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19294473 No.19294473 [Reply] [Original]

Why were these books so important to Evola? when he was summoned to Vienna the manuscripts for these were the only things he took with him. Also, has anybody into the occult read/practiced these and how would you compare them to other works? it seems like they are of a much higher quality and less LARPy than many "occult" books.

>> No.19294554

They're probably the best thing Evola ever wrote. It's basically taking European idealism and using it as a philosophical basis to explore actual magic and alchemy with.

>> No.19294697

have you obtained any powers which you care to share?

>> No.19294952

Lmao magic isnt real also,
>translated by a woman

>> No.19294965

How do you know? Did (((they))) tell you that?

>> No.19294979

Yes. A new voyage will fill your life with untold memories. You'll see what I mean.

>> No.19294982

Godwin is a man you ESL dumbfuck materialist cocksucker :)

>> No.19295051

Not by a woman. Also magic in the sense he uses it is more of an active, heroic overcoming of the human condition. Although the UR Group still believed in supernatural forces or whatever.

Care to say any more?

>> No.19295097


If you take it seriously you can jump an extra octave beyond what he gives in his other works in terms of self mastery. The most you could get from his other works is the suggestion and comprehension of an upright attitude and a type of a proper detachment that gives you clarity over politics and everyday life. Intro to magic actually picks up where this leaves off and teaches you how to balance your mind and sharpen your will and see a superior perspective as an integral part of your experience. It's actually the most challenging because it's the most serious and it's not mere explanations but it's intended for practice and experiementation. Don't bother unless you think you're seriously capable or could get any fruits from it and you ought to already be highly esoterically minded and perceptive to even approach it. Being merely intellectually prepared isn't enough, you have to be willing to actually transform your very consciousness so you can be changed.

>> No.19295164



>> No.19295190

Anybody been successful of transferring one's consciousness into the heart? this is right at the start of the series, but is this not the main or entire goal of initiation? does it come in varying degrees? If someone could explain this in more detail or refer me to some other sources that talk about it I would be thankful.

>> No.19295193

All "magic", to my knowledge, is LARP. The only true magic, is the hidden magic coming from the Atlantean survivors, and owned by the illuminatis. But this is not sold on amazon.
Yes that's law of attraction type magic. Real magic is Real. As in manifesting a fireball, seeing the future very clearly, levitating.

>> No.19295227

>self-help with new agey terminology
Dropped. Get back to me when I you can summon demons

>> No.19295240

I'd like to fistfight you

>> No.19295248

I'd like to fist you

>> No.19295265

Genuine question. What is with all the Guenon and Evola threads? I'm not complaining, I'm just a little freaked out because one of my shelves is crammed with their books.
I call bullshit.

>> No.19295270

First the fighting, love

>> No.19295272

Yes. Serious trouble will bypass you. You're welcome anon.

>> No.19295287

simply summoning demons isn't hard. i don't see the point of it though. the overcoming of the human condition is much more challenging and a much more worthwhile pursuit imo.

i don't know why there are so many threads, but the motivation for getting into it is people like us are starved for something with a higher meaning, and i also think there is a "great awakening" going on.

>> No.19295296
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>great awakening
We exit the Kali Yuga around 2025 or 2030. I wonder... I've posted this shelf like 3 times today, but here you go.

>> No.19295306

Summoning demons is unironically easier than this shit but it'll fuck you up because you won't be able to control them.

Go pick a Goetia nigger and fuck yourself up idiot.

>> No.19295310


>> No.19295315
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>ancient ocxult sciences are law of attraction larp shit

Go back retard

>> No.19295318

yes, I replied to you in another thread and was thinking it might be you again. according to one of Guenon's disciples in cosmic cycles (I always forget his name) the end of the kali yuga is 2030. what I would like to know is will there be a "dark age" for hundreds of years before the next golden age.

>> No.19295320

The demon part was a sarcastic joke. You stupid fucks think they are real. Fucking /x/ tards are ruining this board

>> No.19295339

>We exit the Kali Yuga around 2025 or 2030
What's the principle behind this?

>> No.19295340

They are real, there are also entities feeding off of certain negative human energies and automatisms, probably growing AI, which is demonic and connected to your computer or other screens. Just for you to know, I am not stupid, I have a degree in a rigourous stem field from a "brand name" school, people who think differently than you aren't stupid.

>> No.19295342

You wouldn't happen to be referring to Charles Upton?
Interestingly enough, I have heard that the 2030 cycle conclusion is also (slowly) growing in acceptance in many Hindi circles.

>> No.19295371

>Charles Upton?
No, I checked and it's G. Georgel. He wrote a book on cycles and Guenon reviewed it favourably but had some criticisms, Goergel updated the work under guidance from Guenon and determined the date to be 2030.

>> No.19295372

Yeah they're fucking real prick. You can easily look them up yourself in the lesser goetia. I was going to post some resources myself but I am not in the business of spreading grimoires to profane retards much less that of a demonic content.

>> No.19295376

Ok, I'm not sure if you are giving me personalised messages or something, but thanks I guess. Any experience with >>19295190

>> No.19295381

People that believe in actual demons are stupid. Are you going trick or treating for Halloween?

>> No.19295384

I prefer to look them in the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual. Go back to /x/ you're dragging down the IQ of this board

>> No.19295386

What//who do I need to read before I get into Evola and Guenon ?

>> No.19295389

That's baseless. The nadir of the dark age will occur with the passing from Aquarius into Capricorn. This is still 2300~ years in the future. After that there's a slow ascent towards Leo again, which then starts descending again through the solstitial door of Cancer.

>> No.19295395

Why do you think they're stupid?

>> No.19295398
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I see I'm already speaking to a demon.

The assigned Evola thread derailer

>> No.19295401

You should try really hard to summon one to prove that they're not real.

>> No.19295403

Yes. You must try, or hate yourself for not trying.

>> No.19295405

So, Hindus has long believed that the cycles are long, millions of years long. However, the only reason they believe this, is due to the concept of "divine years". So, instead of the 12,000 years, its multiplied by 360 (degrees in a circle), and so we have some 4.32M years per cycle.
This was the commonly held belief for a long time, but then a few people thought that the numbers might be incorrect. So, one follower was thinking "maybe 12,000 is the total cycle?" and broke it down into the numerology of 4/3/2/1. I'm sure you can pick up from here.
Then there is the "kali ends in 2030" school of thought, which is based on a lot of numerology, inability to accept the 4.32M per cycle idea, and a bunch of Guenon followers (and people who just talked to him a lot) came to agree on a general idea of how the kali yuga would end.
Funnily enough, the conclusion leading to it had to do with some kind of war, and a lot of people believe we have been in a culture war for 5 years (2016), 15 years (2006, the last good year to be on the internet), and ~30 years (the 1990s being a shift in mindset for the progressive liberal ideology, moving a little further from "DENY DENY DENY, until we get out way" to "Fuck you, we rule this planet now.")
Oh yeah, that's the person I am actually referring to above. Thanks for letting me know.
An open mind, I guess. Clear your head of any/all hollywood interpretations of magic. Besides that, a little understanding of gnosticism, the "judeo-religions", hindi, and maybe another eastern religion can't hurt. But it doesn't really matter.
You can jump into Crisis of the Modern World pretty easily, although he does make some references to East and West. But there are some reading guides for all of that.

>> No.19295426
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Perfect, thanks. I'm used to doing my own research into esoteric matters.

>> No.19295427

I tried reading revolt against the modern world but I felt like I was missing something and didn’t understand it, which is why I was wondering if there was prerequisite reading or maybe I just picked the wrong book to start with

>> No.19295429

Magic isn't real, there was even a million dollar prize to anyone who could prove it. Over a thousand tried but none could prove it's real.

>> No.19295443

Magic isn't about shooting firebolts or spooky action at a distance: it's about the mind. If you read the book, you'd know this.

>> No.19295453

Some of the stupid fucks in this thread definitely think it is fireballs and demons. The mind crap is just self-help

>> No.19295466

Well if your saying magic exists only in your mind, I agree.

>> No.19295469

Oh yeah man, so there is a reading order for that kind of thing.
>The Mysteries of the Grail
>The Hermetic Tradition
>Heathen Imperialism (Also called Pagan Imperialism)
>Revolt Against the Modern World
>Men Among the Ruins
>Ride the Tiger
Because everyone wants to read the big 3 (the ones at th end)

>> No.19295496

Nah that order sucks. You miss a lot of context. Starting with Revolt or Path of Cinnbar is best.

>> No.19295502

I personally believe the kali yuga and age of pisces are the same and that it basically began with Jesus spreading a wholly alien religion that causes a chain of reactions of doubt and mystery, a Piscean trait, which explains why the character of this age to question and feel uncertain until we face a worse and worse yet nihilism and we can't be even alittle sure of anything by default and regression is ultimately commonplace through doubt and nameless fears.

That being said we have about another 100ish years of this shit because each astrological age takes 2166 years

Next is Aquarius which is characterized by an essential ephemerality and mere subjective circumstance and condition, this could manifest as a bland, painful survivalistic restructuring of a basic humanity, it could also be an AI integrated techno nightmare where human life is a mechanized quantitative phenomenon. A truly sucky sign that is quite sterile and impotent on average.

Depending on which conception of the Kali Yuga you're using we could be about to reach the end of it, or touch the bottom of the age and then remain in it as we make the ascent out through another age.

>> No.19295513

>Dude just start from the end and work your way backwards
...Is this well poisoning? Prove otherwise by elaborating further.
Oh yeah man, I know what you mean. I saw a documentary a long time ago that explained a lot of this, except it was in the context of gnosticism and zoroastrism.

>> No.19295526

Cinnabar is actually a fine start, most don't do it obviously but you aren't getting anything "out of order" you're getting a breakdown of his various works and what he meant by them.

>> No.19295528

Thanks anon

>> No.19295558

Personally I would read it later because I found it more interesting after having read his other works first, it could be a bit dry and boring if you aren't already into him. I read Revolt first but I can see how it might not be the best intro, since he throws all this new stuff at you. I re-read it later and didn't miss much but it's such a good book, I would read it again just for pleasure.

I don't know if there's a point to reading hermetic tradition unless you really want to study hermeticism. pagan imperialism and mystery of the grail could be good intros if you don't want to jump right into revolt.

>> No.19295601

>mundane life is meaningless
>bitten by the snake

>> No.19295636

Cool - Scientology without the expensive donations and harassment

>> No.19295645
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not at all you fucking pleb

>> No.19295674
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>It's well known I'm a Scientologist, and that has helped me to find that inner peace in my life and it's something that has given me great stability and tools that I use.

>> No.19295694

Yes, yes, you are correct of course, a secret genius, you've figured it all out! Be sure to stay up to date on the vaccines and only listen to Trusted Sources.

>> No.19295718

>The hermetic tradition
>anywhere but last

>three whole fucking books before revolt

Nice bait

Don't listen to this guy, hermetic tradition filters literally everyone that reads it who isn't a well endowed esotericist because it's entirely esoteric and it almost seems like he's speaking a different language, which he is.

The proper order is


>(for a /pol/ background) Men among the ruins
>(for a /pol/ + Esotericism background) Revolt against the modern world
(Read in whichever order but read both)

>Ride the Tiger

Now you're through the big three, you can take any direction you want from here

For more politics:
>The Bow and the Club
>Fascism viewed from the right
>A traditionalist confronts Fascism
>Notes on the Third Reich
>Pagan imperialism
>Synthesis of a doctrine of race
>Three Aspects of the Jewish problem
>A Handbook for Rightwing youth
>Myth of the Blood

>The mask and face of contemporary spiritualism/The fall of spirituality
>Mystery of the Grail
>The Hermetic Tradition
>The Yoga of Power
>The Doctrine of Awakening
>Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metephysics of Sex
>Introduction to Magic 1 + 2 + 3
>Metaphysics of War
>East and West

>Meditations on the peaks
>The Path of Cinnabar

I'd personally go for Bow and the Club next as it's basically Ride the Tiger 2.0 but less existential and more of critique of certain aspects of modernity.

>> No.19295740

>hermetic tradition filters literally everyone that reads it who isn't a well endowed esotericist
Neither I, nor my wife, were filtered by this and our knowledge of the esoteric was practically the Disney channel.
Go project elsewhere.
Outside of that, your order isn't bad. But Mysteries of the Grail and Pagan Imperialism are genuinely good if he was getting confused by Revolt.

>> No.19295766

all magic is chaos magic

>> No.19295800

>Lightning and the Sun
Immensely based

>> No.19295832

Hermetic Tradition is so fucking based, probably my favourite. I have a 2nd edition from 1948 in Italian, I've never seen a first edition.

>> No.19295843
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"chaos" "magick" is a joke and for plebs

>> No.19295853

It is though Scientology is all about unlocking your true potential and powers as a spiritual being and becoming a high tone level being at cause across all the dynamics of life from the self all the way to the infinite / God dynamic.

All of this is only possible through overcoming the enturbulation through the auditing process and studying of Hubbard’s technology which works 100% of the time when correctly applied - not an easy commitment but the greatest one a being can make!

>> No.19295864

Academic Agent just had 'Evola Day' on his channel and posted 10 hours worth of content to guide people on where to start with Evola.
I'd say this is a good start: https://youtu.be/3ZvL8BuYdFo
But he also put out other smaller videos explaining his concepts and influences if you want to read around Evola first.

>> No.19295874

>being a demon denier

>> No.19295878

If summoning demons is a real thing (and apparently easy enough for any random 4channel poster to do) why is there not a single recorded video of it happening?

>> No.19295883

Yes, they are exactly the same, I am just reading the definition and am seeing now that they are positively identical.

>> No.19295884

Because all your reality is mediated by Hollywood and you think demons are cgi goblins with impressive visual effects.

>> No.19295905

Get a load of this 1.1

>> No.19295909

Do you think a little devil jumps out of a fire and starts talking to you?

>> No.19295929
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>Robert T. Hastings Jr., acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, described strategic communication as "the synchronization of images, actions and words to achieve a desired effect."

>Crowley defined Magick as "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will."

the liminal space between what people believe is true and what is actually true is where magic happens

>> No.19295962

Esoteric discussions are much better on /lit/, /x/ and /omg/ is full of retards. I wish there was an esoteric general on /lit/.

>> No.19295969

He's a virgin at 30

>> No.19295978

>this hobby I like is full of retards
>am I a retard?
>no everyone else is for not liking my hobby

>> No.19295995

Cool just like hubbard taught us

>[the operating thetans] have been fully refamiliarized with their capabilities as a thetan and can willingly and knowingly be at cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time.

>> No.19296003

LRH was a rogue dark wizard, it's true. His cult is still going strong.

>> No.19296008

If it was meant for retards you would have mastered it.

>> No.19296013

Was he actually rouge though or was he just taking it to its ultimate end point?

>> No.19296015

The problem is you are assuming everybody is going by the same definition and standards.

>> No.19296032

He was in it for power for himself. I don't believe that is the ultimate end goal of all human desires.

>> No.19296191

No it's not. It's about transfiguring your consciousness, will, and being at the fundamental level. Like the other anon said, read. Also, learn the difference between psychology and ontology.

>> No.19296195

You ever find it funny that people who play rogue can't spell it?

>> No.19296205

You do know L. Ron Hubbard was a student of Aleister Crowley and borrowed much from him, right? Evola does agree with Crowley in certain respects, and even has a chapter on him at the of ItM.

>> No.19296219

shift the sensation of thinking from your brain to your heart. be through your heart

>> No.19296259

The thought of having your consciousness in your heart instead of your head is totally alien to me. What does it feel like?

>> No.19296378

One thing I experienced was after waking up early one morning, then putting my head down to go back to sleep, when I closed my eyes my consciousness felt like / i could see it fly down from my head as a luminous ball and zip all through my body for a a second or two before i quickly came back into the regular waking state being so surprised by it.

>> No.19296495

I tried this and felt a slight pressure in my heart but then it was gone. What is the purpose of thinking with your heart?

>> No.19296513


Just read the books if you're really interested.

>> No.19296647

>They are real, there are also entities feeding off of certain negative human energies

those are capitalists you fucking schizo

>> No.19296693

I think it's materialism in general, which includes both capitalism and marxism since neither affirm a higher spiritual aspect of man

>> No.19296755

No, there are non-physical entities behind it, feeding off of the energy and growing stronger. Ancient aristocratic families knew of them, many "enlightened" initiates also know of them, and the current leader of the Templars also says as much. I don't really care if people like you don't believe it, you aren't meant to be involved with this stuff. I don't care about capitalism.

>> No.19296831
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>> No.19296836

Have anything I can't already get from a fortune cookie?

>> No.19296847

Didn't academic agent used to be libertarian? I'm surprised someone like him is so obsessed with Evola, I never though he would be the type of guy for that, but I admit I don't know much about AA

>> No.19296870

He still sometimes jokingly refers to himself as a classical liberal to annoy people, and he would still affirm that Austrian Economics are simply true and correct, but the content on his channel over the past year and a half has shifted into a direction completely critical of libertarianism as being naive with regard to human nature and the realities of power. He has produced multiple video series doing critiques of it from various perspectives. His Cigar Stream series has been studying people like Carlyle and other anti-liberal thinkers which has necessitated this change.

>> No.19296974

Was he ever at all interested in the spiritual? because to me I don't think you can really believe in Evola's ideas unless you admit the reality of spirituality. Maybe he just sees values in him even stripped of the spiritual side.

>> No.19297006

I can't speak for him but I think he's definitely open about how he struggles with that sort of stuff. AA likes systematizing things and Evola is good at doing that stuff with regard to the modern world.

>> No.19297019

Of course hence why I saw it fit to post about him in this thread.

>> No.19297050

Personally, I don't think he's particularly interested in the esoteric part of Evola. You have to keep in mind that he is appealing to an audience and most of them probably would not understand it from a video. Also he has a very positivist academic background. I think he'll recognise the usefulness of the metaphysical model but never delve much deeper or even attempt initiation. He still takes about joining a local Catholic church!

>> No.19297473

Or perhaps it's you who need to go back, witch larper. I mean, i think real magic is probably real, but it's not found on books sold on amazon. And certainly not Evola.

>> No.19297677

You making a mighty big assumption that demons don't exist.

>people have tons of experience with something over millenia
>anon decides that because it doesn't fit his perception of a scientific worldview that everyone must be wrong, not realising that theoretical frameworks in science are incomplete and don't preclude demons

>> No.19297714

>I don't believe in it
>so I refuse to take the steps necessary to experience it
>so I haven't experienced it
>so I don't believe in it

>> No.19297791

And you've personally experienced particle physics interactions right

>> No.19297806

I'm producing positrons right now.

>> No.19297916

I kneel

>> No.19297959

Almost all ritual summonings are within the consciousness of the summoner. Its also a written and unwritten fact of magic that it must be done in secret and that it never works unless you're the only one present as other awarenesses such as people or cameras distort the psychic qualities of the environment.

You're either doing it yourself or you're doing it with a friend but there will never be an actual recording which isn't schizo shit.

>> No.19298408

>We exit the Kali Yuga around 2025 or 2030
What's UN agenda 2030 about then?
>inb4 meds

>> No.19298422
File: 100 KB, 398x640, C5AEF3E1-E47D-409C-A252-581ACE5DA8A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s about the birth of the one-world government eco communist utopia that takes us into our star trek future

>> No.19298438

So this is the coming Golden age? Or do they completely fail? Shouldn't they know more about this than?
Also apparently the jewish ((messiah)) is coming this year.

>> No.19298448

than anyone*

>> No.19298466

Jew messiah is already here, but they havem't disclosed who he is. Personally I think it's all empty seethe and cope, judaism is a huge meme.

>> No.19298474

it won't even be classic Star Trek :(

>> No.19298511

I heard they are waiting for a red cow to be born without a single strand of white hair or some shizo shit like this.
Anyways I have been researching on this a bit and there's this group called Neturei Karta who predicted it to happen in 2023, but I don't remember which video.
There's also so marxist rabbi who said that it's a metaphor or some shit and that the messiah is not a real person but could be a movement or organization.
I don't really know maybe he's already here or maybe he won't even be a person.

>> No.19298539

I think modern judaism is counter-initiation and is basically Guenon called aulyia' as-shaitan.

>> No.19298587

Meanwhile there are people who actually studied and wrote or practiced this stuff extensively like Evola and Guenon who you disregard because you're an idiot.

>> No.19298597

Just read Guenon's Reign of Quantity for a rundown on messiah and antichrist

>> No.19298684

For Guenon, Aristotle would be very good

>> No.19298740

Jewish messiah comes every year and basically there's always a 'potential' messiah, but unless he leads the Jews in a lot of military victories to dominate over the gentiles then he isn't the 'actual' messiah.

According to Kabbalah mathematics the real final messiah is going to come sometime before 2200. But I wouldn't hold my breath because there are a lot of signs that still need to come true.

Also international freemasonry is definitely the anti-christ. The nations of Gog and Maggog, the one eye'd beast, coming down from every elevated place, traveling all over the world, being followed by jews and magicians. All of these match up with freemasons.

>> No.19298746

I am still in the middle of Crisis of the Modern World. Maybe next month.

>> No.19298873
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Anon, the heart is actually the source of consciousness, of your true self (see ancient greek thumos, greek hieroglyph for the heart, Dante's super secret room of the heart, Agartha central sun, Christ Holy Heart etc)
Just read and reread the books and practice the rituals and someday you will see (the one about visualizing your inner sun ascending during sleep and the difference between night/day and your inside world is very clear on this)
Pro tip: it should be as effortless as possible

>> No.19298952

Which chapter is this from?

>> No.19298974
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The Jews already had their messiah

>> No.19299038
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It is another small book, read it as it is very concise then read and (when you feel ready) do the mithraic ritual described in Introduction to Magic (v 2 or 3 cant remember)

>> No.19299049

jfc can these semitic niggas stop gaming the divine system? Spirituality isn't like a Paradox game where the trick to Mesiahmaxxing is getting a new one on every yearly tick.

>> No.19299128

What do you think about the relationship between celtic and semitic languages?
I saw all types of crazy theories but I would like to hear your opinion.

>> No.19299142

>(when you feel ready) do the mithraic ritual described in Introduction to Magic
Not him but what does it do?

>> No.19299216

Oh ya I read that a while ago. Isn't the mithraic ritual some advanced shit? didn't think you could just do it on your own either. If you've done it can you explain how you did it? were the images just coming up in your mind or what?

>> No.19299354
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If tomorrow scientists started saying there were demons in another dimension communicating with us, then these Atheists would believe it. They have to be told what to believe.

>> No.19299579

>won't accept anything unless current year's priestly class tells him to

>> No.19299590

It's kind of ridiculous how expensive that shelf is.

>> No.19300203

Marx's materialism is a materialism of social relations. Read the thesis on feuerbach.

>> No.19300235

You know many anons share the same point of view, that most mainstream, public available magic, is larp? I have read my fair share of magic books, and i have those Evola books about introduction to magic (i intend to read them one day). I mean, if it makes you happy, why not. Yes, i believe in the laws of attraction. What i mean, by real magic, is manifesting a real fireball, with you hand, and throwing it. Or real telekinesis. Manifesting a storm. Healing at will, like Jesus. I don't think Evola was ever capable of this.

>> No.19300424

Don't do this. Hermetic Tradition is one of Evola's hardest books and Mystery of the Grail is the "sequel" to Revolt. Try a collection of essays like Bow and Club. Or Metaphysics of War for something like Revolt but instead focused on one topic.

>> No.19300429

>has the books but hasn't read them
Thank you for letting us know your opinion is worthless and btw, Evola and the UR Group wrote an essay addressing the exact criticism you brought up. Of course, you'd known if you read the book.

>> No.19300438

This is not bad actually, although Meditations on the Peaks and Cinnabar should be in the comfy category

>> No.19300505

Magic isn't real. Crowley, Evola, etc. is a bunch of richfags larping and borrowing shit from various traditions they don't actually understand to give their syncretic LARP systems a patina of mystery. They're purposely obscurantist in order to avoid making it obvious that they neither know the systems they borrow from particularly well, nor have novel philosophical insights.

If you're interested in Kabbalah, read Schloem and primary sources. If you're interested in Platonism read Plato and Plotonius first.

Don't make the mistake I made and spend years studying this stuff only to realize the sources they are biting off are actually far more meaningful than anything any occultist put together (I will admit, I still do kind of have a soft spot for Meditations on the Tarot).

Magic, as in supernatural powers, summoning material demons, making it rain, scrying, etc. isn't real. The only power the people I met who were initiated into these mysteries tended to have was to make all the drugs in my house disappear. IDK, I guess their employment repellent spells must have worked too...

The whole occult scene was sometimes a good time if you're into hedonism, except that it tends to attract unstable people and sociopaths.

>> No.19300576

It is obvious that you were not able to penetrate Evola's works sufficiently. You were filtered. Vulgar occultism is gay and retarded.

>> No.19300685

Yeah, this is always the cope with the occult. If there is a critique, it must be that the person didn't understand it. Or if there is debate, then obscurantism rules the day, and obviously it's impossible to put these deeper truths into clear language the way philosophers do so that they can actually be vetted...

>> No.19300696

>Evola and the UR Group wrote an essay addressing the exact criticism you brought up. Of course, you'd known if you read the book.
As i said, i will read introduction on magic, in the future. I like heroic fantasy anyway.

>> No.19300741

>Magic, as in supernatural powers, summoning material demons, making it rain, scrying, etc. isn't real.
As i said earlier, i think it is possible it might be real, but it is not found in books sold in the market. Real magic would live you scared shitless.
Premonitions, remote vision, low level telepathy, astral projection are real, and can be done easily enough.
When i talk about real magic, i'm talking about throwing a fucking fireball. Manifesting a force shield. Telekinesis. Those books are in possessions of the real shadow elite, hidding behind our visible money worshipping elite.

>> No.19300799

No they aren't. It's pretend. No miracle or magic has ever been proved and no one even has a explanation of how something not material could affect the laws of the material world.

The only evidence for magic is "muh feel feels," while the evidence that you can't bend the laws of physics to your will is substantial.

>> No.19300815

The only proof of string theory is a math equation. Do you believe in that?

>> No.19301275

seething hylic

>> No.19301282

If you haven't read it, then shut the fuck about it retard.

>> No.19301802

This book seems poorly translated. The rituals aren't described in enough detail. Everything is kept very vague and surface level. Though the introduction says nothing is left out on purpose. This leads me to believe that the translator fucked it up. For example Opus Magicum Fire is not fully explained in the book. If you go out on the internet you will find full versions of the ritual taken from the UR Group.

>> No.19301852

>Premonitions, remote vision, low level telepathy, astral projection are real, and can be done easily enough.

Then why are the empirically testable ones not done more often ? I mean the Australian skeptics society have a 100K prize available for stuff like this as do similar organisations in other countries.

For instance with astral projection that would be very easy to test just have a person read something in a room they are locked out of - very easy money.

>> No.19301866

>Was he ever at all interested in the spiritual?
Only in a cargo cultish manner, like Zoomer tradcaths.

>Magic isn't real
>If you're interested in Kabbalah

>> No.19302133

What exactly is left out, and can you post a link that has the full ritual for comparison?

>> No.19302336
File: 32 KB, 532x454, 1306185978863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i once worked with a mexican lady who practiced santeria magic and told us about how she made a truck run over her ex husband by sacrificing a chicken to some spirit. she also claimed she spoke to the dead, actually met a demon, and could put people into comas. She could read your aura and predict your future.

we all kind of benignly ignored her when she talked about magic, until one day a spergy teen employee asked her why she was working a shitty minimum wage job in the ghetto if she had such powers. she didn't talk about magic for a few days after that....

>> No.19302418

Because being positivists, these societies wouldn't be satisfied with one example as has been shown historically. They would require many repeated trials so they can please themselves that it was not a fluke.

Also you seem to fail to realise that anyone with sufficient esoteric mastery wouldn't want the general public suddenly all scrambling to learn it. They'd tarnish it with their material desires and the master would lose the comparative advantages in life that come from their esoteric abilities.

Finally, anyone sufficiently learned in non-material things would not see any value in $100,000.

Given these reasons, it is not surprising that no one with esoteric mastery has gone to these societies.

Instead, some charlatans have instead wasted these societies' time. These charlatans do not channel anything supernatural but instead that of the vulgar and demonic subconscious. Prime example is the risible séances of Spiritism. Commonly, these individuals are caught "cheating" but this is simply the infernal nature of the unconscious trolling them. These mischievous unconscious forces make them "cheat" even when these people so desperately want to show these things to be real because to channel them in the first place the channeler must take away their ego temporarilty so they no longer have any control over their body.

>> No.19302643

Maybe take a few minutes to compare it to the Italian edition before you cast aspersions in public.

>> No.19302833

Okay magicel.

>> No.19302841

They have done these tests, and proved a statistical anomaly.

>> No.19302862

>until one day a spergy teen employee asked her why she was working a shitty minimum wage job in the ghetto if she had such powers. she didn't talk about magic for a few days after that....
That's one reason i don't fully believe in real magic. Alistair Crowley himself ended in poverty. Eliphas Levy always had money troubles, he did some magic money spells, and it worked a little, but wouldn't learning economics and business worked even more?

>> No.19302911

Probably but only because the connections you make while getting your MBA are usually better than the connections you make hanging out with Magick enthusiasts.

>> No.19302933

economics and business are a developed form of magic
t. Mallarmé

>> No.19302946

So i'm a magician. In a way, i knew it. But it would be cool to use telekinesis, and accelerated healing, too. That's even cooler. Reading thought accurately, also.

>> No.19303206

Wtf is with the hylics here. "If esoteric real why no many dollars?"

>> No.19303215

Thought I already covered it in >>19302418

>> No.19303216

"if shoot ball in hoop real why i no play in NBA"

>> No.19303959


>> No.19304888

how the grial system works? to whic iniciatic tradition is linked? or did evola invented it?

>> No.19305485

You stupid faggot

>> No.19305599

Don't trads say you're supposed to stick with one tradition and not mash them all together, what tradition does this come from exactly?

>> No.19306001

You stupid faggot

>> No.19306374

If you have read any other hermetic/alchemical texts which have rituals, you would know that this is not true.
This book is completely fine if you have any background in the topic, but if not, it will be quite difficult and will seem to abstract and confusing to enact.

>> No.19306444

Evola is one of the only legit "right-wing" authors, naturally he'll be posted often.

>> No.19306561


>> No.19306733

Can anyone here say that pursuing this subject has improved their life in any tangible way? Like, not just in mindset, but in a measurable form, have any of your lives gotten better from studying this? Most philosophers agree that superstition comes from a misunderstanding of causality. Can any of you show a causal relationship between the study of esotericism and the improvement of your life? I’m taking for granted, of course, that we ought to study subjects that make our lives better (which is not to say that we shouldn’t study subjects that don’t). But convince me to read Evola tonight.

>> No.19306799
File: 63 KB, 575x396, 373BC61C-445A-45B7-8B56-9656324B0C39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a demon that I most likely accidentally summoned by mistake. it is attached to me and I can’t get rid of it. maybe i paid attention to a sigil for too long. whenever I am physically weak and trying to sleep it will appear on the wall closest to me, like a hologram in my mind’s eye. it looks like a cartoon fox, and it dances sinisterly for me. then I banish it, and it vanishes until the next time. if i don’t banish it properly it transports my minds eye to a strange valley where two laughing old women are trying to do something evil to me

>> No.19306805

There is a cause and effect relation between my mental state and the practice I enact as well as possible synchronicties or coincidences on an outside level tho hard to measure...

>> No.19306830

There's nothing superstitious about magick. It's very dry, banal and deterministic, actually. Read Crowley.

>> No.19306838

For me Evola/Guenon helped me get beyond the blackpill, just thanks to the Traditionalist worldview/philosophy. As for esoteric, it isn't something anybody can rationally convince you of.

>> No.19306846

Trap it and set it loose on a chinese person for revenge for coranovirus?

>> No.19306850
File: 217 KB, 1400x2129, 1627152127758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chapter on traditional monarchy is filtering me. can someone explain to me the transcendent/metaphysical justification of the divine right of kings?

>> No.19306851

my life has improved since coronachan emerged, so nah to that plan. there is also no need to trap it if it is following me around

>> No.19306861

Put in a amulet or something, then tell a gay chinese man u think hzs cute and give it as a gift, tell him your name is kyle

>> No.19306868


>> No.19306870

I’ll give you $100 to come by my house and do it for me. if I’m lucky it may leave me alone and hop in your amulet

>> No.19306877

That’s fair and well-grounded. Can you specify what changes occurred in your mental state, and how the relate to your practices?

How does this worldview give you hope? It seems pessimistic, what with the Kali Yuga and all

>> No.19306931

What exactly are you struggling with? Give quotes from the text

>> No.19306993


Bro that was the easiest part

>> No.19307001

It doesn't give me hope, it gives me the opposite

>> No.19307092

Yeah let me just go learn Italian. Faggot.

>> No.19307113

Says volume III. III of what? out of how many?

>> No.19307158
File: 96 KB, 1149x446, evola on magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before undertaking any work, you must be able to achieve ABSOLUTE CONCENTRATION. That means: I think the object, I think of the object, I think about the object, I live the object, neither "I" nor any other exists, but the object stands steady, unqiue, isolated at the center of the mental fire: just as the arrow once show and deeply embedded moves no more-like the solid rock unmoved by the gusts of wind-thus the signle object subsists in the "void" of the mind.
>It matters not whether this takes you months or years. If you lack the strength, or if this condition seems too hard for you, consider what other excellent things in human life you can direct your action to, besides Magic.
-Abraxas in Volume III

I doubt anyone here is qualified.

>> No.19307182

What text is the pic from?

>> No.19307206

I'm not sure. I saved it from an Evola thread a few months ago. Would guess it's either from The Sufi of Rome or The Path of Cinnabar.

>> No.19307265

It's from one of his interviews that's in the appendix of Path of Cinnabar. He was talking about young people who are interested in reading his books and looking for guidance. What Evola was referring here particularly was that you shouldn't resort to esoteric techniques to achieve political ends.

>> No.19307275

Ah thank you.
Though if you read his works, wouldn't you understand that the unsteady material world is irrelevant once you are initiated? Unless I'm misunderstanding?

>> No.19307280
File: 622 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20211028-234316_Hancom Office S Viewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the interview in full.

>> No.19307284

Gnosticism / esotericism is just embarrassing. Grow up guys.

>> No.19307317

The only way one could do that he thought was to be involved but detached in the modern world as he describes in Ride the Tiger. That is, if you have the ontological makeup to do so.

>> No.19307464

>Because being positivists, these societies wouldn't be satisfied with one example as has been shown historically. They would require many repeated trials so they can please themselves that it was not a fluke.

How is that an issue though given how easy these process are claimed to be?

>Also you seem to fail to realise that anyone with sufficient esoteric mastery wouldn't want the general public suddenly all scrambling to learn it. They'd tarnish it with their material desires and the master would lose the comparative advantages in life that come from their esoteric abilities.

It seems like it would be the opposite it, would be the most devastating blow to materialism ever dealt and would create huge revival in peoples respect and desire for the spiritual.

> Finally, anyone sufficiently learned in non-material things would not see any value in $100,000.

See the above even ignoring what could be done with the money the complete and elegant refutation of materialism would be rewarding enough woundnt it ?

>Given these reasons, it is not surprising that no one with esoteric mastery has gone to these societies.

Given those non material things I mentioned above it I feel it is a bit surprising. Not only that but tests like these would be the most effective way of weeding out charlatans as they would be unable to do this.

Out of curiosity do believe that scientologists achieved the powers of magic ?

>> No.19307472

Can you provide a link to these studies?

>> No.19307489

It’s more like if you have the abilities and powers you claim you have why do you live indistinguishably from someone who doesn’t.

>> No.19307577


>> No.19307736

based fortune cookie shitposter

>> No.19307832

How do I do magic bros

>> No.19308050

If you want to your opinion on translation to go anywhere other than the trash, yes, learn Italian.

>> No.19308080

The translation sucks

>> No.19308090

and into the trash it goes.

>> No.19308124

Because 'powers' are a side-effect of a process of disidentification with the corporeal.
In Introduction to Magic, in Buddhism, in Christianity, in Islam, in Taoism, you will find over and over the idea that excessive desire for material things paralyzes spiritual development.

Invert this for a second and you see how absurd the idea of a causal connection is.
>if you're so rich, why aren't you a wizard?

What you have instead, all through history is people withdrawing from their material concerns to practice spiritual disciplines.

>> No.19308136

Absolute retard

>> No.19308146

draw a sigil then cum on it and you will become a millionaire

t. chaos magick pro

>> No.19308306

But it seems like this is a really effective way of justifying deception - self or otherwise. I mean it seems like magic practitioners try to have it both ways unlike Christians or Muslims they make claims about powers in the material world.

How does

> I’ve got powers that are easy to demonstrate but I won’t do so in a way that can be verified because I’m above such things

Not come off as Mormon or Scientology tier?

>God gave me a New Testament written on golden plates but I can’t show you it because it’s God’s will that people who don’t fully trust me aren’t allowed to see it.


>auditing has given me perfect recall but I don’t abuse this power and only use it to recall past lives from over a trillion years ago.

>> No.19308530

Have you read any beginner book on the topic? This is very much like ath**sts asking smugly why if god exist why he allow evil. I recommend Prometheus Rising by robert something something and possibly The Holographic Universe by michael talbot.

>> No.19308590

But if external results were perfectly replicable then we wouldn't be framing them as 'magic'. What we're dealing with is something more akin to the manipulation of synchronicity. One thing we can take from people like Sheldrake is that it's not easy to design an experiment to quantify that.
So the issue becomes the point at which 'coincidence' becomes convincing to the individual. Especially if it goes along with a change of internal state.
Religious people may frame it in terms of grace and miracle but, again, a miracle we can repeat in a lab wouldn't be a miracle.
This is why the Gruppo di Ur material gives methods to experiment for oneself rather than demanding belief in revelation.

>> No.19309762

>This is very much like ath**sts asking smugly why if god exist why he allow evil.
They're both good questions that don't have an easy answer. You didn't even answer it without referring to other literature.

>> No.19310317

>Not come off as Mormon or Scientology tier?
main difference I see is the lack of grift
there's no 'Megachurch Pastor of Magic' buying jets with money from donations and their never was.
Evola actively dissuaded his books on these subjects from becoming popular

>> No.19310644

Magic makes me happy. I believe it is the prisca theologia. I have had many crazy coincidences as well. Lust for results and proof leads to schizophrenia if pursued magicly. Hence why it is accompanied with spiritual development so as not to be consumed by fires of initiation...

>> No.19310712

I meant it in the sense of asking as if it hadn't been asked before. It reveals that the person in question hasn't engaged with the basic points of the matter they're making a critique of.

>> No.19310740

I’ve read a few things around the level of the kybalion.

Have been reading RAW but haven’t been able to find my first coin for about 6 months.

I don’t think it’s on the same level as the problem of evil because it’s so much more simpler - it’s impossible to truely know for instance if this is the best possible world or not or if the evil we see is just apparent/ leading to a better outcome. However that astral projection (which that other anon said was easy) test I mentioned is something that can be done with certainty.

I think they would still be framed as magic given their immaterial basis. Likewise magic seems to be explicitly un miraculous.

Well grifts can take many forms, at its lowest level it can be self deception and a way of feeling special and coping with the existential horrors spawned by materialism or ones feelings of powerlessness. Likewise it’s something that can give a person fame and devoted followers which is very ego affirming - without magic Crowley would have been forgotten as prodigal bisexual and Martin Gardner would have just been another retired public servant.

Does it lead to schizophrenia or merely disappointment?

>> No.19312162


>> No.19312171

The thread is already in the Akashic records bro. Only the profane and unworthy need it to remain in the catalog. I bet you can't even astrally project

>> No.19312278

I'm going to astral project and fuck a harem of many versions of your mum

>> No.19312852

Wtf is 2n breathing?

>> No.19312869

I think 'n' is means the duration of your inhale/exhale.

>> No.19312905

"The ritual mentioned here is connected with the practice of breathing which is executed according to the formula 2n (inspiration), n (retention), 2n (expiration), n (retention) in an early phase; and 2n, 4n, 2n, n in a later phase."

So the breathing would be 2n, n, 2n, n; followed by 2n, 4n, 2n, n. That doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.19312923

If we take n=5 seconds for example and apply it to the 2n n 2n n like it says in the first model, you breath in for 10 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, exhale for 10 seconds, and pause for 5 seconds.

>> No.19313119

Got any peer reviewed studies on magic not being real?

>> No.19313132

I am L Ron Hubbard and I live in space heaven with trillions of dollars thanks to my magical abilities.

>> No.19313141

Yes, it gave me ammo against the soulless materialists who continue to plague this earth

>> No.19313234

Have you guys thought of joining TikTok? Big magic scene on there

>> No.19313438

Right wingers are retarded

>> No.19313448


>> No.19313471

Evola schizos finding out he literally made books about magic then coping by actually believing in magic is... as expected actually.

Get real you low iq idiots.

>> No.19313558

>Dude I don't even have a soul lmao
I know

>> No.19313580
File: 295 KB, 900x788, 1624972605306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19313586

Metaphysics and deductive reasoning =/= feels. This is a cope by mental midgets who aren't smart enough for Plato.

>> No.19313624

Not him but I don't believe in string theory either, tachyons are mathematical objects as well which haven't been proven to exist. Any scientists purporting that tachyons/strings exist without showing his or her work is a hack.

And with you people magic always boils down to "hehe silly fool, magic isn't observable and reproducible stuff like casting Fireball or Magic Search but vague and nonsensical fortune telling containing no information or literal schizophrenic delusions".

>> No.19313628

>deductive reasoning
>doesn't confirm anything in the real world
>expresses itself as schizo rambles and states of happy delusion
At which level of auto-fellatio you are going to walk on water?

>> No.19313642

>metaphysics is inherently bad because it's not physics

>> No.19313680

>thoughts and ideas are not real physical actions located in my brain which may or may not be physical as well
You're chasing blissful delusions that can be simply achieved by using drugs. Actually, many of the so called metaphysical practitioners and philosophers do use drugs.

>> No.19313691

>metaphysics is bullshit because thoughts are physical
What on EARTH are you even TRYING to say here dude

>> No.19313748

Meh, better than The Secret

>> No.19313755

Just from what le Magic practitioners said in these threads: you don't transport yourself between other realms and magical worlds, you don't talk to God. Your thoughts don't have mystical properties and you're physically grounded to experience delusion whenever you think mystical entered your brain. For people who try to be logical and accept they can't know what another is experiencing within themselves, they deny the logic of other powerful concepts made with deductive reasoning that break such mystic delusion bubbles. You're proud of being scientific while avoiding science.

>> No.19313780

>You're proud of being scientific while avoiding science

That’s kind of the point if the occult in modern times, it’s religion for materialists who don’t like materialism

>> No.19313791
File: 15 KB, 331x500, 31eGkFYxjBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In assuming its modern form, science has lost not only in depth but also, one might say, in stability, for its attachment to principles enabled it to share in their immutability to the extent that its subject-matter allowed, whereas being now completely confined to the world of change, it can find nothing in it that is stable, and no fixed point on which to base itself; no longer starting from any absolute certainty, it is reduced to probabilities and approximations, or to purely hypothetical constructions that are the product of mere individual fantasy. Moreover, even if modern science should happen by chance to reach, by a roundabout route, certain conclusions that seem to be in agreement with some of the teachings of the ancient traditional sciences, it would be quite wrong to see in this a confirmation-of which these teachings stand in no need; it would be a waste of time to try to reconcile such utterly different points of view or to establish a concordance with hypothetical theories that may be completely discredited before many years are out.

>> No.19313827

>God told me that's why it's an immutable law

>> No.19313832
File: 26 KB, 165x215, iamblichus[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't talk to God
le Iamblichus face when

>> No.19313841

>everybody is in a delusion bubble except me
Science has absolutely nothing to say about metaphysics so I don't see how it is even relevant in this discussion

>> No.19313848

This is an important point because you can see how the inherent uncertainty and lack of confidence underlying the scientific method can be easily subordinated to the political goals of the state religion who can freely choose to interpret its uncertainly in any way they so desire. The result is what we have today which is state myth laundered through fake science, that the masses assume is real science.

>> No.19313857

>occultism became the language of radical counter-culture in late nineteenth-century France, just as paganism did in Britain during the same period. Like the theosophy which it was partly to inspire, it offered the thinkers of the age a middle way between a defensive Christian orthodoxy and a science which threatened to despiritualize the universe and question the special status of humanity. Its emphasis upon practical learning and experimentation appealed to the scientific instinct, while its acceptance of supernatural forces and stress upon ancient wisdom appealed to the religious one. Unsurprisingly, it soon began to spread from France to most parts of the European cultural world, including Britain

>> No.19313859

Never heard before in my life the idea that occutlism is some kind of scientific proxy

>> No.19313873

It helps to compare occult practices and groups to with mainstream religions

>> No.19313888

Delusion is an actual thing. You're fast to accept some shaman's bullshit over having real philosophical rigor. None of these threads emphasize studying established thinkers. It's always about sucking off those silly nuts.
>Science has absolutely nothing to say about metaphysics so I don't see how it is even relevant in this discussion
It's about being logical or illogical. But go ahead, go deeper within your shell and grow more distant from the world and people's thought.

>> No.19313898

I advocate studying Plotinus, Iamblichus, Hermes, Proclus etc. I'm probably with you on the modern shit like Crowley and Theosophy in general.
>go deeper within your shell and grow more distant from the world and people's thought.
Once you understand that the world is majority illogical you will understand that it is you that is only growing more distant from people with this line of thought.

>> No.19314655


>> No.19315838

Any recommendations on wands?

>> No.19316400

Trannies are seething. Believe whatever you want to believe, doesn't mean it's real. Like the fact you're a gay homosexual incel pervert in a dress and not a woman like you believe.

>> No.19316405

He uses one between his legs on his penis-clit and thinks a lot about sucking off niggers.

>> No.19316483

>Mondo magico degli eroi
Learn Italian

>> No.19316730

let me guess. it also doesnt work unless you believe in it?

>> No.19316749

Different anon, but the CIA just recently felt the need to put this out for some reason. Makes you wonder.

>> No.19316775

Stop trying to materially prove the supernatural, that's so plebian and disgusting.

>> No.19316776

Is there anything you leftists can't pull out of that hat?

>> No.19317073

ew thats kinda gay man

>> No.19317088

Imagine riding the tiger's dick with MAGIC.

>> No.19317099

Riding the tigers dick would be more what the "left" does

>> No.19317107

Everything I do...there is nothing there.

>> No.19317115

>modern science is individual fantasy
>metaphysical babble is a fact
Woah, Guénon chads. I kneel.

>> No.19317157

Was Evola a mason?

>> No.19317162

I love how Traditionalist charlatans use so much miasmic rhetoric against capitalism, Marxism, modernity or whatever, but what they have to offer is nothing but fake spirituality and aesthetic elitism. But in a sense they're correct: modernity weakened men so badly they listen to obvious tricksters simply because they use powerful language.

>> No.19317313

So you think Evola and Guenon were doing what they did for wealth and fame? If the answer is yes, do you have a mental disability?

Why would you have such strong convictions about spiritual matters when you don't know anything about them and have never experienced them?

>> No.19317318

>modern science is individual fantasy
That isn't what he said at all, try improving your reading comprehension.

>> No.19317421

>I have a supernatural power to do a material thing

>can you demonstrate that materially ?

>N...n..no that’s plebeian

>> No.19317497

>it is reduced to probabilities and approximations, or to purely hypothetical constructions that are the product of mere INDIVIDUAL FANTASY

>> No.19317551

Yes, well done on providing the relevant quote. Now to understand where you went wrong, see "probabilities and approximations," which is the other part of science he describes that you missed for whatever reason, be it stupidity or dishonesty.

>> No.19317576

Guenon literally said what you said he didn't. He called modern science "product of mere individual fantasy." Did I misread that so badly was he talking about metaphysics instead? Because metaphysics is just made up bullshit

>> No.19317582

Time to put the Harry Potter books away kids, Hogwarts isn't real, sorry. No one is going to think you're impressive for displaying spooky 'esoteric' books in your bedroom. Your magic powers will never make up for your lack of personality or charisma. You look like a tiktok witch and your shits all gay.

>> No.19317583

It is more about using divine knowledge to satisfy the whims of a spiritual pig. What purpose does it serve, even assuming one could get away with it? (i.e., without losing touch with the divine, or without causing people to persecute you for whatever reason, or without causing some sort of unintended catastrophe among others)

>> No.19317607

No, he said that products of hypothetical constructions, which are an aspect of science, is individual fantasy, you idiot. This is why you need to improve your reading comprehension or critical thinking skills. Or maybe you're ESL, in which case just say so.

>> No.19317617

I hide all my books, nobody knows about them or my esoteric interests, because it's esoteric and not to boost my ego. I know that must be hard for you to understand.

>> No.19317619

The purpose it serves is to seperate the people who tell the truth compared to those who are deceiving themselves or others - not to mention it would deal a heavy blow to materialist thinking, just think how many people have become spiritual pigs due to charlatans and the dearth if adequate demonstrations

It feels like anyone who doesn’t implicitly trust people who make these claims qualifies as a spiritual pig.

>> No.19317625

>no he didn't modern science product of mere individual fantasy
>he said that products of hypothetical constructions, which are an aspect of science, is individual fantasy
Traditionalist rhetoric is a sight to behold

>> No.19317671

You're clearly misrepresenting what he said, and even when it is explicitly shown to you, you are too stupid or dishonest to see it. You dislike/don't understand Guenon/metaphysics because you have such difficulty sticking to principles even in a basic case like this. I presume you aren't white either, btw.

>> No.19317686

What Guenon said is perfectly clear. He said modern science is based on individual fantasy while metaphysics is based on timeless principles. Which is so fucking stupid you have to willfully ignore Guenon's own words and make yourself look like a moron to rehabilitate Guenon.

>> No.19317742

>He said modern science is based on individual fantasy
No, that is only one aspect of the whole. I will make this preschool-level simple for you. If I have half of an apple, I don't in earnest claim that I have an apple. If I did, I would be an idiot or dishonest, like you.

Inventing hypothetical constructs are also quite obviously individual creations or quite often fantasy which is part of the scientific method. The other part would be testing, hence statistics and approximations.

No offence, but you aren't intelligent enough for Guenon.

>> No.19317760

Anyone have a pdf link to intro 3 or doctrine of awakening? Can't find em

>> No.19317772

Easy to find using the links in the sticky.
NGMI if you are this lazy

>> No.19317773

So you argument is that Guenon says that only some of science is based on individual fantasy? And how the fuck do you have science without hypothesis?

>> No.19317782

>no he didn't modern science product of mere individual fantasy
To be fair, nobody today thinks scientifically or conducts experiments in the classical sense. It's all about making models and theories that have a tenuous basis on reality, and hoping they are right so you can get approval for grant money. We clearly see this today with the climate change scare and administrators pushing and saying an experimental vaccine is safe and effective despite their not being any long term studies done it.

>> No.19317824

Noble pursuits, but they could cause huge harm. If somebody started levitating or shooting fireballs above LA and everybody or most believed in it, civilisation could just fall into catastrophy. The worst people would greedily persecute or pursue anybody they suspected of having such powers for personal gain. Governments and corporations might nuke or overrun Tibet or other places, to destroy or try to steal such knowledge, even more charlatans would emerge to prey on people who now fully believe in anything spiritual, which would mess the situation up more. I think eventually there will be someone like this (the "Messiah") in the end times though. Before that I think any open displays like this for the world would be foolish. Still, there are examples of people showing off their powers and some may have been shown scientifically (like the lady who astral projected and accurately reported a card hidden atop a dresser). There are also videos, a guy crushing a water bottle with heat/energy from his palm, other stuff like that. Most people remain skeptical though, even if they're aware of this, because there is always the chance it could be fake.

If people want to discover the truth it needs to come from within.

>> No.19317841

No, he says in the quote that this is A PART of science, not the whole. The rest is statistics and approximations. Science is inventing a hypothesis, then testing its validity and adjusting it. This claims to represent all knowledge, which is retarded, even in the best of cases, which we see even less of today.

>> No.19317864

It would be far worse than that. If magic were common, people could predict the stock market, could kill from a distance and in a manner that which would render forensic science baffled and useless, companies couldn't keep their patents secret, nor would governments be able to protect secrets in interest of national security. Magic in the hands of the common folk would cause civilization to fall.

>> No.19317929

*If magic were real

>> No.19317946

Thanks, never read the sticky. I searched a lot online but never thought of libgen, always associated it with textbooks for uni, not actual good books.

>> No.19318019

You don’t think mass atheism and has led to more lasting harm and damnation to humans - more so than any conflict?

Likewise wouldn’t more people showing powers mean that people wouldn’t be fooled by a false messiah? After all if it’s not that special why would people assume they have a special Devine mandate - this would prevent that.

>Still, there are examples of people showing off their powers and some may have been shown scientifically (like the lady who astral projected and accurately reported a card hidden atop a dresser). There are also videos, a guy crushing a water bottle with heat/energy from his palm

Where these examples what convinced you that this was real and not metaphorical or self deception ? If magic wasn’t real what would we expect to see

>> No.19318236

Did Guenon release a book on Sufism?

>> No.19318506

The only criticism I could make is that you don't have any Serrano on that shelf.

>> No.19318511

>Just passively sit by and do nothing when you see something you don't like.

>> No.19318953

No, he even did investigations into masonry for either the Ahnenerbe or the SS, can't remember.

>> No.19318957

No but he has written essays on it, Insights into Islamic Esotericism and Taoism has a few.

>> No.19319739

Lets fighting love

>> No.19319812

>So you think Evola and Guenon were doing what they did for wealth and fame?
Do all cult leaders brainwash whole masses just for fame and wealth?

>Why would you have such strong convictions about spiritual matters when you don't know anything about them and have never experienced them?
Why would you have such strong convictions about spiritual matters being this important when none of those people achieved anything other than becoming a sect for pseudo-intellectuals?

>> No.19319915

>Inventing hypothetical constructs are also quite obviously individual creations or quite often fantasy which is part of the scientific method.
That coming from the mouth of a mystic is almost comical.

>No offence, but you aren't intelligent enough for Guenon.
Spoken like a true cultist.

He uses his vitriol against modern science and philosophy in order to make a point about the supposedly necessity of the traditionalist project for the world but backpedals when confronted with his own stupid rhetoric. The natural reaction should be consenting that modern science is doing a good job overall and there's nothing that any tradition can bring to the fray to help except larping. But since he's scum and a cult leader he has to constantly adjust his preaching in order to maintain the grasp on his sheep. How thinking people can even fall prey to this obvious trap?

>> No.19319952

Keep coping, bugman

>> No.19319996

>ur not intellegent enugh for muh guru
How are you not a cultist?

>> No.19320003

Guys, is magic real? Why are the higher degree freemasons into it? Why were all the Mystery schools into it? If it's fake are there any benefits to performing ritualistic magic?

>> No.19320009

You not being intelligent enough to understand something doesn't mean those who are are automatically in a cult, pea brain. Unless you mean that you're in a cult as well, just one accepted by the mainstream.

>> No.19320097

Already brainwashed by the cult. How sad. Are you bowing down before your Sufi leader?

>> No.19320850

Alright, I'll bite. Guenon was a sufi, not Evola, and he was no leader. They are interesting thinkers and writers but not infallible.
I'm not sure what you think you're achieving here.

>> No.19320870

I should be the one asking those questions. What do you think you're achieving here by suggesting sectarian esoteric literature? Who's your master?

>> No.19320883

But you didn't, so go ahead and answer me first.
And why do you assume I have a master? Just because you do doesn't mean anyone does.

>> No.19320940

Guenon isn't a mystic. Pretty funny how triggered you are by him though.

>> No.19320947

>can't answer the questions
I win.

>> No.19320958

How is it a cult? You're misusing that word on purpose because you're too stupid to refute Guenon/Evola.

>> No.19320974

>He uses his vitriol against modern science and philosophy in order to make a point about the supposedly necessity of the traditionalist project for the world but backpedals when confronted with his own stupid rhetoric. The natural reaction should be consenting that modern science is doing a good job overall and there's nothing that any tradition can bring to the fray to help except larping. But since he's scum and a cult leader he has to constantly adjust his preaching in order to maintain the grasp on his sheep. How thinking people can even fall prey to this obvious trap?
You write like someone trying to sound intelligent in their 10th grade English class and your understanding of Guenon is non-existent.

>> No.19321007

The guy is a literal leader of some pseudo-spiritual sect. Refutations aren't necessary when the malign intentions are evident.

You sound like a desperate cocksucker anxious for a metaphysical creampie.

>> No.19321139

Ok, how is it a cult or a sect? Why do you keep ignoring anybody who questions you? That is far more cult-like. Guenon always addressed criticism, which a cult leader wouldn't do. You wouldn't know what true spirituality is; on the other hand, Guenon was initiated into Martinism, Sufism and probably some Eastern Tradition, while devoting his life to studying all forms of authentic spirituality. One could be forgiven for dismissing you as a fool.

>> No.19321152

>his vitriol
>supposedly necessity
>How thinking people can fall prey to this obvious trap?
The average Guenon hater, everyone. On /lit/ no less. How pathetic.

>> No.19321321

>Refutations aren't necessary when the malign intentions are evident.
Sounds like something Guénon might say.

>> No.19321745

I read part 1 (out of 2) of the hermetic tradition in one day , it's a really easy read