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19963845 No.19963845 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Stalin was one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century?

>> No.19963854

What the fuck is with all the Stalin threads? You need to fuck off back to discord. I say this as a Stalinist

>> No.19963874

I think it's natural that, after COVID-19 exposed the contradictions of capitalism, a high IQ board like /lit/ would start taking an interest in the works of Stalin

>> No.19963878

Fuck up and read marx

>> No.19963895

Stalin is Marx running on all cylinders

>> No.19963900


>> No.19963902

>as a stalinist
Then you should be able to point out how he was right without telling OP to fuck off, but you're just a CIA shill trying to use psychological warfare to avoid any true arguments

>t. non stalinist

>inb4 him and his glowie niggers start replying by trying to prove me wrong and calling me a schizo

>> No.19963903

r/antiwork are anarkiddies

>> No.19963908

EPIC-OWNAGE-SAUCE! Dude, that was really great, sorry to be *that guy* but I'm just wondering if you'd be ok if I use that in the future? I see a lot of people criticising capitalism, and frankly it's embarrassing how little economic theory they know, when I bring up basic ECON101 stuff my professor taught me (like supply and demand) they start making bogus hippy arguments like "there wouldn't be supply and demand issues if we all just lived off the land, but we can no longer do that because there are factories polluting the forests that once fed us". But yeah anyway, I think you pwnd him concisely with that single word response, and I'll probably use it in the future because it's such great n00b-pwnsauce!

>> No.19963910


>> No.19963913


Do a supply and demand curve for the Trabant to see communism in practice.

>> No.19963940

>supply and demand is an abstract notion that only makes sense in an artificial world of machines and cars

>> No.19963954
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shut the fuck up lmao go back to leftypol

>> No.19963964
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>after COVID-19 exposed the contradictions of capitalism
If that's your conclusion after the entire corona scam you might be mentally retarded

>> No.19963969

Tankies trying to take credit for defeating Japan is some slimy shit, especially given the CCPs infamous lack of activity during those years

>> No.19963978
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>> No.19963989
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>> No.19963997

I know, but you strike me as the sort that skips reading and just embraces aesthetic as a cute little phase

>> No.19964000

cunt we don't need 3 stalin threads a day

>> No.19964014
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m-da. we need 4

>> No.19964513

Stalin btfo'd jews so he was based as fuck and redpilled to hell and back. Molotov-Ribbentrop was proof that he was aware of the threat that (((they))) posed

>> No.19964532

And that philosophy would be....?

No, of course he isn't. He was a very effective leader and head of state. It's extremely unlikely men in those positions also happen to be eminent philosophers.

>> No.19964534


>> No.19964539

I'm still reading Mao but will check out Stalin. Is The Foundations of Leninism a good book to start with?

>> No.19964546

You should actually read his insights. Everything is on marxists.org (unless the Trotskist running the site haven't taken them down)

>> No.19964550

The National Question is the best start

>> No.19964555

cope mald seethe etc, but with how he treated them you know I'm right, he is /ourguy/

>> No.19964560

I don't need to, because if they were worthwhile other people would have popularized his insights long before now and he'd be a common part of conversations in philosophy.

>> No.19964567

Oh okay you're just an average normie that only reads stoicism I guess

>> No.19964580

Cope with this: My point is that if you have to ask, then no he's obviously not the greatest philosopher of the 20th century. There are a lot of smart and 'smart' people who are highly invested enough in this question that if there were a chance of it being true, it would be have been settled on a long time ago. Br-uh.

>> No.19964593

cope you fucking retard

>> No.19964613
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>> No.19964638

You know you talked down about stoicism but it could have taught you to deal with the negative feelings you're experiencing at this moment. Food for thought.

>> No.19964656
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>because if they were worthwhile other people would have popularized his insights
Holy fuck why would bourgois philosophers ever popularise the thought of Stalin? Think /pol/tard, think!

>> No.19964698


>> No.19964761
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idgaf+you're cringe+you're a /pol/ack go to gulag

>> No.19964784

Based & redpilled

>> No.19964820
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>my dad told me communism is bad
This but unironically

>> No.19964843

He had nice hair, I will give him that.

>> No.19964857

This reads like a scheming shill post.

>> No.19964861

after the world's govs making bullshit and stupid shit one after another as excuses to get more power? huh, I guess we do need to remember what that shit is all about, alright

>> No.19964878

Kek why are commies like this. They literally talk like religious people with their terminology.

>> No.19964898

>Academic sources
Why do people just not know how academia works? The whole point is to argue as much as possible. They're not Priests laying down the law on their research subject.

>> No.19965056

Communists want to obliterate bougie states by force

Does liberalism or fascism not have terminology?

>> No.19965097
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That's because it's the closest you can get to a religion while remaining an atheist, it's an entire belief system that one day people dressed in red will come and give them free shit while punishing those meanie rich capitalists. It's a religion without a god, it had its prophets then and has its priests now writing articles how communism is inevitable and all you need to be saved is class consciousness. Modern-day Marxism is divided about as much as modern-day Christianity, with beliefs ranging from classics buried in theory so thick it's inaccessible unless you have legit autism to batshit insanity (Posadism is one example). In countries where communists actually had had a chance to rearrange the society to their preffered image, high-ranking members of the party became a protected caste and the only ones allowed outside the borders of the communist bloc for vacation and business; think of them as popes and bishops. You could also enrol on a course of Marxism-Leninism at a university and stay there with the government subsidising you, much like Israel today subsidises Orthodox Jews studying holy books. Not to mention the entire dictionary of "revisionists" and "reactionaries" and whatever the fuck which you can clearly see is the communist idea of a heretic.
Like I said, it's a religion without a god. How one can abandon their religious beliefs and then adopt communist theory unironically without a shed of critical thought is beyond me.

>> No.19965335

>end to famines

>> No.19965380

We talk like intelligent people with a framework that explains material reality, history, economics, sociology. Just because you can't understand big brain words doesn't make us wrong.

>> No.19965394

Is Posadism to Marxism what Mormonism is to Christianity?

>> No.19965467
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>“In one important sense, Marxism is a religion. To the believer it presents, first, a system of ultimate ends that embody the meaning of life and are absolute standards by which to judge events and actions; and, secondly, a guide to those ends which implies a plan of salvation and the indication of the evil from which mankind, or a chosen section of mankind, is to be saved."
-Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy

>> No.19965474

Unironically, Posadism is the logical conclusion to Marxism.

>> No.19965483

You need to be less obvious bunkertranny.

>> No.19965542
