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19452051 No.19452051 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the discussion of Traditionalism primarily as conceived of by Guenon and Evola, but other authors in the same vein welcome of course.

>> No.19452069

Also I don't know why the last thread was deleted almost instantly and I didn't get banned, while the shitty troll thread using a fake quote is allowed to stay up for hours. Seems pretty suspicious.

>> No.19452074

Be twad, what is twad?? You know!

>> No.19452083

Which books by Guenon or Evola have you read?

>> No.19452123
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.19452162

>intelligent stupidity
Just look at what you're doing right now, think about it really hard, and you should figure it out in an hour or two.

>> No.19452180
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Just read this, what am I in for?

>> No.19452190

He is making a joke about feminist women/dykes in Italy with "penis envy", if you actually read it you would know this.

>> No.19452212

What is the aforementioned acquiescence?

>> No.19452220

You're missing the context of the previous page. He's talking about women wanting to work in the workforce are demented freaks with tranny souls so they might as well just go to a hormone shrink. It's sacrasm but it's correct.

>> No.19452259

"It has its birth in the earth, its strength it doth acquire in the fire, and there becomes the true Stone of the ancient Sages. Let it be nourished for twice six hours with a clear liquid until its limbs begin to expand and grow apace. Then let it be placed in a dry and moderately warm spot for another period of twelve hours, until it has purged itself by giving out a thick steam or vapour, and becomes solid and hard within. The 'virgin's milk' that is expressed from the better part of the Stone is then preserved in a carefully closed oval-shaped distilling vessel of glass, and is day by day wondrously changed by the quickening fire, until all the different colours resolve themselves into a fixed gentle splendour of a white radiance, which soon, under the continued genial influence of the fire, changes to a glorious purple, the outward and visible sign of the final perfection of your work."

>> No.19452503
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It means betas must get their state mandated sissy jabs.

>> No.19452701
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u wot m8?

>> No.19453355

How can I write a crypto Traditionalist (specifically Evolian) book for normies, so that they will get indoctrinated subliminally the same way it's done with Cultural Marxism in the media?

>> No.19454462

A book aimed at African Americans convincing them to return to their 'Yakubian' tradition by returning to their homeland

>> No.19454630

What does Guenon identify as the source of the crisis of the modern world?

>> No.19454644

find out for yourself:

>> No.19454754

What did you do for Evola day, Oct 18th? Great intro for beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6h3jU90tgo&list=PLO0MloTwGgjioKc9_DYNtf-mnVVbzoSa2&index=2&ab_channel=AcademicAgent

>> No.19454819

Doing the ritual and becoming a God

>> No.19454834
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As a Zoomer would say, you are "on some stupid shit".

>> No.19455155

Why is October 18th Julius Evola Day?

>> No.19455178

World Menopause Day

>> No.19455182

idk if there is significance related to Evola
some YouTuber had an "Evola Day' where he streamed Evola content all day

>> No.19455419
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kino cover

>> No.19455605

Yakub is the creator of wy pepo. Get you KANGZ lore straight wy boi

>> No.19456794

Guenon Senpai said not to adore the Buddha Sama but I cannot help myself, /lit/

>> No.19456801

>Some YouTuber
Academic Agent (PBUH) you uncultured swine

>> No.19456804

he hasn't read Guenon so why should I care about his opinion on Evola?
pseud city

>> No.19456814
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the COOOOOM man said it was cool, don't worry senpai

>> No.19456827

He quotes Guenon all the time. He has yet to remember his past lives where he reincarnated as a fully caught up Guenon scholar. Jesus man no one single person can be that erudite over night. It takes 15 YEARS to fruit a single Avocado on an Avocado tree. Wheat and chaff are inferior shite compared to the gloriously refined avocado. Yet you buy themjust guac my shit up non stop you never notice the background. Fuck this I'm gonna reincarnate as an avocado. See you at breakfast.
T. toast

>> No.19456835

Fukken saved

>> No.19456841
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You will never be a kşatriya

>> No.19456967

found the seething sudra

>> No.19456990

Mleccha hands typed this post. Yavana piggu go home

>> No.19456996

evolabros, after I got through Revolt, I thought it would be easy sailing from there. However, I'm currently getting filtered by Ride the Tiger. I think I get the gist but missing out on the finer details. To be fair, I've never read Nietzsche, Sartre or Heidegger. Do I bite the bullet and read them now?

>> No.19457015

If a writer cannot express their ideas in a manner which doesn't require you to read a million different other writers then they are pseuds. Evola is that kind of pseud. Guenon was influenced by hundreds of writers all with very complex ideas and get Guenon is very easy to understand.

>> No.19457041

Yeah I did thoroughly enjoy his essay, The Demiurge.
Where should I start with Guenon?

>> No.19457050

Crisis of the Modern World, if you like that then read the longer version which is The Reign of Quantity and Sign of the Times. From there you can go anywhere.

>> No.19457064

How much did Revolt retread its content?

>> No.19457079

you only need nietzsche and guenon
and even for guenon you just need a couple books to undertand 'Tradition'

>> No.19457080

Every good point Evola makes he copy-pasted from Guenon. Every dogshit point is Evola's own. There's a lot of dogshit in Revolt.

>> No.19457090

you can throw in east and west in there too if you want more. but those two are plenty.
his good stuff IMO is his niche books like Metaphysics of sex/war/power. or doctrine of awakening.

>> No.19457153

Thanks for the advice, lads. I definitely want to go deeper into Guenon. However, I want to at least finish RtT since I've started it. Guess I'll just push through certain sections and come back later when I have more knowledge.

Also for future reference, how is Evola's Hermetic Tradition? Or is there something by Guenon that is better?

>> No.19457161

honestly don't bother finishing it
read guenon and then come back to Evola. you will understand him on such a higher level.
I did the exact same thing in reading Evola first, only to get filtered on damn near everything.
>Evola's Hermetic Tradition?
it depends on the reader. some /lit/fags absolutely love it. for others, it was totally inconsequential

>> No.19457220
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Instead of reading Sartre just remember I told you all I got out of reading a shit load of his works is a verbose cigar smoking version of the Yes Chad meme to living with your consequences even when you seem retarded and the episode of SpongeBob when he forgets everything but fine dining and breathing. Camus was also a fruitless chore.

>> No.19457231

I'm the same but I sailed smoothly through Ride the Tiger and slogged through Revolt. Ride the Tiger is poorly written in my IMO opinion

>> No.19457263
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Evola's """"critiques""" on Nietzsche are blockheaded scoffs and pseudy takes on Apollonian and Dionysian. He dwells so much on that and gets this air of "wait I know better than this"
And then he proves many pages later...
He doesn't. He just mashes Apollo and Dionysus into one self defeating sty. What I thought this was supposed to be Ride the Tiger A Survival Guide for the Aristocrat of the Soul and he has managed to make philosophy boring and sterile and abstruse and disembodied from non academic study. I put the book down for weeks and went to Buddhist texts and got my itch scratched rather than finishing my dumb racist home work assignment. After the Diamond Sutra I kinda overcame all philosophy. Wittgenstein and Schopenhauer are just meta data to what I just intuitively ineffably just see for what is and am soothed by the politeness of monks in true institutional instantion more so than my disembodied dissenters book collection. Let it gather dust! Om!

>> No.19457289

I took it hard when I realized this 400+ pages slogged through

>> No.19457295

*Of revolt and other excerpts
The fucking tranny passage reads like CTR 4chan spam.edu

>> No.19457387
File: 8 KB, 183x275, proxy-image (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fixes Spinoza
>Fixes Schopenhauer's antinatalist pessimism
>Fixes Hindu Vegetarians WITH FACTS AND LOGIC (our ancestors were carnivorous apes)
>Fixes Francis Pervert Yockey
>Fixes Fedoras with woo woo
>Fixes Church with hymns shamelessly plagiarized and smugly at that
Also I didn't read this gay ass book in pic related I just wanted your attention.

>> No.19457561

Why does Guenon refer to himself as "us"?
Also I'm speeding through Crisis of the Modern World and every single sentence is an absolute banger. Revolt was a total slog. Here I'm getting my itch scratched man I get the Christstains out of the shit bed instead of the empty huffing "ugh Bourgeois modernity" of Suburban Evola. I'm ready to give CPR to Goats in Afghanistan if Muslim Luigi tells me to. I see this pattern often of the superior being more obscure and the inferior being vastly more popular. Some sort of Hegel Edison/Schopey Tesla effect.

>> No.19457572
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>Why does Guenon refer to himself as "us"?
he's actually a THEY/THEM
oh no tradbros we got too nondual

>> No.19457583

I assume to make him sound more authoritative.

>> No.19457587

Giving serious concrete family friendly grounding to Spinoza's Panentheism is the best thing ever.

>> No.19457588

Guenon is much better than Evola man
Evola offers some good insights from a Kshatriya POV, but as I said here >>19457090, it's his niche work that's good. his main work is just a rip off a Guenon

>> No.19457611
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The Faustian Post Covidapocalypse Questline vs the Soccer mom Sangha

>> No.19457659
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>If we wish to imagine a true paradise for the productivity of the human spirit we must transfer ourselves to the time before writing on parchment or paper was invented. That is where we will find that the whole of the cultural life was born which is now preserved only as the object of refection or some practical application. For poetry was here none other than a real invention of myths, i.e., of ideal processes in which human life was reflected in accordance with its varying character with objective reality in the sense of direct spectral apparitions. We see a capacity for this as belonging to every noble people until the moment when it acquired the use of writing. From then on it loses its poetic strength: its living language hitherto formed by a constant natural development degenerates into a process of crystallisation and petrifies; the art of poetry becomes the art of embellishing the old myths which are no longer capable of reinvention and finally becomes mere rhetoric and dialectic. But let us now imagine the leap from writing to printing. The Master of the House used to read to his family and guests from an expensive handwritten book; now, however, everyone can read silently to himself from the printed book and the author now writes for his readers. We must recall the religious sects of the Reformation era, their disputations and tracts, to gain an insight into the insanities that overcame people obsessed by the printed letter. We can assume that Luther’s splendid chorale only rescued the healthy spirit of the Reformation because it swayed hearts and minds and thus cured the mania for letters.57 The genius of a people was still, however, able to come to an understanding with the printed word, no matter how painful the process. But with the invention of newspapers and with the full flowering of journalism this good spirit of the people had totally to withdraw from public life. For nowadays only opinions dominate, ‘public’ ones – no less. These are to be had for money just like public prostitutes: anyone subscribing to a newspaper has, in addition to a lot of waste paper, taken on its opinions. He no longer needs to think, let alone reflect. How he should regard God and the World is thought out ready for him, black on white. Thus Paris fashion journals tell the ‘German Woman’ how she should dress, for the French have acquired the absolute right to tell us what is what in such matters by setting themselves up as the only true colour illustrators of our journals.
>If we now compare the transformation of the poetic world into a journalistic literary world with the transformation that the world has experienced as form and colour, we find precisely the same result.

>> No.19458868

For Sartre you can just do wikipedia. For the others at least read the Stanford philosophy enc

>> No.19459606

I just finished reading Crisis of the Modern World. I must say the lucidity of the writing was very refreshing compared to Evola. Guess I'll look into Reign of Quantity now.
I did note a difference in conceptions:
Evola saw that the Papacy having power over monarchs as feminine and leading to its eventual soullessness.
Guenon, however, saw no issue with this (or at least gave no mention to it being an issue in Crisis). That the Papacy and thereby Christendom lost its essence with Renaissance and Reformation.
(Catholicism being a brief and weak resuscitation of Tradition in the dark age).

>> No.19459617

read the reign of quantity, he structures the whole 'critique' from a metaphysical point of view, the last chapters where he describes the antichrist and the end of this world could make some people go crazy

>> No.19459647
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How good is this chart?
The Evola one that circulates is garbage.

>> No.19459654
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Theres also this one. I think all of them have problems

>> No.19459800
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Yeah here's the good Evola one

>> No.19459808

What was the dispute between Evola and Guenon on Sacral Kingship?

>> No.19459818

What exactly do you mean by “traditionalism”? It seems like a lot of “traditionalists” are just trying to find a way to follow Christian morals without believing in God.

>> No.19459829

Holy based

>> No.19460222

>Why does Guenon refer to himself as "us"?
He does that only in his works, not letters. He considered his work to be from the point of view of the absolute principles, rejecting any sort of individuality or originality.

>> No.19460246

critique of modernity from the point of view of traditional religions and institutions prior to the renaissance

>> No.19460278

I've heard that girls love a Trad bod, is this true?

>> No.19460574

there's no such thing as 'traditionalism', Guénon was just a spokesman of a Knowledge that was forgotten in the West, he brought this back from the East because they preserved it. What kind of Knowledge? Metaphysics (not a mere ontology, but a study of the Universal Principles); with that comes the study of Symbolism and other 'traditional' doctrines (forgotten in the West as well).
Of course, that's not just a theoretical study, there's also its applicability and 'practical' side, with that comes the studies on Initiation (a really important topic)
This whole 'critique of modernity' is just an aspect and a need for our times (derived from the study of the symbolism of the Cosmic Cycles that are present in all traditions)

>> No.19460641

>posts on a senegalese basket-weaving forum
be coherent please

>> No.19461190

It's called riding the tiger