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19381634 No.19381634 [Reply] [Original]

can book cure depression?

>> No.19381644
File: 1.77 MB, 2148x3400, Lucas_Cranach_d.Ä._-_Martin_Luther,_1528_(Veste_Coburg).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da bibble can.

>> No.19381659

what's the last one?

>> No.19381670

>remembering the 90s

>> No.19381684

Tight pussy is a 100% guaranteed cure to any faggotry you’re suffering from

So stop being a socially castrated incel and go smash some

With books you’re only digging the sad gay hole deeper for yourself

>> No.19381694

>pussy can cure your weirdness
>need to stop being weird to get some
So it's over?

>> No.19381707

>get /fit/
>bang fatties
>build up confidence
>not weird anymore
>can bang presentable chicks now
It’s that simple. Though dating/relationships will probably remain challenging because any attractive girl already has 900% more experience with that shit than you do.

>> No.19381712


>> No.19381714

that's like a year of work to get his hole. you only have to not be weird for one night.
just get some coke honestly

>> No.19381728

Yeah coke is a great shortcut desu

I haven’t met a single college aged slut who wasn’t crazy for coke, church girls included

>> No.19381742

having coke is the first & last step of meeting (white) girls

>> No.19381760

It gets costly though

I knew a trust fund hipster who had a whole harem of arthoe holes at his disposal anytime he wanted because he always had coke on him. All of those arthoes had bfs too, kinda disgusting if we’re being honest.

>> No.19381789

well i didn't mean anon should go that out of hand

>> No.19381800

Kek, right.

>> No.19381824

For me it was a mixture of getting laid and reading more books, but mostly the fact that getting laid regularly made me less insecure.

>> No.19381875

does having a gf really cures depression?
I've seen some dudes in relationships who are utterly miserable

>> No.19381884

no, but getting laid on a regular basis can until you're too old to be fucking around and need to get settled down. Indulging in pleasures in your youth might help in the short term, but it's ultimately vain. Seek God for long term happiness and fulfillment instead

>> No.19381888

Absolutely, but you need to maintain the upper hand at all times

Dominating your woman is what you’re evolutionary designed to do, it’s the optimal state of being

However, if you let the femhole seize control in relationship (as is usually the case nowadays), you’re in for a miserable cucked ride - far worse than staying single

>> No.19381949

Only for midwits and morons. I get pussy and am now with a girl I truly love but am still haunted and depressed at life. I feel apathetic and think of suicide regularly. I never share this with anybody in real life.

>> No.19381961

do you ever listen to yourself

>> No.19381965


When you understand the truth there's no going back to ignorance, unfortunately. Best of luck to you.

>> No.19382004

I’ve played more DnD this year than in any other year and it just made me realise how shit the game and TTRPGs can be.

>> No.19382136

Atlas Shrugged is doing a good job so far. I am learning a lot about myself and the world and I am not even 100pages in.

>> No.19382163


>> No.19382175

Being stuck with the wrong woman can suicide a man. No joke. The grass ain't greener-- unless you find das Soulmate

>> No.19382176

no, it makes things worse because you can then spread your suffering to an increasing number of people who love you, causing even more pain
at least you can then have a "fellow sufferer"

>> No.19382187

Stupid pic. What about drugs?

>> No.19382198
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>> No.19382199

Drugs don't cure depression tho. They temporarily mask the symptoms. Then you become addicted.

>> No.19382221

>I never share this with anybody in real life.
Honestly, you should. If you talk to the right person it can be incredibly powerful, literally life-changig. But you do you.

>> No.19382226

>the right person
ay but there's the rub

>> No.19382300

>only morons and midwits are in happy relationships
I wonder why you're unhappy

>> No.19382304

A momentary cure is not a cure, but escapism. Do not look other people as salvation, you will only end up where you started when the high wears off.

>> No.19382309

Because he's not a moron or midwit. You must be a moron or midwit to not see this.

>> No.19382327

people that go on about 'the sad reality' are always the most deluded

>> No.19382331
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Can IKEA instruction booklet make futon?

>> No.19382339

yes, you're very clever

>> No.19382343

If heroin didn't cure my depression then surely no drug ever will. I think a taste of victory would do me good. Men need to win at something. Or even men simply need a battle to fight. You'll never be happy simply existing.

>> No.19382345

that's another addiction fella it's called gambling

>> No.19382346

And your right because?

>> No.19382360

i'm not ill

>> No.19382370

You sound like a pussy

>> No.19382375


>> No.19382381

So what's mental illness? Whoever doesn't agree with your pressupossitions?

>> No.19382388

No, ime.
Sone weeks honeymoon phase and then feeling like being dead again.

>> No.19382389

Nice cope anon

>> No.19382408

I want a boring girl I can introduce to all my fetishes. Did with my gf in high school. Surely its possible again

>> No.19382411

Imagine being this brainlet to even consider Ayyy Rand even close to something readable, americans are truly a disease. Go read Stirner if you want to be the edgy (but not autistic) kid.

>> No.19382413

Tfw my high shool gf went to college and became a coke whore. Feels bad man

>> No.19382423

I'm too intelligent to be happy

>> No.19382432
File: 2.22 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20211016_091355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol spassti, ich bin deutscher du fucking retard. Now I know that anyone shitting on rand is a slimy seething piece of mediocre leftist trash. Thanks for the eager display.

>> No.19382452

What about war then? I'm living in an Eastern European country in which it might happen soon.

>> No.19382455

depression in this case

>> No.19382472

The Bible and the Holy Catholic Church

>> No.19382504

Im done. I can't anymore. Enjoy your life.

>> No.19382524

Life is a gamble though isn't it? I'm thinking something more specific. I just don't know what.

>> No.19382529

Enjoy wallowing in self-pity.

>> No.19382552

christ bro

>> No.19382582

wow i cant even right now

>> No.19382629

No but they can cause it

>> No.19382733

Read "A man asleep" by George Perec to stop prolonging the suffering and kys asap. Then ask a local devil in hell "This was so effective and anti-inspiring I killed myself instantly and never got a time to check other of his books, are they pack the same punch and feel force?". When devil would just ignited with laughter and replied "מאָדנע, מיר האָבן אַ ספּעציעל גרוב אין גיהנום פֿאַר מענטשן וואָס לייענען "אַ מענטש שלאָפנדיק" און געהרגעט זיך נאָך בלויז צו אַנטדעקן דאָ אַז פּערעק פאקטיש געשריבן איינער פון די מערסט לעבן אַפערמינג און לעבן אָנצינדונג ברעקלעך אין געשיכטע "life a user's manual "

>> No.19383601

No, they can help a bit with motivation and with that + exercise can help end depression. Exercise has been the only thing that always helps no matter how depressed I am. I can't stress how much it helps! If you really want to put an end to felling like that it's the best thing you can do.

>> No.19383647

Will any kind of exercise work?

>> No.19383672

Based. Did you know hamlet etymologically means “small town without a church”

>> No.19383748

yes you just need to do enough of it. if you need to start with simple stretching and fucking baby 5lbs weights. just the act of moving your body will make you feel good about doing something at all to change your situation. their will certainly be points where you want to stop or you lose the motivation to go further, in those times you need to push yourself to not backslide into the past.

it gets easier, but you've got to do it every day that's the hard part, but it does get easier

>> No.19383776


I hate cocaine itself and all who use it. It's not a chad-stacy/uncool guy hates the cool guy thing, I just plain hate the drug itself and the chic associated with it.

>> No.19383883

Same. I got invited along by my friend to join a campaign this year. It generally bored me to tears but what made it worth going was the fact that I made my character extremely abrasive which pissed off the geebin numales in the group who took it too seriously for me.
>DM: You find a mysterious object
>Geebin: I inspect the object
>DM: Roll for wisdom check (or whatever the fuck)
>DM: Nice, you see that it is magical with some runes on it
>Geebin: Is it heavy
>DM: yeah kinda
>Geebin: Can I read the runes
>DM: Roll history check (or whatever the fuck)
>DM: No you cannot read it
>Me (a dogmatic cleric): Hey can I check that out real quick?
>Geebin: uh ok
>Me: I smash it by throwing it as hard as I can against the wall. Magic is heresy.
Later in the campaign I would announce that I (my character) was taking a shit and that everyone would need to wait until I finished. Then I incited a race riot after which they had had enough of me and put me on trial and sentenced me to death. At the trial I read half of the death of socrates before everyone realised that I was full of shit again. After that character I haven't invited back. I don't know how anyone enjoys playing DnD the normal way.

>> No.19383945

You're either a pencil necked virgin who's LARPing or some kind of smoothbrain. I've had sex regularly for most of my youth with very good looking girls and I ended my last relationship because I was sick of getting caught in people's lives. It's such a retarded take, it's like saying that if you eat tasty food every day it will cure depression, or if you have a nice car that is nice to look at and goes fast it will cure depression. I wish I were a brainlet who can find satisfaction in the senses but it didn't work out for me, I always wanted to leave society.

>> No.19384028

Kek. Well done, anon. I like the S’s speech and the race riot particularly. Did the DM go along with it? Seems like they let you have a bit of fun. Don’t worry about not being invited back.

>> No.19384033

So we get out depression through war, fitness, love or what's the fourth thing supposed to be? Gambling?

>> No.19384117

Depending on the book it can cure it or trigger it. But yes there are many books that can help

>> No.19384130

You're not that weird dude. It's mostly in your head

>> No.19384299

Just about, if you aren't used to working out start small and keep going harder. The easiest is sit ups & crunches, whole bunch of different push ups like working the chest, forearms & etc..running and jogging really helps as well and wall squats are good for working the legs. All pretty simple and no need for any equipment, after you master all that stuff you could always get a gym membership afterwards. No reason to get a gym membership when you're too weak for most of the equipment, work up to it.

>> No.19384309

There is quite literally nothing stopping you from talking to a strange girl (who is by herself) and introducing yourself, absolutely nothing. Get out of your own head.

>> No.19384327

Just remember to work out different parts of the body every day, if you're working the same muscles nonstop they will literally be to tired to grow, rest is a must but you can always figure out another part to exercise just about every day, just remember to rotate. I wouldn't take too many days off until you have some sort of routine going, then you might want to take a break one day a week but if you are exercising to help with depression exercise every day and remember to rotate muscles and don't take a day off until you really start feeling better. This is literally guaranteed to work 100%. Just remember to ear right as well.

>> No.19384342

>Did the DM go along with it? Seems like they let you have a bit of fun. Don’t worry about not being invited back.
Lol yeah I didn't take it personally since I knew I was being disruptive anyhow. He did let me have fun which I give him credit for. At the beginning of the campaign he was having fun with my antics too, but over time he got sick of it and there was a lot of heavy sighing every time I wanted to do something. I think because the other people in the group didn't like it he felt pressured to do something about it. He went a long with the race riot because I think he saw that as a good opportunity to get rid of my character. In the subsequent death sentencing over the race riots where I performed the Socrates speech, he started to get annoyed about 10 minutes into it once he realised what it was I was doing which at that point he told the others it was Socrates (to be fair, I adapted it to our world and spun in the campaigns lore and shit). I had to stop holding them hostage at that point because it was lame once they knew and all of them were seemingly already pissed. Anyway, my friend, the DM, pretty much altogether stopped talking to me over this and because he doesn't like my politics, and continued without me. I guess he likes to keep things vanilla.

>> No.19384503

>my politics
What kind? Even off the wall crazy politics can be engaging to bring to a friend group.

>> No.19384511


I worked on lifting today and will go for a jog tomorrow

>> No.19384513

Not that Anon, but DnD groups tend to be very insular and tight knit. They either want you to play with them, or they don't.

>> No.19384526

criminally underrated post. I kekked.

>> No.19384536

Full unstoppable autism

>> No.19384538

Its the absolute worst, I have two friends in my main friend group who both play with others and its extremely irritating and downright makes me want to tell them to fuck off whenever they want to do something with me. I never get invited to these faggot ass groups. Lmfao.

>> No.19384540

I'm a marxist leninist and they're liberals. The problem lies in the fact that they're extremely invested in the establishment, have aspirations to be politicians or other establishment representatives (a spy lmao)

>> No.19384581

You have no idea who you're talking to. For all we know anon could easily be super weird irl

>> No.19384627

>I'm a marxist leninist
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.19384632
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>I'm a marxist leninist

>> No.19384703

You boogie ass kids annoy the fuck out of me

>> No.19384719

the fact that I'm not boogie is what separated me from this group so im not sure what you're talking about

>> No.19384731


>> No.19384739


>> No.19385052

Absolutely the fuck not, and if it's the wrong person it can make it worse. Best case scenario it will be something as a band-aid to use to get hope and start taking actual steps out of it, but it's far easier just to clong too hard as the only thing you have left and become codependent.

>> No.19385086

I disagree with Rand on quite a lot but I can't deny that I had a similar feeling reading atlas

>> No.19385417

Ah right, I’m a trot and find it’s best just to not talk politics with libs. They’re broken when it comes to questioning capitalist ideology.

>> No.19385669


>> No.19385751

>There is quite literally nothing stopping you from talking to a strange girl (who is by herself) and introducing yourself, absolutely nothing.
Ah, the most assured way into every women's pants. Introducing yourself.

>> No.19385854
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Looking at nice tits literally helps with depression. Scientifically proved.

>> No.19385865

Today, vidya

>> No.19385874

I think if I could actually support myself and make friends of my own choosing I would do fine. My father has always discouraged me from moving away or from leaving him. I think he knows that if I could I would leave and never return.

>> No.19385889
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>Hey can I check that out real quick?
>smash it by throwing it as hard as I can against the wall
A book can bring you down and cause depression and at the same time a book can inspire you to cure your depression, unless its "chemical imbalance" or some shit like that.
Same thing which we know is true - hang out with depressed down people and you too will become one, i.e. you are what you eat.

>> No.19385946

Read "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippedtoe
Squat + Deadlift + Bench Press + Overhead Press = Big Gains

>> No.19385987

tf is that gif

>> No.19386003


>> No.19386011


>> No.19386014
File: 1.37 MB, 3307x2141, Otto_Pilny_Morning_Prayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cure depression?
Fix diet
Fix sleep
join a sport or sparring based martial art
try to achieve financial independence
take up a creative hobby
build genuine relationships
do something that has an impact on your community
maybe take up a religion or spiritual belief that gives your life more meaning
You aren't special, you're an advanced chimpanzee. Focus on the fundamentals first before pontificating

>> No.19386038

Never heard that one before

>> No.19386058

Bottom left is the only one that works.
The other three are just copes.

>> No.19386063

>muh esoteric knowledge that will fix me!

>> No.19386072

Would someone kindly shoop a Bible over the dice for me, thank you.

>> No.19386104

I believe regular pussy fucking and girlfriend hugging can cure anything. If you think otherwise then you're an incel.

>> No.19386107

Girls don't like neets

>> No.19386183

bro here's the thing man. I've been very close with a Christian family when I was in college. They lived and breathed the Bible, practically lived in a church compound. Their social life revolves around Christ, the way they speak show that they think about Christ a lot. They were in their 50s and they have been doing this lifestyle for the past 3 decades. I can assure you they are not happy and fulfilled. I can assure you that their friends (other Christian families) are not happy.
They suffer a lot bro. Through their mask of contentment is a soul waiting to be fed, not by the church's doctrine and manufactured spirituality. They know they took a misstep and they are now too far gone to go back.
At the very least just don't cope too hard Christfagbro.

>> No.19386286

this thats why my sloth ass jacks off

>> No.19386312
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I jack off too but don't wish to offend the Lord no moe brother. I need a wife so I won't burn with lust.

>> No.19386315

How to Be Miserable: 40 Strategies You Already Use by Randy J. Paterson

Ironic title obviously. I think this is the best book for people like op. And I read a lot of this stuff.

>> No.19386419


>> No.19386585

>I wish I were a brainlet
Sorry, but no actually intelligent person would seriously wish this. "Ignorance is bliss" is true only on a very superficial level, beyond that, dumb people can be even worse off. A small mind is confined to the human world, which is indeed a miserable place. But if you are big brained enough, you can see - and even live - beyond these limits, on your own terms, without having to literally leave society (although that's an option too).

>> No.19386599

you're an advanced chimpanzee! be religious! fall in love! just like a monkey! practice an art, you ape!

>> No.19386600

>dude like, eat broccoli and take up boxing, existential nausea cured!!!
americans are a disease

>> No.19386617

>be religious! fall in love! just like a monkey! practice an art
All conveluted human expressions of monkey brain shit you fucking imbecile
>existential nausea
You're out of shape, eat shit, have no friends, have no sex, and do nothing impactful. You're not a tortured genius, you're a failed human

>> No.19386622

Yeah. Absolute state of materialists

>> No.19386623
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>existential nausea
You're just a loser

>> No.19386625

WHOA new cool word you learned last year on le based and kekpilled 4channel! Please enlighten us with your recent religious larp, I'm dying to hear it from another image board drone

>> No.19386630

It's the utmost delusion these idiots are particpating in, attributing their despair to some vague nonsense in order to cope with the fact that their lives are in shambles and they are too lazy to do anything about it. 1 in 100,000 "depressed" young males cannot cure it by acquiring the same human needs as everybody else.
Surprised this still gets peddled past the age of 21

>> No.19386636

Sorry, I don't converse with advanced chimpanzees.

>> No.19386639

You're not even there yet. Chimps manage to exercise and have sex

>> No.19386641

you're a child who thinks a deadlift record can even begin to scratch at cosmic sorrow. watch your positive nihilism videos and shut the fuck up, faggot

>le 22 year old meme shitter self-improover
kek, don't make me laugh

>> No.19386643
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right. 'man is a religious animal. he is the only religious animal [besides monkeys]'
we are capable of unselfishly loving one another, just like any murderous ape.
leave it out

>> No.19386647
File: 29 KB, 820x519, shrugging-wojak-transparent-png-shrug-pepe-transparent-png-wojak-transparent-820_519.png.aaef7fa958d4cfa08c08f763886356e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with anonymity is that a neet loser being depressed and a successful chad being disillusioned with success are two very different cases but manifest themselves with the same thoughts of nihilism, which cannot be refuted rationally

there's no logical solution to existential dread, only pragmatic solutions to specific problems, which can only be solved through taking on personal responsibility for ones problems and acceptance of one's own lot in life

>> No.19386653

>cosmic sorrow
>>le 22 year old meme shitter self-improover
LOOK! LOOK! LOOK at the deep philsopher exposed as being yet another image board delinquent unable to conceive of anything beyond memes! LOOK at his existence and feel depression yourself!
Go to the gym loser and stop stuffing your fat ass

>> No.19386661
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>cosmic sorrow

>> No.19386663

Genuine question: are you black? You write like niggers

>> No.19386667

this guy needs to relax

>> No.19386669

>i am le artist
No you're a loser

>> No.19386672

you've lost it

>> No.19386674

there is cosmic sorrow and there is pain that is unfathomable for subhumans like you, how I choose to spend my time, productively or unproductively, does not remake reality at its root, I am, quite literally, coping by pushing away these thoughts and replacing them with the satisfaction of a productive schedule. you will never understand this.

what I do OVER HERE, has no bearing on what happens OVER THERE. I am merely putting Over There out of sight and out of mind. do you understand?

>> No.19386679

all you children know to do is mock and belittle. i thank god every day there is such a thing as death that will claim you shit-eating worms like it will claim me.

>> No.19386683

Where is that pic from?

>> No.19386687
File: 34 KB, 480x360, a8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you subhumans will never understand the deep existential dread I experience when I unlocked the infinite emptiness of the universe and the human project
>this sorrow will not be solved by the meanderings of normies, I must embark on a quest with the great minds of civilization

>> No.19386697

>only young people get sad
thankfully, time has a way of disabusing you of your childish delusions

>> No.19386699

Lol. The fact that you are so invested in this speaks volumes about your mental health

>> No.19386704

>ive muzzled my soul to adapt to wagecuck society, why you so sad bro?
what a miserable cope. I pity your type, literally sapient termites.

>> No.19386705


>> No.19386719

"Too intelligent to be happy" is the ultimate midwit trap.
Because he benefits from reality while noticing the best things which are meant for him, meanwhile you chose to be miserable.

>> No.19386720

robert graves' oxford addresses on poetry

>> No.19386745

Let him indulge. He will never believe you. The arrogance of youth has no brakes.

>> No.19386870

coke seems to be very fashionable amongst zoomers. when I was going to college in the mid 00s, it was around, but nowhere near this trendy

>> No.19386892

you sound like a total douche, but your group sounds even worse. I play with people I've known for over 20 years and we just get drunk and try to find ways to fuck with the DM and break the game. I thought that was literally the point of D&D, so it's disturbing to hear you say people take it "seriously"

>> No.19386912

dont worry next balkan/yugoslav mini wars are around the corner, just enlist and volunteer

>> No.19387126


>> No.19387158

maybe cos it lines up (no jokes lads) nicely w everyone wearing designer etc

>> No.19387165

You pussy westerners can't do shit except bonb the Christians. Keep meming.

>> No.19387668

i am yugoslav

>> No.19387702

what if depression is stopping me from achieving financial independence

>> No.19387717

currently cycling to keep depression at bay

>> No.19387724

is the first school shooting or enlisting in the military?
don't reply something 'clever' like what's the difference

>> No.19387731

such is life in russia

>> No.19387812
File: 141 KB, 837x1024, 1636562346456m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're past the point of caring then you should do something ridiculous. That will cure your depression but it will take real willpower.
I'm talking smashing your neighbors car and informing him yourself. Raping your wife fuck consequences. You can even go way over the speed limit until cops start chasing you and try to get away.
You have to shock your own brain with the most bullshit thing you can think off.

>> No.19388167

what if it doesnt cure the depression?

>> No.19388183

It doesn't

Realizing that it doesn't help will make your more depressed

>> No.19388193

can you really cure it if love doesnt help?

>> No.19388395

is this a photo taken from a camera of an internet meme?

>> No.19388442

>killing people with hammers

>> No.19388558
File: 194 KB, 1024x1024, Pedro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>bang fatties
How about skipping this

>> No.19388559

No because modern relationships are trash where you are always compared against people she could have been with. I'd rather stab myself in the leg than deal with the entitlement of some people.

If you're depressed, there's only one person who can fix it and that's you. Feeling sorry for yourself and expecting someone to come save you will not help and will never help.

>> No.19388565

Not that anon but yes. You unironically need to figure out what you're going to do for the rest of your life. The clearer your vision of what you want to be, the more likely your depression will disappear as soon as you start manifesting parts of that vision.

>> No.19388599

>You unironically need to figure out what you're going to do for the rest of your life. The clearer your vision of what you want to be, the more likely your depression will disappear as soon as you start manifesting parts of that vision.
Honestly, i have no fucking idea HOW to do it. I'm waiting for a miracle to happen because there's no way out. I try talking about it to family, relatives and other people but somehow they manage to "get it" intuitively.

>> No.19388616

because your calling is higher than those who ripened at 25 and have nothing but decay to look forward to, I'm willing to say 75% of male frustration today is sensitive/intuitive/subtle souls forced to muzzle their higher callings for moloch. no wonder they kill themselves en masse. I truly pity you all. an entire generation sacrificed for the dick tingles of the 1%. suffer and struggle and the True God will know it.

>> No.19388629

radicalisation on 4chan.org/lit/

>> No.19388657

Yes and no. If you're depressed and you find a gf with hopes that she will "fix" you you'll probably develop a codependency that will undermine your personality. That being said, if you're wise enough you can discriminate your motivations and actions so that the proper boundaries are there and your relationship is functional and healthy, it will serve as a tremendously effective catalyst for healing.

>> No.19388729

Here's how I did it. You start by finding a vision of yourself that you don't hate. Ask yourself what don't you hate about it? If you are too lost to figure out what you like, start with what you hate and don't hate and avoid the stuff you hate.

Then, start surrounding yourself with stuff that you don't find objectionable. Simple things like how you live your day to day life. For example, I thought a life in a modest apartment in the city was far less objectionable than living with roommates or my family, which I had been doing for most of my life. So I found a way to get to that point, finishing my degree, getting a job, etc, and now I am insanely happy compared to when I didn't have this apartment.

Basically, start by removing all the things in your life that drag you down and then take another baseline. Your depression very well could be a side effect of having to deal with too much bullshit in your life.

>> No.19388838

>crossing out way
it doesnt look bad when I think about it. I think my problem lies in a way that I cant decide on which things I dont want to associate because I have these thoughts that I might be wrong about everything.

>> No.19388902

Nice, you will definitely start feeling better very soon. It might be hard at first to find the motivation but by the time you are willing to try anything to feel better it's basically a moot point. I don't work out as much as I used to(a few times a week now) but if I start to feel extra shitty I go pretty hard and that will usually be the end of it.

>> No.19388913

It doesn't long term, no.

Short term companionship is great. Hanging out, touching each other (non sexually), cuddling, talking, just being will all stimulate hormones and your brain in a good way. But the issues (reason you are depressed in the first place) doesn't magically go away because of that.

>> No.19388926

Why it doesnt go away? Isnt love strong enough?

>> No.19389027

Love can be strong but the underlying issues for your depression is all about hormones, some companionship won't that.

>> No.19389120

This isn't like the movies. Love isn't a cure-all for all the issues in your life. In fact, it can actually exacerbate or mask problems in your life if your partner enables you.

At the end of the day, there's really no shortcut to avoid the painful process of self-reflection. It's possible that what's causing your depression is something you need to let go of. You'll only figure that out through self-reflection.

Everything that people tell you as a remedy for depression, such as working out or whatnot, is crap mitigation. It's like taking pain medication for an underlying spinal condition. You need to get to the root of your problem and I bet you your depression is rooted in something you're ignoring in your life. It's all different for different people. Sometimes it's previous trauma they're suppressing, other times it's something like unresolved feelings of inadequacy. Whatever it is, you need to find it and address it one at a time. Good luck.

>> No.19389178

Can you really find the root issue on your own?

>> No.19389236

Therapy helps some people, hasn't helped me though. Really depends.

For me, it was a series of epiphanies over a span of almost a decade. It's tough because you have to dispel all of the illusions about yourself put into your head by others. Here's a trivial but important example. I was convinced I was two inches taller than I actually was. I realized this when I got a nurse to measure my height.

I had believed I was taller because my mom told me so and it turns out my mom lied about my height as she lies/exaggerates about everything. So a good chunk of my time introspecting was trying to figure out if everything I thought to be true about myself was actually true.

That's a good place to start, but I don't know anything about you and your experiences. I recommend therapy or having someone knowledgeable to talk to if you really can't figure it out on your own. Just remember to be open and honest. Your therapist can't do anything if you're lying to him (and yourself).

>> No.19389903

>raping your wife
Anglos are funny sometimes

>> No.19389949

i will give the book that can to whites only

>> No.19390598
File: 322 KB, 1920x1286, 6579F86B-423B-45C1-A598-D348E2A01CA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a gf may not cure your depression. But as a 26 kissless virgin I feel I am missing something in my life. I want to experience a relationship. But they are just surrounded by so much bullshit.

In addition I hardly feel motivated to make any move. Women expect you to do everything and its a hassle.

>> No.19390614

tabletop games

>> No.19390870

In this context, probably mysticism/kabbalah.

>> No.19391462

Book can give you a difference perspective but it really doesnt cure your depression.

>> No.19391500

Taking a chance / leap of faith

>> No.19391584

Obviously, the right answer. How would playing video games be a way out of depression?

>> No.19391651

The retardation of the phoneposter mind is without limit

>> No.19391705

the dice represent a sudden gain of a large amount of money

>> No.19391708

>working out or whatnot, is crap mitigation.
>Whatever it is, you need to find it and address it one at a time.
You don't work out because you think it will solve all your problems, you work out because it improves your physical health in a tangible and measurable way and that, in turn, can give you the strength and motivation to face the root of your problems.

>> No.19391749

Bloodflow is underrated
Chicken and egg

>> No.19392473

Eventually you become a sociopath and the thrill of sex becomes like a necessary coffee in the morning, barely resembling what it used to mean when you had the first few cups,

>> No.19392661

Is this true? I've assumed that it has diminishing returns but I thought it could be cope

>> No.19392668

all of them are distraction desu

>> No.19392695

definitely, the normalfags responding to you are in cucked, one-sided relationships.

>> No.19392731

>violent rebellion
>aesthetic physicality
>hedonic indulgence (or possibly familial partnership)

Seems about on point.

>> No.19392796

The World as Will and Representation

>> No.19392824

> They lived and breathed the Bible
And they probably did not understand a word of it, how sad….

>> No.19393502

on point about wat?

>> No.19394348

Except it is not socially acceptable behavior. Women will hate you for that and you will look like a clown.

>> No.19394617

>Hate women

Anime girls do just fine for me, thanks.

>> No.19394656

>kill people
>meaningless goals
>fuck people
>meaningless goals
If there is meaning to be had, humans are incapable of finding it. Meaning could only exist in a transcendental realm. One finds his angst is cured when he casts off the shackles of the material world, when he stops despairing over a lack of meaning. To rid yourself of all desires. Nothing cures depression. Nothing in its literal sense; nothing as a detachment from life. It is this that brings joy, that brings happiness, when one is able to see life flow in and out, in and out. Buddhism probably writes a lot about this, but I'm beginning to think that not even books have what I need. I have everything I need. I always have.

>> No.19394674
File: 6 KB, 208x206, 1636323664044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you do all four of these and you're still depressed

>> No.19396159


>> No.19397591
File: 1.62 MB, 1200x754, 1633083062058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb going to the local high school

>> No.19397659

wow you are so cool!!!!!!!!

>> No.19398116

No. Religion, friendship, and good pussy does!

>> No.19398181

>first one is just me always.
>second one makes me way to agressive but I do it anyway
>third one is not worth the time
>fourth one is for nerds
Yeah this isn't going to work

>> No.19398252

Ok Brad Pitt

>> No.19398258
File: 752 KB, 1000x1000, c7a39f1c8da575307d9cfd23c55811e03d9b7f76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am unhappy due to modern society
>Noooo! It's because you didn't have sex!!!
>I had plenty of a sex life in stable relationships for most if my life
>It must be your diet! You don't drink enough fish oil!!!
>My diet is flawless, I get bloodwork done every few months
>It's because you don't lift!
>I do manual work every day and go outside regularly
>It's because you did not do therapy!
>Went to therapy for 2 years, meds got me worse
>Noo noooo! You play too many videogames
>I really just like to paint, I don't consoom
>Nooo!! Noooooo!! It cannot be! You are sick! Only a sick person would be unhappy in this society! How can you not be happy in today's nihilistic hedonism? Have you tried reading DC comics instead of Marvel??? Have you even tried a bit of HRT? Maybe you're just trapped in the wrong body like normal people!
>I'm just unhappy because this society wants my life and has nothing to offer me that I want

>> No.19398261

>Have you tried reading DC comics instead of Marvel??? Have you even tried a bit of HRT? Maybe you're just trapped in the wrong body like normal people!
kek. it really is so tiresome, lads.

>bro just take fish oil supplements

>> No.19398267

gotta start somewhere

>> No.19398926

this site and this board specifically is full of people who have the world figured out yet confront them with this shit and they're just the same normie bugmen you'd find on reddit
this site isn't really any different from reddit or twitter

>> No.19398961

Read some War Books about the Chechen war or Eastern Front. So you stop being a cringing bitch, your depression isn't real.

>> No.19399327

>Fix diet
>Fix sleep
>join a sport or sparring based martial art
>try to achieve financial independence
>take up a creative hobby
>build genuine relationships
unsure if that's achievable for me
>do something that has an impact on your community
i volunteer a few times a month, does that count?
>maybe take up a religion or spiritual belief that gives your life more meaning
that one seems rather difficult as well
>You aren't special, you're an advanced chimpanzee. Focus on the fundamentals first before pontificating