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/lit/ - Literature

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19423699 No.19423699 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19423703

*farts all over your thread*

>> No.19423715

I had to teach my 8 year old brother how to use a dvd and he had to teach me how to download an app onto a tv.

>> No.19423752

Japan is cool

>> No.19423767

When people talk about anime, manga, and Japanese light novels and if they’re “/lit/“, I always reply stating that they’re not good and not literature. But the truth is, I had a 2 year weeb phase and there are a few anime and manga which I hold in high regard.

>> No.19423784
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what's on your mind

>> No.19423785
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I'm worried about losing all of my friends again after graduating from uni, so things could be better. Trying to get out more. Currently finishing the works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I wish everyone a happy winter.

>> No.19423804

You too fren

>> No.19423805

I lost all my friends after graduated.

>> No.19423895

I didn't make any friends in college

>> No.19423915



>> No.19423937

>meet a girl online long distance, fall in love with her, we talk every day for 9 months
we haven’t talked in a week now and I’m getting worried. Sometimes she has to leave social media because her dad looks through her phone. I believe her because she’s always like this, and her sister hides her media too and is inactive for a while. But a week is a long time relatively speaking and I’m getting worried. This all probably sounds weird/pathetic but that’s why I’m writing it here and not talking about it with my friends. I just like her so much bros. It wouldn’t be such a problem if she didn’t make me lose interest in other girls

>> No.19423963

Pretty annoyed, lads. I finished a poetry manuscript and immediately sent it out to a variety of different publishers. Nearly every single one did not specify that I should include something about simultaneously submission status, so I didn't. Got an email this morning requesting the full manuscript (they seemed extremely interested in publishing the full thing), and when I mentioned that this was, in fact, a simultaneous submission, the editor got choked and told me to come back when I had figured out my plan. Nowhere on the press' website was any mention of needing to include that. Felt really good about things, and then really bad. But that's just the way she fuckin' goes, bois.

>> No.19423989

9 months and you've yet to meet her in person?

>> No.19423993

>signs say sex, shit, death, drugstore, etc

>> No.19424029

no, it’s a pretty difficult situation. She speaks another language, lives in a different country, and her parents are really strict. It would be better if I never met her

>> No.19424031

I tried to answer questions in class today and ended up making such an ass of myself I've given up the last thing I had i.e. a hope of going to graduate school. Seems like 60 years of slogging through shit, while more and more pieces of myself get chipped away. I'm not sure I can do it, but an heroing would be bad for my parents... being an idiot makes trying to read philosophy etc. feel pointless. Wild to me that people wake up every day and talk to people, perform well, and engage. I guess my only hope now is cultivating an alright inner life, but I don't have the discipline. I'm scared I'm inching into NEETdom

>> No.19424038

What field do you want to go to grad school for?

>> No.19424043

Me too, most of my friends are from elementary and high school. Been friends for over thirty years with some of them

>> No.19424048

reminder lunar eclipse tonight

>> No.19424064

I just had a strange dream. I don't remember exactly what I was doing, only that it seemed like a normal day. I was just minding my own business and infront of me came a bird. I don't know what kind of bird it was, but it sounded like a kookaburra. This bird, however, was yellow and orange. It seemed like a friendly bird as it was flying around me. I reached out my hand, thinking it would maybe sit on my finger. Instead it bit me and kept on biting me. All the while laughing like a kookaburra would. I tried to get it to stop but it was relentless, just kept on biting me while laughing. When I had enough I tried to get away, but it kept following me, still biting and laughing. Soon more birds appeared, all having the same yellow-orange colour, all biting me while laughing. At this point I tried to run, but they were too fast and too many. They were surrounding me, beaks trying to bite off my flesh, laughing still continued. This went on until I woke up. They were hundreds of birds, all I could hear was their laughing and all I could feel was their biting.

>> No.19424116
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I think I might have come to a point where I'm almost genuinely disliking my sister. Her toxicity for every miniscule thing is almost ridiculous. I fear if she ever have kids, they'll end up being scarred.
Pic related is literally what it feels everday.

>> No.19424130

I'm trying to decide how much of my money I should invest in various stocks. I'm looking at iron ore, mobile gaming, gold, diamonds, and green hydrogen. It'll be my first time investing and I'm not confident about investing in multiple things at once, but it will be more productive to invest all of my savings, not some. I think I will start with an investment in FMG (Perth-based iron ore mining company) and watch what happens to the other stocks I'm interested in, then decide to invest further.
Also, I love my new bintang singlets and basketball shorts. Fuck fashion.

>> No.19424141

I think it's about losing control. Relinquishing control and still feeling safe and cared for. One of my earliest memories is of assuming control for the sake of others.

ecть дым

>> No.19424152

>I reached out my hand, thinking it would maybe sit on my finger.
This was your mistake, anon. The kookaburras took advantage of your uncertainty in order to mock you.

>> No.19424163

I regret never having served in the army.

>> No.19424164

For some reason I find very negative emotions more interesting and enjoyable. When I'm okay my thoughts become boring and stagnant. When I am depressed my thoughts become more disoriented and free. I miss that alien feeling--like being simaltaneosuly an ant and a god.

>> No.19424170

i regret letting the navy know I have a history of mental illness and drug abuse. it's all over now and I want my chance.

>> No.19424171 [DELETED] 
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Why can’t this general get its shit together?
With continuity repeatedly broken these are little more than a series of shit post threads.

>> No.19424177
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get bent

>> No.19424179

I was just strangely captivated by it for some reason. What did it all mean? I wonder.

>> No.19424183

As 4 years of my college life come to an end, I wish, as all of us do, to do it all again.
>Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies.......
I struggle to find words to express what come to and goes through my mind, a blend of nostalgia, regret, extreme happiness and pleasure mixed with a longing.
>Let us die young or let us live forever......
This nameless longing is what my mind fails to grasp, I long to live again in those rooms ,those lecture halls, those football fields, those narrow hostel walls, those rainy roads, those sunny lanes my mind recalls.
>Forever Young I want to be.....
Knowing full well that I will never experience these feelings again why is my breast filled with this longing?
>Sooner or later, they all will be gone...
To anyone reading I would like to remind you to try and not miss out on the pleasures offered by your fellow man, embrace and cherish them.
>The musics for the sad man.....
>So many adventures couldn't happen today.....
>Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever?

>> No.19424184

why would anyone have anything meaningful on their mind?

>> No.19424185

Dollar cost average it. Don't invest all at once. At least that's what others have told me. I'm also just getting started investing. I'm going to play it safe and invest the majority in index funds and the rest in stocks I've researched.

>> No.19424192

Tf is this art style. Incredibly ugly.

>> No.19424203
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Why can’t this general get its shit together?
With continuity repeatedly broken these are little more than a series of shit post threads.

See >>19424048
I’m just tired of the shit posters. This general doesn’t draw them away

>> No.19424204

I wish I could have this feeling of nostolgia. Instead there is only regret at a life unlived.

>> No.19424206

Hey Butterfly, I don't know if you're here anymore, but I'm back. I recently entered the insurance industry but slowly but surely I can feel my self worth and independence return to me. I am feeling a higher level of self worth than I did before and as far as I can see I am all the better for it (what doesn't kill you, etc.) Anyway, happy to say that I'm back for my baby. :3

>> No.19424213

There she is :3

See >>19424206

>> No.19424215

I don't know if this is racist or whatnot, but I had the following interaction:
>Meet with a Black lady
>We discuss our lives, etc.
>She mentions she's a landlady with several properties
I had always assumed all Blacks were proletariat, but apparently not :|

>> No.19424220

I think it means you need to stand up for yourself more, and worry less about the what-if, like "what if when I put out my finger I get bitten?" That's what that "maybe" conceals, a lack of trust.
you gotta have more confidence anon. they're birds! let yourself be comfortable.

>> No.19424230

I mean, I left my job Butterfly.

I remember talking a lot to you towards the beginning of this job though. I can recall having genuinely enjoyable conversations and I can recall that it was genuinely agreed you were straight (for me) and had a 10/10 ass

>> No.19424249
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I'm sure you not too old to live a little still.
How old are you and why do you feel like you've not lived enough?
Everytime I felt like that i tried to remind myself that no one will remember anything tommorow or the day after, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.19424273

I'm planning on moving out. But that's just running away from the problem not confronting it. I'm still thinking of a way to figure this out, in fact, even my parents are.

>> No.19424280

Hmm, this dream went deeper than I thought cause it does kind of make sense.

>> No.19424333

21. I never had any friends in high school nor so far in college. I knew no one. So there's always this lingering feeling of otherness around everyone. It is deeply hard for me to relate to others. Especially when I do not even know who I am. I'm not even sure I really want friends. If I ever did I would quickly cut them loose. My instinct is to draw away from others and I tend to act quite cold which I think signals to others not to approach.

>> No.19424338

That’s a anarchism with extra steps.
Telling a guy (or queen mum) to go bugger off in a castle somewhere, and pretend to have power? Like how they have figureheads now?
It sounds so goofy and superfluous.

You vacuum cleaner, you.
>inappropriate gif.webm

>> No.19424347

I can't wait to finally finish Sex and Character and then finally read a book again that I might actually enjoy.

>> No.19424348

Hey I responded to you :3

>> No.19424355

ass hair sucks

>> No.19424389

Thinking on it more, I've always been a sucker for negative attention to make up for the total lack of positive relationships in my life. I think this has led long term to deep feelings of inadequacy and a kind of enjoyment of pain. In middle school the only way I got attention was by being weird. In high school I had no friends but would tag along with my brother and his friends going to lunch home. And I got attention by deliberately being an ass, inserting myself into their conversations, arguing for absurd ideas, and would relish the way they'd look at me like an insect. By my junior year I knew something was very off in my life. I would avoid my brother and his friends cause at thst point I realized it was just a game and that I had no one really. All of my memories were either boring or painful. Come freshmen year of college I was an absolute mess. Getting blackout drunk at co-workers parties, drinking cough syrup, thinking every other day about necking myself, eating nothing, doing crazy embarrasing shit like putting cheese on the ground in my mouth on a dare. Now three years later I'm stable but have retained the same sense of emptiness, inadequacy, and strangeness. Not really sure where to go from here. I kind of miss the feeling I had when I was a freshman. Terrible depression imo is better than this stagnation.

>> No.19424390

I just got my autism diagnosis today in my mid-thirties.
Not sure what to do with this confusing new information.
I think I'll replay through Disco Elysium instead of thinking about that.

>> No.19424415

Yo Zach, are we gonna see Garreth's Life Part 4 tonight?

>> No.19424420

This is shitpost general Butterfly. You know 4chan is an ocean of piss. A designated off topic thread will be full of retardation.
I stopped posting here for a few weeks. They were a nice few weeks. This general was really draghing me down

>> No.19424458
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British Columbia got hit with the HAARP weapons, massive flooding hit farm lands as if food prices weren't high enough

>> No.19424460

Kanye is the best musical artist of all time

>> No.19424464

So, this Haarp weapon. It has the power of god or is it that it messes with people’s schizophrenia?

>> No.19424467

I'm going to hell I think

>> No.19424471

Maybe it makes 40 year old mentally men pretend to be a young girls

>> No.19424478

mentally ill*

>> No.19424483

I often agonize over if I'm predestined to hell

>> No.19424487

I'm going to be reincarnated

>> No.19424491

Reincarnation is retarded.

>> No.19424492


>> No.19424493

You have family in Ohio?

>> No.19424494


>> No.19424509

If I opened a YouTube/podcast channel called "Conversations with Women" and asked you to be the first guest, would you accept?

>> No.19424511

Just fuck off. Fuck off - why do you need to shit up every thread? I hate you, I hate you so fucking much. Everyone hates you. You don't bring any intelligent thought, you just spout meaningless trite and pass it off as intelligent. You're so fucking infuriating, I'm typically not a violent person, but for you, my patience knows no temperance. You honestly are a blight on the quality of this board, you're as bad as the sperg that has his daily thread shitting on McCarthy, or the other spergs who post pictures of sexy (so sexy callipygian pneumatic goddesses hummina hummina AWOOGGGAAAAAA) ladies and cetera. I hate you, I fucking hate you, I fucking hate your posts, I fucking hate your smug attitude, I fucking hate your 16 year-old's mindset in a 30-something tranny. Do us all a favour and go back to facebook since you want to have a calling card attributed with your posts. Take the other retards with you.

>> No.19424531

I just dont follow the concept of self entailed by reincarnation

>> No.19424536

how to be free and what is freedom

>> No.19424539

Freedom doesnt exist

>> No.19424540

I have spent the past few days watching classic 80s teenage films. I realize that there's no great artistic work that explores Zoomers or general 21st century culture. There are plenty of films that critique the general order of the modern world like Parasite or Burning but nothing that explicitly rejects our culture as the nihilism it is and tries to be a guide for the confused youth. I'm unsure if it will ever be made. If it is made then it will just be a part of our cosmopolitan zeitgeist rather than a critique of it.

>> No.19424542

that was good

>> No.19424544

You should agonize over heaven too. Infinite harmony. Think about that for a sec.

>> No.19424545

how to cope with sleeping problems

>> No.19424548

All of that could be found online. There were a lot of popular youtube channels dealing with it. They're all banned and censored now.

>> No.19424549

Just a reminder that this trip is a male trans who stole a camgirl’s photos in order to LARP as a “real woman”

>> No.19424553

That sounds great. Why would I agonize over it?

>> No.19424554

It's a mystical thing, can't really explain why it happens.

>> No.19424556

You haven't thought about it enough. Dwell on infinity a little longer...

>> No.19424559

>Go to Heaven
>Have to pray all day, surrounded by chaste people who don't do anything short of holy
>For all of eternity
>Go to Hell
>Hang out with rebellious types, hot sinful women, rockstars, etc
I'm not Christian, but Christian Heaven sounds quite.... miserable (no offense). I'm not Muslim either, but at least their heaven has you enjoying sex with 72 virgins for eternity. That's a valid reward for being good in life.

>> No.19424564

What they don't tell you is that you get 72 mothers in law.

>> No.19424565

I can't seem to like any books guys. I'm feeling really bored. I'm tired of watching anime and movies.

>> No.19424572

Nah yah man I've thought about it. Sounds pretty nice desu.

>> No.19424578

Read We by Zamyatin. You will see what I mean. People do not truly want perfection. Perfection is meaninglessness

>> No.19424595

oh fuck ya a new mr. twin sister album just dropped

>> No.19424600

Refuted by Augustine. sorry bro

>> No.19424602

>Be me, on YouTube
>Click on a video about Rittenhouse
>Get tons of conservative videos in recommended feed later
>Click on video about Xi Jinping
>Recommendation feed filled with literal CCP propaganda
Is YouTube TRYING to radicalize everyone?

>> No.19424611

I didn't get this interpretation from We, but it's a good one. Reminds me of Dostoevsky's underground man. Zamyatin was probably much inspired by old Dosto.

I agree with the general sentiment. Security and Insecurity are both human needs. Yin and Yang.

>> No.19424619 [DELETED] 

i like their stuff, kinda trite sometimes imo

>> No.19424623

i like their stuff, kinda trite sometimes imo

>> No.19424632

>haven't drawn in literally a year
>want to draw fanart of a cool character
>fire up art program
>2 hours later surprisingly good WIP
it looks pretty

>> No.19424648

You know, I have mixed feelings on Amazon. On one hand, they pay their workers very well. On the other, the working conditions seem terrible, at least looking in from the outside. I also don't like the way Amazon is anti-union. In my view, a true businessman should encourage his workers to unionize.

>> No.19424696

why can't i fucking control myself

>> No.19424817

My new favorite comedian is Tim Dillon I like his absurdist humor

>> No.19425091

Sitting at work right now reading Wittgenstein and it feels amazing

>> No.19425140

Like sex is good but Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus really tops it

>> No.19425240

Can't be better than sex

>> No.19425243

>Why can’t this general get its shit together?
look in the mirror

>> No.19425261

He shouldn't have responded literally to an obviously rhetorical question. It's obvious she could turn on the light, so it's not helpful to her. The best response is to avoid the question and in that situation I would just play dumb and say "hmm? uhh..." or something until she said something else.

>> No.19425264

Twink harem.

>> No.19425356
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I sleep on the day, stay awake all night. It's been like this for a couple of weeks, if I sleep at all. While being awake, I feel a horrible sensation of hollowness, and headache, no hunger whatsoever, if I eat, it's just because I know I must do it.
I've stopped going to uni. It's exam season now, I've done none of them. I asked to freeze this semester, but if that solicitation is rejected, I don't know what I will do. I feel as if I had no vocation for anything.
It's already 6 am, I can see the sun coming out. I haven't showered in I think 4 days. All I've eaten during this week has been canned tuna and milk. I've been drinking more coffee than usual these last 2 months. I don't know how many cups I have a day, maybe 7, maybe 8. The other day I felt like dying: my heart started beating too fast after too much caffeine, and I could breath without feeling pain in my chest. I probably drank like 14 cups that day, no idea.
I do not talk much to my roomates. One of them was a highschool friend, now I can't stand him. I try to avoid them at all cost.
All I do while being awake is daydream, read, listen to music or surf the internet, without much interest in anything. Sometimes I talk with some online friends, and that's pretty much all I enjoy doing lately.
I've had some ideas to write about these last few weeks.
These are supposed to be the best years of my life, and I feel like a corpse.

>> No.19425389

>blassed with humble goals and standards
>cursed with insignificant capabilities and will to achieve even such a low bar

>> No.19425392

>It's been like this for a couple of weeks
deal with is before it becomes a couple of decades

>> No.19425393

Iktf bro.

>> No.19425590

All my friends have moved away. Some overseas, others the other side of the country. I am the last one left, no friends, no direction. This is the most alone I have ever felt.

>> No.19425672

I'm moving in with the gf. What should I *not* do while we're living together?

>> No.19425726

Clean up after yourself. Vacuum sometimes. Don't make her feel like she is the only one keeping the house from turning in to a garbage heap. It breeds resentment and kills a woman's sex drive.

>> No.19425790
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There are so many things that occupy my mind and stir my soul everyday, things that drive me to keep on living, yet whenever I am asked the question: "What is it that you care about?", or alternatively, "What do you want to do?", I could never give a convincing answer. I am sure of where my will is going, especially on an abstract level, but this inability to translate it into speech when confronted about it by loved ones is throwing me into a pit of doubt. What could this difficulty possibly mean? Have I just been deluding myself, or am I so privately removed that I subconsciously decide to just not answer? Usually I just smile and nod or give a vague answer such as: "You'll see".

>> No.19425860

Please just take up something, anything at all that you might have even a tiny bit of interest in, and have it become your work. I don't care if its baking bread or making youtube poops or sheepherding, find something to do and stick with it as quickly as possible. Don't even dwell on it, just start doing, it's essential. I have been in the exact same situation that you described for 4-5 years now, failed for consecutive years in university until I got kicked out, lost my drive and enthusiasm because of getting used to the apathy and not just 'doing', and now i am an irredeemable NEET at the very bottom of the chain. Despite having a great window of time to indulge in many activities, I consciously chose to remain stagnant, doing absolutely nothing of my days except listening to music while fantasizing about making it and having a cheap laugh with online friends. I came out of it as a husk of a human being. It's only been two weeks for you, and you're still enrolled, please just DO ANY KIND OF DUMB SHIT THAT WOULD HOLD YOUR INTEREST before you end up a fuckin useless piece of shit like me and so many others. This is your chance to grab yourself by the collar and slap yourself awake because nobody else will, not until death, therefore it's your decision, your choice, to either remain stuck in the tar pit or move out.
You will always be your own worst enemy. Fight back.

>> No.19425931
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I really need to find someone else. But where the fuck is she in this putrid fucking world? How can I find her when i'm fucking stuck in a dead end cycle of having to be this emotional tampon for a bi-polar, suicidal fuck up of a woman? How can I break the cycle and just fucking leave already? This is pointless and it's infuriating and it's so fucking consuming to the point of violent anger.

>> No.19425946

Best response is to tell her you didn't feel like it and to shut the fuck up. Most women who just want to bicker will genuinely do so if you say it with enough conviction.

>> No.19425968

Kek, I wasted 2 years being a piece of shit like you now.

Ultimate conclusion after irreversible 180 degree change?

You are bullshiting yourself entire way, you are living your life according your own bullshit abstractions that are unconnected to outside reality, except in confirmation bias and cherry picked negative sense, then you invoke emotional responses like bitterness, anxiety, depression etc.. due to that bullshit which inhibits and makes you inert. This feeds the loop of bullshit self fulfilling prophecy that is withering your being away.

You can slowly loose time and in time decay, or you can actively combat your own thoughts, bullshit emotions that you got habit of living through and inducing, of your own retarded attitude and activly prove your current assertions wrong by doing the things you avoid or have axiety/excitment over, like showering or talking to your roommates and to humble yourself and live in the present instead of making life some grandiose bullshit that you wait just around the corner to starts " truly living".

Choice is yours.

>> No.19426015

I need some advice /lit/. How much time do I give to a book to hook me? I try to give them about 30 minutes to an hour.

>> No.19426034

I book my hooks for at least an hour and sometimes the night, and I always rawdog

>> No.19426043


>> No.19426058

>tfw no big tittied goth gf

>> No.19426118

<3 <3 <3

>> No.19426126

Big dick goth bf

>> No.19426130

super gay

>> No.19426140

Big dick goth gf then

>> No.19426218
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I'd like to try gestalt therapy (to help with my immense psychological problems) but thats not happening. I live in a small town so theres no such therapist and I can afford from my 460 euros wage. Its just not the same to have therapy through internet, I need tete-a-tete interaction.

>> No.19426251
File: 6 KB, 300x168, stirner_ghoste_smoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ate the right
'ate the left
'ate spooks
Love me ego
Simple as

>> No.19426269
File: 98 KB, 960x607, dechirico01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many people wish for the gift of having somebody to talk to. i feel a lot of guilt for wanting to retreat away from people because of this. people are very kind, and they mean well, it's just that i am currently an embarrassment, and i need some time off to work on things in silence. silence is good. more /lit/izens should read the world of silence by max picard. i hope the questions about my life stop being brought up. at least if i completely fail and kill myself, it'll be more harmless that way. just let me herd my sheep, please. i am but a ridiculous man, and maybe these little ovines will teach me how to be more humble, more present, and more lucid. it'll be beneficial for all parties that might cross paths with me.

>> No.19426304

>so many people wish for the gift of having somebody to talk to
Talking to the shitters on /wwoym/ and /lit/ everyday is my gift

>> No.19426307

I have no idea how to transition my life to writing from my STEM job. My job takes a lot of time and energy, but I still try to write and have even gotten published in a couple mags.

but idk what to do now. how can I become turn my life into one of writing?

>> No.19426308

Theres a lot silence in my head but I'm a loud person.

>> No.19426337

>Best response is to tell her you didn't feel like it and to shut the fuck up.
I know we are on 4chan so everybody is autistic and has never interacted with a human but you cannot just randomly tell people to "shut the fuck up"
Also shut the fuck up

>> No.19426353

wowzies so deep and stuff

i am introverted too and it is so hecking halla relatable huh?

>> No.19426398
File: 2.10 MB, 2160x3840, IMG_20211119_220703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, what a fucking joke. What a fucking circus is this. YOU must be fucking laughing, aren't you? YOU KNOW what you're doing..

I feel like I'm going to bash my fucking head in. I just can't take it anymore. Why? Why the fuck you'd also take away this. I can't take this actually.. I really can't.

>> No.19426411

Anon I...

>> No.19426412

You talking to me?

>> No.19426414

I have a particular problem. In the short term at least I find that taking speed helps. Working from home helps quite a bit too. Whenever there is down time on my corporate job and I'm waiting for the gears of bureaucracy to turn I take some time to write. Remember that Kafka managed to get a fair amount of writing done despite being an office drone.

>> No.19426417

I meant similar

>> No.19426441

Yeah, I feel you homie, appreciate it

how do you get to switch your brain into writing mode at work tho? I legit am not able to

writing for me is more than just putting on the page, it's thinking about scenes and characters and emotions in my every day life. however, for my job, my mind is fully occupied during work and, outside work, it just wants to rest. I've been finding it difficult to come up with a solution

>> No.19426453

Spur of the moment anger. My guitar broke, so I took it outside and smashed it against the concrete. The impact was so fucking loud my neighbor woke up and looked at me holding a part of my guitar neck with wood shards around me

>> No.19426479

that's usually how it works

>> No.19426506

>how do you get to switch your brain into writing mode at work tho? I legit am not able to
I ask myself that sometimes. Some days I just find that I am able to, without knowing the reasons. My hypothesis is that it comes down to a variable day-by-day ratio between how much work I have to do and how much fuel I have in my writing storage tanks.

If I have a lot of work on a given day and nothing to write about, obviously I'm going to work. If the opposite is true, I can write. Typically if I have equal amounts of both, I prioritize work but maybe do some light editing or revision here and there.

Usually I am never able to do deep, good writing during a work day but it's better than nothing. The real problem is finding the time and energy after work. That's harder because there's only so much time in the day and these kinds of jobs that require you to use your brain can deplete the same neural resources you use for writing.

>> No.19426525
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From highest tier and most pure to lowest tier and least pure:

>> No.19426543

Also the problem is called context-switching. It's a challenge because every time you switch your focus between things, it's like your memory reboots and is wiped for the previous thing and you have to start from scratch. So the whole thought-structure that you built up focusing on the first thing starts to fall apart and the new thing has to start from zero. So you can't focus on two things at once and give them the same amount of thought. You have to sacrifice one of them or settle for diminished performance on both.

>> No.19426559

but I dont like it. Essentially it's a loudness without substance, just a separate notes without a melody.

>> No.19426574

Nice opinion too bad no one cares

>> No.19426580

So stop. Be silent, talk less.

>> No.19426586

your loudness needs weight. take time to measure your words (and your actions in general)

>> No.19426602

Wisdom, Proverbs and Ecclesiasticus are proto self help books.

Prove me wrong.

Pro tip: you can't.

>> No.19426614 [DELETED] 

i it just me or has hacker news suddenly started allowing a lot more diversity of thought up to and including republicans? a few years ago if you did anything but support the mainstream dnc candidate you would be downvoted, flagged, throttled, and eventually banned. now i see articles with 30 or 40 comments openly discussing conservative and/or libertarian ideas without even being noticeably downvoted. is it a chairman mao "let a 100 flowers bloom" trap to find more republicans to blacklist from the tech industry? it just seems weird. two years ago they would have never allowed people to say some of this stuff like judging job candidates based on skill and talent.

>> No.19426650 [DELETED] 

So having Saturn in particular house just restricts the energy? For example, Saturn in 1st house will have a much harder time knowing itself?

>> No.19426673

no. hacker news lead to the invasion and downright hijacking of previously libertarian (to an almost ideal degree) spaces of the internet. the perceived diversity and freedom in speech is nothing but smoke & mirrors (see abundance of buzz-speech in irl discussions). we're fucked.

>> No.19426690

I can do nothing to stop the world from squandering its inheritance.

>> No.19426702 [DELETED] 

no but i mean they have a thread right now where they say white people are underrepresented in tech at 50% of tech workers to 60% of general population. wtf? statistics like that would get you flagged and banned. have to preserve the narratives at all cost! maybe it's just their mod took a day off who knows.

>> No.19426709

you don't need to stop the world. just guide yourself and those who matter to you.

>> No.19426754

doesnt that make me avoidant?

>> No.19426813

We live in an age of destruction. Destruction of culture--through immigration of foreign and alien cultural agents and consumerist-globalist homogenization-- natural destruction--through the wholesale ruination of precious ecosystems and the extinction of species---and psychosocial destruction--through the malign influence of technology and the internet. Add political destruction through the erosion of unity and the schism of polarization, socioeconomic destruction by way of the degradation of the middle class and overwhelming wealth inequality, and spiritual destruction through the decline in religion and wholesome values and the rise of materialistic false values. Also add cognitive destruction through the dumbing down of everything and rising illiteracy and the rise of ideocracy and inane make-belief and unsophisticated opinion-based discourse.

>> No.19426827

Destruction of truth too, through the subjectivization of journalism, "post-truth" ideologies misinformation, rampant conspiracies theorizing, a class of power elites who lie through their teeth and so on.

>> No.19426851
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Why am I bothered by people enjoying themselves? I revolts me when my friend talks to me about having unprotected sex with people she met online, or like today, when this girl casually mentioned taking "molly" while on a rave. I can always hide behind the argument of health corcerns, but honestly it just irritates me.
I have no idea as to why...

>> No.19426856

ate plain yogurt
tasted like cheeese

>> No.19426863

Why is every third post fucking whining?

>> No.19426877

Destruction of beauty too. Through the radical left's denigration of traditional aesthetics, their hatred of health and strength, their glorification of ugliness and their belief that beauty is fascism.
And the destruction of literature.
And the destruction of privacy (digital surveillance capitalism) .
And the destruction of meaning (relativism, irony and skepticism).
And the destruction of purpose (everything is a surrogate activity mediated digitally), health (through food additives, microplastics, pollution, overwork, sedentary lifestyles, fat "pride", promotion of degeneracy), the destruction of autonomy (vaccine restrictions, mandates and strong arming), and nationalism.

>> No.19426887

envy obviously

>> No.19426888

It seems that everything is being destroyed and dismantled but nothing is being built to replace it. There is nothing but cynicism. There is no vision or ideal to shoot for. Everything is just circling the drain and being diminished without aspiration for something better.

>> No.19426901
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Hordes of whiners inhabit this wreck of a board.

>> No.19426912

Don't you think you're avoiding something through the noise? Silence might seem to imply emptiness, but its not necessarily the case. Don't take it to the extreme and refrain from any speech like a monk, just be more mindful. Do you keep a journal? If not, you should, and use it to keep track of what exactly is beneath the perceived silence in your mind. Bit by bit, you can attain equilibrium. Take it easy, respect things for what they are, and be patient against your desires. Good luck, man.

>> No.19426927

Don't forget climate destruction, the destruction of trust (strained social bonds, rampant suspicion of the other, the fragmentation of communities, racial animosities) and the destruction of education (through political correctness and thought policing and radical leftist ideology, CRT, etc)

>> No.19426940

The soul is connected to the higher realm by a golden thread that can't be severed but can be so dim that it becomes invisible and forgotten

Normies have forgotten their golden threads so thoroughly that they don't even regret it or feel ashamed about it, so they enjoy playing in the muck and eating candy corns with their cocks out on the bus and saying "Dude relax I'm just having fun everybody likes to have fun do you hate fun duh huh huh huh"

Your golden thread is flickering at between visibility and invisibility because you aren't quite a candy corn cock out catamite consumer yet and each time they try to pull you down into their muck of "duh huh huh huh bro that's epic bro huh huh huh I watched a swirling colors display and it made me feel good uh huh huh huh" the fragment of the transcendent in you is panicking and trying to sting you to wakefulness and tell you to seize the thread and stop letting it fray

In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. In the land of the ill, the man with even a lingering instinctive disdain for disease and filth is the pillar of health

>> No.19426955

I keep the journal, I write the entries, I cant connect the dots. Perhaps I'm not silent enough to hear the melody.

>> No.19426956

Destruction of decency (grotesque hyper-sexualization, onlyfans, the mass appeal of vulgar music such as rap and media in general, the promotion of immodesty and promiscuity)
Authenticity ( instagram, curated and deceptive social media profiles, "faking it till you make it)

>> No.19426969

Both the right and left are contributing to the destruction of society and human dignity , but the evidence supports the conclusion that it is the left that is causing more damage. The reactionary right is just that, a reaction to leftist overreach and transgressiveness

>> No.19426975

Who cares? Get a job you loser.

>> No.19426986

Probably... it feels tiresome to be the golden chid sometimes
I guess I envy that freedom, even if the particular life choices don't appeal to me all that much.

>> No.19427005

hey man, you're on to something concrete, you just need to pierce the veil of left/right dichotomy and stare down the abomination until it shifts from frightening to pathetic.

>> No.19427012

I really should be reading and coding more instead of browsing this tupid site and board. But my brain chemicals signals that this is what I should do to get the sweet dopamine. Fuck dopamine. I hope of leaving this place one day. I couldn't even write a line of code today. I didn't read shit today. I hate when a day gets wasted doing nothing. How to fix bros? Is all lost already or can I redeem myself?

>> No.19427014

kek brainlet tier politics are designed to fry your simpleton brain, there is no left and right, there is just realpolitik, ideals are bullshit casus belli for otherwise outrageous shit that go against human essence

but I tell you this and you cannot get it, you will have to reach this truth yourself

>> No.19427021

If evil, as Augustine claimed, is the degradation of the the good, then we live in a time of ascendant evil.

>> No.19427027


>> No.19427030

It's true, the right/left distinction is contrived. It's just the surface expression of some deeper root cause. An abyssal source of darkness that has reached out and wrapped its midnight tendrils over all that is decent. I don't know what to blame. And no, before someone says it I won't blame jews.
Maybe it is nothing but the death of god and the corrosive spread of nihilism that Nietzche so aptly predicted. The ultimate form of destruction is the corruption of belief.

>> No.19427033

If you think of your brain as a dopamine machine, of course you're gonna chase the easy fix. Despite the weird little rush you get from being here and arguing with strangers, you have to remember that you don't actually like it that much and truly good threads are incredibly rare.

>> No.19427039

The realpolitik is also an ideal

>> No.19427044

Right/left is a heuristic, not an absolute categorical distinction. But we live in polarized times and so there is indeed a more sharply delineated difference between right and left. And besides, it's a social fact that people identify as right or left, and that's what makes it a consensus reality.

>> No.19427060

kek left and right does not mean shit

you can have theocratic socialist multiculti state or you can have proletarian communist ethnic state, you can have constitutional liberitarian kingdom and you can have a liberal republic ran on media lies, bi party collsuin, oligarchic lobby, tech partnerships with state agencies, etc... point is, only what is done matters, but this is extremely wild to you

>> No.19427063

I might as well stop using this site because yeah arguing is fun I definitely don't feel good when using this site. Just feel terrible having wasted my time.

I know I have the choice but making it is hard and even after I've made the choice I can't focus for more than 20 minutes and find myself opening 4chan on my browser. The internet has rotted my brain.

>> No.19427070

It's pure pragmatism and maximizing gain, not following made up abstract delusions. personification of nothing personel. But alas not my point.

>> No.19427084

This. Don't indulge in the easy fixes. Do what is truly and enriching and worthwhile and you will experience much greater fulfillment. You just have to break out of the addictive rapid-cycling loops that the dopamine reward pathways induce when they can feast on a bunch of immediate but empty pleasure stimulations.

>> No.19427087

You're an ass. It means something because people believe it. So they manifest it. What's so hard about understanding a social construct? It's not real but it means something because people mean it does.

>> No.19427095

>Is all lost already or can I redeem myself?
There is a way to live a life in pursuit of future joy, that things you desire feel like they are drawn to you, instead of you dragging yourself to them.

But I wont tell you :)

>> No.19427113

>The internet has rotted my brain
Stop thinking in these terms. Just sit down and read if you want to. When you find yourself wondering what's happening on /lit/, remind yourself that it's nothing of consequence and carry on reading.

>> No.19427116

I believe Butterfly is excited I'm back. This is why she was posting so much today :3

I make her extremely, uncontrollably horny.

>> No.19427128

>You're an ass. It means something because people believe it. So they manifest it.

Btw just because something is socially acceptable, or a norm, does not mean it's true or logical. This is extremely important to apply in politics, and further geopolitics and realpolitik. I can write posts how "left-right" is bullshit, how it literally cuck cages brain and society, how easilly it is manipulated to create anger or support for things you don't support etc...

Point stands that you will never truly grasp politic while there, and only when you understand meta above it, not only will you see how it is limited, you will see how retarded it is.

>> No.19427174

>It means something because people believe it. So they manifest it. What's so hard about understanding a social construct? It's not real but it means something because people mean it does.
What an unbelievably retarded take. Of course these labels mean something to the people that use them (if they didn't they wouldn't be using them). That doesn't mean they're at all helpful in analyzing politics or that they have any real deeper significance.

>> No.19427188

And I'll add there are real, significant differences between left and right in America. But that if you look deeper within those labels you will find more disagreement, and that these labels mask the complexity of social resentment and differences within the parties.

>> No.19427199
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>> No.19427211
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>> No.19427254

And now, you can't defile the kyle.

>> No.19427310
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Ah, vanity of flesh

>"If the waves began to reflect, they would suppose that they were advancing, that they had a goal, that they were making progress, that they were working for the Sea’s good, and they would not fail to elaborate a philosophy as stupid as their zeal."

>"To be present at one’s diminution, to contemplate the reasonable edition of the hallucinated creature one has been!"

>"Anything but discouraging, the notion that no one will remember the accident we have been, that not the slightest trace will remain of a self, that collector of torments no torturer has ever dared dream of."

-Cioran, Drawn and Quartered

>> No.19427336
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I'm starting to think there is a mystical quality to our world -- or rather culture specifically.

I don't believe in magic or gods or demons or spirits that have physical presence, but I'm starting to think there is a level to human culture that is beyond anyone's direct control and that it has more influence on how human events transpire than we think.

I don't think it can be invoked through charms or incantations, I just find it infinitely fascinating.

Also I don't think this makes me special or enlightened, it's just friday and I like thinking about stupid things and drinking beer.

>> No.19427401

Fuck and chuck femboys.

>> No.19427468 [DELETED] 

i wonder if the democrats will riot tonight. it's not an election year, so probably not, but you just never know.

>> No.19427524
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checked and correct

>> No.19427553
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feels good, man

>> No.19427560

One day we were going to meet with our buddies. I checked the messages to read one wanting me to die. Turns out one of my friends relative had lost to pkk. Due to my moms lefty views they rightfully so called me terrorist in public. I cried and left to scene. Couldn't made contact to any of my friends. Gone to ones household. They made excuse that he wasn't there.

They were my only friends. Every body else at the school called me or known me as a weirdo due to my autism. I know this because close to our graduation our narcissistic history teacher thought it would be a great idea to ask rest of the class each member of the class one by one, and she made it so everyone supposed to what they thought simultaneously (or that's how I remember) it was so comical when people simultaneously called me 'weird'. And they scrambled to try saying good things.

>> No.19427770

this is an aspergian interpretation of what he said. he was not stating in a literal sense "you are capable of turning the light on", he is saying "if you have an issue with the darkness i'm ok with you turning the light on"

>> No.19427774


>> No.19427786

I just don't know anymore guys.

>> No.19427808

I want to let go of my rational faculties as they pertain to career, job, and daily life, but I’ve already lived many years as essentially a rationalist bureaucrat. To simply let go now would no doubt feel cathartic, but could also prove troublesome and certainly wouldn’t paint the sort of picture of life that I aim to point, rationally or intuitively.

>> No.19427832
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I unironically shed a tear watching him and his sister in the back ground as the verdict was read. its incredible to me that some semblance of hope and justice still exists in this world.

>> No.19427877
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For me it was watching him trembling and collapsing as the verdicts were read, and realizing how much physical tension was wracking his body for so many months and then three agonizing days of deliberation. That a black storm cloud of negativity and hate was pouring down onto him from the whole country for such a long time, just some poor kid. A trial that could legitimately be called kafkaesque, a state and society that constantly proclaims its moral foundation torturing a child for abiding by the very rules enshrined in its constitution.

It was like gaslighting on a national scale, and all of it was aimed at this young kid, who just happened to fall into one of the handful of flawed identities that we all fall into in this confused and fragmented era where everyone is 100000% certain about where they fit into global geopolitical issues before they're 15 years old.

But then seeing a beam of light pierce all those stormclouds, and proclaim that the truth is still there somewhere beneath all this accumulated dross. Like waking up from a bad dream.

>> No.19427880
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Justice served

>> No.19427881
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I'm happy.

>> No.19427909

My friends and family are giving me shit because my new girlfriend is much younger than me

>> No.19427915

>this morning I downloaded a copy of the bible to read it for the first time
>prayed for Kyle
>Kyle was freed and exonerated of all charges
>those memes of Jesus guiding Kyle's hand and the Kenosha biblical analogies

>> No.19427924

How much younger? 5 years is lame, it better be at least 7 if you want a based from me. 10-15, I will send you a card with a handwritten based.

>> No.19427926

This you?

>> No.19427942

I’m 33 and she is 18ish

>> No.19427951
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What is your address?

>> No.19428020
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Fear knocked at the door, Faith answered, no one was there.

>> No.19428059

>jannies are actually removing off-topic Kyle threads
how about that

>> No.19428113

on the subject, what is /lit/'s take as Jesus as an extension of Zoroastrianism? the three magi were indisputably the magi priests of zoroastrianism, and the religion has heavy emphasis on agriarian and pasturalism. Even baptism sounds like a continuation of the worship of water (anahid/anahita) and candles being for worship of fire (mithra) under ahura mazda, both being essentially the two material halves of life. If you merged the two (christianity and zoroastrianism) back into a cohesive whole it would all be far more sensible, with Jesus as a saoshyant, the second Zarathrusta. call me crazy but i am pretty sure these were intended to be one religion with jesus just as a continuation of zoroaster.

>> No.19428131

No because Christianity isn't polytheism

>> No.19428135

My mind is up here on another wave.

>> No.19428181
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>met a /lit/ girl
>kinda cute, was in a uni book club with me for Dune
>started ranting about she hates Hesse because she says Siddhartha is plagiarism and the protagonist of Steppenwolf is a "20th century incel"

I haven't read any Hesse. What should I think of her?

>> No.19428190

Shame it’s the only place you can LARP as a woman, you fucking psycho

>> No.19428199

It’s a little cringe, but Just read some of Steppewolf bro, do you really want strangers on the internet to babyfeed you their opinions forever

>> No.19428210

The steppenwolf has sex with his mistress so maybe she can't even read

>> No.19428225
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I don't wanna turn into Obama and read a book for a girl though so I just thought I'd ask for a vague idea on Hesse.
I swear 80% of all usage of the word 'incel' is improper and used in reference to someone who has sex, as if it's some sort of a "mindset" rather than an actual type of person who can't get laid.

>> No.19428234

Michigan democrats are weird.
In any other part of the country we'd be conservatives.
Imma 'bout to go eat a pile of venison because its deer smoking season and its everywhere. While I do so, I will listen to the sportsman's anthem. They inundate you with it on the radio once hunting season starts.

Its the only "Uncle Ted" I've ever known.
At least listen to the soul in the guitar solo. That's the spirit of the wild.


>> No.19428239

kek touché fren

>> No.19428245

>voting for an overweight lib karen

Oh no no no

>> No.19428272

don't think about her opinions at all. next time she starts "ranting", tell her to shut up, but not for a general silence. it's so you can tell her what's right and wrong about x y or z.

>> No.19428279

lol, kindly eat a dick my friend.
I will vote for governess braphog again, of that you can be sure. Eventually she'll be president.

>> No.19428285
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Whoops, forgot pic.

>> No.19428293

>I don't think it can be invoked through charms or incantations
It can't be invoked through charms or incantations, but it can be called on through prayer, meditated upon by the spirit, and worshiped with song. IF you don't believe in >magic or gods or demons or spirits, but do believe, or >think, >there is a level to human culture beyond anyone's control, well... that's the divine. that's god. it's the level of existence beyond the human.
You are crazy.

>> No.19428320

she used the word incel. don't bother.

>> No.19428340

I want to read about gnosticism and idk where to start. I was raised catholic and despise the catholic church and that whole structure of Christianity (the idea that living is just a moralistic prep phase for dying). Where the fuck do i start with gnostics/cathars?

>> No.19428371

Have you done much research into the light/darkness truth/lie language in the proto-Christian Essene communities? Probably Cyrus' restoration of the Jews to Israel involved some interchange between the new Zoroastrian elite and the Babylonian and Judaean Jews. It's fascinating stuff.

Personally I'm very interested in Mani in addition to Christ.

>> No.19428424

Yes you can, you have free will.

>> No.19428562
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>> No.19428610

Many anime aficionados on this very website insist that the plural of anime is anime, never animes. I have a novel theory for why this is the case.
The Japanese word from which anime is borrowed ends in a short vowel. Typically English does not allow words to end in short vowels other than ə (shwa), and loanwords are altered to conform. However, Ecclesiastical Latin does allow it, and learned English speakers often prefer the Latin plurals of -ae and -i when available. Anime is not a first-declension plural Latin word, but to English-speakers it is phonetically indistinguishable from one. In terms of what sounds right, anime sounds like a valid plural word under the rules of classical grammar.
Without knowledge of that original Japanese pronunciation, most English speakers will read "anime" and lenghten the final vowel to sound like "soiree". This accords with English pronunciation rules and makes "animes" a natural extension. But the denizens of /a/, even the EOP*, are very familiar with what Japanese sounds like. Their ears so prefer the phonology of Japanese that they subconciously conserve it with the same care we give to Latin and Greek.

*English Only Plebs

>> No.19428643

>same god different interpretations
i kind of want a unified religion out of them. nothing in zoroastrianism says that there couldn't be 2 prophets of god. /pol/ memes about jews are getting in the way though.

>> No.19428675

t. never spoke to a person

>> No.19428855

So Zoroastrian is like Hinduism all gods emanate from Brahman. Then that would make Hinduism not polytheism.

>> No.19428916
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my only fear is that these demons are not finished with him. some of the things im reading today from average joe nobodies to government officials are quite disturbing and straight up vehemently evil

>> No.19428937
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that's why we have to pray, not only for help for us, but for help for whatever angels and guardian angels are watching over us and helping us struggle against evil

whenever i pray for help against evil i pray for the path to be shown to me so i can bring myself to the fight without needing help, so the forces of good don't have to do everything for me but have extra to help themselves and others

remember every act of good you do for no reason makes goodness stronger, and every act of selfishness or cruelty you resist makes the forces of evil weaker

>> No.19428959

I don't know how to be good

>> No.19428989

focus on people's expressions

>> No.19428996

Current song

>> No.19429011

The whole Rittenhouse trial and its fallout really shows the politics of ignorance on full display. People should not be allowed to allow their passions to rule society. The facts hidden behind the narratives matter. When you get absorbed too much in your own story, you become detached from reality . Politics should never take precedence over truth. Once that happens, people stop doing what makes them uniquely human. They lose the capacity to use reason and language to resolve conflicts and engage in rational discourse. Instead they become violent apes with the thinking parts of the brain gone offline and the lizard brain blaring like a siren, driving them deeper into insanity.

>> No.19429031

I guess you could say "Facts don't care about your feelings".

>> No.19429044

To be fair, the thinking parts are overrated and luckily being selected against.

>> No.19429081

I guess you could. I guess you could. Although feeling can overpower facts, so it's a moot point.
No this is regression. Devolution.

>> No.19429092

Which side are you on here though

>> No.19429097

Thank christ. Evolution of consciousness was the parent of all horrors.

>> No.19429121

I am still weighing up whether to get fagcinnated. Philosophically I am completely against being a pharma slave (or a slave in general) for what appears to be forever under a booster schedual, though practically I still have things to do in this world that require it. No one fucking knows what long term side effects injectible mRNA will have and waiting it out is not feasible as the effects will be multigenerational and to understand it will require a century of observation. What would Jünger do?

>> No.19429128

Have you heard of novavax? It's not mRNA. Not approved yet in most countries though, the idiots fucked up their production and release schedule.

I too avoided getting the vaccine purely out of principle. The day I let normalFAGGOTS tell me what to do is the day hell freezes over.

>> No.19429132

The truth. It sounds naively idealistic, I know. I believe the evidence supports Rittenhouse's acquittal. What's important to me is that the integrity of fundamental civic institutions such as the judicial system is not undermined by political pressure and mob justice. Because once that happens the gates of hell have been thrown open.

I care nothing about the ideological struggle through which many view this trial as a focusing prism. If the evidence was not in favor of Rittenhouse, I would take the opposite stance. I have no sympathy for the fool.

>> No.19429138

Don't try to beat the market if your goal is to make long-term ROI. Shove it all in an index fund or two, then play around with individual stocks with your petty cash.

>> No.19429143

On this Friday night I have no girlfriend but I have a six pack of Stella.

>> No.19429150

Drink reasonably fren, don't drink just to drink. For me it's peppermint tea I stole from the office and some Nicholas of Cusa I downloaded from libgen.

>> No.19429151

I'm waiting on everyone to realise they fucked up and cancel everything or at least offer me an attenuated viral innoculation. Worst part of it all so far was my own father attempting to persuade me with actual state deployed propaganda points to convice the "vaccine hesitant" to bend over. At the end of the day I may be coerced to do it anyway as my employment, housing and ability to even leave the fucking country are threatened if I refuse.

>> No.19429160

I had a perusal through the various reactions to the verdict, those for and against. What struck me was how most of what was being discussed was ultimately extraneous to timeline of events that led up to the shooting. People were talking about George Soros, or Black Slavery, or Whiteness, or what sort of firearms should and shouldn't be legal.
Basically they were attaching their hobbyhorses, grudges, peeves, and agendas to the case as though it was their particular ethical framework and vision for the world that was on trial and the actual people involved were mere ciphers for ideology.

This happens with most high profile trials, but what disturbed me the most was to see elected officials getting in on the act. Because either it meant that our leaders are stupid, or possibly worse our leaders actively encourage stupidity as means to galvanize a voting block.

>> No.19429169

It's both. What's happening is that both average voters and politicians themselves have forgotten how rare and fragile good governance is, because great political happenings and "history" have been absent for so long that people think "this is pretty much how it's always been, give or take a few things." They think that all of human history was a series of suburbanites getting mad at the news, occasionally going to a protest, sometimes those protests got violent if it was a revolution, but basically, everyone has been the same sheltered crowd of basically happy consumers, occasionally revolting against Bad Guys.

They don't understand how gray and ambiguous politics is or how tumultuous history is. They don't even remember what a recession or depression is, because the system strains to keep things "normal" when they are clearly not, almost as if the system has itself forgotten that Things used to Happen that you can't just smooth over.

It's a bunch of children playing with fire because they don't have any deep unconscious intergenerational memory of what an inferno looks like, or how common conflagrations used to be.

>> No.19429194

It really does feel like politics has become a hobby like sports where people don't seriously grapple with the real world stakes. They just view it as a game of seeing those they like win.

>> No.19429196

The whole chip shortage thing sucks and I doubt it'll change in the near future, but I'm kinda glad it discouraged me from purchasing a PS5 or computer upgrades. I'm focusing on putting money away right now.

>> No.19429235

That's thee thing, in their weak-mindedness they've let themselves be consumed by ideology.

> possibly worse our leaders actively encourage stupidity as means to galvanize a voting block.
This happens. You see deeply irresponsible and unethical comments by politicians on the trial which can be seen as an attack on the impartiality of the legal system which is one of foundations of jurisprudence. Elsewhere I saw a thread containing the most inane and regurgitated tweets from celebrities parroting bullshit narratives such that this was about "white supremacism." That's because intentionally or not, the elites pounce on cases like this to divide people and to press buttons so they fight each other over illusions rather than fight the elites themselves. It's false consciousness.

>> No.19429258
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If the angels took me from this earth
I would tell them bring me back to her
It’s a chance I’ll take
Baby I’ll stay
Heaven can wait

>> No.19429259

Which part of Michigan you from, anon?

>> No.19429290

Watched Phantom Thread yesterday. What a beautiful synthesis of writing, acting, cinematography, and music. Daniel Day Lewis always gives great performance.

>> No.19429327

Yeah okay chud but he crossed state lines

>> No.19429332

Very clearly indicates that Carl Schmitt is right

>> No.19429343

>it'll change in the near future
It will change eventually though. There's a chance for manufacturers to make mega-bucks off it. However the facilities which produce chips, called fabs, are extraordinarily sophisticated factories that require extremely specialized and advanced expertise, instruments and materials to construct. I watched a video about one that the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company is building in the Arizona mesa. (A literal black mesa facility lol.) It's actually quite fascinating what goes into making these chips. Billions of intricately organized transistors are fitted into silicone wafers the size of a thumbnail Each one just does simple arithmetic operations and yet that alone is enough to power the whole of digital civilization. The precision the instruments necessary to manufacture these chips require is on the atomic scale.

I don't know what I'm getting at here. I'm just sperging out about semiconductor manufacturing

>> No.19429347

Can you be a little more specific?

>> No.19429391


>> No.19429400
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I have no goals or ambitions anymore. I use to dream about becoming rich and powerful but the more I learned about reality, the more I realized that not even that would solve our spiritual dilemmas. My only hope know is the belief that we can use transhumanist technology to transcend to a higher plane of consciousness free from pain and suffering.

>> No.19429409

*realize not realized
*now not know

>> No.19429436
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Just slam dunked an interview but it's for a 60 hour a week factory job. I'd need to relocate but not having a job for a year because the Sneeze was unbearable.

>> No.19429460
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Anon, good for you, but you have to realize that a job won't fix everything. I have had multiple instances where I felt like you and then I got into the job and hated it. Do what makes you happy, follow your dreams.

>> No.19429498

I believe in you.

>> No.19429504

America is the great Satan if you look at what they've done

>> No.19429505

Why is everyone so dumb? Everyone believes things, and they think they’re true. The only people who aren’t dumb are stupid people who don’t have any beliefs and don’t think they’re better than everyone else because of their beliefs they think are true.

>> No.19429506

I had a dream where my house got hit by really small meteors the size of a baseball. My family and I had to evacuate before the building collapsed.

>> No.19429544

greater Flint area

>> No.19429573

>the Sneeze

>> No.19429613

When did this place become a 'general' and not just a thread to write what's on your mind?

It used to be sometimes neutral, sometimes great, now it's just as shitty as any general because it's considered a general.

>> No.19429617

Its because i started posting here

>> No.19429621

How is it a general? There is no theme or subject to it

>> No.19429654

Its blogpost general

>> No.19429694
File: 2.25 MB, 2489x3072, 01-napoleon-waterloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest general

>> No.19429700

A looooong time ago.

>> No.19429705

>"I request a new pair of pants."
>"Alright, lets get your neck measurements."

>> No.19429748

I often feel like my reading interests, my writing aspirations, and who I want to be as a person are all far too lofty for the environment I actually find myself in and the people I find myself around, and mostly, for myself. They must think so little of me. How could a man like myself ever reach such severe peaks? They think little of me. Im sure of it. I think little of myself.

>> No.19429801

why do people become pseuds, how do you recognize if you are a pseud, how do you stop being a pseud?

>> No.19429856

If we DID live in a technocratic utopia I'd get vaccinated, but the way people advocate for it is too sentimental. If I'm not automatically motivated to get the vaccine, then that's really the state's problem for failing at propaganda. How can I as a citizen reward that? Brainwash me!

>> No.19429884
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Every time a new truth seems to knock on your door, if you zoom out enough, everything remains the same.

>> No.19429886

Being an ESL I struggle with vocabulary and will have to look up a word every 10-20 words. And this kills the flow a lot of the time. Being a casual internet user you can assume my attention span. I can't keep on reading easy books forever, I'll have to break out sometime. Is this something that'll become easier or will this be like this all the way?

>> No.19429901

Materialistically, I have 3 goals
1. Make enough money to support my children and wife/lover in their life ambitions
2.. Make enough money to go to nice restaurants on a consistent basis
3. Own a Rolls-Royce Phantom Extended

>> No.19429944

Even though I have enough BTC to retire, and I'm about to, and I have been above average successful in my job, I still feel this underlying anger and injustice that I was not able to be THE most successful in my job. It feels like I can't get a break, even though I have more than most everyone. It's like a fire in my stomach.

>> No.19429954 [DELETED] 

take your bitcoin bux and use it to found a competitor to your old job and put them out of business

captcha: KKKNG


>> No.19429969

sieg kyle my friend, advice taken.

>> No.19429974

>injustice that I was not able

If you were not able, that means it was never your right, therefore, it wasn't an injustice.

>> No.19430097

A pseud to me is one who doesn't know the philosophy and rules of logic explained by the Greeks.

>> No.19430100

go onto libgen.rs and download "A Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary American English". Go to the back of the book, look for a section called "parts of speech" or something similar. Add the Pronouns, Verbs, Participles and all those similar types of grammar words into a flashcard app called Anki. You want to add them as "basic and reversed cards", and maybe only add 10 or 20 cards a day. Should only be a couple hundred or so. Once you finish with that you can add words from a magazine. I hear "Financial Times" is a good one. When there's a sentence that has a word you don't understand, define the word but put the whole sentence into Anki as a basic card. These cards have only one side, so for the sentence side you bold the word you didn't know, and put the definition on the back side. Maybe add some observations about the context, these cards are to help you increase your understanding. This one takes a lot of effort, so maybe only 2 or 3 per day. Use anki everyday, but don't feel pressured to do it for more than 10 or 20 minutes unless you really want to.

Break all this down into something you can do for 15 or 25 minutes, and you'll make guaranteed gains. And remember, if you just spend even a little time per day reading you'll get a huge benefit learning wise. Law of diminishing returns and all that. From then you want to read Mortimer J Adler's "How to Read a Book" or "Norton's Introduction to Literature". Or you can just go straight through some /lit/ charts on here or look for universities on google that post their syllabuses and monographs online. At this point your a big swinging dick english reader!

>> No.19430363
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>have blocked nose since morning
>fry some chicken nuggets for lunch
>smelling the chicken nuggets unblocked my nose a bit
Thanks nuggies.

>> No.19430384

That's irrelevant because that's not what she's asking. She's making a combative rhetorical question about the darkness, not asking if it's ok to turn on the light. The only appropriate response is to emotionally diffuse the situation by the way I said.

>> No.19430394

I fantasize about life in Ancient Greece. I would have been a great mathematician, a boytoy for Persephone, and a mighty warrior.

>> No.19430407

I saw some comics from out of town perform tonight. It's interesting to see how one's neuroses translate to their act. The host, a transwoman, made every single joke about being trans. I don't care that she's trans, but does she need to make every joke as such? I'd respect her most if she made a brief mention and then talked about other things, but the fact that her whole act is tied on her identity suggests either an inability to come up with other source material or an unwillingness to move past your identity. She seemed somewhat neurotic, so I'd guess the latter.

>> No.19430418

The second comic was a latino guy from LA. He made some clever jokes, but he also made jokes about him being a faggot who was married but still liked being dominated. He was ambiguous as to what gender he preferred. Ultimately I disliked the woke stuff but at least it wasn't his entire act, just half of it.

The headliner was interesting. He had strong Germanic features but he was short and had crazy hair. He had a strong ability to give one side of the argument only to snap it back to the other side. Comedy is so political these days, but he was fairly talented at pulling this off in our somewhat conservative town. He did get overindulgent about his own life at times to the point I was somewhat uncomfortable. He ended with this well executed Bo Burnham type routine with a pre-recorded voice clip. Overall decent job, less woke than the other guy. I think every comic from LA is at least bi, and I won't change my mind.

>> No.19430562
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The world should have ended in the cold war. its unfair that we are doomed to live on

>> No.19430564
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>> No.19430569
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Worse its going to live on and covid will become the new flu it's never going away

>> No.19430572

The Incel is closer to God than the Redditor.

>> No.19430581

Who's the Redditor?

>> No.19430584

It's just an axiom I made up.

>> No.19430585


>> No.19430591
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I hate the antichrist

>> No.19430594

Well I guess Redditors are mostly athiests they wouldn't be close to God.

>> No.19430596


>> No.19430641

Thats because God is saving the incel from non marital sex

>> No.19430647


>> No.19430729

Bros. How do I stop being a filthy mindless consoomer? I want to critically think about something, anything. How do I develop critical thinking and is it something to be developed?

>> No.19430731

Start by consuming less

>> No.19430732

Okay I admit, ereaders are very convenient, even if I dislike using them. You guys win

>> No.19430739

I'm already consooming less but I want to be able to put into words why I like or dislike something with specificity not vague remarks like plot was bad, its inconsistent or something.

>> No.19430744

Try to live simple manner. You don't really need much stuff, but if you're on this board you will probably have a lot of books.

>> No.19430749

Try reading books on literary criticism.

>> No.19430761

Develop a habit of taking notes. Don't wait for profound moments of insight or you will never get anyway. Log mundane things too, often the insight develops out tagging the mundane stuff anyway. The notes can be as superficial or surface level as they need to be to begin with because at the start you need to be going for quantity simply to create the 'muscle memory' so to speak and ingrain the habit. As the habit develops you can ease back a bit and just log the stuff you think actually matters.

This can be a bit of a painful process but if you push through you will find it, in conjunction with other changes, helps.

>> No.19430771

New thread

>> No.19430772

I'll try that.
Thanks anon. I realized I've never taken notes while reading. Just being a mindless consumer consuming stuff. I'll try to write notes on whatever comes in my mind when reading something.

>> No.19430779

Why? We usually let these get to at least 200 or so before we make new ones.

>> No.19430803

I appreciate this thread.
I enjoy writing but today has been my first time visiting /lit/.
My sleep quality is always awful. Why do I spend so much time on 4chan? I'm addicted to the thrills of finding interesting content. I convince myself I'm learning some red pill wisdom, I'm finding books to study later. But most of the time I'm just looking for diamonds in a stack of shit, or getting trapped in useless "debates" with trolls. I'm getting older and older and I still have the same hobbies of a boy, namely playing League of Legends and Overwatch. I live alone and I tell myself I am happy being with my solitude, being the introvert that I am, but I am a foreigner in country of people who don't look like me, or speak my native tongue. I can barely speak the local language, and don't spend enough time trying to socialize with the locals. I have limited no opportunities to socialize with westerners like myself. Perhaps what draws me to 4chan is the social aspect of it, as much as I shit on others for enjoying that part. I really am a hypocrite.

Thanks for helping me work through that OP.