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/lit/ - Literature

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19433763 No.19433763 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/ I am a zoomer and would like to get into the hobby of reading books. Could some of you give me some good books to read.

>> No.19433773

start with the greeks

>> No.19433776

Critique of Pure Reason
Phenomenology of Spirit
Being and Time
Anti Oedipus

>> No.19433784


>> No.19433799

Which one should I read first?

>> No.19433826

OP be warned that this anon was trolling you. These are extremely dense and technical books and you're guaranteed to be filtered by them. You need lots of background material to tackle these books. Let's start by getting to know each other. What do you find interesting? We will recommend you some books based on your interests
>inb4 data mining post

>> No.19433836

I like history, and I have done a good amount of studying myself on the history of central banking, and the history of fiat currencies. But overall I appreciate good stories and I am open to read anything.

>> No.19433844
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don't do these yet. if you try to read things that are considered the hardest while you're very young not only will you not understand most of them but you'll think of reading as being much more gruling and inaccesible then it really is. I unironically recommend checking the books in pic related. They provide a good mix of intellecutal value and accesibility.

That said you should try and read the greeks and high level philosophy some time in your life, but you'll want to develop the skill of reading before you try and conquer them.

>> No.19433845

>Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.19433850
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If you want to be sad

>> No.19433859

Not the original replier but may I suggest a sharp turn into fiction and fantasy? The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald really got me into literature as a a young teenager who couldn't give much effort into reading outside of school.

>> No.19433866
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one of lit's top 100

>> No.19433870

The Nazi Seizure of Power, 2nd edition
The Anarchy by Dalrymple
The Boundless Sea
The Origins of Totalitarianism
The Twenty Years Crisis
Also, go to >>>/t/ and check the catalog for Alexandria Biblioteca or Library of Alexandria. Hundreds, actually thousands, of historical works covering a littany of periods. IMO, don't bother with philosophy until you're way older.

>> No.19433877

catcher in the rye, dune, crying of lot 49, and lolita all got me back into reading

t. fellow zoomer

>> No.19433901

OP here. Don Quixote looks very cool. I like the core plot being around being a knight. Could I read this book without having that much experience with literature.

>> No.19433910

Based, thread over.

>> No.19433913

>The Hobbit, LoTR, and The Silmarilion
For a good story. Sil is basically a collection of stories from the history of Middle Earth, so it may scratch the history itch while also giving you some cozy, heartwarming, and tragic tales. But make sure you read that one last.
>book of the new sun
I'm on book 2 myself. Sci-fi classic, a bit heavier of a read than Tolkien.

If you want to read non-fiction, start with some easy stuff, maybe things that were recommended to you in school. Most of those books are there for a reason. Basically, like that other anon said, don't jump into something so dense it'll filter you. Reading is a muscle that has to be built up. I recommend fiction or lighter non-fiction until you can get into a groove. When you feel ready, after a dozen or so books under your belt,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> M O B Y D I C K
and then you're basically done with literature because that's the best book of all time and it's not even close

>> No.19433920

>don't do these yet
Obviously he'll get nowhere trying to read Heidegger or Kant but the Greeks are
>gruelling and inaccessible
really? Memes aside for someone with no prior experience I would say starting with the Greeks is as good a place as any other

>> No.19433934

I have actually already read the Hobbit and LoTR. Could I read Moby Dick right away or should I start with other books first.

>> No.19433939

you could read moby dick rn

>> No.19433941

if someone cant understand plato they are too stupid for philosophy.

>> No.19433945

OP here. Where do you guys buy your books?

>> No.19433950

My dude, you can do whatever you want. I'm just trying to say that Moby Dick is a little bit heavy, so make sure youre prepared for it. (I do absolutely recommend the Silmarilion though)
What have you read?

>> No.19433953

Ok I am going to start by reading Moby Dick and Don Quixote.

>> No.19433956

'ironic' pseud, chart, chart, chart

You'll find everything you need in the history of Don Quixote. From sonnets to philosophy.

>> No.19434036

mein kampf is a good book to start with, then the quran

>> No.19434087

Don Quixote is great, but beware that it hardly has any plot. I think if you are not used to reading you might look for a plot especially in such a long book. Personally I started reading with Crime and Punishment and from there never stopped, though I was interested in it because I was in a place similar to the character. My advice would be read whatever interests you. Books usually have explicit references to other books, so once you get started is easy to get a bigger picture of literature and the history of literature and philosophy.

>> No.19434108

>Could I read this book without having that much experience with literature.
Yes, get the Grossman translation (the red one you will see everywhere). People meme about it being slightly inferior but it's extremely readable and frankly the book just feels nice to hold and read. You will breeze through and be surprised this is "classical" literature. It's basically Benny Hill for the first half.

There is a change-up later, the Cardenio interlude which is a story within a story, but if you can tolerate that it's great.

When getting into reading, do like the wise anon above just said, read whatever interests you. Read a lot and build a habit of reading. TRY to read "classics," in the sense of great and worthwhile books. But don't read shit for the sake of reading it and don't assume you're going to like everything.

One good way to get into reading is through science fiction since there are so many classics (like Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress for example) that are also highly readable and fun. You aren't reading total garbage because they are meant to be speculative and philosophical but you also aren't reading some dry as dust Buddenbrooks shit. Maybe you will like Buddenbrooks, I don't know, but I do know that every man with a pair of balls will like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress at least a little bit.

For no reason I will now recommend four good things about talking animals. Watership Down, Tarka the Otter, Call of the Wild and White Fang, Fifteen Dogs.

>> No.19434141
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Check these out
Moby Dick
The Count of Monte Cristo
Don Quixote
100 years of solitude
Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace

Or you could start with the Greeks with picrel

>> No.19434328

Guy's what version of Don Quixote should I buy? I am looking on Amazon rn, and there are a bunch of versions.

>> No.19434355

Seriously. These retards are training you to become a pseud. Read one of the many English classics first before reading foreign literature. Start with Shakespeare, or Hardy, or Dickens. Anything in the English lit section of your local library.
Generally you will never want to read translated literature.

>> No.19434367
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I want to read Don Quixote because its about knights.

>> No.19434382
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Seethe about it. Angloids stay winnning

>> No.19434477

fanged noumena

>> No.19434565

Watch Pewdiepie young Zoomer. He recs books for your generation.

>> No.19434913

I try to buy them from directly from the estate of that author, if possible. I like to cut out as many middle men as I can. I got my Tolkien and my Lewis books directly from the official shop of their estates. Otherwise I'll try to get it from a store like barns and noble or whatever. Last resort, if I can't find an edition I want anywhere else is Amazon. I'm a bit of autist though and want all my books to be brand new, so idc too much about the price. I'm sure you can find some good deals at smaller local stores if you look around.

>> No.19434919

begin with the sticky

>> No.19434920

If English is your first language, read Hamlet and Paradise Lost.

>> No.19434922

abebooks if it's under ten bucks and in fair or good condition, library or libgen if not

>> No.19434936
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Then read it, don't listen to that faganon. Read Don Quixote in English. Then, Over the next few years, if you like it enough, learn spanish well enough to be able to read it in Spanish. That retardanon is basically also telling you to not read anything by Dosto. Not reading Dosto is pretty much heretical at this point. Read what you want and don't let others convince you otherwise.

>> No.19435049

Needs 'Outer Dark' on it.

>> No.19435628
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Honestly, I was the same and about a year go I decided to get into books. I went to my local bookstore where the classic second was and just bought whatever I thought was interesting from reading the blurb on the back. Haven't regretted a single purchase.

>> No.19435646

If you want to read about knights then how about Spenser‘s Faerie Queene, Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur, or Chaucer‘s Knight‘s Tale?