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19642308 No.19642308 [Reply] [Original]

"can we please stop writing about rape" Edition
Previous Thread >>19629447

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction, Gardner
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>On Writing, Borges

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
>This Craft of Verse, Borges

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript

>> No.19642326

So you guys are planning how to market your book before you release it right?
You're not retarded enough to believe that it'll do well purely on merit alone in this super clogged publishing system, do you?
>inb4 I don't care if it does well
Yeah, well now I know you're dishonest and distrust everything else you say.

>> No.19642344

Gained 3 followers yesterday bros. WAGMI.
Marketing strategy is falling into place. Once I hit 300 followers I'm dropping my book for some easy sales.

>> No.19642359

No one writes here.

>> No.19642389

>month old account
>240+ followers
Wonder how. I've been on twitter for 2 years and have about the same amount. Is he buying followers?

>> No.19642390

maybe he posts his bussy

>> No.19642409

I follow people and then they follow me back. Works pretty well. I unfollow a few days later and hope they don't notice.
Someone told me to just buy followers but this is cheaper. Maybe once I turn a bunch of them into buyers of my book I'll look into it.

>> No.19642414

where is the pdf link pls sirs

>> No.19642418

Followed, want to see what he's doing for this.

>> No.19642425

total pseud

>> No.19642437

Lol. Writing general is obsessed. One pseud later and they're seething.

>> No.19642439

your conduct is that of an inscrupulous jew. you are attaining followers on false pretenses who have no interest in your work and are deluding yourself to think they shall ever buy it. amend your ways before you realize your inevitable doom in this ill-conceived scheme.

>> No.19642444

Posting very strong/controvercial/extreme views is a quick way to amass followers, but the ceiling is somewhat small. Many authors and public figures have to thread the of needle of being authenticity and broadly appealing.

That said, if you’re writing something political/philosophical, you may not want broad appeal. Your posts have filtered your followers to only those who will receive your writing favorably. I’d expect high click-through / sales
Initially, but limited growth.

>> No.19642459

You sound like you've thought about this anon. I have the feeling you know more than you're letting on. Care to share some more thoughts on this in a bit more a free manner? Are you doing something similar to him?

>> No.19642468

>lolling seethings pseuds


>> No.19642470

What’s your strategy?

>> No.19642480

Followers = sales. It really is that simple. If you're too stupid to see that then I can't help you.

>> No.19642488

It's really not difficult. I have an email list from a lead magnet that has very high conversion rate. It's how I'll sell my book. Maybe I'll have a month of preorders before selling.

>> No.19642528

People respect me enough to follow. Tells me I'm doing enough right. Let's see your twitter. Let's see how many people are interested in what you think is pseud or not.

>> No.19642577

Lmao... the space he's in rn is so racist.

>> No.19642621

Anon, I grieve for your vanity.

>> No.19642667

Alright fine, I'll bite. Here's my strategy.

I'm getting in contact with my local library system to see if there's any interest in doing a local authors series. My hope is that I can start up from the local scene, and once there's enough interest in me personally, I can start using my social media to springboard from there rather than using my social media as a starting point. My reasoning for this is that social media is currently very crowded and it's difficult to get through all the noise, unless you're willing to follow and unfollow people at a moment's notice which I am not and barely use as is. Plus, I think getting involved with my local writers scene will help me build a foundation on a local level where people can actually interact with me as an author and contributor. Now, I haven't explored this fully so I don't know how successful it will be, but I think that's the marketing strategy I want to try going forward.

>> No.19642677

>and once there's enough interest in me personally
Your plan falls apart in the second sentence. Impressive.

>> No.19642691

"lol," he said, "lmao."

>> No.19642699

Explain how me generating interest in myself by getting involved with others equates to a plan falling apart.

>> No.19642711

What can a local writer's group provide you that a world wide social following cannot?

>> No.19642721

Let's say you somehow manage to pull together all 14 undiscovered authors in your city, how the fuck does that amount to a springboard tier following?
How about getting a section in your local library allocated to those 14 books, what does that do? Who the fuck uses local libraries anymore other than homeless people? Are they going to regale each other with your tales around the burning oil barrel?

>> No.19642730

This, your plan is shit.
You plan on going to a local library with a bunch of nobodies to sell maybe 1 to 0 books.
Social media is a much more solid plan.

>> No.19642736

good post

>> No.19642741

/mg/ marketing general

>> No.19642743

Can I make money selling smut ebooks on Amazon?
I'm not a great writer but I know what degenerates like since I'm one, and I can jack off to my own erotic short stories easily so they can't be too bad
Not gonna post them here yet, I just want a theoretical answer. Can I make money with this or is it too competitive?

>> No.19642751

smut e books are like 90/100 of the books on amazon's top seller list

>> No.19642754

I thought you guys said he had 240 followers.

>> No.19642759

I don't write subtle tasteful shit though, it's straight up porn

>> No.19642776

I had 256 when I posted the link. People here like what I have to say I guess. Sorry, not sorry to the person who called me a pseud.

>> No.19642780

both of those are shit. all you retards have to do is write something worth reading and it will be read. but you cant even do that much, so you sit here on /wg/ plotting and scheming on how to cheat the system. if you could sell books by arbitrarily following and de-following thousands of people on twatter until you got a few thousand followers, every retard with a word document file would have done so already.

>> No.19642787
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>all you retards have to do is write something worth reading and it will be read.

>> No.19642792

/wg/ -- pajeet tier scamming attempts and posting bussy on insta for follower count to shill schlock to

>> No.19642797

Let's see your published series. I'm turning my writing into real world money and you're sitting here crying about it while working on your "passion project". Stay jealous faggot.

>> No.19642803

post bank account

why dont you just completely sell out and pen some fag erotica to sell to furries

>> No.19642811

There is a difference between the hope of a book being well received and mindless pandering and "marketing"

>> No.19642814

>if you could sell books by arbitrarily following and de-following thousands of people on twatter until you got a few thousand followers, every retard with a word document file would have done so already.
Jake Paul
386 reviews
1 review = roughly 50 - 100 sales
Book is 12.99 for kindle, 15.20 for hardcover
Jake made from this shit book alone between $250,707 to $586,720.
I'm not sure if you read it, but it was fucking dog shit bro. A literal 13 year old twilight fan fic would've been better.
So yes, marketing alone is sufficient enough to make money.

>> No.19642850

Trips respect.

Still, I’m going to decline elaborating further beyond recommending our anon uses a pseudonym. As opinions and writing goals change, you don’t want some old twitter marketing account to scare publishers away.

>> No.19642873

I'm listening to him, and.... honestly the guy is hilarious. I see why he got his following. He was just reading some book in a space and I'm dying.

>> No.19642874

260 now.

>> No.19642917

great. and how many words did you write today?

>> No.19642919


>> No.19642927

None. I'm sure you think that's a big gotcha but words mean nothing if no one reads them. I'm ahead of all of you on that.

>> No.19642930

I thought you said you follow / unfollow for followers. Why are you not following like the last 20 people following you, wouldn't it be the other way around?

>> No.19642941

The last 5 have been all natural growth from posting in this thread I think. Not really keeping track but at least 4 of them are.

>> No.19642943

You have nothing to market yet. You're putting the cart before the horse. You're doing what they did in Dilbert with the Gruntmaster 5000.

>> No.19642946

I plan to release two novels and then start a serialized story in the same genre on RR to serve as advertisement for them.

>> No.19642949

what the fuck is RR?

>> No.19642959

>natural growth from posting in this thread I think.
you're delusional. how is that possible when you havent posted a profile link anywhere, dumbass? you are literally schizophrenic.

>> No.19642971

Yes I did. >>19642344
Don't follow me though, I want people who can actually read.

>> No.19642978

I think it's someone larping as him at this point with sour grapes.
I remember a few threads back him saying something like the anon would continue to chase his ghost months after his short time posting here.
I think he's basically all but proven right. If it's really him, he'd post his twitter screenshot with his current followers.

>> No.19643001

Yeah, I think I killed the LARP and he's probably trying to photoshop something now.

>> No.19643006

This is the most pathetic attempt at damage control I have ever seen.

>> No.19643007

You're obsessed with him. He owns you. Just go back to writing your sci-fi book.

>> No.19643013

Not like anyone here writes.

>> No.19643017

>I remember a few threads back him saying something like the anon would continue to chase his ghost months after his short time posting here.
I've read every single post in this thread for months and have never seen this brought up. I think I would remember something like that. pic or didn't happen.

>> No.19643023

>i don't remember it
>go waste your time sifting through weeks of posts to prove a point
Lol, no, I'm not obsessed. I'm just here to learn to write some high fantasy ffs.
What did he do to mentally scar you so hard??

>> No.19643043

Thoughts on publishing 1-2 books that are sub 50 pages to get a small audience before publishing your actual baby?

>> No.19643061
File: 203 KB, 650x986, 1618991201908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I had this idea
It's pretty cool, it's like Heart of Darkness with these people travelling upriver but instead of an ivory merchant the dude they're looking for deals in dragon bones
And when I say dragon I mean dinosaurs, because dinosaurs are way cooler than dragons.

>> No.19643065

>go waste your time sifting through weeks of posts to prove a point
Do you not know how the archive works? Just search his twitter handle. If someone is so enamored with him to, and I quote, "continue to chase his ghost months after his short time posting here" it should be very easy to find. That is an incredibly specific scenario that I have not seen and cannot find from a cursory search.
Just sounds like you regret sperging out.

>> No.19643070

Why would anyone read that? Writing something short is a good idea, but you need to get it in a compilation or magazine or something, no one wants two tiny books from a no name

>> No.19643076

>What did he do to mentally scar you so hard??
He actually wrote.

>> No.19643120

>High fantasy

Lol such a cope

>> No.19643126
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I thought the SJWs were the ones with the persecution complex.

>> No.19643139

?... I'm not being persecuted. I want people to ignore those who post irrelevant shit like Twitter on here. You idiots give him a voice and constantly obsess over a guy who posted here maybe once.

>> No.19643155

Isn't the other guy accusing him of not writing at all??? What is going on
Did he write something to piss him off
Does he not write at all?

>> No.19643171

>70 replies
>15 posters
Is there anyone in /wg/ who doesn't have a mental illness?

>> No.19643172

You might as well ask if anyone here writes. The answer is no.

>> No.19643173

>37 seconds

>> No.19643180

any person who believes we write is a retard.

>> No.19643189

I'm really more of an idea guy.

>> No.19643192

>Just go back to writing
but no one here writes
now let me tell you about my multilevel marketing scheme to sell books. just $20 and you'll get access to the whole book plus some exclusive extras

>> No.19643193

Sounds like one third of the premise of an interesting novella.

>> No.19643210

just like in heart of darkness there are niggers, too

>> No.19643215

If I give you 20 bucks right now, when will I get access to the full text? It's ready to go right now, right?

>> No.19643216
File: 176 KB, 653x523, aa478078-7aeb-4320-89a3-33a12a9923d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want people to ignore those who post irrelevant shit like Twitter on here.
Okay that's fair, he shouldn't be posting his shit here repeatedly.
>constantly obsess over a guy who posted here maybe once.
Stop distracting yourself with marketing scams and focus on your writing. If you can't see just how much this betrays your front then I cannot help you.

>> No.19643223

Ab-so-lutely. just send that cash over and it'll all be yours

>> No.19643266

prove to me dis nigga posted ever

>> No.19643274
File: 1.82 MB, 320x568, ChudVsIncelAntifa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>82 posts later
>somehow this man has derailed the entire general

>> No.19643280

we marketing general now niggas

>> No.19643282


>> No.19643288


>> No.19643291

Personally, I'm seething hard

>> No.19643295
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You're not going to make it if you sperg about marketing on /wg/ instead of working on your craft.

>> No.19643305

It's not like anyone here writes.

>> No.19643308
File: 1.80 MB, 960x540, ChudVsIncelAntifa2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't laughed this much in a while /wg/
Never change

>> No.19643321


>> No.19643323


>> No.19643334

I'm going to level with you, Anon. I'm pretty drunk right now and posting in all caps stops the little squiggly red line from telling me that I've made a type.

>> No.19643335

ITT we pretend like we're marketing our books we haven't sold yet. Throw out your pitch.

>> No.19643348

"Everyone dies by the end."
but actually for real

>> No.19643364
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2500 words today. I have three chapters left in the book (of 16 chapters) still to rewrite, 2 of which I had to completely strike-out.

>> No.19643365

hmm yeah I'll skip this one too much faggotry going on

>> No.19643377
File: 66 KB, 151x168, 1580331838508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So basically it's Terminator but the robot started as a chatbot made for a human-like body before being militarized, then he got shut down after skynet killed every human and got reactivated by a God, maybe, and incarnated into a (mostly) human body on another planet populated by (mostly) humans as a glorified repair man for some "thing" that isn't well explained but that said "God" assures him he can fix
>Shenanigans ensue, and the robot gradually becomes more human not be developing a sense of empathy or anything gay like that, but by becoming more flawed due to his now-mostly-human mind having innate drives for things like pride and revenge
>Also there's magic and everyone can heal like wolverine for reasons which aren't explained until volume 3, and the explanation raises more questions than are answered
>ALSO the entire story is filled with themes about fate, and how sufficiently powerful intellects can basically manipulate destiny due to their ability to forsee future events and compute all possible outcomes of choices, and how this ability can allow for less advanced beings to build god-like entities which then enslave and control them
>Possible sequel series being plotted out starring one of his descendants (because he literally gets raped by a woman while being tortured and she keeps the kid)
"So, how much? I'm thinking $2mil for 3 books, along with some paid speeches at universities. Why yes I am a black transracial masculine presenting transgender lesbian, does that help?"
I'm never selling this ever, not that it would sell either way.

>> No.19643385


bitch a pitch is like 1 line long im not reading all that shit

>> No.19643390

Psycho with the memories of a killbot ends up in magic land full of hard to kill people, goes on predictable rampage, all according to keikaku.

>> No.19643392


there we go

>> No.19643397

I'm not really planning on doing any marketing, no. I mean I see a lot of authors buying facebook advertising.

But it's not worth it to me to kill teenage girls and spread antivaccer conspiracies by supporting facebook.

>> No.19643413

F gardner made the right move. His books are actually selling

>> No.19643416

It's a series of horror stories, with a framing device of a paranormal investigator cataloging different hauntings. The stories at first appear unrelated, but the investigator starts noticing strange connections, and the framing device builds a plot of its own after awhile.

>> No.19643419

Yeah but he supports killing children and the Jan 6th insurrection.

>> No.19643422


>> No.19643428

Legend of the Galactic Heroes but most of the cast are cute, traumatized women.

>> No.19643432

Aliens vs zombies

>> No.19643439

An agent for a small but elite marketing firm has just been assigned to work with one of their most difficult clients: an extremely successful YA author and youtube star who, although charismatic in front of his fans, is a narcissistic asshole in real life. He is currently suffering from a bad case of writer's block after going through a nasty divorce. The agent resents the assignment at first, but as she spend more time with the author she starts to develop feelings for him and eventually helps him to start writing again. But then everything gets complicated when his ex-wife, the pampered daughter of the CEO of the marketing firm, decides she wants to get back together with him. Themes include: the difficulty of finding love as a modern career woman and how true love can heal even the deepest wounds.

I call it: No One Here Writes.

>> No.19643455

A sociopathic serial killer does whatever he can to protect his wife from the consequences of his crimes because he was taught that's what a husband should do. Meanwhile the FBI agent investigating his murders falls in love with him and he has to choose between the two women.
Yes, I have sold out.

>> No.19643456

I have to say, I can't imagine my life where I'd want to write the garbage you faggots just pitched me. Holy fuck, go read about something that actually matters and tell me what you just pitched didn't make you cringe on the inside.

>> No.19643457

If it's so bad, tell us why. Use your big boy words.

>> No.19643463
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I've written the first story about a female character ever.

>> No.19643471

Hiveminded rape victim where one of the personas loves her rapist. Hilarity ensues.

>> No.19643486

I'm writing what I would want to read.

>> No.19643494

Sorry, I should have come up with something more boring so that I could try to sell you entirely on the fact that my writing style was pulled from the late 1800s instead. Here's a new pitch.
>Nathaniel Stanleyson is a farmer in rural pre-confederation Canada who likes to go on long walks while his wife is asleep and contemplate the meaning of life. One night he bumps into his local priest who, coincidentally, is doing the same thing. They then have regular talks about philosophy and life.
Surely it'll sell a million copies.

>> No.19643504

Needs more rape and ancient evils awakening.

>> No.19643512

I assure you that by modern standards a rural farmer of that era raped his wife regularly.

>> No.19643520

This one is not half bad. I would tweak it a little though. The wife is the one trying to be the perfect spouse and clean up after her serial killer husband. The book opens with her in an FBI interrogation room. The agent who was investigating the case is the only one who believes she's not the murderer, but he's fallen in love with her and has been taken off the case for his reckless actions (which get revealed through the course of the interview). At the climax of the book, the FBI agent catches the serial killer husband--with the help of the wife--only to get backstabbed by the wife, who remains loyal to her husband to the end. Sprinkle in some religious symbology (say the when Abraham passes Sarah off as his sister to trick Abimelech) and it'd be a decent psychological thriller.

Also checked.

>> No.19643532

What are you guys' main reason to not write? For me, it's motivation / laziness. To concentrate on writing isn't the problem it's that it's hard for me to find the motivation to START. I know that once I sit down and focus I'll write, it's the deciding to sit down part that holds me up.

>> No.19643537

Don't forget Childchood friends beatraying the MC and MC waiting decades to marry his sweetheart who has already married and has kids.

>> No.19643542

Is the latter really a staple of YA fantasy? Seems a bit too desolate for the escapist crowd.

>> No.19643544

a good car chase can go a long way

and tits

>> No.19643556

That and the CF betrayal are like memes among the writefag community on the isekai /a/ threads. There was a anon writing something about like that and he got tons of flak over it.

>> No.19643560

It sounds more like a staple of Old Manchild fiction.

>> No.19643593

A criminal gets tricked and ends up in the body of a dead girl. Now desperate, broke and alone the situation presents an opportunity for a new beginning. With the clock ticking, how many genuine allies can she make and how far ahead can she get before the sins of the past finally catch up and try to destroy her second chance.

>> No.19643599

>he supports killing children

>> No.19643641

Isn't Gardner a flat earther?

>> No.19643642

Previous /wg/ died peacefully with lots of good content :')

What have we got here

>> No.19643837

Write your work to suit a group of literary influencers. Give your work for them for free. They will love it and shill it for you for free. i.e. Write a book that Stephen King loves. He’ll tweet about it and the rest is history.

>> No.19643985
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>> No.19644022

From shilling your Royal Roads to shilling your twitter. Marketing strategies? Thought this was a writing general. How this place has fallen oh my.

>> No.19644027

You've posted this in the last 5 threads and have only received a single reply, that reply was you samefagging to say how great it was.
Explain yourself.

>> No.19644163

>Explain yourself.
You sound like a dickhead

>> No.19644255
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1635591041359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm couching my crackpot theories on the expansion of the universe into a monologue given by a character completely unrelated to the story, who appears only for this purpose, and whose musings (broken by intermittent coughing from pulls at a "foul smelling cigarette") also include his positions on free will, quantum mechanics, and the assassination of JFK and there's not a goddamn thing any of you can do to stop me.

>> No.19644323
File: 8 KB, 173x209, Sbolle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For millennia young men have left their homes and found new families in the ranks of the military. In Finland, such practices continue in the modern-day conscription army, where most young men continue to do their mandatory military service.
This is my record of the experiences faced in that institution, the friends I made there, the tribulations we faced and the growth (or lack thereof) that resulted from it all.

>> No.19644348

An examination of language's relationship with meaning in its native tongue.

>> No.19644351

How do I come up with a magic system that makes sense? Helpppp
How did u guys do it?

>> No.19644353

A magic... system? Magic is magic. If it had a system it'd be science.

>> No.19644393

I've been on twitter for 7 years and I have 80 followers. I try to follow people to get them to follow back, but everyone is such an insufferable faggot there, I feel like gagging just trying to click that button

>> No.19644423

Actually I have a request; I'm struggling to construct a convincing cognitohazard but failing at every step besides "if you know, your le cursed!!!?!!". Any tips or suggestions? Any you guys made yourself or seen somewhere?

>> No.19644441

>convincing cognitohazard
To make it convincing it'll have to be an actual cognitohazard. So, details or descriptions are usually skipped.

>> No.19644451

Furry loli gets lost in the city and raped, tries to go home but fails. She starts living with her abuser and gets used to the fact she won't be in her country hometown anytime soon. The abuser is a manipulative manchild who lives day-to-day fulfilling his delusions of becoming an artist. Shenanigans ensue.
Mrs. Publisher, I'd like you to know that even if the contents of my manuscript are problematic, the topic is treated respectfully and takes into account experiences of real rape victims. There's no way anyone would get their rocks off to it! Also I'm a black transgender MtF woman with 8 different reptile pets and am about to be kicked from my parent's basement. If you don't sell my story, I will KILL MYSELF and all my pets.

>> No.19644461

True, that is quite convincing. Although it still falls into the cheap-ish category I mentioned before. Still how does one even go about designing a cognitohazard, albeit, a real one?

>> No.19644481

Well, frauds of many kinds usually talk about neurolingual programming, or hypnosis, or hallucinations/hormonal spikes triggered by specific situations.

>> No.19644489

That sounds pretty damn cool. Cheers anon

>> No.19644502

I mean rules and divisions. Harry potter has a magic system

>> No.19644503

I do this with all the weird shit I think up. If I do it enough maybe my story will seem like it has lots of diversely opinioned and interresting characters instead of just a crackpot author.

>> No.19644527

I get distracted by my other hobbies

>> No.19644561

Do I HAVE to write a happy ending for my YA novel or can I write this corruption arc and still get trad published?

>> No.19644579

It's not going to be published anyway, so at least write the kind of ending you like yourself

>> No.19644588

You’re not getting trad published, anon, so write what you want.

Only thing sadder than a sell-out, is someone who tries to sell out and fails. At least this way you can keep holding the excuse that it was just too edgy for them.

>> No.19644597

Huh? but how am I selling out when I actually like and read YA my whole life?
I can get published. My idea just needs to be more commercial.

>> No.19644601

If a book about enby asexual teens on a roadtrip can get published, then so can I :)

>> No.19644630

Cyberpunk murder mystery about a video game developer who got de-personed from society because he didn't want loot boxes in his game

>> No.19644632

Now this I'll read

>> No.19644637

Will be available for sale as soon as I can make a website and format for IngramSpark

I'll buy ads, you'll see me

Circa February I'll be writing the sequel about competitive matchmaking dating apps where you get rated on your dick skills without ever leaving your mother's basement

>> No.19644642

> My idea just needs to be more commercial.
If it "needs" to be more commercial, then you're a sell-out. Write what you'd like to read, write what you want to write. Don't write to make daddy publisher happy.

>> No.19644647

Why can’t I write what I’d like to read and want to be published at the same time? I don’t understand writing millions of words and not having people enjoy reading it eventually

>> No.19644659

If your book is a means to an end - to get published - then I understand. But if the book is in itself an end (i.e. to express yourself, to create art and beauty), why change it to something less than your vision?

>> No.19644665

Most people here read things that wouldn't be likely to get published today, which is where the sentiment comes from.

>> No.19644678

I want to write a short story where a child is the main character (maybe 9 years old). If I make it first person does that mean I have to reel back the prose to make it sound like it was written by a 9 year old? Is it more interesting to write as a third person limited narrator? There are things happening outside a window that I want the child to misinterpret and I'm worried an omnipotent narrator wouldn't work, as I want the reader to know the child's interpretation and not what is actually going on.

What do you guys think? I've never really thought about this when writing before so I could use some guidance.

>> No.19644684

3rd person does not mean it has to be 3rd person omniscient. 3rd person limited is how I do things.

>> No.19644690

I don’t have a clear vision yet, I’m outlining. I just wanted to know where the boundaries are. I want to love my book but I also want others to love it too. I have things I definitely want in my book and emotions I want OTHERS to feel when reading it, but that requires writing something that can be marketed and sold to others. Just because something is commercial doesn’t mean the author didn’t tell the story they wanted to… it just has some boundaries it had to stay in.

I get that. However, I’m not like other posters. I’m a woman and I read mostly YA and women’s fiction/Romance. People here read the bible and the greeks haha

>> No.19644692

And third person limited would be a narrator who isn't the main character but can speak 'for' them and only knows a limited amount of external information?

>> No.19644695

In that case you can definitely write what you want to AND get published. Congrats, it's a small alcove in the Venn-diagram of writing.

>> No.19644696

Yeah. Like how the fat man writes in ASOIAF,

>> No.19644711

>does that mean I have to reel back the prose
It means you have to reel back the COGNITION as well as the prose. Very, very hard to do authentically unless you happen to be Bill Faulkner.
>my mother is a fish

>> No.19644712

I haven't read, but I've watched an overview of third person limited and think it would be a pretty good style for my story. Cheers.

>> No.19644722

just bc im a woman?

>> No.19644732

Metaposts are the worst.

>> No.19644740

The novel I'm writing was also partly inspired by Jones' "Deus Ex" speech. It's just one off, but is more about humanity at the knee-of-the-curve as a Singularity begins, and biological humans, ascendant humans, and the augmented reality entities that came before them are all compared in a Southern setting.

>> No.19644750
File: 38 KB, 697x896, AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think?

>> No.19644754

No. Because you are saying you like to read - and therefore I'm assuming write - YA and women's romance, which are popular. Please don't try to make this about your gender.

>> No.19644759

I love women and want to cum inside every single one of you reading this.

>> No.19644763

Post tits or get the fuck out

>> No.19644768

>no further explanation

>> No.19644778

STFU bitch lolol

>> No.19644782

My original question is if a corruption arc is too much for YA. I haven’t read any but ugh I want to see it

>> No.19644792
File: 247 KB, 1016x1384, Billy Mays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19644793

Your second sentence is too long for where it comes in the story, I hadn't really settled in before I was hit with it so it felt like I wanted to stop.
There's a few typos, I'll leave those for you to find.

>They could see a girl pinned off the road, put inside a van that immediately drew out of sigh[t].
I don't think it's very clear what's happened, this line seems really weird to me. I don't know what pinned off the road means. To me, that line sounds like she's been crushed between a car and a wall or something, but then she's been taken into a van?
And also, do the two teenagers know her or not? I thought they were witnessing a random girl kidnapped but then they seem to know her ("taken from **us**").

Some of the similes feel a bit clunky and forced and could be tidied up. Like the thing about the crane.

Also, the dialogue is very rigid:
>'Have we actually witnessed a murder?'
Would anyone actually say this ever?

>> No.19644798

It depends on the corruption. Write it if you think it's missing from YA and when you're editing if you think it's a bit much for YA then just dial it back in tone.

>> No.19644835
File: 115 KB, 787x923, AB-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man, this was my attempt at rewriting the first page of my manuscript and I already fucked up.
Pic related is the original.

>> No.19644853

This has the exact same issues as the first.

>> No.19644869

I’d actually just scrap the whole thing and write history. It’s less gay.

>> No.19644874

You're stretching yourself too much. While there is from time to time a sentence or two with nice rhythm, you sacrifice clarity for rhythm every time. Some descriptions are ugly and overwrought. As a writer, I get the feeling that there is some other author whose prose you're mimicking rather than expressing anything that's authentically your own. This is the only reason I can see for the long sentences that start off rhythmic and lyrical and then proceed to beat themselves to death with it, extending long past taste or even prudence. You need to pick your battles. Place things in their right place.

>> No.19644898

Those times were his favorite of the year, when briefly, for even just a few hours, something would awaken deep in the restaurant's underbelly. Raising to the surface, like air bubbles from a drowning sailor's last gasps of air, he’d feel the walls around him come alive. The voices from happy patrons would echo off the walls. They’d go and come back with something new. Their reverberation off the aging hardwood walls would bring to them a piece of that history, sticking to the soundwaves like a sober Grimley to his first scotch and orange juice. The awakening of a long dead being, as if the vibration of the air molecules helped the dwelling become unstuck in time. A journey into the golden age. Drunk middle aged townspeople. Giddy with thoughts of family, giving, the season of togetherness. Milan’s favorite time of year since he was a child. He’d never have much time to appreciate it, as each second of relaxation was soon followed with shouts for another drink, at another corner of the bar. Sometimes in those holiday seasons he’d think of hiring extra help, but was always persuaded otherwise by the greed that only comes when one works for only himself.

Milan, partly satisfied with getting to the bottom of Grimley's word choice, still felt mostly unsure.

Livelihood. He sighed, and dumped the remaining spit-water of his beer into the sink.

>> No.19644903

It's just a restaurant, dude.

>> No.19644909

I honestly had no idea it was a dead body, I thought it was a kidnapping. There's a lot of word as well,but none of it tells you anything worthwhile.

>> No.19644912

Asking genuinely, are you ESL?

>> No.19644924

No, but I suffer of AD_HD.

>> No.19644928

It's part of a larger piece which muses on degradation.

Degradation of familial ties, of physical things, memories, relationships. The long-past-its-prime restaurant is the framing device used to explore these ideas.

>> No.19644945

I'm sure. I don't like being told these things about a restaurant with this voice though. It seems to lack awareness of the fact that, while it very may well be a vehicle for all these high-minded things with capital-M Meaning, it is also just a restaurant. It's a little ridiculous.

>> No.19644948

I'm pretty sure it is a kidnapping.

>> No.19644953

I also thought you were ESL. There's a few times you've just straight up misused words and some of your sentences don't make grammatical sense.

>> No.19644954

Um hello sweaty, how will you market the release of your booook?

>> No.19644959
File: 142 KB, 861x967, AB-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are from a year ago. I don't know whether or not there's been any improvement at all.

>whose prose you're mimicking
Maybe subconsciously because I've been studying authors sentence by sentence in order to attempt trying to write something that makes sense.

>> No.19644962

I'll wear a sign advertising it, then walk around town ringing a bell to attract attention.

>> No.19644963

I'll buy ten years of ads on 4chan and wait until someone discovers it.

>> No.19644989

Okay, this one made me laugh.
I love viral marketing.

>> No.19644990
File: 440 KB, 666x666, 1060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I would never be able to say my writing "muses" on literally anything and keep a straight face. This isn't to say I don't think about things and come to my own conclusions and let them bleed into my writing when they feel like it. I'd just never be able to frame it in that way.
>my writing muses on...
Sorry, can't do it chief.

>> No.19644997

>>my writing muses on...
>Sorry, can't do it chief.
Try it, it's fun.

>> No.19645002

Lol, why do you care if you’re trad published? Just publish a book yourself

>> No.19645007

I'd feel like a fraud and a hack without even a shred of self-awareness. Humility is an increasingly lost art.

>> No.19645014

Work with a large publisher and talk to a publicist so we can form a campaign to get the word out.

>> No.19645017

Rogue scientist failed in love travels back in time to rape his ex girlfriend. Drama ensues when he is confronted by the time police. Will he get her ex-girlfriend raped before caught (and raped) by time police?

>> No.19645019

Are you, by any chance, that one guy who wrote the short story about the two fags fucking in the woods or whatever? Something about the English countryside?

>> No.19645020

How many rape stories are currently in the works by /wg/

>> No.19645026

Are we only counting stories about rape, or any that have rape prominent in the plot?

>> No.19645028

I've only got one rape story under my belt, personally. No plans to add another.

>> No.19645041

>hand ten /wg/anons a pencil and a piece of paper
>leave them alone for an hour
>come back
>retrieve your twenty stories about rape

>> No.19645052

The feeling that you made it.

>> No.19645060

There's a short story I have where a girl has severe trust issues, implied that it's from child abuse. I don't go into details though, I don't want to read or write directly about something so humiliating and violent.

>> No.19645064

>had 10 anons from /wg/ 10 pieces of paper and pencils
>comeback in an hour
>collect their 30 marketing plans for their books they’re going to publish

>> No.19645066

There are currently 43 unique IPs, so at the bare minimum, 43 rape stories.

>> No.19645078

Is it possible to combine such powers? A team of marketers with autistic levels of determination, marketing a collection of short stories written around a single theme?

>> No.19645096

At least one

>> No.19645100

This hits suspiciously close to home seeing as how I have a marketing degree and I'm writing a story revolving around rape.

>> No.19645104

Pitch us why your rape story will hit hard with readers
Give us your audience
Give us a description
Connect the two

>> No.19645105

You're not a person, you're the anthropomorphic personification of /wg/
We have willed you into being

>> No.19645111

Why are we so fascinated with rape?

>> No.19645128
File: 33 KB, 640x480, Rapeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape is all about power. For the rapist, it's about taking control and asserting your will over another person, feeling the kind of authority you never have in your daily life, while for the rapee it grants freedom from the guilt associated with sex in a puritan culture.
Rape is the ultimate expression of freedom for both parties, as it breaks all societal and legal boundaries and reverts us back to the animal kingdom without the trappings of civilization. Rape is "return to monke" in practice, not just simple theory and rhetoric.

>> No.19645129

I think you should study diction, read a lot more, and try to write in a more typical and normal style before you go for whatever modernist thing you're trying. You're making a lot of basic mistakes. Modernist writers like Joyce were able to discard the rules because they fully understood the rules and their purpose, in a way most people don't, and discarded them with specific and well-thought out intent. I will say you've improved over the last year though.

>> No.19645136

Dunno. Prefer loli/shotacon myself.

>> No.19645140

Personally my story is a take on the Justified Sinner narrative and I'm using rape as the point of no return for the protagonist.

>> No.19645142
File: 1.43 MB, 470x386, D13D5B10-3964-4374-BFEC-D43A8176B9B8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.19645153

I have an idea. I got it from Brandon Sanderson's podcast
Apparently there's this cliché where two astronauts crash on a planet or something and turns out they're Adam and Eve.
What if we had this scenario, but the guy was gay and didn't want to reproduce? So the woman rapes him.

>> No.19645155

>rapists being kink shamers

Get a load of this guy

>> No.19645171

What if instead of Cain and Able it's Candice and Abby with rape instead of murder?

>> No.19645177

Girls can't rape girls
Abby is a shepherd and takes the knot from her dog
Candice witnesses this and is enraged

>> No.19645206

>Girls can't rape girls
You'll never get published with that attitude. It's the 21st century and girls can rape whoever they want if they put their mind to it.

>> No.19645216
File: 179 KB, 938x1621, wp5120664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>dirty Royalroad author
>agree to do review swap with another author
>two pages in and it's so fucking bad I want to kill myself
>promised the other (likely ESL) author I would read the first 150 pages
Never agree to anything involving anyone else who uses this site lads.

>> No.19645236

>review swaps
That's why I look at their work before agreeing to those.

>> No.19645255

Just this last year I noticed a disturbing trend in the general adoption of h-games. Patreon scams are at an all time high and sites dedicated to them are at the point of requiring near constant server upgrades to keep up with increased traffic.
What really turned me onto the idea was the shilling of a game called Blacksouls, a high concept porn parody of the souls series that quickly veers away from parody and establishes its own cannon. It has been widely praised for its writing and has multiple generals dedicated to it across this site and discussion regularly achieves bump limit on /v/ (even if much of that is schizoposting over ALICE!). In the last 4 years the series has made just over half a million dollars in sales without even touching patreon.
What the success of Blacksouls demonstrated to me the most is that there is now a real audience for mature, story driven H-content.
My story would attempt to capitalize on this already established, organic audience through the use of similar themes and making use of the natural concentration of these groups through cheap advertising on 4chan.
I'd prefer not to give too much away with the actual story, I can just say that it revolves around a breaker of slaves who specializes in monster girls. In one session he stumbles upon a racial quirk that could revolutionize his industry. The main conflict being that to exploit this racial quirk could be the greatest crime against nature and god imaginable.
I made a joke in one of these threads a couple weeks back that my story would be a combination of Marquis de Sade and Charlie Kaufman.

>> No.19645267

Yeah I once agreed to write a short parody of a hyperpopular fanfic. The author was so functionally illiterate I felt as bad about this guy being popular as I felt bad about making fun of an actual retard.

>> No.19645292

im looking for a work it goes like "slauther" (not slaughter) it means to cover, like covering bread with butter but when you slauther something its utterly covered
google is only giving me mispells of slaughter

>> No.19645310

i figured it out its "slather"

>> No.19645311


>> No.19645364

Remember you can't rate it under 4 stars or you'll get lynched kek.

>> No.19645376
File: 49 KB, 879x659, O'Leary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a very nice idea but you didn't mention twitter followers at all. Sorry, but I'm out.

>> No.19645397

This isn't me. I finally figured it out. The word is "nigger."

>> No.19645408

That sounds pretty good. Everyone always says it’s an email list thing. Where do you go to buy that kind of data?

>> No.19645413

im glad you figured it out anon lmao fucking slather

>> No.19645429

If no one makes at least one image macro about this threadwide marketing shitstorm I'll make one when I get back from work

>> No.19645437

He is a famous e-celebrity. Those sales are organic. I think that’s a very bad example.

>> No.19645486

264 now.

>> No.19645504

Stop building your social media platform and instead just rape.

>> No.19645508
File: 163 KB, 908x1279, 644567b069a2ca7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Lolita but it's about a pederast?

>> No.19645533

Are all of the character anthropomorphic animals? If not you’re getting a Keven O’Leary as well.

>> No.19645550

I have no idea what that means

>> No.19645582

Why isn’t urban fantasy as popular as high fantasy (trad pub)?

>> No.19645589

Fantasy = unfamiliar, mystical, wonderous.

Urban = normal, novelty, lame, sameness.

>> No.19645617

Anybody ever write a rape story using giant monsters?

>> No.19645633

Does it count if he secretly likes it but still screams and fights back because he doesn't want to admit it?

>> No.19645634

Anybody ever write?

>> No.19645679

It’s urban fantasy though, not urban.

>> No.19645723

it all sucks
write something good and maybe that'll shake things up

>> No.19645752

I'm thinking about it

>> No.19645774
File: 140 KB, 716x1024, Napoleon brooding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not today. What point is there in writing something when I don't have a comprehensive marketing strategy?

>> No.19645783
File: 41 KB, 328x500, 517-W8AmbCL._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably is as far as # of volumes sold goes. The issue is it overlaps with supernatural romance (Twilight, shit like pic related) so the idea of the genre itself probably turns off male readers even though there's no inherent weakness to the genre.

>> No.19645827

>he got his BA in English and not in Business Marketing and Development

>> No.19645838

It's quite easy to amass followers quickly on Writer Twitter. They all promote each other, it's a circlejerk.

>> No.19645849

What's the difference? Neither have any classes with substance.

>> No.19645857
File: 7 KB, 275x183, Telemarketer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't telemarket his book directly to his potential audience
It's like you don't even have access to library databases you can illegally exploit

>> No.19645865

Trad pub


>> No.19645877

But anon, trad pub still requires you to do all your own marketing.

>> No.19645884

some of it
the publisher still pushes your book

>> No.19645907
File: 488 KB, 913x2000, p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To muh anons, thanks for the very insightful crit. I got most parts of the Bezo penii rant, I think. Tried to implement the crit + humour you with non-english expressions.

Also tried to adapt the text to vague+fragmented anons crit. Still feel retardedly blind about understanding the concept in text so practical examples would do me a bunch.

To the punctuation nigguh, I actually read up on proper use of each. Feel free to line edit the errors, I'll post a pastebin if you're up for it.

Multiple edits in this one, enjöy.

>> No.19645995
File: 86 KB, 738x837, jeffrey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this one much.

>> No.19646000

please be bait
the research wall
i thought the other one was kino actually, just didn't reply. the genius of the post doesn't hit you until the third re-read.

>> No.19646007

just make it up, or do something with quackery. my narrator is a phrenologist. i get to literally make up everything about it and nobody will ever care in the slightest.

>> No.19646028


>> If you are a poor swede bottom cuck self-insert into successful family man fanfic

It's the other way around, I'm playing out my nightmares.

>> No.19646033
File: 24 KB, 739x462, rejection tiem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>another form rejection
oh boy oh boy!

>> No.19646041


I solve this by not sleeping until there's at least a sentence added to the current project.

>> No.19646168

I'm writing a short story this morning:

I carry an urn to the old city. The driver drops me and recoils, speeding back to civilisation and safety, saying he will go no further. I don't begrudge him. The old city is dangerous, cut from the grid and the law, left to its own vices. I'm wary but not afraid. The city remembers me and will protect me. Besides, I carry nothing of worth, only my life and a dead friend. I hoist Monty underarm and cross the causeway, dipping the dry canal and entering the gloom beneath buildings. Shadows flit between deeper darknesses. Scuffles and wings puncture the silence. Hand to brow, I peer through the dark glass of the library. The toppled shelves crouch like beasts in the fog and the smell of rotting carpet seems to permeate the window. Decay. Is this what you wanted, Monty? I criss-cross the streets of our youth, searching for a *poignant* place, some anchor to the boy I knew. Everything is in ruin. The parks are brown and dead, the backstreets laced with broken glass, the malls strewn with decades of litter – even Nature is lacklustre in its reclamation. I'm defeated. I lie upon a concrete slab, face upturned to the tattered skyline. It starts to rain, white streaks lancing out from a common centre. Then the idea strikes me like a silver raindrop to the forehead. I try to shake it but cannot. I try again but it's firmly stuck. Well. One for the road, eh Monty? Xanadu. Fifty years sober and I still know how to score. I find the dusty overhang, the void beneath, the charcoaled “X”: the eternal sign. I know better than to enter. I loiter against a column, slack-jawed and arm turning on its yaw, glancing skittishly at various nothings. My eyes glaze over, I start to sweat. Nerves? Perhaps I've been hanging out all these years? A shadow breaks from the darkness, approaches, we transact wordlessly. Twenty seconds later I'm walking with a pocketful of clinking vials.

>> No.19646265

12,000 here.

>> No.19646283

Drop link

>> No.19646288

he doesn't deserver your big black G.A.N.

>> No.19646306

Project Zomboid MP killed my drive to write entirely this month. I think taking a planned hiatus in August/September spurred this desire to not give up that limited vacation, or rather a grasp at extending it.

After that hiatus ended I decided I should just write and publish a chapter the moment it's done and not give myself a casual deadline, but I think that backfired horribly since I slipped back into hobbies for extended periods of time. My reading has gone up though since Zomboid MP is slow as fuck when your character reads in-game.

>> No.19646316

I already finished my story on RR. I'm going back to working in private and not uploading my works anywhere.

>> No.19646325

>list of /wg/ authors pastebin
If you want to be on this list then reply to this post with the site you posted your novel on and your pen name.

>> No.19646331

how the hell do you play this grindfest? it's literally the most boring simulation i've ever seen, 90% of your time is spent doing repetitive busy work that never actually builds on itself.

>> No.19646348

>video games

>> No.19646366

Bad experience?

>> No.19646383

I hate the feeling of having to make chapters as soon as possible to keep up with the algorithm and not many people read stuff that isnt litrpg or fantasy. It's not worth my effort

>> No.19646432
File: 1.92 MB, 2794x2869, 27C4765F-610F-4542-A5C6-D8A449EE36CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if anyone could give me thoughts on this I’d be very grateful.
Mainly wondering ‘were you hooked, did you enjoy, did you get it’ types of stuff

>> No.19646453

Yea it’s bait. Other than being a Flat Earther everyone knows f gardner’s a tradcath

>> No.19646462

Royal Road probably. The stories on that site are notoriously low-quality though (like barely above fanfiction.net levels), so I have no idea why any self-respecting author would want to associate their actual novel attempts with it.

>> No.19646508

I hated it and I'm left confused by the ramblings of a psued

>> No.19646513

Devilman but using Gnostic myth.

I am not a creative person.

>> No.19646555

Global warming is actually good!

>> No.19646558

Trying to write a critical analysis of a paper and I'm stuck with the formulation of one sentence. Could one of you English native speakers maybe help me out with using proper language for this one?

"The procedural steps taken in the article appear to somewhat skew the research aim and lead to falling into the trap of confirmation bias."

Especially the "lead to falling into the trap of confirmation bias" sounds too colloquial and unprofessional to me. It also seems to be outright wrong.

>> No.19646569

Why is the /wg/ filled with this try-hard, overwritten drivel? Can you faggots for once put yourself in the reader's shoes and at least TRY to understand what they might like to read? You really think anyone wants keep reading after they see something like:
>The phallic monuments of ancients are indeed pronounced cocks attempting to impregnate the sky; renaissance depictions of the virgin mother are indeed intended to be flowering vaginas open to the viewer.

You really think your high-incel-energy observations written in what a ESL high schooler thinks is good prose are in anyway insightful or clever or funny? Why the FUCK would anyone want to read this shit? Have you ever read a single fucking book in your entire life? Have you ever written a single honest sentence? Even the Royal Retard faggots at least try to write with their audience in mind.

So no, I was not hooked nor enjoyed nor "got" your self-masturbatory navel gazing my-diary-desu I'm-hiding-behind-9000-layers-of-irony incel garbage.

>> No.19646573

flat earthers aren't real, they're the right wing equivalent of gender specials
>pay attention to me look at me I don't believe in reality I'm so unique and you can't be in muh secret club of fellow schizoids hehe casual

>> No.19646581
File: 103 KB, 750x336, B09C971A-B747-458C-909A-B8EDF66D924F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19646596

Is that a compliment?

>> No.19646598

>The procedural steps taken in the article appear to somewhat skew the research aim and lead to falling into the trap of confirmation bias
The article's procedural approach falls prey to confirmation bias, weakening its drawn conclusions.
idk lol

>> No.19646629

Wow you loved it, you really loved it!

>> No.19646638
File: 25 KB, 360x360, thinking-emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pre-dating consciousness itself, our love of sex determines the way we as humans move through space and time.
big if true

>> No.19646644

So Mr. Sans, why haven't you published a book with this following yet?

>> No.19646646

Very well, you even shortened it for me which is very helpful, considering I have written 3 out of 2 pages that we should do. Thanks!

>> No.19646657

I've done it /wg/. I've finished my crash course in marketing and now I'm ready to share all I've learned with you

>> No.19646672

Ironically, you hooked me until the reveal because I've seen this kind of thing a hundred times here.

>> No.19646682

What the sex doll thing? Too overdone? Tbh they were going to originally be in line for some marvel capeshit type merchandise and they would all be basedboys, but maybe the whole set up is shit. Oh well

>> No.19646685

Why do you have any followers? I can't find your books and I can't find interesting tweets Sebastian.

>> No.19646721

Now now, let's play nice with anons who don't want to get doxxed.

>> No.19646724

Crash course in marketing:
be a hot girl

>> No.19646740

"No one here writes" should be changed to "No one here should write"

>> No.19646745

damn lmao

>> No.19646747

good post honestly

>> No.19646760

Bread is baked
you fucking assholes really filled an entire thread with sperging about social media marketing in one day

>> No.19646818

Bro, the research manager at work, pure STEM background just became a marketing manager. There are people in another thread flagellating themselves for the education they received when really it should help them realize they can learn more. There are plenty of resources, including business partners, out there.

>> No.19646829

>The phallic monuments of ancients are indeed pronounced cocks attempting to impregnate the sky; renaissance depictions of the virgin mother are indeed intended to be flowering vaginas open to the viewer.
I would absolutely read that, but only if that was a brief comic relief between passages of poetic, flowing, lyrical prose.

>> No.19646850


>> No.19646873

Oh I thought you wrote this yourself as a parody, which would excuse the poor quality. I thought it was like a proof of concept (an unintentional one) rather than an actual passage that someone wrote, read over again, maybe twice or more, and then said, "Yeah, that's pretty fuckin awesome."

>> No.19646913

>What the sex doll thing? Too overdone?
Yes. Especially if they become sentient

>they were going to originally be in line for some marvel capeshit type merchandise and they would all be basedboys
That could've been better if you can make it funny enough

>> No.19646927

Lol no, the plot twist was going to be there’s a shooter in line and starts murdering everyone. The framework is basically a comparison between the minute and grand in terms of both chasing sex into death (Peter in a sense literally though regretfully, and the ruminations on monuments and selling sex show the grand journey)

>> No.19647070

>The framework
dude, give up the framework garbage. it literally only results in ponderous, by-the-numbers writing that flows from plot point to theme to pathos to plot point and so on. it never really breathes. it creates something static and shallow and strictly bounded. the worst part of all of it is that because you think you have a "framework," from which you make comparisons and ruminate and stroke your dick and whatever, you're incapable of seeing that these things don't make the writing actually good. bad, high-minded writing that wants to explore and ruminate is still bad writing.

try to write something good first. then identify what themes came out after you're done, and if you absolutely have to be so fucking trite and droll and formalist to do so, hone and refine those themes you have identified. good writing comes from a wellspring. it isn't a house you design and then erect according to specifications. that's engineering. writing is art.

>> No.19647111

Is this advice you would give to an amateur anon? I can't seem to get more than three pages into a story without resigning in fear of it being totally inconsistent, and without structure/plot etc.

Painters study for years only using charcoal/pencil before taking up the brush, what is the equivalent for a writer?

Genuine question, awaiting your reply

>> No.19647129

to be clear
is not me (>>19646927)

>> No.19647182

Actually wait yes it is

>> No.19647205

NTA but the closest to charcoal drawings would probably be writing short stories. Studies would be analogous to breaking down published short stories and trying to figure out how the author wrote them. Maybe outlining them or even trying to rewrite them from scratch and comparing to the original.

>> No.19647300

>good writing comes from a wellspring.
Terrible advice, and provably false. If this were the case people wouldn’t bother improving something beyond the first draft, for fear of ‘identifying themes’ before the piece is finished.
Good writing comes from editing, editing and more editing, not divine inspiration

>> No.19647583

How much should I be adding in editing then? I haven’t really added much, I just tweak and refine, as well as take out typos or awkward phrasing.

>> No.19647598

you might want to read "from where you dream". the process outlined there didn't quite work for me, but it might for you.

>> No.19647700

>from where you dream
Thanks! Just downloaded it and I’ll try read it while commuting.