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19419072 No.19419072[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books discussing the appeal of anime girls?
Serious thread for discussion.

>> No.19419092
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>> No.19419099

>fighting girl
Is this some feminist nonsense? This doesn't apply to many anime girls.

>> No.19419112

No it's about Lacan.

>> No.19419294


>> No.19419395

There probably are academic articles by nip post-modernists that do this, but you'll never find them without japan Jstor and the names.

>> No.19419469

There was an interesting essay about trans and anime by some Sexologist PhD

It was taken down by the PC police but you can still see it on the way back machine.

>> No.19419470
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>Sexologist PhD

>> No.19419477

You trans?

>> No.19419490

No, I'm an MSEE.

>> No.19419505

What the fuck is that?

>> No.19419510

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

>> No.19419521

And you're into anime girls?

>> No.19419566
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Anime represents a totally new order of simulacra, the Platonic shadow-play. notice how the features of the vast majority of anime characters are totally interchangeable. even the most iconic characters suffer from this, but although to a lesser extent. all features become swappable for another, the eyes, the nose, the hair, the mouth, they achieve the autonomy of the Cheshire grin, insurgent partial objects. are we being too abstract? notice how it only takes some anime eyes with long eyelashes and a mouth to feminize even an inanimate object. medieval anime, then, refers to a very interesting and disturbing phenomenon: just as it would be incredible to imagine a Victorian dinner party playing modern electronic music, so does it seem equally absurd to imagine medieval peasants hitting on the captivating design aesthetic of anime far, far away from the high-glamour of Kali Yuga technology. but that is in fact what happened in some very rare cases: men with an uncommon discernment peering into the ahrimanic Utter Door of the 21st c. they saw that infernal entities would bootstrap themselves into the corporeal through cartoons. they understood the sheer intoxicating power of the mind to attribute life and personality to lines and colors arranged in a human-like form, just as the archons do.

>> No.19419574

Are you saying the archons are using anime to suck life out of people?

>> No.19419581
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Why wouldn’t he? Anime girls are the idealized version of real women.

>> No.19419583

Ok but why is simulacra bad?

>> No.19419592

Exactly Idealized, maybe deal with reality. Nothing wrong with watching an anime but don't take it too far.

>> No.19419631

As Schopenhauer wrote, it is in fact the opposite: in a great painting the idea of a certain thing is more closely captured than in the real-world instantiations thereof. For example in a great painting of a horse exhaustedly carrying its rider into battle.
I would argue the same holds true for the idea of femininity in anime girls.
If you want to be gnostic about it, this makes sense: Since the demiurge created bad images of the idea, and since there are people of light and recognition in the world, they, when appearing in the form of artistic genius, might gleam the idea buried in the material objects more closely than others, and might create an image derived from the derived image that is in fact more close to the original image than the derived image of the first order. Do you believe in humanity's power of overcoming or not?

>> No.19419633
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>> No.19419639
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>> No.19419656

Otaku: Japan's Database Animals
Beautiful Fighting Girl
The Proteus Effect
In the Realms of the Unreal (documentary)

>> No.19419662
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>> No.19419693

I would find anime much more tolerable if the style had changed more rapidly and the style between studios / artists was much more extreme. Im speaking purely in terms of my own personal gain of course
>lets take an anime girl and give it short hair

>> No.19419725

>it is in fact the opposite: in a great painting the idea of a certain thing is more closely captured than in the real-world instantiations thereof. For example in a great painting of a horse exhaustedly carrying its rider into battle.

That's a shut in way of looking at things, a painting of a battle is nothing like actually being in a battle, the idea of a battle is expressed by being in the battle rather than an imitation.

>> No.19419731

The most problematic aspect is that most painting of battles have been done by people that never have been in one.

>> No.19419742
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Didn't this guy say something similar

>> No.19419744
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That pic has obviously masculine bone structure and musculature. It is not "an anime girl with short hair"

>> No.19419748

Other anon is arguing that they can create the image of feminity. Something they are confronted with even as lowlife. They aren't trying to depict proper interpersonnal relationship. At least, that's not the point.

>> No.19419757

It's a cheap plastic feminity

>> No.19419758

Ya and thats admirable becuase Ihave fallen trap ( heh ) to le anime girl with short hair phenomenon

>> No.19419759

real one is even worse

>> No.19419779

At least it's real

>> No.19419786

>Be it seed that thou needst, or ist feed that thou desire? Both be pleasing to the eye and good for gaining wisdom.

>> No.19419813

nothing is

>> No.19419820

Ok buddy

>> No.19419849

not your buddy, pal

>> No.19420012

Thanks anon, actually useful recommendations

>> No.19420139

You're welcome. The last two aren't directly about anime, but I think their perspectives are useful. Beautiful Fighting Girl provides a lot of background but I think the analysis is flawed. Azuma's Otaku is the more insightful of the two but it feels like a thorough examination of the trunk, rather than looking at the elephant as a whole

>> No.19420188

I have seem this thread like 5 days before. This gave me extreme déjà vu.

>> No.19420253

The anons here might have a point really, maybe the girls aren't idealistic representations of femininity but of femininity as apprehended by masculinity meaning they're closer to a femininity that has been de-feminized and made male, which can be considered an improvement when you remember that more than a few on this board would argue that women are at their best when men are having sex with them and when they bear a man's children, an entirely subordinate position. one dominating the other as opposed to unity.
Database Animals has a followup book but it's untranslated and the Japs hate piracy so no luck there. You wouldn't happen to have any ideas anon?
This is the fifth or so thread with a very similar topic in the past few days, you are not hallucinating.

>> No.19420258


>> No.19420976

>The Proteus Effect
what book is this? I only see one about stem cells

>> No.19421035

I don't know, but the fact that I'll never get to impregnate Holo depresses me much.

>> No.19421153
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>> No.19421171
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Anon, what do you think a book is doing? Don't you think if we are to follow your schizo bullshit we'd come to the conclusion that written words are an even more shadowy and abstract means of mimicking the human form.
I mean, damn, at least anime draws lines and colors them in. Books are straight mind control if anything.
You're going to become a sack of potatoes if you believe that bullshit.

>> No.19421353

It must be the peak of female human aesthetic that appeals to our brains or something. First time I watched anime it was like a drug, total infatuation with the qt girls.

>> No.19422074

What a load of rubbish. A more viable research angle would be correlation of Autism and Borderline Personality with self-reported anime preferences (including genre surveys) - this would dovetail neatly with Robert Rozema's theory on expression paneling as well as Ian Hacking's looping effects when paired with research by Blanchard and Diamond. Cut that with updated information about acute onset gender dysphoria and there's a nifty new theory to float.

>> No.19422387

The topics tend to repeat ad nauseum.

>> No.19422400
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"My Wife, Chino"

I think it was written by Aoyama Blue Mountain

>> No.19422424
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>women are at their best when men are having sex with them

>> No.19422446

That's written by Blanchard