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File: 118 KB, 1080x1336, 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19652219 No.19652219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which author captures the female aesthetic most beautifully? Not just the physical beauty, but of their existence as a whole

>> No.19652227

>their existence as a whole

>> No.19652238
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There is no female aesthetic.

>> No.19652241

you can't be a great artist if you can't appreciate the greatest art of time

>> No.19652248
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pic related

>inb4 some of you incels get mad because a poc woman is actually writing some truly beautiful and insightful stuff

>> No.19652259

which book of her specifically?

>> No.19652266

Beliving in a female/male aesthetic is tranny cope.

>> No.19652267

I don’t like feet at all… with that said, I want to suck and lick on this woman’s feet

>> No.19652284

More like their existence as a "hole" lmao haha

>> No.19652291
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>you can't be a great artist if you can't appreciate the greatest art of time
I agree.

>> No.19652370

this is my favorite image

>> No.19652397

Isn't that butterfly, the cancerous tripfag?

>> No.19652413

I cringe whenever I see this disproportionately shaped broad; for fuck's sake, she looks like a fucking dwarf! I honestly want to vomit.

>> No.19652421
File: 120 KB, 1200x1600, ez1b1wbutjz71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their existence as a whole
she's a whore

>> No.19652441

damn, I'd consider buying her OF if she wasn't white :/

>> No.19652476

Destroy all women

>> No.19652477

kek nice one

>> No.19652486


>> No.19652493

Personally, I'd only consider buying it if she was Blacked, but again, that's just me.

>> No.19652525

disgusting, no thanks

>> No.19652544

Men rejecting women they didn't have a shot at in the first place

>> No.19652583

It doesn't work like that.

>> No.19652666


>> No.19652704

You literal primates
>omg is that a heccin picture of a woman you just posted????!! uoh gimme gimme!!!

>> No.19652723
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yes my dick is burning all day long

>> No.19652968


>> No.19652979

Dubs of truth. The more you emphasize social constructs like femininity/masculinity over simple biological realities, the more ammunition you give to retarded trannies.

>> No.19653456

it's ok to be gay

>> No.19653499
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>> No.19653507


>> No.19653540
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>> No.19653548

explain or gay sex

>> No.19653549

Anyone have sauce on the whore?

>> No.19653555

ur mother

>> No.19653714

Sure but can I get a name or you just gonna bitch and moan the whole time?

>> No.19653724
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>> No.19653726

Her onlyfans is in the picture

>> No.19653798

The incel projects his hatred of himself onto the women he can't have.

>> No.19654107
File: 101 KB, 1080x886, tkjj12cutjz71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I don't have a name

>> No.19654119

how do y'all niggas pirate onlyfans these days? i will never pay a filthy PUTA a fucking cent of my money, but i will download all her content for free

>> No.19654128
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>> No.19654273

And you wonder why the world outside thinks you're coping homosexuals.

>> No.19654277

Nice bait

>> No.19654290

It's a close tie between Schopenhauer and Weininger

>> No.19655202


>> No.19655228

0 it's a joke she is brain dead and vapid

>> No.19655230
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>> No.19655232
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I'm gay and usually only like boy feet, but she has very beautiful feet I must say. That said, I must inform you that the male aesthetic is obviously superior to the female one, and that the greatest writers and poets have preferred masculine beauty to feminine.

>> No.19655240

Could a gay bottom enjoy being dominated by a female "top"? Are gays even residually bisexual?

I think any man who finds other men attractive, because they have feminine features for instance, was already bisexual to begin with. I don't care how artificially feminine a man is, it still has man energy and horrible oily ape man stink. Men are not fuckable entities. Do gays feel the same about women or could a gay compromise if a woman were very butch?

>> No.19655275

Gays feel differently about women. I think they did phallometric studies on this. Some gay men completely lose interest in a pornographic scene (previously featuring only men) the moment a woman enters. Others don't mind.
I think I am a unique case because I am a gay sadist and I enjoy watching women dominate men. Most guys watch femdom porn self-inserting as the sub and imagining themselves getting tortured by women, but I just enjoy watching cute boys suffer. That said, there are some occasions where I can picture myself domming a woman (I tend to prefer women that aren't butch, exactly, but a little heftier and wider than average women, in a healthy way -- my guy friends say that the few girls in school I had crushes on were 'masculine'), and if the opportunity presented itself to me to dom a cute woman, I probably wouldn't refuse. I wouldn't derive any pleasure from being dommed by a woman though.

I don't really like effeminate men. I find the whole 'twink' subgenre of porn a complete turn off. But I do like men with soft, boyish features. A bit shy, a bit of body fat to round out their features -- not ripped chad-gods.

Hope my post wasn't too degenerate for you anon

>> No.19655279

I kind of agree

>> No.19655283

>dude... boobs and feet.... so aesthetic

Perhaps this is why all the great writers and artists are gay

>> No.19655301

>but of their existence as a whole
Simp pedophile detected

>> No.19655402


>> No.19655407

Interesting, thanks for the rundown faganon.

>> No.19655458
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>> No.19655465
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>> No.19655501


>> No.19655511
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>> No.19655519
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>> No.19655575

Her work is the greatest piece of trash ever to become popular in modern society. Never make a recommendation again.

Sappo, of course. I didn't know men could be wooed until I read her. Marianne Moore is also brilliant, but Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women" captures it really well. She also shows keen insight into the psyche of men and what we need from women, but the most recent Hollywood version does the exact opposite and undermines a lot of her wisdom. PBS Masterpiece version is better. Jane Austen is good too. In order to really soak it in anon, it's better to read varied works by many brilliant females. Even Harry Potter qualifies to a certain extent. Only a woman, and a mother, could have written that story. It just isn't anywhere near the level of the others.

>> No.19655595

>great artist
Keep dreaming.

>> No.19655602
File: 475 KB, 1299x1206, the gay master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sweetie...

>> No.19655634

I used to hate faggots but after spending time with women I think I would rather be with them
I still dislike the flamboyant ones though

>> No.19655859

>calls people admiring peak male physique on a simp thread a faggot

>> No.19655872

>Woman with tattoos


>> No.19656094

>she's a whore

>> No.19656224

I stand by what I said. The testimonies of Bloom and Lawrence just help my case if anything lol.

>> No.19656450

Actually the only correct take. 100% of POC women in the West map perfectly onto her and her writing. Keep this in mind when interacting with them.

>> No.19656468
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maggie nelson

>> No.19656484

I've written prose for this scene before, it garnered some attention.

She was the girl next door. 16, maybe 17. He had never seen her bare feet and wished he hadn't for her toes were stubby and fat. He caught a glimpse of her breast; a decent volume, he thought. He then studied the fibers in her short brown hair. She wore it in a bob, reminiscent of an earlier time. He normally didn't like short hair on girls, it made them look boyish, but she managed to pull it off. She drifted her arm across into view and he almost puked when he spied a tattoo on her otherwise beautiful, pale, flawless skin. He could hold it in. He held it in.

Sleeping - she was sweet, silent, beautiful, and wholly obedient. The ideal woman. He trod carefully to her bed, circumspect not to disturb the silence by stepping on one of the many wrappers and loose riff-raff that lay sporadically on the stained carpet. Closer. He could hear her breathing. He could see the shallow undulations of her bosom rise and fall as she slept. He could smell her sweat from the hot summer night. He could taste her skin. She could taste his hand. She tried to scream. She was weak and fragile beneath him. There was no blood for she weren't a virgin. He was disappointed at that, but glad at least that no evidence would be left. She couldn't figure his face for he wore it black, and she soon passed out again.

He wiped his feet on the grass beneath her window, sluiced himself in the running water of the kitchen sink, and fixed some coffee. He sat on the sofa and read about himself in yesterday's paper.

>> No.19656561

retarded faggot

>> No.19656568
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>He had never seen her bare feet and wished he hadn't for her toes were stubby and fat.
Those are the best kind though

>> No.19656660

I read that as whore ngl.

>> No.19656725

In my experience, ironically enough, Proust.

>> No.19657543

Tacky and edgy for the sake of being edgy, next.

>> No.19657555


>> No.19657584

I'll never understand it there are literally millions of whores like this if you just google for porn. its nothing short of pathetic.

>> No.19657645

top kek

>> No.19657811

The male form is the ultimate art. I’m not gay, it just is.

>> No.19657820

beat me to it. I would have omitted the quotation marks but it would essentially have been the same joke.

>> No.19657836

Marcel Proust, of course, even thought he was homo

>> No.19658002

>she's brazilian
wtf huebros? is this what's been hiding in your bushes all along? maybe i should learn portuguese after all.

>> No.19658096
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>Which author captures the female aesthetic most beautifully?
It seems you're already following some of the chicks from that gender who were born with perfect genetics. Just limit it to 5 or so and don't let it consume yourself. They are like paintings, apart from maybe 2 years during art or philosophy degree you won't find this accessible in real life and you shouldn't chase after it.

>> No.19658115
File: 152 KB, 960x960, 106233847_3232915070098256_1983735914369693202_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19658200


W Somerset Maugham. Yes I know he is a man, but he writes women better than any woman ever has.

>> No.19658328

I really try not to be a coomer bros but god damn I love some good feet

>> No.19658486

>she's brazilian
wtf huebros? is this what's been hiding in your bushes all along? maybe i should learn portuguese after all.

>> No.19658627

Tl;dr? Is it basically just schopenhauer but easier to read?

>> No.19658642

wow you really coped by sublimating your fear of woman into hatred, huh?

>> No.19658701

>Could a gay bottom enjoy being dominated by a female "top"? Are gays even residually bisexual?
...Anon do you have to call my deepest fantasies out like this. Gosh

>I think any man who finds other men attractive, because they have feminine features for instance, was already bisexual to
Anon, getting a little bit into the many assumptions that were made in presuming binary sexuality to binary sexes the moving on quickly is a surefire way to get your opinion rejected by everyone.

>Do [people not attracted by certain feature] feel disgusted by [that feature] or are they neutral to it and could even deal with it if it was paired with [feature of attraction]
It depends on the person... and sometimes (but only sometimes) how deeply they're overcompensating. Sometimes gay men get defensive about their repressed heterosexual attractions, yeah.

Where on which spectrum from Venus to Dick Island one feels their loins pull is a very grab-bag thing that it is difficult to make generalizations about.

>> No.19658729

Anon why are you opening up your bisexuality for analysis and review ON A LITERATURE BOARD.

You're bi. You like butch woman and cute men and power dynamics and sadism but are exclusively a dom.

>I find the whole 'twink' subgenre of porn a complete turn off. But I do like men with soft, boyish features. A bit shy, a bit of body fat to round out their features
Bruh don't let AAA porn studios tell you what gay term means what. Sounds like you like twinks but have been letting porn studios trying to market to law-abiding pedophiles try to use the word "twink" to inoffensibly label their technically legal pedo bait.

Soft boyish features, a bit shy, and a bit round is what a twink fucking is and has been in the west for decades if not centuries.

You like twinks. Just say that.

Almost everyone dislikes professional twink porn.

>> No.19658919

mmmmmmmmm *pop*

>> No.19659002


>> No.19659716

I don’t think twink porn would appeal to pedophiles. I perhaps like ‘twinks’ in the broadest possible colloquial sense, but in practice, in porn, they are just and very skinny and very effeminate men. I don’t really see the softness you’re talking about. They’re hard and emaciated, like women. But maybe you’re right about the professional porn thing. But I don’t really like the term.

>> No.19659891
File: 736 KB, 3368x846, twinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word twink has been corrupted by zoomers on the internet. It used to mean young males age 18-24ish with BOYISH qualities, which are only peripherally feminine insofar that underage boys and girls share physical qualities of prettyness and cuteness. Now, people think being a twink means being some bishounen demigod pretty boy with long flowing hair, sharp features face, piercing eyes and 0 body and face fat. Twinks are being gatekeeped by people who aren't even lgbt.
On the left is is what twinks look like according to wikipedia. On the right is what twinks look like according to 4chan. Don't get me wrong: Pretty boys are gorgous. It's just that confining every twink to being perfect looking instagram models doesn't really capture what the term meant for a lot in lgbt community.

>> No.19660889

How will women ever recover?

>> No.19661533
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>> No.19661684

I'm ashamed to admit that I've bedded and committed acts of foul fornication with over a dozen women in my life, nine of them true beauties. I only intended to marry five of them, and all the others I pursued merely for gross sexual satisfaction of my base appetites or even and perhaps more pathetically the temporary abatement of the desperate loneliness that has haunted me throughout my life. My venal "conquests" such as they are were drawn from the feminine ranks of many nations, predominantly European Caucasian but also Mesoamerican and Asian as I range broadly on this earth. My modest experience with the fairer sex has led me to several conclusions. The first is that in women inner beauty and outer beauty very rarely co-occure because of vanity. The second is that there is very little virtue to redeem even a woman in possession of both inner and outer beauty save for fervant religiosity and the knowledge gleaned from close study of the Scriptures and constant prayer. The third is that the social structures, cultural attitudes, institutions, and personal hangers-on about women are in fact a court of darkness meant to advise them unto the damnation of their immortal souls, and that they are in perhaps the most perilous position among the church militant of any in history, yet I cannot despise them for their benighted minds as the corrupt spell they are under is the devising of wicked men. My final insight is that dating is too expensive in treasure and time and a hinderance to one's charity. Women have my pity and yes my longing affection, but I have forsaken women's fleshy comforts in order to better serve the poor for the sake of our Lord's Kingdom and I suggest to you my brothers to do likewise, for the bed of a beauty is an ensnaring trap and her honeyed lips the shadow of the grave.

>> No.19661691

Seems true enough, but op contradicts by saying that some aspire to and achieve true and honest ethics and spirituality.

>> No.19661743
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>> No.19661753

Ain't that the fucking truth

>> No.19661772

Best thing I’ve read today.

>> No.19661783

One thing that Catholics, and any other extreme puritan sect seem to get wrong is that they attempt to banish Eros, rather than spending time to control the urge.
this is what you get in response to the naivete
>underage girls doing anal
>men unironically jacking off to other men
>divorce as a concept
>mid life crises
>"born again" women accepted into the church

>> No.19661830

This sounds like projection but okay.

>> No.19662121

This girl she look 15 she wear leggings she come in around 2am she wear no panty no thong I see her asshole I be like yeah this good I was filling bottle and she was there I say hello we talk nice girl but I still not feel bad for seeing girl asshole so we work legs out I get her to go to smith but no wesson machine and we do stiff legged and i do it first OBSERVE and then I teach her how to do it she very red because she worry if I can see asshole but I see asshole like king in castle but I pretend to be focus on her form but Im focus on girl asshole so amazing I wish to lick in circle crop circle crop dust with flatulance do you understand I commence countdown to smell from anus but we work legs I show her good routine help her feel motivated and confidant we do split leg bulgarian split squats for big booties because I have sexy booty we do calve raises,donkey position too,squats,leg press this I very careful to not hurt tender chicken strips very safe foot position we do quads hamstrings everything she feel good very sweaty I can see asscrack outline made of sweat on legging and titty sweat on sports bra cute small boobie but she feel very comfortable because my goal was to show and motivate but secretly oogle and mentally record my visuals for me to compartmentalize and archive in digital HD memory for further specifications during masturbations but she not know so tommorow night we workout again I very excited and hoping I do not scare with my penis spontaneous reveal I tell myself not again no want to see erect penis they only gym friends but I will see if I remember once get good outercourse during squat training with older woman she noticed penis tip out of waistband and cry and said please go away don't hurt me and I said sorry after I let myself ejaculate only one chance so I move away new me fresh start no florida mamis for sex only chicki asshole so perfect and notty notty

>> No.19662245

Where's Tarantino

>> No.19662767

you're right I forgot about the priest diddling

>> No.19662769

What motivates you to keep making this same faggot thread over and over and over with the same bitch every single time? It’s pathetic OP, and it’s an inconvenience to me since I have to hide the thread every time it pops up.

>> No.19662772

This is wonderful. Is it Joyce?

>> No.19662975

Francis Bacon said the best artists essentially lived like middle aged bachelors.
The vague nature of the quote allows more room for assumptions to breath.

>> No.19662989

Pudgy feet wouldn't bang