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File: 144 KB, 709x1200, poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19670513 No.19670513 [Reply] [Original]

What are the origins of the idea that poetry gets you girls?

Did it unironically work at one point in history?

>> No.19670528

Poets were famous for being beacons of suffering. Sentimental women liked the idea of taking care of these men and being their "rock" in a world that had abandoned them. See Middlemarch for more on this.

>> No.19670557

Poets are often renowned womanisers.

>> No.19670573

>What are the origins of the idea that poetry gets you girls?
Make it 'erotic' and you might get some; you'd be surprised.

>> No.19670581

>Poets are often renowned womanisers.
Like Keats, Yeats, Dante, Pessoa????

>> No.19670583

bards were an exciting break from patriarchal medieval existence, kind of how like modern groupies tend to be from shitty provincial towns

>> No.19670599

>read some fake-ass fiction for more on this
Any books about reality?

>> No.19670608

>fake-ass fiction
Make your shitty point, but why be redundant?

>> No.19670617

>I'm going to name four poets that weren't renowned womanisers
What are you trying to achieve here?

>> No.19670618


Aristocratic gigachads were literate and spent much of their leisure time consuming their national canon, often they were fluent in several languages including Latin. These gigachads wrote poetry to attract often high status women who understood it in terms of social proof and a status signal (since women have dogbrains they didn't actually care about the poetry or directly understand it but nobody knew!!!)

The brutish pragmatism of women, and their pathological superficiality has been an ugly secret for a long time

>> No.19670637
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, laughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consuming their national canon

>> No.19670644


Yes, the upper class was generally the audience for European literature

>> No.19670656

national identity and european-ness are both bourgeois, middle class inventions

>> No.19670659

>What are you trying to achieve here?
I think they NOT being womanizers is more like the rule than the exception throughout history, if I could guess.
You might have better luck being a rapper nowadays, in order to get laid.

>> No.19670662
File: 408 KB, 1080x1440, Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think they NOT being womanizers is more like the rule than the exception throughout history,
Not really.

>> No.19670707

>Not really.
Isn't he the guy who wrote a book about a lad killing himself just because a single bitch didn't fuck him?
I don't know exactly how things worked back then but protip: Don't do this kind of drama in order to get the bitch nowadays.
This is not gonna work.

>> No.19670718

I'm not saying being a poet will get you bitches, but there are countless great poets famed for being womanisers.

It's telling that you barely know anything about Goethe.

>> No.19670856

>It's telling that you barely know anything about Goethe.
I never said I knew.
Unfortunatelly I don't know german just yet. I respect the man though.
'Conversations of goethe with eckermann' is on my reading list. Does it have any details about this subject?

>> No.19670872

Probably not. I'm pretty sure this dude is just wanting to be an ass.

>> No.19670902


Sentimental women like it up to a point but keep in mind that any male-female relationship built on the idea that the man is akin to a child that needs a caretaker is unsustainable. If a woman views you as something broken that needs to be cared for, that's bad news. There's plenty of fiction from the perspective of men who have weak/ignorant (yet attractive) women who are reliant on them, but far less of the inverse. It's a lot less common for women to fantasize about marrying a naïve weak man.

>> No.19670954

>be rich aristocrat poet
>the reason you get gurlz is beyond any doubt poetry and not class

>> No.19670965

Old poetry was generally sung and put to music, and was a significant vehicle of cultural transmission.

So it was inherently attractive and high status. Not exactly a mystery. When it stopped being sung, it was still considered culturally important and hence high status.

When people are talking about poets getting laid they’re not talking about TS fucking Elliot.

>> No.19670981

I'm not in disagreement with you necessarily, but can we honestly say that what exist in the market, is what a woman wants. It might be closer today than what it was in the past, but I don't think all or a statistically significant number of women read romance novels or fiction in general to where we can look at the trend in the market say, a woman generally wants this type of man.

>> No.19670989

The sounds of poetry mimic female vocal tonalities

>> No.19671169

The only people I see with "poetry" in their dating profiles are men.
And I have yet to meet a woman who likes poetry from before 1970.

Poetry is incredibly manly.