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19898307 No.19898307 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the only philosopher of the past 200 years that wrote for the betterment of people instead of stroking his own pseudo-intellectual ego?

>> No.19898319

>bro what if...what if civilization...bro what if civilization was like...a flower
I like Spengler but come on

>> No.19898362

sex gifs....

>> No.19898986

>he thinks that cultures aren’t living organisms

>> No.19898995

>euroskeptic tenured professor puts Spengler in the reading list
uuhhhhh bros....

>> No.19899480

Cancel him

>> No.19899485

Op is dilettante too uneducated to appreciate philosophy.

>> No.19899496

Spotted the pseud ego-stroker

>> No.19899503

I do stroke my ego, but like Socrates, I am inspired by agon, the mighty Goddess Nike.

I wouldn't expect YOU tgo undrstvnd.

>> No.19899543
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>> No.19899734

Why is this smug looking bitch even regarded as a philosopher?

>> No.19901154

He's a thinker who redressed antiquarian ideas in a modern garb. Not a philosopher but i suppose reactionaries are desperate so more power to them..

>> No.19901168

He considered himself a poet (Dichter) and if you read Decline of the West as anything other than epic long-form poetry you are completely missing the point.

>> No.19901323

Is this a good edition? Asking for a friend

>> No.19901330

>civilization and progress are ... le bad

>> No.19901395

>i dont read... le books

>> No.19901511


>> No.19901551

Finished Volume 1 a few days ago, very good shit would smoke it again.

>> No.19901704

Way, WAY, WAAAAAAAAY too pessimistic.

t. have read all his books.

>> No.19901821

share the reading list with us (just the books. don't doxx anyone)

>> No.19901826

you finally got a girlfriend? I told you that would lift your spirits.

>> No.19901980

The Decline of the West or his smaller works?

>> No.19902022

>you finally got a girlfriend?
why would you ask what you knew would hurt me the most?

>> No.19902786

Because he is their appeal to authority for their "society is collapsing " tantrums.

>> No.19902934

this guy gets it

>> No.19904635

The pain will make you stronger

>> No.19904697
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>bro what if...what if civilization...bro what if civilization was like...a flower

>> No.19904705
File: 80 KB, 900x474, prangler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. filtered HARD

>> No.19904738

None of these read nor understand the first thing about Spengler, yet are perfectly comfortable sweeping away everything he has in ignorance. It speaks much how blase and foolish one must be to do so.
They're probably Marxists, or in the broad sense liberals. Spengler is anathema to Marxism and they won't listen to the first word of him, on the basis their failed ideology requires a long historical continuity of upward perfection (or completion). The liberal invents the same mistaken notion, that things must go on as they do now perpetually, as long as mankind exists. That progress is inevitable.
What one learns from Spengler is that progress is a myth. Not a myth in the sense that liberals and Marxists use the word, but that progress is a cultural mythos about man and the world.