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19603521 No.19603521 [Reply] [Original]

Create a philosophy and explain it. Can use others for inspiration.

>> No.19603534

a meritocracy except for jerking off

>> No.19603538

fuck everything, and the goal of life is to fuck.

>> No.19603549

Truly reflect on the inimitable mystery of the Quran, written in so few years and yet so vast, nay unrivaled, a textual power.

>> No.19603571

it's basically starting from where Guenon and Evola left off but simply embracing that there is no possibility of transcendence and simply living the best you can in this crushing world

>> No.19603574

My own is predicational monism.
You have a single foundation, God, from which everything is emanated from (not creatio ex nihil or emergent) in orders of a hierarchical tree.
You can use the same inference rule, start at God or existence then get whatever it is you want to talk about and in every possible way that you can.

>> No.19603575

Nietzsche but a twink

>> No.19603583

first you get married right but (and heres the tricky part) you make sure to never EVER kiss you wife EVER
then you find someone that hates your guts and convince them to kissing your wife for you

>> No.19603593

Virtue Surpassing

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your character. From that derive about 7 virtues for elevating yourself. Orient your life story (past, present, future) towards fulfillment of those sacred 7 virtues. Keep progressing and eventually surpass your old virtues, destroying it in a blaze of self-surpassing.

Reassess your strengths and weakness. Repeat until grave.

>> No.19603629

Every action you take is made to maximize the amount of sleep you get.
You buy a comfy bed (with the money earned from your easy, part-time job) and sleep in it for many hours a day.
If people ask you for your opinions on politics, you reply "I'm sorry, I don't really care. I'm going to bed."
You cultivate a rich and varied dreamland.

>> No.19603745

Conclusional Monotheism, where you finally conclude that whatever you do, nothing will ever make you reach the perfection of the Almighty, and you kill yourself

>> No.19603760


>> No.19603820
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based and softpillowed

>> No.19604514

This but unironically

>> No.19605099

Esoteric nappism.

>> No.19605109

If you can do it, you have the right to do it. If someone can stop you from doing it, they have the right to stop you from doing it.

>> No.19605119

You might need to explainthe merits of this philosophy. I'm not seeing the payoff.

>> No.19605131
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Long live the far eastern magical nap society