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19523105 No.19523105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here actually read this book? Is it any good?

>> No.19523110

>White woman
>Is it any good?

>> No.19523121

Looks like it sucks. You will probably love it it if you are into using terms like micro aggressions.

>> No.19523128

It's a perfect example of contemporary literature: a virtue signalling token for women who are cheating on their simp Reddit partner with illiterate coke-dealing Chad.

>> No.19523132

white rage hmm im white and pretty angry about politicians threatening me to get some gay vaccine, also pretty angry about journalists lying about shit all the time.

>> No.19523139

being angry is LE BAD!! !

>> No.19523203

post her feet or nudes.
Both will work.

>> No.19523288
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White rage is what propelled the world out of the 1800s and into the modern times. White rage created everything you have now.

>> No.19523294

This is a perfect example of a contemporary 4chan post: now take your meds.

>> No.19523300

Reddit - snarky, aggressively submissive, miserable

>> No.19523308

why is it always women writing these books

>> No.19523355

>a thread about White Rage is filled with white rage

>> No.19523361


>> No.19523365

I prefer this


>> No.19523403


>> No.19523481

fwiw I read it because I have to read all the books that you know look like that for work. Notably, it was published a few years ago, aka pre-George Floyd. On the spectrum from complete feel-bad-white-guilt-to-feel-good crap to actually researched history it's probably like 70% on the history side. Reading it it was so apparent that it was written before creating these books to appeal to that certain kind of person was distilled into a science. I actually think it would be too dry for the average reader.

>> No.19523495

I do not work in HR so I don't see the need.

>> No.19523504

it's comical that all these liberal girls such as her self think that because they live in a nice big house, have daddy paying for her college and car and so on, that all white people are living that same life
it's the epitome of ignorance
most whites aren't living a better quality of life than your average nigger, only the nigger chooses to be the eternal victim

>> No.19523514

This post is gonna really rile up the chuds.
There they are.

>> No.19523517

There is a lecture on youtube with the same title, you can check it out to get an idea.

>> No.19523519

>mass reply

Yikes moment.

>> No.19523522

>I have to read all the books that you know look like that for work

what the fuck?

>> No.19523545

Think about how many people need to pretend to have read these books but are basically illiterate.

>> No.19523686
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White rage:
> abstract, hidden bias that there is very little positive proof for, and can only be inferred by an unproven theory
Black rage:
>Far more likely to be violent
It is just so blatant.

>> No.19523762

>the snarklord hath arriveth

>> No.19523844

Yikes. Go back to /pol/, you aren't welcome here. All you have are bad faith arguments so uhh, bye!

>> No.19523849
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Read this instead.


>> No.19523858
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It’s all so tiresome

>> No.19523889

Literally this. I mean people will have different cultures and whatnot, but the normal reaction should be to make sure you aren't making unfair judgements of people and move on. Don't deny history, of course, but there isn't need to take responsibility beyond the push for equity we are already seeing, it's more a geographical and cultural divide than anything else right now. Pretty simple

>> No.19523902

Check out the book and vid from >>19523849

>> No.19523906

>I am not racist. But all white people (yes, all of them) are angry mongoloids.
Why don't these people see how ridiculous they sound?

>> No.19523909

whens black fiery but mostly peaceful rage coming out?

>> No.19523913

Could white rage be caused by systematic racism?

>> No.19523925
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White rage is a dog whistle for nigger fatigue.

>> No.19523936

Why are white people the way that they are? Are the victims of their own success? Was the enlightenment a mistake? Was liberalism a mistake? No other race feels the need to repeatedly do shit like this, do you think the Chinese or the Arabs give a fuck about muh poor heckin' minorities or about le socio-economic factors, or muh heckin' system racism, or at least not at the expense of their own people, their own culture, their own civilization, etc.

>> No.19523949

Who cares, it would only be pointlessly obtuse unless it talks about the JQ

>> No.19523954

>Why are white people the way that they are

>> No.19523977

Most of the people who promote this stuff aren't technically white.

>> No.19523983

True, but even if there's a huge overrepresentation of Jews, there's still millions of white leftists and liberals who support it, again more than any other race on Earth by far. I'm trying to understand the genesis of the problem.

>> No.19524426

Hard to even get riled about this stuff anymore. Everyone knows they want white people dead and gone. Everyone knows they want you eating bugs and wearing masks. Everyone knows the virus was created, no one cares about its origins now. Everyone knows about a third to a half of the country is barely human. We’re at that point where every secret is in plain sight and no one gives a shit. The only outcome of any of this is exactly what they want or extreme violence, or both

>> No.19524447

Kys pedophile

>> No.19524466

i will NEVER read a book written by a race grifter and moreover i will NEVER read a book written by a woman

>> No.19524477

Decades and decades and decades of brainwashing in every single aspect of society and every single form of escaping it.

>> No.19525076

Based anon curbstomping thos chuds

>> No.19525476
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>> No.19525491

Did she ded?

>> No.19525502
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The grift never ends!

>> No.19525532

>the push for equity
The moment you concede to their nu-speak is the moment that you've lost. The term is equality. Not equity. Not actively discriminating against some races to artificially improve others. Fuck off with this shit.

>> No.19525540

replace "africans" with "slaves selectively bred to perform as farm equipment"

>> No.19525561

Source on that image?

>> No.19525645

is this kat?

>> No.19525721

>Was the enlightenment a mistake?
>Was liberalism a mistake?


>> No.19526026

Lurk moar

>> No.19526107

I'd fuck her hands desu

>> No.19526132

imagine the softness

>> No.19526140


>> No.19526170

>the unspoken truth of our racial divide
im sure its not just corporate press talking points

>> No.19526185

I don't have white rage, I have male rage. I hate women for all they've done to influence culture and politics since suffrage. I don't hate niggers. You wouldn't hate a violent dog.

>> No.19526193

>Was the enlightenment a mistake?
Was liberalism a mistake?

>> No.19526235

jews + capitalism -> women's suffrage and pathological altruism and then more jews + multinational capitalism grip on culture, also whites probably have more propensity for feelings of guilt

>> No.19526326

>reading female rape fantasies
not gonna make it

>> No.19526336

Really weird self-flagellating. It seemingly comes from institutional berating since it's really not natural to hate oneself that much.

>> No.19526350

where is the tldr for this

>> No.19526375

I'm going to go ahead and guess it's a few hundred pages of word salad that basically boils down to:
>White people angry that brown people in country and gaining political power and this is the reason Trump won and why MAGA and etc. etc.
Someone tell me I'm wrong?

>> No.19527027

I'd guess that take is superficially correct. As a concept, "White Rage" (or "White Fragility") is a subroutine that works as a satellite narrative protecting the ideological (identitarian) core from criticism. It broadens the scope of the ideological schema in order to allow it to explain phenomena within its own construct and negate criticisms by redefining them within its own terms.

Basically, the ideology itself is never questioned. The ideological adherents move to characterize negative reactions to and/or criticism of the ideology according to the ideology itself.

Another important aspect to point out is the reflexive thinking that goes alongside being ideologically possessed. There's actually a huge advantage in favor of the ideologue due to the fact that they have a preset narrative to draw upon. Instead of wading into complexity--as a critic would have to do--they have a subroutine that automatically renders an idea being presented to them in terms they have internalized. It's not that they're thinking faster; they simply don't have to think. An analogy would be working on a mathematical problem: the ideologue only has to run through arithmetic whereas their opponent has to construct a proof (which cannot actually be done according to the rules set out by the ideology).

One last thing--the idea of “rage” is an exemplar of another key aspect of an ideologue. It's a projection. The ideology, once internalized, becomes rooted in someone's perception of themselves. When you attack the ideology you literally attack the ideologue's sense of reality. This is why political arguments can become so heated; what we've done is even worse because we've politicized racial identity during a time of mass immigration and rapid cultural shift.

So yeah, there's no doubt that “white rage” can explain away something like Trump. However, the important thing is to notice the mechanizations of the ideology in action and know that its goal is the imposition of a hegemonic worldview that will probably lead us into disaster before solving any of our problems.

People don't have ideas; ideas have people.

>> No.19527554

I read it. I know this is bait, but honest opinion: the early chapters are honestly pretty interesting, where she talks about reconstruction and the Great Migration.

It comes off the rails toward the end, though. The thesis is that black progress in America is consistently sabotaged by white rage, so she relies pretty heavily on unsubstantiated conspiracy theories once she starts talking about recent history, where racism is said to have become better at hiding itself.

There is some sort of logical fallacy here, where she wants us to believe that because America has carried out campaigns of terror against black people in the past that this must be ongoing, fundamentally unchanged, and going on in secret.

Like most national crises, the crack epidemic and its consequences have been heavily mythologized. It is alarming to me that normies will read this and just uncritically accept that it was a government conspiracy wrought by white rage.

>> No.19527559

>imagine the softness
please stop tell me more

>> No.19527578

ive always wondered about the idea that the FBI/CIA brought crack into the black community that many black people ive known believe though ive never cared to look into it. What would be the goal of this for the gov? Would black people actually have been a threat with their anti-gov anti-capitalist leanings and black panther militarist during this period or where they as docile and ineffective as modern day movements?

>> No.19527589

We live in a Society

>> No.19527595

>Would black people actually have been a threat with their anti-gov anti-capitalist leanings and black panther militarist during this period or where they as docile and ineffective as modern day movements
They were ineffective and incompetent at achieving anything significant, but they did rob a lot of banks and shoot a lot of cops. But then again, most of the negros in the panthers etc were already heroin addicts and back in the day the FBI could just man up and gun them down, so the crack epidemic seems pointless.

>> No.19527613

Yeah, I had heard that theory a lot but never looked into it until reading this book. There’s not really any evidence for it, just a few news articles from an investigative journalists at the time who interviewed a few crack dealers claiming to have worked with the CIA. Pretty sure nobody was ever able to substantiate these claims. I think there’s a case to be made that the Reagan administration was initially negligent in addressing the growing cocaine trade, perhaps because US military allies were benefiting from it. But the picture she and many others paint of people sitting around in Langley plotting to plunge America’s urban centers into chaos because they’re racist is getting into QAnon schizo territory.

>> No.19527643
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>> No.19527648

>who interviewed a few crack dealers claiming to have worked with the CIA.
the absolute fucking state

>> No.19527678

I'm pretty sure it was just a way to create revenue streams for the Contras. I haven't read about it since high school so I'm foggy--but I believe direct funding was blocked by Congress but they allocated funding for humanitarian aid; so the CIA (Reagan administration) helped distribute the funds to known drug traffickers in order to produce more funding that went towards the ends the higher-ups wanted. I'm pretty sure the official story is that they just fucked up; there were (((investigations))) into wrongdoing that supposedly turned up nothing--but at the same time, you had shit like the Iran-Contra affair so it's pretty reasonable for anyone with half a brain to suspect wrongdoing.

However, it wasn't a conspiracy directed against black Americans; that's retarded. It was just shady Cold War shit wherein the US backed a horrible group to check the power/rise of another horrible group that could be seen as an active threat--like giving weapons to Saddam to fight Iran.

All that being said...for how fucked up the domestic front in the West is and even with China becoming openly hostile we're still in a better place than we were during most of the Cold War.

>> No.19527679

Post the feet now

>> No.19527702

Wow so black people are actually the real victims of all this anti white shit. This is just "democrats are the real racists" for a new generation.

>> No.19527724

If you consider being used as a pawn being a victim then it's fair to say that. Also, Democrats have always been the real racist party--from the Civil War to desegregation to using identity politics (and empty symbolic bullshit) as a wedge.

>> No.19527750

The democratic party weren't anymore racist than the Republican party. White people in the south were treated terribly by the north. The Democrat party was just the party of the south. I could understand you not knowing this if the extent of your knowledge is what you learned in school.
Also identity politics is a retarded phrase. No one has ever seen themselves as not having an ethnic identity. When Thomas Jefferson called America an "English country" I don't think he was practicing "identity politics".

>> No.19527754

>leftoids think "whiteness" is an arbitrary social construct, all the while insisting that "whites" are ruining civilization
>rightoids think "whiteness" is self-evident, all the while insisting jewish people aren't white
I want to set myself on fire.

>> No.19527767

>beyond the push for equity we are already seeing
I don't think you know what equity is. It's very distinct from equality. Historically equality refers to the removal of legal and de facto discrimination. Equity is enforced "equality of outcome," predicated on the provably incorrect belief that there exists no mean difference in innate ability between racial groups or the sexes.

So if high school graduation rates, university admission rates, employment proportions, corporate board position stats, etc. are worse for a minority or a "historically oppressed" group (incl. women) than their proportion in the general population, that is by itself irrefutable evidence of discrimination. This necessitates manual remediation, never mind the root causes of said discrimination (because it doesn't exist). And if a "historically oppressed" group overperforms as in the case of college graduation (women) or the NBA and NFL (blacks)? Good. White men are getting what they deserve, no need to correct in the other direction.

>> No.19527770

Yes he was practicing it. Identity politics means thing another than class basically, economic or governmental classes. Race, gender, etc are identity politics and all the founding fathers were White Nationalists.

>> No.19527792

so hot

>> No.19527807

>Everyone was racist! Forget about the historical events you just pointed toward--"everyone was racist" is a much deeper take they don't teach you in school! Also, "identity politics" is retarded because [non sequitur about someone who has been dead for 200 years even though the reference was to modern political polict]
You're pretty dumb.

>> No.19527823

>all the founding fathers were White Nationalists
Do you ever realize how retarded you sound when you apply a modern ideological concept 250 years before it existed?

>> No.19527834


>> No.19527955

>spooky invisible biases
>spooks no smart cause genetics thick skull play basketball
Not sure what the difference is. Both beliefs are predicated on blind faith.

>> No.19527960

Idk blame the jews or something

>> No.19528049

>almost every statistic and empirical evidence points to inferiority
>blind faith

>> No.19528067

>I'm gonna show those chuds by mass replying to them!
If you're mad that people here disagree with you then go back to plebbit, faggot.

>> No.19528073

Do you have a cogent, substantiated account of that inferiority, or is confirmation bias just telling you that black people behave poorly because they are innately worse?
If their inferiority is so evident, then you should be able to make a logical coherent argument that proves that their inferiority is a natural function of their race. I have yet to find such an argument.

>> No.19528097

I think McWhorter is accurate with the whole religion diagnosis, but this framing wokism as racism is just playing the same fucking game. Reject the whole stupid motive of finding racism everywhere. Racism should concern the infringement of rights, nothing more. Stop using the term: it’s purely used to simply describe someone who’s farther to the right on race politics than you.

>> No.19528216

Sing goddess the rage of the white race

>> No.19528230

And so the pilpul beings ...

>> No.19528268

Just explain why they're dumber. Bet you can't because you're just looking for facts to validate your worst monkey instincts. It funny: the compulsion to call people apes literally comes from a part of your brain that is shared by not only apes but fucking lizards.
Checkmate, Mr. Rumsfeld.
You're evading the question.
Ergo, you are a lizard.

>> No.19528289

Because Africa itself is full of bustling metropolises.

>> No.19528323

Why they're dumber? Because they were influenced by different selection pressures on evolutionary time scales.

>> No.19528364

>He hasn't read White Power
read White Power

>> No.19528401

Has she had a bf yet?

>> No.19528630

Generations of psychological subversion in the west by you know who

>> No.19528976
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>science denier

>> No.19528997

This post would be better using simpler words. I hate anyone vaguely academic.

>> No.19529003
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I haven't read it but the synopsis alone reveals a very flawed thesis, why would you lump every white person together when only a small minority of white people have ever had any power in society unless your goal is to engage in divide and conquer and incite more racial hatred?

>> No.19529098

I’m too busy reading ancient manuscripts to care about any of this modern shit.

>> No.19529461

Unironically women’s fault

>> No.19529533

>it's comical that all these liberal girls such as her self think that because they live in a nice big house, have daddy paying for her college and car and so on, that all white people are living that same life
They're completely oblivious to the fact that the overwhelming majority of privilege they experience isn't due to their skin color, but their sex

>> No.19529561

suck it, fag

>> No.19529576 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19529591

eugh they look awful

>> No.19529597

>implying black women have these things

>> No.19529614

hmm i thought kat was more fastidious.

>> No.19529616

>>spooky invisible biases
>Worse in every single study ever done, but lets not do anymore studies or look into it any further

>> No.19529619
File: 215 KB, 898x500, white fragility explanation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I screencapped that, love it man

>> No.19529914

Please just leave this board I don’t care about your political opinions it’s just tiresome seeing this cringe all the time

>> No.19529916

So, you're telling me that you don't think there are any genetic factors that come into play? I can sympathize with environmental causes, as their culture is obviously totally corrosive, but to claim that it's all environmental seems reductive. I mean just look at them, and no I don't have a cogent, substantiated account of that inferiority because I don't go around searching about nigger science, because even if there was something there, It'd take forever to find because I can assure you that such research isn't exactly well-funded and publicized.

>> No.19529996

Kafka trap + what >>19523139 said

>> No.19530005

is this actually her?

>> No.19530316

who is this

>> No.19530345

pig trotters