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/lit/ - Literature

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19446085 No.19446085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sad that most of the people I know don't read, and those that do feel proud of themselves for reading garbage YA fiction. No one wants to do anything that's challenging anymore because we think the only end of human life is companionship and the absence of pain. what happened to taking pride in ourselves? what happened to trying to challenge ourselves to learn new things and meet new experiences, even if they are difficult? Why has our ideal person become someone who doesn't once give a second thought to their own existence but just chases slowly after idle pleasures until they die, thinking that a long break up or the finale of a reality tv show is the most noble thing they could experience?

thank god not everyone is like that. but it seems to be where we are headed. Is there any consolation for me?

>> No.19446089

Lately I've been reading Harry Potter and Paradise Lost, they're about on par for me, both have some nice fantasy ideas

>> No.19446097

reading is for racist old white men marxist woke elites

>> No.19446098 [DELETED] 

Most of the people you talk to in daily life are descended from peasants. Even worse if they are brown, then it's not even peasants but actual savages.

>> No.19446100
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>be like
god, even ebonics are metastasizing into critiques against the educational systems that once sought to undo the cancerous likes of pidgin nigger slang. the jokes write themselves

>> No.19446106
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>the author of this book was an awful person

>> No.19446115
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>blah, blah, blah

You're just looking for something to get mad about, if you're so indifferent, go pursue your own ideals.

>> No.19446126

I'm not looking for something to be mad about as I've already found something and I'm already mad. I'm also not indifferent, I'm mad, as I just said.

>> No.19446143

literacy has moved into other spheres, just think of the multiple layers of allusions a typical meme has and how you can instantly grasp it if you're a seasoned internet user

>> No.19446150

not wrong, this is the only reason we still read the fucking retarded greeks

>> No.19446159

any one that's ever been anyone has been an awful person, only the sociopaths win

>> No.19446201

Math is discriminatory, reading is for boomers, and all science is actually scientific racism

>> No.19446315

who were you descended from?

>> No.19446316

It started at the top, basically. We went from "embarrassingly" being obsessed with the rich and elite (reading about their lives in novels and newspapers), to these elites becoming more and more integrated into our ways of living (see how they really look and sound like in movies/film!, watch this documentary!, oh look, we're live on the scene talking about elite so-and-so!).

And we became less and less ashamed of this obsession, to the point where we confidently say that the elite are mostly better than regular people. A successful businessman, a successful politician, a successful rockstar are more valuable than anyone else, including thinkers and artists and scientists. And what's the main thing that the former group has that the latter group doesn't? Money and power.

So, we deify the elites and deify what they have. And life as a whole gets reduced to "I wish I were an elite" or (the less sincere) "I wish everybody were an elite". Everything else is irrelevant and mostly exists as an entertainment buffer for the *real* goal of existence (hence, as an example, the rise of "I heckin love science, dude!! I watch nature docs all the time!!!!").

All you can really do is refuse to worship the elites. Refuse to deify someone just because they have money or power. From there, the desire to experience life itself and expand your horizons will naturally increase.

>> No.19446350

i feel you OP. i'd recommend byung-chul han's work. you can always find consolation in films, philosophy, literature, works of art, to a lesser extent music. people are just obscene, fucking evil, wicked idiots this day. everything's a joke to them because they're too stupid to understand anything. i find it horrific. the real struggle is trying to keep above that, to not let them drag you down into their absolute stupidity. they don't understand pain, they have no capacity for suffering, they're all essentially autistic and moronic and don't even experience a desire for the other, always reducing the other to an object, yet for all that each and every stupid, low, base, illiterate, perverted, hypocritical piece of shit is a megalomaniacal egoist completely convinced of themselves, almost to the extent of thinking themselves immortal.
in my city, people will treat you like a criminal for reading a book in public, since everybody is illiterate and nobody reads. they've devolved to such a level of unthinking baseness that they don't understand books or reading, they're illiterate pieces of chimpanzee shit.
it's really horrible that society has gone in this direction and i can only hope for human extinction.
the hardest thing is trying to be creative when everyone around you is driving you insane and oppressing you with their moral hysteria and hatred and bullshit, but these idiots are the majority, capable only of stupidity, baseness, hypocrisy, and different forms of violence, capable only of different forms of violence, powerless, brainwashed, delusional slaves of capital who think they're masters, every fucking idiot thinking themselves the master, thinking themselves free, thinking themselves above the law, incapable of using language, incapable of reason, only capable of flinging shit at others, hating others, etc
illiterate, braindead, effectively psychotic pieces of subhuman shit. truly horrible. absolutely horrible.

>> No.19446354


>> No.19446368

Kangz and kweens

>> No.19446379

The answer probably lies in technology eroding our attention spans and its emphasis on efficiency. If a book isn't structured like a Netflix show and presents any difficulty, no one will want to read it.

>> No.19446395

it's good to know there are people that feel this too! Most of my friends are not interested in reading or pursuing any kind of intelectual activities. I think it's mainly due to social media and the need to consume quick and easily digestive content it induced in the most young people.

>> No.19446406

Not a tranny because they can't have children

>> No.19446408

Americanization of western culture and mass media

>> No.19446425

How? America isn't inherently stupid or illiterate. In fact, it was founded by some pretty erudite men.

>> No.19446433

Pretty clear across the board it's because 1) low IQ immigrants have been flooding our borders for decades, and 2) women dominate the education field, so there is an overwhelming "maternal" approach which says don't offend the children. That's FAR too difficult for women to do. Put them in a heap and sympathy and coddling take over, as well as a defense-from-predators instinct. Hence the intellect and its products are vilified. You cannot make people smarter, but you can take away that which challenges them. Also, diverse societies breed suspicion, so when a brown student is challenged by a work of the intellect, it is far easier for him to become suspicious of the white man, and he has the entire female faculty on his side. Also, colleges are daycare centers now.

>> No.19446445

Yes, you're better than other people because you like to sit on your ass and read old foreign novels instead of sit on your ass and watch Netflix. I knew it as soon as I saw the twitter screen shot, "op is a literary juggernaut." I'm just amazed.

>> No.19446451

I absolutely agree! and those same fools dare shame you for spending time acquiring knowledge, constantly demoralizing you so that they can drag you down to their level. It's fucking sickening to be honest. Some people i know are mindless drones addicted to doing whatever gets them some semblance of pleasure, without any restraint, be it drugs,alcohol or constant casual sex,etc.
I can't even hold a conversation with those idiots, they dislike discussing anything remotely complex because it reminds them of how stupid and empty they are, only discussing the newest show or other stupid, repetitive and meaningless shit

>> No.19446755

USA is the most ignorant country on Earth

>> No.19446809

So, are you Canadian, Slavic, or self-hating?

>> No.19446922

That only happens in muhrica. I've never seen people so obsessed with the elites outside the internet(wich is predominantly made up of americans) or hollywood movies. I think that most people either don't care or have a kneejerk reaction(be it good or bad) towards them when they come up in a disscution and then move on.

Besides, today's elite is the most boring there ever was. They are just actors, businessmen or politicians who do nothing all day but find new ways to steal shit and say wack shit on the internet. Even their evil deeds are unremarkable compared to the ones from the past.

>> No.19446949

Nah, he's right.
Yankees are genuinely dumb and short-sighted.

>> No.19446954

Read Anti-Intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter. It comes and goes in waves.

>> No.19446967

It's even worse in Australia lad you have no idea.

>> No.19446973

reading literature has always been a way to kill time anon.

>> No.19447030

The reason society has become anti-intellectual stems from achievement disparity.

Liberals have long held equality as a goal, and there was for a long time a belief that if the laws and procedures were not discriminatory, then everyone would be sorted according to merit. This ended up having three issues.

The first, obviously, is that equality of opportunity is impossible. Sons of doctors become doctors, sons of crackheads do not. Any attempt to rectify this involves giving more resources to the son of a crackhead, that is, specifically creating opportunities for him that the son of the doctor cannot access. That's not equality of opportunity, that's picking and choosing winners, like when the communists banned the children of successful people from university education. Everyone knows this, but you can't say it out loud. Replacing one method of sorting with another doesn't mean anything if neither provides equality of opportunity.

The second is that no one ever actually achieved de facto equal treatment under the procedures that were implemented. Even when they tried, and ignoring the sorting factors that exist before someone tries to say, apply for an Ivy League school, the actual process by which applicants were judged and sorted never provided equality of opportunity in any real sense. Beyond the obvious point that they judge you based on your community work and extracurriculars and the poor do neither, the people specifically hired to be unbiased were openly racist towards Asians. The tribalism that leads to racism is innate, and any claims of enlightenment usually just resolve to being prejudiced towards whoever it is currently socially acceptable to hate.

The third, and most important, is that people are not equal in ability. No matter what you do, some people are fucking idiots, and some people are smart. As well, groups of people have different average abilities. Black IQs are ten points lower than White IQs on average in the USA. Whatever proportion of this is genetic vs environmental is irrelevant. If we assume that a successful scholar needs 130 IQ, or two SD above the norm for white people, the issue is that for Black people thats closer to three standard deviations. 2% of Whites would qualify, but only perhaps 0.25% of Blacks.

Liberals are in complete denial about the third point, and this is where anti-intellectualism comes in. IQ tests, SATs, and success in college all correlate(or used to correlate in the case of College succes) strongly with general intelligence and expected life success. Attempts to deal with this inevitably revolve around the idea that individuals have not been given an opportunity, rather than that they lack ability, because to admit differences in ability is to admit there is not a solution for the issue of inequality they are so concerned about. They've responded to this by attacking the ability to judge and evaluate things on merit itself, because they cannot admit the disparity.

>> No.19447035

If the canon does not equally represent people, it's because it's not actually good. If test scores show Black people doing worse than White, it's because the tests are racists. They must tear down the evidence of what they are in denial about in order to keep their worldview from becoming incoherent.

The ironic thing is that if we wanted to improve Black attainment and success, the best thing to do would be lead mitigation, which if enacted across the country would increase Black IQs by as much as 5 points in the more generous estimates. Black children in poor areas, so most Black children, almost all suffer medically significant lead poisoning and the attendant intellectual crippling.

But you can't talk about that because it implies that Black people right now aren't equal. The fact that they were poisoned by heavy industry and poor regulation doesn't matter, to admit that lead mitigation would help would be to admit the problem is one of intellect and ability.

>> No.19447047


>> No.19447063

do you have any book recommendations for that topic?

>> No.19447075

Try the Cult of Smart by Freddie DeBoer. Unfortunately, there isn't that much on the subject because it's verboten to talk about, because again, you can't imply that there are differences in actual ability between groups without being professionally disgraced.

DeBoer avoids the group issue entirely(and repudiates talking about it in his preface), but convincingly argues that individual disparities in ability are not something that can be fixed.

>> No.19447129

>t. Einstein

>> No.19447257

>Its themes won't resonate with modern readers.
Sorry sweaty if your book doesn't contain bisexual BIPOC characters I just won't read it. Fuck dead white men.

>> No.19447320

Because everything related to culture has been going to shit, in case you haven't noticed. More so in America.

>> No.19447351


>> No.19447358

Ideology. The vast majority of people these days are orthodox ideologists and live most of their existence in social media infused hysteria. This is why we have no living artists of note and probably will never have them again. Humanity as a creative conscious died a long time ago. We exist mostly as a worker ant society, fueled by ideology to purge wrongthink and non-believers. It's the end of humanity.

>> No.19447384

Twitter screencaps should be punished by decapitation with a rusty spoon
OP you are a faggot, I hope you have an absolutly terrible week full of disgrace. May your 2022 be cursed and drenched in bloody tears.

>> No.19447414

Yeah I’m sure a fucking Sneedpost has the same value as the Western Canon

>> No.19447432

Art is dead. We live in the Era of "Science(TM)". Humanity is on its last stages of existence before being exterminated during the Singularity that was predicted to occur in 2036. "New Normal" just means preparation for annihilation. It's over.

>> No.19447433

>Humanity as a creative conscious died a long time ago.
When did it die?

>> No.19447434

This. Twitter is basically a psyop to dumb down people. It's an awful place to have any meaningful conversation, it's just a platform of supurfolous "takes" (synonymous to opinions but sounds more serious) of small tidbits endlessly spammed and everyone is just trying hard to gather social credits to sound as edgy as possible. Nothing on Twitter is genuine. Everyone comes across as sociopaths with an extreme sense of self importance

>> No.19447441

I don't know. I look at deaths like Yukio Mishima as the last fleeting expressions of humanity. It happened sometime before the 20th century. Right now, it's too far gone to ever recover. Humanity maybe has a couple of decades left.

>> No.19447456

>"everything is fucked because people are hysterically driven towards extreme political positions by social media"
>posts a bat-shit insane apocalyptic and completely hysterical post because of one (1) mildly annoying Twitter screencap
what did (You) mean by this?

>> No.19447460

Yep. Go enjoy your Marvel movie.

>> No.19447480

There's nothing insane about his post it's 100% right you disgusting commie axe wound

>> No.19447492

>The third, and most important, is that people are not equal in ability. No matter what you do, some people are fucking idiots, and some people are smart
Yes and that's just natural and expected. People who seethe about this and want equality of outcome are not liberals.

Liberalism is giving people the freedom to pursue their own ends. If they make nothing of it then so be it.

>> No.19447509

shes not wrong. canon for canons sake is bullshit. for non-autists you have to motivate your choice of literature in relation to real life relevance. if your students dont see the point youve failed to communicate the significane adequately

>> No.19447512

>you disgusting commie axe hound
this anon sounds like an impartial, reasoning voice in this conversation!

>> No.19447801

Women used to be much more stern teachers.

>> No.19447808


>> No.19447835

Do you even know what a blank verse is?

>> No.19447842

Holy based!!

>> No.19447881

That’s Irish dialect, niggers only stole it

>> No.19447900

Death wins out over everyone anon.
Live your best and brightest life knowing that their fate is sealed.
Until some form of functional immortality is created at any rate.

>> No.19447940

>Women used to be much more stern teachers.
Exactly. It is not women that are the problem it's the fact they are environmentally sensitive and the environment is no longer one of high morals.

>> No.19447973

Cause intellectualism is boring. Who cares about that shit when you're young, dumb, and full of cum?

>> No.19447985

>Try the Cult of Smart by Freddie DeBoer
Marxist tripe. Meritocracy is the natural order anything else is doomed to fail.

>> No.19448032

imagine caring what a fat fucking nerd like that thought about anything

>> No.19448038

How is he indifferent retard

>> No.19448039

OP you're the type of person that reads not because you enjoy it but because you want to be smarter than others

>> No.19448042

Because capitalism. It wants you to only consume and not think. Its the reason why Netflix or Anime sells.

>> No.19448096

you havent been to australia. its like america but worse.

>> No.19448103

Yep; capitalism is illiterate, per Deleuze and Guattari.

>> No.19448124

Then why has art reached its greatest complexity and widest audience in capitalist society?

>> No.19448164

Jews want dumb cattle.

>> No.19448210

>Yukio Mishima
Back to plebit you fucking moron

>> No.19448243

There are two processes at work. First is the fertility difference between highly and lowly intelligent people in our societies, obvious things obvious the popular conception is correct - the intelligent parts of our society have less kids than the ones that are less so. Kids tend to be like their parents so for starters, before the second, probably more important part gets rolling. According to people who do research on this topic the collective IQ in a typical western society dropped by 5-15 points, worst case scenario being about the difference between an average high school teacher and a policeman. So to not go on too long about it - we are dumber as a society.

Secondly the access to education has risen to unprecedented levels, which means that these now-dumber people encounter things that old intellectual elites, back then smarter because of higher baseline and because of higher degree of selectivity, have created. They will not get it, finding enough instructors who would be able to ignite the love of it may not even be possible(as in - there isn't enough "good teachers" around) and even if it's possible it would be an economic suicide to do so(people with such skills are far more useful elsewhere). Obviously the education system has adapted, because expelling 3/4th of 1st year students every year isn't an option for variety of reasons(in places with private higher ed because of money, but in places in both, because politicians BRAG about how many people have higher ed. so even if you remove the profit from consideration, there will still be incentive to get as many students as possible). The thing is these people are stupid, but they can wrap it up in nicely sounding words - that's something you can always learn. So in the past you'd have Fat Bazza making fun of this university professor who sometimes goes on a walk outside of the pub Bazza has chosen to occupy permanently in a very rude manner, now you have Hipster Sue talking about how it is demeaning you have to read these outdated works made by this and that evil thing. Now Bazza will be ignored because he's drunk all the time and he can't even speak English right, so he's gonna shout obscenities and you will forget 5 minutes later, Sue creates an illusion of some kind of serious opposition, even though it's literally midwit chimping out.

The simple version - we've got dumber and yet we're trying to push greater-than-ever amount of people to learn about these things, which leads them to adopt the lingo of intelligent people, but not their tastes.

>> No.19448246

They mean specifically post-WWII America, I think. TV dinners, car culture, McDonald's, guns, rap, "wokeness," and all those other stereotypes.

>> No.19448281


wait is the highschool teacher or cop smarter?

>> No.19448298

I have now reminded myself that they've specified "high school science teacher" and I'd assume a physics teacher in hs is going to be more cognitively gifted than average policeman. Obviously everyone had experience with teachers here so we know a lot of them can be idiots, but policemen aren't exactly great either(and from what I know - they're getting worse).

>> No.19448354

everyone should want to be smarter than others. it's good to be smarter than others.

>> No.19448435

Paradise Lost is written in unrhymed iambic pentameter if that's what you mean. I have noticed a lot of the lines are not actually iambic pentameter though, the overall form is, but there are many deviations.

>> No.19448442

>why has art reached its greatest complexity
Evangelion is shit, retard

>> No.19448448
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capitalism and nigger culture happened anon. its all simple. if whites would have remained white then our cultural trajectory would be radically different, and the ailments you describe would be an afterthought, festering in the dredges of society instead of an established status quo.

>> No.19448462

People feel that they have a right to believe whatever they want without justification . How they got to be this way is unknown to me in this moment, although I suspect it has to do with social media giving everyone a platform to larp as an editorialist with their dimwitted takes.

Preciously few people can consider arguments or entertain beliefs which are not their own. This is the mark of a truly universal, great mind versus a parochial, mediocre one. Filter bubbles , groupthink, misinformation, illiteracy and cognitive bias combine online in social media to dumb down discourse and elevate and promote the stupid takes of the rabble. Intelligent takes, because they are harder for the idiot mob to comprehend, get ignored.

>> No.19448945

and what makes you any better if you are an intellectual? you will be rotting in the ground in a few decades too, right alongside the plebs. any art you create or contribution to human wisdom or knowledge will be gone when the sun dies, or at best, when the universe dies.

So, you managed for a while to be vaguely aware of the universe and your place in it, in contrast to your peers that watched television instead. congrats? yes, they are retards, but your only advantage over them is that you might be slightly more aware of your own level of retardation.

>> No.19449006

You are wrong about this. Rewatch EoE and take time to consider how this is the "new" good news. You will have to read the Bible if you are unfamiliar with the original "good news."

>> No.19449044

There's nothing to be intellectual for. Our civilization is disgusting and nearly everyone agrees that the future is bleak, so why value things that take effort?

I don't personally feel that way, but that's what I think most people are feeling.

>> No.19449108

Leftists are subhuman.

>> No.19449128

>greatest complexity
I dare you to justify this

>> No.19449178

People still believe that stuff if you ask them in person. But it doesn't translate to upvotes because in order to win Reddit you've got to pander to the majority, and the majority are sitting on their ass procrastinating. It's the one commonality among internet users

>> No.19449203

>I suspect it has to do with social media giving everyone a platform to larp as an editorialist with their dimwitted takes.
I think that too. Just look at how many people preface their take with "remember this is just my opinion, everyone has their own" or something like that. They seem to think that every opinion has the same validity regardless of arguments or reasoning. It's also possible and maybe more likely that they're just too lazy to actually discuss their opinion with people who disagree.

>> No.19449482

I use twitter to look at japanese anime girls and aesthitic-schizo posts

>> No.19449506

it's amazing how people my age HATE JK Rowling and will go out of their way to mention their dislike of her if Harry Potter is ever brought up.

>> No.19449521

Most people who say this have a financial interest in YA novels replacing classics in schools.

>> No.19449525
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Obviously it's because intellectualism is an aristocratic value that isn't useful in a liberal capitalist society at all. Intellect is only useful under capitalism in direct proportion to how much profit it produces, values like honor, respect, well-reasoned argument, and so on are reactionary values that don't matter and are in fact simply things that bog capitalism's progression down.

>> No.19449538

I knew it. You will never have real taste, you cannot even figure out that all the Japanese do is steal the aesthetics of a Western concept they do not understand and dress underage pussy in it. Your kind is subhuman, adrift in vice. You warp reality and truth to accomodate your fetishistic fantasies, and this is why you are cursed with trannydom.

>> No.19449559

> believe trans women and women are fundemntally different and that trans women probably shouldn't be allowed in women's sports
> literally the most milquetoast opinion ever
> this makes you a terrible person and immediately has everyone within "polite" society dogpile on you for not coddling someone
And some people think women arent oppressed?

>> No.19449570

And the thing is I don't think most people actually know what her opinion is, she was labeled a 'transphobe' and now people think she said "all trannies should hang" or something worse.

>> No.19449593

I doubt they think its that extreme, they just know that she dissented from the popular hugboxxing opinion terminally online people have about trans people so they blew a gasket.
It doesn't matter what she said, or how she said it, any dissent is just as bad the "worst" form and instantly outcasts you. There is only black and white here-- possibly with a little grey in the middle for if you suck their girlcocks a little in an attempt to not get fired.

>> No.19449616
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Had someone irl once tell me "James Gunn is a pedophile" dead seriously because they heard he got cancelled from twitter

>> No.19449617

the western canon is trash. not a defense of memes just saying

>> No.19449632

>literally hundreds of timeless classics

>> No.19449643

capitalism is a feedback loop concerned primarily with efficiency. reading is a slow activity, and it's being discarded as inefficient. the trend seems to consist of hyper-efficient instantaneous modes of communication, which represent our current maximum ability for transactions.

>> No.19449664

The man who doesn't read has no advantages over the man who can't read -- Saddam Hussein

>> No.19449696

>it's themes
Perhaps should pay more attention to his English teachers rather than writing reductive little remarks on twitter disparaging them

>themes won't resonate with modern readers at all
Man's essence hasn't truly changed in any way so I assume he is saying modernity is inimical to any meaningful meditation on human affairs, and in that regard he is probably right

>> No.19449792

Because internet has lowered attention spans and made most people want whatever is most easily digestible
The less time one spends online, the better off they are.

Also the reason mental illness has risen despite far better living conditions for so many

>> No.19449816

I think nothing really happened OP.

History often forgets about those kind of people, that's why we don't hear about them existing in the past. Even though they probably did during most of the recorded history. They are just so mediocre that it's not worth mentioning and remembering, because what should anyone remember them for?

>> No.19449832

My pet theory is people grow up with the expectation that their hurdles will be higher than those of their parents (dating, financial situation, etc.). The higher the barrier is the more you know about how "unfair" it is the less you want to work. Intellectualism is a victim of this. Nobody wants to invest in it only to discover it can't help them. Better to be it ignorant so that you are never caught flat footed with wasted effort.

>> No.19449844
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The Bell Curve

>> No.19449864

The autocorrect I have on my phone is constantly changing "its" to "it's" even though almost every time it does this it is wrong, eg. it does it for "its own" every time.

>> No.19449881

>In fact, it was founded by some pretty erudite men.
Yes, and they're currently being rejected by their own society now

>> No.19449884

Good post

>> No.19449898

Then turn autocorrect off. I would say autocorrect is anti-intellectual. I would rather fail then be lifted by automation.

>> No.19449905

>Why is our society so anti-intellectual now?
They aren't. If anything there is a cult of expertise going, obsessed with theoretical frameworks over practical experience.

>> No.19449908

I turn it off on the computer but typing on a phone is fucking torturous so I appreciate having it. It's just for the constant typos, not because I can't spell words.

>> No.19450006
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Only awful people make good authors

>> No.19450017

It's not really a significant matter anyway, I only mentioned it because it's some smug twitter bugman making the mistake, as long as you can understand what someone is trying to convey it really doesn't matter if they made a mistake with language

>> No.19450044
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>> No.19450126

>I have noticed...
This is the reason the poem is considered to be in blank verses and not in unrhymed iambic pentameter

>> No.19450473

Harry Potter isn't fantasy. None of modern genre "fantasy" is fantasy.

>> No.19450505
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I stopped only because paying bills has gotten impossible as prices keep going up but my wages never do. I now and in a 24 hour fight for my life, and I lost my wife and my dad is sick with no retiremnt savings and im paying for his living expenses so I'm trying not to kill myself every day. Posting on 4chan during breakfast, lunch, and dinner breaks at work does not help. I wish I could read more. One of my 4 jobs allows for time for audiobooks and that's it. Any recommendations for audiobooks?

>> No.19450520

This but unironically.

>> No.19450555

Wonderful rec, anon. I've been meaning to read his work, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.19450582

Lol. America is absolutely inherently stupid and way too many people are either completely illiterate or functionally illiterate. And this is coming from an American citizen. No point in denying it.
Students and the general public perform poorly on basically all measures of knowledge/intelligence. They aren't even in the top 10 countries for the PISA exam. We, the richest country in the world, can't even perform well on an international test compared to much poorer countries.

My own father who moved to this country in search of better opportunities is now telling me and my girlfriend to get the fuck out as soon as possible.

America is a shithole. It's time people start accepting that.

>> No.19450643
File: 51 KB, 1024x526, 4bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Knock me over with a feather. We got a real 'freethinker' on our hands here! Takes a real one to see through the hype around Milton being marketing.

>> No.19450649

>Students and the general public perform poorly on basically all measures of knowledge/intelligence. They aren't even in the top 10 countries for the PISA exam
You know why this is right kek

>> No.19450689
File: 491 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20211123-181952_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what what pattern jumps out at us in the PISA results lmfao
A hint: the pattern exists inside the US too and in fact explains why its average test score is lower than these countries, if you look at the data a little more...specifically

>> No.19450747
File: 350 KB, 1560x720, Screenshot_20211123-182848_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no

>> No.19450769
File: 174 KB, 271x266, 1373179127457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English teachers be like "so the author if this book was a minority who hated white people. You have to read it because we're not here to discuss themes or symbolism or the western canon. You're here for indoctrination."

>> No.19450874

The genius is not forgotten and achieves a great legacy for himself. His impact is greater than most around him and therefore achieves what is closest to immortality on earth. That he contributed to humanity’s development is enough to elevate him.

>> No.19450997

He hasn’t been anywhere outside of America

>> No.19451043
File: 221 KB, 750x1013, Screenshot 2021-11-23 at 4.35.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine seething this much over a tweet

>> No.19451053

I'm not sure I follow. I was praising Milton for his imagination. I was not saying God doesn't exist.

>> No.19451123

>won't resonate with modern readers at all
i.e. we can't engage with different ideas, or see the origin of ours, or see related ideas in the broader scope enriching our view of the world and of history. we should only coddle our beliefs because unfamiliarity and individuality is frightening and hard to grasp (especially when attempting to do so is a novel thing to begin with).

>the author of the book was an awful person
i.e. vague notion or mere accusation about someone's character determines the worth of what they have to say. meaning whoever steers the collective sentiment about someone or something determines its value. no one uses rigour or personal experience for this so that's how it works if you close your mind. rumour, association, and hierarchy.
These are all rooted in anti-intellectualism. But it's hardly the worst the example OP could pick considering how deeply anti-intellectual just about everyone is today, including academia (perhaps especially but a more sophisticated type).

>> No.19451177

so basically it's a nigger dialect

>> No.19451217

your wife died? jesus christ man

>> No.19451223

>anti-semitic cat facts

>> No.19451568
File: 154 KB, 456x1463, pisa by race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. I wonder why that is