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File: 201 KB, 1024x768, Julius_Evola_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19761132 No.19761132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on Julius Evola?

>> No.19761165

He think he would have condemned low-effort threads. There's been like 3 Evola threads in the last couple of days

>> No.19761167

He would have condemned this whole forum

>> No.19761190

Embarassing larp

>> No.19761359

based and hitlerist pilled

>> No.19761386

I relate to his life and agree with much of what he said, but wish he wasn’t racist.

>> No.19761417

read Guenon

>> No.19761441

What's wrong with racism? The inequality of men is evident by reality.

>> No.19761451

Racism was the norm before the mid-20th century. It literally existed everywhere (just like how being anti-racist is the default in modern society, and anyone who is racist immediately gets raised eyebrows). If lefties only referred to those times when they spoke of "systemic racism" then they would be obviously correct.

>> No.19761498

This is as retarded as leftists who believe that everything prior to liberalism was "fascism". The colonial era was much more racist than the medieval era and that is due to the secular/anti-religious mentality. If there is no God, is easy to just exploit (and even kill) less modernized peoples, since there will be no punishment for your actions. The thing is that the anti-racism of today is a reaction to the racism of the colonial period.

>> No.19761502

Based anti christcuck

>> No.19761504

He called himself a Christian pagan, chud.

>> No.19761509

It sure is. Some men are chads, like Mike Tyson, and others are shut-in losers who say “nigger” on the internet.

>> No.19761511

Quotes some lines from ancient literatures throughout his books and thinks this will somehow prove his opinions right lmao more like Ebola

>> No.19761529

Evola refuted the chuds:

"while on the other hand, given what the white race has been reduced to in the age of colonial mercantilist expansion, we would certainly be wiling to concede superiority over 'whites' to the higher Hindu, Chinese, and Japanese types, and some Arabs strains, despite the fact that they do not have white skin"

"Here one should also blame the surrender and acquiescence of most men, who ought to have ridiculed this new jargon, along with many other recent 'achievements'. As for those women who, evidently ashamed of being women, encourage the application of this linguistic distortion, they should in a normal society be entrusted to specialists in diabolical hormonal manipulations, so that through adequate treatment they could be transformed into exponents of the 'third sex', thus fulfilling their aspirations on every level. However, to be fair, one wonders whether such treatment would not be appropriate also for men whenever the aforementioned acquiescence is due not so much to the subtle influences of the environment and to the unconscious processes that operate on the sub-intellectual part of the psyche of the ordinary man, but rather to an inability to react and to demonstrate true virility through moral courage and licid, resolute judgement."

>> No.19761533

I prefer Guenon. He appeals too much to warrior spirituality due to his kshatriya/rajas disposition and wrongfully places it at the top of the hierarchy. Otherwise he's decent though his prose isn't the most succinct but that may be the translator idk.

>> No.19761537

Evola places warrior-priests as the highest caste, just like Plato.

>> No.19761540

everyone does that, the point is who you place at the top when you split that caste in two

>> No.19761542

How does a warrior-priest even work?
Surely, introducing action from the warrior into a priest ruins his completely contemplative nature, which is higher than action?

>> No.19761544
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He is correct that our situation in the West will not be fixed by simply correcting any percieved imbalances in the economy but by steering society towards abstracts of honor, virture, loyalty and of hierarchical values.

>> No.19761556

I guess that it would be like the prophet Muhammad, but in his case there was no "liberation through action" but more like living a double live so to speak, exoteric and esoteric.

>> No.19761576

after all, the night journey didn't happened on the battlefield

>> No.19761584


>> No.19761593
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Okay rabbi worshiper

>> No.19761610

>anti-racism of today is a reaction to the racism of the colonial period
Anti-racism is just anti-white racism, and has nothing to do with an reaction to anything of the past

>> No.19761620

Thanks Charles.
If action is a subset of contemplation, doesn't that necessarily imply that a master of contemplation also masters action? It follows that a priest is inherently the best warrior? So the word "warrior-priest" is redundant? Is this right?

>> No.19761622

He was mistaken in allying with the fascists and the Nazis, they were hard materialists and hence had no love for the mysticism he was offering.
Guénon had the right idea, the task of the Traditionalist is not to affect change in the material realm but to nurture spiritual development among a caste of Brahmins.
It’s strange because Evola presumably understood “surfing the Kali Yuga” and yet he tried to act out of turn.

>> No.19761636

>Anti-racism is just anti-white racism
yeah, and colonialism was made by whites (british, belgians, french, etc)

>> No.19761715
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>the fascists and the Nazis, they were hard materialists and hence had no love for the mysticism

What? It is far from how it is portrayed in fiction, but to say they were unconcerned with mysticism is wrong. They were building a whole replacement value system based on racial/geographical mysticism.

>> No.19761716

You forgot romans, persians and everyone else, dumbass.

>> No.19761737

colonialism =/= imperial expansion
read Evola, chud

>> No.19761758

Colonization is just settling new lands, which Romans and others did extensively

>> No.19761760
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these fuckers wrote books? where do i buy?

>> No.19761762

>Christianity subverted Rome
Do philosophers just never engage in history? Or do they just stick to philosophical arguments that make sense from afar, but fall apart the second you apply scientific rigor to them?

>> No.19761763

Needless jargon for the sake of needless jargon. Guenon Uber alles

>> No.19761772

amazon, they seem to be smarter than humans

>> No.19761775
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Every succesful people did. Only shitty inferiors never did, because they failed to domesticate anything, even their children. Or progress beyond a vagely pointed spear

>> No.19761777
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Let's do science!
>Before Jews preached Xstain
>Pax Romana, Latin Lingua Franca, Archimedes and Aristotle not Augustine and Aquinas. PRAISE CAESAR!
>After Jews preached XStain
>Balkanized eternally vain warring and splintering tribes exponentially worse than a tower of Babel incident

>> No.19761795

I'll never understand this kind of over-zealous defense of negroes. Just look at what they did to Rhodesia, what they're doing to South Africa, what they've done in US cities, and tell me if you think they'd defend you the same way, you pandering coward.

>> No.19761806
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Because the Left, the current mainstream culture, values the weak, the victim and the minority. Because they hate Europeans and Whites.

They want you dead.

>> No.19761812

I glory in Ancient Rome. Normies glory in the Catholic Church at best, more commonly in their Protestant rock song shed community dodgeball and hotdog center. Now ask your Boomer Dad, history channel BOOOOO or BASKETBALL YAY?
Ask your Zoomer sister Beethoven and Lizst and Debussy or A$AP Fergbrutha and B1RDMAN and Machine Gun Kelly?
At this point you should start grunting and throwing feces at what once was your family.

>> No.19761827


>> No.19761856

Shut up, you groid loving cunt. Go live in Zimbabwe if you love dindus so much.

>> No.19761862
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>> No.19761870
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>> No.19761873
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>> No.19761877
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>> No.19761895

>oh my god, I was wrong
>it was earth all along
>I guess you finally made a monkey out of me

>> No.19761901
File: 160 KB, 400x400, Evola young.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not long ago, the newspapers announced that according to some calculations, by 1970 half of the population of Manhattan will be black, and that in the five boroughs that make up the entire city of New York, 28 percent of the inhabitants will be of colored race. Developments in the same direction have been registered in other cities and areas of the United States. We are witnessing a negrification, a mongrelization, and a decline of the white race in the face of faster-breeding inferior races.

Of course, from the point of view of democracy, there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary. We are all acquainted with the zeal and intransigence of American proponents of so-called “racial integration,” which can only further speed the process. They not only advocate complete interracial social fraternization and want the Negro to have free access to any public and political office (so that we may even expect, in the future, a black president of the United States), but also have no objection to Negroes mixing their blood with that of white Americans. A characteristic example of propaganda for this agenda is the play entitled “Deep Are the Roots” (in other words: of racial “prejudice”), which Italian radio has felt the need to subject us to more than once.

The “integrationists” who draw these conclusions – as logical as they are aberrant – from the dogma of egalitarian democracy, and who, while talking at full blast about freedom, are in fact advocating a truly coercive system (1), are still opposed, especially in the South, by certain groups that have no intention of giving a green light to the advance of the black race and the “negrification” of their country. However, these latter groups fail to realize the extent of the phenomenon, in the sense that they only notice it in its most material and tangible form. They fail to see the extent to which America is “negrified” not only racially and demographically, but above all in its civilization, in the behavior, and tastes of Americans, even when there has been no actual mixing with negro blood.

The US has been compared, not without justification, to a melting-pot. It actually presents us with a case in which a human type was formed, with characteristics that are to a large extent uniform and constant, from out of a highly heterogeneous raw material. Emigrating to America, men of the most diverse peoples receive the same imprint; after two generations, except in rare cases, they lose almost all of their original characteristics, reproducing a fairly homogeneous unit in terms of mentality, sensibility, and behavior: the American type.

>> No.19761905
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In this regard, theories such as those formulated by Frobenius and Spengler, who have asserted that there is a close relationship between the forms of a given culture and a kind of “soul” bound to the natural environment, to the “landscape” and the original population, do not seem applicable. Otherwise, an essential part of American culture would have been possessed by the indigenous element, which consists of Amerindians, the redskins. The red Indians were proud races with their own style, their own dignity, sensibility and forms of religiosity; not without justification, a traditionalist writer, F. Schuon, spoke of the presence in their being, of something “aquiline and solar.” And we will not hesitate to assert that had it been their spirit that to an appreciable extent had imbued – in its best aspects and on an appropriate plane – the human material thrown into the “American melting pot,” the level of American civilization would probably be higher.[2]

Instead, besides its Puritan-Protestant component (which, in turn, as a result of its fetishistic emphasis on the Old Testament, possesses many judaized, degenerate traits), it seems that it is precisely the negro element, in its primitivism, that has set the tone in important aspects of the American psyche. It is already characteristic that when speaking of American folklore, it is to the Negroes one is referring, as if they were the original inhabitants of the country. Thus, the famous Porgy and Bess by the Jew Gershwin, which deals exclusively with blacks, is considered in the US to be a classic work inspired by “American folklore.” The composer has declared that he lived for some time among American blacks in preparation for this work.

But the phenomenon of popular and dance music is even more conspicuous and general. Fitzgerald was not wrong when he said that in one of its main aspects, American civilization can be called a civilization of jazz, i.e., of a negrified music and dance. In this domain, very singular “elective affinities” have led America, by way of a process of regression and primitivization, to imitate the Negroes. Assuming there would be a need for frenzied rhythms and forms as a legitimate compensation for the mechanical and materialistic soullessness of modern civilization, one would have done much better to look to the many sources available in Europe: we have elsewhere mentioned, for example, the dance rhythms of South Eastern Europe, which often have something truly Dionysian. But America has chosen to imitate the blacks and the Afro-Cubans, and then from America the contagion has gradually spread to all other countries.

>> No.19761907

why don't you also send the note? especially this passage:
"while on the other hand, given what the white race has been reduced to in the age of colonial mercantilist expansion, we would certainly be wiling to concede superiority over 'whites' to the higher Hindu, Chinese, and Japanese types, and some Arabs strains, despite the fact that they do not have white skin"

>> No.19761911
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The Negro component of the American psyche was already noticed, in his time, by the psychoanalyst C. G. Jung. A few of his observations are worth quoting:

Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.

The passage continues along the same lines, and Jung ends up wondering if the inhabitants of the new continent could still be considered to be Europeans. But his observations can be further developed.

The brutality that unquestionably is a characteristic of Americans can well be said to have a negro character. In the happy days of what Eisenhower was not ashamed to call the “Crusade in Europe,” as well as in the early days of the occupation, we had the occasion to observe the typical forms of that brutality, but we also saw that at times, American “whites” went even farther in this respect than their negro comrades, whose infantilism, however, they often shared.

>> No.19761916
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Generally speaking, the taste for brutality now seems to be ingrained in the American mindset. It is true that the most brutal of all sports, boxing, originated in England, but it is in the United States that its most aberrant forms have developed, and it is there that it has become the object of a collective obsession, soon transmitted to other nations. Concerning the taste for getting into fights and coming to blows in the most savage manner it is enough, though, to consider the greater part of American films and popular detective stories: vulgar fist-fighting is a constant theme, evidently because it corresponds to the tastes of American audiences and readers, for whom it seems to be the symbol of true masculinity. America, the world leader, has, on the other hand, more than any other nation relegated the traditional duel to the status of ridiculous European antiquated rubbish. The duel is a method of settling disputes, following strict rules, without resorting to the primitive brute force of the mere arm and fist. There is no need to point out the striking contrast between this American trait and the ideal behavior of the English gentleman, despite the fact that the English made up a component of the original people of the United States.

Modern Western man, to a large extent a regressive type, is in various respects comparable to a crustacean; he is as “hard” on the outside – as a man of action, as an unscrupulous entrepreneur, as an organizer, and so forth – as he is “soft” and formless in his internal substance. Now, this is true to the highest degree of Americans, who represent the degenerate Western type carried to the extreme. But here we find another of their affinities with the Negro. Inconsistent sentimentality, banal pathos, especially in love affairs, put Americans much closer to Negroes than to truly civilized Europeans. Of this, observers can easily find clear evidence in a number of typical American novels and again, songs, as well as in cinema and everyday life.

That American eroticism is as pandemic as it is – technically speaking – primitive, has also been deplored by American girls and women. Which brings us to yet another convergence with what is characteristic of the negro races, in which the at times obsessive part always played by eroticism and sexuality is associated with primitivism; thus, these races – unlike orientals, the ancient Western world and certain other peoples – have never known an ars amatoria worthy of the name. The much-vaunted high sexual performance of Negroes is really only of a crudely quantitative priapic character.

>> No.19761922
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Another obvious aspect of American primitivism concerns the concept of “bigness.” Werner Sombart has successfully put his finger on it in saying that “they mistake bigness for greatness.” Now, this trait is not found in all non-European peoples or peoples of color. For example, an authentic Arab of the old race, a redskin, an East Asian are not overly impressed by merely material, quantitative, ostentatious size, including that related to machinery, technology and the economy (apart, of course, from already Europeanized individuals). It is a trait found only in truly primitive and childish races like the Negro. It is no exaggeration to assert that the foolish pride of Americans in spectacular “bigness,” in the “achievements” of their civilization, reek of the Negro psyche.

Here, we ought to mention the oft-repeated nonsense about Americans being a “young race,” with the tacit corollary that they are the race of the future. It is true that a myopic gaze easily mistakes regressive infantilism for true youth. Strictly speaking, according to the traditional conception, this perspective must be inverted. Despite appearances, recent peoples, since they came last, are the most removed from their origins, and as such must be considered to be the most senile and decadent peoples. This view, moreover, corresponds to the organic world.[4]. It explains how paradoxically, the similarities of supposedly “young” peoples, in the above sense of late-comers, with genuinely primitive races that have remained outside of world history, and explains the taste for primitivism and the return to primitivism. We have already remarked upon the American predilection, from an elective affinity, for Negro and sub-tropical music; but the same phenomenon is apparent in other domains of more recent culture and art. We could consider, for example, the glorification of “négritude” by existentialists, intellectuals, and “progressive” artists in France.

It follows that Europeans, including the imitators of the higher non-European civilizations, demonstrate, in turn, the same primitive and provincial mentality when they admire America, when they let themselves be impressed by America, when they stupidly allow themselves to be Americanized and enthusiastically believe that this means catching up with the march of progress, and that it is a sign of being liberated and open-minded.

>> No.19761924
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This “catching up” includes the social and cultural “integration” of the negro, which is spreading in Europe itself and even in Italy, and promoted through the subliminal effects of imported films (where blacks and whites are shown mixing in social functions, as judges, police officers, lawyers, etc.) and television, in spectacles showing black dancers and singers mixed up with white ones, so that the general public is gradually accustomed to interracial fraternization and loses every remaining natural sense of race and every feeling of distance. The hysteria caused by the shapeless, screaming mass of flesh that is the negress Ella Fitzgerald during her performances in Italy is a phenomenon that is as sad as it is indicative. As is the fact that the most blatant glorification of negro “culture,” of négritude, comes from a German, Janheinz Jahn, in a book published by Munti, a venerable old publishing house in Germany (the homeland of Aryan racism!). A well-known left-wing Italian publisher, Einaudi, was quick to spread it in our country as well, in a translation in two editions. This ranting book goes to the point of claiming that negro “culture” would be a excellent means of reviving and restoring the “materialistic civilization” of the West . . .

Regarding the elective affinities of Americans, we would like to refer to one more point. If in the United States of America there was one thing that seemed to be positive and present some sort of hope, it was the phenomenon of a new generation that had championed a kind of rebellious, anarchistic, nihilistic, and anti-conformist existentialism: the so-called Beat generation, the Beats, the hipsters and the like, which we will discuss more elsewhere. Well, fraternizing with blacks and a veritable religion of negro jazz, deliberate race-mixing, including white women having sexual relations with Negroes, are a characteristic aspect of this movement. In a well-known essay, Norman Mailer, who was one of its main exponents, actually established a kind of equivalence between the negro and the human type of the generation in question, even defining the latter as a “white negro.” Very rightly, Fausto Gianfranceschi has written in this regard: “There is a parallel to the fascination exerted by negro ‘culture,’ in the terms described by Mailer, in the effect of the message of Friedrich Nietzsche at the turn of the century. The starting point is the same concern with shattering fossilized conformity through the immediate awareness of vital and existential facts; but what confusion, what degradation, if the negro, as seen today with jazz and the sexual orgasm, is placed on the pedestal of the ‘Superman’!”

>> No.19761931
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Pour la bonne bouche, we will conclude with a significant statement by a far from superficial American author, James Burnham (in The Struggle for the World): “There is in American life a strain of callow brutality. This betrays itself no less in the lynching and gangsterism at home than in the arrogance and hooliganism of soldiers or tourists abroad. The provincialism of the American mind expresses itself in a lack of sensitivity toward other peoples and other cultures. There is in many Americans an ignorant contempt for ideas and tradition and history, a complacency with the trifles of merely material triumph. Who, listening a few hours to the American radio, could repress a shudder if he thought that the price of survival [of a non-communist society] would be the Americanization of the world?” And unfortunately, to a certain extent, this is already happening.

>> No.19761938

Pax Romana was done by the time christians did anything pagancuck

>> No.19761945

Only Himmler immersed himself in the occult, Hitler himself was very dismissive of the spiritual.
Evola had to compromise and came up with the concept of the “racial soul” to appeal to the Nazis but to no avail.

>> No.19761954
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Cope more, brownie.

>> No.19762145

Like I said, no scientific rigor. Just
>hmm, I really think this is true, how do I twist historical context to suit my narrative

>> No.19762152

controlled opposition. he thinks jews and zog don't exist.

>> No.19762162

What's the point of blaming Jews when all the elites are tall, blond and blue-eyed.

>> No.19762207
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>> No.19762248

Cool filename, "anon".

>> No.19762412
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They had entire organisations created for the singular purpose of creating a Germanic religion, there was a great deal of mysticism in the works. Even if hitler personally was not moved by it. Even their public art was influenced by it, almost all of which was destroyed by the (((allies))).

I do love picrel

>> No.19762419
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Why do Tradfags hate niggers so much when it was whites that went out of their way to spread materialism and nihilist philosophy? Happily riding along with what the Jews wanted them to do?

Who is more dangerous, a boogaboo clinking rocks in the jungle, or an active and willing agent of antihuman purposes?

>> No.19762468
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People are safe in majority white areas, people are in danger when in white minority areas.

That is why.

>> No.19762485

>Ethnic homogeny = social cohesion
Yeah no shit, but that's meaningless if the culture itself is nothing but delusion and destructive to the soul, which is about all you can say for white culture at this time.

>> No.19762499
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>worthwhile memories
Be gluttonous, have lax principles, be hedonistic, be that which the Jew calls a shabbos goy: give yourself without counting or calculating, accept what they call ‘a dope weekend' and act in such a way that you will be accepted by that kind of life, never abandon the principle of spending your weekly allowance in one night
>don’t go to the gym
Not reading further. Post body fat fuck lmao

>> No.19762511

Most glorified/vilified self-help writer of all time

>> No.19762525

He's been completely invaluable for me. I really cannot understate how transformative his works have been for me.
Come on, anon, this has been addressed a million times. Evola believed that TODAY (or rather in the 20th century), politics offered more possibilities for the Traditionalist reintegration than religion did. He was obviously correct on that.
Thus greentext obviously refers to Mishima you fucking moron.

>> No.19762529

>at this time
Stop thinking short term. When a society remains homogenous it keeps its chances of regaining its glory. Once a nation embraces racial immigration then it’s truly over in the most practical terms. The only way of turning back that wheel is an unapologetic genocide of the invading race and those who allowed it to happen

>> No.19762558

I arrived at my opinion by considering the long-term. Whites gave up the best part of themselves ages ago.

>> No.19762562

hitler lost

>> No.19762574

Historian here. It's actually pretty easy to point out why our current generation needs to work out at gyms while our grandparents and great granparents were fit as fuck without them.

One of the answers to that question is whats behind you in your second photo, roads. With roads cam cars, we left walking and bycling behind (both phisical modes of transport) for automobiles that take us wherever we want to go without effort. Next up is jobs. America in the 1910s and 20s was mostly filled with farmers, int he 40's the common work was a machine operator, in our current age the common jobs are all retail. Notice people in the US's past did mostly phisical work, which included heavy lifting and running today most jobs are sedimentary. Lastly we have diet, farmers used to grow food for their own families living off the land. In the 1940s we swtiched to grocery stores as the WW2 started people didnt have time to farm anymore, yet the food they ate wa still rationed out by the government (butter and milk were limited). Essentally your great grandfather was dieting and working out better than most gym bros today because society pushed him to do so.

>> No.19762593

>people gave up in the past so you should give up now
based retard?!?
Anon you are forgetting to account for the upper classes at all, be it today or in the past. Do you reckon the upper classes in every nation and every period are always obese because there is no scarcity and necessity for labour? Or are they, on the contrary, the most physically fit? Ponder this.

>> No.19762599
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It can be returned. Quite easily, violence secures political and social capital which is then used to enact your conditions.

The idea that violence does not solve anything is the greatest if lies.

>> No.19762625
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Because they have yet to take the DMT Iboga pill
Charlemagne S#yvoice on YouTube
>I can't stand trads who do psychedelics!
>Paganism! Ew! We have CHRISTIANITY!
>Basketball Americans are subhuman retards incompetent fools who will always obey the Globohomo REEEEEEEE
To me Charlemagne is anathema as Elon Musk today. I cringe at his Christianization of Europe as I do Elon Musk's Boring Rat tunnels and Trump's Vaccine Mandates. But you sons of bitches expect me to cheer and be BUDDIES? Fuck no. I'd rather look at a JPEG of Diogenes and silently stroll in a park free of that noise.
Take the Dionysian breath Anons. Orphic hymns and chill. Without the Elusinian mysteries you're but an anemic intellectual. You can quietly repose in non thinking KNOWLEDGE like an animal or woman. It's like rebirth instinct 2.0. A whole new frontier of mindfulness.

>> No.19762632

Brb partying with unvaxd niggas

>> No.19762646
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Nice critique.

>> No.19762652

The true solution then is to suck Japanese cock.

>> No.19762661

I agree 100% with everything you said and there’s also much more to add on to it and we can just go on and on about all the reasons for it because there’s simply so many.

However, I must call you a faggot for starting your reply with “Historian here”. stfu no one cares we’re on 4chan. Go to reddit for those kind of “credentials” to matter in the slightest

>> No.19762664

Yeah no rigor just humor densely packed with information that itself is the output of greater rigor than your emotionally stunted religious world view can handle. Gibbon in summary
>Christkeks ruined Rome every single time
Do you want to subscribe to 300 hours of that? I don't I get the message and don't cling against it's over whelming rigor. This isn't pub med. It's 4chan. This isn't a doctoral thesis on proving the obvious. It's musings and mockery.

>> No.19762665

Nuff Said

>> No.19762672

I work retail and need use quite a bit of physicality. I stand for hours straight, and need to use more arms every day. Less freqently but still somewhat common, I need to use my legs and core strength. Working retail involves more of the body than sitting at a cubical in front of a computer, although less than being a farmer.

>> No.19762695
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Well good thing that your personal opinion doesn’t fucking matter because you’ll never do any type of action. How about instead of wallowing in your own self-made mire you go bench 315, run 3 miles and shoot a gun instead of complaining like a poltroon-suicider


>> No.19762699
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Hitler himself could not publicly profess extra-Christian values because it would be politically cumbersome despite how Academically sound.

>> No.19762704

And your grand children will be mixed-raced obese transvestites because of it

>> No.19762717

When I was a kid, I used to wonder why there were so many ancient statues with broken noses. There were all sorts of "reasons" I was given to this. When I discovered that this was deliberately done, I was quite appalled.

>> No.19762726
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Only sustained threat of violence solves anything once it reaches to stochastic point of imposing un undesirable gamble inhibiting the losers from exhausting themselves in risky activity. Therefore the threat of violence and the arsenal credibility itself is the lionshare of warfare politics. This then is layers of representation far removed from the actionable. You don't run red lights even though you can unless no one's looking on a desolate road. Amazing how instead of say a real vigilante capable of showing off some dramatic heroic display, this changes close to nothing. What did Brevik and Tarrant accomplish? A fun night and a fun chat for fans. What did the legions and swarms of jeering reindoctrinated seething retard bugmen accomplish? It's like their hatchling babble has more of a toothy menace than the most manly erudite weaponized warrior cry can.

>> No.19762729

For the most part, noses chipped off because they are just the first thing in a statue to break.

>> No.19762730
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The volkisch movement, blood & soil, is inherently steeped in mysticism, it is build on the sound notion that a people and their land have a deep and meaningful connection. This is proven in biology. From better cold and wind adaptation in Northern Europeans. To Africans being able to run long distances for a cup of dirty water.

>> No.19762735


>> No.19762747

T. Christian Museum Handler
Right trust worthy as usual (((Anglo)))

>> No.19762750

picreal was my telegram pfp when I was a zoomer chud 2 years ago kek

>> No.19762760

> it was whites that went out of their way to spread materialism and nihilist philosophy
this is literally what Guenon said

>> No.19762876

That is indeed the excuse I would often here.
Whereas now presumably you are a leftoid zoomer.

>> No.19762881
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>Only sustained threat of violence solves anything

That was implied. It must be centralized, unambiguous and done without reservation over a large area until sufficient concessions are achieved. Then you begin again.

No single act made a revolution succesful.

>> No.19762885

>leftoid zoomer
I am neither a leftist, nor a rightist, nor a normie, I went to the next level. btw I only use the word "chud" to make people like you seethe

>> No.19762924

>That was implied
It astonishes me how Americans don't see that. They cling to their guns as if the gun will somehow win the war itself. They don't care to find out who is a friend or enemy but they want GUN. Absurd monkeys with rifles. Might as well be useless.

>> No.19762926

What made you change?

>> No.19762948

reading Evola and after Guenon

>> No.19762967

Superlative cringe. Read exclusively by young men suffering from hebephrenic schizophrenia and a terminal case of not getting pussy.

>> No.19762979
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Because that is what all media, radio, television and film tell them. They have not been told, or had to fight for anything. Hence why the most ardent crypto-fascists are the ones who live in the same cities that have the highest blm related violence. They have seen what happens. They can not voice it, but they wait peacefully.
With the Rudyard Kipling poem in the back of their mind.

>> No.19762981
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Why critique an author by his readership?

>> No.19763048
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I suspect you are lying.

>> No.19763061

no, why do you say that?

>> No.19763122

True, but many statues were vandalized by Christians. The Cross on the forehead gives that away.

>> No.19763123
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Telegram was not in wide circulation 2 years ago. Or barely stable. Your response gives no reasons either, just vagery and non-commital responses which can not be countered without insult or ad-hominen.

>> No.19763177

Ah okay so you're a pretentious loser with no self-esteem instead. It's okay anon. I am sure you are "special", just like mommy says.

>> No.19763183

Good stuff.

>> No.19763191

Not him but I remember using Telegram way back in 2017, and I'm not even that tech savvy.

>> No.19763195

Hippie proto new age 3rd eye tantra mumbo jumbo but with fascism attached to it so edgelords pretend to like it

>> No.19763196

Maybe I bench too much to care about Guenon and Evola?

>> No.19763205
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You are JIDF masquerading.

>> No.19763277
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>Telegram was not in wide circulation 2 years ago
I first joined telegram 2 years and a few months ago when the natsoc fed tier groups moved from discord to wire and than to telegram. Is not my problem that you are some irrelevant newfag who wasn't there from the start.
>Your response gives no reasons either, just vagery and non-commital responses
I used to consider myself eh/pagan natsoc (siege tier larper), after that I read Evola (he was popular in Iron March related groups) of which I knew before but didn't bother to read him. After reading Evola I rejected nationalism and this sort of collective racial ideologies in the favour of a hierarchical society like that of medieval feudalism (which was an adaptation of the roman one). At that point I embraced Evola's views almost completely, it was the first redpilled author which I read that was more complex than just "gas the jews race war now" or whatever, I had a growing interest in everything which was prior to the modern world, from religion, to philosophy and society in general. From Evola I discovered Guenon who was more coherent and I found his spiritual views to be more logical (at this point I got rid of my anti-abrahamic prejudice) and I pretty much agreed with everything he wrote. I tried to read also other authors with different views who approached these topics but it seems that Guenon is really my final station in terms of a general worldview.

>> No.19763322
File: 84 KB, 850x400, quote-a-nation-lives-forever-through-its-concepts-honor-and-culture-it-is-for-these-reasons-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-81-96-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After reading Evola I rejected nationalism and this sort of collective racial ideologies

This makes little sense to be a non sequitur. When both are complementary, and he even speaks as much with castes and unity.

>> No.19763325

Valuing safety is slave morality.

>> No.19763350

Evola argued that nationalism was a modernist idea, in the sense that there is no nationalism without a nation-state. His ideal was the Imperium which is not limited to a certain nation or race, is a hierarchical society based on castes (peasants, merchants, nobles, priests and the emperor).

>> No.19763365

>look at what they did to Rhodesia
lol who cares you 16 year old history larping faggot

>> No.19763381

Your conflation on having to work or expend effort to provide a standard of safety with roving gangs of blacks shooting you for wearing the wrong color baseball cap is contemptuous.

Which book did he discuss that in? Im halfway through Pagan Imperialism and he not at all touched on it.

>> No.19763392

>wtf people revolted in their own land when foreigners showed up, started killing them, and treated them like second class citizens at best
You better be logically consistent when the Chinese put you in a camp

>> No.19763398

>Which book did he discuss that in?
Revolt against the modern world, maybe also in Men among the ruins and Fascism viewed from the right, idk just look at the table of contents, it has been more than a year from when I read his books

>> No.19763403

“ But, in saying this, I feel – towards them almost as much as towards ourselves (who are their heralds and precursors, we free spirits!) – an obligation to sweep away a stupid old prejudice and misunderstanding about all of us that has hung like a fog around the concept of the “free spirit” for far too long, leaving it completely opaque. (…) What they want to strive for with all their might is the universal, green pasture happiness of the herd, with security, safety, contentment, and an easier life for all. Their two most well-sung songs and doctrines are called: “equal rights” and “sympathy for all that suffers” – and they view suffering itself as something that needs to be abolished. We, who are quite the reverse, have kept an eye and a conscience open to the question of where and how the plant “man” has grown the strongest, and we think that this has always happened under conditions that are quite the reverse. We think that the danger of the human condition has first had to grow to terrible heights, its power to invent and dissimulate (its “spirit” –) has had to develop under prolonged pressure and compulsion into something refined and daring, its life-will has had to be intensified to an unconditional powerwill. We think that harshness, violence, slavery, danger in the streets and in the heart, concealment, Stoicism, the art of experiment, and devilry of every sort; that everything evil, terrible, tyrannical, predatory, and snakelike in humanity serves just as well as its opposite to enhance the species “humanity.”

>> No.19763419

The upper classes were obessed and "invented" working out.

>> No.19763440
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from Revolt 1/2

>> No.19763443

So why are the majority of whites killed by whites if they are safe in those areas?

>> No.19763446

Your statement is too imprecise to really pin down as having any specific meaning, but whatever you mean, I am sure it is something neurotic.

>> No.19763450
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>> No.19763456

how can you agree with him but wish he wasnt racist

>> No.19763472

I am not the anon you are speaking to, but it should be noted for the benefit of the public that there is room for nuance when it comes to nationalism. Evola objected to national chauvinism, and rightly so. Integral nationalism is quite a different matter, however.

>> No.19763477

>how can you agree with some things someone says but not other things

>> No.19763491
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>I hOPe YOur LoGically coNSiStent!!!!
Consist of this sick in your mouth, faggot

>> No.19763497
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It appears to make a sharp distinction between Moderb Nationalism of post World War II, or prior to it? Im unsure when this was written.

Definately something i'll read up on. Even if i don't agree. This pan-ethnic nationalism is utterly without merit and becomes a simple number of demographics as to who comes out on top. As it always has.

>> No.19763499

At least your desire for gay sex is European. Do you actually think it makes sense to dislike negroes for fighting back?

>> No.19763510

Evola objected to the nationalism of his period (fascism viewed to a larger extent). I am aware that he had this optimistic view that a little change in good (or better said less worse - which would be fascism) can bring other good future changes until the ideal is achieved but I personally don't agree with this way of approaching things.

>> No.19763525

By modern nationalism he meant the nationalism of the early 20th century (you know what that is). Before that passage he made the differance between nationality and modern nationalism, I know that this is confusing since one would expected a dichotomy between traditional and modern nationalism since the later term is used

>> No.19763579
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Makes sense, nobody could of foreseen what would follow 80 years after the conclusion of WWII, suddenly the nationalism of his time would be a welcome relief to the woes and troubles we face here.

>> No.19763590

His real name is Giulio Evola, apparently

>> No.19763597
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Hitler was too nice to the Jews, the Apartheid government was too accommodating and blacks have A LOT of aids. Have a nice day!

>> No.19763632

I can't believe that tariq is serious

>> No.19763635

>white culture
No such thing.

>> No.19763686

Tom Hardy was a German soldier??

>> No.19763720

Your pic is a direct consequence of colonization. The colonized peoples can more easily immigrate to the country that gave them their language. It was a mistake by France to invade Africa.

>> No.19763837
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Not only that. Nations have always colonized and taken over others. But rarely was it allowed that wholesale villages and towns of the defeated people allowed to come in to the very heart of the victor.

>> No.19763848

No, it's a direct consequence of post-colonization. During colonizations, Europeans went to Africa not the other way around.

>> No.19763872

Brainlet analysis. When analyzing the collective, one race conquers and brings light to the world, the other is garbage that contributed the most to civilisation under slavery. The existence of an individual that according to you has broken this trend has no bearing on the generalisation.

Also, quality > quantity.

>> No.19763896

why do all evola threads turn into /pol/ tier shit? is really that hard to make your own threads?

>> No.19763914

Overrated, doesn’t realise the implications of nietzsche’s death of god idea.

If you want a criticism of Whig/Marxist historicism, than Spengler doesn’t suffer from the same issue and is infinitely better.

>> No.19763925

Falseflagging leftist cuckold detected. He literally wrote the intro to the Italian translation of the Protocols and said whether or not it was a forgery was irrelevant because the book described exactly what was happening in reality.

>> No.19763953

Evola was heavily influenced by Spengler

Lefturds come and cry about racism since they are too stupid to talk about actual philosophical topics