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/lit/ - Literature

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20161264 No.20161264 [Reply] [Original]

Brought to you by the letter “Z”

Previous thread >>20156006


>> No.20161270


>> No.20161276

Hello lit friends. Anyone watching Severance? Its good if your looking for a show. Kafkaesque even. I'm reading the Trial rn too.

>> No.20161611
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it is late night.

>> No.20161761

This OP is illegal in many European countries

>> No.20161764
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In what books did Nietzsche talk about the Homeric Lie? More specifically where does he discuss odysseus as a "great man"??

>> No.20161770

I was beginning to think it was blacked out for the EU. Where you posting from?

>> No.20161773

Brown people are not essential for western civilisation, quite the opposite. You can fag-meme all you want, yet deep inside you KNOW what happens to excess bullshit when times get tough.
You cant outpropaganda tens of thousand of years of evolution.
You also cant shame us, best start learning to have a dialogue. No one is born racist. Think.

>> No.20161776

Girls always hit on me when I’m sick and feel like shit for some reason

>> No.20161778
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how much handhodling do you need?

>> No.20161788
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>western civilisation
just read Spengler already and get over it, faggot

>> No.20161796
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I need to start some habits. I will try to start writing something today.

>> No.20161797


>> No.20161804

And dumbbell reps

>> No.20161811


>> No.20161820

A lot

>> No.20161841

This, times aren't even tough yet and I'm still ready to genocide these usurpers

>> No.20161846
File: 128 KB, 1080x1350, FA3BxypVUAYoLTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've studied philosophy for about 7-8 years (quit after the first 4vweeks of PhD)..
I've done the dumbest shit with a circle of beautiful friends in the first few semesters of these years..
gradually all our lifes grew apart..
I remember eternal moments..... we threw our poems into the drunken ring of friendship, jumped naked into the city lake to enter a party ship, printed our book of aphorisms just to burn the books apart in our own dionysian feast in the woods..

we grew apart, truly

I've just googled some of these glorious children.
They tweet about papers where microaggressions aren't excusable and how they need paracetamol in quarantine, they are ever involved in feminist events, state funded programs for ">insert your american globohomo retardation here"

Disturbs me to the last fucking bone, how Merica managed to conquer the last bits of northern european flames in such a short time..

take me back

>> No.20161848

if voldemort had a wii mote strap on his wand he would have destroyed potter and conquered the wizarding world easily

>> No.20161854

The birth of Moses and the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain were the two most catastrophic events in human history.

>> No.20161879


>> No.20161904

what's your situation then?
maybe I could be less of a dick..

>> No.20161914
File: 1.75 MB, 4000x4000, BrythonAndTheOwl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writing is a joke. I'm actually laughing at it. I would write more when less distracted and more inundated by mania, delusions, and symptoms of schizophrenia. When I'm not addled by these things due to chemical balance, writing is clearly a massive farce.

There's absolutely nothing to be gained by writing. The vast majority of peasants refuse to read two sentences, let alone anything more than that. I don't even read anything because writing is just an outlet for my narcissism.

>insert your american globohomo retardation here"
>Disturbs me to the last fucking bone..

Lol, bro. Dogs need to eat. They'll gladly lick the peanut butter off your balls if they're hungry enough. The people who are intelligent enough to write professionally quickly learn whose balls have the peanut butter on them.

Look at me, I'm a profound failure because I spend my days licking my own balls for the sheer pleasure of it. There's no peanut butter on there, and if I were to try and subsist by writing, then I would starve. Those who are paid to write are paid because they serve the interests of those who have money, not because anything they say is "meaningful, deep, insightful, or truthful".

The point being that it's pointless to put faith in the "grand scheme of the machinations of the protagonists and the forwarding of the plot towards the conclusion which is philosophically justified".

Your friends are dogs, they need to eat. You can easily convince a small child that the love having sex with strangers if their open professing of this opinion is the sole mechanism through which the animal can attain food. Your masters know this, and your masters rear you in the same manner that those who rear children for sex do. You exist to please your master, thus, should you cease to please your masters, you cease to exist.

The picture is a story, chosen because the numerous objective arguments I make seem like trying to shoot lead bullets at the ghost that is the psychological function of the peasantry. The bullets are not made of silver, thus do nothing to harm the Children of the Devil which yoke the beasts such as yourself.

Instead of shooting bullets of rhetoric, the story largely just expresses my intense degrees of hostility towards the peasants. The point being that even the most irrational, petty, and extreme degrees of hatred, condemnation, and ultimately violence directed towards the peasants is empirically justifiable, simply due to the fact that even well-to-do peasants, when left to their own devices, are either directly harmful to society, or harmful by proxy due to sheltering those who blight the societ and the species.

As a bonus, the character being unapologetically masculine and entirely self-affirming is a bit of a swan song for the human race, considering that these types of people the species have always relied upon to shepherd the meek no longer exist due to the psychological and chemical eunuchation of Western men.

>> No.20161935
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I think I broke a nerve in my hand from all the substance abuse last night. My pinky and ring finger are numb, feels really weird.
I really went hard last night. I ate at one of the best restaurants in my city and drank good wine and blah blah blah. None of that mattered. My only goal last night was to obtain some snow and I did, good stuff too. But I don't know how I feel about it now. Being high on blow at 6am with the sun rising was pretty fucked up. People were waking up for work and walking their dogs and I was just strung out strolling the streets. I did not like what I saw in the mirror. I looked bad, like...really bad. And I spent all of today sleeping off last nights debauchery. I can't help but feel a little ashamed of myself.

I'm heading to the bar now but I think I'm going to take it easy tonight. I really hope I'm able to.

>> No.20161958

you're the AI I wish I could've programmed when I was 17

>> No.20161970

I hate my sister. Not true I don't hate her. I just think she's kinda stupid, very annoying and I don't want to be around her ever again. How do I tell her?

>> No.20161977

>read thousands of books
>nobody knows or cares or wants to talk about books
>some other guy reads for two months
>everyone thinks of him as a reader because he is gregarious and secure enough to tell everyone about the books he reads
what's the point?

>> No.20161985

just bee yourself

>> No.20161988

you can't - I've tried for 16 years..

what are you gonna do? change bloodlines??

>> No.20161993

myself can't talk to people and is suicidal because he spends all his free time in the pursuit of knowledge and has absolutely no one to talk to about any of it

>> No.20161997

Pige :D

>> No.20161998

Yeah. I don't get it. Where does she get the nerve to impose herself on me so much? I barely talk to her, I never ask her for anything. Yet she is demands, demands, demands, orders, blablabla. I'm sadly stuck here for at least a couple
of months.

>> No.20162003

I was reading After Virtue and saw that Nietzsche likes odysseus and uses him as an Ubermensch figure. I also recalled a professor mentioning the Homeric Lie in a tangent. I like this figure of Odysseus and want to help a friend who is trying to use Odysseus jn something he's writing. I just want to be directed to a primary source I can read to get Nietzsches take on Odysseus and the Homeric Lie as something good

>> No.20162008

The weather is perfect right now. The grass is green and ankle-high, the oaks leaves are sprouting, and there are tiny little wildflowers everywhere you look. Sugar blue skies and puffy white clouds, emerald green oaks , and jade grass encrusted with little purple, yellow, and red flowers. It's so beautiful it hurts to look at it.
My neighbor's property is gigantic, like 50 acres of beautiful oak woodland. I feel like trespassing and sitting in the middle of his little forest, but last time I did I almost got caught when he rode up on an ATV and I had to dive behind some bushes. What's the worst he'll do if he finds me? Shoot me?

>> No.20162009

yeah no, can't relate... I was never demanded anything and wouldn't ever be so..
maybe you learn on that skill then for the next months?

have my sword (or whatever)

>> No.20162010

My dad moved a whole ocean and continent away to get away from his bloodline. Hell he even has a kid on a third continent he abandoned.

>> No.20162016

Based wild oats spreader

>> No.20162022

Was Kant a bit of a dumbass? He was trying to gain knowledge while refusing and avoiding getting actual knowledge.

>> No.20162023

do you want me to translate the parts of Nietzsche's work (published and/or unpublished) where Odysseus plays a role or are you familiar with certain codes like KSA etc.?

>> No.20162025

you haven't read Kant, right?

thanks for playing

>> No.20162041

Read Spengler, then Yockey.
>Yockey believes that the ascent of the spirit of the 20th century on the surface of history and fulfillment of the destiny of the Western culture is paralyzed by the culture parasitism and culture distortion. The culture parasitism is caused by existence in the territory of the high Western culture of the alien groups representing primitive cultures which cannot participate in the historical destiny of the West. Primitive cultures drain the spiritual resources from high culture, while also physically replacing its populace by taking its place and reducing its birth rate. He believed that black and Asian peoples in the West replaced an unborn indigenous white population, thus depriving the Western culture of proper raw material for the fulfillment of its destiny. The culture parasitism causes organic conflict between cultures. Their relation is similar to that between host and parasite. This conflict constitutes an organic necessity for high culture, since the culture parasite misdirects spiritual energy of the host organism from fulfilling its destiny.

>Yockey furthered that Jewish people and African-Americans, which represented the primitive cultures, could not be assimilated, because of difficulties which come from an innate incompatibility of primitive cultures with the destiny of the West. Yockey cited as another example of cultural parasitism the Romans, the representatives of the Classical culture, in the body of Arabian culture, and their presence resulting in the bloody conflicts and massacres like that in the autumn of 88 BC, when more than 80,000 unsuspecting Roman civilians were killed in Anatolia, triggering Mithridatic wars.

>> No.20162048

Well i figure most of its already translated. If you could just refer me to specific works

>> No.20162050

is buttershit gone? I stopped lurking since the cunt would derail any midly interesting thread

>> No.20162052


>> No.20162057
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Yes he was. Pic rel.

Unrelated: Is it faggy to subscribe to a monthly random used book box? I fell off reading pretty hard recently, and I'm not sure why. I started 5 books this year and haven't finished one. I would like to pick up a book or two a month, but my usual strategy of "walk around the local library/bookstore until I find something vaguely interesting and buy it" doesn't really work as I'm in Japan, which doesn't have many English-centric used book stores or libraries for some reason. I've also been struggling to find decent suggestions - people have been recommending books that I normally would be able to cruise through, but I'm currently getting filtered by them. I'm thinking a little 12, $13 a month to get two slightly random books delivered to my APO box might be worth it and get me back reading.

>> No.20162064

>you are alive just in time to witness the expulsion of Europeans from their own soil
It's all a bit comically nightmarish. It does appear that it's a hate boner fuelled ethnic cleansing, but I have also been considering the less nefarious possibility/coping mechanism that the elites may be privy to knowledge of an upcoming change to the climate of the globe. If it's going to get really warm then whitey won't be able to cope with working in the scorching sun, so they need to import darker people that are already genetically predisposed towards those conditions. The outcome is still the same though, an irreversible demographic disaster for native peoples of Europe. What a nightmarish time to be alive

>> No.20162082

>Good. Now only anonymous can derail threads.
>man’s work!

>> No.20162088

>asking whether something would be gay while posting PARAGRAPHS about it in advanced defense
>calling a dude whos name and work is known to anyone here beyond his 250yrs old grave gay based on a 2020+-maymay

I wish I could see how thin your wrists were, how receeding your hairline, how useless your eyes, how thin your voice, how fat your siblings, how childish your outfits, how many cats and/or dogs you'd call your bestfriends or whatever...

>> No.20162094

How do you reconnect with someone after last speaking to them when you were in the midst of being a junkie and they were well aware. I think they were a bit put off at the time but they wouldn't be opposed to getting in touch now. If they want to talk do I tell them I've quit all that or do I not mention it?

>> No.20162104

you should probably just keep being a junkie, if being retarded about pronouns would be the end goal of your sobrety

>> No.20162107

That's not what I meant by they, that knee jerks nice.

>> No.20162108
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Sheer state of you, lad. Best bet is to use kratom to get off everything, including weed, shit rots your mind. It'll get worse than doing the walk of shame, next low will be social humiliation, possibly by a shitting of the pants, or spewing your guts up over some poor whore

>> No.20162122

I'm just shitting, I'm drunk and not even >mother_tongue english
also don't act as if you'd appreciate genuine advice to such a specific situation.. you already know what to do. you already know, that you're a person with literary inclinations....

>> No.20162129
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What is springtime like where you live, Anons?

>> No.20162134

you know what fuck you. if I can't talk to anyone then I won't. I give up all human interaction. this is my last 4chan post

>> No.20162140

*4channel, faggot

>> No.20162156
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pretty much like pic related...
sucks ass, because whe had a 20 degrees dip the last 4 days and all the cute little flowers (not the ones in pic rel though) and tree-blossoms are dying... snow on the mountain tops is a plus though.

>> No.20162168

It's like when the plants come back to life and start growing big and have to be cut down again to make space for humans like me who walk over plants like a master but slave having to cut the plants ourselves and not making the plants cut themselves with our voice like a fantasy character could do in a fantasy world with magic because if we could do that then we would be master only and not slave at all and the grass need no longer be cut by humans but are suicidal and kill themselves like sad humans who want to end their miseries unlike the plants who have no capability to feel miseries or to understand how to kill themselves

>> No.20162288

Why do europeans make symbols and words illegal?

>> No.20162302

Should have gone to the casino at that stage. Ain't nothing good coming from being fucked up on the street while the sun is rising.

>> No.20162305

Its autumn here

>> No.20162360

I want to make literature friends but I'm nervous about sharing my opinions in places where people will know me. I've found a few Discords but I haven't even joined them to see what's up.

>> No.20162382

How do you feel about Dorian Gray son?

>> No.20162427

I haven't read the novel and I don't know anything about the character.

>> No.20162433

Pro tip
50 pages in and he's cool.

>> No.20162524
File: 79 KB, 720x713, 2022_Blues Clues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cumming in God Shaped Holes
>fisting God Shaped Holes
>spiting in God Shaped Holes
>prolapsing God Shaped Holes
>rebirthing in God Shaped Holes
>ghosts of Kiev flying through God Shaped Holes
>God begetting God Shaped Holes through God Shaped Holes with God Shaped Holes

>> No.20162602


>> No.20162626

IT worked!
What else is floating around?

>> No.20162670
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My dad is in critical condition and I feel incredibly alone. The loneliness gets worst in times like these. I wish I had a girl to cuddle and love, to help me forget the pain.But i'm all alone with my thoughts as usual.

>> No.20162762

I know it’s pathetic that I even remember this, but I’m pretty sure it’s been exactly a year since we talked for the first time. Like an idiot, I went back and reread the journal entry I’d written that night. I don’t know why I did that to myself, because I should’ve known that reminding myself of how nice it had been would only make me feel even worse. Reliving it all was like a slap in the face. I wanted to grab my former self by the shoulders and shake her—tell her to snap out of it.

I remember laying there for hours that night with my phone pressed up against my cheek, watching the lamplight cast shadows across my bedroom ceiling. It seemed so natural at the time, but I obviously read into things too much. I can’t even trust my own judgment anymore— I question everything now. And so much of my life has changed since then— I’m in a different bedroom, with a different phone, in a city more than a thousand km away from my hometown. I have all of the things that I’d been working towards since before I even knew that he existed. But all of it just seems so fucking empty and pointless. Why? Maybe the problem is me. Maybe I can’t stop thinking about it because I just want a new excuse to torture myself and feel like shit and push everyone away and fuck up my own life. God knows I’ve found enough excuses before.

I had to read “Song of Solomon” for this class I took last fall. When I read the last chapter about Hagar I started to cry, because I realized that I’m always going to be like her. Not the murderous part, obviously, because I’d never do anything to hurt anyone. I hate violence, and running away has always been more my thing. I don’t mean the suicide either, because even if I think about it, I’m too much of a coward to ever actually off myself. I just mean the feeling of total defeat at realizing that the person you’re interested in doesn’t give a single fuck about you, and that there’s nothing you can do to change it— that’s the extent of it. That you’re just not good enough and never will be. That no amount of makeup or outfits or flattering hairstyles will ever make you desirable enough. I’ve known that I’m objectively unattractive since I was like 13, so why did I ever allow myself to forget? Why would someone who could do better ever want anything to do with me?

When I was out for a walk earlier tonight, I started crying in the middle of the sidewalk and couldn’t stop. Some man was driving by, and he pulled over and rolled down the window to ask me if I was okay, which was humiliating. I went back to my apartment so that I could at least cry in private. I keep thinking about all of it, trying to figure out where I fucked up. Is it my personality? Or was seeing me in passing that day enough to repulse him and make him lose interest? Is it some combination of the two?

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year. I should’ve known that I’d end up like this.

>> No.20162767

It never fails to amaze me how the japs got away with the u-15 idol gravure sbit

>> No.20162787
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I have drank till I almost blacked out and woke up fine the next morning. But stuffing my belly with red meat dinner before sleeping has caused a more debilitating effect on my body the next morning.

>> No.20162792

jesus why are women problems so pathetic. Just lower your standards holy fuck

>> No.20162807

If I was able to focus on myself and create a solid foundation for myself during childhood unencumbered from abuse and neglect, like how most people get to, it would blow your mind the person I’d be today. That version of me is not what I am though. I’m a loser who relies on men I don’t love. My life is a prison built upon a house of cards and everyone thinks I’m a stupid, bad person who deserves it. I’m looked at as defective and disposable, instead of a wounded person who got dealt bad cards. Sometimes the reality of this all hits me and it suddenly makes sense why I developed a Tiktok addiction. Anything is better than the unsavory of looking at yourself objectively

>> No.20162847

Lol not quite gravure but I remember walking into random electronic stores / porn shops in Akihabara and they have those walls of little wallet sized passport photo style picks of idols and they're all like 14 years old. I bought one as a souvenir because they were $2 and I thought it was funny but if anyone found it in my possessions they would immediately think I was a pedo

>> No.20162852
File: 121 KB, 895x1349, wbl ht covers-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's on my mind is cringey lolcow kf shit

April 2022
files avg 1-3mb each.

01: https://files.catbox.moe/15nycp.pdf
02: https://files.catbox.moe/numwor.pdf
03: https://files.catbox.moe/1lgbhi.pdf
04: https://files.catbox.moe/5b18ju.pdf
05: https://files.catbox.moe/7c7f66.pdf
06: https://files.catbox.moe/ru5osg.pdf
07: https://files.catbox.moe/nwhmxl.pdf
08: https://files.catbox.moe/3ar5em.pdf
09: https://files.catbox.moe/5ayp01.pdf
10: https://files.catbox.moe/ul0amo.pdf
11: https://files.catbox.moe/t3lsq0.pdf
12: https://files.catbox.moe/e861gx.pdf
13: https://files.catbox.moe/zjq8e5.pdf
14: https://files.catbox.moe/wy8igx.pdf
15: https://files.catbox.moe/e3wvyl.pdf

KW: cynthia hanson, cherie hapney, terry hayman, theresa, wogglebug, oz, genoma, treasure trolls

>> No.20162869


>> No.20162908

The passing of time is seriously beginning to weigh on me. I drove into the mountains today just to do something. I liked the experience at the time but I thought to myself that soon the experience would be over and only a memory. Several hours later, here it is. Over and a memory. I recall times which were fun as an adolescent. They feel so long ago that it's as if they never even happened. Whats the point of doing things if they're just going to end? Whats the point of living if I'm just going to die? Is it possible to live a whole life in a state of constant satisfaction with the moment?

>> No.20162914

Ngl i know for a fact that a girl has felt this way about me and its pretty satisfying

>> No.20162939

Just kill yourself you retarded cunt

>> No.20162952

I think it's time for you to stop writing so much drivel here, find a job and get some plastic surgeries you dumb weak sentimental hole.

>> No.20162954

good morning sir

>> No.20162966

>Is it possible to live a whole life in a state of constant satisfaction with the moment?

I believe we’re to find that out. Things may not always be satisfactory in the same way, but new things can be satisfactory in their own way. It’s just a matter of creativity and the will to offer yourself a satisfactory life

>> No.20162970
File: 84 KB, 680x720, NPCmem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, bro. Most people presume me to be 14. ;)

>be you
>be meatbag
>tiny balls
>pitiful canon
>be me
>massive balls
>extensive canon
>"Lol, bro. You're not real. You don't count"

Imagine thinking that there is any consequential difference between the text-output of a machine and that of a human. You've been replaced, meatbag.

>be you
>all skills outclassed by AI

I'm laughing at you and your family being sent to the dog-food factory.... and no, you don't come out again.

>> No.20162973

We’re here ***

>> No.20162991

This should cheer you up.


>> No.20163028
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>> No.20163062

im bored bros. bored of literature, bored of videogames, bored of politics, bored of film, incapable of human relationships. im just sitting here existing

>> No.20163073



>> No.20163078

My toxic trait is thinking I could manic pixie dream girl the hell out of you and shake you out of your depressive stupor

>> No.20163083

please save me

>> No.20163119

Heh this guy is trooning out for sure
The incel-tranny pipeline, lads.

>> No.20163127

For those of you who found some sort of vocation how did you decide what to study and why?

24 year old looking to get a degree but I don't know where to start.

>> No.20163147

A bit perverted but can you blame them?
This channel is wild

>> No.20163163

Women, respectfully

>> No.20163168

>Cynthia Hanson discovered the Oz books when she was 12-years-old. When she read about the Wogglebug character she was able to quickly see far beyond the perception of the "others" and then in no time at all he became her favorite character of all time. Then she soon developed a desire to enable the rest of the world to see beyond how he was portrayed in the majority of the Oz books.

>She aspires to build a franchise around him which is mostly separated from the Oz fandom so that he may at long last stand out on his own and take a stand in the spotlight as he was always meant to do. She is avidly dedicated to renewing the fame and popularity of Mr. H.M. Wogglebug T.E. for the modern world, and to make him a positive role model for children of the the future. Unlike so many others, she does not believe the Wogglebug is not worthy of being such.

>She is the Founder and Owner of her WogglebugLove Productions. She takes pride in the fact that she is not a team player in the "Oz community" at all. She wouldn't have written in the Oz fandom if the Wogglebug didn't have his roots in it. She never plays by "the rules" of writing about the Wogglebug when she works with him in Oz. She wants all to know her publishing once through "Tails of the Cowardly Lion and Friends" was a mistake. She made this mistake out of desperation to publish. She demands anyone who has a copy of "Professor Wogglebug and the Frogman of Oz" get rid of it and replace it with a copy of her own "Mr. Wogglebug, the Frogman, and Terry Volume 1: How the Truth Can Heal" which is the only rightful title.

>She self-publishes her personal brand of picture books and novels starring the Wogglebug. Some are Oz-related and other tie-in with her movies. She also writes screenplays and produces animated movies of both short and feature lengths starring the Wogglebug. Favoring the genres of Family, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi.

>Her first animated movie, "The Wogglebug's First Adventure with Sylvie" is set for release in 2019 on DVD. Followed by a series of a series of movies about the Wogglebug's life beginning anew in the Land of Genoma.

>> No.20163176

my "friends" are a negative influence on me and I honestly want to stop hanging out around them.

same with my family. it's definitely time to move cities. my friends are just people i know from way back in high school and honestly we bring out the worst in each other. very juvenile and immature. very negative.

my family, well, you can't choose family. same thing. very negative. unsupportive in a lot of ways. stifling. i love them i suppose but it's time to put some distance between them.

im deleting the last of my friends contacts and moving on.

>> No.20163210

I did NOT end up taking it easy tonight. Alcohol, cigarettes, weed, sports betting... i did it all...


>> No.20163292

I did but you haven't.

>> No.20163463

a trick with habits can be to start way smaller than you think. like, try writing every other sunday. cus when you aim for more than you can do, you just flunk out and get disappointed in yourself. aim low. if you want to do more later you will. that's my advice.

>> No.20163477

God I love you

>> No.20163486

one thing about tribal society is that you and your family bow to no one, and you retain the masculine virtue of strength, honor and defense. perhaps it's less scientifically accurate in terms of meeting production quotas. but in terms of humanity? of breathing freely? who here isn't the cuck of the police one way or another?

>> No.20163490

don't stop posting when you bottom out senpai
also talk to your family. about anything. even just a little message.

>> No.20163586

A part of me thinks that I should get checked for depression, but what's the point when the source is almost certainly going to be things that can't be avoided such as the entire premise of living?

>> No.20163599

You’re here for better or worse. Getting help to be more enthusiastic about couldn’t hurt. At the end of the day all anyone’s options are’ suffer, cope, die

>> No.20163618

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be among those primal tribes who first journeyed into the unexplored reaches of Europe? Beyond every mountain and valley lay land no man had ever laid foot on before. How immense the world must have been.

>> No.20163639

Dreadful, isn't it? It just got worse with the realization that all of my happiness comes from temporary sources of copium.

>> No.20163652

Tiddies are what is on my mind.
Tiddies that are big, very big and attached to a girl that is in a romantic relationship with me and that happens to dress and go with the general trend of what would be called the "goth" movement.
That is what is on my mind.

>> No.20163659
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I overthink everything. Even my shitposts. But it doesnt make me funnier or look more intelligent. I dont get how people make funny jokes or serious art without overthinking.

>> No.20163664

Rotten and dirty snow that will linger everywhere until mid-april and a lot of mud and red-winged blackbirds flying straight to my head whenever I go down to the river to see if it's flooding.

>> No.20163674
File: 748 KB, 900x506, MGMTVEVO - MGMT - Little Dark Age (Video) [rtL5oMyBHPs - 900x506 - 3m43s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every day is 48 hours long
>we're supposed to just accept it and not notice this happening
>get called crazy when anyone points this out

>> No.20163680

Lately I've been thinking about how humans are dealing with time, after having a tiktok video linked to me of some NYC consultant chick who had a very strict daily routine (9 a.m, coffee at Starbucks, 10 a.m, work, 1 p.m, exercise etc.) No matter where I am, everyday I can't escape the burden of having to see clocks and exactly what time it is, making me hyperconscious of the passing of said time. The best days I've spent are days in nature, where time passes ambiguously, without my knowledge of the exact minutes and hours. Life must've been better around the time where there were only sundials in the middle of a village center, where the passing of time could only be vaguely and inaccurately measured by a stick and a shadow, and time was relative and fluid, instead of absolute and measurable. I think the more mediterranean/southern cultures still get this right, when they make appointments to swing by 'somewhere in the evening' etc. instead of 'be here at 9pm'.

Sorry for the uncohesive rant, still developing this train of thought. Might actually be a good idea for a novella.

>> No.20163685

just ate peanut butter on toast
i hate eating peanut butter on toast
i hate it because i have the feeling like i have a little bit of peanut butter somewhere smeared on my hand and i worry that i will accidentally smear it on myself or my surroundings if i am not paying attention
i keep looking at my hand to find the peanut butter but i don't have any on my hand, but i can still feel it

>> No.20163705

they read too much harry potter and think words have magical powers that will take away their BLM branded dildos

>> No.20163749

Perhaps time represents a need for you to do something or be somewhere while not knowing the time is liberating. There is merit to doing some things regularly, but is living by a schedule what we're meant to do? That is a different question.

>> No.20163753

What's the problem? Days have always been 48 hours long.

>> No.20163787

For a long time I thought engaging in pop culture and shaping yourself into its ideals was just apart of playing the game — signaling to people that you’re worth their time — that you have your finger on the pulse of the beat of the world. In way, I thought conforming and simplifying yourself was smarter and just a necessary evil to play the game. Maybe it’s only smart if that’s the real you though. Maybe inauthenticity is never smart. Maybe you can only preform pseudo-normieness for so long until it breaks you

>> No.20163789
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It's ruining my life. I never produce anything of value because I'm overthinking philosophy or overthinking the art

>> No.20163795

Do your own thing and stay in your own lane. No one likes normies and everyone wants to be the cool confident loner that girls like

>> No.20163801

I am a girl anon.
I do love me a smoldering wounded man though. The kind who’s trauma made them a better person in a way and more adept at understanding me. God I miss him ....

>> No.20163883
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>stop saying MANkind, use humankind so it's gender-agnostic
>ok huMANkind

>> No.20163887

Shut up woman. Your role is to go to Church, cook, be beautiful, and wait to get impregnated.

>> No.20163893

*poops pants*
Any manly man want to come clean this up? ;)

>> No.20163908

Why are ukrainians so racist

>> No.20163938

all i need is a safe place to bleed
is this where its at

now im the king of the war
cause im good and swallow my sword

>> No.20163962

Pretty sure gene editing is only controversial because Big Pharma doesn't want these genetic diseases to be cured. CRIPSR Cas/9 is way too cheap, and pharma prefers to give long-time "healthcare" over one quick fix. Nothing to do with morals or health risks, just with finance risk. And Christians should support it too and stop being luddites. God gave us reason to use it, and he made us the center of His creation to strive for improvement.

>> No.20164030

I stood up for something.
something in my core is in shock.
let's hope something good comes out of this.

>> No.20164035

Please cease from violating the art of poetry.

>> No.20164038
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I've become absolutely obsessed with this channel. I just mute it and watch it for hours while something else plays in the background.

>> No.20164041 [DELETED] 

fucking beret niggas I swear to go

>> No.20164113

Is free will just an illusion? Was I meant to write this message and you to read it?

>> No.20164117

Free will is a gift that God granted us, yes.

>> No.20164124

But what about the Gods plan for all of us?

>> No.20164150

Finally fuckin did it boys, I finally got with a fuckin girl. Only took me until almost 20 years of age. Met her at a dnb rave so you know she's steady, went back to hers and obviously fuckin retard over here was clueless as to what you're supposed to do, nevertheless we figured it out and I made her cum like three times. I suppose that means it's time for me to stop coming on here as well

>> No.20164154

You should read Henri Bergson and then the Modernists like Woolf if you are interested. Or don't, sometimes it's good to just explore an idea without external influence.

>> No.20164160

Am I in love with you because I never truly got to know you? Perhaps it is because we were predestined and the feeling I feel is our souls resonance? All I know is I cannot stop thinking about you. I want to cry from how badly it hurts. I hate my phony ass life, I hate my narcissistic bf, all I want is you. I curse every circumstance, thing, and person keeping us apart

>> No.20164206
File: 28 KB, 680x361, b9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relatable desu senpai
I think it gets better. or the feeling is just in a lull. cried pretty desperately last night I guess.

>> No.20164294

>serious art without overthinking.
none of my good ideas feel like they come from me. inspiration comes from the muses the way intrusive thoughts come from media for schizophrenics. be quiet and all kinds of things you don't believe in will speak to you.

>> No.20164307

Surprisingly good advice

>> No.20164426

>hate my narcissistic bf
Just break up already. Holy shit, how overdramatic does one have to be?

>> No.20164430

The girl (22) I've been dating for two months doesn't want kids, and I do. I'm also muslim and we had to go on a break yesterday. She kept crying and hugging me for two days straight because she's vulnerable, I let her and reciprocated even though I'm technically not allowed to have physical contacts with a woman that isn't my wife nor family.

What do I do? I love her but I want kids. Everyone says a relationship is an experience that isn't designed to last so I should stay with her, but I've always wanted a family and I'm not sure we can overcome cultural differences.

>> No.20164435

When I say I want kids, it isn't right now, it'd be at least in 6-7 years when we'll be established and with a solid foundation. We're both university students.

>> No.20164440

Break up with her already. Easy, next.

>> No.20164454

CrispR isn't a foolproof technology and with the recent Chinese scandals people are not yet ready to accept any therapy involving direct DNA cutting (not sure how you'd use it on an adult anyway). We've already found quite a few ways that are still being tested to cure genetic diseases, it's not that revolutionary.

>> No.20164471

Thanks! I can't say I've ever paid any attention to Bergson, only vaguely know his name. I'll have a look!

I think you're on to something. In a sense, the absence of 'time' is liberating to me: I think my problem with numeric, absolute time is rooted in my sensitivity towards experiencing nostalgia, romanticism and escapism, all of them being a lot harder to experience with a conscious awareness of the passing of time (however, now that I think about it, it can also help nostalgia, in a strange way. Can you be nostalgic about something without being aware that that thing is way back in the past?) Thanks for provoking my thoughts a little, fren. You've given me some more angles to approach this subject from.

>> No.20164495

You're welcome! I think time itself can be seen in a number of ways depending on how it's measured, like how the ticking of time can be dreaded by many because it has an indefinite yet certain end. Cold numbers put eras, ideas and historic events in a pre-defined box in my opinion, that isn't necessarily a bad thing but it just might not be what either of us enjoy.

>> No.20164501

>men dont wanna get rejected by women because its fucking horrible
rejection sucks but ascribing more worth to the acceptance of the opposite gender is needless... hope these people get over their self imposed limitations.

>> No.20164564

God loves you

>> No.20164599
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Where are you guys from? Which city?

>> No.20164649

Greater Los Angeles area

>> No.20164650

Science and philosophy are on the same level. One is limited by the physical world, one is limited by reason. It is only faith that lets you transcend the narrow confinements of humanity.

>> No.20164653

How do i get a neurotic gf like you? We'd be perfect for each other, all whiney and sad and everything.

>> No.20164758


>> No.20164772

>Brown people are not essential for western civilisation, quite the opposite
[laughs in commodity trader]

>> No.20164779

Day 4 or so of quitting sugar/caffeine. This morning I woke up with some actual energy which is rare. Maybe I'm on the right track boys

>> No.20164784

guess. ill give hints

>> No.20164797


>> No.20164849

>TFW you take caffeine and sugar just to cope

>> No.20164913

I might do this one day..

>> No.20165049

hint: i can speak two languages. je peux parler deux langues

>> No.20165060

Some gay european country

>> No.20165109

No more emotes?

>> No.20165164
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There's really nothing to do until america collapses, and the world is given a chance to pick a non jew money loving way of life, huh?

>> No.20165170
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>> No.20165361


>> No.20165371

i'd recommend kierkegaard, nietzsche and wittgenstein
this but don't get hung up on the anti-setimism

>> No.20165376
File: 3.75 MB, 2525x2782, sailing-stones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as the other 3 seasons

>> No.20165384

I want to eat watermelon.

>> No.20165402

I'm very tired of people only communicating with memes. You have these people that seem to strongly believe in something, but all they can is spread a recolored meme or a repost from another website. Why can't they make a normal argument? Everything is a dumb picture or a snarky Twitter screencap about a fake event.
I find ir very annoying as well as exhausting.

>> No.20165469

Even seeing 4chan lingo anywhere else is enough for me.

>> No.20165481

You should hear people in their early twenties. It was jarring hearing internet speak used so freely and without knowledge of what it really meant.
Worst but also the most funny were people (incorrectly) using bix nood. The temptation to tell them what they were actually saying was strong.

>> No.20165488

what is on your mind, i want it in my face.

>> No.20165520

but americans arent white

>> No.20165529

Would you consider any of the pre-Lovecraft horror/weird-fiction authors as being closer to 'literary' than to pulpy?
I like HPL well enough, but his writing could get pretty clumsy and disoriented at times.

>> No.20165566

My little finger metacarpal muscle keeps twitching for a couple months by now.

>> No.20165605

What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come hear the music play
Life is a cabaret, old chum
Come to the Cabaret.

I only wish to go and live in the good ol Cabaret and enjoy it with wonderful people.
The rest can come tommorrow.

>> No.20165653

animals are so beautiful man *smokes Attenborough* for real though. It's incredible. what are they doing.

>> No.20165673

correct me if I'm wrong- everything that adds to the destruction and ending of the world is from Europe, right? Just so I know when people talk to me about shit, that this is the outcome of their discourse and history.

t. European (not a jew)

>> No.20165684

>things you don't believe in will speak to you.
What do you mean with this?
Just thoughts that suddenly come up and dont seem just from yourself?

>> No.20165735
File: 184 KB, 965x1200, EAA2FF7A-B60E-4073-AC60-71FA8F9C6AED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered that I used to finger my girlfriend on the school bus in 10th grade, and I’m simultaneously kind of proud and really disgusted. I forgot how kind of sexually depraved I used to be. I guess I sort of still am.

>> No.20165761
File: 387 KB, 1912x1166, freddie-gibbs-sss-june.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on the bus I used to finger fuck her singing Usher
Down on my luck and then she upped and left me for a sucker

>> No.20165791

>never even had a gf in 30 years.
the world isnt just

>> No.20165830

do you get enough salt

>> No.20165859

I think I consume enough salt but how much does one need?

>> No.20165866

idfk i just said that to say something

>> No.20165877

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20165988

it seems to me it's probably most fair to say that I have no fucking idea if I loved her or not. It seems wrong to say I didn't. I don't know maybe I'm just blowing some bad memories out of proportion. Or is it vice reversa. She would then be the only person I ever loved since I was a kid I think (my family flipped out, I don't remember feeling properly good around them after about 10 or so) which means I have no frame of reference. I really don't know how I felt about her.

>> No.20165994

I know nothing in this world has come near to making me feel as happy. But I suspect that "intensity" isn't really the best single measurement of a shared life.

>> No.20166020


>> No.20166082
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>> No.20166105

Because they're the most open and tolerant society on earth.

>> No.20166114

Desu the fact that you're canadian lowers my estimation of you

>> No.20166115

The Lord of the Rings is science fiction.

>> No.20166118

Yeah we have to let this current cycle burn itself out

>> No.20166121

I pegged you for a brit until you said it was 6 am at the wrong time

>> No.20166125

I love seeing zoomers speak in 4chan memes. They're calling things based and cringe, bluepilled, chad and soi, nigger etc etc. I feel like I spearheaded a cultural shift that is saving zoomies from the gay millenial mindset. I hate millennials. Zoomers are so cool

>> No.20166138

do zoomers think they can save the world? I think many millenials would still be high on that kind of thing. Maybe they can, what the fuck do I know, but it would be interesting to watch what becomes of an internet-fed and completely dejected generation. What a way for the world to go out.

>> No.20166145

The only zoomers who think about gay shit like saving the world are the ones still stuck in the vestiges of millenial fart sniffing. Most zoomers are just living for the lulz

>> No.20166161

it's fascinating that saving the world was once a kind of mass culture (bono did have some good songs in the beginning), while no one has ever touched any elite. it strengthens democracy I think, makes people think stuff matters. but it's curious whether or not it increases consumption, generally. I don't think South Park ever got close to true parody, and as a rule I think LSD was a mistake. I wonder what ibn Khaldun would say. "It turns out atheism devolves into nothing in like 3-4 generations" probably.

>> No.20166197
File: 105 KB, 651x459, mtl wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desole mon cher

>> No.20166212

It never fails to amaze me how shit and computers are csfags in this country. No curiosity at all for the thing. No wonder so all software made here is beyond garbage;
>b-but cs isn't about computers it's about algorithms, math!!
Yeah, and they are absolutely shit at that too.

>> No.20166298

I don't know why I'd want to build a relationship on lies desu. It feels like something good could only grow once there's a foundation, once something is mutual. It has to get to that point somehow. It does not seem like I think honesty will lead to this. Generally speaking I don't know how I'd ever want to actually share with a woman, but I think that I think it could only happen once the foundation is there, so it has to come first and then the honesty has to come after, somehow.

>> No.20166313

Recall the man who built his house on sand. Recall the seed whose root took in rocky soil.

>> No.20166318

The Idiot is really just a block of smalltalks, even by Dostoyevsky's standards, but with some symbols and theories that live in my head rent free. For a whole year there wouldn't be a day for me without recalling Myshkin and his charming personality too ideal for this world, or whenever I feel tempted to evil, I put myself in place of nastasya filippovna knowingly following that devil rogozhin into deadly trap, trying to run from a literal God's impersonification and the guilt he delivers whenever that crazy woman sin and ridicule him in obscene ways yet he still forgives her because that's one of the best symbols of hopelesness I've ever read

>> No.20166331

this is indeed how it is.

>> No.20166380

where did she go anon?

>> No.20166405

There's something intrinsically spiritually deprived about taking advice from an 'advice book.' In terms of cause and effect, you are what you eat - this appears no different than a psychopath spectre attempting to become human. One shivers upon understanding that the true volition of your average person is pure carnage obscured by flouridation and a poor diet. It breaks my heart and soul more than anything else, that heaven for these people may be 100k and a trip to a luxury mall. That we share the way forward, but that what lay in the end is a chemical smile and a goodbye wave domineered by an automated steel exoskeleton. It hurts to see people I love demonstrate, in their subservience to nebulae, their lack of real personality - demonstrate their incapability to truly love, for they love only what they are told to... and I can't tell them to love me... it would defeat the point. There's no going back to the unconditional warmth that preceded your birth. The future only reveals it's cold mechanism of imitation. I guess in that sense I'm stupid for not realizing earlier, and that's why it's a problem - I'm the only one here.

>> No.20166548

Is deep obsessive introspection a practice of the intelligent, or is it a metaphorical equivalent of engaging in cock and ball torture for hours on end ?

While I think it’s a virtue to keep your mind sharp and complex, it also kind of hurts. I was happier simplifying myself and unconsciously consooming. Being happier is also virtuous and healthy. If I were to be honest with myself, my pursuits to engage in less mind numbing distractions from my inner voice are not completely pure. I’m doing it so I can be more appealing to smart men... well >a< Smart man desu. Holy hell tho, does being a conscious, aware person not numbing your brain hurt

>> No.20166552

why so many god damn fags

>> No.20166562

I’m the same person in both posts desu. I e gotten in the habit of using these threads as my personal diary, but now I’ll stop soz

>> No.20166566

introspection doesn't exist and neither do obsessive thoughts you're brainwashed. neither does narcissism

>> No.20166726

>mom was literally an NSA contractor with a security clearance in charge of surveillance software projects
>i'm a borderline Luddite obsessed with privacy and deeply afraid of 3-letter agencies
>mom said snowden and manning should've faced the firing squad
>i think they're heroes
how do you reconcile differences like this

>> No.20166730

You can't

>> No.20166733

based mom vs degenerate son

>> No.20166737

fuck her to get revenge

>> No.20166746

i don't accept that
ok bootlicker
i hope you actually die

>> No.20166750

Me too

>> No.20166752

Find a muslim woman or one willing to convert bro

>> No.20166769

Doesnt matter if you dont accept it. Your worldviews are so divergent the best you can do is agree to disagree.

>> No.20166785

i'm not talking about agreeing about anything. blood will persist over ANY ideological differences, no matter how extreme. we'll always love each other. i'm just troubled by how callous she is about this stuff. i mean she takes no privacy measures of any kind in spite of having first hand experience with government data collection. to her, privacy means nothing, and i don't understand it

>> No.20166797

What are you trying to reconcile exactly?

>> No.20166835

i view institutions that de-anonymize users, such as law enforcement, big tech corporations, and intelligence agencies, as inherently evil, and profoundly so. possibly satanic even. my mother is complicit in the activities of these "people" and believes them to be in the best interest of the country. that's the conflict

>> No.20166847

Never have kids.

>> No.20166852

ok CIA nigger

>> No.20166998

you sound like you're retarded

>> No.20167004

Pynchon, Houellebecq, or McCarthy for an author to read chronologically?

>> No.20167013

You guys see any good movies lately?

>> No.20167040

I've been bored of them lately

>> No.20167053

Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains

>> No.20167069

She’s an empty headed Bootlicker and grateful for the money I’m sure. Play hero someday or get away from her. Loving what you see as evil? Don’t bother with it anymore (unless you’re as compromised by the cash flow as she is).

>> No.20167084

for all her faults she's very intelligent and kind. i love my mom. and besides, it was commanded of us that we honor our fathers and mothers

>> No.20167139

I was in a state of pseudo delusion earlier longing for my ex, I imagined us together, and imagined her longing for me too (It's been a very long time.) and having not smoked in over 24 hours I went out for one.
About 10 minutes after, at the peak of the nicotine hit I went on to Instagram and visited her page, and was hit with reality.
She doesn't ever think of me, she probably doesn't long for me, and so on...
I came back to reality realising I haven't showered in days. It was almost like post-nut shame, but induced by nicotine taking me out of daydreams and fantasies.
I then proceeded to smoke more cigarettes for about an hour, hour and a half. I had my headphones on and got lost in music, dancing and smoking. Singing a little.
I don't really know what I feel, but these are the things that are happening, i don't really mind.

>> No.20167157

Ah, I’m getting a clearing image of the sort now.
Empty headed christians, dutiful to god and state, but also compromised by the economic system.
Try to convince her of the heroism of Assange and Snowden and the depravity of these National leaders and security, and she may just rat you out before she cracks.

>> No.20167224

Right those views are polar opposites and therefore cannot be reconciled.

>> No.20167232

Just watched Kindergarten Cop. I liked it. Arnold Schwarzenegger action scenes for me, and romantic-comedy scenes for my hypothetical wife.

>> No.20167251

Today my dad asked if I have a gf yet. I said no. Then he asked if I'm gay. Why does no gf make normies think a person is gay?

>> No.20167252
File: 798 KB, 1013x768, Screenshot 2022-04-04 030522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Adam and Paul it's called.
A fairly obscure Dublin film about the life of two drug-addicts. As a person who lives in and has grown up in this area, I can say concretely it is a near-perfect adaptation.
It is kind of tragic comedy, it can be hilarious at times. I'd recommend you watch it, here's a link:

>> No.20167264

>and the depravity of these National leaders and security STATE

>> No.20167266

sign of shame anon.

>> No.20167280

What do you mean? That it's a sign that my dad is ashamed? Or that being single for a long time is a sign of shame? Or that people want to shame the single into dating by calling them gay?

>> No.20167290

Rewatched I'm Thinking of Ending Things and enjoyed it more this second time around. I really like Kaufman's stuff.

>> No.20167296

seems super cool. thanks anon. cheers

>> No.20167302

all 3 actually hit the mark.

>> No.20167327

I dont think I'm single out of shame tho. Just socially isolated and awkward

>> No.20167340

That’s not disgusting. At all.

>> No.20167351

bratty mom needs rape correction

>> No.20167363

She’s a literal glowie, anon.

>> No.20167423

just watched this crazy australian movie The Last Wave. super trippy

>> No.20167428

How can free will exist?

>> No.20167432
File: 1.28 MB, 1452x1126, baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to make an incredible doctor. I mistook you for a dumb edgelord, but you turned out to be the most sincerely caring, empathetic, contemplative, and downright intelligent person I've ever met. I'm afraid to sing these praises in person, since you fear disappointing me, but you could do nothing with your life and it wouldn't deride my opinion of you. You have already demonstrated your worth, and continue do to do. I I could have never imagined someone with this level of neuroticism holding such tenderness. Not just for me, but plainly towards patients, your family, peers, etc. You're so highly competent despite your level of functioning, and I'm in awe of it. You're better than me, but I'll do my best to hold you up. Thank you.

ps. you're really funny too. I also hope you don't see this -- it's embarrassing, and I know you'd just feel burdened/pressured by it. You don't need to uphold anything, I promise. ;--;

>> No.20167443
File: 66 KB, 600x800, 5A33B19E-3E68-4A40-8428-99CD69EAA2CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just a lovely illusion. Let it alone.

>> No.20167469

Have you tried just asking him if you can go on his property?

>> No.20167499

God. 3D women are cringe.

>> No.20167510

myself obviously

>> No.20167544
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I'm not a lesbian because lesbians don't exist but the amount of time I spend fantasizing about sexual intercourse with another woman, while overshadowed by the amount of time I spend fantasizing about sexual intercourse in general, is incriminating and unnecessary. In fact to comfort myself I would have to say that the amount of time I spend fantasizing about pussy, about what its texture would be like and what it would taste like and what it would feel like to touch one, is disconnected even with the average level of my general sexual need, and therefore probably not actually tied to my physical sexual requirements but in someway a psychosomatic symptom of a deeper disease which I so far have been unable to properly diagnose. Nonetheless, I am so fucking horny, and I can't get anyone to fuck me. Not my boyfriend. He is handsome and has a huge cock but hasn't fucked me in weeks. Not anyone else, because my stringent moral syndrome causes me to refrain from sexual behavior around anyone who I am not committed to. All I get is to fuck myself. And after over a quarter of a century of fucking myself, it's just not enough anymore.

>> No.20167547

Because it’s making me cynical, nihilistic and depressed. I can’t leave it alone :(

>> No.20167552

I'll fuck you. What city you in?

>> No.20167553

You’re doing all that. Read some Nietzsche or something. Cynicism is bad for you and nihilism can be dealt with easily enough.

>> No.20167556

I wouldnt mind fucking you but I have PE.

>> No.20167560

Dont read nietzsche. Read kirkegaard. Every since I looked into kirkegaard I stopped giving a fuck about philosophy. The leap of faith saved me from being endlessly neurotic

>> No.20167566

have you tried more aggressively directly or indirectly communicating your needs with your partner?

>> No.20167570

>leap of faith
Is it completely personal?

>> No.20167578

1. Don’t deny homosexual women unless you’re one of those extremists that deny even heterosexuals.
2. You’ve been masturbating for twenty-five years?
3. You’re intentionally repressing yourself. Stop that. Fuck your chad. Maybe even suggest getting a third wheel girl. Let loose some. Be human for a while.

>> No.20167586

>Literally pretend there’s a god
That’s Kierkegaard.
Read Nietzsche. Even when he’s wrong, he’s wrong spectacularly. But he isn’t wrong when he says we’ve killed god(s)

>> No.20167588

>be a degenerate for a while

>> No.20167591

Filtered by faith of all things

>> No.20167596

Being sexually repressed is degenerate.
The pedophilic priests are proof of that. The sickos on this site are incels with whack-job fetishes.
Don’t get like them any further than you’ve already become.

>> No.20167599

Naw dude. I’ve been through that phase already. Faith is not wanting to know. We’re on a literature board. Many of us like to expand our minds with these books. Not lobotomize parts

>> No.20167601

>self control? Ew thats like repression or something
>you should be a polyamorous whore. Thats totally heckin valid

>> No.20167611

being a complete balls to the wall degenerate like you suggest is not a good solution to being sexually repressed

>> No.20167613

I emptied my bag of family sized M&M's and separated the contents by color. I had 78 green ones, 85 blue ones, 100 red ones, 82 Yellow ones, 97 brown ones, but only 20 orange ones. Only twenty. Clearly a mistake from the company, but it was too coincidental. Mars Corporation is watching me. They know I like the orange M&Ms best, yet, for this bag, orange had the fewest number available. Grant Reid must have a hidden camera. It's unfathomable how I obtained so little orange M&M's. I must buy another bag to confirm my suspicions.

>> No.20167614

I was "expanding my mind" with philosophy for a while. In hindsight it was just like spinning my wheels in the mud. You can construct complicated abstractions, but ultimately every worldview is buily on assumptions which are merely preferences. All beliefs are preferences.

>> No.20167616
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>Faith is not wanting to know

>> No.20167619

blue m&ms taste better

>> No.20167624

make sure you bring a weapon and confront the store clerk about it, it could be him targeting you or be involved somehow

>> No.20167626

You’re the same one who posted this >>20167544 yes?
The third-wheel girl was a suggestion. You say you have a boyfriend, which is why I didn’t advocate hooking up by yourself. Cheating wouldn’t be good, but in the first place, you did start and focus on the homoeroticism you’re craving. You have bisexual leanings. Pleasure is good, but I said do it responsibly. You and your feelings are “valid”

>> No.20167629

>Pleasure is good,
Get behind me Satan

>> No.20167632

She doesn’t have balls. Yes. Yes it is a good idea. It scratches that itch and you can go on knowing it wasn’t such a big deal.

>> No.20167635


>> No.20167636

>It's unfathomable how I obtained so little orange M&M's.
So *few*. So little is for an uncountable noun; you have counted them.

>> No.20167643

There's a point when you realize all of your hobbies have something in common: They don't require you to deal with people or to be nice.

>> No.20167644

Get thee to a monastery, cathcuck
>sex with boyfriend is “whore”
See? Incels are the actual degenerates.

>> No.20167652

honestly, you are genuinely shit person. like REALLY shit. you find a nice girl who appears to have a decent head on her shoulders with good moral understanding, she basically lays it out plainly that the obvious problem she has is a lack of communication in her relationship, and instead of encouraging her to build a healthy relationship you suggest they start sleeping with other people? get the fuck out of here. what fucking trashy, absolutely slimy human being you are, good lord

>> No.20167661

>the obvious problem she has is a lack of communication in her relationship, and instead of encouraging her to build a healthy relationship
I AM advocating communication and a healthy relationship.
You didn’t read the word “maybe” I used there? I leave that to her discretion. Stfu incel

>> No.20167674

lmao you are unironically a garbage human being. telling people who rightfully value sexuality as an intimate connection, then trying to get them to start treating it like just another vice and start sleeping with other people is such a comically shitty thing to do to someone. thats not in in any way "advocating a healthy relationship"

>> No.20167709

_I_ rightfully value intimate connection.
_YOU_ debase it as a mere vice.

But really. Stop talking. Touch grass. Have sex. Degenerate.

>> No.20167729

kek you arent even here to give advice, you're here to validate your own trashy behavior and it couldn't be more obvious. the original poster herself specifically layed out that she isn't interested in what you are selling; smart girl, but here you are barging in voicing your vile suggestions anyway, basically BEGGING for validation. go be a human parasite somewhere else, maybe get a little thing called self awareness and reevaluate your shitty self destructive ways before someone actually listens to your feel-good platitudes and fucks their life up.

>> No.20167737

I for one just wish that I could interact with God the way I was intangibly capable of doing before I was the age of 14 years old and masturbated for the first time. Now when I look out the window and I see green leaves on trees individuated by the glasses I've been wearing on my face to see the far-off things I need to see when I get in my car to drive long distances, and I want to ask God what he made me for if I am just here to see the green leaves out my living room window late at night, and he says, Shel Silverstein, I wish

>> No.20167760

Decided that I'm gonna go to Istanbul for some time. Seems that the place is fun and has plenty of hot girls which is good. Haven't been in a relationship or hooked up with anyone in quite awhile and in my town it's almost impossible to do. Change is good.

>> No.20167792

I was relieved to see the big eyes in the sky fade away. What creepiness. What a disgusting character.
Love and fear nature all the more.

>> No.20167858

>All beliefs are preferences
So this belief is just your preference. Got it.

>> No.20167943

Shift was cancelled today. Sweet, whole day to do whatever I want. Did literally shit all. I guess I finished Book VIII of The Republic but other than that I couldn't even watch a movie. I barely even browsed the internet I just kinda sat. Ah well, no need to be too harsh on myself.

>> No.20168080
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The pursuit of pleasure is the source of literally all evil. every evil act is done for some sort of carnal satisfaction. obviously the need to feel good in some way motivates just about everything, but the more carnal the pleasure is, the more disconnected from higher meaning, the sharper the fixation on that pleasure becomes, the more narrow your vision becomes, the potent evil becomes, until you become completely disconnected from good and become serial killer tier deranged, like the decadent aristocrats torturing people, executing, raping, enslaving, destroying innocence, all because of the pure carnal pleasure produced in the act. when you take man and burn away all morality, all the higher meaning of life, you will be left with one thing: pure distilled carnal indulgence

>> No.20168093
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you heard it here first,
Tyler the Creator will be the last president of the United States.

>> No.20168138

niggers don't become presidents

>> No.20168171

10 am and I'm about to take a nizzap. Imagine being a wagie lmao.

>> No.20168188

Nonsense. You forget Trump

>> No.20168189

Meaningless movement. What's a billion years in the face of infinity?

>> No.20168208

Have some perspective

>> No.20168242

Trump was Chicano

>> No.20168254

Orange man browns?

>> No.20168268

No fool. It’s the pursuit of money and power.
Pleasures are found in that but not all pleasures

>> No.20168277


>> No.20168278

I jump the gun. Please forgive.


>> No.20168355

it's not entirely correct but you can somewhat see it as us being intersecting planes. in the middle there's a perfect, straight line. but apart from that line, as you move along either of our planes, you move further from the other until you are not actually very close. We were broken and it made us have perfect resonance in some ways. At the same time it meant we needed one another, and if you need something then you can't lose it, and if you can't lose it then you can't risk losing it. So there were things we could not talk about or communicate, in case it would rock the boat. Things fester in that kind of darkness. It became very ugly as we both desperately tried not to risk anything, consciously and otherwise. I think we could have a chance now given we know all this. I also think we could never have a chance, because this pattern is deeper to me than my own.. anything. I don't need her, I've lived without her, it's fine. But I doubt I could have a different dynamic with her in particular. Maybe I couldn't with anyone, but probably not with her.

>> No.20168378

actual retard lmao. the pursuit of money and power are just extensions of the lust for pleasure, and I already addressed the fact that not all pleasures are necessarily bad. please do better if youre going to (you) me

>> No.20168393

you're so stupid it has to be butters. do us a favour and stop posting period

>> No.20168418

There isn't really any anti-semtisism in Spengler.

>> No.20168474

i like playing chess but also find it weirdly stressful

>> No.20168984


>> No.20168992

And how many boyfriends have you had, whore?

>> No.20169017

been up all night, kind of bored. gotta finish B.F. Skinner's "Beyond Freedom & Dignity" when I get the chance. "Economy And Society" is on the backburner for now. got some Zachtronics games from a friend. need groceries, nicotine (its covered for now) and caffeine. roommate is at work. want to sleep but can't. got this artist/band playing right now


>> No.20169061
File: 61 KB, 290x512, YW035358V_Throne-of-Mercy-venerated-by-angels-Louis-I-Anjou-King-of-Sicily-and-Joan-I-Queen-of-Sicily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20169412

>Pleasures in healthy diet and refreshing walks leads to evil
And you dare call me the retard when you’re the ones with actual autism.

>> No.20169445

A healthy diet of semen at nightclubs

>> No.20169521

^ Incel degeneracy, everyone.

>> No.20169528

^ cocksucker everyone

>> No.20169608

How come I'm such a terrible person but still am idealistic in my goals? The gap between good and bad is so small

>> No.20169686

*pussy eater

Stop being terrible.

>> No.20170322

yes i will call you a retard because I not only addressed the existence and importance of positive pleasures, I made it clear a second time that i did so. you are indeed a retard