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/lit/ - Literature

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20025471 No.20025471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Every bluehair on Twitter is gnashing their teeth about his Kickstarter. Do woke editors not understand the basic concept of selection processes? If you make success harder for white men by trying to keep them out, they will just work twice as hard and dominate the market that much more. Meanwhile, women and minorities will get lazier and lazier because they know they have a safety net, and so the market will punish them long-term. (Jewish success is a classic case of this selection process iterated over centuries; they *benefited* from persecution by becoming hypercompetent.)

>> No.20025477

wtf is "Twitter"?

>> No.20025482

A psychic prison for niggers, women who talk like niggers, and men who dress up like women who talk like niggers

>> No.20025485

Alright you win OP. I'm now googling who this fat fuck is and why people in your shitty social media ecosystem are upset about him.

>> No.20025490

Damn. That's good.

>> No.20025491

Is there actually outrage or is this just schizo shit? Jessie Gender enjoyed Mistborn and nobody seems to give a fuck that he's a Mormon.

>> No.20025562

>Is there actually outrage
yes, you have no idea how woke the traditional publishing industry has become

>> No.20025588

Why do you see everything through the lens of race?

>> No.20025616

I mean, objectively, your race is an extension of you. Your personal values are downstream of your biology, so your values have the best chance of surviving into the future if your race survives into the future. You may not care about this, of course. Many don't.

>> No.20025633

>Your personal values are downstream of your biology

>> No.20025693
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a mental institution for the verbally incontinent

>> No.20025700

> Your personal values are downstream of your biology
And your drinking water is downstream from my favourite pissing spot

>> No.20025729

When people won't shut up about black bodies in big black spaces what do you think non black bodies are going to start thinking about? How nice it'd be if these black bodies weren't in their white spaces.

>> No.20026101

Not really his fault on this topic when minority authors started bitching about so many people giving money to a white male mormon author.

>> No.20026120

But why so tribal? Some retards complaining on the twitter doesn't mean one must go full retard too.

>> No.20026708

>search twitter for hate
>80% of posts are people talking about the hate and 20% actual hate
I guess I shouldn't have expected otherwise

>> No.20027120

Jews evolved the way they did because they were restricted to professions where IQ was important, and their financial success determined their number of children. Success in Talmudic study also may have resulted in a higher number of children, I don't know.

>> No.20027153

I don't see the big issue since the LDS Church is a mere shadow of, say, what it was 20 or more years ago. meh.

>> No.20027164

QRD on Bran Sand's announcement? The fuck is going on?

>> No.20027170

It became the most funded kickstarter campaign ever, with 25 million USD as of now. Faggots and trannies are fuming.

>> No.20027222

Competency in the jewish sense does not compete with gentile competency because it relies tangentially on it. Jews can’t compete with productive humanity so they have to parasitize it.

>> No.20027234

That's it? I thought his fat Ben Shapiro sounding ass started an indie publishing company the way people on here were celebrating.

>> No.20027246

He's self-publishing these new novels.

>> No.20027313

If Sanderson was an actual threat to the cultural hegemony of the Jews they would remove him from Kickstarter and payment processors generally, which they have done to their priority targets before. He's not in any real danger, aren't his books about strong, independent women anyway? Only read like two hundred pages of Stormlight but I remember almost all of it being from a young woman's point of view.

>> No.20027916

People are crying about how you should donate as much money to LGBTQ/POC authors as you did to Brando because reasons?! They're honestly insane

>> No.20027989
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Cope, Sanderson is the last traditional beacon of hope, he writes pure traditional literature.

>> No.20028021
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>nobody is reading my book? The reader is at fault.

>> No.20028031

most retarded post on 4channel

>> No.20028048

Reminder that when people talk about this kind of controversy they’re invariably using it as a selling point, as in, “look at all the crazy dykes that don’t want you to read this book! That’s totally why you should read this book!”. Even if the controversy is blown out of proportion, it explains why people flock to “rogue” intellectuals like Peterson or whatever, because they’re marketed as “the thinkers the establishment DON’T want you to hear”.

>> No.20028062

>n-no I’m not salty that people don’t want to read my garbage, whatever gave you that impression?
Twitter really is a hellscape of embittered, resentful old hags.

>> No.20028074

A brief look at twitter (God forgive me) and it mostly seems to be genderqueer Mormon polycules running interference in favour of Sanderson against people going "uh oh, ur fave is totally Mormon".

Shits weird ngl

>> No.20028078
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His literature is filled with traditionalism, even more than non-fantasy books, anyone who read his books would understand. his books are pure trad compared to the degenerate shit that get posted here, every book I read recommended by /lit/ is full of cuckery. people recommend stuff like Atomized Houellebecq like its the most trad thing and when I read it, its filled with BBC and blacked scenes and one of the main charcters get cucked multiple times.

Yes Sanderson is more trad than your cucked writers.

>> No.20028094
File: 62 KB, 656x273, gay furry sanderson fans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so Popular with homosexual furries?

>> No.20028100

Prove it

>> No.20028110

no way they're actually complaining about him of all people

>> No.20028120
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Because the Traditionalism in his work are not revealed to normies, only a traditionalist would understand.

if a gay furry read him, of coarse he won't understand the trad aspect of it.

>> No.20028146

Sanderson is trad, sure. He’s also traditionally shit, which is the only crime that matters

>> No.20028152
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>the standards for traditionalism have moved so far that now sando is considered "trad"

>> No.20028156

Stop with all this parasocial “his ideological framework is just like mine!” Nonsense. It literally doesn’t matter if he’s trad or not and you retards only care about this shit because you want writers to validate your personal viewpoint. It’s all speculation that is no better than celebrity gossip.

>> No.20028170
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>reee only my niche extremist Evola is "trad"
>only muslim retards like guenon is "trad"

>> No.20028174

Don’t group me with those Mormon spergs. All I did was make a joke about how he’s shit.

>> No.20028180

Fair enough m8, no harm intended.

>> No.20028192

No harm taken, Bakker reigns supreme.

>> No.20028214

Nooooo! How dare you! I forbid you from giving your money to straight white mormon!

>> No.20028241

It will forever be so. White men simply go out and do what they do and make trad publishers and their agendas irrelevant.

>> No.20028244
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"nefarious purposes"

>> No.20028254

Most of the complaints I’ve seen are the fact that he’s Mormon, and the Mormon Chuch is le bad to gays. From what I’ve gathered he donates quite a bit to the Church so some of his profits will go there.

>> No.20028291

He is far more tame than most of the stuff writen these days, but by no means he is "trad". There was fornication in several of his books.

>> No.20028304
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>mormons were supposed to safe the white rice and christianity
>they are just a bunch of globohomo basedboys
Its over

>> No.20028314

Wait, Shad is a mormon? I thought he was anglican.

>> No.20028322

Yeah he is Mormon and he is breeding like one.
The meek will inherit the world indeed

>> No.20028325
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>hope for lulz
>hope to see some nonsensical online outrage screenshots
>its fatties arguing about mormons and traditionalism
Wasted potential, again

>> No.20028335

Based really. Hope the best for him and his family.

>> No.20028344

He wrote a book btw
I stopped watching him when he cried on camera over it.

>> No.20028361
