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File: 311 KB, 810x1080, Ernest_Hemingway_1923_passport_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19978597 No.19978597 [Reply] [Original]

Hemingway published one of the greatest collection of short stories of the 20th century and was starting on a novel that would change the landscape of literature before turning 26. All the while serving in the Red Cross in Italy in WW1 and getting married.

What the fuck is your excuse?

>> No.19978606

I'm not a faggot, nor am I a nigger.
t. anon

>> No.19978623

fuck the red cross and fuck niggers

>> No.19978629
File: 19 KB, 800x450, 41rtwpO9McL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19978656

I am not 26. However, I am married and writing a novel, but I don't know that it will be necessarily earth-shattering. Still, I can try.

>> No.19978661

Mass consumption of pornographic material.

>> No.19978677

I am genetic trash of no use or worth to anyone and a waste of resources.

>> No.19978679

I was born in the modern world.

>> No.19978681

no real excuse, i'm just lazy and have been full of self-doubt ever since i flunked out of college and had a few poems rejected. already 28, but might as well keep trying, otherwise continue being a loser.

>> No.19978688
File: 648 KB, 3126x2048, 245989687_347121283880521_9010449887424284259_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was drunk on pussy for 20 years

>> No.19978777

>before turning 26
And it shows in all honesty

>> No.19978787

trips of truth

>> No.19978819


>> No.19978825

Sun Also Rises is a terrible novel

>> No.19978828

Whether you like it or not is irrelevant.

>> No.19979170

I’m not Hemingway.

>> No.19979193

Hemingway had no iPhone, no account on Facebook, Instagram, ,YouTube ,and etc. He dad no distractions from email and text messages. It was a different world, a world people were able to concentrate.

>> No.19979210

It's perfect, he never matched it

>> No.19980085

Exactly it’s clearly shit

Then you are an undergrad who hasn’t read that much

>> No.19980109

just don't use those things, retard

>> No.19981067


>> No.19981806

I didn't suck Ezra Pound's dick in a seedy Paris café. I would have if I had the opportunity though.

>> No.19981829

It’s a great novel but to say he never matched it is midwit, I would put it slightly behind both FHTBT and Farewell, and we’ll behind his magnum opus, The Old Man and The Sea

>> No.19981919

no internet, no phones, people actually had hobbies

>> No.19982068

Old man and the sea is clearly his best imo. I’ve always wondered if I’d like Across the River and into the Trees, as I’ve disliked every Hemingway novel aside old man and the sea

>> No.19982073

Have you tried A Moveable Feast?

>> No.19982118

Yes it’s unreadable. It’s just him gossiping

>> No.19982123

>It’s a great novel
You must have a different definition for 'great' than I do.

>> No.19982133

i dont think anyone ITT gives a fuck what you think

>> No.19982139

Yet you replied while passive-aggresively seething like a woman in her period. Curious.

>> No.19982144


>> No.19982152

You've been acting like a little bitch the whole thread.

>> No.19982183

Says the guy who's got his panties in a twist because someone called an amateurish novel terrible.

>> No.19982227

i'm a scawed wittle boi.

>im just a kid.wav

>> No.19982287

Sound like a Nabokov tier criticism anon, it’s actually peak comfy

>> No.19982288

Have you seen the pathetic state of the culture we live in? It's a pretty damn good excuse.

>> No.19982300

Define "amateurish" novel

>> No.19982306

Nuh uh, my opinion is right and yours is actually shit. You must have poop for brains

>> No.19982311

Comfy is Graham Greene or Chandler not some 50 year old tranny gossiping

>> No.19982369


>> No.19982409

Yeah I was when he spent a few pages seething because Ford Madox Ford’s office smelt and all that Fitzgerald cuck shit

>> No.19982539

Look you could give it up, or better yet get off the site and go socialize, or you can keep trying to force an argument and I can call you a faggot. Either way idc and I won’t put any effort into giving you the (you)s you are so desperately clawing for

>> No.19982556

To be fair, I am a big fan of Hemingway's writing and I enjoyed A Moveable Feast, but you have to take it with a grain of salt. Hemingway had a history of criticising and spreading rumours about his 'ex-friends' such as Gertrude Stein and Fitzgerald.. Also, the book was written in his last years and he definitely had some sort of impaired judgement due to concussions, depression and alcoholism.