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/lit/ - Literature

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19351545 No.19351545 [Reply] [Original]

What books should one read to attract high quality women?

>> No.19351559

>High-quality women.

If you read enough, you'll come to understand what you wrote is an oxymoron.

>> No.19351574

>what movie do I need to watch in order to become an astronaut?
does a nigga ever learn?

>> No.19351626

The Holy Bible.
Emily Dickinson and Emily Brontee alone btfo this statement.

>> No.19351640

Ok, homosexual.

>> No.19351656

enjoy your frigid bitch

>> No.19351680

Hit the gym, become more social, dress better, earn more money.

Don't fucking read to get women. Deeply, deeply stupid.

>> No.19351684

Everyone who isn't kidding themselves (namely Christians) knows church girls are the biggest thots around

>> No.19351697

none, the secret is to post more in tfw no qt lit gf threads

>> No.19351701

what is a high quality woman

>> No.19351703

a mute one

>> No.19351707

Emily Dickinson is shilled so hard because she’s a woman. That’s it. Had a man written what she wrote, you wouldn’t even know his name.

>> No.19351713

The things I would do to her...

>> No.19351719

>The Secret
>You Are A Badass
>The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck
Any drivel self-help book.

>> No.19351723


>> No.19351741
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>> No.19351760

Notice me, Paruru-chan!!!!

>> No.19351774

You just need to be born attractive and able to provide cocaine or heroin

>> No.19351782

Braindead take; You've either never read her or you've been filtered hard.

>> No.19351785

asians are not attractive

>> No.19351790

Cope take

>> No.19351804

I hate women more than any of you niggers but I honestly disagree with this. Her poems are pretty good. But she only managed to be a good writer because she was a reclusive spinster. Thottery is antithetical to creativity.

>> No.19351808

The only people who think this are Asians themselves. Stop hating yourself, anon.

>> No.19351811
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Then you aren't white.

>> No.19351814

This, I hate women so much it's ridiculous but Dickinson is good.

>> No.19351828

>t. incels seething at the fact that their asian woman cope has been revealed as inferior to white women
Maybe if you could get a white woman, you would appreciate them.

>> No.19351860
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You mean she takes care of the kids and the home and doesn't try to have "a personality" (e.g. le quirky, le slut, le "strong" nag, etc.), sounds nice, I think I will enjoy that.
You haven't criticized anything in particular except her sex. Why don't you criticize her poetry and then you can call what I said cope if I can't give a rebuttal. Until then you're just a seething incel.

>> No.19351861

Read books that help you understand women. Little woman is a classic but if you want something more read by woman today, normal people is loved by white woman. If you live in a real trendy place like I do (Melbourne) Autumn is the go to

>> No.19351911

Any well known classic about a man who dominates a woman physically and mentally.

>> No.19352308
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i dont know if the people posting these threads want a real answer, i always assumed it was just a meme, but heck i'll bite.

First: go on a long-form dating site and be honest with your interests. I met my wife of 6 years, as a early 30 neet with nothing to his name but an unwieldy home library, a failed business, and some debt, while she was from a wealthy (even aristocratic) Italian family, well employed and with a European literature/history degree.

Second: read on a wide range of subjects, including science, sociology, music, economics, etc, as well as, in the best humanist tradition, practice rhetoric as a social tool to amuse and engage. The ability to entertain, or to use small-talk, is the most underrated skill, that can get you almost anywhere. I say this as an otherwise shy reclusive man. Being able to fake confidence is almost better then having real confidence. Learning to talk without simply listing off memorialized facts – the most know-it-all, unattractive quality imaginable – is something gained through experience.

Third: memorize some poetry. The knack of deploying it is an art lost to time and is now something only gained through rough experience, that will at times leave you looking like a fool trying, but when done right, good concentrated language still has a power that modern ears find almost magical.

Forth: if you can, learn an extra language. Italian and french have served me well, and have not only expanded my dating pool , but have also given me an international and worldly air , that even today counts for quite a lot.

Filth: make notes. Read with a phone or a pencil on hand and save the anecdotes, aphorisms and observations that you think can be deployed in dally life. I have multiple pdf’s crammed with the stuff that I simply dip into whenever I expect a social occasion. Again, here only experience will help. A histrionic sensibility will help but even then giving your words a modern and natural sounding feel takes more effort that you’d think.

Sixth: Don’t be snob. Gain an appreciation for pop culture, or at least an understanding of it. Depending on your disposition, this is almost the hardest thing to do, but as it is something you will never escape, literature – criticism in particular – can make easier. Play video games, read some classic comic books or manga, watch some anime and youtube videos. This all culture, and unless you plan on larping as a Victorian gentlemen, which girls might quirky for a few weeks, it’s something you will have to engage in on some level.

You get get it, live a complete life. Don’t just read Evola or DFW or whatever fucking meme book lit has adopted this year. This is all the lit related – tangentially related – advice that is not just hit the gym, or watch your body language .

>> No.19352321

You are will never be a white man.

>> No.19352333

>Read books
>For the purpose of attracting women
You're fucking pathetic, that's why women don't like you, reading won't change that.

>> No.19352343

it doesn't matter what books you read, it's how charming you are when you talk about them

>> No.19352362

The only thing that matters is that you're good looking. Try that.

>> No.19352608

>implying a troll reads
Just replying to him, even if he got btfo, is what he wanted. You should ignore those incels. I bet he doesn't even read poetry.

>> No.19352625

>high quality women

>> No.19352720

wow that girl has a lot of boyfriends

>> No.19352727


>> No.19352959

can you share any part of these pdfs? sounds interesting.

Cool post overall, thanks for sharing (not OP)

>> No.19353070

This is pretty good advice, but I've got a feeling too many people will LARP like this for 6 months and then expect to be swooned-over by end-game art hoe/library thot.
I think if anyone is going to commit to these points, it must be done over the course of a few years at the very least, at least so the refinement, charm and wit one is aiming for can be internalised. Otherwise it will always be a LARP in their mind and they will always feel like an imposter.

Also dating a "high quality women" involves a lot of (potential) compromises that most people browsing this site aren't prepared for. So you've got the cultured, intellectual, elegant and perhaps wealthy woman that you always wanted. But now she want's to go to the theatre, wine tasting or travelling every weekend but you want to sit around and shitpost on 4chan or play video games. Good luck with that. It's better to first be honest with yourself about whether you want to be a "high quality man" - whatever that means to you- in the first place.

>> No.19353087

Unironically Beowulf. My wife said one of the first things that made her interested in me was listening to me sperg out about Beowulf after an English /lit/ class once. She said she liked how passionate I was about stuff.

>> No.19353134

Women who read likes newly published books on social realism. They never question the books but take its point at face value because it made them feel in a certain way, and that makes it true

>> No.19353137


>> No.19353172

Also, let's not forget that OP "just" got one girl by doing this, maybe he would have found that girl whatsoever, even without the "self improvement" stuff. What he wrote is certainly no guide to "how girls will swoon over you 101".

>> No.19353175

>doesn't get why his own wife fell in love with him

>> No.19353197

God I wish that were me, we don't have book sellers like that anymore here I love looking at used books so much

>> No.19353213
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French book girls are the cutest

>> No.19353221
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>went to bookstore yesterday to buy something for this month
>the most beautiful female standing in the historical section
>the embodiment of /fit/, /fa/ and /lit/ in one woman
>literally even more beautiful than OP's pic
>autism mode activated
>look up every book and putting them back
>slowly move close to her
>she doesn't even notice me
>she eventually buys and leave
>ended up buying nicomachean ethics and leaving
Human sexual love is a fucking joke.

>> No.19353230
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>look up every book and putting them back
>slowly move close to her

ebin, what did you expect would happen?

>> No.19353232
File: 78 KB, 412x351, 1622364213870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a woman and someone thought I was cool for being into history

>> No.19353247

Just go up to her next time and ask her about the book she's looking at. If she doesn't want to talk to you (even if just to be polite), then it is likely that she wouldn't have wanted to under any other circumstances; if she's rude than you will be knocked out of it and learn to avoid her lol; if you do talk then it will probably feel nice to have talked with another (pretty) human even if it's small talk and out of courtesy; if it goes further ask to go out for a coffee or something and discuss books. It's really not that hard to be honest, just calm down and don't take yourself (or her even) to seriously. c'est la vie.
>I wish I was a woman
You don't have to be for people to appreciate your interest. Literally bring it up in a convo and people will imeadiately have something to say you can talk about it.

>> No.19353258

>high quality women
Is that like how r/femaledatingstrategy looks for "high value men"

>> No.19353261

Yes but I want men who are attracted to me to think that my knowledge of history to be cool, anyway my knowledge is too shallow for me to impress anyone

>> No.19353271

Camus and Sartre are surprisingly popular among females, give them a read because it could serve you well

>> No.19353280

I still remember a few Beowulf lines and I'm not even from an English-speaking country

>> No.19353293
File: 70 KB, 254x389, 82C85AE3-B8C1-4FA9-A64B-C8E1C8EA33F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I understand: clearly Beowulf is so good that any man who reads it will be better for it and inherently more attractive as a person.

>> No.19353295

>proceeds to chain smoke for the next 3 hours

>> No.19353297


>> No.19353300

>just interact with a human(female)
Anon, do you know where you are?

>> No.19353440

its hot desu

>> No.19353449

Interacting with females is easy
Getting them to like you is a whole different matter
As a wise scholar once said: "Conta solo il bel faccino"

>> No.19353463

What is a longform dating site

>> No.19353472

yeah but how much premarital sex did she have

>> No.19353541

Seriously, what kind of person takes the time to put such an image together? I will at least never be that pathetic.

>> No.19353558

Last art ho I hooked up with literally tasted like cigarettes. It was pretty gross for the first minute.

>> No.19353579

wow what a great candid photograph

>> No.19353583

was beowulf the original buck breaker?

>> No.19353695

Imagine being this Jaded

>> No.19353706

>teehee what are these...books...? haha! people still read books?
>omg! haha, becky take a pic for my instagram of me looking at these stupid books haha
>do i look cute? i'll upload it now, lets go to starbucks
>*bing bing*
>omg becky! chad just text back, he said i could suck his dick at 4pm!!

>> No.19353777

It's easy if you try

>> No.19353791

thanks for that john legend..

>> No.19353804
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you have 5 second to impress her with first editions by certain authors
your move

>> No.19353810
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I believe you mean John Schwarzenegger

>> No.19353893

Do you know what year is this?

>> No.19354251

I presume you define yourself as a high quality man, or at least you think it to yourself, although you may don't fill the critera of the standard handsome boy next door. Why so ? Because you value your own values and tastes, whatever (shit) they are. Keep reading your things and you may one day meet and attract someone as valuable as you, or at least open minded, thanks or not to your bookshelves. And if you are looking for a specific stereotypical type of women, then you are probably smart enough to guess what those projections want, as you want them to be that something.

>> No.19354392

>tfw i already do all these to no avail

>> No.19354980

The 12 Rules of Life by Dr Jordan B Peterson (The B stands for Benzohead)

>> No.19355363

Guarantee you this woman won't pick anything to read. She is so vapid she just walks from store to store looking at shit with no real interest in anything.

>> No.19355402

Have sex... Not with her though; she’d be appalled by your ghastly incel visage

>> No.19355595

The Quran

>> No.19355601

Women sometimes read books but they're all retarded fag shit. She might buy some retarded shit like that.

>> No.19355675


Twilight and Becoming by Michelle Obama

>> No.19355735

This thread is full of shit - not the object, I mean, but the interventions, and women are not to be blamed for that.

>> No.19355777
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Arthur Schopenhauer on women

>> No.19355865

models by mark manson

>> No.19355957

Sorry I don't take advice from cretins.

>> No.19355972

Imagine not hating women

You're a pathetic simp my guy

>> No.19355979

You´re missing the point, but as an honest answer, some comercial shit like the communist manifesto, so you have something "interesting" to talk about.

>> No.19356012

fucking checked

>> No.19356052


>> No.19356066

Must be true.
The numbers don't lie.

>> No.19356074

Will this get me a gf? Where do I even meet a girl? I'm out of school already. (I'm 24.)

>> No.19356479

Has your business recovered?

>> No.19356505

She looks way too Germanic for my tastes

>> No.19356535

Literally have sex, dude.
>t. an incel

>> No.19356550

Read a book that makes you lift weights, have a steady career, attend church, and be a reliable human being who people find trustworthy and honest. Also try to read books that will make you go out and socialize with others so you are in practice and won't seem like you have Asperger Syndrome when you finally meet a pretty, high quality woman that you want to charm.

Other than that, I once got a date with a girl because I saw she was reading Anna Karenina and I told her that one of my favorite similes in any book is in Anna Karenina (and then I showed it to her of course). I also had to actually ask her out after that she didn't just throw herself at me.

>> No.19356588

which simile is it? I'm reading it atm

>> No.19356631
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Genuinely good advice. I did debate in high school and it was truly amusing to be a smooth talker. Now I haven't spoken in a few
years apart from small quick sentences and can barely talk anymore without stumbling and getting confused. Such is the fate of the true clochard.

>> No.19356654
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90% of relationships are friends of friends (if you don't have friends, good luck, you're playing hard mode on top of being a schizo/recluse/ugly bastard/whatever trait you have that made you end up in this thread; that's like nightmare mode)
Go to underground concerts of folk/experimental music, or maybe weird book meetings, you may find some pseud girl and impress her with pseud powers
That's pretty much it

>> No.19356657

A redhead with an intact hymen

>> No.19356664

Someone left the containment door of forum dei brutti open I see

>> No.19356799
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It had nothing to do with the actual book you derps it's the fact that he was passionate about something (it can be anything) and Women love this because they then assume that you can be as passionate about them as you were said subject. I say 'were' here because that's all it applies to, they'll probably want you to put less emphasis on whatever the subject was later once your attention is fully on them instead.

Replies were great to read as an example of how Men are driven differently, but both retarded in their own way.

>> No.19356821

I knew at least two when I was younger, one from church and one from university. Both were beautiful redhead virgins, not the Irish fishwife phenotype but more like low-key young Nicole Kidman.
For various reasons I didn't mate with either of them, had a good run with others later on only to be alone in middle age.
In the early 2000s a semi-autist like me still had a shot, I honestly don't know whether they still do or if the whole dating landscape has been nuked as 4chan thinks.
I cope but I'll never be young again with innocent pre-tinder women shyly glancing at me.

>> No.19356843

I should've fucking married her

>> No.19356863

Whatever books you're interested in.
Because you're trying to attract a woman who has done similar reading that you have done, it is immediately obvious that your objective is to read books that interest you, to ensure you find a woman who actually matched you well.

>> No.19356872

It's because women are attracted to passion, the specific book did not matter.

>> No.19356886

Just do all this and be >6' tall with blue eyes and a chiseled jaw.

>> No.19356913
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We will get our redhead wives in heaven my friends. The thought of having a redhead virgin wife at my side keeps me going every day every hour despite me being alone like a dog.
>Ahh... you were at my side all along... my true wife... my guiding redhead...

>> No.19357002

The one when Levin sees Kitty. It's in the ice skating scene toward the beginning. It helped with the flirting since it's specifically a simile about a man seeing the woman he is in love with

>He stepped down, trying not to look at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.

>> No.19357037

>intact hymen
Oh boy

>> No.19357044

Please anon do not shatter my delusion

>> No.19357051

>Thread filled with literal incels

>> No.19357058

>*Board* filled with literal incels

>> No.19357070

>Church Fathers/medieval theologians
>Modern historians
>Business mags
also have a good job and interesting hobbies. gym is also good but doesn't qualify as a hobby.

>> No.19357092

If dubs I offer advice.

>> No.19357145

This. Jesus camp is one of the most debauched places I've ever been to. The horror stories about "good" christian girls in college (with boyfriends, mind you) will make you never trust a girl again

>> No.19357158

The race of the woman you date is irrelevant as long as she isn't black

>> No.19357210

umm, hello, based department?

>> No.19357229


>> No.19357246

As a 27 year old quasi-normalfag who has read more than everyone in this thread, just read poetry--Poe, Whitman, Melville, etc.

>> No.19357264

if you date 18-23 year olds you've got a solid chance

>> No.19357286

Give me some horror stories anon.

>> No.19357287

you need to genemax

>> No.19357807

Kek, I once thought like this, until I realized the whole thing was the other way around. I didn't appreciate white women, so that's why I didn't get them. She doesn't have the attraction what it takes for me to put the effort to get her. The shame they try to put you through is a psychological cope that the blame is not in women and their worthlessness, but that the men are somehow wrong. The white nordic man is the most valued man on the planet, no matter where they go, and they are being terrorized and blamed at their home country. Just get out from there for a while, and you will find out your real value, and how spoiled and undeserving the women at your home country are.

>> No.19357666

This. Sounds hot af

>> No.19358010
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life be good if you are intelligent and attractive isn't?

>> No.19358020

wrong pic.

>> No.19358022
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fuck sorry.

>> No.19358118

was she older than you, i have almost the same opp., shes 10 yrs older than me tho and i know i will do great things in my life so i dont feel like locking that shit down.

>> No.19358327

Why should I read crappy English language poetry?

>> No.19358365

Because James K Baxter wrote in English.

>> No.19358377


>> No.19358408

best post

>> No.19358416
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>literature has been a long line of incels spending time indoors instead of going outside
>woman is..le bad anon

>> No.19358448

I don't even know who that is, and to be honest if I want to read poetry I'd much rather read Leopardi or Montale

>> No.19358451

if you reread what you posted many times enough, you'll come to understand that you're a moron.

>> No.19358454


>> No.19358455

Fpbp, laffing at the triggered simp replies.

>> No.19358456

You do you mate. You do you.
I gave you a reason. The answer is really your addiction to Romance languages.

>> No.19358470

Yes, Schopenhauer did indeed say this, that is true. But Schopenhauer didn't post this with a 777, so we can't tell whether or not his statement holds.

>> No.19358478

I don't know why I'm being this confrontational to be honest, I'm sorry lol

>> No.19358509

U fucking hate racemixers.

>> No.19358517
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write smut

>> No.19358519

It’s okay. Enjoy your poetry. I was just mentioning an underread English language poet with Blake power.

>> No.19358527

Well, today I learned something new at least; also I probably enjoy Italian and German poetry more simply because I'm more accustomed with the language