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20128272 No.20128272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books about being a volcel? Preferably nonfiction

>> No.20128282

Nick Fuentes isn’t an incel or a volcel. He’s a closeted homosexual. He went on a date with a cat boy and freaked out that time a woman hit on him.

>> No.20128293

He also went on vacations with Brittany Venti and an Asian beauty queen and, according to him, 'didn't go too far'. I.e. volcel but still dates women.

>> No.20128313

I understand why leftists choose this line of attack from a pragmatic perspective but c'mon this manlet has no trouble attracting girls. He's a cult of personality. Femoids are addicted to that shit.

>> No.20128318

Cults of personality only work when your height doesn't start with 4'.

>> No.20128321

Half of the shit in the right is the US' fault

>> No.20128325

I’m not a leftist. Not soifacing over right wing ecelebs doesn’t make me a leftist.

>> No.20128339

Does that mean they should accept immigrants as some sort of penance? If consistency is your concern, nations who have caused harm in other parts of the world should treat people from those regions trying to enter with as little care as they treated them when they were living in their own countries.

>> No.20128352

men below 6 feet should be put down.

>> No.20128365

I just don't understand his audience. I can't see anyone in over the age of 20 wanting to be lectured by someone as young as Fuentes.

>> No.20128369
File: 68 KB, 564x767, 1508bmxrj7641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still taller than Ben.

>> No.20128387

I watched this gay spic for the first time when he debated destiny recently, I didn't expect him to be as capable as he is. He's super young as well, where'd he learn to do that? He could unironically reach Hitler levels of oratory prowess in a few decades

>> No.20128408
File: 883 KB, 889x524, nickfuentescatboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

volcel? I thought he dated catboy only.

>> No.20128414

>Surveillance State
>Foreign Wars
>Drug crime
>Violent Crime
Okay this one is actually Niggers and Spics but Jews are the reason those are here.
>Low/no social trust
>Disease/poor hygiene
Again, this one is actually Niggers and Spics but Jews are the reason those are here.
>Low IQ
Again, this one is actually Niggers and Spics but Jews are the reason those are here.
>Less jobs

So that's 10 for Jews, and 3 for Nogs/Beaners.

>> No.20128417

From what I saw, Destiny kind of manhandled him.

>> No.20128431

Get rekt

>> No.20128631

>'didn't go too far'. I.e. volcel but still dates women.
That's your interpretation of the situation? I know Nick Fuentes fanboys are coping children, but holy fucking shit.

>> No.20128640

He basically explicitly said that he had sexual relations with her, I'm no going to quote his entire monologue.

>> No.20128644

If you aren't living as a priest or something else that requires you to actually commit to a life of celibacy, you aren't a volcel. You're just a defacto incel who has given up on fixing the situation.

>> No.20128647

That would be news to me. His usual line is bragging about being a virgin.

Pretty ridiculous claim anyway, you just called him a volcel.

>> No.20128656

This guy has Irish, Italian and Mexican genes. He's the epitome of immigration.

>> No.20128677

Well, many people are ex-fornicators who have become a practicing member of an apostolic church (eg. Roosh), and so would by definition be volcels without being priests. In fact, based upon how easy it is to degrade oneself with meaningless sterile fornication nowadays, almost any practicing unmarried apostolic Christian can be rightly called a volcel.

>> No.20128681

this is bait

>> No.20128689

The English brought negroes from Africa and fought wars to free them. That wasn't the Jews despite what fake /pol/ infographics might say.

>> No.20128700

He IS still a virgin, that's the point. He didn't go that far.

>> No.20128709

Not only is it not bait, it is my experience (and that of so many other people).

>> No.20128722

>he had sexual relations with her
>He IS still a virgin
does not compute

>> No.20128729
File: 656 KB, 880x660, deus vult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your experience is being an unlikable retard who can't get laid and coping by claiming it's on purpose.

>> No.20128740

>sexual is synonymous with sex

>> No.20128810

I've fornicated countless times, and been in multiple relationships. This debasement of my temple and the temple of others is abhorrent, and one of my deepest regrets. You can accuse me of lying, but we all know where such accusations of mortal sin come from. And try as you might, public conversions of serial fornications like Roosh are undeniable. Project all you want, though - you are only exposing your own insecurities.

>> No.20129369

Sexual relations means sex, and even if he just meant that he got a blowjob it basically has the same weight as far as being a 'cel' or not.

>> No.20129373

yeah I was right the first time, this is bait

>> No.20129413
File: 19 KB, 220x339, The_Manipulated_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indirectly, this.

>> No.20129452

>Sexual relations means sex,
It *can* mean that.

>> No.20129526

Yeah, and are you saying in this context that it means something else? If so, what?

>> No.20129696

Rule of St. Benedict

>> No.20129939

It does mean that.
If you think it can mean something else, state your position and make a case for it instead of pussy footing.

>> No.20129974

I doubt we're going to get an answer on this. If there is one thing you can say for sure about Nick Fuentes' "movement", it's that they love to play both sides of any issue and will do a 180 on you without batting an eye. He's already done it several times in this thread.
>"He is a glorious apostolic virgin!"
>Yeah that's because he's not attracted to women
>"Noooo! He fucked some e-thot after paying her loads of money!"
>okay so he's not a virgin

>> No.20130005
File: 11 KB, 694x214, celibacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I need to make this point of order

>> No.20130035

>If so, what?
Holding hands.

A sexual relation is a relation that is sexual in any way.

>> No.20130042

we know you're not that guy, you're just larping as him

>> No.20130355

Fuentes is just gay. It’s not normal to hate women like that

>> No.20130958

The Bible.

>> No.20131030

They aren’t over the age of 20 moron

>> No.20132556

What the fuck is that?

>> No.20132578

Unironically he's a glowie plant.

>> No.20132579

so were the 5 good emperors

>> No.20132587

it's newspeak for voluntarily celibate, in opposition to newspeak for involuntarily celibate