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19629507 No.19629507 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, average liberal guy
>dad is a Fox News boomer type
>knows I like books and philosophy
>I got you a self help book anon, a guy I like on Twitter recommended it. Don’t worry he’s conservative or anything like that
>open present
>it’s Ernst Jünger
>War as an Inner Experience

>> No.19629518

Based dad cringe son

>> No.19629531

From time to time my father (a conservative guy who's Democrat because we're not white) worries that there is a risk of a race war in the United States. I have always discounted that, simply because whites have only ever "bent over" for things like BLM and the like. But stuff like this is worrying.

>> No.19629536

I think he's calling you a pussy. Maybe you should take up boxing or lift weights or something

>> No.19629539

>average liberal guy
How did you end up like that if you like philosophy?

>> No.19629555

White American from a conservative family here. Most White folks are defensive in nature. The notion that were gonna put on our skull masks and go out hunting brown people is a meme. Just as you guys are told the KKK and Atomwaffen are gonna come hunting you and your family, we are under the impression gangbanger, bloods/crips types are gonna come to our neighborhoods trying to rob, rape and loot. If you don't come to us you'll have no issues. That being said I know many who will turn into war criminals the second their families are threatened and will have the support of their communities in doing so and rightly so I think

>Basically everyone is worried about everyone else. We all leave each other alone and it'll be fine

>> No.19629569

>If you don't come to us you'll have no issues. That being said I know many who will turn into war criminals the second their families are threatened
> We all leave each other alone and it'll be fine
Perhaps we are not as different as we think then.

>> No.19629576

kumbaya milord

>> No.19629578

you look like that?

>> No.19629585

Kek white americans and non-white americans both too retarded to realize Jews will play them like fiddles. What a retarded country.

>> No.19629589

Together, we could rule this city

>> No.19629599

Were not at all. The entire reason for the media is to make us think we are different. End of the day, across all politics, races etc. we are motivated by the same things. We want a good life for ourselves, and our friends and families and to be left alone to do so. That's why the establishment professes diversity to be a strength. They say "diversity is OUR strength" but really it's THEIR strength. The more different groups who are all fearful or distrusting of each other the more division they can sow, while they run off with the spoils of our decaying civilization. Nobody will notice because we will focus on each other

>> No.19629605

That's my entire point that I'm communicating to him

>> No.19629606

Absolutely based dad.

>> No.19629621

>If you don't come to us you'll have no issues
You're acting as if there's an autonomous choice. If they don't come to you, Jews will send them over or glowies will manufacture it. There's no solution for your country at this point because you let yourselves enslaved for decades. It will only get worse for you.

>> No.19629623

I was originally far right due to upbringing + repressed sexuality + being an insecure teenager. Was really into Italian fascism and strasserism. Eventually moved to a much less white area and made some female friends, suddenly social conservatism seemed really stupid. Moved towards Marxism and then the ultra left.
I still feel leftist in spirit but I’ve become disillusioned with the left’s addiction to purity politics and realized that populism of all stripes promotes incompetent and self serving people. I’m more social Democratic these days. I like big government and big markets.
Funny enough my dad knows I’m a repressing tranny and thinks that you all merely misunderstand them and will be trans-friendly soon. Quite the internal contradiction between his politics and him loving me. I am a bit worried about his media illiteracy if he considers the guy slinging around Jünger as an apolitical centrist

>> No.19629629

But seriously OP, how can you be an average liberal in today's day and age? And be on /lit/ on 4chan of all places? I'm not saying you have to be any particular ideology or right or left but to be surrounded by free speech/expression, a myriad of non conventional thought and literature all to come out with the most basic bitch normie worldview? Have you just thought it out and came to the conclusion on your own that you simply agree with the news and the times were living in or do you just go with it without a second thought or a moment's hesitation?

>> No.19629655

>I like big government and big markets.
My question to you, and to everyone who likes these things, is: How do you make them sustainable? I am aware that our lives in a neolib world are not perfect, but we enjoy more luxuries and a higher living standard than ever before. But this is not sustainable. We have to contend with global warming, resource exhaustion, and pollution, and not matter if you're a liberal, fascist, Marxist-Leninist, etc. the big structures running our society are causing these issues which will lead to their collapse. How do you reconcile having a big government or a big market with this issue?

>> No.19629656

>you let yourselves enslaved for decades
I'm a zoomer. I was born into this shitshow. It is unfortunately my inheritance due to the complacency of generations before. That being said I will do my best to navigate it accordingly going forward. I have friends of many different races and my family armed. Truthfully I intend to surround myself with a large circle of people who will defend ourselves and each other while refusing to be caught up in the Jewish schemes for our destruction. Also I think Americans are too comfortable for a war of any kind, even if instigated by glowies. Biden is currently doing what he can to destroy our economy/supply lines/hyperinflate our currency to create Weimar poverty but it will take a while to do this. I think a decay into a more violent Brazil may occur without any true war breaking out. We will simply fade out of the world stage until there is no global leader as predicted with the Great Reset

>> No.19629657

> I’m a repressing tranny
You could've just said that

>> No.19629659

How old are you?
I'm going to tell you this in earnest and in compassion, Anon: your problems do not lie with politics, they lie with identity. You will never be happy if you do not embrace what you truly are. To discover that, you need to dig deep, especially under attributes and notions you hold superficial opinions about that feel second nature.
And, in not so compassionate terms I will say this: stop being a weak little bandwaggoning pushover. Be a man or perish.
Try to contemplate Herakles at the crossroads. Or don't. It's all vanity, anyhow.

>> No.19629665

>Italian fascism
>repressing tranny
/pol/troon spotted and added to collection

>> No.19629714

>Quite the internal contradiction between his politics and him loving me.
And yet, you do not see your own internal contradiction.

>> No.19629739
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>>be me, average liberal guy
>repressing tranny

Yep... checks out

>> No.19629741

Sounds accurate

>> No.19629829
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The memes write themselves

>> No.19629842

I was going to call your dad cringe but Junger is based so I guess he is too, I exepected something gay like Peterson

>> No.19629852

>(a conservative guy who's Democrat because we're not white)
When have the Republicans ever defended white interests? Under Trump there was the lowest unemployment among blacks and the most discrimination against whites.

>> No.19629853

He's hoping that you'll join the military

>> No.19629867

My dad is a white really conservative democrat. He's from back before the parties became partisan. He likes unions and he likes old school everything.

>> No.19629915

try a I might, I can't model the internal world of the person who made that post.

>> No.19629929

friendly reminder to watch this if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven
it's easy to get to heaven /lit/ because salvation is not of our works. you don't even need to prove your salvation through your works to be saved.

>> No.19629989

I dunno man. It's just how it is. In my neighborhood, when people talk about politics, it's like this:
>Biden is senile
>They're handing the country over to China
But when election time comes around, everyone votes for the Democrats. It's just how it's always been. That's only begun changing because, of all things, colleges started removing SAT requirements and the push for racial quotas in college. Parents are pissed about that, and they blame the Democrats.

>> No.19630004

Most based thing a boomer has ever done

>> No.19630012

>It's just how it is.
>It's just how it's always been.
>We have no reason to believe it we just do man
The power of non-white brain

>> No.19630019


>> No.19630023

Joe Manschin basically
Maybe our country wouldn't be such a shit show if people would stop being NPCs

>> No.19630034

Where to start with Junger?

>> No.19630036

Storm of Steel

>> No.19630075

i read storm of steel and I don't really think it's the anti-all quiet book or whatever. It's just a guy talking about battles without crying about how war shouldn't exist and heaven will come to earth in Two More Weeks whenever the social democratists seize power. I mean there's a ton of germans that supported war as a positive good. Most extreme I'm thinking of are Trietschke and Ludendorff. Junger didn't seem like one of them at all honestly I think he's just shipped as an advocate of war by libshits, kvetching jews and neo-nazi aryan warrior larpers when in reality he's just a veteran with a fairly neutral opinion on war

>> No.19630083

Junger was ultimately a Goethean, too subtle for either position.

>> No.19630143

I know the stereotype is that all leftists are tranny adjacent but c'mon. Really?

>> No.19630150

I've seen it happen to a couple Marxoids/Ancomms in real life. They eventually submit to capitalism as permanent reality and then get into whig historicism which simultaneously justifies their inaction, obesity, consumerism and promises them that The Arc of the Moral Universe Bends Toward Justice. This leads them to submit to the "the professionals", scientists, the media, the U.S. federal government etc etc. This sort of upstanding, responsible, informed citizen with a faint glimmer of Progress in his eye is the favored citizen in western countries so all media also jerks them off constantly. I think Tedpillers would probably call this person the oversocialized subject or some shit

>> No.19630152

Eventually you'll come to the demoralizing realization that 4chan stereotypes aren't as off base as you would previously believe

>> No.19630177

>I think Tedpillers would probably call this person the oversocialized subject or some shit
And rightly so. Everything from that description you just gave reeks of submission, a predictable behavior from a low testosterone midwit (not even intended as an insult but rather an objective descriptor). As Ted described, they are usually self loathing, low self esteem and suffer from identity issues (a weak sense of self) and as such have difficulty rallying around any idea for the sake of itself. They lack the martyr instinct to be willing to stand alone from society, even if it means struggle, difficulty and isolation. Their aversion to these things may also lead to their fundamental aversion to hierarchy and a desperate need to clean to some form of equality or equity. I forgot where I was even going with it, except that their conformity with a system they are ideologically opposed to is only confirmation of a spirit of weakness

>> No.19630185
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>I like big government and big markets
At this point I can't tell if people are trolling or not anymore.

>> No.19630200

Every single time

>> No.19630204

Still much better than marxists, so it's good they grew out of that at least.

>> No.19630221

>I’m a repressing tranny
If this is true, you should seek psychiatric help by a non-jewish doctor who still treats dysphoria as a mental disorder.

>> No.19630234

I feel bad for your dad

>> No.19630266

Posts like this are the reason I call Nazis trannies. Every Nazi I encounter has a similar posting style to trannies, the smug platitudes that turn to weak insults under pressure before they ultimately abandon the thread.

>> No.19630271
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Dysphoria is just the male insecurity of broken men living in a feminized society. It is a nonsensical vaguely defined memetic poison cloud which is propagated for ulterior motives by predators and fools who fell for it
I can speak to that personally, at least the first part

>> No.19630314

god damn i hate america so fucking much

>> No.19630349

Based. If I may offer some psychoanalysis: every man is a latent tranny. Freud was wrong- penis envy is false. (The penis is the least erotic thing in existence. Plath was right when she compared it to turkey gizzards.) Instead, men have womb envy. They envy women's capacity to create new life. Aware of how nature has created a set of women-only activities (parturition, mensuration, etc), men artificially create a group of male only activities (clergy, military). However, man cannot completely ignore woman. Every man is born of a woman, and he resents this fact. Masculinity is born of this neuroticism.

When he reaches puberty, a boy becomes a man by leaving the domain of the mother. (this is why the quest is the archetypal male myth) However, the return to the maternal dogs man like a siren call throughout his entire adult life. (The tragedy of opedius is that he returns to his mother) Every man daily risks sliding into effeminancy. Some weak men interpret this as a sign they are actually women.

>> No.19630376
File: 3.03 MB, 480x264, epiphany.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I gaze upon my life and loathe in self-pity.. at other times I encounter posts like these, and tell myself that I'm not doing so bad after all

>> No.19630395

No we are cucks and won't do anything that's why I'm fucking off, it's so embarrassing

>> No.19630399

I think what you refer to as submitting to capital is called “growing up” in some circles
And this is why I don’t trust a single one of you populist fucks. That you all larp about the utopia in which everyone trades their material well-being off for a more virtuous society, whether that be communist, anarchist, or traditionalist, shows the height of your privilege. I have no doubt that if you people got ahold of the system you’d crater the economy (but at least there’s no immigrants and gas is cheap!). Eventually we’d probably end up like 90s Russia. So much for virtue when everyone’s a crippling alcoholic and beating their spouses

>> No.19630424

woah a sane guy on /lit/

>> No.19630432

Lmao you're not only a pseud you're also a retard

>> No.19630443

>(The penis is the least erotic thing in existence. Plath was right when she compared it to turkey gizzards.) Instead, men have womb envy. They envy women's capacity to create new life. Aware of how nature has created a set of women-only activities (parturition, mensuration, etc)
I would argue against this, as I don't know any straight men including myself who are jealous of these aspects
>Every man daily risks sliding into effeminancy. Some weak men interpret this as a sign they are actually women.
I would however agree with these points. I think ultimately what men are inherently jealous of in a woman's life is the fact that she can be genuinely cared for beyond what she's worth. A man only gets as much love and affection as he is worth. He is only worth something when he can provide something to someone. We are required to struggle and to provide for ourselves and for others. We are responsible for overcoming our own weaknesses and inadequacies. To challenge these things head on and to make no excuses, only to create solutions. A perfect example would be the case of a shy young man and a shy young woman. The shy young woman if she's even of average attractiveness will catch someone's attention and the issue of her shyness will never haunt her as it can be overcome by someone else's lack of shyness. She can skate by without addressing her issues. The shy young man however will be single forever and die alone unless he can overcome his own inadequacy. A young woman may wait long enough for a potential suitor to show affection and genuine interest in her, even after a bad break up or rejection. The shy young man however, may experience hard rejection. This undermines his confidence leading to an even higher chance of rejection the next time. It begins a downward spiral that no knight in shining armor will save him from. He has to be his own knight. For men the beatings continue until morale improves. We have more autonomy as more is expected of us, and that is why historically men have always held more power, because we also hold more responsibility too. In an increasingly feminized world that glorifies the feminine and demonizes the masculine it's no wonder that young struggling men may fall into the seductive trap of becoming a demographic that garners sympathy and feigned compassion, rather than push on through as something that society holds to be expendable

>> No.19630444

You have the least authority to speak on anything because your ideology brought us here. So go to r*ddit with the rest of neoliberals and enjoy your creation.

>> No.19630487

>From time to time my father (a conservative guy who's Democrat because we're not white)
Is he trying to prove the old adage that Civic nationalism in America is a meme because non-white voters vote along racial lines?

>I have always discounted that, simply because whites have only ever "bent over" for things like BLM and the like. But stuff like this is worrying.
I have an uneasy feeling about this as as well. There is always a breaking point.

>> No.19630489

I spoke absolutely nothing about economics. I simply spoke out against a particular type of person who is more like cattle than man. He lacks autonomy, he is the reason democracy is a myth. He is unable to discern his own world view apart from a base set of information provided to him by propaganda services. The news says you must be X or must be Y. Certain news channels for X, certain news channels for Y. Certain politicians and a party for X and certain politicians and a party for Y. Midwits somehow believe they can rebel against the system while simultaneously deriving their world view from information provided by that system. You see the world in binary terms and throw away all nuance which is perfect for the power structure you claim to rebel against. They provide you with options X and options Y when a true answer might be option Z or A. Even now you read my position on a specific point (my criticism of socialized individuals) and assume you know my views on other unrelated topics (immigration, economics, etc.). This pattern of linear thinking makes you begin to put people in different camps of thought, and if we overlap even a little bit with one camp you assume we are in that camp and presume to know our other views as well. It becomes difficult to have coherent discussions when it means assumptions of our unrelated views as well as our character itself is now being brought into question. But hey, I guess if we aren't all a bunch of repressed transexuals then I guess the only option left is to beat our wives right?

>> No.19630490

>Eventually we’d probably end up like 90s Russia. So much for virtue when everyone’s a crippling alcoholic and beating their spouses
this is ultimately the fault of arrogant neurotic coastal libs like you. Who else caused the terrible transition into liberalism after the Soviet collapse? Your idols propped up the worst elites in the Soviet landscape. Go take your ulcer medication and normal pills.
Indeed anyone who survived the 90s in Russia is more virtuous than you, and may there be an even stricter filter in your own collapse

>> No.19630501

>anime poster
>is a tranny
who'd have thought

>> No.19630518

>Is he trying to prove the old adage that Civic nationalism in America is a meme because non-white voters vote along racial lines?
It's pretty much an inconvenient fact that they'll gas light normies into ignoring until it's too late to be addressed.
>I have an uneasy feeling about this as as well. There is always a breaking point.
There was another thread on lit that just 404ed from today, about some black anon who wanted to write a story about all the white people being evil and stealing magic from poc who used good magic. It read like some NPC over simplistic kids story. The reality is in 3 generations we went from a mainstream of white nationalist pro segregationists to what we are now. It wouldn't take long to go the other way too if people with that kind of maliciousness get into power and start exerting their hatred onto us. Right now exists the most naive generations of Whites who ever walked the Earth. Imagine the message that gets sent in the first attempt on this scale of a post racial world, if post racialism is rejected by all the other races acting in an opportunistic manner. That any intention of good will was not actually mutual for a "a better future" but rather a deception to get an upper hand until they can bring a hammer down on us. The mistake would not be made twice once discovered as a mistake

>> No.19630590

I have a solution to the racial tensions facing America, but it's quite controversial. There is historical examples of it being applied, but not extreme enough.

What I would do would be to instate the following law:
>You are only allowed to have children with and marry into other races, not your own
After a few generations, there would be no whites, no blacks, no Asians, no Latinos, no Natives. Only Americans. And then there will be no racial conflict, because we will all be so mixed that race doesn't make sense anymore.

>> No.19630595

>if post racialism is rejected by all the other races acting in an opportunistic manner.
Are we not there already? Contemporary political discourse in USA regards blindness to group identity as the ultimate sin and promotes universal humanism to Whites and ethno-tribalism to non-Whites (especially black racial consciousness). How can anyone be surprised that the result is not a post-racial paradise but rather the exact opposite?

>> No.19630654

Anybody who saw the implications of the Yugoslav Wars knew this was coming 30 years ago.
Anybody from a place with real ethnic conflicts can easily tell that there is actual ethnic hatred and spite at the core of the ethnic left.
This is no longer a contradiction for them because they have redefined the origin of morality from a place of principle to a place of justified vengeance.

>> No.19630671


>He's from back before the parties became partisan

>> No.19630687

I fully agree and was posting purely rhetorically and for the sake of argument. However, it's obvious that it isn't a hypothetical and is reality
Your solution is the antithesis of true diversity (of which I am heavily in favor of). Your solution would result in the eradication of culture and identity and distinction of various groups, and sure enough it wouldn't be the end of Asians or Blacks because they have their own continents to themselves. These ideas would be implemented ONLY in our continents and would result in the erasure of only one racial group and it's history, legacy and culture with it......OUR group! So no I am not in favor of this soft genocide

>> No.19630721

What other solution is there?
>My solution AKA the Paraguay Strategy
You think it's a genocide
>Let racial tensions fade
Democrats have too much too lose to let that happen
>Segregated but equal
Would be nice but I don't see it happening.

>> No.19630743

If White people are so dangerous that you can't risk living off of handouts in their country, why not just go back where you came from?

No, seriously, why not? What do you have to lose? You'll return a rich man, with wealth and status. You'll also be as far away from the evil White people as you can get.

>> No.19630769

Honestly I think balkanization honestly. It sounds like a meme and I don't see it realistically playing out in any sort of secession. Just communities slowly drifting apart and becoming more and more self governing. The biggest example I saw was driving across the country recently from Washington state all the way to Florida. County by county, town by town, different places had different rules and policies over what was open and what wasn't. Some places required masks everywhere, some places you never saw a mask. Mind you many of these were in the same states with the same policies in place. It's just simply some communities felt like following policy and some didn't. As people feel less and less represented in our legal system and by our government, they will be taken less seriously. In a country so vast and so spread out you can't enforce globohomo on everyone. People will simply gravitate to their own communities and go about their day. It sounds too simple but you you'd be amazed how simple life is in many of these places, especially when you turn the news off for a little bit

>> No.19630777

We the people are many and they are few. The only power they have is the power we allow them to have and their laws are just words on paper until they come and do something. If millions reject them then their bluff is called

>> No.19630782

Balkanization is sweet justice for the neoliberal post-cold-war NATO Satan


>> No.19630803

The burden of enforcement is on them and it's a logistical nightmare if you stop to think about it. Especially with local law enforcement in many areas being selective about what they enforce as I've already witnessed. This is why they want to defund police. Everyone knows that this power vacuum won't go unfilled. Local police enforce local law, and if only federal police exist then only federal law is enforced. It becomes a tool of their federal expansion. Local laws would no longer exist with no one to enforce them. I live in Florida and I can say with certainty that states and the fed will clash in our lifetime (as they are doing already)

>> No.19630805

>The notion that were gonna put on our skull masks and go out hunting brown people is a meme.
The entire British Empire was conquered on the defensive. Soooo watch out.

>> No.19630866

>I can say with certainty that states and the fed will clash in our lifetime
The outcome of such a clash is a foregone conclusion: the feds win. Literally the only way it works out for the states is if another Trump figure becomes President, tries to enforce stuff on California, Illinois, NY, etc. and the media rallies behind the states. I don't think such a president will appear so that won't happen, and the feds win.

>> No.19630878

That's why the states are passing legislation and founding new national guard units unopposed by the Feds, right?

>> No.19630903

If the Vietnamese or the Afghanis can hold out then I think millions of armed Americans can, especially considering how demoralizing an escalation would be to law enforcement and military personnel to maintain an armed sustained conflict against their own people. It'd be like a deployment you never go home from because it's in your home. It'd be like sleeping next to Charlie in the woods every night. The opposition could be any of your neighbors, who you leave your family unguarded and alone at home every night while you go out doing exactly what your neighbors know you're doing. Feds may win against an organized resistance but a sustained and escalating guerrilla conflict only goes their way if the American spirit goes truly crushed. It could go either way but the possibilities in either direction are truly endless.
The lines would be drawn much messier than any race war. Most on the right aren't wignats and would accept like minded non whites into their ranks, just as delusional progressive whites would join up with the brown coalition against whites. We got a preview of it when white antifa was throwing down with brown proudboys and the media painted it like it was a battle against white supremacy lmao

>> No.19630912

a christmas truce

>> No.19630936

>That's why the states are passing legislation and founding new national guard units unopposed by the Feds, right?

>> No.19630938


>> No.19630948

ethnics are cucks too. literally everyone group has become cucked

>> No.19630952

Based dad, you're a faggot

>> No.19630973

the whole point in stereotypes is that they are founded in some form of truth. That's why they get popular.

>> No.19630978


>> No.19631319

Whites are perpetually confused about how to treat misbehaving minorities so there is little risk of white people spontaneously deciding to kill blacks. But like another anon said above, rural whites would also turn a bush war scenario into an excuse to have fun, and if you threatened their families or towns they'd probably go into mass executions mode pretty quickly without batting an eye.

The biggest risk at this point is economic collapse combined with more BLM style agitations. The BLM phenomenon is volatile enough on its own, and if it had brought real LA riots energy to the wrong areas back at its height, all jokes aside, some bad shit would have happened. All that happened was a few white property owners got ritually humiliated by mobs and then by the state for brandishing a rusty rifle at trespassers, but if there had been escalation, things could have gotten out of hand fast. Of course the cops would de-escalate by killing the whites and catch-and-releasing the troublemakers, but what you really have to worry about is when shit spills over even the cops' ability or (more and more likely these days) willingness to put out the fires.

Basically, if a BLM style mob pisses off the wrong group or area, and both sides are escalating until violence occurs, and it can't then be de-escalated, the blacks will shoot out a few windows and then the whites will gun down the entire mob in retaliation.

The REAL problem from that point on is whether the useful idiots on the BLM side then escalate things even further. At this point, I would expect the media race baiters to know it's time to back off and advise "moderation," or at least to get their orders from above to that effect. But if you've already whipped these retarded neo-Black Panthers up into a frenzy for 5-10 years, they may not get the memo, and they may think their dirty illegal 9mm and gangsta rap sideways grip stand a chance against white boomer range dads.

All of this is unlikely to happen now. But imagine this scenario 3 or 4 years into a lame duck presidency during another Great Depression, where BLM/LA riots in the cities have become the norm, white flight is already the norm, black-on-white atrocities in the cities are starting to become mainstream discussion topics, blacks are getting downright machete Somalian tier with their anti-white racism, food shortages, weed shortages, foreclosures, martial law, states telling the federal government to fuck itself and vice versa, quasi-legal militias forming, and racist propaganda beginning to spread freely now that the media is widely distrusted and things are too chaotic for their spin to maintain a consistent narrative even if people did trust them.

Imagine we're a few years into society tangibly feeling like it's cracking apart, and dumb urban blacks and their hipster antifa enablers, heads full of internet LARP shit, start being led by schizophrenics (like that NFA Coalition) on protests/raids into the white areas.

>> No.19631991

Our country and morals are completely backwards. Criminals are canonized and cops are imprisoned.
The height of virtue is excessive sin and heedless consumption.
I don't see how long this can go on.

>> No.19632036

You should stop consuming porn and go to Church

>> No.19632075

Americans should've taken blacks back to Africa since the late 1800s. All of this would've been fixed. Interesting to think about.

>> No.19632104

Why on earth would you be worried about people reading Junger?

In The Forest Passage he sympathizes with minorities talks about how to resist totalitarianism.

Anyway, black people murder more white people in absolute numbers than whites murder blacks. But when you adjust for population size, black people murder white people about 12x as often.

Police kill more white people than black people yearly. The 250ish black people killed by cops yearly are almost exclusively people who are armed and posed a genuine danger, the same as the white people killed. The media and leftists created a narrative whole cloth out of a handful of questionable cases they sensationalized, usually with the benefit of straight up lying

The media, intra-black discourse, and academia is obsessed with wHiTe vIoLeNcE but the reality is that white people are disproportionately on the receiving end of race based violence.

Notice how nobody knows the cops knocked on Breonna Taylor's door because they had a warrant connected to her criminal association to a drug dealer, and when her boyfriend heard the knocking he grabbed his gun and shot first, seriously injuring a cop. Breonna was killed when the cops returned fire. But the narrative most people know is that the cops went to the wrong house and shot her while she was sleeping, for no reason.

Meanwhile, after a black guy who hated white people decided to ram a Christmas parade, killing elderly white women and a small child, the media reports it was probably an accident/he was fleeing another crime, and there's no reason to politicize it. (None of that is true, he stopped at an intersection and chose to drive around barricades, and deliberately aimed at pedestrians).

>> No.19632111
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That's why Enoch Powell said it in his rivers of blood speech. He said, what the Americans are unlucky enough to have to deal with because of slavery, we're artificially creating here on an island in under two decades.

Now it's 50 years later and the entire south of England is controlled by pic related.

>> No.19632129

The feds are 20 trillion dollars in debt and the government generally and the military specifically depends on a tax base, people paying debts and going to work, and thousands of miles of supply lines.

A small disruption consisting of people disrupting commerce and shooting transformers would lead to wtc speed free fall collapse. The government knows this and this is why they're heavily invested in counter insurgency, domestic spying, and propaganda, this isn't the sign of a healthy and confident regime

>> No.19632138
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Don't forget about the interracial rape rate. 0% for white on black rape.

>There were 111,490 white and 36,620 black victims of rape or sexual assault reported in 2005. Out of the 111,490 cases involving white victims, 44.5% (49,613) had white offenders and 33.6% (37,461) had black offenders, while the 36,620 black victims had a figure of 100% black offenders, with a 0.0% estimation for any other race based on ten or fewer sample cases.
>A number of recent researchers have recently challenged the long-held notion among criminologists that rape, along with most other violent crimes, is an intraracial crime. Based on an analysis of survey data they concluded that black rapists "prefer" or "seek out" white victims and that the likelihood of a black offender selecting a white victim has been increasing during recent years.

>In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
>In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
>In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
>If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
>In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
>Black men are over a hundred times more likely to rape a White woman than vice versa.
>Despite making up less than 12% of the US population, Blacks commit 1 in every 3 rapes.
>In New York City, 45% of people arrested for rape were Hispanic.
>In New York City, 43% of people arrested for rape were Black.

>> No.19632160

>The government knows this and this is why they're heavily invested in counter insurgency, domestic spying, and propaganda, this isn't the sign of a healthy and confident regime
But literally every great power does this, America is not special. Russia does this. Hell, China does this and everyone sees China as "a healthy and confident regime". Even the Germans and Brits have intensive domestic security measures. Are you saying all of these are unhealthy or weak?

>> No.19632282 [DELETED] 

Just fyi for anyone that doesn't know yet, posts like these are made by paid Russians working in "troll farms". They have to meet a quota so they never come back after posting it or respond if you call them out.

>> No.19632559

I have a certain degree of sympathy towards American Blacks due to their origin story. Imagine what it must be like knowing that thing you are told to hate the most is the very thing you owe your existence to. Without Black slaves in the USA there would be no descendants of Black slaves in the USA today and I am sure most of them prefer existence to non-existence. Can someone recommend books dealing with this metaphysical problem?

>> No.19632568

this post kinda turned me on desu

>> No.19632573

obviously underage/newfag post

>> No.19632576

Honestly I am a white nationalist and I consider myself a black nationalist too, and I'm even in favor of reparations. Slavery is a horrific, evil thing and the fact that white people did that to anybody, blacks and natives, is a complex fact of our heritage. I don't see anything wrong with having a dialogue with the other races about the very complex fact that we conquered, enslaved, and colonized a lot of them, and now they have to live with fucked up consequences of that, like measuring themselves against white society, or having parts of their heritage that feel less authentic to them than the European heritage imposed on them. Of course part of that dialogue would be the fact that white people weren't uniquely evil in history for doing this, but still, it would be a dialogue.

I don't want whites to subjugate blacks let alone kill them, I don't see anyone as inferior. I'm only a white nationalist because I simply and sincerely think everybody would be better off if they had their own centers. My ideal world is pretty cosmopolitan, I just don't think it makes sense to have Somalis in Denmark and I think black people were unironically better off when they weren't welfare serfs and mandatory voters of the DNC.

>> No.19632580


>> No.19632596

God, I can’t stand Nas Daily. Typical Zoomer braindead condensed propaganda with zero self-awareness about pretty much anything especially the about the inherent contradictions of his worldview.

>> No.19632737

fuck you.
White people are this stupid too. I hear it all the time from these imbeciles. Being too lazy to think through the complexity of a situation and it's consequences is too heavy a burden for almost any human and it doesn't only have to do with intelligence. People are mostly just scared of reality since they have to struggle to even realize they can't ever get a grip on it.

>> No.19632830

Kill yourself tranny faggot.

>> No.19633020

Politics are for the self absorbed and the schizophrenic
My dream is to become a hermit so I don't have to hear about it any more

>> No.19633023

Good analysis.

>> No.19633295

There's been a pivot towards domestic surveillance and counter insurgency that started after 9/11 and is intensifying now with covid and anti-rightist hysteria

Yes, the UK and China And Germany all do this to, they're also all societies committed to screwing their native populations to extract profit for elites.

>> No.19633304
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Reading things from people you disagree with politically is good. Don't be a cuck. Read the book nerd

>> No.19633378

kek not who you responded to but even libtard whites are voting in what they think is their best interest, they just think their best interest is signaling how accepting of shitskins they are.

american non whites vote dem no matter what though, even when they 100% know it’s against their best interest. I had many non white buddies talking big last year about how they had no reason not to vote trump, how the left is insane, etc. what happens on election?
>oh uhhh I v-voted Biden because I support police reform
these are 40 year old men who’ve have government/military jobs mostly. there is a good reason a lot of us view non-whites as subhuman. they really are a hinderance to any sort of actual civilization.

>> No.19633400

I want to read Colonization After Emancipation. I'm pretty sure it's on Archive, but physical copies are a little pricey.

Apparently lot of individual US states ran individual African zones for repatriation, and Lincoln wanted repatriation.

Southern aristocrats and the British were opposed because they wanted to keep the plantation export economy on other terms, and we sharecropping and a permanently resentful minority

>> No.19633484

That kind of collapse didn't happen with the IRA, don't see why it would happen if some survivalists take their larp too far

>> No.19633561

The IRA is a much better model of how this would go than Vietnam or Afghanistan. Only example I can think of an armed insurgency against a democratic government in a first world country.

>> No.19633763

Yeah the IRA had a much more limited theater and targets and the troubles were before just in time logistics, looming resource shortages, and mass migration and ethnic polarization

Imagine if the IRA was 5% of all of Europe and not just focused on north Ireland. European stability hinges on like, a couple of pipelines and stable energy prices

>> No.19633802
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Not him, but for me, philosophy quickly became destructive for me. Rather than helping me build or adopt a world-view, it has left me very skeptical of any such attempts. It's not to say that I don't have any opinions. As far as politics go I'm much more sympathetical to the Left (in everything except the social stuff) but I can't say that I profess any of their beliefs with conviction. I treat my thoughts with all the respect they deserve - which is none. When it comes to my so-called responsbilities as a citizen of a democracy, I either don't vote or vote for the libs with minimal enthusiasm.

>> No.19633832

i relate to this to an uncomfortable degree. the only difference is that after my leftist phase i landed on primitivism rather than neoliberalism. we're otherwise identical. i think people like us make up an entire subtype of person who's forever doomed to pursue new identities and ideologies before inevitably becoming disillusioned and throwing them away. people who suffer from such a total deficiency of internal character that we could conceivably become anything given slightly different circumstances

>> No.19633854

What do you think the cause of the lack of internal character?
>Hormonal-Low T
>Sociological-No Traditions
seems like a lot of channers don't fit into this type despite being outcasts, freaks etc. The myth of "one man against the world" is one that people here, in general, seem to enjoy participating in or pretending to participate in

>> No.19633866

Plenty of logistical bottlenecks in Northern Ireland, being a sealed off part of an island, whose closest neighbour is also an island. Might have been a bit of ethnic polarization too, just a little touch.
The point is, the IRA were never a serious threat to an armed democracy prepared to fight them.
They never had the legitimacy that eg the Vietcong or the Afghans had. The hypothetical USRA will also have loyalist paramilitaries opposing them
The IRA were always cucked by the British security apparatus - within months they were hopelessly infiltrated by informers, their leaders were constantly in and out of jail, and they could barely mount an operation without the British knowing well on advance. Any American insurgent movement will have even worse problems given how much more advanced surveillance is, plus the US government is likely to be much tougher than the Brits in terms of executions and supermax prisons etc
And that's before we get into the problems of ideology and motivation. 'Brits Out' is a more coherent rallying cry than 'I don't like the way the media reports crime statistics'
I don't see how a successful American insurgency is feasible in the present circumstances. They won't be capable of mounting the kind of strikes you are talking about. The US military is only just about capable of that

>> No.19633893

Damn, good post

>> No.19633899
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>Funny enough my dad knows I’m a repressing tranny and thinks that you all merely misunderstand them and will be trans-friendly soon. Quite the internal contradiction between his politics and him loving me.
This shit is weirdly common. My slav dad knows that I am gay but still doesn't like homosexuals or foreigners. Literally a "If it's you, it's okay" type of situation.

>> No.19633936

It's not weird at all. Normal people's politics is just a collection of often contradictory semi-instinctive notions about what's right. If they are partisan, it's likely because they have some emotional connection to the party (my family always voted for such and such party!) and they are not bothered by this at all.

>> No.19633946

>I like big government


>> No.19634084

>troons philosophizing on internal contradictions itt
not sure if based or cringe but either way G*d is having a hearty laugh at his children right now