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19510207 No.19510207 [Reply] [Original]

Books how to teach my son not to be a rapist or a sexist?

T. Young Dad Feminist Ally.

>> No.19510223

One day I hope to have a handsome athletic chad son so I can train him to treat women like shit
It will be my revenge against the female sex

>> No.19510263
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>> No.19510274

Do feminists realise the irony of conceding that men, do in fact, have inherent power over women?

Pic related is displaying exactly that.

That Men are the ones who dictate the terms of a Women and Feminists have to BEG Men to treat them better.

>> No.19510287
File: 54 KB, 248x400, 46973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go. Keep fighting the good fight

>> No.19510303
File: 75 KB, 700x700, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait. Be the man you want your son to become.

>> No.19510313

Ah shit, I totally skipped over the word "not." Ignore my post

>> No.19510353

most people don't rape and aren't sexist, OP. it's just nonsensical, nihilistic, feminazi rhetoric.

>> No.19510354

nota bene: this means stop being a feminist cuck, start lifting, and develop virtues that come from principles and not the television

>> No.19510534
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You can still get arrested for treating women like shit and you've not as much power as in the 70s since most HR departments are filled with women & law is also equally dominated by women. Your time is ticking. Eventually the government would be filled by women since they allow paid maternity leaves.

>> No.19510539

Nice bait. Fuck off.

>> No.19510544


is he black?

>> No.19510575

hah, is his shit good ? there is a book about anxiety too

>> No.19510585

Just be good looking.
Women will spread their legs quite willingly.
The cheap dirty sluts

>> No.19510617

I mean, he's not wrong in the theoretical sense. In the extreme example, if men collectively decided tomorrow to roll back the rights of women, they could not stop it. Conversely, even if women as whole decided to impose something on men, they had no way to enforce it.

>> No.19510619

>educate criminals
>educate people in poverty