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/lit/ - Literature

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20041965 No.20041965 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write erotica?

>> No.20041969

Write it based on your experience...oh wait!

>> No.20041972

Watch porn

>> No.20041980

You don’t.

>> No.20042013

You won't be able to write anything titillating if you are not, yourself, turned on by what you write. Your own arousal will fuel the elements that arouse others.

So if you are absolutely straight, don't bother trying to write gay erotica, and if you are full-on gay, don't bother trying to write heterosexual erotica. Your own experience and your own tastes will color the sorts of erotica you can write well.

>> No.20042025

decide on a fetish, decide what is physically going to happen, describe what is happening in the same kind of detail as HP Lovecraft, market it towards lonely women/suburban moms

>> No.20042042

Start with what you and your uncle used to do.

>> No.20042045
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don't! :)

>> No.20042046


>> No.20042047

With your hands, dipshit.

>> No.20042082

One handed

>> No.20042096

Then he saw a i always see cock dunno what to tell you full scrotom scratcher floating by

>> No.20042097
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>> No.20042168
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Erotica is porn for women.
Basically make a average looking woman with no discernible or remarkable qualities inexplicably the object of desire by not just one Harlequin novel gigachad, but two Fabios, you can of course make them supernatural beings inexplicably in suites and Ferraris with beach houses on the Amalfi coast I guess. Make them "slighty rapey", don't front load your bodice ripping too early. He has to 'work for it'. Treat it like foreplay. Leave the sex scenes for the half-way mark at least. That's where if there's a supernatural element you can really let the 'darkness' inside them come out.
>Not having speech to sext technology

>> No.20042300
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You have to learn to ERP first.
Once you've made 100+ boys and girls cum you're ready to write about it.
There's too much erotica without geist, you need to learn HOW to make people have cute, uncontrollable orgasms.
I would suggest getting some experience with the boys from this website, they are so vulnerable and adorable when you give them a tiny bit of recognition.

>> No.20042318


>> No.20042340

why does this wojak have ears

>> No.20042342


>> No.20042431

I doubt ERP will help much.
Interacting with another human being, even if just through a screen, is the biggest drawing point. The actual conversation (both content and presentation) only kind of matters.
That doesn't translate to traditional literature.

>> No.20042473


>> No.20042493

Unironically go to AO3 or something and browse the top-rated fanfics in the big categories like Harry Potter, GoT, etc that are under 5k words or so. Stuff like that is prime shlick material for chubby tumblrinas.

>> No.20042630

A tranny groomer made this post.

>> No.20043741

This desu.
The porn quality from Ao3 is ranging from the hottest shit you'll read to pitiful "i touched her v with my d" shit. You really get a grasp on what and what not to do.

>> No.20043751

I remember once I woke up at 3AM with a raging boner and starting writing a short story about a noble girl engaging in ritualistic bestiality, and I deleted it out of shame after cumming. Too bad, it was a good story

>> No.20043809

i want to fuck them


>> No.20043817

I once wrote a piece of coompunk fiction about a cam whore and posted it in a crit thread. I wasn’t aroused by it in the slightest but multiple people in the thread were. What does this mean?

>> No.20043828

pussy and dick in prose.

>> No.20044122

Do semen retention for two weeks, don't look at porn or try to think of sex. Then engage in sex with a woman (slowly) and meditate on how you feel. Then try to write down how you felt, and I can guarantee it will probably be really hot.

>> No.20044727
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>Then engage in sex with a woman
Easy for some

>> No.20044903

Common mistakes: detailed description of the physical events taking place (you should replace these with blunt and short statements powerful because of their inherent significance); description of pleasure being experienced (one should aim to rouse it, not describe it); an unappealing scenario (as a rule of thumb: you should desire to live in the position of the hero since pleasure is derived from imagining yourself in his place)

>> No.20045245

Read a bunch of erotica and pay attention to which ones make you horny and which ones don't. Make sure to include plenty of dirty talk. It makes it read more like a scene with two characters interacting instead of just a description of two people fucking. (Two or more people, I guess I should say)

>> No.20045258

Lolita was my guide.
t. ""Professional"" visual novel translator.

>> No.20045267

George Henry Shaft?

>> No.20045692
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I can write smut just fine, how do I make money from it? self publishing on amazon and just giving it a bonkers title or something?

>> No.20045810

Like this (go to last two pages). Masterpiece I made over the course of two days.

>> No.20045813
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>> No.20045823


>> No.20045851

I find this general attitude to be deeply disgusting. I guess that's one way to ruin a thread.

>> No.20046302


Roses are red
With lovely smell
If you watch porn
You go to HELL

Pater Edmund Waldstein O.Cister.

>> No.20047539

coomers get aroused by anything