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19395521 No.19395521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>i-is that a butt? A butt taking A SHIT?

>> No.19395525

Words are hard, we know. But have you pass grade school before posting here.

>> No.19395528

book could have been 3 pages long.

>> No.19395573

How do you live through COVID mania and not realize the guy has a point? Modern civilization is absolutely terrified of death and has pathologized it because foolish moderns think they have enough control over nature to determine their own destinies. The whole "LOCK DOWN EVERYTHING" attitude about the coof with a 99.9% survival rate is the collective societal neurosis over possibly dying of a natural cause and being unable to avoid it. We need to save every single life even if it completely destroys our economy and the functioning of society itself! We can never admit that diseases simply exist, will always exist and people will die from them and there is literally nothing we can do about it

>> No.19395577

Happy to see someone else mention this. I genuinely did not realize that people liked being alive/feared death that much until their reaction to COVID.

>> No.19395588

(((our economy)))

>> No.19395597

>Can't find a job or support my family but at least I helped a lot of fat boomers survive to continue draining my pension account for a few more years
Very noble of you anon

>> No.19395605

Lock down comes from grown up people having actual social understanding, and realizing that a rampant epidemic has societal costs
The reason retards have a problem understanding things like lockdown or vaccinations is that they don't understand the world past the simple childish individually centered world view. Whether you life or die doesn't matter, most of you don't even have any valuable occupation. A million of you will break the institutions any modern society is founded on. If you actually didn't want to be a part of it and fucked off into some desert, that would be fine, but no, you just stick around to mope and bitch and cry.
Most grown ups aren't scared of death. They are scared of not having had meaningful lives.

>> No.19395614

i genuinely think that people dying is not all that bad, especially during a war, and i don't get why it's perceived to be such a monstrous thing to say. everybody has to go at some point. i'm not even one of those pessimists like zapffe who see life as this abomination of an ordeal.
maybe it's because i'm from the third world, but if i ever allude to this idea with a regular person from the us for example, it's like flipping a damned switch. really freaky.

>> No.19395615

>Most grown ups aren't scared of death. They are scared of not having had meaningful lives.

That's a death cope, you fucking idiot. You typed all of that out and STILL remained an imbecile. It would have been best if you had never said anything.

>> No.19395621

t. Doesn’t have any disabled relatives

>> No.19395622

>death cope
It's called living an actual life, baby boi

>> No.19395632

>Lock down comes from grown up people having actual social understanding, and realizing that a rampant epidemic has societal costs
The lock downs have had far more severe societal costs than doing nothing at all.

>The reason retards have a problem understanding things like lockdown or vaccinations is that they don't understand the world past the simple childish individually centered world view
No, it's the opposite, it's because we understand not everyone in the country lives in the bugmen hives and can continue to do their worthless jobs through zoom meetings in their underpants

>A million of you will break the institutions any modern society is founded on
They were institutions white people created and which the bugmen are happily infesting, dismantling and turning against the intended inheritors

>> No.19395638

You are the exact retard example. Thank you.

>> No.19395652

Becker is based but few people here understand him and this book

>> No.19395670

please elaborate on what you think is the correct interpretation without any trolling. this book is great and having a serious discussion about it here would be nice.

>> No.19395680

>having a serious discussion here would be nice
You wish

>> No.19395689

>t. has never been in a high quality thread full of effortposts
there was one just yesterday about girard and calasso. great stuff.

>> No.19395702

>The reason retards have a problem understanding things like lockdown or vaccinations is that they don't understand the world past the simple childish individually centered world view
God I wish everyone thought this retarded so society never would’ve made it this far in the first place

>> No.19395713

Don't worry, you're doing your part

>> No.19395751
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>A butt taking A SHIT


>> No.19396026

I agree with the premise of the book but I don't think psychoanalysis is a credible argument for anything.
Is there any book that argues the same premise from a different angle?

>> No.19396062

>*diverges off into a 3 chapter stretch of Freudian fan-fiction*

>> No.19396073 [DELETED] 

the lockdowns where to crash the economy and force mail in voting so trump would lose which worked but now they're having trouble dialing it down and getting the libs back to work. it was never about saving lives because when you "flatten the curve" the area under the curve is the same size.

>> No.19396082

he should have just wrote an article for atlantic instead of spending 100 pages paraphasing otto rank for us. i finally stopped taking recs from /lit/ spam after that one.

>> No.19396128

I've seen some convincing arguments that COVID was entirely economic, but I am too dumb to recount them here. The political aspect is also plausible, mail-in voting was a fucking mess.

>> No.19396153

mail in voting was to intimidate people. antifa and other democrat voters were allowed to torch cities from coast to coast with no consequences, and then the government tells you to cast your vote by sealing it in an envelop with your name and address on it.

>> No.19396157
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What happened to this board that the truth has become a controversy?

>> No.19396170

truth like men can't become women? or do you mean another truth?

>> No.19396176

Why would anyone want to be a woman?

>> No.19396210

Kill yourself, but make sure your wearing a mask and social distanced when you do it

>> No.19396414

Psychoanalysis, not even once.

>> No.19396485

Closer to a 2-3% fatality rate which translates to millions of people. Of course people fear death and would like to prevent millions from dying, not only because they fear their own death but also cause people don't like losing loved ones. Not really a neurosis it's just natural survival instinct.
>We can never admit that diseases simply exist, will always exist and people will die from them and there is literally nothing we can do about it
Except there are things that work. Death is inevitable but would you rather die today or 20 years in the future?

>> No.19396503
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>he thinking OP is kidding

>> No.19396513

kek i cant wait to read it

>> No.19396519

>I genuinely did not realize that people liked being alive/feared death that much until their reaction to COVID.
Woahhhhh ..... woah hold on, are you telling me people don't like to die? (Hold on mommie NOT NOW im having an epiphany). People actually like being alive and not dead! Woah, & also just learned that people enjoy eating food and don't enjoy pain! Woah not sure if anyone's ever thought of this before.

>> No.19396538

Does this mean that scat fetishists are immune to this sort of terror, as the sight of a beatiful thing defecating does not cause the horrible realization? Was this what made James Joyce so powerful?

>> No.19396568

>vince mcmahon
you now realize that scatological humor is a sign of genius

>> No.19396619

Why are Jews like this?

>> No.19396684

For me it wasn't the thought of shitting but the bodily pain I began to feel as I approached 30 that really forced me to confront my mortality. For about a year it was almost the only thing I thought about and everyone began to treat me like I was crazy, which in hindsight seems understandable.

>> No.19396701

>Closer to a 2-3% fatality rate which translates to millions of people
Horseshit. US total cases is at 47 million, deaths are 762k, which isn't even 1.5% let alone 2%. Add to that the vast majority of those deaths were people over 70 with underlying health conditions and the average healthy person under 60 has a 99% chance of surviving COVID at the very least.

>> No.19396718

This guy thinking that shit represents decay and death shows he never bothered to even visit a farm, let alone work on one. No wonder he hates life

>> No.19396723

Global average. That’s what most every site I ai can find estimates the global avg. So unless you have information the contrary that’s the # I’m going with.

>> No.19396729 [DELETED] 

yeah, it's ... not a great book.

>> No.19396756

Holy shit, never heard of this book, but I unironically feel that way all the time

>> No.19396936

>We need to save every single life even if it completely destroys our economy and the functioning of society itself!
Lmao, fuck off bootlicker.

>> No.19397390

Read the post you replied to again. He's disagreeing with the part you quoted.

>> No.19397435

That's it? That's his ace in the hole?

>> No.19397974

i don't necessarily disagree with your point concerning death, but it's a bit rich to be criticizing the lockdowns when they came at a point where almost nothing was known of the disease and we basically had to rely on information the ccp was willing to put out and poor testing available making it look like 10-15% of people getting it were dying in places like Italy.

but go ahead, apply our current knowledge of covid to critique actions that were made with very little data available almost two years ago. could be you are a zoomer that wasn't even paying attention to the news at the time (jan-march '20).

>> No.19398026

It's one page out of an entire book

>> No.19398047

>The whole "LOCK DOWN EVERYTHING" attitude about the coof with a 99.9% survival rate is the collective societal neurosis over possibly dying of a natural cause and being unable to avoid it
Lockdown were solely caused by the HOSPITALISATION rate which was too much to handle, not the death rate, dumb ass.

>> No.19398175

It basically captures the entire book, Jew lover

>> No.19398189

Doesn't matter, we'll all die someday

>> No.19398199

How do you idiots not understand that the problem is overwhelming hospitals at which point the fatality rate would shoot up to 2% or higher. Not to mention hordes more dying from other causes because they can't go to hospital. That's why the lockdowns.

>> No.19398202

I hate the leftist habit of calling other people bootlickers as they passionately defend the positions of the ruling class

>> No.19398218

Death is bad. Simple as.

>> No.19398280

I dont understand what he means when he says psychoanalysis is to become a new religion?
Anyone care enough to explain?

>> No.19398302

anti-covid measures also have death tolls
aint that simple

>> No.19398334
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Literally just believe in reincarnation and you won't fear death much anymore. Simple as.

>> No.19398395

Nope! If you kill yourself, that's YOUR fault! That's right bucko, especially if you're a straight white male! Honestly, you should have already killed yourself, *we* don't care and we're kind of working so that you actually do, but if you do, it's your fault! We take no credit for that, no sirree!

>> No.19399352

also interested in the answer to this

>> No.19399448

Thinking about adding this book to my reading list, but I have no grounding in Freudian philosophy or psychoanalysis...am I in for a bad time?

>> No.19400006

he explains it pretty well during the book, in fact I think half of it could be missing, its basically a semi-biography and appraisal of Fraud

>> No.19400013


>> No.19400171

Summary of the thread. Pseudos that deny death and pseudos that deny they are part of civilization.

>> No.19400208

literally just read the wikipedia summaries of penis envy, stages of psychosexual develpment etc. the book mostly explains the relevant ideas anyway and so is fairly self-contained

>> No.19400456

Jews are terrified of natural processes.

>> No.19400544 [DELETED] 

I never did any of that a a kid. I actually was disgusted by prostate orgasms because it tempted me to put a finger in my butt and I did also infer from all this how gay guys have sex, so I just avoided the whole topic alltogether until coming out in my 20s. this mf is unhinged as fuck and I am still not smearing shit onto walls...

>> No.19400552

>you now realize that scatological humor is a sign of genius
its a sign of being gay. its a cope because you are forced to face that terror to experience pleasure.

>> No.19400715

There are selfish and unselfish reasons to be both pro- and anti- lockdowns.

>> No.19400755

Deification standing in opposition to man's grace is about the only thing in that book that made sense to me. The rest was frood-babble of the highest sort.

>> No.19400804

I feel like all modern books that get shilled here are just tryhard self-help books. The veneer of the book being "philosophical" makes people less self-conscious about the fact that it's literally just self-help cope.

>> No.19400832

philosophy is just the o.g. self help cope, you midwit. self help is just the small minded crap-shoot variant for brainlets.

>> No.19401214

There are road fatalities so we should ban driving I guess?

>> No.19401226

Nurses sure have a lot of time to post tik toks of themselves dancing with all those hospitalizations huh

>> No.19401237

unironically yes cars were a mistake

>> No.19401259

Urbanite bugman spotted

>> No.19401286


>> No.19401301

>having to pay the saudi royal family to get a slice of pizza
who's the bug

>> No.19401316

Don't forget Pynch
>The pain is terrible.

>> No.19401433

(((white people)))>>19395588
(((our economy)))
OK /pol/

>> No.19401455

>destined to repeat this bullshit ad nauseam
Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.19402157

so this is the level of reading comprehension on /lit/...