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19718431 No.19718431 [Reply] [Original]

I challenge you to give me a book from the 20th century that is more influential today.

>> No.19718734

Guess you never heard of my diary desu

>> No.19718740

The hobbit was better. LOTR is pretty cringe desu.

>> No.19718965

you mean besides mein kampf? and bell curve? and might is right?

>> No.19718970

Harry Potter

>> No.19719043

Lol no

>> No.19719060

It hasn't really influenced anything culturally relevant. You're really overplaying the influence of LotR. Sure LotR is one of the earliest fantasy novels that was successful, so naturally every single retard says all modern fantasy is descended from LotR. But look at LotR inspired fantasy. It's all shit. None it will be talked about or remembered after five years. So no, LotR is not that influential because it the books which will be and have been remembered since its publication, a very small percentage of them are influenced by LotR.

>> No.19719094

The fuck did Mein Kampf and The Bell Curve influence?

>> No.19719295

>But look at LotR inspired fantasy. It's all shit. None it will be talked about or remembered after five years.
What the fuck are you talking about? LOTR inspired more fantasy than just fantasy novels; Dungeons and dragons has been popular for nearly 50 years and is actually increasing in popularity currently. Warhammer has been around for almost 40 years; 40k (which is literally just warhammer in space) in particular is hugely popular, but even WHF is still thriving today thanks to games like Total War. Elder Scrolls and Warcraft are hugely popular vidya series (although Blizzard has done a great job at killing the latter). Fantasy as a genre is overwhelmingly dominated by Tolkien style races now, and will be for decades more. That's not including the many works which are distinct enough from LOTR to not be clear derivatives but whose authors openly stated LOTR was a major influence for their work, like ASOIAF which led to GoT, one of the most viewed shows of all time (and until the last season one of the highest rated).
I'm not saying LOTR has much cultural influence outside of the fantasy sphere, but you are absolutely delusional if you think all it inspired was a bunch of books which everyone forgot about after a few years.

>> No.19719334

I think this is a silly way of getting at the truth, but it's still the truth. Whatever the reason, the LoTR myth has become engrained in the cultural awareness, to the point of being nearly a modern mythology. It doesn't matter as much how it's expressed, although those are indications of it, what matters is that people know about it and that it resonates within the collective spirit.

>> No.19719363
File: 33 KB, 420x420, 14D7528D-9665-4C42-8B88-8370642EE643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOTR is literally a modern mythology
>Is ingrained in the collective spirit

I’m GLAD Tolkien’s intention for his books has worked and turned out so well that you could say this, my fellow Dunédain!

>> No.19719519

You sound like you're coping and overplaying your hand.
>Elder Scrolls
>dude Hackien had elves n dwarves as races and like all fantasy has elves n dwarves n shit

>> No.19719532
File: 210 KB, 268x400, 9781419729454_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just owning 2 n00bs at the same time.

>> No.19719562

This was published in 21st C. Sorry. Good try nonetheless. I laughed aloud, a little bit

>> No.19720493

You sound like you're retarded

>> No.19720513

It's also an absolutely racist nationalist, even eugenicist, diatribe in tome form: the Mein Kampf of white bourgeois children. As for brown children, it subliminally teaches them to hate their brown bodies and faces.

>> No.19720529

meds. now.