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/lit/ - Literature

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19880245 No.19880245 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't remember most books I read a decade ago, let alone what they talked about.
Books are a waste of fucking time. Imagine if I dedicated all the time I wasted reading books on self improvement or an actual hobby.

>> No.19880378

i think you might have dementia anon. Go see a doctor

>> No.19880495

>can't remember in vivid detail something from 10 years ago
come on man books are obviously worth reading and they shape our minds and entertain us and help us grow and experience so much recently i've been thinking about how passive or "in the moment" anime is it's entertaining me RIGHT THERE i don't need to remember it would you rather be a vegetable? books you ussually will remember key moments but not really after ten years lel unless you were reminded

>> No.19880500

also you COULD have done both you're just a failure of a man you really couldn't look at letters for only some of the time?

>> No.19880512
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You don't remember them because you didn't use them to affect any sort of change in your life. I know this because if you did, you'd remember them.

>> No.19880530

>dumb faggot thinks books didn't change the fundamental ways he looks at reality
>stupid baka moron doodoohead doesn't realise that the sum of the books he parsed outgrew his initial persona
>errant fool is yet for a moment of recognition, the stark and painful realization that he didn't forget the books, the books forgot him

>> No.19880876

This >>19880512 and this >>19880512. Also, books are supposed to be reread if they were really worthy. I guess you're just missing the point of reading.

>> No.19880884

Damn, how did I fuck up so hard?

>> No.19880920
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broke: reading to improve yourself
woke: reading for fun
bespoke: writing your own stories and your own philosophy.

>> No.19881117

One without the other is a waste of time, brother.

>> No.19881137
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>can't even remember books i read one month ago
>still remember greentext stories i read 5 years ago

>> No.19881162
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an interesting property of books is that you can keep them and read them again
also, you remember things better when you explain them to another person. try talking about books you have read with a friend. if you don't have any real friends, explain them to an imaginary friend.

>> No.19881164

Reading is nothing. You get real lasting value from a book by rereading, taking notes and creating your own connections. A highly intelligent 11 year old could read literally any book ever posted here. Reading and learning are two different things. You’re supposed to “study” great works.

>> No.19881186

you may not remember the details, but the books have influenced what your brain has been exposed to. Ideally, the more you study rather than just uncritically read a book, the more you'd remember. But it wasn't all for nothing. The stories, characters, themes, have changed you in imperceptible ways. You don't remember, but your brain does.

>> No.19881961

My body does not feel the workout it completed two years ago, and yet here I am, much stronger.

>> No.19882863

>My body does not feel the workout it completed two years ago, and yet here I am, much fatter.

>> No.19882882

I remember every book I've read
Sounds like a personal problem op

>> No.19882894

You read to pass time and forgot to think about what you read, it happens

>> No.19882915

This is sad. You will never read your favorite books as if for the first time again

>> No.19882929

Weebs should be torched for my entertainment

>> No.19882948

When your mind is decaying while you wheeze on your death bed you won't remember much and moments later it will all be gone; what's your point?

>> No.19882969

>can't remember novels I read two weeks ago
>remember that one time 18 years ago when I shit myself in class, likely massively, and went home with giant brown poopy spot on my pants

>> No.19883317

>reread the book
>take notes to summarize the important parts if it's non-fiction
>stop filling up your mind with useless internet stimulation which makes the book memories leak out
Problem solved.

she looks photoshopped into the picture

>> No.19883324


>> No.19883325

That’s because only a fucking retard actually spends more than an hour a day reading. Yeah it’ll take me a while to read war and peace but I feel like actually living life will connect me so much more to the experiences of these inspired Russians than it will with some faggot who stays inside all day jerking off to cuck porn (which I do as well to cleanse my unclean thoughts healthily)