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19382119 No.19382119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any books that can help me understand the cultural marxist ideology? What is the best strategy for smashing cultural marxism through radical and uncompromising action?

>> No.19382129
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read SIEGE, faggot.

>> No.19382155
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>> No.19382172
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>> No.19382193

there's a difference between masculine aryan homosexuality and tranny degeneracy

>> No.19382286

Research the New Left, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the Weathermen, etc. Basically after WW2, "western Marxism" sputtered out in the 1950s and died by the 1960s as a vigorous intellectual movement, because the writing was on the wall that the western liberal democracies were thriving and undergoing a massive economic boom, not visibly declining (emphasis on visibly since you can argue this at whatever level behind the scenes if you want).

Intellectuals deserted Marxism to become various shades of post-Marxist or "Marxian" liberal-left, partly through the normal generational drift that causes most movements to dry up as their youth constituents age out of their 20s and into more bourgeois positions. Actual working class movements had already been repressed, dispersed, and ultimately assimilated into party-political, non-activist, social democracy channels in the first half of the 20th century in America and western Europe, and the post-war reconstruction boom meant that there was very little reason for organic working class agitation to arise. Wages and standards of living went up and prices went down in many places, employment was easy to guarantee, etc. This illusory growth lasted into the '70s.

So there was no reason to form a hardened core of working class agitators with professional Marxist thought-leaders. The thought-leaders themselves, always drawn from bourgeois intellectual cadres and university students, were kind of bored of Marxism already. The authoritarian USSR made Marxism un-trendy and difficult to associate with since you had to be a pro-repression militarist instead of a lovey-dovey utopian if you wanted to call yourself a communist now. By the '60s, old-school economic Marxism stank of being outmoded and stodgy, of association with tyranny, etc.

The CIA and co. ramped up their clandestine culture war at this time too. Look up Encounter magazine as one example, and the Congress for Cultural Freedom. The CIA during this period was a continuation of OSS partisan-support networks during and shortly after WW2. What they did was identify people or groups of people who are usefully anti-communist or pro-Allies in countries they wanted to strategically strengthen or undermine (depending on the mood of Allen Dulles that day), and then channel illegal "black book" slush funds toward those people. Identify people who are already causing a splinter in a movement you want to splinter, then fund them, so they don't have to worry about putting food on the table and can focus on splintering the movement you don't like. Or pick people you dislike, and fund everybody who dislikes them. Exiled poet hates his anti-American country's regime? Make sure he gets interviewed by all the magazines, make sure he gets on TV. They not only funded, but FOUNDED whole cultural organs (like Encounter) to do this. They "recruited" everyone, from Herbert Marcuse to William F. Buckley, playing on their patriotism, resentment, vanity, etc.

>> No.19382287

So you have the already tumultuous, fragmented terrain of the left in the postwar period. You have zero groundswell support for a working-class movement because everybody is fat and happy. You have the fact that the left has historically always been led by neurotic, overeducated bourgeois radicals who are only doing it out of vanity, or because they want to impose their weird sexual fetishes and utopian fantasies onto the progressive/revolutionary movement. You have a rising new generation of youths who want to engage in fashionable leftist radicalism, an American university tradition since the 1920s and 1930s (look it up, it wasn't new in the '60s), but who can't see Marxism as fashionable anymore. And you almost certainly have the government, or rather the insane corrupt agencies that the government, half terrified of world communism (justifiably - McCarthy was right about most things) and half bankers businessmen and other technocrats trying to defuse radicalism IN GENERAL and not ideological at all (look up the Powell memorandum, which is really just a continuation of Lippmann and Bernays thought control), doing whatever they can to accelerate the fragmentation and neutralization of radical movements.

Take all that, then read the Letter to the New Left by C. Wright Mills in 1960. He died shortly after writing that. C. Wright Mills is a good example of one of those post-Marxist types. He was probably perfectly sincere. But note in the letter how he doesn't think a return to Marxist economism or Leninist radicalism is going to do anything. The liberal state is too strong, we are settling in for a long winter of liberal capitalist self-confidence, we have to make strategic decisions about whether social democracy was right about gradualism or whether we have to fight an intergenerational "long war" within bourgeois institutions even if we are ultimately still radicals/revolutionaries. The tone of that letter both affected and reflected 1960s campus radical attitudes. But campus radicals are mostly rich bourgeois children who make a virtue of neuroticism, they are not C. Wright Mills, so their sincerity was a little more questionable than this. Once you get this, you can go look at the SDS and the Weathermen and laugh at how ineffectual they were. Then read the letters between Marcuse (people still say he worked for the CIA) and Adorno about the hippies and the revolutionary potential of pop "protest music."

From there, you already understand the materials that made up the New Left and what most people mean by "cultural Marxism." If you want to get more conspiratorial, or more speculative, or understand more specific things, you can then more easily branch out.

>> No.19382290

For conspiracy, you can read shit like The Cultural Cold War by Saunders or you can go full crazy and read Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon which alleges that the entire hippie counterculture was astroturfed by strategically uplifting and signal boosting the careers of easily controlled and modestly talented musicians with family connections to the military and government. These are only two examples but there are thousands of things like this. Remember, you don't even have to "plant" people, all you have to do is strategically support certain ones.

For speculative, look into the long history of the left and how the utopian childishness and crypto-authoritarianism of New Left progressivism is nothing new. Look at Saint-Simon's authoritarian socialist scientism (which inspired Comte's "enlightened bankers will run the world for everyone's benefit!," and which J.S. Mill repudiated as horrific and autistic), Fourier's literal schizophrenic phalanstery fantasies, William Godwin's autistic "anarchism is so rational that the collective anarchist society can use terror to murder anyone who doesn't want to be part of the nudist colony voluntarily but that won't happen because it's so rational to be nude everyone will just join voluntarily anyway" vulgar Rousseauism, naive sex-obsessed women's lib (already pushing polyamory and cuckolding as early as Mary Wollstonecraft, the mother of similarly bonkers Mary Shelley and """"wife"""" of the aforementioned Godwin), Engels' creepy anti-monogamy thing, sex-obsessed new age counterculture and narcissistic avantgarde coopting of leftist movements (Andre Breton), Wilhelm Reich's magical cum theory (still popular with Marxists). All the way down to today's "oh you're a leftist? me too, I just got an NYU grant of $250,000 to stick things in my ass and talk about colonialism or something, because when people see my last name they know I'm basically bourgeois royalty and someone owed my dad a favor."

This countercultural revolving door of neurotic weirdos has always been a double-edged sword for the left. In times of burgeoning new age counterculture, if this milieu happens to support the left (it usually but not always does), it can make it the unconscious default political alignment for reform-minded types, providing a lot of rank and file for leftist movements. On the other hand, these people are usually neurotic weirdos, losers, deadbeats, rich people slumming and wanting to feel important in college or on twitter. This point has significant overlap with the conspiratorial side, since you can see how easy it would be to accelerate these tendencies strategically to swamp the left in garbage (a kind of mass entryism of useful idiots).

If you want to understand more specific things, just read about them, and they will unravel into one or both of the aforementioned strains, plus a little bit of "holy shit this 'movement' was just a few rich drug addicts LARPing" (Weathermen).

>> No.19382296

Rightists belong in camps.

>> No.19382314
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explains why all those stupid grecco faggots died out and Christianity reigned in a Golden Age of European supremacy

>> No.19382315

i mean if these people are going to call you a fascist for the unforgivable crimes of reading old books, not wanting children to be molested, refusing to be a second class citizen in your own country or having thoughts unapproved by DNC corporate media, can 'fascism' probably be all that bad? wouldn't it make sense to send all the marxists and the kikes trannies and the fags and shitlibs into camps before they send us into camps?

>> No.19382321

I forgot to mention another minor thing, third worldism. Third worldism is an interesting case because it was a combination of leftist radicalism, which the original third worldists had generally learned by attending university in Europe or colonial universities on the European model in their own countries, ethnonationalism and ethnically justified anti-colonialism, and often right wing and fascist support.

Naturally if you are a rich university student in a western country and you hear about the post-colonial struggles of the Algerians or whatever, and you hear they are couching their struggles in Marxist pan-African utopian terms about how everyone will have a big hug and kiss session after colonialism is dismantled, you are going to support it. Doesn't matter if the movement is essentially an ethnonationalist continuation of the nationalist crises of the early 20th century in Europe as the Ottoman, Russian, and Austrian empires fell apart. Doesn't matter if they commit atrocities. They must be the "good guys," if the only way you can understand the world is through simplified good/bad goggles because you've been bathed in propaganda since before you were born.

Look at how childish the "Maoists" of the '60s and '70s behaved. The whole thing is done with a guilty conscience, they are bourgeois to the core and they know it, but they know that they are stuck, so they are taking the option that at least allows them to do what bourgeois people do for fun: get an academic or journalistic sinecure and write edgy essays for clout.

The thing you should always be asking is: how much of this is just useful idiots? And: how hard would it be to manipulate/control this, if 98% of the people in it are practically begging to be manipulated controlled?

>> No.19382347

Anon doesn't seem to know just how fucked his whole movement is. It's pretty much over for the left. They got to have their tranny freakout and rage at orange man, now the same Devil they made a deal with is going to turn on them. I'd almost feel sorry for them to be quite honest.

>> No.19382349

You really need to get read of your victim complex because none of the things you're saying is true. You're a fucking retard who doesn't go outside, and spends too much time on 4chan.
>can 'fascism' probably be all that bad?
When you go around making threats like you, expect capital consequences. You can larp on the internet all you want, but the moment you step out of line, law enforcement will put you down.

>> No.19382357
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>> No.19382368

>i mean if these people are going to call you a fascist for the unforgivable crimes of reading old books, not wanting children to be molested
lol. it's funny i hate the present culture so much without confabulating complete make-believe shit about it like these schizos on 4chan

>> No.19382406
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>> No.19382407

I mean but trannies and fags can get away with grooming children, criminal niggers are hailed as heroes and kike bankers get to fuck everyone in the ass, but the moment a white man voices the mildest complain, leftists come crying to the cops.

>> No.19382430


>> No.19382434

You need to stop being white trash
>leftists come crying to the cops.
Why don't you support the cops? They deal with lunatics like you

>> No.19382444

Yes I'm sure your version of demented tyranny will be vastly superior to the one you don't like. Go home tourist

>> No.19382459

all politics is identity politics. the only thing that can combat anti white identity politics is white identity politics.
bringing class to a race war is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
these people want us broke, dead, our children raped and brainwashed and they think its all pretty funny.
they are deranged, violence is the only language they understand.

I support the police when they go after our enemies, I oppose the police when they go after our friends.

>> No.19382474

Lmao, why do so many white people vote for Democrats if they want them dead, retard? How many white people were killed by Biden's American Rescue Plan, his executive orders or his Infrastructure Bill, retard?

>> No.19382499

Get a grip you stupid dickhead. You're just making a fool of yourself.

>> No.19382501

>our enemies
>our friends
Your own self-declared tribe by its own political and economic decisions has opted for a neo-planter economy of importing vast amounts of servile foreigners to do almost all jobs outside of managing its own wealth. It supports the increase and enfranchisement of these groups to better its own margins. You are the loser of the group who doesn't make as much profit off the helots and wants them gone. Your views are marginal and considered anathema by the society which your tribe constitutes. Yet you larp as their defender when they consider you to be the one they need to guard against. Futile, stupid, and wrong to persist in this loyalty to self-obsolence. Come back after you read something other than an infographic

>> No.19382511

You're saying the Democrats were killing white people by extending unemployment benefits?

>> No.19382581

You're mostly right, really (yet you tripped in the same schizo brainfart). I'm an old Marxist and I support the transgender movement (and the LGBTQ+ movement in general) in all of its battles because I truly see the importance of sexual and identity freedom, also I'm not ashamed when I say I truly support the DDR and Honecker's Stasi, young people won't acknowledge the importance of the State because that would require actual effort to make a difference, their egocentrism is so strong they truly believe they will overthrow the status quo by just exhausting everyone around them without making an actual change, also they don't care about workers because workers' problems are not hip anymore (college intelligentsia are so distant from everything that it's real), and that in 2021 small business' owners and small landlords are unironically considered part of the working class, TRANSGENDER CEOs AND GAY/LESBIAN PRIME MINISTERS ARE SEEN AS GOOD PEOPLE (and that's why people like you constantly make up schizo shit about jews and the gays) and you have the average "radical leftist". I've heard people literally shitposting IRL saying shit like "the revolutionary vanguard can't talk constantly about economy, communism is a social goal too!!" and yet they hijack the whole circus leaving every economic thread behind, it is curious tho that these same people are always americans or wannabe-americans larpers.

>> No.19382602

Right here buddy

>> No.19382606

The status quo isn't the problem here. Its just that you retards are too idealistic to realize people only really care about being fed and having a nice place to stay. That's so easy to accomplish with modern capitalism because of the globalization of trade and automation, especially after the fall of the evil empire. Like you are bunch of idiots who don't seem to realize the world has moved past Marxism, past socialism, and that capitalism is here to stay. Fuck the "revolutionary vanguard", and fuck all this populist non-sense. You people are so disconnected from the people you believe you speak for because they want nothing to do with you.

>> No.19382628

>that's why people like you constantly make up schizo shit about jews and the gays

>Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
>An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible.
>The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations.
>Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities.
>The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew.
>The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
Karl Marx

>"Proudhon's diaries (Carnets, ed. P. Haubtmann, Marcel Rivière, Paris 1960 to date) reveal that he had almost paranoid feelings of hatred against the Jews, common in Europe at the time. In 1847 he considered publishing an article against the Jewish race, which he said he "hated". The proposed article would have "called for the expulsion of the Jews from France... The Jew is the enemy of the human race. This race must be sent back to Asia, or exterminated. H. Heine, A. Weil, and others are simply secret spies. Rothschild, Crémieux, Marx, Fould, evil choleric, envious, bitter men etc., etc., who hate us"
Pierre Joseph Proudhon

>in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion
Mikhail Bakunin

>In an article written at the beginning of September 1846 for the Northern Star about Government and Opposition in France, [Engels] writes without hesitation about the "exclusive role of Rothschild & Co." (Engels, 1846, 62).

>> No.19382645

>Antisemitism in the Soviet Union commenced openly as a campaign against the "rootless cosmopolitan"[3] (a euphemism for "Jew"). In his speech titled "On Several Reasons for the Lag in Soviet Dramaturgy" at a plenary session of the board of the Soviet Writers' Union in December 1948, Alexander Fadeyev equated the cosmopolitans with the Jews.[26][note 2] In this anti-cosmopolitan campaign, many leading Jewish writers and artists were killed.[3] Terms like "rootless cosmopolitans", "bourgeois cosmopolitans", and "individuals devoid of nation or tribe" appeared in newspapers.

>Soviet antisemitism extended to policy in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany. As the historian Norman Naimark has noted, officials in the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SVAG) by 1947–48 displayed a "growing obsession" with the presence of Jews in the military administration

>Scholars such as Erich Goldhagen claim that following the death of Stalin, the policy of the Soviet Union towards Jews and the Jewish question became more discreet, with indirect antisemitic policies over direct physical assault.[33] Erich Goldhagen suggests that despite being famously critical of Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev did not view Stalin's antisemitic policies as "monstrous acts" or "rude violations of the basic Leninist principles of the nationality policy of the Soviet state"

>> No.19382660
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God what an absolute tourism thread he's even got his txt files ready

>> No.19382693

No, people want to feel good in every possible aspect of their miserable life, they want to be fed, they want a nice place, they want to fuck whoever they want, they want not to be fucked when they don't want to be fucked, they want their cure without going in debt, and capitalism is not coming to the rescue. The only midwit disconnected from reality here is you.
Dude what I was trying to say is that I don't care if the dude that want to fuck me in the ass is a Jew, an Italian or has spawned from an hole in the middle of the ocean, I'm still going to beat the fuckhead till is not with us anymore. I don't need schizo wall of texts to justify my hatred for all the people that want me unhappy (see above for my definition)

>> No.19382699

>there's a difference between masculine aryan homosexuality and tranny degeneracy
More proof that nazis are fags.

>> No.19382721

Also I really don't understand what's going on, are the jewz, commies (and viceversa) or not? Again I don't care and maybe you could be right, but I still don't care about the "label", it's my enemy. End.

>> No.19382747

>I don't need schizo wall of texts
You don't, but the people your effeminate gaslighting and gatekeeping has excluded from engagement with leftism do. There are more, and definitely more interesting, people coming to leftism via antisemitism in the last 10 years than aging faggots like you still trying to make nice with the trannies on social media.

I don't post for you, nobody posts for you, not even your own "side" for the last 20 years. I'm posting for the people who haven't neutralized themselves by cavorting with trannies and who are capable of seeing that intelligent antisemitism is valid praxis.

Go get lectured on how you can use more inclusive language by your vaxmaxxing DSA peers.

>> No.19382755

>d capitalism is not coming to the rescue. The only midwit disconnected from reality here is you.
Capitalism is working; you're just not working. You just can't accept the fact you're broken goods, and need to just die off while the rest of us thrive.

>> No.19382762

Leftism is a cult; only sheep flock to it. People who become anarchists, communists are just separating their diseased mindset from the rest of the crop

>> No.19382804
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Hitler was known to have read this book by von lebenfels, Lewd Sex apes and electric aryan hermaphrodites. unorthodox to say the least exegeses of scripture, where the apes rape jesus christ who was an hermaphrodite with psychic powers. maybe antisemites just gay for jews?

>> No.19382829

Yeah I acknowledge that, it's been always like that, people hate jewz and if you ask me I would probably join your sleepover club because of what they've done in Palestine and Syria, but transgender people what have done to you to earn all this shitting?
Thanks for the advice but I do not want to be considered a "goods", I'm a man of virtue and I don't want to work my whole life just to ensure the survival of my family, I want to pursue MY interests, I don't want some bald evil moron to get even more richer on my (I woud add " and yours too" but you're probably underage) shoulders, I want to discover things, learn everything I can, I don't want to read some kid sperging about darwinism while typing from his mum's basement.

>> No.19382846

>, I want to pursue MY interests, I don't want some bald evil moron
You can do that any time you stop being a fucking larper and learn how to take responsibility for your life instead of blaming others for your failures. Marxist worms like yourself will never learn this until you face the sword, and you suddenly realize the error of your ways. You are owed nothing in this world but what you are capable of. And a weakling like you doesn't have many opportunities for greatness. You're be better off expecting mediocrity instead for a revolution that will never come and never save a profligate like yourself.

>> No.19382864

You are going to die as a member of the underclass, and people like you only exist to produce goods for the superior members of society. The sooner you accept that; the better off you'll be. If you attempt to fight this arrangement; expect the death you so desperately deserve.

>> No.19382867

>any books that can help me understand the cultural marxist ideology?
There isn't such an ideology. It's a continuous retardation that's being made up on the spot to suit the current dictators needs. Did you learn nothing from recorded history? There are no 2 soviet dictators that think alike. Same is true for globalhomo.

>> No.19382870

>transgender people what have done to you to earn all this shitting?
It's basic Gramsci. All metapolitical war is total war, declared or undeclared, it doesn't matter. Total war means winner takes all, and it also means that everything is an extension of the war effort. There are no noncombatants or protected or neutral areas of life.

This isn't a good or nice thing, but it's the way total war is being waged on you already by your enemy, organized international capital. You don't have any choice but to respond in kind if you want to survive.

One of the most important weapons the enemy has is to undermine the basic "hygiene" of their enemy (you) as a means of destroying morale and fighting spirit across the board. Anything that increases complacency, neuroticism, hedonism, or acts as a distraction, is a weapon.

Sprinkling a few trannies on a movement that is already paralyzed by not being able to exclude freaks and losers is more devastating than physically attacking its members. Just send in some trannies, wait 6 months, and the target movement will be dissolved into a tranny rape den of whiny narcissists who drove out all the sane and normal people and mind-parasitized all the weak followers.

>> No.19382894

>what is Constantinople

>> No.19382896

>What is the best strategy for smashing cultural marxism through radical and uncompromising action?
Classical marxism.

>> No.19382908

>Its just that you retards are too idealistic to realize SHEEPLE only really care about being fed and having a nice place to stay.
What about the 10% that are not sheeple?

>> No.19382921

Yes Howard S. Schwartz has. Lefism is an anti-oedipal pathology
>The basic premise of this book is that organizations are made up of the rules, common understandings, and obligations that "the father" represents, and which are given meaning in the oedipal dynamic. In anti-oedipal psychology, however, they are seen as locuses of deprivation and structures of oppression. Anti-oedipal meaning, then, is geared toward the destruction of organization.

His books are
>Society Against Itself: Political Correctness and Organizational Self-Destruction
>Political Correctness and the Destruction of Social Order: Chronicling the Rise of the Pristine Self
>Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay: The Theory of the Organizational Ideal
>The Revolt of the Primitive: An Inquiry into the Roots of Political Correctness

>> No.19382958

Its the other way around. You're the sheep, and you're too narcissistic to see society has no need for people like you or what you believe. Honestly, you should be ignored. If you become a problem, a menace, a threat to society - you should be shot.

>> No.19382977

Anarchists, communists, fascists are nothing but pests and parasites who contribute nothing to society. They are a disease, and they should be exterminated to protect the healthier members of society.

>> No.19382980

I blame myself for choosing money over self realization, I'm an engineer but I've always dreamed of studying physics, I wanted to be a full time researcher but in my country people working in university are paid less than janitors so don't fucking tell me that, in your distorted vision of the world I'm a winner, I've a nice house (still paying debts), I make more moneys that I really need for daily life and I live with my wife (and no kids), I've plenty of free time because of that but I want everyone on this shitty planet to have at least what I have, I don't fucking care I spent money and time for my degree and my house, these are basics needs that EVERYONE should have access to. If I'm able to purse my interests for 4-5 hours a day EVERYONE should at least be able to do it.

I don't know that the situation in america is, but every transgender person I know (and they all are in my "golden circle" of friends) is quite prude lmao, one of them is even christian, that's because my hometown is an agricultural powerhouse and everyone lives the "rural" lifestyle, is not the person that is naturally twisted (or some eugenics shit), social pressure and bad habits makes them and america is full of them, also they are the most trustworthy comrade I know, maybe the only ones that makes still sense.

>> No.19383106

>I blame myself for choosing money over self realization
>I wanted to be a full time researcher but in my country people working in university are paid less
You're basically complaining about the fact you lack the self control to crave money. You're just mad nobody wants to pay for your lifestyle for a job that won't sustain it. Why should the market elevate your wants, and the wants of the people who participate in it?
>these are basics needs that EVERYONE should have access to.
You are owed nothing in this world. Nobody should be forced to make things for you, especially for free, simply because you exist. If you want something from this work; earn it yourself like everyone else.

>> No.19383127

fucking destroyed. couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.19383263

It all comes down to WWII, at the end of the day. I’m not white but it’s pretty clear to me that the “left” (liberals for you butthurt commies) in the West have decided to kill off the white race. Whites are pretty retarded at the end of the day and so most of their population has decided to join in on their own destruction. It’s unfortunate I suppose, but one cannot save a people who don’t want to be saved. My advice to whites would be to flee the West for Asia or something.

>> No.19383284

so I can't be happy without slaughtering everyone else because (((market))) said no? Yikes, can I pray to this (((market)))? Is this something like judaism?

>> No.19383295

I hope the liberals will double down on the CRT. The more they push the greater the backlash will be.
You know how they always say that even if you travelled back in time and killed Hitler, someone even worse would take his place?
I want that to happen. I want a political party to rise that will make the Nazis look like schoolyard bullies by comparison. This hypothetical future dictator is very likely to be brown or Asian, in all likelihood Muslim but I don’t care.
This dictator will be far worse than Hitler ever was and will do exactly what they falsely accused him of doing and then some.
I hope he and his party will build giant industrial gas chambers and ovens to shovel every Jew, homosexual and political dissident (read: liberals) in quantities that will make the holocaust look like a picnic in the park.
I hope this dictator will be insane enough to risk WWIII and turn Israel into radioactive, molten glass. Especially if multiple dictators rise in multiple western countries.
>inb4 i-it’ll never happen chud!
But it did happen. The German people elected and cheered when Hitler rose to power. Hitler was not deterred by imprisonment for the Beer Hall putsch, neither will this hypothetical future dictator.
Faith in democracy and all its associated freedoms (free speech, free press, etc.) is dying, when elections and democracy are abolished forever it won’t be met with cries of despair, it will be met with deafening applause.
Yes, it can (will) happen here.

>> No.19383304

I mean have you tried bringing up nietszche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.19383327
File: 52 KB, 536x600, large-423166-ev3yjr8viaazhf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: this is cultural marxism. this is the future they want for our children. if you support 'gay rights' or 'trans rights' this is what you are supporting.

before you start with the whataboutism, not all fags or trannies are like that, its just a few bad apples! remember these are social engineering agendas coming from on high and experience has shown these people will line up blindly behind the democratic party and their activist leadership when the push comes to shove.

>> No.19383507

>I want everyone on this shitty planet to have at least what I have
Sounds totalitarian

>> No.19383617

this. anyone can see what these freaks are really after.

>> No.19383630

>one of them is even christian,
somehow this seems more perverted than the regular trannies who ended up like that from watching way too much anime pornography. its not enough being a pervert, you have to conspire to debase the very concept of being a normal christian person,

>> No.19383680
File: 127 KB, 906x1024, gays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The USSR was whiter and more Christian the the EU is today.
Cultural Marxism is just marxist revisionism i.e. Frankfurt school ideas in combination with Neo Liberalisms attempts to expand markets(gay, trans, acceptance, wars for democracy) and reduce wages through adding more to the labor pool(women in the work force, end of slavery, mass immigration)

>> No.19383704

What is the left if not a mindless, bleating herd of consumer cattle ready to follow marching orders from psychiatrists, pharmaceuticals, the mass media, and the democratic party? I mean look at your average marxist tranny, a thing which cannot be considered as fully human, but as a subhuman vessel for corporate social engineering agendas, whose aim is to lower the biological level of human life, as to further government control and corporate profits and to lead up tothe normalization of pedophilia.this is bioleninism and these are biological enemies, the struggle against marxism is life's struggle against death. against those who would hold disease as preferable to health.