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19994311 No.19994311 [Reply] [Original]

Books about the brutality of war?

>> No.19994578

Pic-related disappoints me but at the same time just kind of slides off. Is it bad how desensitized I'm becoming to bullshit like this happening?

>> No.19994586

brb posting this on wholesome subreddits

>> No.19994600
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>get paid a pittance for having been tortured by the vietcong
>ordered to pay half of it to a woman who cucked you

>> No.19994606

America is a gynocracy and I fully support any nation who sents nukes to level this hell scape.

>> No.19994626

The hell with the wife, he should have been tearing up that 15 year old pusy. I bet that's the real reason he can't bear to look at the picture.

>> No.19994637

By submitting to such an injustice, he proves that he in fact deserves it.

>> No.19994656

Maybe he was a shitty husband who deserved to be left

>> No.19994661

Women the true sufferes of war fr fr

>> No.19994696

If Rambo was real, Stirm would have done something.

>> No.19994710


Where are you righting oh wait writing from comrade?

>> No.19994783
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.19994795
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whatever I'm drunk and you don't have to be a foreign shill to hate this cucked nation. Enjoy your cumdumpster BLACKED wife, friend. you'll really BTFO the russian agents by defending her honor. I side with no political party or nation. I hate what America has become and would welcome a clean slate.

>> No.19994995
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>> No.19995048

On Killing by Lt Dave Grossman.
analyzes the source of PTSD in soldiers across multiple wars. It gets kinda WASPy near the end when he claims video games are being used to desensitize children toward violent behaviour, but definitely worth the read.

>> No.19995065

fucking hell

>> No.19995074

american whores are really something else

>> No.19995080

It’s bad how desperate you are to prove to anonymous strangers how edgy you are.

>> No.19995084

Based. I love fucking married sluts. My one friend always brags about how great and loyal his wife is…after hearing that I fucked her a few times throughout the years. The tension is always strong between us

>> No.19995338

>the navy grants divorces
hey buddy i got a bridge to sell ya

>> No.19995541

And then everyone clapped

>> No.19995778

Yea hes american lmao

>> No.19995792

>t. roastie or faggot

>> No.19995797

I really enjoyed Say nothing by patrick radden keefe. Pretty brutal look into the troubles

>> No.19995820

underrated comment.

>> No.19995837

The Odyssey
“ We boldly landed on the hostile place,

And sacked the city, and destroyed the race, Their wives made captive, their possessions shared,

And every soldier found a like reward.”

This war thing sounds cool.

>> No.19995842
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>posted 10 hours ago
>not one mention

>> No.19995852
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>dear john letter from his wife Loretta informing him that their marriage was over

asking as an ESL: isnt that horrible english?

>> No.19995883

>dear john letter from his wife Loretta informing him that their marriage was over
A "dear John" letter is the unofficial name of that kind of letter. It could be smartened up with more punctuation but otherwise works as-is

>> No.19995887

but thats what i mean. either write
>a dear john letter from his wife loretta
or write
> a letter from his wife loretta informing him that their marriage was over.

both sounds redundant and wrong

>> No.19995947


With the old breed by Eugene sledge

>> No.19995977

caption writer was paid by the word

>> No.19996323

Unironically Murakami. He goes off on a WW2 tangent about once a book. His description of skinning a person in Wind Up Bird still makes me sick.

>> No.19996381

Doesn't seem to me like he trying to be edgy. One you know how things work and see it enough it becomes quite routine and expected.

>> No.19996594
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She had no other choice.

>> No.19996632

This is why the Gauls were right to bring their family to war with them, not to participate, but to cheer them or shame them depending on the case.

>> No.19996693


Wallace Terry spent his whole life trying to tell the story of these guys and how Vietnam ruined their fucking lives. There's very few happy endings


>> No.19996827
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Not war related, but military related.

I had a friend in highschool who was the shy, nerdy type that joined the army as soon as highschool ended following his uncle's footsteps.

He had a gf somehow, his first relationship. Everyone in our friend group was happy for him, and he was head over heels for her, absolutely lovesick.

He had to do his military training away from home and electronics were not permitted, but he would get a week off in june to come back.
During this time, his gf started chatting me. I knew what she wanted but I couldn't do that to him. So, I talked with the rest of our friend group one night while playing vidya, brought up that our buddy's gf was talking to me and the voice chat turned a lot more heavy.

Turns out I hadn't been the first, two of our friends had laid hands on her, one of them even said that she told him for the two years that our friend and she were together, she never had sex with him because she said she didn't feel ready. Fucking ironic, and now she was getting passed around like a fucking soccer ball. I just sat there in awe, listening to them, what they had done to her and such. I left the voice chat, couldn't stop thinking about my friend.

I didn't see him when he came for his vacation, none of us did.
My guess is that he went straight to his gf and she spilled the beans, or somehow he found out. I couldn't reach him either and I haven't heard of him since.

I deleted most of my social media and slowly drifted apart from my friend group, so I don't know where his ex is now, I just hope she got a fucking STD and died.

>> No.19996956

I'd just crop that birch out and have my baby hugging me fuck her

>> No.19996964

I think Hillary meant people who lose their family members to the enemy not cocksucking whores

>> No.19996975

It's good you didn't betray your friend. Your peers though...

>> No.19996985

Yeah, this is shockingly common. My first “relationship” was like that as well, except I got to fuck her regularly at least - it didn’t make the fact that she was getting passed around by bunch of Chads any easier to digest once I found out. Obviously, there were red flags all over her but you simply ignore them when it’s your first taste of pussy.
I’ve seen it happen to half a dozen other guys in different social circles since my cucked experience, tried to warn them, but they chose to stay in denial as long as possible.

>> No.19997060

Men need to start mudering their wives and gfs more over this if you want it to stop. If you're smart and have money you can even get away with it, see Tiger Woods.

>> No.19997448

Young people make overbearing relationship commitments that they're not prepared for, news at 11.

This 'happens all the time' because they weren't ready for a marriage to begin with. Sure, she's a fucked up person for doing that but people cheat in all sorts of long distance scenarios.

This would've been more despicable if they had kids, or if they were engaged or something. I wouldn't take it that seriously. People who get all psychotic about cheating are the ones who end up in jail for murder/assault charges.

>> No.19997491

Yeah. Resentments make you sick. If you are cheated on, dump her. Some bitches are just crazy. Move on knowing you dodged a bullet before it got serious. Lying and disloyalty should not be tolerated in a relationship. There are so many more girls out there

>> No.19997504
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>> No.19997509
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Kind of based on the brutality of the aftermath of war

>> No.19997517
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>> No.19997537

reading this made me sick to my fucking stomach

>> No.19997539
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>> No.19997549

Love is too hard for most and people are beasts.

>> No.19997591


>> No.19997841


>> No.19997846

I can't fucking read books in the first person. Pynchon is out.

>> No.19997848

I mean present tense, sorry.

>> No.19997852


>women pretend the patriarchy exists when they passively rack up marriage proposals in the background

The problem is that America is the wrong kind of liberal, it should be libertarian. Neolibs operate under the same structure as protestantism.
The father-daughter relationship actually looks legitimate. Well, at least it would be honest.
He does love his daughter more than the mother.

>> No.19997856

reading this is like reading a hundred 9/11s

>> No.19997857

You're not impressing anyone, kid.

>> No.19997876

you don't know what that word means

>> No.19997901

>he didn't cop to people ruining his life behind his back so he deserved it.

This is psychopathic logic. And before you pat yourself on the back for being that bitter, realise that Kantian laws apply to you to. If you found out your mother is a whore tommorow, sorry son, you're a faggot now.

>> No.19997956

So if he was a philanderer who beat his wife and she left him when he was away at war, he’s still the good guy? He really didn’t put up much of a fight for the child support so I’m sure she had ammo

>> No.19997958

Nam by Mark Baker

it's essentially 250 pages of war porn

>> No.19997967

The Things They Carried is very good.
Had to read it in High School but did a reread recently.

>> No.19997997
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The necessity, and imperativity, of war is recognized by one who perpetually overcomes oneself, and discerns this convertive confliction in others; it is a problem of purpose, not one of war itself.

>> No.19998010

I don't have a rolodex of logical fallicies near me right now but you are heavily banking on him being something he's not.
Also look at the photo. The wife objectively looks like a bitch. A fraud.
If she had been raped, and she didn't enjoy it, see how this works? She would not be running towards him, she wouldn't even be there.

>> No.19998043

She would be there for her child who is meeting her father. You do realize that men can be duds in relationships, right? Maybe this one is or isn’t, put it’s an incel copout to always point the finger at the girl. What is they were both unhappy and he literally didn’t care and just wanted a new partner? Either way, he wasn’t a man to his woman

>> No.19998095

realise that when you use a buzzword it is almost like disqualifiing yourself as an adult

>> No.19998213

>you know how things work and see it enough it becomes quite routine and expected.
This anon gets it.

>> No.19998220

Pynch is so cringe

>> No.19998239


this is not a word

>> No.19998261

Thank you for your kind words.

Probably has to do with retirement benefits. Just because you divorce in civilian court doesn't mean the military can't just give your whore ex-wife half your retirement anyway. Like with the cuck in OP's picture.

>> No.19998298
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I 100% agree with everything you said

>> No.19998318
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Where can I read more about this? The only thing I can find is an ifunny post...

>> No.19998670

You should have shot those bastards and that bitch to death. Would have done your friend a favor. Suffer no traitor his right to life.

>> No.19998791

This. Fuck this gay country. Nuking the US would be an act of mercy, please just fucking do it. Please.

>> No.19998876

No, I was honestly just wondering if I was only one who is shocking isn't outraged by the post. My younger self would naturally be absolutely outraged at that woman for abandoning the one she swore to be there for.

>> No.20000313

You misspelled judeocracy

>> No.20000818

Unfortunately I can anecdotally say cheating is very common in the military. It is very depressing indeed, and I support the female draft because of it.

If men are going through an evolutionary bottleneck, women should too.

>> No.20000974


If you see my gf with a black eye do you assume she must have deserved it because she may be a shitty partner? Didnt think so you cunt faggot. Go back to normieville you monkey-brained nigger.

>> No.20001637

Being a soldier is the best way to be a cuck

>> No.20001672

People like this should be forced into a strict religious convent for the rest of their lives.

>> No.20001948

Idk if this thread is about war or women but is there a literary equivalent to Patrice O'Neal? Why does love hurt so much bros...:(

>> No.20002075

I wonder if this is an evolutionary woman moment, historically it's been the case that most men than go off to war aren't likely to return. Maybe they feel a biological imperative to seek a new cock for survival when the first one disappears for a prolonged time

>> No.20002191

Man, really makes you hope that there is a special place in heaven for people who have to suffer shit like this.
At least he had good children.

>> No.20002222

The men also cheat on their wives while abroad. People just get lonely after like 2 weeks