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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 141 KB, 1200x900, 36EF3B36-FEA0-41C7-8750-A0FD91D32088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19944901 No.19944901 [Reply] [Original]

/WWOYM/ Fancy edition
Previous >>19940379



>> No.19944918

Any femanon wanna be my gf

>> No.19944947

What poetry have you committed to memory?

>> No.19944950

i'm going to commit crimes so reprehensible my own mother won't forgive me

>> No.19944959

back on my original post, I am reading the Zhangzi, this text is gold.

>> No.19944962

What would that entail, anon?

>> No.19944973

Hand holding, prolonged eye contact, eskimo kisses, and begrudgingly accompanying me to every shitty movie I want to see in theaters.

>> No.19945010

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19945029

i think the simulation is coming to a close

>> No.19945060
File: 37 KB, 620x465, 1617695443964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I'm gonna settle for being in the Army for the rest of my life lads. At 26 years old, I have been a programmer, project manager, construction worker and law office assistant yet all of them drained me because I didn't find any passion in them.

Anybody here joined the army late in their lives?

>> No.19945083


>> No.19945088

my brain has ben Taiwanized

>> No.19945089

what does that even mean

>> No.19945093


I had a bunch of girls from high school tell me they had massive crushes on me. One of them even stalked me through university, sending me anonymous letters in the post and shit. We all grew up super religious though and so neither side was game enough to make a move.

>> No.19945098

anon femanon wanna teach me how to love someone?
my parents never taught me how

>> No.19945101

I drank too much dr pepper and now I can't sleep.

>> No.19945110

>my parents never taught me how
I relate, didn't realize until I was in my late 20s just how much my parents divorce messed me up

>> No.19945115

Lonely femanons why do you continue to ignore us, your natural counterpart

>> No.19945120

don't be delusional anon
our counterparts are at the bottom of the bottle or at the end of a barrel

girls self isolate, boys are exiled

>> No.19945126

I sniped a Diablo 2 code on eBay years ago, and now I feel bad whenever I remember it. It wasn't worth it.

>> No.19945128

Why do you have to crush me like this

>> No.19945129
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>his mother never taught him how to have sex


>> No.19945131

because unlike girls
nobody will come to rescue us, we have to save ourselves

>> No.19945148

You can fuck who you love, you can love fucking, but they aren’t the same thing.

>> No.19945149

why is the world so cruel

>> No.19945150 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19945155

it's a shitpost, anon.

>> No.19945159

This is the Fancy thread, guys. Take all else to

>> No.19945164

y-yeah, a shitpost, haha

>> No.19945173

we are expendable
and society reflects it

>> No.19945174

My brain has become Ukrainized

>> No.19945180

a little part of it went away and won't come back

>> No.19945203


You’re as wrong as ever. Stop repeating your lies to each other. You have a WHOLE FUCKING BOARD FOR THAT

>> No.19945214


>> No.19945215

What are some must read reads that can be read in under 30 minutes?

>> No.19945218

Excuse me but this is my blog

>> No.19945224

your car's safety instructions and user manual.

>> No.19945231

You read your cars user manual in half an hour? What the fuck

>> No.19945235

Short stories. Lots of good authors to choose from

>> No.19945236

im 13

>> No.19945239

My brain has been catastrophized

>> No.19945242

tits or gtfo w*man. i'm writing what's on my mind you BEAST: silence yourslef.

>> No.19945244

name one man! what the fuck is wrong with you? You think I don't know short stories are short?

>> No.19945252

see how it angers the women that a man dares to show emotion and weakness
how he dare try to express himself and seek solace and compassion from others
see how she strikes you down and belittles you, how she tries to invalidate your feelings, your struggles

>> No.19945253

The Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.19945256

Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius

>> No.19945265

excellent, danke

>> No.19945390
File: 23 KB, 500x594, I pretend I do not feel it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shit's all fucked up boys
I can barely function at work
Jesus Christ
She doesn't even think about me
I literally just vomited realizing she already has a new boyfriend already
I'm totally fucking undone
We only dated for two fucking months
I can't get my shit together

>> No.19945405

I've never had a girl friend before

>> No.19945473

gonna ask out a hot/cute girl at an it store today

>> No.19945504

The problem is not writing what's on my mind, the problem is why should I? If no one will ever read what I write, should I still write? If I have no one to talk to, should I talk to myself? Without external feedback I become a soul that loops back upon itself. Does this grow my soul or diminish it? Does it stagnate or simply cease to function? What good is reality without perception? What good is the ability to feel without being touched? Sense without change has no purpose, and purpose without reason is pointless. Substantiate the lack of substance, or don't. It doesn't really matter.

>> No.19945513

demolishing my bussy

>> No.19945552

>What no pussy does to a mf

>> No.19945556

I just want to be loved

>> No.19945561

>Without external feedback I become a soul that loops back upon itself
Do you think a soul only exists when it is acknowledged or seen by another human being? Stop being fucking retarded

>> No.19945628

girls have commoditized love

>> No.19945687

good luck, dont forget to write the whole thing here after

>> No.19945800
File: 1.61 MB, 473x498, kcansc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found high school yearbook

>> No.19945808

He was just a lonely hunter,
and he surely took his time.
He set up all his traps,
making sure to leave no sign.
He should of sat and listened,
for a couple minutes more.

"Is everybody dead yet?"
Asked the hunter reading maps.
His partner answered quickly,
with a reassuring tap.
But a mile away a shot rang out,
with a crooked laugh.

Some three come out of hiding,
returning slowly to the light.
Two relax when one calls out,
"There's no soul we missed in sight"!
They left those grounds for good,
having tripped a trap laid before.

He ain’t gonna hunt no more.

>> No.19945828

Hæ PïbrÞ de Gïzúß

>> No.19945851

It's my birthday today.

>> No.19945854

> No results
Nice poem, Anon

>> No.19945860
File: 244 KB, 375x523, 1644467233207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday, my frend

>> No.19945929

Damn I had forgotten all about Homestarrunner. Does that site still exist?

>> No.19945947

Just checked. It looks like the site is up and functional

>> No.19945989

I was reading about The Treachery of Images by Magritte that if he wrote the text as "this is not a respresentation of a pipe," then the art wouldn't make sense because Magritte is showing that the pipe is a representation and not an actual pipe, but I say it would make sense because the art is the message, so it wouldn't matter what it said for "making sense" any more than it would to add a sun in the corner.

>> No.19945995

I don’t think I’m actually a writer. I’m just a fat NEET who likes constant pleasure through TTRPGs and now I’m making the world a better place by not writing and publishing.

>> No.19946094

I wanna suck the titty of this woman i'm talking to but I don't want to go through the effort of taking her out and paying for it
shit sucks, homies

>> No.19946096

Just say “netflix and chill?” If she’s easy she’ll come over.

>> No.19946128

that's the problem, she's not that easy
probably going to take her to the beach or some shit that is free

>> No.19946129

You think it doesn't? See what social deprivation did to orphans in Romania or does to inmates in solitary confinement.
Being overdependent on others is a problem but one that flows from our very nature; needing others to function normaly.
The human is social and needs contact, even schizoids, and this all comes in varying degrees but denying that we need contact as if we're some solitary animal will cause needless suffering.

>> No.19946141

>take test by psychologist
>"I hold beliefs that other people find strange." answer very true
>psychologist then asks me "what beliefs do you hold that other people find strange?"
>can't answer. Literally can't think of one
What the hell is wrong with me? Help me out here anons

>> No.19946176

You hate niggers

>> No.19946193 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 424x272, gpf5izcz97i81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To all subjects of Ymir: I don't want that!

>> No.19946199

You think David Foster Wallace is a literary genius

>> No.19946231

>but I don't want to go through the effort of taking her out and paying for it
tough shit then

>> No.19946238
File: 658 KB, 982x656, Screenshot 2022-02-18 at 10.30.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to post this image :-)

>> No.19946241

you think Ngo Dinh Diem's cronies killed JFK has revenge for the coup

>> No.19946298

Himbos with phat asses.

>> No.19946548

I am trying to relax. I have a strong feeling that will help.

God is on our side. Even if we mess up. He will always love us both.

I'm still scared of others and what they think. But God knows everything and still loves me.

He loves everyone here. We all are loved.

>> No.19946631

Thank you

>> No.19946636

Got Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety and Don Quixote from local library. I hope it wont be too overwhelming.

>> No.19947103

you think jet fuel can't melt steel beams

>> No.19947110

i hate emo hair wojak so god damn much

>> No.19947134

I’m about to start university and I’m unsure whether I should pursue my passion (i.e. the arts) or get into STEM (which I’m not into at all) to be able to find a stable job in the future.
University is free in my country so I could easily change course midway.

>> No.19947143 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 900x1125, 1620242924735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friday afternoon
Imagine all those people looking forward to drugs and sex later tonight... While we're stuck here.

>> No.19947148

I do not look forward to drugs or sex(with whores) and neither should you.

>> No.19947152

imagine that lucky guy getting welcomed home by a gf that loves him

>> No.19947160 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 1080x1350, 1617221586103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single day I wish I hadn't wasted my youth on internet, getting drunk in solitude from time to time. Now I'm too old to party...

Young Anons, go out there and have fun NOW.

>> No.19947163 [DELETED] 

>loves him
You don't know much about women, do you?

>> No.19947165

I know that no being can be pure evil

>> No.19947170

Shakespeare's sonnets aren't great at all

>> No.19947186 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't say they're evil at all, but they certainly aren't capable to feel the sort of profound, obsessive love you have for women. As a man you're either the dick or the wallet (ideally both). In either case, easily replaceable.

>> No.19947197

Women can only love their own children

>> No.19947199

They were better before the Great Vowel Shift fucked up all his rhymes.

>> No.19947239

Me neither. Seems like a big hassle based on the sadbrains shit that gets posted on this website

>> No.19947240

i thought this was /lit/ not /simp/, my bad
yeah actually i do, to some extent. im not physically alone but clearly i am intellectually alone. i dont connect with all the faggots on this board i guess

>> No.19947253

Only good american is a dead american, wish i could turn you all into compost.

>> No.19947257

An arts degree itself is useless but your course might enable you to make connections
STEM will probably make you want to kys

>> No.19947284

though no woman has given me a reason to
I choose to believe in love, if there's no love in the world, than I shall be the one that loves

>> No.19947294

I couldn’t care less about a piece of paper stating I’m knowledgeable in an arts field.
What I do want though is to dedicate my life to the arts, starting off by building a solid knowledge on the subject(s) I’m interested in - hopefully in a culturally stimulating environment where the people surrounding me have similar interests to mine.
I feel like I’d be extremely depressed in any STEM field (even thinking about it gives me shivers), yet I feel like I shouldn’t be ignoring other choices as well since, while doing what you enjoy is important, earning enough money to live decently is pretty important as well. I don’t care about money or being rich at all but I don’t want to end up being homeless or a blue collar worker neither.

>> No.19947296 [DELETED] 

That's sweet and understandable, I used to be like that as well - before I actually had relationships and sex. Prepare to get hurt.

>> No.19947319

Fucking whiny loser fag idolizing getting shitfaced

>> No.19947328 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 1080x1330, 1618405432229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you're in your late twenties, only then you'll comprehend what you've missed out on.

>> No.19947330

I am hungover as shit.

Should not have drank.

Now I'm browsing /lit/.

The gayest board board, if I am to be frank.

>> No.19947332

peak fomo cringe
I didn't "miss out" on being a retarded american, I chose not to

>> No.19947339
File: 20 KB, 247x330, Junkofurutaportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kind of disturbs me that if Christianity is correct, people like Junko Furuta are most likely in hell since they died as unbelievers and most likely unrepentant of sins in their life. Imagine having such an horrendous death and afterwards being greeted with eternal torment.

I guess there's the rule that one shouldn't despair about any particular soul, but still...

>> No.19947344

Based positive anon. Never forget that you can be the constant that shines bright.

>> No.19947347 [DELETED] 

>retarded american
Kek, do you honestly believe that youthful hedonism is an American invention? Do you think that cool German kids aren't doing MDMA and jaeger shots before fucking behind some corner? Or that Portugese Chad Jr. is sitting at home on a Friday evening instead of smashing prime teenage pussy?
I'm Eastern Euro btw.

>> No.19947351

I'll burn brighter than everyone else around me
and when my fuel runs dry, I'll choose a nice quiet place and put a bullet in my head

>> No.19947355 [DELETED] 

>if Christianity is correct
You can stop being disturbed

>> No.19947378

a sad fate for a soul, but I guess it's as good as any outcome since girls can't love

>> No.19947422

I have quite an attractive face. I do pretty well for myself but I think I've figured out the type of girl that's into me. My teeth are all kinds of fucked up - like bad plus a bunch of chips from flights from highchool. I went on a date with a girl who said she liked bad teeth because they told a story. I'm realising now that all the girls I ever hooked up with probably did because they saw me and thought that I was unpretentious because my teeth are gnarly.

>> No.19947427

based, godspeed anon, there are people capable of love out there

>> No.19947434

I doubt that
my outlook on life is pretty pessimistic, I just don't feel like that's a reason to go around spreading hate instead of love is all

>> No.19947452

Its actually friday morning

>> No.19947458

My brain has been americanized

>> No.19947461

I'm afraid the only cure for that is a bullet, do it for mankind anon

>> No.19947527

If these politicians and war profiteers start a war over nothing I'll be rather peeved let's put it.

All the telltale signs of capitalism and imperialism in decay are showing. History tells us what happens next. If there still is a "next" after this.

>> No.19947572

This is textbook cope

>> No.19947576

suffering =/= virtue

>> No.19947577

thinking that suicide is the best option

>> No.19947601

Yeah it munt be. But personally I think it's worth waiting another week. Give it 7
days for us retarded anons and see how you feel.

>> No.19947617

My bones are plain wooden dowels stuck into foam balls that make my knees and shoulders. Crush resistant Green PVC Oxygen tubes run between my muscles made of wet rags bundled by rubber bands and pump blood into my heart. My soul is a Maytag Washing Machine Model A18CM. Did you know each Maytag Washing Machine contains one human soul? A Maytag Washing Machine is blind; the Maytag Washing Machine perceives only the rush of water that pumps into the Water Inlet Valves, which is then directed to the stainless steel Tub. The Tub is sealed from any light. Each human soul is jostled approximately thirteen thousand six hundred times each 17 minute rinse cycle. The white nitrile gloves stuffed with sponges that make my hands flex inordinately. I taste soap.

>> No.19947628

To be or not to be?

>> No.19947641

War has produced many great writers, it will be my chance to be Hemingway

>> No.19947651

>What are some must read reads that can be read in under 30 minutes?

All the poems except the really long ones.
Start with 'If' by Kipling.

Most of the short stories.
Start with 'The Speckled Band' by Conan Doyle.

Most of the essays.
Start with 'Politics and the English Language' by Orwell.

>> No.19947665

are you ukranian?

>> No.19947716

sometimes I feel the urge to stuff a brush up my ass

>> No.19947732

I wish all twitter screencap threads would be forbidden a and deleted

>> No.19947753

I feel the same about the frogs and jacks

>> No.19947776

go back

>> No.19947802

prostate stimulation is forbidden fruit

>> No.19947812

Bo back where? To the place shitposters belong?
You go back. This was a board for literature once, til shitbags like you ruined it.

>> No.19947823

butt stuff is fun
too bad about the cancer risks and all that

>> No.19947865

>cancer risks

>> No.19947884

oh... you didn't know?

>> No.19947910

uhh, no.

>> No.19947924
File: 424 KB, 837x754, info-flux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this sometime ago, it is a graph of the flux of information between 4chan, reddit, twitter and news sites I got from an article.

>> No.19947925

yeah, butt stuff significantly increases your chance of ass cancer
especially if whatever you're putting up there is larger than two fingers

>> No.19947931

all information starts from 4chan
we Are the center of the western infosphere

>> No.19947938

arent you just making this up?

>> No.19947940

not really, no

>> No.19947942

Repeated damage to any organ or body part increases risk of cancer on that area.

>> No.19947947

Ignore him

>> No.19947950

>ignore science

>> No.19947966

So masturbation causes penis head cancer?

>> No.19947972
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 91902EB9-C358-45EB-9F7C-FBBF1182A669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The science is in!
Trolls act just like cancer cells

>> No.19947983

the doctors won't tell you this, because it's homophobic, of course abusing an organ that was never meant to breached and only excrete would have consequences

>> No.19947999

no because there is almost no damage done to the penis, but anal sex causes small injuries because of the stretching.

>> No.19948021

I feel like shit since my grandma has died

>> No.19948024

I already have hpv so it doesnt matter.

>> No.19948066


>> No.19948080

Actually :) because I got dubs twice.

>> No.19948128

Just give up, all your efforts will be worthless and you'll never achieve anyway. Just give up before you fail and make a fool of yourself.
Some people are born to be happy and succeed, others not. It was never a matter of just working harder or trying one more time, you are a loser, you were born a loser and you will die a loser. You and your dreams are just the laughing stock, accept it, it will hurt less if you do.

>> No.19948158

Why do you hurt, anon?

>> No.19948176

My older sister got several serious concussions when she was young and it radically changed her personality. It scares the shit out of me. My advice to all of you; don't get a concussion.

>> No.19948184 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19948193 [DELETED] 
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>Error: You were warned. You must first view this warning to post again.

>> No.19948195


>> No.19948204 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 219x241, 1616835765492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19948290

Yup. Knew a guy who got a traumatic brain injury in a fight. My friend's brother. I noped out of there when I saw he would space out and then suddenly have a subtle look of frustration and anger on his face. Really fucking scary.

>> No.19948332

I slammed my head against a wall so hard it left a dent in it two weeks ago and I noticed I've been having these weird space out episodes, especially when I'm reading. I got a ct scan and they said everything was okay, but this post is concerning.

>> No.19948351

There is a small correlation between head injuries during childhood and adolescence and being a serial killer later in life.

>> No.19948387

>visit grandmas house
>there is a secret chamber hidden in the closet

>visit grandmas house
>grandpas coffin is hidden under the floorboards in grandmas room

>visit grandmas house
>discover a long lost backhouse hidden underneath rubble and overgrowth

does anyone else have these dreams?

>> No.19948490

I never knew either of my grandmas so no

>> No.19948646

>advice from a 22 years old 4channel poster

>> No.19948698

The time shad jso com for me to depard to the empt y plane tha where a I could may be fined somehere to be or eske I mu suffer thor a ne w one

>> No.19948700

tiddies are on my mind.

>> No.19949076

I'm so fu king drunk
i can't come back home yet

>> No.19949117

Ulysses by Tennyson.

>> No.19949129

missin that x like a mafk wouldna belie

>> No.19949130

>can't come back home yet

>> No.19949143

I am visibly drunk

>> No.19949164

Do you live with parents?

>> No.19949190

can't fokken deal wit dis mann

>> No.19949196

I tried to buy cigarettes from vending machines but they won't take plastic

>> No.19949204
File: 808 KB, 1280x1856, Photograph 357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone be willing to read a 9 page short story I wrote about the time I tried to shoplift something and I nearly castrated myself in the process?

I want to know if people find it funny.

>> No.19949206

let me get home and eat something

>> No.19949219
File: 49 KB, 480x480, 1579816563923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People can talk themselves into believing in an infinite, omnipotent being –– I can talk myself into being infinetely confident, right? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19949225


>> No.19949237

Can you be delusional?

>> No.19949249

Is it delusional if it works?

>> No.19949288

>I can talk myself into being infinetely confident
Yes yes you can and it works great because other people will start believing you are confident too!

>> No.19949307


>> No.19949320

>just become narcissist xD

>> No.19949326


Here you go. Thanks a lot for your time. Let me know what you hated and be brutally honest, please.


>> No.19949330


>> No.19949337


>> No.19949347

give me a second beacuse
1) I am fucking drunk
2) I am depressed
3) I am horny beyond belief
4) am cooking right now
I will have to take care of these problems but I will get to you soon I promise

>> No.19949359

You're drunk and depressed? Would you like to talk about it?

>> No.19949375

I know this. Where is this from? The Simpsons? Somebody, put me out of my misery!

>> No.19949382

no it's ok I just need to eat these spaghetti

>> No.19949392

Bon appetite, baby.

>> No.19949396

Big confidence = narcissism? That's not how that works. It takes confidence to be funny, helpful, loving, open. Confidence is the WASD of life. Get it? I'm talking about World of Warcraft. You move your character with the WASD keys. Attacking, defending, healing, destroying are done with different keys. Confidence moves you through the world. Orcs, elves, everyone. It's the keys you hit while moving that make you a good guy or a bad guy. I hope that helps.

>> No.19949397


>> No.19949403

stella I knew from seinfeld, elaine yells it in a dumb way once. i googled it now, it's from a streetcar named desire. adrianne is from the first rocky movie I'm pretty sure

>> No.19949416

this is how it is

>> No.19949420


"I am okay with this because you are coming back as a mouse."

>> No.19949427

Thanks, but apparently my hunch was right


>> No.19949433

>he should of
>should of
and this is the /lit/ board
fuckin pick up an actual book or just kill you are self right now

>> No.19949441

it didn't happen but it should have

>> No.19949448

Hahahaha just found out the trust fund "left" is shitting on the trucker convoy because "they're technically petty bourgeois" holy shit

I can't even summon enough bile for this
>rich people at fancy universities and no need to work because they'll have sinecures and parental support forever
>claiming to be leftists
>excusing themselves from defending the only robust strike with real potential for working class consciousness in recent memory (after a Summer of CIA Psyops with the blm bullshit)
>by regurgitating lame, ready-made excuses for why "leftists" shouldn't support workers ("technically they're small business owners")
>excuses which INSTANTLY demonstrate that anyone who is using them is thoroughly, incurably bourgeois and doesn't know an iota of marxist thought

Rich little pieces of shit have completely usurped the working class movement, they drove every actual worker out and now they gatekeep workers from getting back in, even by accident. There is nothing more disgusting than the coastal elite "upper middle class," rap listening fucking narcissistic queers spending their parents' money on "lifestyles" please come back Pol Pot please

>> No.19949463

>just kill you are self right now

And this is the /lit/ board.

By the way, you don't even use capital letters or punctuation.

>> No.19949473


>> No.19949482

So I'm going to go bit by bit and use a name for continuity
The first passage uses funny imagery, I get it, but it's meandering. I don't really know how to explain but you should use more direct language. I am not an expert on the jargon of writing but
>the previous day's worth of optimism was drained away and was substituted [etc.]
can easily be swapped out with something more direct. remember that every word counts

>> No.19949486

same brother

>> No.19949536
File: 225 KB, 1500x500, communism-working-class-comic (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty funny how the bourgeois youth has adopted Marxism. It's all a larp to them. I think Uncle Tedsaid something about the want for rebellion without real risk.

>> No.19949539

isn't it obvious? your belief, that others find strange, is that you hold beliefs that others find strange.

>> No.19949548

>The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom. They desire the existing state of society, minus its revolutionary and disintegrating elements. They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat. The bourgeoisie naturally conceives the world in which it is supreme to be the best; and bourgeois Socialism develops this comfortable conception into various more or less complete systems. In requiring the proletariat to carry out such a system, and thereby to march straightway into the social New Jerusalem, it but requires that the proletariat should remain within the bounds of existing society, and should cast away all its hateful ideas concerning the bourgeoisie.

>> No.19949558

(omg this pasta is amazing)
I can summarize this whole criticism with this:
>I ordered a retreat back into my shell of teenage despondency
Just say
>I retreated into teenage despondency
you are just being too wordy to express simple concepts

>> No.19949569

i'd be offended, too: why's he trying to shake with his left hand?

>> No.19949571
File: 1.35 MB, 493x498, 1637323744959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is food so damn expensive in the US right now? I go to the store to get some meat and vegetables for the week and the total comes out to over $50. Even a year or so ago I could get the same food for $20-$25. You can't chalk this all up to supply chain issues.

>> No.19949577

inflation and infrastructure collapse
you better stock up on nonperishables and start growing some basic greens anon

>> No.19949584

Thank you for your feedback so far. I completely agree with it. I have always felt like much of my writing is way too fleshed out.

I think I have an inherit fear that the reader might not understand my writing if I don't lay it on as thick as I do.

I finished that story today. I'm going to let it rest a couple of days and then return to it and do some serious trimming.

>> No.19949587

fucking hell, anon, you're a smart fella aren't you? kek

>> No.19949593

do you boyos even speak english?

>> No.19949621


>> No.19949638

I eat most of my food at the store.

I go to 3 different stores on my way to and from work.

In the first, I eat a big bucket of low fat cottage cheese (bring a spoon) and 2 kiwis (just stuff them in your mouth with the skin on and eat them). I walk out with a can of salmon down my pants for a evening snack.

In the second store, I eat an apple, drink a litre of water and as many blueberries as I can.

In the third store, I eat half a jar of peanut butter (bring a spoon) for its fat and protein content, a handful of pick & mix nuts, and whatever else I can get away with.

I only buy oats because they're super cheap and last a long time. I also buy carrots because they're cheap.

This will save you money and an added bonus is you don't have to do the dishes as often.

>> No.19949654

PS: find blind spots where cameras can't spot you and there isn't much foot traffic.

Another tip I can give you is carry the food you intend to eat to the freezers section of the store. Open the freezer and then lean in as far as possible and stuff the food in your mouth as quickly as you can.

>> No.19949664

I don't usually resort to such rude words, but you need to go back.

>> No.19949671

The American Election Invasion and its consequences have been a disaster for 4chan and all of it's boards.

>> No.19949705

I feel sick every time I eat something. It's been a couple weeks this has been happening, and it doesn't matter what I eat or how much. I feel fine otherwise.

>> No.19949706

Pebblethrow btfo

>> No.19949710

Again with the rest of the first page I see a similar problem, that you "get" the mindset of a teenager but you do not write in a way that matches that mindset. it's all far too purple and structured. My issue with this is that you want me to get into this teenager's mind but you do so while looking at him from very far, far away, with a little bit of gym knowledge interspersed between each line. He should be totally clueless. I'd say he should lift way more than he should. It should be something more dreamy, even theatrical, because teenager minds run like that, Julie will look at me like I'm a new guy, Julie will think, how did I not see that man among boys?

>> No.19949716

Thats very interesting. Is that from Marx directly?

>> No.19949721

Just wait until American truckers decide to copy the Canadians

>> No.19949733

I understand. Maybe I need to change the perspective a little.

I wrote this because this actually happened to me (yes, everything) and I've written with a mindset of "looking back" at it instead of writing it more from the perspective of the teenager.

However, I feel I need to include some bits about the gym stuff to make it come across as realistic, otherwise I fear people might think it's too absurd or cartoon-like to be true.

>> No.19949734

Are you me

>> No.19949756

self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.19949759



>> No.19949764

absence seizure? also wouldn't be something they could see on a CT

>> No.19949766

>I've written with a mindset of "looking back" at it instead of writing it more from the perspective of the teenager
Oh yeah I can see that, see the passage where you describe the MC thinking about Julie in swimwear with "my mind was flooded...". It's too dry for a hormonal teenager. It should be more direct, not in a lecherous way but definitely somewhat erotic. Julie in swimwear, laying down to sunbathe with her top untied, her bare back in the sun. Teenagers are horny.
Shit I've eaten a criminal amount of pasta. I might not survive for long

>> No.19949772

I am at the very bottom of that pyramid of necessities

>> No.19949796

lmao if you think this trucker shit is any less of a psyop than blm. go read the pro-convoy comments online and tell me those are real workers spontaneously expressing their real thoughts and not shills slightly rewording the same message template for 5 cents a post. there's no possibility of a genuine "working class" movement in 2022 because the real "working class" are brain-fried amazon warehouse workers that just want to get high and stare at tiktok. nothing coherent can possibly come from those people, they are gone for good as a potential political force and one hundred percent of appeals to the "working class" are projections of the interests of different groups of the wealthy.

>> No.19949853
File: 53 KB, 1024x764, 1635909798651m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19949860

>bots are online
>therefore the protests arent real

>> No.19949952

You still with us, brother pasta? I'm keen to find out if you liked the ending

>> No.19949982

I can't get over the dumb choices that I made in the past and that ruined my present.

>> No.19950002

We live in the worst of times. Fuck your iphone and internet. We live in lies and fear and mediocrity.

>> No.19950033

The internet is a powerful tool that was misused and overused to the point it became poison. Plato could never have predicted that most people would gladly get into the cave of their own volition.

>> No.19950090

People don't know that I slept on the couch last night.

>> No.19950110

what's this board's stance on cunny?

>> No.19950115

my waifu is essentially supergirl but if she was an autistic brown skinned loli who would probably browse /lit/. take a wild guess

>> No.19950250
File: 18 KB, 300x183, jewtrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mousetrap became "the most frequently invented device in U.S. history" because of a popular misquoted phrase attributed to Emerson: "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door"

>> No.19950276

i love Jahy

>> No.19950418

I have this feeling that im going to die soon
Like im going to have a heart attack or get diagnosed with stage 8 cancer or something
Or that i might get murdered.

No wonder i dont care about my education

>> No.19950446

sorry anon I jerked off then I died
I'll read the rest tomorrow

>> No.19950457

Although I might not. Every day I swear to leave.

>> No.19950545

the point isn't that the protests aren't real, it's that they cannot be an expression of "working class consciousness" if they follow scripted messaging. have fun being somebody's nigger i guess

>> No.19950609

what the fuck is a jahy i'm talking about wordgirl (she's cute. fuck you.)

>> No.19950715 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 1280x1899, 1561543949_0f989a7bb702e4e30be240d83235c707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every beautiful lady has an asshole (an organ that literally embodies the hot sulphurous underworld contained within us), but not every asshole has a beautiful lady. In short, every beauty has a beast, but not every beast has a beauty. This is the story of one such ani mirabilis feminae...

>> No.19950723
File: 350 KB, 1280x1899, 1561543949_0f989a7bb702e4e30be240d83235c707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every beautiful lady has an asshole (an organ that literally embodies the hot sulphurous underworld contained within us), but not every asshole has a beautiful lady. In short, every beauty has a beast, but not every beast has a beauty. This is the story of one such ani mirabilis feminae...

>> No.19950765

Continue doing nothing. That'll shoe em bucko

>> No.19950773
File: 414 KB, 1536x2048, 1644243792599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some beauties just have an additional beauty.

>> No.19950779

I wonder if that's it? My cousin had them.

>> No.19950819

Might be an overshare but when I am high, even on good days, sadness consumes me completely, making me lose sight of anything meaningful and good about the world apart from the love of my family— which instead of being a relieving thought only plunges me further into sadness when I realize how much I have spurned their values and disappointed them, and the extent to which none of my vain aspirations measure up to their freely given love. I also think about how some people with real depression must live in this deluge of miserable thoughts 24/7 and how stupid I was as a teenager to romanticize darkness and melancholy, all of which set in these unnecessary, unnocticed but deeply rooted patterns of thought.

I used to see these realizations as an uncomfortable 'truth' to which I am blind in my normal sober state, and my defense mechanisms are in place, but now I question this. Perhaps when high I am not accessing an uncomfortable truth so much as I am unable to keep my pessimism and weakness at bay, which overwhelms me and sends me crying like a bitch for mommy and daddy. It's like the contrast of outlook between individualist and collectivist— the former relishes in his character and lot in life, striving to achieve his goals, while the latter fosters an attitude of resignation and tries to forget himself in the safety and assurance of a group.

It is so lonely to be a human. What does it mean to be strong if not to not need anyone?

Dumb thought haha but once I thought about how the truth is like cheese— it's got lots of holes in it. There is no real truth, only that which corresponds to one's experience. Maybe I am a selfish bastard who hurts himself and his family or maybe I'm a promising artist in the making who needs to find his own path, and deal with the dissonance that these two frames of mind provide.

>> No.19951194

On Top of Spaghetti

>> No.19951258

Reminds me the phantom thread. That girl made Daniel Day Lewis a bitch by weakening him physically.

>> No.19951259
File: 188 KB, 400x400, yuiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10% of the time I feel normal, the world is full of wonder and I want to learn about everything
>90% of the time I'm too depressed to do anything, nothing is fun
Sucks so much. I don't even know why it happens

>> No.19951262

More and more the idea of suicide becomes less unreasonable.

>> No.19951264

i literally don't care, I'm just professing my love for a different brown midget, but you can continue reveling in your nonsense negativity

>> No.19951295

i drank all the liquor there ever was

>> No.19951312

Multi-generational time skips feel so depressing to me. You get to know the characters and the complex world they live in, then the author jumps to their great-great grandchildren, so now you have to imagine that the characters and their world you got to know died long ago, and you're left with a depressing, increasingly industrialized world full of strangers who have less interesting lives because they haven't been as fleshed out and, though the society might be more comfortable than previous generations, a society full of comfort and no conflict makes for a less interesting world.

>> No.19951353


>> No.19951396

i could chew through your fucking jugular
i have one million teeth

>> No.19951428

I've been doing this lately and i'm starting to see improvement

>> No.19951441

VIOLENT thoughts

>> No.19951605

nightwalks on the beach

>> No.19951742

False. You’re intentionally comfying up to the idea. Something has degenerated in you or your surroundings and you’re just looking for the excuse to give up. There’s a world different perspectives swirling around outside your little self-made hell.

>> No.19951758 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 720x1280, 1643997434770.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want a zoomer gf for sex and emotional abuse

>> No.19951773

Buy a mousetrap instead

>> No.19951814


>> No.19951821

>Metal shit on her nose.


>> No.19951822


>> No.19951866

I've taken to calling them zoomettes.

>> No.19951910
File: 3.79 MB, 2481x3508, A133800D-5BDE-4F00-934E-613F12877EA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s removable.

>> No.19951987
File: 11 KB, 657x527, 1479795558001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was nice, thanks.

>> No.19952008

I got a job that pays far better than my last one and I can't think of anything dumb to spend the excess money on.

>> No.19952014

Invest in something.

>> No.19952015

Then I'll have even more money that I can't find a use for

>> No.19952016 [DELETED] 

Send me some money and I'll send it to her >>19951758

>> No.19952022

I am morally opposed to giving zoomers money

>> No.19952034

I wish I had a cute Asian boyfriend, with beautiful black hair and nice white smile.

>> No.19952036


>> No.19952041

Hello. Which country do you live in?

>> No.19952042 [DELETED] 

Hello beautiful lady we can meet for sex

>> No.19952044

I reside in The United States Of America.

>> No.19952047

That's a shame. I'm in Australia.

>> No.19952091

it probably wouldn't have worked since I only top

>> No.19952159

You sound like you're following a script.

>> No.19952198
File: 131 KB, 1242x1183, 93C001EF-10F5-42B8-B326-15DE7674F861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else have a problem with fragmented sleep? I’ve been having trouble sleeping more than three to four hours at a time regardless of how tired I am.

>> No.19952215

I wouldn't mind, as long as you're gentle.

>> No.19952304

Whenever I have to use the bathroom i get a tingling in my gums.

>> No.19952316

There is a theory that for large portions of human history people would sleep for four hours, wake for two, then sleep for a few more hours. Perhaps you are simply in touch with your inner caveman

>> No.19952321

Why do I get so bored on here but still come back? Everyone is catty and have the same boring opinions or personalities. Even if you call me names, it means nothing to me. Just try to be better people and read more, and I shall try too.

>> No.19952326

I get it but I think it’s because of staying up late (I stay up until 6am and wake up around 10 or 12). I don’t do much when I’m awake, except come to 4chan and play TTRPGs, read or write. I need to get my life back. Are you also on screens too much?

>> No.19952329
File: 354 KB, 720x710, 0F4E1C05-1681-456F-8A78-CB29CC7ECECA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s because 4chan is the only form of social contact I have besides my mother

>> No.19952341

>I stay up until 6am and wake up around 10 or 12
I used to go to bed around 4am and get up at around 2pm. I never had this problem then. Maybe I’m just geared toward being nocturnal.
>Are you also on screens too much?
Yes, I rarely leave the house because my college classes have all been online since the pandemic began and I don’t have any friends so it’s one of the only forms of entertainment I have besides reading. I plan on trying to get a job soon when it gets warm enough to walk down the street to the local shops.

>> No.19952738

New Thread
New Thread

>> No.19953092

sauce on theory?

>> No.19953095

what the fuck you loser it's not even at 300

>> No.19953269

Another choice for next thread

>> No.19953410

Not even 300 (till now)

>> No.19953557

That usually happens when I'm withdrawing from alcohol

>> No.19953564

Christianity isn't correct, so you should stop worrying anon. It's precisely thoughts like those you're having that should definitively convince you that abrahamism as a whole is a crock of shit. Most people here know this, even the e-convert larpers who deep down don't really believe.

>> No.19953701
File: 1.37 MB, 1078x1080, 487496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you realy say "quebec" as an adjective for someone who comes from quebec ?

i want to have a quebec gf cause they sound so fucking hilarous

>> No.19954311


>> No.19954363

quebecer if you're true anglo

>> No.19955727

Quah beck oy

>> No.19957098

…. Funny thing is….

>> No.19957119

>>19957077 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>19957077 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>19957077 (You) (Cross-thread)

>>19957077 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>19957077 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>19957077 (You) (Cross-thread)


>> No.19957132

That’s a joke thread.

Though, this is a joke board now. Janitors and mod let q&a have it. Really sucks.

>> No.19957432

i think i'm gonna jerk off to one of the girls on tonight's episode of college jeopardy. i mean they were all kinda hot but god damn something about those jeopardy girls gets me going.