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20128015 No.20128015 [Reply] [Original]

>President Trump seems to me to be one of the best American presidents I’ve ever seen.

Full article - https://harpers.org/archive/2019/01/donald-trump-is-a-good-president/

What do we think about this?

>> No.20128039

I think Trump was as good of a president as the last 10 presidents before him. Which is to say that he did mostly what they did; cut taxes on the very wealthy, and bomb something.

Foreigners like Houellebecq notice this plainly, Americans are too obsessed with personality cultism to see it.

>> No.20128050

Wow I can't wait to see what funny, subversive, edgy justification Houllebecq will have for this particular opinion. He really is at the forefront of contemporary thought.

>> No.20128075
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>He's a great president because he has a funny hairdo

>> No.20128080

the only good thing about trump is that he was not a bureaucrats, but he was still a business man, so it's just some atheist inside the atheist society

>> No.20128084

>President Trump recently declared, “You know what I am? I’m a nationalist!” Me too, precisely so. Nationalists can talk to one another; with internationalists, oddly enough, talking doesn’t work so well.
This mindset is easy to get along with

>> No.20128086


>> No.20128185

He wasn't bad really especially compared to Bush II, Obama or Biden. The only major mistake Trump made was encouraging the Fed to print too much money during COVID

>> No.20128190

learn english

>> No.20128199


>> No.20128720

Biden is way worse

>> No.20128728

>I think Trump was as good of a president
Name a single good thing he did.
Pro Tip: You can't.

>> No.20128741

thawing of Korean relations

>> No.20128743

yeah? You aware that DPRK is boosting its ICBM capabilities to 300 capable nukes now?
Real cool.

>> No.20128749

That's a good thing

>> No.20128750

yeah? you aware Trump left office like a year ago?
Real cool.

>> No.20128751

so, you mean thawing of relations by nuclear heat or what?

>> No.20128752

wasn't me, dipshit

>> No.20128757

maybe a president's legacy influence that is the first to mention of the good things he has done would outlast his own rule.

>> No.20128763

>it wasn't actually good because it wasn't permanent
do you find joy in anything?

>> No.20128770

As someone who was initially horrified and repulsed by Trump’s presidency, I have to admit that Houellebecq is not entirely wrong here. Trump’s approach to military interventionism is certainly no worse than Obama, and leagues ahead of that geriatric warhawk Biden who would probably say yes to any conflict even if he’s too senile to know who we’re meant to be fighting against. Trump took a fair few actions I don’t agree with, but I do agree with the idea that he was a necessary ordeal.

>> No.20128782

I think a europeen expressing an opinion on amerikwan politics just because he read some news articles on the matter is as pathetic as the opposite

>> No.20128814

Baudrillard was once asked to report on the Gulf War and just sat in a hotel watching TV instead. Based frenchies know that media representation is more real than the lived experience of the thing it is reporting on.

>> No.20128815

He's right, obviously

>> No.20128864

>Based frenchies know that media representation is more real than the lived experience of the thing it is reporting on.
I don't get it.

>> No.20128912

>unironically being horrified by the Trump presidency

>> No.20128917


> Enormous progress was made under Obama. Maybe he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize a little too soon; but as far as I’m concerned, he truly earned it later, on the day when he refused to back Francois Hollande’s proposed attack on Syria. Obama’s attempts at racial reconciliation were less successful, and I don’t know your country well enough to understand exactly why; all I can do is regret the fact. But at the very least, Obama can be congratulated for not adding Syria to the long list (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and others I’m no doubt forgetting) of Muslim lands where the West has committed atrocities.

> Trump is pursuing and amplifying the policy of disengagement initiated by Obama; this is very good news for the rest of the world.

> The Americans are relying more and more on drones, which—if they knew how to use these weapons—could have allowed them to reduce the number of civilian casualties (but the fact is that Americans have always been incapable, practically since aviation began, of carrying out a proper bombing).

> But what’s most remarkable about the new American policies is certainly the country’s position on trade, and there Trump has been like a healthy breath of fresh air; you’ve really done well to elect a president with origins in what is called “civil society.”

> President Trump tears up treaties and trade agreements when he thinks it was wrong to sign them. He’s right about that; leaders must know how to use the cooling-off period and withdraw from bad deals.

>> No.20128943

>Frenchman doesn't know or care why the US went to Nam.
Pity the Nero decree failed.

>> No.20128962

the reporting of the event is more important than the event itself, get it?

>> No.20129292


>> No.20129408

No, I'm mentally challenged. Explain it as if you were talking to a toddler, please.

>> No.20129517

When I close eyes, I invisible
if not news, it not happen. news say what real and what not

>> No.20129561

Okay? So how does it relate to the Gulf War.

>> No.20129598

>Based frenchies know that media representation is more real than the lived experience of the thing it is reporting on.
This is how the French revolution started

>> No.20129666

He's right. Who was better in his lifetime? Nixon maybe. Then you have to go back to Teddy Roosevelt before you find another good American president. Taft. Jackson. Washington. There's really only like 6 or 7 total who could be considered to have been good presidents.

>> No.20129697

I'm not going to read that but the question isn't whether Trump is good, the question is whether he was different. And he wasn't.
I do think he acquitted himself well considering there were thousands of people sitting on social media all day waiting to dunk on every single thing he said. But it doesn't matter, he was a puppet playing his role.

>> No.20129794

Do the same for previous presidents. That poster was right, people nowadays, and not only in the US, care more about personality and charisma than concrete actions.

>> No.20129841
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