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File: 22 KB, 266x400, 9781733648127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20031923 No.20031923 [Reply] [Original]

Literary masterpiece or racist filth?

>> No.20031926

very fun sci fi pulp. reads like a old stephen king book like running man or firestarter.

>> No.20031938

Quite poorly written but quite prophetic. It's not even close to being a masterpiece but there's no such thing as racism against negroes. That's just humans' survival instinct.

>> No.20032194

I'm sick of hearing this opinion from dullards. It's not poorly written at all, the prose style is a literary device where the book is diary entries of a man with no literary skills or artistic inclinations. Pierce himself was a great writer and orator.

>> No.20032204

Racist masterpiece

>> No.20032208

Why not both?

>> No.20032210

The main character is a nigger.

>> No.20032236
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>The main character is a nigger.
...is this true?

>> No.20032305

>Then, about a month ago, the trouble arose which led to my meeting her. A new girl, Mary Jane, had joined their group, and there was friction between Elsa and Mary Jane. The boy Elsa was sharing her mattress with at the time had apparently known Mary Jane earlier, before either had joined the group, and Mary Jane regarded Elsa as a usurper. Elsa in turn resented Mary Jane's none-too-subtle efforts to entice her boyfriend away. The result was a screaming, clawing, hairpulling fight between the two one day which Mary Jane, being the stronger, had won.

>Elsa had wandered the streets for two days-that's when I met her-and then she had returned to the basement commune. Mary Jane, meanwhile, had gotten on the wrong side of another of the girls in the group, and Elsa pressed this advantage by issuing an ultimatum: either Mary Jane must go or she, Elsa, would leave permanently.

>Mary Jane had responded by threatening Elsa with a knife.

>"So, what happened?" I asked.

>"We sold her," was Elsa's simple reply.

>"You sold her? What do you mean?" I exclaimed.

>Elsa explained: "Mary Jane refused to leave after everyone sided with me, so we sold her to Kappy the Kike. He gave us the TV and two hundred dollars for her."

>"Kappy the Kike," it turned out, is a Jew named Kaplan who makes his living in the White slave trade. He makes regular trips to Washington from New York for the purpose of buying runaway girls. His usual suppliers are the "wolf packs," from one of which from one of which I had rescued Elsa. These predatory groups snatch girls off the street, keep them for a week or so, and then, if their disappearance has caused no comment in the newspapers, sell them to Kaplan.

>> No.20032316


>I was alone with my aches and somber thoughts for only a few minutes before my second interrogation session began. This time two FBI agents came into my cell, followed by a physician and three other men, two of the last three being large, muscular-looking Negroes. The third man was a stooped, white-haired figure of about 70. A nasty little smile flickered around the corners of his coarse-looking mouth, which occasionally split into a leering grin, revealing the gold caps on his tobacco-stained teeth.

>After the physician had quickly checked me over, pronounced me reasonably fit, and left, the two FBI agents jerked me to my feet and then took up positions near the door. The session was turned over to the sinister-looking fellow with the gold teeth.

>Speaking with a thick Hebrew accent and a disarmingly mild, professorial manner, he introduced himself to me as Colonel Saul Rubin, of Israeli Military Intelligence. Before I could even wonder what business a representative of a foreign government had questioning me, Rubin explained:

>"Since your racist activities are in violation of the International Genocide Convention, Mr. Turner, you will be tried by an international tribunal, with representatives from both your country and mine. But first we need some information from you, so that we can also bring your fellow criminals to justice at the same time.

>"I understand that you were not very cooperative last night. Let me warn you that it will go very hard for you if you fail to answer my questions. I have had a great deal of experience over the last 45 years in extracting information from people who did not wish to cooperate with me. In the end they all told me everything I wanted to know, both the Arabs and the Germans, but it was a very unpleasant experience for those who were stubborn."

>Then, after a brief pause: "Ah yes, some of those Germans, back in 194S and 1946-particularly the ones from the SS- were quite stubborn."

>The apparently satisfying recollection brought another hideous grin to Rubin's face, and I could not suppress a shudder. I remembered the horrible photographs one of our members who was a former Army intelligence officer had shown me years ago of German prisoners who had had their eyes gouged out, their teeth pulled, their fingers cut off, and their testicles smashed by sadistic interrogators, many wearing U.S. Army uniforms, prior to their conviction and execution by military courts as "war criminals."

>I wanted nothing so much as to be able to smash the leering Jewish face before me with my fists, but my handcuffs would not permit me that luxury. I settled for spitting into Rubin's face and simultaneously aiming a kick at his crotch. Unfortunately, my stiff, aching muscles ruined my aim, and my kick only caught Rubin's thigh, sending him staggering back a couple of paces.

>Then the two Negro orderlies seized me. Under Rubin's instructions, they proceeded to give me a vicious...

>> No.20032324
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what the fuck is going on. does he even use the word nigger? i thought this was supposed to be racist kino

>> No.20032342

>"nigger" yields 10 results
>"negro" yields 25 results

>> No.20032391

He robs liquor stores to fund the proceeds of crime and lives his life in constant fear of the police. Of course he's a nigger.

>> No.20032476

What else did he write?

>> No.20032494

It's great trash fiction. Like someone said think of it as a pulp novel.

>> No.20032496

>It's meant to be shitty! It's meant to suck!

>> No.20032517


Literary masterpiece of racist filth. Name another book that isn't a blatant political manifesto or a religious text that has managed to inspire the murder of over 200 people.

>> No.20032576

It reads like what it is: boomer fanfic.

>> No.20032669

Day of the Rope is the only interesting part of the book, prove me wrong.

>> No.20032787

its just military larp with some racism

>> No.20032800
File: 92 KB, 1222x762, Turner diaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The verdict is in. that is officially NOT A BOOK
discussion over

>> No.20032809

yes good reads owns amazon so anything banned from it won't show up

>> No.20032815
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>Celebrate Women´s History Month

>> No.20032838
File: 449 KB, 1077x1681, Screenshot_20220308-091204_Goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true. Turner Diaries is the only book I've seen removed.

>> No.20032913

Literary filth.
Racist masterpiece.

>> No.20032939
File: 296 KB, 373x558, turner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20033071

The modern political man
Free of mind he claims
A fiery auburn spirit
But blinder than a mole

Justice, truth, and liberty
But falls flat when charging
Racism, sexism, and hierarchy
But doesn't know why it's darning

Truly free he is
Never opposed nor berated at
Stubborn as a tree
Always dismiss never debated

It's just bad, ok?
Why? Because it just is, ok!

>> No.20033084

Hunter is worse, same author and ideology but more detailed

>> No.20033094

Only book ever removed simply means first book to have been removed.

>> No.20034439

>Fucks up everything because he's a retard
>Blames other races for his failures
>Kills others for fucking up not nearly as bad as he did
>Narrative wants you to believe he's right
Yep... 100% Nigger

>> No.20034454

Well I don't remember much about this novel except that he fixes a radio and has sex. Also the beginning when black globohomo enforcers are going door to door confiscating guns, I think it was guns.
It's safe to say it's not a great novel but something similar that is much greater would exist if this kind of subject matter was allowed mainstream publication.

>> No.20034485
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>the patrician's choice

>> No.20034507

The plot is so fucking ridiculous. This book obviously glows.

>> No.20034626

The only other novel he wrote was in the same style, it's called Hunter. But he wrote hundreds, if not thousands of articles and speeches. https://archive.org/details/drpiercebroadcast

>> No.20034705
File: 65 KB, 600x700, franz-fanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is said that in his white knight fantasies, Pierce always pictured himself rescuing a fair Aryan maiden from her congoloid attacker only after the black brute finished copulating.
This has yet to be disproven.

>> No.20035286

Covington had very strange humor placement, his other books other similar in that regard

>> No.20035524

Sincerely have no issue with the theme, I just couldn't get into the writing style.