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/lit/ - Literature

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19844373 No.19844373 [Reply] [Original]

>live in a country where half the population is functionally illiterate
>people are too stupid to even understand what reading is
>we have no literature and nobody reads except for school
>you can't read in public because nobody fucking reads and they don't understand what reading is
>people legitimately get confused if you're reading because they're illiterate
>they just sexually harass and insult you if you try to read outside or in a cafe
>feel like i can't even read at home due to similar moral hysteria/sexual harassment from neighbours
>nobody reads, nobody understands what reading is, everybody's illiterate, everybody's a hypocritical subhuman pervert and fascist
anyone else know this feel or is my country just completely fucked?

>> No.19844407

also, bonus points if you can guess the country

>> No.19844444

Are you from Brazil?

>> No.19844451
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>> No.19844455

>you can't read in public because nobody fucking reads and they don't understand what reading is
How does that prevent you from cracking open a book at the park?

>> No.19844465


Also shitty schizo thread

>> No.19844468

That’s not true. Get off your high horse.

>> No.19844495

It could be almost any country in the West at this point, things are pretty grim. Who still reads in the West? Russia, maybe?

>> No.19844498

you try reading with everyone sexually harassing and insulting you for reading at the park. nobody else is reading. they're such illiterate, perverted, hypocritical fascistic bigots that they cannot understand what reading is, why anyone would read. they try to prevent you from reading, being braindead territorial animals

>> No.19844508

that sucks. where's somewhere people still read? manhattan? is reading really that bourgeois?

>> No.19844509

I never really understood elitism. Isn't the plumber smart in his own way? Or the farmer? Am I better because I read Dante?

>> No.19844510

was in Italy last year and shocked at how many people read.

>> No.19844516


>> No.19844517

how is wanting to read in peace elitism?
brb moving to italy

>> No.19844535

Legitimately schizophrenic. Take your meds, dude.

>> No.19844539

i wish, dude. the people here are really that horrible

>> No.19844547

That was China when Mao ruled the place.

>> No.19844557

Cool blog
If you're that bothered, stay at home and read or read on your phone. Do your neighbors watch you through your windows in wait to "sexually harrass" you as soon as you open a book? What is the point of this thread?

>> No.19844564

i usually do read on my phone, but i'd rather read outside in the fresh air or at a cafe, no computer, easier to focus.
they don't bother me most of the time, i think i just hate knowing they're even there

>> No.19844568

>was in Italy last year and shocked at how many people read.

>> No.19844575

chinese people are the only people you ever see reading

>> No.19844602

nowadays a farmer and a plumber come back from a days work and turn on tiktok

>> No.19844606

checked and kek'd
I'm from the United States of Brazil

>> No.19844622

In Ireland people still read even at a pub you can find someone with a book and a cup of tea in a quiet corner unless the place becomes too raucous

>> No.19844640

He doesn't mean reading. He means ReadingTM. It's not real reading unless you're reading his super niche philosophy or classic work of literature.

>> No.19844651

>his super niche philosophy or classic work of literature.
how did he know..?

>> No.19844673

That can be any country

>> No.19844825

>they just sexually harass and insult you if you try to read outside or in a cafe

dude, this is the problem. I like to have conversation in cafes and your kind of people is why I can't have friends.

>> No.19844837

Has to be India right?

>> No.19844846

What are you talking about? Sexual harassment because someone is reading is not a thing in the west

>> No.19844851

i'm not preventing you from having conversations in a cafe, whereas you're preventing me from reading. so wicked, backwards and wrong

>> No.19844855


>> No.19844857

it is in my country. they don't understand what reading is, they're subhuman, hypocritical, abusive perverts
basically. fucking degenerates

>> No.19844960

In what part of Brazil do you live? I've literally read in subways, bus stops and public parks all my life here in Salvador

>> No.19844992

OP is an ESL and means that people call him a homosexual for reading in public. I guess that's sexual harassment, but not the "cup your dick" kind of harassment you're thinking of.

>> No.19845009

>my country is worse than brazil

>> No.19845289

Indians on average read more than most westerners, actually

Bro I read on the subway in Philadelphia and nobody bothers me, you aren't being "sexually harassed" for reading on a park bench

>> No.19845299

>you aren't being "sexually harassed" for reading on a park bench
people literally constantly insult me, laugh maliciously, and if i try to stand up for myself they call the police. for reading on a park bench. my country is fucked, you're lucky you're in america

>> No.19845393
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>OP is sexually harassed for reading
I bet you're either a woman or a femboy.
Be me instead:
>Be me
>Go to restaurant and hear flirty waitress
>React as if she does this only to me
>"Oh wow, you called me honey sweety deary like 10 times!"
>She offers to cook for me
>Well she is a cashier at a restaurant
>Pay for meal
>She does not cook for me, instead just delivers the burger from the kitchen
>Point this out
>"Oh no I'll cook for you outside of work ;)"
>Suddenly she starts talking to me about feminism and I bring my rebuttal about ancient Rome
>At this moment she is visibly overwhelmed with animal lust
>She mentions the Roman flame that never extinguished and the vestal virgins that protected this flame for 1000 years
>She extends her pinky to me and makes me swear loyalty to RVMA
>Gives me her number and we text
>She gives me her address
>Visit some small shack with weed smoke coming out of the mirrors
>Instinctively expect noxious negro rap music as I approach the DVVR
>She's there but she says her husband is on his way
>Knock knock
>"It's the weed man!"
>"Your husband?"
>"My brother!"
>Please lord tell me her brother is not her-
>Knock knock
>It's the husband this time next to the brother
>They see me indoors
>Nod to each other
>They walk away
>Lay on the couch talking to this feminist homewrecker for 3 hours about Ancient Rome
>Lecture concludes
>Honk Booba good bye and wave off Americucks
This is what reading gets you now LIFTING WEIGHTS?
ah you won't find Americucks there.

>> No.19845405

I see people reading physical paper books on the subway almost everyday.
kill yourself subhuman muttmerican. don't ever speak about the west again.

>> No.19845427

Are you really Brazilian? I know a couple people from Brazil and they are quite intellectual

>> No.19845433

Fake and gay

>> No.19845437

>they just sexually harass and insult you if you try to read outside or in a cafe
please post an example

>> No.19845476

>>live in a country where half the population is functionally illiterate
you can describe any country this way
>>people are too stupid to even understand what reading is
this narrows it down a little bit. you're probably not in a highly developed society then
>>we have no literature and nobody reads except for school
>>you can't read in public because nobody fucking reads and they don't understand what reading is
>>people legitimately get confused if you're reading because they're illiterate
okay, so it's a subhuman country
>>they just sexually harass and insult you if you try to read outside or in a cafe
they sexually harass you? is this in turkey?
>>feel like i can't even read at home due to similar moral hysteria/sexual harassment from neighbours
definitely turkey
>>nobody reads, nobody understands what reading is, everybody's illiterate, everybody's a hypocritical subhuman pervert and fascist
it's turkey

>> No.19845495

True story, bro

>> No.19845503

Whoa this looks like the real deal!
Cool story bro

>> No.19845528

Incoming /fit/ Ancient Rome rant green text coming soon to a thread near you

>> No.19845665
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It's not that they are worse than one, it is the fact that some conversations have a higher entry barrier. Such as how I will never be able to discuss how a seed sprouts being a college guy vs a 60 years old farmer.

>> No.19845680
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>sexually assaulted for reading

>> No.19845798

Every time I read outside in Seattle someone has to yell at me or try and interrupt me about how they love reading soooo much and ask if I’ve read some fantasy YA crap. Sure, I’m reading a tattered Greek philosophy paperback so I’m clearly itching to read about gay kids. Doesn’t stop me from posting up at the water and reading Evola.

>> No.19845817

>yell at me or try and interrupt me about how they love reading soooo much and ask if I’ve read some fantasy YA crap
at least they're friendly...
>Sure, I’m reading a tattered Greek philosophy paperback so I’m clearly itching to read about gay kids
this guy gets sit
>Doesn’t stop me from posting up at the water and reading Evola.
yeah i find if you sit right at the water like right on the beach nobody fucks w/ u

>> No.19845835

Digits tell the truth, always

>> No.19845845

I have moved out of Italy a few years ago, but I don't believe you.

>> No.19846332

>read all over the place
>nobody ever asks me about it
>not since I was reading on my kindle during a lecture break at uni, some girl asked what I was reading
>it was a collection of all the in-game books from Skyrim, a game I had not played myself yet
>I foolishly told her the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
>humidity in the room dropped to exactly 0%
>she never spoke to me again
Now I read japanese light novels.

>> No.19846376

I wish I were sexually harassed by cute illiterate girls

>> No.19846383

kek. please tell me this is a true story

middle-aged cow women aren't exactly cute, anon

>> No.19846399

>Sure, I’m reading a tattered Greek philosophy paperback so I’m clearly itching to read about gay kids
Sounds like you haven't gotten to Phaedrus yet.

>> No.19846406

It is true. I quite enjoyed the books in that format, but holy shit what the hell was I thinking. Literally anything else would have been better.

Also never mind I just remembered other times people approached me about what I was reading. I was living in california and would go down to a beer garden to read. I forgot because I'd always get plastered and I've been sober for years now so I've kind of blocked it out.

Physical books read while drinking in public (all titles approximate for obvious reasons) and drunkenly talked to people about them:
>Milo Y's Diabolical
>Wolfram's A New Science
>How things fail or maybe the logic of failure
>Baker's House and Senate

Looking back at that list I'm kind of disappointed, people must have been taking on me for my autism.

>> No.19846480

>sexually harassed
OP’s not a dude.

>> No.19846489

i am. everyone in my country's gay. it's hell

>> No.19846509
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>tell coworkers i have an english degree and i like to read
>ask me for insight/opinions on books and questions about ethics, occasionally make literary references in conversation
>in reality i only read genre fiction and passed most of my classes thanks to cliff notes and bullshitting
It's a strange life, but I enjoy it

>> No.19846523

weird, i do the opposite LARP. pretend to be into capeshit when i'd rather read philosophy or literary fiction.

>> No.19846549

show ur last year read list pls

>> No.19846657

>everybody's a hypocritical subhuman pervert and fascist
Sounds better than my country at least.

>> No.19846896


>> No.19846916

Eh people here do definitely read but honestly it's all aspiring writers and middle-age Jewish women - of the two, mind you, the Jewish women tend to have better taste.

>> No.19846953


>> No.19846982

No one reads in Mexico and at most my friends would make some mild jokes in middle school. People just tend to ask about books that’ll change their minds or about philosophy stuff. Worst thing I’ve gotten was this old guy talk to me in three different languages, which I talk in different levels of fluency, and me not knowing what to answer because I’m autistic and shy. Old people get happy for some reason at seeing people read.
Sorry for the blogpost.

>> No.19847174
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>> No.19847645

why, are you an illiterate and low IQ white supremacist, anon?

>> No.19847650

the only people i ever see read here are chinese people on transit. at least they read at all. white people are the most illiterate and degenerate race besides east indians, i swear to god.

>> No.19847793

Literally no one reads in Norway and it fucking sucks

>> No.19847799

Try being in Aus

>> No.19847804

Chinese people WORK
Make bank
Buy land
Build Dim Sum
Employ relatives
Make bank...

>> No.19847851

>>they just sexually harass you if you read in public
Any girls do that hahaha? I'd have to try it, you know, to make a positive change hhaha

>> No.19847859

I have one friend who live in Aus
All he reads is Japanese light novels and manga

>> No.19847886

>>feel like i can't even read at home due to similar moral hysteria/sexual harassment from neighbours

bro you're unironically schizophrenic if you are worrying about this

>> No.19848000

Not to be caustic but I've literally never seen a Chinese person read on a subway. Not sure why you're hating on people based on race but good luck to ya

>> No.19848035
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>hang out with old friends
>we're on two different wavelengths
>they talk about people and generally gossip about one another
>they brag and attention seek all the time, acting dishonestly or straight up lying
>they call my interests pointless or stupid
>my family does this too
>realize I hate elitists, but I hate normies even more
>probably doomed to be alone forever

>> No.19848073

you aren't lonely anos, you have me, and we have each other :)

>> No.19848081

4chan has been remade in the image of /pol/. Healthy, interesting discussions are rarer than ever. It's all shitposts and sperging from /pol/ and troons.

>> No.19848086

Why pointing a good point after an entire blogpost listing oly negative ones?

>> No.19848101

They just read trash stuff. I've see the top 10 books sold in Italy in 2021 and i almost had a cringe-inducted brain bleeding

>> No.19848109
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>In ten years of moving on trains almost daily for college and then work i read pretty much dozens and dozens of different books
>Was approached by someone for what i was reading only ONE TIME, a leftist purple aired girl interested in my lecture of the moment (some book of Lenin, cant remember exactly which one)

>> No.19848136

Define illiterate, stupid, and reading. You're seeing the world from an infinitesimal slice of awareness in time. Get high if it will help you see things from a wider perspective, with respect to resolution reality and with the depth of time. Words are ineffectual for what I'm trying to convey.

>> No.19848159

Sounds like Russia.

>> No.19848228

Because he is too lazy to be a proper human and wants to be "kill and rape" animal. You know, like dolphins.

>> No.19848251

yeah but they work smart. they're smart. that's why they read on the train after work.

>> No.19848257

nah just ugly ones and faggots. nobody fucking reads. the only books i seen anyone read aside from asian people on the train was some (also asian) faggot reading atomic habits.

>> No.19848262

oh poor illiterate white ape. kys

>> No.19848264

this is truly tragic dude. we'll never find love. these people are subhuman. we'll never be ourselves.

>> No.19848270

>t. psychotic moron who thinks thoughlessness, languagelessness is Being when it's precisely the opposite

>> No.19848291

Idiot. Treat your pet better. Don't let your affection retard your impression of their living conscious awareness. Their wrinkle in spacetime doesn't have enough grooves, that makes you better? Lmao.

>> No.19848302

what pet
what are you talking about

>> No.19848324

I'm vibing senpai. Didn't mean no harm. I'm arriving at a state of mind that isn't conducive to productive online communication. Not better, something different. Have a good one. I'm not better than you, none of us are.

>> No.19848483

This nigga high as fuck lol

>> No.19848496

Uh huh

>> No.19848499

Same bro - you probably have resting bitch face too

>> No.19848741

Did you smash?
>live in India
>half the population is functionally illiterate
>but I live in the parts where people can read
>they're only halfway retarded instead of fully so

>> No.19848751

>T. Midwit

>> No.19848892

I remember being surprised and a little annoyed at this when I was in Mexico. Nobody brings a book for buses and trains, they all just pass the time chatting with strangers. Which I suppose is nicer than ignoring the person you're sat next to for hours, but I'm not really the social type.

>> No.19848957

Are you a woman? Why does every situation, even reading at home alone, end up with you being sexually harassed?

>> No.19849002

Is this some new copypasta or did someone actually type this out unironically ?

>> No.19849034
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>> No.19849110

>Nobody brings a book for buses and trains, they all just pass the time chatting with strangers.
Unironically much better. There's nothing more depressing than taking a bus or metro and seeing all those people staring into their phone or pretending to read or just lost in their thought with the typical urbanite face that is like a going on a funeral while you're on your period.

>> No.19849360

I WANT to say America, but if I'm honest, I'd have to guess somewhere in South America. Columbia, maybe.

>> No.19849873

this is why you go to /lit/ and /fit/

>> No.19849884

don't be too elitist, if you shame people for not reading Dosto they will just stop reading

>> No.19849998

Same here, its easier to pretend to be a retard sometimes to fit in. Explaining the divine comedy to normies is a waste of time .

>> No.19850339

OP here
just accidentally kicked a can and my neighbours started freaking out
all i could hear was anger and sexual harassment
can't even accidentally kick a can at home
can't even stay at a home during a pandemic
this country is horrible

>> No.19850341

living in india seems like it sucks desu.

>> No.19850343
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What can I say except based.

>> No.19850351

moral hysteria of hypocritical and peverted bigots. again, everyone in my country is gay, which is horrible.

>> No.19850359

>*heads start spinning 360° very fast while they spray blood from the eyes*

>> No.19850806

What do you mean by "sexual harassment"?

>> No.19850891


>> No.19850905
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>> No.19850926
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Anon is unironically Br*zillian

>> No.19851034
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4chan dies when green texting surreal stories dies

>> No.19851041

/lit/ /int/ crossovers are the best

>> No.19851068
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>> No.19851127

> we have no literature
> india
you have to go back

>> No.19851239

what the is anyone are you talking about in this thread ?

>> No.19851412

Gracias for your great words gigachad.

>> No.19851924

holy shit i hate humanity

>> No.19851952

accusing me of being gay, a pedo, and/or a gay pedo, usually. or emasculating me, misgendering me, calling me a little bitch, etc. the harassment is constant. or accusing me of being up to some sexual deviance when i'm literally walking down the street minding my own business, which amounts to sexual harassment under the guise of "morality".
there's nothing wrong with my appearance, i'm a moderately handsome man of slightly above average height, i groom myself, i dress decently. i never do anything sexual or wrong, their moral hysteria over sexuality to me itself constitutes sexual harassment. makes me psychotic and drives me to drink. i have PTSD from a life time of this, i want to emigrate, i hate this country and think these people are subhuman, the scum of the earth. you can't so much as exist without these people sexually objectifying/harassing you and trying to harm/punish/oppress you when you've done nothing wrong, when you're doing nothing wrong, just because they're such perverted, hypocritical, braindead, subhuman fucking nazi bigots. it's horrible.

>> No.19851983


>> No.19851996

Do you live in a favela or some relatively decent place?

>> No.19852035

relatively decent place, but the people are so backwards and fucked it feels like a 3rd world country. i've had my entire life destroyed by their moral hysteria and abuse. they're all retards. and i can't so much as exist without being harassed and oppressed by their bullshit moral hysteria over sexuality, the hypocritical, degenerate perverts. i hate them, i hate this country, these people are subhuman and the scum of the earth. it's a nightmare, it's hell, these people are demons, they're monsters. they're not human beings.

>> No.19852266
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>i have PTSD from a life time of this, i want to emigrate, i hate this country and think these people are subhuman, the scum of the earth. you can't so much as exist without these people sexually objectifying/harassing you and trying to harm/punish/oppress you when you've done nothing wrong, when you're doing nothing wrong, just because they're such perverted, hypocritical, braindead, subhuman fucking nazi bigots. it's horrible.
>i can't so much as exist without being harassed and oppressed by their bullshit moral hysteria over sexuality, the hypocritical, degenerate perverts. i hate them, i hate this country, these people are subhuman and the scum of the earth. it's a nightmare, it's hell, these people are demons, they're monsters. they're not human beings.

>> No.19852328

>hey yeah let's deprive an innocent victim of their basic human rights, ruin their laugh and drive them insane
>hahaha it's so funny
even your laughter is malicious and evil. i wish i could be there to watch you die in agony

>> No.19852374

I thought this thread was bait but man, emigrate.

>> No.19852384

i want to but the savages here ruined my goddamn life and i'm trapped in this hellhole being oppressed, harassed, etc. hopefully one day. emigrate and be free, hopefully live somewhere there's culture and the people are human.

>> No.19852400

>their bullshit moral hysteria over sexuality
So u are gay and they are part of the insane far right catholic mob?

>> No.19852451

i'm straight, people are fucking delusional
>they are part of the insane far right catholic mob?
pretty much, they raped and killed a bunch of children, they rape kids all the time and so hypocritically blame anyone who looks "different". the only way i am different is that i'm even half-jewish, but they're really that racist and white supremacist. i'm 100% heterosexual and straight, i seriously don't know what's wrong with them, why they're so morally hysterical and completely delusional. they live in this insane fantasy world, it's too stupid to even describe. being a complete fucking twat who automatically sexually harasses and tries to attack anyone you see. that's not human behaviour, human beings don't do that. only the people in my country. i don't know how it's possible to be such a low, base, resentful, perverted, hypocritical, and violent subhuman animal. i don't know how they can live with themselves, being completely wicked, evil, mindless creatures of hate. it horrifies me, just how animalistic and subhuman they are. they can't do anything right, they can't stop being obscene and hateful for even one moment, they're too animalistic. it's complete degeneracy, every day my mind is blown by just how dumb, ugly, shit-eating and subhuman these bastards are.
i'm 100% straight, i'm normal, also i have a big cock that women love, i've never had gay sex, i've only given anal to a woman once and it made my dick smell like shit, i barely even like head, just penis-in-vagina vanilla sex.
i'm so sick of being violated and wronged by these delusional and fascistic perverts. they're the ones fucking each other up the ass and raping kids.
i'm the victim and i'm tired of being the scapegoat. i wish i lived somewhere where the people were human beings, where the people were straight, not completely degenerate, perverted, abusive, subhuman chimpanzees. it's horrible.

>> No.19852501

>people legitimately get confused if you're reading because they're illiterate
Reminds me of that classic Bill Hicks bit


>> No.19852528

lmao! good jokes
thanks for sharing anon

>> No.19852613

pretty sure a neighbour just called me a "fucking queer" from the hallway in a redneck voice. i need a drink.

>> No.19852637

That's really not a funny bit. It's not about the comical situation of people not understanding why he's reading and him being unable to understand their position nor communicate the joy of reading to them. He's just portraying a couple straw-man characters for the audience to feel superior to. He literally starts jumping around the state like an ape and says some people in the world are begging for evolution and thumbs. That's why the audience is giving these short little "aha" laughs, that's the vocalization of their sense of superiority despite the fact that they REGULARLY eat at waffle house, yet want to feel superior to waffle house waitstaff and patrons.

Compare that to Daniel Tosh explaing daylight savings time leading into a shopping adventure in Target. Listen to the laughter of the audience: they can't stop. It's too funny. The second they catch their breath, he throws out another detail that sets them off again. It's funny without being mean (despite some of his other bits being extremely mean) and without enabling the sense of superiority of the audience (that I believe Tosh doesn't do at all).


tl;dr fuck bill hicks he's not funny.

>> No.19852660

O tranziliano spotted

>> No.19852683

This is bait and op is just posing as a tranny

>> No.19852709

i'm a heterosexual cis man dude, these people are all gay and fucked. why else would they objectify and then want to attack another man? they're closeted homosexuals, that's what makes them fascistic. i hate this country.

>> No.19852715

What do you usually wear whenever you go out to read, OP?

>> No.19852734

normal clothes dude. whatever's weather appropriate. stop trying to blame me. people from any other culture, any other country are not like this. only people from my country are this delusional and fucked.

>> No.19852740

It does but honestly it's probably better than most of Latin America, going out is depressing but the risk of getting murdered or kidnapped is virtually nonexistent. And it helps to stick to the good parts and pretend the 90% of the country that's an open sewer isn't real

>> No.19852749

>not wearing a sweatshirt and Adidas sweatpants to go read in a park bench even under mid-summer 37°C weather

>> No.19852758

Russia isn't western, amerifart

>> No.19852761

You don't wear your programming socks outside, do you?

>> No.19853112

Well thanks, everyone in this thread. I've been playing too much vidya, vidya that can technically be infinite too, so total time sink campaigns in Warhammer 2.
And you've all shown me that you are better than others just for reading.
Or rather, being exposed to even genre fiction makes you less retarded and NPC.

>> No.19853500

that's a creepy outfit imo... people do seem to like it better when i wear revealing or sporty clothes though.. or when i'm shirtless in the summer... pervos... i'll try wearing t-shirts and my nike runner this spring, see if they fuck off... i usually wear like business casual

>> No.19853506

nuh bruh, fuggin ankle socks

>> No.19853510

i know you're being sarcastic, but if someone wants to read they have every right to read. it's crazy how people censor the freedom of thought and expression. everything has to be about you and your body and reproduction. it's so animalistic it's horrible. then you'll just have ugly inbred children who will be just as illiterate, uncultured, and degenerate. this is how capitalism functions. if someone wants to read, or write, or think, that doesn't make them gay. you're gay for thinking that's gay. there's nothing gay about literature and it's stupid to make literature gay. it used to be that men controlled shit. men were men, we created everything, we create beautiful things. we have ideas. civilization is our doing. then women were made equals, the slaves were made equals, and everything's gone to shit. everything's gone to hell. absolute nihilism.
so, yes it was a little rant here, but contemporary society is too materialistic in the most vulgar way possible and too nihilistic to so much as read a book. even a book, words on pages that you read and which make you think, are beyond the human animal under liberal democracy.
we deserve extinction. there is nothing human left in humanity

>> No.19853521

Are the illiterate fascists in the room with us right now anon?

>> No.19853523

wait sorry, windbreaker, not runner. whatever. sports clothes. what am i, an athlete? i walk like 10km a day and have a resting heart rate of like 57-64. so yeah i'm a fucking athlete too. but i'm not a narcissistic faggo. i'd rather read a fucking book than go running and jerk off in the shower. why exercise if you have nothing to fuck? just increases frustration

>> No.19853527
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>> No.19853625

Ok I really don't care. Never saw anyone rub their dick on anyone with a book in public. Get real.

>> No.19853635

yet these deranged, delusional, hypocritical perverts think there's anything sexual about reading whatsoever. fucking hell on earth. you get real fucker. you have no idea how horrible this country is.

>> No.19853649
File: 266 KB, 960x684, 6125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off and stick this picture up your rectum Greek cunt
>inb4 "roach" so you don't act butthurt

>> No.19853998

really? I thought that Scandinavians read a lot. Is there no place on Earth left where people are cultured?

>> No.19854062

So if I got everything right, OP is an effortlessly feminine young man who is mistaken as a cute tomboy while he's jogging among the favelas in hotpants and an oversized singlet with one shoulder always sliding off. He stops to put the shoulder back on and tuck her hair behind her ear and wipe the sweat off her flushed cheeks but a gang of Brazilian gangsters in Rio Carnival outfits catcall her and tell her she has a nice ass and offer her sopa de macaco while firing their AK47s in the air. She tries to escape the verbal harassment but trips over a can and goes "Uwaah!" and a copy of Kafka On The Shore drops out of her pocket to everyone's amusement.

>> No.19854327

this is hilarious but also take your meds

>> No.19854474

OP is Argentinian

>> No.19854901

>but also take your meds
You need to stop saying that. That gentlemen made a very funny post and you attacked him by calling him mentally ill. You need to lurk more, at least two years before you resume posting.

>> No.19855877

What was your last campaign? I'm doing a human supremacy coop with my friend playing empire and me playing Brettonia.

>> No.19857214

>t. triggered mentally ill anon
take your meds

>> No.19857216


>> No.19857226
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>> No.19857230
File: 90 KB, 598x682, B5C5D331-E5C5-4DAC-8831-E5116B99285F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a cute bookworm Kuruminha gf that gets sexually harassed for reading in public