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19657460 No.19657460 [Reply] [Original]

what was his end game?

to save the west
he wanted the west to adopt sharia/hinduism ?

>> No.19657512

start with reading his books

>> No.19657562

I read the crisis.

Still Waiting for the other books arrive

I cant read on pdfs

>> No.19657574

I don't think 'saving the West' was his ultimate goal, but I am not well-read on Guenon.

>> No.19657666

Writing these books for an educated elite, so that they can grasp God and start the society of the Golden Age once the end of this age comes. Or in the optimistic hope that the West could somehow to return to Tradition. For the rest of us plebs, probably that we can get initiated somewhere and live a spiritually fruitful life devoid of the wickedness of the current world, especially the West, like Guenon himself.

Btw how can I send Prince Charles a letter? I want to ask him how pedophilia and globohomo (especially climate change) coincide with Traditionalist teaching and to make fun of him about the sweet irony regarding his grandson marrying a black, American prostitute. He is the only front-facing elite that I know of that is aware of Guenon

>> No.19657680

The endgame of every idealist is to either; reform the current social order to a prefered past OR consolidate the current social order.
If you push every idealist they will admit to it. They are not concerned with the transcendental, they want to further their control of the material.

>> No.19657764

he didn't want to save the west. he wanted to attain knowledge of atman/brahman which is only available through initiatic organisations such as as those found in hinduism and islam

>> No.19657773

Prince Charles is a s*huonian

>> No.19657789

>front-facing elite
oh anon, he is just a large UK landlord who operates a series of tourist attractions... the "nobility" haven't been the elite in Britain for centuries. You will never be a kşatriya and neither will he

>> No.19657808

>what was his end game?
To put those who are capable of understanding his work on the initiatic path. What matters the most for Guenon is initiation, be it muslim, jewish, hindu, freemasonic, etc. That is the starting point.

>> No.19657956

He's fans of lings afaik

>> No.19657961

favorite stefan zweig story? mines amok

>> No.19658495

>the sweet irony regarding his grandson marrying a black, American prostitute.
Everyone knows he's not his Son.

>> No.19658803

Checked and based post. How do you know charles knows about him?

>> No.19658876

Evola refuted some of his points on initiatic regularity. If you're white and Western just start simple meditations at the very least (for better control of your mind), you can find a master and regular initiatic organisation later, in fact those rare ones that exist often expect you to take the initiative. You aren't going to find them and they won't find you unless, in Western fashion, you take action.

Evola's books on Hermeticism (HT and ItM) can get you quite far, if nothing else you will understand Hermeticism/alchemy better than 99% of the plebs pretending to study these things. You will also learn what the actual goal of the Primordial Tradition and initiation are in concrete terms. Evola's books are indispensable if you're on your own and want to learn these things from a Traditionalist perspective when almost everything else is pseudo-occult garbage.
>inb4 muh occultism
You haven't read or understood the books I mentioned if you think that is the goal here. I have come across many actual initiates of varying degrees who recommend these books, and none advise you to do nothing other than read about spirituality which you will never experience unless you take action.

>> No.19659049

He sounds based in this, but while it seems to appear he thinks that climate change is the vessel by which ends this age (he still talks about climate change to this day), I cannot help but notice he supports and engages in policies that are indicative of the eschatological antichrist.
I literally want to send him a letter

>> No.19659079
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>i'm not a pseud like those other occultists i'm a primordial racist wiccan

>> No.19659211

Thanks, very interesting. That is a bit perplexing. He probably doesn't have much choice, I don't think they are really in charge behind the scenes.

I've also wondered about how far riding the tiger goes...

>> No.19659219

Not at all.

You don't know what the goals of authentic Hermeticism actually are, and you apparently think racism is bad, so you would be much closer to retard occultists in that sense. Keep being a pleb.

>> No.19659220
File: 22 KB, 317x267, 7AF883A0-DC11-4845-A56A-9724F442223D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Evola refuted some of his points on initiatic regularity
lol, yeah okay

>> No.19659252

He did, read his essay on it. There are also other high level initiates who agree with him over Guenon and say Guenon's approach hinders people by being too formalist. You're an idiot.

>> No.19659275

>There are also other high level initiates who agree with him over Guenon and say Guenon's approach hinders people by being too formalist.
Any examples of such people?

>> No.19659305

I think you're a ridiculous impotent larper is what I think. Your entire bit is that you aren't like the other new agers because you've read thrice translated commentaries on ancient texts and are racist. What sort of wisdom is going to come from someone whose sole motivation is to negate everything that he thinks hurts him in a pseudo-moralizing fashion? Read a fucking book

>> No.19659318

Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned them. You aren't going to advance spiritually by sitting around reading Guenon and passively taking everything he says as gospel. You need to take action, which is the Western way.

>> No.19659373

>authentic Hermeticism is the same as new agery
>implying racism is bad
>accuses others of "pseudo-moralism"
You should avoid esotericism, you're a snarky, ignorant little pleb.

>> No.19659535

Can you provide any such examples of these people?

>> No.19659634

I think people should avoid you. You sound miserable and autistic.

>> No.19659658

I'm not taking a position on racism. You are the one saying
>this would be cringe but thankfully I'm racist
I am the one saying, no, it's still sickly world-denying slop

>> No.19659690

I wonder if he is initiated. I also think these sentiments might be one of the reasons there is a strong chance his claim to the throne will be passed over to one of his sons

>> No.19659750

How did I say that at all? You have no idea what you're talking about, you can't back up anything that you say. Really, your opinion up to this point (that is all you have offered) is irrelevant.

>> No.19659810

To be an obscure weirdo, duh.

Ironically, given that Guenon plagiarized multiple pages from Blavatsky, and given that Wicca is literally just the Western Hermetic tradition with a weird pseudo-Celtic coat of paint, Guenon is closer to being a Wiccan than Evola was.

>> No.19659912

>to save the west
No, he just wanted to islamize the west

>> No.19659928

>he did, read his essay on it
which essay?

>> No.19659931

> Guenon plagiarized multiple pages from Blavatsky
nonsense, there is no source for this claim and nobody has ever provided one

>> No.19659933

Farm shills

>> No.19659944

Retvrning to tradition

>> No.19659945

That whole post is retarded

>> No.19659948

Evola was a faggot who thought that there are "problems" with advaita vedanta, can't take him seriously... Also, "esoteric" meditation without an initiatic link(which implies a spiritual influence) is literally demonic, when you clear your mind and meditate, beings(demons) from the subtle world can enter your psyche. Be honest, you just don't like the idea of becoming part of a non-western tradition/culture so you cope by saying that Ebola was better.

>> No.19659949


>> No.19660002

>Also, "esoteric" meditation without an initiatic link(which implies a spiritual influence) is literally demonic, when you clear your mind and meditate, beings(demons) from the subtle world can enter your psyche.
It isn't "demonic". However I agree that if you don't know what you're doing (lacking presence in oneself, falling into passive mystic trances) it is possible to be influenced by psychic forces (maybe demons?). That is one of the points of initiation, overcoming these forces through being present.

As for me not wanting to become part of an Eastern Tradition, that should not come as a surprise. I don't know what your point is there, since Guenon also says it's best to stay within your own Tradition if you can, and if not it needs to be under special circumstances. I also didn't say Evola was better. Both are great, but Evola is more useful when it comes to the practical side, whereas Guenon's work is more doctrinal, which is in accordance with their natures. If you paid more attention to the practical side you would know more, since initiatic knowledge is experiential. Instead you seem to be pulling stuff out of your ass.

>> No.19660023

>practical side
Evola literally said that his books were written to expand one's knowledge on such subjects. If anyone has that quote, pls post it.

>> No.19660027

>your opinion
>my primordial truth of kşatriyontology
kek you must be 12

>> No.19660074
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>> No.19660084
File: 24 KB, 789x132, 1640178555146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.19660116

>Hermeticism is just my opinion
You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.19660135

Already seen it, don't care. You will never obtain any spiritual achievements or even find a master or initiatic organisation if you're too weak to go out and find out for yourself. You will not survive the second death, you will not be reborn in a solar body of glory.

>> No.19660142

Oh but it is. Hermeticism is all opinion, all the more so now that it is extinct, there is only opinion about what it is or is not.

>> No.19660156

Evola also "literally said" his works were more focused on the practical side rather than doctrine. You're a complete pseud.

>> No.19660169

Julius "clean-a your room-a" Evola

>> No.19660178
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have often heard that Charles is fond of the Naqshbandi tariqa and that he often met Sheikh Nazim (not the one in the pic)

>> No.19660180

No it isn't you imbecile. It is a coded initiatic doctrine, Guenon acknowledges this as well, and it's goal is the same as any other. You wouldn't even know what this goal is either, because you're a pseud. There are regular initiates who practice hermetic alchemy, and you wouldn't know that either.

You have deluded yourself into thinking you're some sort of brahmin when all you've done is read Guenon and have 0 initiatic knowledge.

>> No.19660215

>You will also learn what the actual goal of the Primordial Tradition and initiation are in concrete terms

What is this goal? The chapter on the Red Work is impossible to understand

>> No.19660221

I regret snipping those exerts and putting them on here. Please forgive me for my previous pseudery since it is misinterpretation of these exerts that fuels further pseudery.

>> No.19660298

>You have deluded yourself into thinking you're some sort of brahmin
I have little respect for either author and less for their fans. Whoever these "hermetic intitiates" are, they are obviously larping and have nothing to do with hellenistic egypt or even the renaissance. You can't even defend your opinion on its own merits without recourse to some bogeyman

>> No.19660361

The Sun in Saturn, the glorious solar body of light.

>> No.19660484

Very funny. I think Evola himself only understood the symbolism to a point and from there laid it out for "he who understands mannn"

>> No.19660544

You have correctly noted that he wasn't explicit in his exposition. But why is what I said funny?

>> No.19660553
File: 169 KB, 408x402, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19660598

The golden age will only start after the Mahdi arrives. Guenon should have known that, satan

>> No.19660599

His son, but also there are persistent rumors that Diana cucked him with a Navy officer and Harry is the other guy's kid. If this is true Chip might just be pleased about the cuckoo shitting directly into his life.

>> No.19660606

Will the coming Christ be one who unites both the Royal and Priestly functions once more?

>> No.19661292

I wonder what Lee Pen's and Charles Upton's thoughts on him are? Any mention of Prince Charles is noticeably absent in their books. One would think given how concerned these two are about globohomo, the NWO, and Great Reset, they would certainly have an opinion on the man.