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19755690 No.19755690 [Reply] [Original]

>predicted the incel epidemic
>predicted the Bali bombings
>predicted the Yellow Vest movement
>arguably predicted the Charlie Hebdo shootings

What else has he predicted?

What does he predict in Anteater?

>> No.19755708

>Kaczynski, c’est autre chose : il est beaucoup plus rigoureux, plus structuré dans sa pensée, il ferait plutôt penser à Marx, si vous voulez.

>Zerzan a vraiment des points communs avec Rousseau : intelligence moyenne, mais une vraie musicalité dans les phrases ; c’est un mélange qui peut s’avérer extrêmement dangereux.

this goblin copied and pasted my /lit/ posts and published it.

>> No.19755721
File: 285 KB, 650x825, Charlie-Hebdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq will go down in history as being a prescient prophet of his era, as well as writing beautiful (if not dark and edgy) literature.

The day Soumission was supposed to be published, Charlie Hebdo planned to release a biting satire of Houellebecq that made him look like an out-of-touch racist curmudgeon. It never got published in time, because that day, Charlie Hebdo headquarters was attacked by Islamic terrorists, who executed several satirists in cold blood. If that's not cosmic irony, I don't know what is.

The people of the future will look back in horror and schadenfreude that we allowed this insane mentality to persist for so long (probably CCP historians).

>> No.19755724

>Predicted the dogpill

>> No.19755740

>CCP historians

Does H write about the Chinese at all?

In Submission he seems to suggest that it will be Arab billionaires who take over the ideological apparatus of Western society (universities etc).

>> No.19755794

Predicted farmer suicides and revolts in France.

>> No.19755847
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No idea. But Napoleon did.

>> No.19755853

>In Submission he seems to suggest that it will be Arab billionaires who take over the ideological apparatus of Western society (universities etc).
Which honestly felt stupid, universities, especially the humanities are filled with woke women. Why would they just agree to lose all their rights?

>> No.19755882

He's actually considered a hero in Canada for "his fair, honest portrayal of human-canine sexuality."

>> No.19755887

Woke women love masculine men though, just not white ones.

>> No.19755888

his most based prediction

>> No.19755910

It doesn't matter what woke women think. They're not physically strong, and they loathe guns.

What are they going to do? Vote? Their Muslim enemies will eventually staff the government and police force (thanks to demographic realities). Good luck getting the government to reflect the "will of the people."

And then eventually they'll be outvoted at the ballot box anyway. So they'll have to do what Achmed says (with the full force of democratic legitimacy) or face violent consequences.

>> No.19755913

trips don't lie

>> No.19755951

>It doesn't matter what woke women think. They're not physically strong, and they loathe guns.
This. Women's opinions really only matter in a safe, liberal democracy. Same with feminine men. In some cases, even strongly moral men would be useless in any sort of hostile take-over.
But I don't agree with Holla back girl's prediction that Muslims are immune to liberalism and secularism. Where I live, 2nd generation Muslims are already slowly growing secular, unless they're poor.

>> No.19755957

>2nd generation Muslims are already slowly growing secular
more like 2nd gen muslim women and that would spell a hegelian pendulum swing that would be associated with the rise of virgin men establishing le patriarchy

>> No.19755971

And how would that happen? Shoving women back to the kitchen would be really bad for business, and that's what dictates societal structures in the 21st century.

>> No.19755975

LOL it's these feminist woketards that are defending islam all the time. They are only feminist against white men.

>> No.19756009

These feminist woketards defend any "minority" or pretty much anyone downtrodden. There's no rationale behind it.

>> No.19756035

>>predicted the Yellow Vest movement
He did not. He just depicted a farmers strike such as were seen on TV for years with a bit of added exaggeration.

>> No.19756052
File: 79 KB, 680x632, question-everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt talk about jews
he's not relevant.

>> No.19756066

The INTJ personality really is something else

>> No.19756071


Like farmers haven't been killing themselves for years. Houellebecq just wrote about what'd heard on BFMTV.

This sucking up to his so-called "prophecies" is ridiculous, he just more or less reflected a bit of zeitgeist in some of his novels.

Also the survivorship bias is ridiculously obvious. Why don't you all talk about the shit he put in his novel that never happened? Uh-oh, not so prophetic after all.

As for Anéantir, it contains no predictions, however it's full of embarrassingly amateurish plotholes.

>> No.19756081

In which order should i read him?
He looks psycho, like someone you wouldnt want near children.

>> No.19756091

>And how would that happen?
with the aforementioned rise of incels voting for political leaders who're strongly against feminism, plygamy,,etc..

>> No.19756109

Order doesn't particularly matter, except to say that his best - and the only book of his that is really *essential* (though I enjoy nearly all of his books) - is Elementary Particles/Atomised.

>> No.19756117

>2nd generation Muslims are already slowly growing secular

It goes both ways. Some become much more radical than their parents, even if they keep it pent up like incels.

>> No.19756119

Why would he wrote about something he has 0 experience from?

>> No.19756144

Woke women are the weakest people in the modern political landscape. Some beating or intimidation by a bunch of zealous muzzies and they will stfu immediately.
They are only allowed to spew their hysteria because it's safe and because western men give them a platform in some savior delusion.

Look at all the "feminists" in the islamic world, they either do it from Paris and London or get silenced very fast.

>> No.19756153

predicted he is an ugly goblin lmfao

>> No.19756157

I think you should start with Lanzarote since it is a short story, then Serotonin. If you want more dark and sad stuff go back to Atomised and his older stuff. His newer stuff is more gentle and less bitter. Submission is straight up funny at times. Don’t take him too seriously like some members of the public do, he’s literally a /r9k/ shitposter that got his foot into publishing and it is great. One thing though, his writing gets kinda repetitive after 2-3 books - but they are easily digestible

>> No.19756166

Kek that's a funny cover.

>> No.19756170

>china is a giantess

>> No.19756200

Since when is a democracy able to exert the will of its people? Most people in Europe are against mass-immigration, but the elites aren't, so we get mass immigration.

>> No.19756493
File: 21 KB, 691x164, furigana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19757226

>Why don't you all talk about the shit he put in his novel that never happened? Uh-oh, not so prophetic after all.
Because they merely haven't happened YET.

>> No.19757313

Looking forward to France having a muslim president in 4 months

>> No.19758665

Why does he write about food so much

>> No.19758971
File: 690 KB, 1438x1360, 1642321158176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What is a highbrow? He is a man who has found something more interesting than women." - Edgar Wallace

The crisis and ultimate destination of Houellebecq, which he seems to evade, is that male sexuality, when examined and not perverted by women, no longer fits into the puzzle. A lot of women want to be beaten, choked, etc. Houellebecq's dream is much like that of a receptive woman, but he doesn't seem to realise that it's actually man's concept of woman that he has fallen in love with. The natural conclusion is him predicting AI fembots designed not to replace sex, but to replace love.
When man is able to stop directing his time towards the escalation of doomed relationships, he will be in the stars.

>> No.19758985

Have you ever met a Frenchman?

>> No.19759254

Never read anything by this guy, recently ordered The map and the territory as it sounded quite interesting, is it a good starting point?

>> No.19759262

not really true, from my understanding. wokeness is prevalent among the elite in every country except maybe china

>> No.19759477

not really, start with Elementary Particles or Submission

>> No.19759482

biggest hack

>> No.19759492

He might be off about the dates but Submission remains the most accurate depiction of France (and Europe's) future yet. Demographics is destiny, and Islam has resisted/rebuffed all liberalization.

>> No.19759530

give it 40 yrs