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19520204 No.19520204[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19520207


>> No.19520220

i honestly don't understand how guenonfags can even browse this website. it is abundantly clear to everyone here that tradfags are cringeworthy virginal copesters so you would think they would see all the shitposting and get some self-awareness, but then i am reminded that alek minassian was an avid browser of this website and was somehow totally convinced that the "incels will rise up against the normies" before he committed mass murder.

guenon posters are so autistic they don't even fit in with the 4chan crowd lol, you guys are living in your own little world even on here.

>> No.19520244
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>> No.19520408

touch grass, incel

>> No.19520419

Oy vey, our pit bulls are just misunderstood and should be let into every home

>> No.19520526

We should debate on what is the best order to read his works and develop a new chart.

>> No.19520684
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when i finish this chart i will make a better one for you anon

>> No.19520689

>no YOU'RE the incel

is this the power of tradition

>> No.19520798

This is very good, I haven't seen this one before. What would you say is the required cultural background before someone can read Guénon? I would say his reader needs to have familiarity with the history of western philosophy, the bible and orientalism, otherwise he will seem insane.

>> No.19520827

go outside for once

>> No.19520874

Seek professional help

>> No.19520940

>professional help
refuted by guenon

>> No.19521068

no lol. introduction to the study of the hindu doctrines serves as the necessary "cultural background" for the rest of his works. his whole point in that book is basically that western philosophy is useless. u don't need to read anything prior to it

>> No.19521362

you gonna say anything of substance or you just gonna whine like a bitch some more

>> No.19521504

Olavo de Carvalho destroyed him.

>> No.19521518

Where? I'm brazilian btw
Do you mean this text? https://olavodecarvalho.org/as-garras-da-esfinge-rene-guenon-e-a-islamizacao-do-ocidente/

>> No.19521521

Another day, another guenon shill thread

>> No.19521725

not whining, merely expressing my incredulity that these two groups exist in the same space

>> No.19522702

/rgg/ - rené guénon general

>> No.19522716

the order in which he published the books

>> No.19522718

let it go autist, no one's interested

>> No.19522745

Cringe hylic trannies, go seethe cope and dilate

>> No.19522751

Trannies are psychotics, one step below pneumatic Guechads.

>> No.19523120

Based phub

>> No.19523124

rectalactivelly refuted by Pamela Sneed

>> No.19523282


>> No.19523289
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Why the long face?

>> No.19523383


'Pour la question du début de votre lettre, c’est bien ainsi en effet que j’envisage les choses, car la restauration initiatique en mode occidental me paraît bien improbable, et même de plus en plus comme vous le dites ; au fond, du reste, je n’y ai jamais beaucoup compté, mais naturellement je ne pouvais pas trop le montrer dans mes livres, ne serait-ce que pour ne pas sembler écarter « a priori » la possibilité la plus favorable. Pour y suppléer, il n’y a pas d’autre moyen que de recourir à une autre forme traditionnelle, et la forme islamique est la seule qui se prête à faire quelque chose en Europe même, ce qui réduit les difficultés au minimum. Une occasion se présentant, j’ai pensé tout de suite qu’il convenait de ne pas la laisser échapper, puisque cela pouvait présenter par là un intérêt d’ordre tout à fait général.'
René Guénon à Louis Caudron, 27 juin 1936.

Au passage, ce dernier extrait a souvent été agité hors de son contexte, pour prétendre que Guénon voulait convertir l’Europe à l’Islam, ce qui est évidemment faux, déjà d’une part parce qu’il est ici question d’une organisation initiatique, dont la présence ne devrait même pas se faire sentir dans le monde extérieur, et d’autre part parce que Guénon parle dans le contexte de son époque, où il n’y avait pas de nombreuses branches de différentes traditions orientales en Europe, ayant accompagné l’arrivée massive des populations correspondantes, comme c’est le cas aujourd’hui.

Et côté occidental, Guénon a soutenu avec enthousiasme des initiatives ultérieures, telles que la constitution de la loge La Grande Triade


>> No.19523456

Is annoying when you see all of these muslims taking Guénon's quotes out of context to prove that he considered Islam to be superior or something but they never explain what this is supposed to mean. If you want to prove them wrong, don't mention Islam but what Guénon says about other traditions:
1.all metaphysical traditions have the same final stage as sufism(if they even accept what Guénon means by that stage, see point 3)
2.even though sufism is more accessible for one who comes from the profane world, all other metaphysical traditions are still as valid as sufism, they were in no way abolished after the islamic revelation
3.stress a little bit on what liberation means, non-being and all of this (is hard for many sufis to agree with it)
4.Guénon considered the Divine Comedy to be an initiatic text and Dante to be an initiate
If they will accept all of these points, they agree with Guénon, if not, they don't. Don't be rude, don't say that exoteric islam is decadent or whatever, just show the points of Guénon's work.
Oh yeah, also mention Guénon's positive view towards Freemasonry as a virtual initiatic organization(like Tagada does), it will make many of these people seethe even harder.

>> No.19524036

>projecting this hard
wtf are you even rambling about?
I like reading Guenon because of my interest in comparative religion, particularly in the East. That is pretty much the extent of it.
You legitimately sound like a schizo, don't you see the irony of what you say typing that diatribe on a random thread on a mongolian basket weaving forum?

>> No.19524046
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Give me the Guenon-pill.

>> No.19524110

There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad was his messenger

>> No.19524127

"Hopefully you will one day realize your intention to come here; I will be happy to be able to know you more directly in this way, and the promise that you formulate makes me wish it even more… I understand that you do not want to make this trip like tourists; this breed is truly odious in its bewildered and incomprehensible stupidity, and, when we see it here, we have the impression of flocks of sheep rather than of human beings."

Guenon refuted tourism

>> No.19524179

he was a freemason

>> No.19524200

No need to be enlightened to see traveling for 2 weeks to sleep in an hostel, eat cheap food and have sex with local sluts is a waste of time

>> No.19524404

Read him

>> No.19524511

I'll bite.

I have yet to decide on reading him but my general conception of Guénon is that from what I can tell he's some French fag who got fed up with yuros and became an early tradlarper via orientalist memes and studying Hindu scriptures. Him, alongside Evola (who I tried but was too cringe) belong to this group of tradlarpers called Traditionalists who vaguely believe in some kind of supernatural nonsense but are primarily concerned with capital T Tradition which they consider to be some kind of immutable aspect of human society that has long been abandoned. Which is fucking retarded and sounds like the grand spook of all spooks but whatever.

How close am I? And if I'm wrong, then elaborate on what I'm wrong about and explain why me or anyone else should bother reading Guénon.

>> No.19524587

You describe Evola not Guenon. Read Men and his bevoming according to the Vedanta and come back.

>> No.19524703
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Start with Sri Aurobindo.

>> No.19524893

>muh spooks
the modern historical method of gathering "facts" and making assumptions of them without taking into account the lost contexts of oral traditions is a spook which Guenon proves. He fills in the gaps with intuition to try to find the truth which westerners have wholly neglected. Read him

>> No.19525050

Sorry, I do not worship Pajeets and their Gods

>> No.19525080
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I read some Sri then went to Crisis in the Modern World. It was better than Guenon's lecturing on Hinduism but I think it fulfills the same course.

>> No.19525107
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You're retarded because all cultures have a form, a noumena if you will, equivalent to our Pascal's triangle. Jung called the linguistic geometric symbolic and literary story forms of these kind "archetypes". Guenon accomplished the abstracting of this for intuition with interfaith dialogue. Evola took Guenon's work and republished it and rewrote much of it for Italian audiences while contributing some of his own thought though he detracted from Guenon rather fruitlessly. Guenon set out to set out a spiritual rewriting of tradition to take Rome by storm. Evola did just that with Mussolini taking hot tips from him as Rome was occupied.
Your "argument" is invalid.

>> No.19525620

Eh, that can be the main piece, yes.

>> No.19525676

For a paragraph of Guénon saying what you don't him to have said, two paragraphs of someone saying
>well, you see, he kinda didn't say that, if you believe me considering the "context" I'm giving you

>> No.19525683

well not that i came ITT to be particularly combative but sounds like incel shit t.b.h. i guess people take it seriously because mussolini had a retarded evola phase.

>> No.19525883

you can keep him

>> No.19526127
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How can one man be so based?

>> No.19526439
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>Start with Sri Aurobindo.
retroactively refuted by Shankara (pbuh)

>> No.19527473

Sometimes it feels like he was too good to be true.

>> No.19528637

Can someone please explain to me who this freak is and why he's shilled so much on this forum?

>> No.19528639

retroactively reported

>> No.19528640


>> No.19528828

he is the best author of the 20th century

>> No.19528903
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> Can someone please explain to me who this freak is

Rene Guenon is the most correct, smartest and most important person of the twentieth century. There was no smarter, deeper, clearer, absolute Guenon and probably could not be. It is no coincidence that the French traditionalist René Allé in one collection dedicated to R. Guenon compared Guenon with Marx. It would seem that there are completely different, opposite figures. Guenon is a conservative hyper-traditionalist. Marx is a revolutionary innovator, a radical overthrower of traditions. But Rene Halle rightly guessed the revolutionary message of each of Guenon's statements, the extreme, cruel noncomformity of his position, which turns everything and everything upside down, the radical nature of his thought.

The fact is that René Guenon is the only author, the only thinker of the twentieth century, and maybe many, many centuries before that, who not only identified and confronted with each other secondary language paradigms, but also put into question the very essence of language. The language of Marxism was methodologically very interesting, subtly reducing the historical existence of mankind to a clear and convincing formula for confronting labor and capital. Being a great paradigmatic success, Marxism was so popular and won the minds of the best intellectuals of the twentieth century. But R. Guenon is an even more fundamental generalization, an even more radical removal of masks, an even broader worldview contestation, putting everything into question.

- Aleksandr Dugin

Guénon undermined and then; with uncompromising intellectual rigour, demolished all the assumptions taken for granted by modern man, that is to say Western or westernised man. Many others had been critical of the direction taken by European civilization since the so-called 'Renaissance', but none had dared to be as radical as he was or to re-assert with such force the principles and values which Western culture had consigned to the rubbish tip of history. His theme was the 'primordial tradition' or Sofia perennis, expressed-so he maintained-both in ancient mythologies and in the metaphysical doctrine at the root of the great religions. The language of this Tradition was the language of symbolism, and he had no equal in his interpretation of this symbolism. Moreover he turned the idea of human progress upside down, replacing it with the belief almost universal before the modern age, that humanity declines in spiritual excellence with the passage of time and that we are now in the Dark Age which precedes the End, an age in which all the possibilities rejected by earlier cultures have been spewed out into the world, quantity replaces quality and decadence approaches its final limit. No one who read him and understood him could ever be quite the same again.

- Gai Eaton

>> No.19528907
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>René Guénon defies classification. . . . Were he anything less than a consummate master of lucid argument and forceful expression, his work would certainly be unknown to all but a small, private circle of admirers.”
—Gai Eaton, author of The Richest Vein

>“Guénon established the language of sacred metaphysics with a rigor, a breadth, and an intrinsic certainty such that he compels recognition as a standard of comparison for the twentieth century.”
—Jean Borella, author of Guénonian Esoterism and Christian Mystery

>“To a materialistic society enthralled with the phenomenal universe exclusively, Guénon, taking the Vedanta as point of departure, revealed a metaphysical and cosmological teaching both macrocosmic and microcosmic about the hierarchized degrees of being or states of existence, starting with the Absolute . . . and terminating with our sphere of gross manifestation.”
—Whitall N. Perry, editor of A Treasury of Traditional Wisdom

>“René Guénon was the chief influence in the formation of my own intellectual outlook (quite apart from the question of Orthodox Christianity). . . . It was René Guénon who taught me to seek and love the truth above all else, and to be unsatisfied with anything else.”
—Fr. Seraphim Rose, author of The Soul After Death

>“His mixture of arcane learning, metaphysics, and scathing cultural commentary is a continent in itself, untouched by the polluted tides of modernity. . . . Guénon’s work will not save the world—it is too late for that—but it leaves no reader unchanged.”
—Jocelyn Godwin, author of Mystery Religions in the Ancient World

>“René Guénon is one of the few writers of our time whose work is really of importance. . . . He stands for the primacy of pure metaphysics over all other forms of knowledge, and presents himself as the exponent of a major tradition of thought, predominantly Eastern, but shared in the Middle Ages by the . . . West.”
—Walter Shewring, translator of Homer’s Odyssey

>> No.19528920
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>“In a world increasingly rife with heresy and pseudo-religion, Guénon had to remind twentieth century man of the need for orthodoxy, which presupposes firstly a Divine Revelation and secondly a Tradition that has handed down with fidelity what Heaven has revealed. He thus restores to orthodoxy its true meaning, rectitude of opinion which compels the intelligent man not only to reject heresy but also to recognize the validity of faiths other than his own if they also are based on the same two principles, Revelation and Tradition.”
—Martin Lings, author of Ancient Beliefs and Modern Superstitions

>“If during the last century or so there has been even some slight revival of awareness in the Western world of what is meant by metaphysics and metaphysical tradition, the credit for it must go above all to Guénon. At a time when the confusion into which modern Western thought had fallen was such that it threatened to obliterate the few remaining traces of genuine spiritual knowledge from the minds and hearts of his contemporaries, Guénon, virtually single-handed, took it upon himself to reaffirm the values and principles which, he recognized, constitute the only sound basis for the living of a human life with dignity and purpose or for the formation of a civilization worthy of the name.”
—Philip Sherrard, author of Christianity: Lineaments of a Sacred Tradition

>“Apart from his amazing flair for expounding pure metaphysical doctrine and his critical acuteness when dealing with the errors of the modern world, Guénon displayed a remarkable insight into things of a cosmological order. . . . He all along stressed the need, side by side with a theoretical grasp of any given doctrine, for its concrete—one can also say its ontological—realization failing which one cannot properly speak of knowledge.”
—Marco Pallis, author of A Buddhist Spectrum

>“Guénon’s mission was two-fold: to reveal the metaphysical roots of the ‘crisis of the modern world’ and to explain the ideas behind the authentic and esoteric teachings that still [remain] alive.”
—Harry Oldmeadow, author of Traditionalism: Religion in the Light of the Perennial Philosophy

>> No.19529031
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>Religion doesn't interest me alone, I can do nothing with religion alone, it doesn't speak to me
>what draws me towards God is metaphysical truth...
>of course I can do the prayers and bowing and this I can do
>but that is not the thing that tells me I am on the right path


I think a lot of these perrenialists share Schuon's mentality, so don't worry about whether they are ''true believers'' of some particular religion or why they converted, the religion they join is more like a framework to set some boundaries for their practice, pragmatically and give voice to their metaphysics

>> No.19529205

Schuon thought that tradition is some sort of carnival where you can change forms in what way you like. If you want Guénon's approach to one's spiritual path, look at the facts of his life, especially what is more known about, that being his stay in Egypt, where he fully embraced the islamic form. Yes, the initiatic path is metaphysical and its goal is total liberation from all individual boundaries. "True believers" are the masses who are not initiated and therefore can't reach the state of "universal man". If your Christianity doesn't know the difference between salvation and spiritual realization, the shell and the kernel (as Ibn Arabi would say), it doesn't mean that you have to limit all traditions to your point of view.

>> No.19529238

I think Schuon was more of a chameleon than the others but guys like Lings, Guenon and Sherrard seemed sincere in their religion and probably held theirs above others despite being perrenialist

>> No.19529254

>held theirs above others
I can speak only for Guénon and for sure he didn't. He would consider a tradition superior only on basis of a more complete metaphysics, for example this is what he did with Islam in relation to catholic scholasticism.

>> No.19529262

I mean sufism not Islam as a whole*

>> No.19529795
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does someone here have a pdf of this book?

>> No.19529802

no but Arche published some cool books

>> No.19529828


read this and now i want more

>> No.19530583

send the full text