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19879993 No.19879993[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about Thrid Positionism that reject the capitalism and communism false dichotomy?

>> No.19880007

I can already tell this thread will be a shitfest and there will be 1-2 effortposts by well read third positonists that get ignored.

>> No.19880027

You could start by putting some decent effort yorself, faggot

>> No.19880159

>le rejection of le false dichotomy meme
why do turd positionism attracts so many retards

>> No.19880173

it's a shame since a more effortful thread would be nice


>> No.19880200
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>> No.19880211

>Evola consistently maintained that the true power and freedom of the individual could be truly understood only in the occult tradition of Eastand
South Asia and the ancient cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean,Greece,and Rome. Given that peculiar orientation, Evola was not only an essentially apolitical individualist, but an antinomian whose behaviors were governed exclusively by “principles” only he could divine. Evola was essentially a mysteriosophist–a fact that hardly recommended him for membership in the Partito nazionale fascista. In fact, Evola never ever became a member of the Fascist Party

>> No.19880222

Not very accurate

>> No.19880292

He wasn't a member of the party for several reasons, none of them having anything to do with his alliance to either communism or capitalism. He saw Fascism as a product of modernity and as such he was averse to it. He had a falling out with Mussolini over Benito just being an incompetent and worthless retard. He was more aligned with the NSDAP than the Fascist Italy even if he didn't exactly agree with them on everything either. It isn't exactly useful to discern his political ideals when he didn't even believe that the population should have any say in such a matter, my point being he was so far removed from the ideas of his contemporaries that there's no point even bringing him up in a conversation on the 'third position' because he would not associate himself with it at all. The only reason he latched onto the wave of Fascism was to gain himself a position of authority as such in order to legitimize and amplify his writing. He saw Fascism as a small step in the right direction but still he of course knew the inevitable was that further degradation of man was coming before any kind of progress could be made towards a return to traditionalism. None of this is to be taken as a dig at Evola, he's one of my favorite writers of all time.

>> No.19881492


>> No.19881508

Fanged noumena touches on this. The conclusion is that the no alternative to capitalism will prevail as capitalism will continue to accelerate limitlessly upon constant desire.

>> No.19881528


>> No.19881565

What's her name wrote what's it called on this. Kind of drunk and can not remember, probably Didion?

>> No.19881571


>> No.19881581

Why are Landians such incredible faggots

>> No.19881648
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>> No.19881653

Keith Prestons "Thinkers Against Modernity" might be what you're looking for

Also try: George's Sorel - Reflections On Violence
Carl Schmidt - Concept of the political
Carl Schmidt - on dictatorship
Oswald Spengler - Prussian socialism
Ernst Hunger - Copse 125
Ernst Junger - Storm Of Steel
Giovanni Gentile - Doctrine Of Fascism
Really any writings of the Spanish Falange
Ferninad Tonnies - Community And Society
Emile Durkheim - Division of Labor In Society
Moses Hess - Rome And Jerusalem
Anything by Charles Maurras
Anthony Ludovici although his writing is mostly available on a blog maintained by his family
Oswald Mosley - Fascism For The Millions/Tomorrow We Live

That's about it for now

>> No.19881661

>People falling for the "neither left or right wing" meme in 2022

>> No.19881670

>t. Midwit

>> No.19881687

>the effort posts are the good posts
jfc just kys my man, do you even realize what kind of fag you are for thinking this?

>> No.19881696
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>> No.19881730

>all right wing
at least mention Dorothy Day you fucking philistine

>> No.19881735

Hitler was right wing a that's why he was based. Fuck off, TRS trannies.

>> No.19881744

>Hitler was right wing
You're fucking retarded, please abstain from ever posting again. Faggot

>> No.19881783

Wanting to kill communists and conduct ethnic cleansing are two of the most right wing (based!) things I can think of. Stop polluting this board with shitty threads like this, fuck off to your trailer park and listen to TRS garbage. Stupid nigger.

>> No.19881830
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>> No.19881875

I don’t think that Dorothy Day is the type of third positionist that OP meant. Maybe I’m a retard but there are usually two kinds a meanings that people refer to when they say third positionist: a.) that influenced by or akin to distributism or b.) that influenced by or akin to fascism of some flavor.
Kieth Woods calls himself a Third Positionist because the term is out of fashion, but he doesn’t have very much in common with The Catholic Land Movement which also may be categorized as a 3rd position between capitalism and communism.

>> No.19881899

This image spurred a wave of depression. in me. You just know these "intellectuals" will be out in full force come election year. There's nothing we can do to stop it, it will be the same topics dronned into your ear repeatedly until its time to vote in a system that will push the pre selected candidate anyway.

>> No.19881901

Are you a Zoltanous tranny or TRS tranny? A Keith Woods tranny perhaps?

>> No.19883049


>> No.19883089

Frank Vincent
A Guy's Guide to Being a Man's Man