No.20207004

Don't try to change your situation, just ask your doctor about gaycumzetam and alter your brain chemistry

>> No.20207011

You don't have to listen to your parents. Do your parents listen to their parents still? At some point you have to take charge of your own life

>> No.20207230

you didn't fuck anything up
you were simply born as a certain character with a certain environment
absolute determinism/ajivaka metaphysics is the final dreadpill

>> No.20207276

>have you ever actually had a deep meaningful relationship?
Not a romantic one, no. Friends and family dont count. Nothing in common with them.

>> No.20207752

>/lit/ unironically shilling meds

>> No.20207854
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>Don't meds mentally castrate you?

They do.
Source: been on anti-depressants for five years and have never felt so slow in the head or unable to grasp simple abstracts. Even after dropping them for almost six months now, my mental abilities have not returned to what they were before. Attempting to think about something in depth almost feels like waging a war against my own physical brain at this point. Do not get caught up in Big Pharma's dragnet, Anon, whatever you do. Seek healing elsewhere.

>> No.20209066


>> No.20209104
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>> No.20209110


>> No.20209116

Zhuang Zhi

>> No.20209125

>MkUltra noise

>> No.20209170
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I often remind myself that we’re all puppets trapped in a decomposing cage of flesh and bone, with a million desires whirling around us at all times like sirens attempting to lure us to our doom. That these desires are nothing but the conjured demons of economics, society, and evolution and while they promise fulfillment they will only use you to their own ends, increasing their strength over you, leaving you a slave and a broken human. The world of phenomena is a test, projected by the noumena, and to conquer it you must conquer yourself.

Although I might try to convince myself that life has some external value, after a night drinking with “friends” or a sexual encounter with woman, it quickly becomes apparent that most friends are not worth having, and that woman’s sexual desires are so perverse and banal that their even having desired you bears the weight of a bad conscience. What man does not disgrace himself by submitting to a woman’s desires? He becomes a fool, a brute, a scoundrel, a cuckhold, all at once— and looses himself in the process. What man benefits from society? He devoured his life’s work to the machinations of warfare and industry, he trampled the earth, he becomes bound up in stories told to gullible children, he is sold slavery and like an idiot wears his chains with pride.

Service originates in the Latin word "Servi”, meaning slave. That’s what society, friends, woman the whole world, asks from you, your slavery. In English, the familiar for of “you”, “thou”, has long since died from the language. For those lonely men in Anglo countries seeking company, this should be (with honest reflection) enough proof that you will never find it. We live in a civilizational world-spirit which lacks even the words to express friendship, closeness.

There are two things in life worth their weight in gold: freedom and silence. How many men exchange these treasures for paper? Or for a soft touch of flesh? Or for some false sense of meaning to disguise their emptiness?

In books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person. If you cannot read, write. If you cannot write, read. If you are still lonely, hire a whore; it is less demeaning and less expensive than going to clubs. Logos is the breaking free of the soul from the flesh, embrace this and turn your eyes from the treachery of desire.

>> No.20209178

keep dibbling the "besa" John.
I'll be frowling at you in your sleep.

>> No.20209506
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The Holy Bible

>> No.20209531
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Just read and apply these

Your issue will be solved inside 2 years trust me

>> No.20209587

>you can't maintain friends or family connections without interacting with them
Yeah, no shit. What do you do if you don't have any of that? It gets harder as you get older to make new friends, especially if family doesn't want anything to do with you.
The advice becomes "just get better and find a reason to live" at that point.

>> No.20209603


>noo anon what do you mean???




>> No.20209645


>> No.20210471

Easiest thing in the world:
Sleep deprivation
Watch extreme gore
Write mean mean comments
Get drunk
Ruminate on your worst memories & spin them out of proportion

>> No.20210551

>It sounds preferable to boredom
Depression IS boring, it's finding everything boring, except now you also have visceral fantasies of blowing your brains out with a Remington 870. It is significantly worse than just being bored.

>> No.20210571

this whole collection is god tier (all of them should be copyright free, so it's not like you are even forced to spend the $2 on it)


Also I don't understand why lit hasn't a general for those 50 books collection. They are literally god tier self help, they are also insanely good books, and they are extremely cheap/free because no copyright.

Just imagine having weekly/monthly "competition" where we read those books an circlejerk about the content.

But nope. Can't have nice things in life. Let's make 90 % of all threads shill threads of modern books which all have copyright and don't help your life at all other than entertainment.

>> No.20210670

I just like to think about being dead forever. I hope that's how it works. Its the best way to deal with it, to kill yourself.

>> No.20210822


Yeah, my family has never cared about my well being. That's just the cards many of us were dealt

>> No.20211274

Whats is your family like?

>> No.20211489

is death like a nice restful sleep?

>> No.20211490
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based, can't believe the answer is this far down

>> No.20211534

How would it help with depression?

>> No.20211691

does depression mean demons are riding your back or something? esotericanons pls redpill me on demons

>> No.20211696

I approve of this post. The usage of the word folks infuriates me. The word is so clearly a tool whipped up by some old cronies to make the president appear homely and likeable. Makes me sick. Reminds me of when Bush did those truck commercials to appeal to southerners. Same shit.

>> No.20211815


>> No.20211837

How wouldn’t it? It has the truth to everything of life in it.

>> No.20211856

Depression would be closer to a lack of "demons" if anything. "Demons" are the animalistic animating (whence "animal) force which keep you perpetually occupied and desiring things in life, in other words keeping you on your feet in an existence that is otherwise devoid of much interest, just like most animals including us. Thus one reason why Aristotle was known as the demoniacal philosopher by later Platonists. It could perhaps be said that depression is the result of an overpowering vegetative demon, if one can even speak of such a thing, the sort of demon only preoccupied with the vegetative functions of the being (ie, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, responsible for the most basic level of self-maintained existence, digestion and the other necessary metabolic activity, but nothing else.)

>> No.20211963

How did you make money?

What the fuck is a child rape center and how do I get a job there?

>> No.20211983

reality sneedposting by Anon better

>> No.20211984

Depression is just the result of sin.

>> No.20212063

>Go volunteer at a child rape center
just burst out laughing in public my depression is cured now

>> No.20212074

That's a rather particular view of demons. In other views demons are responsible for disordered impulses and drives specifically. The healthy natural drives a person has and needs for life are just part of their human nature.

>> No.20212092

What sin?

>> No.20212364

You’re already a faggot if you’re mentally weak to the point that drugs are your only option. Try changing your lifestyle and habits, only after you tried everything the option of mind altering drugs can be considered.

>> No.20212365

OP, I can help you. I had severe depression for 5 years and managed to pull myself out of it. I'm talking about depression where 90% of my thoughts were about killing myself. The rest 10% were how shitty the world(and people) is. The only thing that held me back from killing myself was my regret that I'll leave no legacy behind. No children, no books, no achievements, no discovery, no business. At that time, that was the only thing I wanted in my life, my only wish, after which I could leave in peace. My depression was caused partially by my severe psoriasis and constant knee and shoulder pains from my chronic injuries(I used to wrestle when I was in high school). Partially by break up with what I thought was love of my life. Partially by betrayal of some close friends and some other negative influences like porn, gore and social media and partially by lack of sunlight. I managed to get myself out of it and I want to share what I think can help you.
Let's get this out of the way first. Vitamin D, animal fats, B12(eat liver) and lithium. If your body lacks nutrients you won't be able to fix your mind. To be continued...

>> No.20212393

>i would prefer not to
was it depression

>> No.20212395

English speakers, I need your opinion. Here are two sentences:
1. Do you consider yourself gay?
2. Do you consider yourself a tree?
Why don't we use the article "a" before "gay" in these type of sentences?

>> No.20212479

I fucking hope so. It would be so unfair otherwise, but obviously nature knows nothing of fairness.

>> No.20212548
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Now, nutrition side aside, let's get to the mental side of the things. I don't want to bore you with how I came to my conclusions, I'll keep it concise and just share what you need to know. First and foremost, depression is a set of mental habits.
>Habit of having high expectations
>Habit of reacting negatively
>Habit of zoning out
Fix these three habits and it's impossible for you to be depressed. You need to learn to accept reality with no buts and ifs. Yes, the world is a shitty place and yes, no justice in this world. Yes, there are stupid/bad/evil people. Yes, sometimes painful things will happen to innocent people. Accept it. Internalize it. Live with it. Focus only on what's in your control. Have standards, not expectations and focus only on what is in your control.
>Enchiridion by Epictetus is the first book you need to read.
Since you have bad mental habits, you need to learn to notice your negative thoughts and interrupt them as soon as possible. Be observant of your feelings and thoughts, push away negative emotions by focusing on long term goals and benefits of your actions. Focus on what YOU can do at this moment, right now, cut off all other thoughts. To have better self control you need to read
>Education of the Will by Jules Payot
These two books all you need. However, you want to make it easier for your self. You need to understand how people and society works. Read books on mental models
>Seeking Wisdom by Peter Bevelin
>Mathematical Problem Solving by Alan Schoenfeld for mental heuristics
>Anti-fragile and Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
>You Must Change Your Life by Peter Sloterdijk
We live in a shitty world and you want to game the system. Read
>Ride the Tiger by Evola
You want to have a strong identity, but it's impossible if you don't have a great father figure. I know who should become your father figure, whom you should try to emulate at all points in your life.
>Odysseus by Homer
You want to have a clear direction in your life. Set goals for yourself and make clear plans. Make it achievable, stay realistic at all times. Being good looking makes everything easier in life. Get in shape, get good clothes, groom yourself and always hold a frame. Being healthy also makes everything easier, so lift weights, do cardio and have good diet.

That's it for now. Read and re-read the books I've mentioned here and take notes. They will change your life. They will teach you to be content.

>> No.20212578


>> No.20212584

>spic doesn't know better than killing oneself
Coloreame sorprendido hijo de tu puta madre

>> No.20212585

One is an adjective and one is a noun, you retard. These exist in all languages.

>> No.20212587
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>> No.20212595

>child rape shelter
I need to go to this place for reasons, where can I find one?

>> No.20212604



>> No.20212615

Look up battered victims shelters in your area.

>> No.20212619

Thank you! You are absolutely right. I thought that "gay" is a noun. Because in my language it is only a noun.

>> No.20212622

No demons make you look autistic or epileptic. Depression is when your body realizes you are a corpse and stops talking to your spirits. Demons are way more productive and less likely to lie down in a field for the ground to take them. Demons also don't become corpses and can't become earth. They use earth to travel though so if you want demons a good way is to leave muddy footprints across your threshold or not throwing out water you use to wash your feet. They'll walk right in.

>> No.20212640

>Thus one reason why Aristotle was known as the demoniacal philosopher by later Platonists

What does that mean? Are you saying that Aristotle is too rational?

>> No.20212669

they could be sucking your life force and morale like a parasite

>> No.20212696

No, not at all--this is if I am understanding that anon correctly--the reason the later Platonists would have called Aristotle demoniacal was because the Peripatetic school was the most 'worldly' and the most lenient when it came to ethics. To illustrate perhaps, where Plato advocated for abolishing marriage, the family, and private ownership for the aristocracy, Aristotle justified all those things.

>> No.20212698

That only happens if someone died in your family recently.

>> No.20212705

what if your depression is over a decade old

>> No.20212712

It's more likely you're the corpse.

>> No.20212719

what does that mean

>> No.20212726

If you know where you soul is you should try to get it back. It's probably where you left it, unless something ate it. If you can't remember where you left it, you'll have to talk to spirits, and it might be better to stay a corpse than deal with that palaver.

>> No.20212753

souls are consumable? i thought they were forever

>> No.20212764

My anecdotal experience: high-strung type A personality, used to regular weight training since 16. I had a serious injury and was not able to do much for about 2 years. About seven months in started having depression and that thumping, heavy feeling of anxiety all the time. Dr wanted to put me on antidepressants and benzos. I refused, just did as much walking as I could and it first kept all those bad feelings at bay, then reduced them altogether. I’m back in the gym and feel great.

My suspicion is everybody has episodes of mild to moderate depression but that it is routinely and erroneously pathologized as a medical problem requiring pills.

Contemplating is fine but getting out of any bad situation requires action. Get up, do something. Also, get organized and adhere to a schedule.

>> No.20212767

They last a long time, longer than human lives. But they can get stuck in trees or at rivers and so on, and if you leave them alone long enough, a bird or other creature will mistake them for food. It's usually birds that eat them if it is gone from where you left it. Then you need to eat the inside of the bird that ate it, but if you go back to where you left it and find it, you can eat it. It's also good to tell your family where it was so they can bring your body back when you are dead because your spirits might enjoy that place.

>> No.20212795

I went through my entire life so far trying to avoid therapy and medication, but I just realized that underneath my DPDR was just Anxious Depression, and considering the amount of shit I've had to do in order to function as a human being I'm convinced there's no fucking way to fix this shit other than medication
It also takes a lot of courage to admit to yourself that "I'm just weighing my options if suicide makes sense in this situation" is literally just suicidality brought on by depression.
If Van Gogh can produce masterpieces and then still ultimately shoot himself and die, what makes you think you're better? Just get on some fucking SSRIs like everyone else and try to live a normal happy life

>> No.20212974

>Anxious depression
Aniracetam and choline.

>> No.20213007

>Just work out bro
>Just eat healthier bro
>Just wake up early bro
>Just get a girlfriend bro
>Just take these supplements bro
Clinical depression is a reality and an illness which can be treated, much like how diabetes requires insulin
Mouthbreathers like you perpetuate stereotypes about depression just being "normal" and "part of everyone's life" and ignore the part where I haven't truly felt happy ever in my entire life. I think the only thing I've ever taken actual pride in is getting an A on an exam all my friends got Cs on sophomore year of engineering.
I've had sex, had girlfriends, gotten drunk, ridden rollercoasters, beat video games, made art, read philosophy, applied schedules to my life, worked out, swam competitively, played instruments, learned how to cook. Nothing fucking helps.
This is why people get driven to suicide. Doing things simply have no reward to them. There's some reward sure, but never anything that actually leads to enjoying life at all. Then life takes a big shit in your lap and you're in a depressive episode and you think "well, fuck, is this it? Is there really all my life will ever fucking be?" and then you either talk yourself out of it or make splatter art with your brains on a wall.
People like you should shut up, then go talk with a therapist

>> No.20213047

>an illness which can be treated, much like how diabetes requires insulin
>falling for a pharma selling line which is pretty illegal since they got sued harder than British petroleum after that deep sea gulf oopsie
You're part of a religion, not a science.

>> No.20213079

Please tell me how I can feel things aside from the medicine which is literally designed to make me feel things

>> No.20213102

>the medicine which is literally designed to make me feel things
Independent testing shows there's no benefit above that of the placebo effect. If you believed in fixing it by going to a church for a spiritual healing, it would be the same effect, scientifically speaking. Freedom of information requests showed pharma companies cherry picked studies to show an effect that wasn't there more than a decade ago. You're in a religion which is rapidly being outdated.

>> No.20213107

Aniracetam isnt a supplement. The choline is to replace the choline depletion that occurs. I've tried Selegeline, xanax, ritalin and wellbutrin. Only ART made a difference.

>> No.20213109
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>Independent testing shows there's no benefit above that of the placebo effect.

>> No.20213112

Cont I'm also treating anxiety and adhd so ymmv.

>> No.20213124

>never anything that leads to enjoying life
Dopamine deficiency.

>> No.20213131

>Being this 2000 and late
It's well known fact so long as your life isn't dictated by advertising of the 1990s. If you're on mood stabilizers, same deal just a few years later, complete with the record breaking court settlements for false advertising.

>> No.20213132

I'm tired. I want nothing and do nothing. Pure apathy.

>> No.20213144

Who the fuck takes prozac for depression of course it doesn't work.

>> No.20213150

Neither does any SSRI since they were all tested against Prozac.

>> No.20213152

maybe birds shit the soul in parts and drop it in various places
can you put together a soul with collected bird shit

>> No.20213162

>they were all tested against Prozac.
That's the big con. Everything was tested as
>Does it work as well as Prozac?
So of course everything passed. Rubbing a monkey against your head every day would work by that standard.

>> No.20213166

SSRIs work, they just have horrific side effects. The problem with depression (and adhd for that matter) is dopamine regulation. Only medications that fix that problem work.

>> No.20213174

You weren't depressed and you lack empathy to relate to people who have actual depression.

>> No.20213194


>> No.20213206

Bird shit isn't a living thing. Your soul would stay near the bird shit if it got thrown out of the bird at that point. Flies or maggots would probably be the next thing to eat it. Then you have to find which fly or maggot to eat very quickly, because souls in those can easily get into human food, and if your soul gets eaten by another human, you're going to have a very long wait to get it back.

>> No.20213212

They don't work. The horrid side effects do increase the placebo effect though, in the same way a saline injection will have a greater placebo effect than sugar pills.

>> No.20213230

They do work. It's been studied a lot. Not everything is a placebo effect.

>> No.20213235

Don't dopamine-regulating drugs make people kill themselves

>> No.20213239

They don't according to independent analysis where the company selling the drug does not get to choose which results to publish. If any of the drugs companies had a way to refute that fact, they would have published it.

>> No.20213294

That's about prozac.

>> No.20213345

they have been, you just didn't notice

>> No.20213369

You really should have read this before posting it. The study is extreme questionable in its methods and interpretation of the data. Using NHST with small sample sizes mean you're deliberately trying to ignore data that doesn't fit.

>> No.20213464

To be honest the fact neither of you knew of this major snafu until anon brought it up suggests willful ignorance. That's why you're hoping there isn't anything else out there. There is, but don't worry, you won't be forced to find it for about a decade.

>> No.20213492

So what's the alternate if you won't take effective medicine? Some variation on "read the bible bro"?

>> No.20213496

Van Gogh was starving. You're not starving. You aren't even hungry.

>> No.20213548

>holy shit, we've found a human whos oxytocin system doesn't respond
On the rare occasions I can compel myself to watch a movie or play a video game, and they are good and engage me, I feel so much better the rest of the day it's repulsive.
I'm almost able to look people in the eyes and actually want to walk my dog and think of a life that could be different when this happens. It quickly passes but it's genuinely disturbing how 'physical' we are and that everything we think or do is just a representation of how functional our bodily reward systems are.

>> No.20213578

but does that even matter now?

>> No.20213591

Quick question - are you overweight?

>> No.20213651


>> No.20213702
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>Just like, make friends bro
Nobody wants to be friends with a depressed husk of a person, no matter how intelligent, charming, or sexy
Depression isn't some fucking mystical abstraction of some deficiency in character, it's literally just a deficiency of serotonin that makes it literally impossible to enjoy anything
When you have friends and are around your friends, you're unable to actually engage with what you enjoy or talk about it very deeply
Nobody wants to talk to someone who, when asked "what do you think about this" can only muster up bullshit to hide the fact that they feel literally nothing half the time

>> No.20213704

You don't need a book on it, just stop it.
Depression is a choice 95% of the time.

>> No.20213715


read Firepunch

>> No.20213720


then read Goodbye, Eri

>> No.20213789

The medicine isn't effective beyond placebo. The biggest current alternative to the 90s brain chemicals approach is brain plasticity, but the truth is that we don't know, and that will not stop people selling cures. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence it could be a social problem, which means it's not medicine's problem at all. Trying to explain that to patient who believes they need medicine however is like trying to explain colds are caused by a virus to someone who will not leave without antibiotics which have no effect on the virus.

>> No.20213791

If you are exercising several times a week, get in at least 8k-9k steps everyday, hydrate well, and go to bed before 11pm and get up between 5:30am and 7:00am, as a general rule, you should really consider therapy and/or medication.

There is no ghost behind the diagnosis, the diagnosis IS the collection of symptoms that together are defined as depression. With that said, it is not easy to overcome or conquer, but addressing each symptom, one by one, is mich more reasonable than to simply chew down some ssris and/or benzos and/or snris without making any changes to habits and life in general.

It is surprisingly easy to buy 10, 15, 30 lbs dumbells and to do 10-15 minutes of weights before bed every evening as a ritual. Especially since you can do triceps, biceps, chest, and shoulders while you watch a show or movie or something.

It is also somewhat easy to start talking a walk as soon as you come back home from work/university/school/volunteering or, if you are without things to do in the day, right after lunch.

It is somewhat easy to drink water at regular intervals.

Pick something to start with and once you have it down try to add the next thing. Don't overwhelm yourself and also remind yourself that ANY effort is infinitely better than NO effort: two extra glasses of water is better than none. Going up to 6500 steps in a day is a huge improvement from 3000. Doing five minutes of weights at night daily is an insane improvement from doing nothing. If you miss one day, don't see it as defeat, you have been winning every time you do something. Just try to keep winning more than forgetting or skipping. Shit happens, but that does not negate all the efforts you have put in — giving up does. It's never too late to start, it's always too early to quit.

I won't wish you good luck, instead I will trust you to do a good job! Well done for reaching out and asking for advice. This is infinitely better than sitting alone and giving up.

>> No.20213842

As someone with bipolar disorder, that is, regular episode of depressions thoughout my whole life, I kind of stand by this actually. The most effective thing for me, even when I'm deeply depressed, is to fight back as hard as I can. If you can manage it it usually has a significant positive effect quickly. Go long walks everyday, during daytime, and go to the gym if you can. If you're life situation is what's causing you to be depressed then make the changes necessary. Your depression wants you to feel sorry for yourself. I don't use antidepressants, im just on lithium and I feel good 90% of the time as long as I keep my routines.

>> No.20213846

What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.20213862

Shrooms, thank me later.

>> No.20214042


Good bye, Eri


>> No.20214116

I dont get it.

>> No.20214474

>SSRIs work
What? I’ve been on 6 different SSRI’s. They ALL did not work. My psychiatrist said maybe i have treatment resistant depression kek.

>> No.20214719


Take duloxetine, it's the strongest ssri

>> No.20214802

That’s cymbalta right? I tried that one for two months. Nothing.

>> No.20214808

ok mr. christcuckdrone, lmao

>> No.20214813

Based and blessed anon
thk u
best posts in this bitchass thread

>> No.20214843

dangerously based

>> No.20215140

based retard

>> No.20215150

>it's literally just a deficiency of serotonin
if this were true, why would there be any discussion about it? ssri's would just fix it for everyone, right?

>> No.20215167

Because people like you diminish the impact that SSRIs can have on people and lead people to just "tough it out"
These people inevitably kill themselves

>> No.20215172
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>> No.20215176

Unironically go out well groomed and just glance at girls on the street. 99 of them won't care but that 1 will give you the stare. It lifts your spirits like you wouldn't believe.
Look at them. Don't stare away and show that you're scared. It's a great confidence and testosterone boost. I'm a grad student at a college town, so it's easy af for me.
t. 6'5 autismo incel

>> No.20215217
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ITT: Non-depressed people telling depressed people to "just be happy"

>> No.20215427

it's fine to be depressed imo, but why y'all fags be so whiny n shiet? Literally, my nigga, stop acting so feminine and maybe you'll get some attention from the opposite sex.

>> No.20215436

Keep shilling.

>> No.20215447


Holy cow that is by far the worst take on Hamlet I have ever seen. Stop making memes. "Hamlet needed therapy" is something only a woman would say, please transition

>> No.20215470

>"Hamlet needed therapy" is something only a woman would say, please transition
Way ahead of you chud

>> No.20215641
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Picrel ought to do the job perfectly. Preferably read at 2-3AM for maximum immersion and relatability.

>> No.20215655
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Do the opposite of pic releated and combine it with fortnightly ketamine use to fast track the process.

>> No.20215675

The Bible.

>> No.20215924

>Modern mental health care
>”We don’t actually understand exactly how SSRIs work for some people but we’re going to keep giving these pills to people who have mental conditions, and how those conditions arise we’re not sure.”

>> No.20215941

Midwit take. Hamlet was the realest mf, and if he took pills he'd be relegated to a footnote.

>> No.20215962

Based "Holden Caulfield was just an incel" poster

>> No.20216271

Soulcraft by Plotkin

>> No.20216373

Best answer in the thread.

>> No.20216375

It helps to know the truth, that your actions can have a purpose if you hold on to your morality and stay close with God. You can do this by learning about his son, Jesus Christ.

>> No.20216588

you just know whoever made this shit took the pills, felt fired up and decided to make this meme. That's probably be all he did and now he's feeling like shit.

>> No.20216630
File: 1.04 MB, 1746x1650, reject modernity embrace traditional schizophrenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seldom make serious/sincere posts so heed me and know these pearls, swine.

Depression and all its purports is merely the self grown dependent on the self. No amount of edification can square said circle. Yet this is the foremost compulsion as answer to this 'problem', but I tell you this, edification is prevarication. Misery becomes recreational when you feed the anxious pride that plans on endless "thens" while it cannot even look "now" in the eye. There is more truth in abject folly by virtue of action alone than in years of sulking rationalization. You will not learn what you do not know doing as you've done, and so you must learn and do otherwise. Dig not this hole deeper, fellow anons, you labor at your very graves. Instead go, relinquish control freely for you do not have it, take risks, be ruined, and redeemed.

He who does not believe what he knows must know stronger, and so I tell you anons, know the name of action.

>> No.20216635

if depression is a serotonin issue why does CBT and talk therapy have clinically significant effects that can last years after treatment is stopped?

>> No.20216637

Bible, New Testament.

>> No.20216643

>hurr duurrrrr if we're just chemicals bro how come affecting those chemicals affects those chemicals bro?! HUH!? YOU EVER THINK OF THAT?!?!

>> No.20216646

outdated copium

>> No.20217365

BASED retarded schizo

which is an amusing sound

>> No.20217390

This anon is right OP. Only life can energize and save you. You need to act.

>> No.20217395
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Have a modernized optimism guide

>> No.20217398
File: 1.95 MB, 4000x4000, HateHateHate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also 51 ways to allegedly improve your life

>> No.20217498
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This will get buried as this thread is already too big, but this is what I would recommend. It might not fit with the pseudo-intellectual denizens of /lit/ but it will actually help you.