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19264707 No.19264707 [Reply] [Original]

This book is fundamentally and diametrically opposed to the Anglo/Germanic/Latin concept of Justice. It’s very premise is incompatible with it.

It makes total sense however from the parasitic Semitic view. It reads like a coyote trying to get rid of a fox. All it wants to do is make sure the food supply is safe from competition. Tolerate only things that work for me.

The fact is that Popper was a light weight and never invited to the Vienna circle and got dumped into The East becuase nobody wanted him.

He’s the Jimmy Hendrix of philosophy. All show and fashion and no substance. Any body would normally be a shamed for such a trite obvious Thinly veiled Zionism but somehow this is treated like gospel today and you could argue is the basis of the German republic. Certianly it’s a sad tool of the European left to use the government and media to ensure no right wing party can ever exist again.
It’s just sad how Pathetic of a book it is on an intellectual level

>> No.19264855

Based. Popper is the ultimate example of the jewish "contribution" to philhoshophy. If reading him doest turn you anti-semitic then nothing will.

>> No.19264865

Haven't read it. Can you summarize the claim that's diametrically opposed to the Anglo/Germanic/Latin concept of justice.

>> No.19264902

The book Calls for open political suppression of ideologies opposed to the books political ideology.

The book *says* it calls for free society to politically suppress totalitarian ideas, which is to say right wing ideas. Case and point it Germany arresting anything right of the CDU or Britain’s police being more worried about online ‘hate’ speech than rape gangs roaming London.

It’s a very real and accepted practice in Europe and Biden’s administration is practicing it as well (note it’s 90% Jewish).

This happens when in societies where freedom of speech is considered a fundamental right. The freedom of speech predates popper of course from enlightenment times. But that’s the fundamental thing that baffles me.

This book simply says you have to ignore free speech to protect it from right wing politics. It’s fundamentally incompatible with free speech. It’s not even a paradox as Popper attempts to say it is. It’s simply and fundamentally logically flawed and unjust in the original enlightenment sense of the word.

However from Poppers point of view, his personal well being and his races well being is threatened and he can arm state police to attack his enemy and that is justice in his mind. Free speech that threatens him or contradicts his vision isn’t free and is unjust.

Roman / Anglo Justice is blind. Semitic justice is based on Semitic interests first and optics. It’s the nature of two cultures and fundamentally incompatible.

>> No.19264932
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Just gonna leave this here

>> No.19264968

Glad to see there are still based and redpilled /lit/ users.
There is no paradox, jews have been pushing for tolerance in Western societies so gentiles would accept them, the moment ideas that go against Jewish interests enter the political arena they go back on their tolerance policy.
The incredible hypocrisy, inconsistency and intellectual dishonesty is what causes people to become anti Semitic.

>> No.19265167

On the contrary, he BTFOs ***s on the first page.
And despite the mediocrity of the rest of his thought, his falsifiability criterion for scientific propositions is important and influential. This stands in contrast with the ideas of the Positivists, which have largely fallen away.

>> No.19265169

>This book simply says you have to ignore free speech to protect it from right wing politics. It’s fundamentally incompatible with free speech. It’s not even a paradox as Popper attempts to say it is
Popper says that we should not tolerate the intolerant when they get violent and no longer want to solve disputes through free speech and the exchange of ideas. For this very reason, he believes that the free speech of the intolerant should always be respected, so that they might present their ideas for discussion instead of turnin to violence.
It's a facile point. It's non-controversial. It is a nothingburger. And you clearly haven't read it. Since you are a mouthbreathing /pol/nigger, I presume you've got your misconception from some mouthbreathing and dishonest wokenigger who threw the first half of "le paradox of le intolerance" in your face, and conveniently ignored the latter half, where Popper says that free speech should be respected.
It's in endnote 4 to chapter 7, page 581 in the 2012 Routledge version.
Fuck I hate fags who care about internetpolitics so God damn much. Read more dumbass. Popper is an idiot, sure, but for none of the reasons you present.

>> No.19265175

What’s the Germanic latin conceit of justice?

>> No.19265196

Let me just add to >>19265169

>some mouthbreathing and dishonest wokenigger who threw the first half of "le paradox of le intolerance" in your face, and conveniently ignored the latter half, where Popper says that free speech should be respected.

Case in point >>19264932, regardless of whether you made a gay drawing of nazis or antifa in the picture. As soon as either stops giving arguments and starts getting violent, that is when Popper says we have to no longer tolerate them.

>> No.19265251

What a weird disingenuous effort post. “Jimi Hendrix”? “a shamed”?

>The book Calls for open political suppression of ideologies opposed to the books political ideology.
As in the intolerance towards the intolerant?
(So that one political ideology that wants to crush all opposition and kill off a couple of races, which are sometimes called leftists, are the only true rightwinger. Europe has no rightwing, you say?)

Totalitarianism is attributable to “rightwing”. But it’s not the only aspect. And why would anyone want such a thing as a singular dictatorship? What is wrong with the head of a person that craves abuse from a madman?
The EU are rightwing enough. Too much in fact. This “Anglo/Germanic/Latin” concept of “justice” you open with is nothing but their imperialist eras, isn’t it? (Ancient Israel was a damn kingdom too!)
No. No leftwing government is allowed in the western world either. This is blue fascism from the so-called deep state that answers direct from the oligarchy.
>it’s not even a paradox
Much baffles you alright.
>No no! You can’t stop us from seizing power and slaughtering you!
We could. But we let them. (Lots of people are getting angry over the rising fascism, but no coups or revolutions yet) now you’re pretending the strong-armed tactics the states are using are semetic and leftist, but it’s just the same as yours. Sans the genocidal aspect? Not even that. They’re slaughtering us, you’d just like them to slaughter Poppers race instead of all the others they’ve targeted. Not fascist enough for you.

State agents mask up often enough.

>> No.19265336

>his falsifiability criterion for scientific propositions is important and influential

He stole that from Piere Duhem, Popper added nothing new

>> No.19265342

I suppose it’s anti-Semitic but I’m looking at it from a different paradigm where the western cultural world and the Semitic one just aren’t compatible. I think popper was earnest but ultimately the idea of all men being moldable into a single ‘free and open’ society is impossible becuase that means different things and it’s a biological source that even 1000 years of integration couldn’t iron out between Semitic and European people.
So ultimately I would argue my post is Zionist although in a different vein than Popper who’s book is Zionist in the sense it’s ultimate core goal is the advancement of Semitic peoples but my post is suggesting the semtic people operate a state for themselves that functions according to the needs of their culture without attempting to dominate a sphere that is fundamentally compatible to their world view. They do not and cannot understand justice in the platonic Roman sense.

>> No.19265350

His principe is the most misused and misunderstood ouece and in my opinion is borderline meaningless given how little information it really offers.

>> No.19265370

The fact that this idea is so interchangeable depending upon your base ideology demonstrates how meaningless it really is. The only thing it says fundamentally is you should pursue your group's interest over others and that constitutes justice. It is only useful if you have existing assumptions of group identity or the ability to suggest them, as Popper absolutely does.

>> No.19265372

Another stupid or disingenuous post.
Yes, that is a paradox, that’s why you’re upset with it. But yes Zionist fascism and general neoliberalism isn’t tolerant leftism. It IS rightwing, it’s just deceitful about it. That isn’t just jews, your boogyman. Jews also oppose Israel and other rightwing jews. MORONIC.

Take this board for instance. It’s full of moronic antisemitism because the mods are too tolerant

>> No.19265383

The fact that you can’t see how it isn’t very interchangeable demonstrates how little thought you put into it

>> No.19265431

Not a paradox even if Popper can't actually justify it in his brain:

Egalitarianism is supposed to be a posited political principle assured by the state, which means that inegalitarian ideologies are verboten. This is not a contradiction. Egalitarianism asserts certain values that are supposed to be expressed in law and policy, and those values are antithetical to ideas of top-down cultural protectionism. The idea that Egalitarianism means "you can be or believe anything you want" is a watered-down lie fed to the masses by the patrimonial class so that they can understand the categorical value from the limited and myopic perspective through which they live their own lives. As you can see, this has backfired, as there is nothing stopping groups of people labeling inegalitarian political philosophy under the "anything" term and then decrying the maintenance of egalitarian philosophy as a rigged game set up to discredit them, as they cannot see why inegalitarian characteristics are invalidated after being given a relativistic idea of the framework. This is why you educate your populace instead of being a political obscurantist, but it doesn't mean that the angry people are right, it just means they're ignorant of the categorical nature of legal philosophy and have now lost faith in its ability to manifest anything. The failure will come as the elite are increasingly recreant when giving the opportunity to stand by categorical definition, acceding to the public's desire for relativism and destruction out of their ignorance in exchange for possible short-term power.

>> No.19265448

Clearly YOU havnt read it. It’s a polemic against Plato and Hegel and mainstream European thought

>> No.19265657

>It makes total sense however from the parasitic Semitic view.
Oh boy here we go. Reading this part made me eyeroll.

>> No.19265688

>But yes Zionist fascism and general neoliberalism isn’t tolerant leftism. It IS rightwing, it’s just deceitful about it. That isn’t just jews, your boogyman. Jews also oppose Israel and other rightwing jews. MORONIC.
Shitlibs and neocons being farther right than communists doesn’t mean they’re the same as nationalists, fascists, etc you dumb fucking lesbian

>> No.19265721

>As soon as either stops giving arguments and starts getting violent, that is when Popper says we have to no longer tolerate them.
More specifically, Popper claims the state no longer has to tolerate them. Popper made it very clear that he wasn't advocating for vigilante action and that violence against the intolerant should be state-managed, which is another piece of the puzzle missed by woke redditors who claim Antifa violence against police is somehow covered under the paradox of tolerance.

>> No.19265737

I'm an American Jew and think it's quite accurate.

>> No.19265757

The one distinction being which races you target.
Degenerates keep up

>> No.19265765

So when the Jews come together, make a nation based on their ethnogenics and then proceed to genocide Palestinians and destabilize the middle east its perfectly fine? Meanwhile any other movement that simply wants a basic form of nationalism is shot down by tirades of media correpondants, rushing in and seemingly poised for that exact purpose.

You seem to live in some sort of delusional fiction where some sort of form of anarchism can defeat liberalism, and yet if you look at the targets of liberalism, theyve all been strongly centralized 'anti-liberal' nations such as the USSR, Libya, Germany, Japan, China, Yugoslavia, Iran etc. Neolibs where the biggest pushers of Austrian economicist's like Hayek, Friedman etc. and somehow everybody's forgotten about this and we are once again pushing them as the 'alternative'.

>> No.19265830

What the fuck does that have to do with the claim about Popper allegedly wanting to curb the free speech of rightniggers? Nothing, because >>19264902 is clearly referencing the paradox of intolerance, which is, yes, a footnote, but the only part of the book that the entire cringe dialectic of /pol/niggers and wokeniggers mouthbreathing on each other in a spastic orgy of aborted quarter-thoughts know of, since it is the only one that has been turned into a cartoon that their toddler-minds are capable of consuming, and even then, only half the fucking footnote, as pointed out.

>> No.19265835

You know that’s not fine with me. It’s not fine with a lot of jews either.
Nationalism leads to this.
I live in your delusional fiction and I want out.

>> No.19265848

is popper the guy like feyerabend?

>> No.19265857

please ignore the trip, thought i was on /lgbt/

>> No.19265864

A poll revealed that a majority of Jews living in Israel think Israel should be an explicitly Jewish state.
Opinions differ, but there’s a consensus among Jews both in Israel and abroad that Israel should be Jewish, and even when they are self-hating, Jews favor their own.
It involves a lot of self deception but ultimately there’s reason to believe that their behavior might stem from their genetics themselves.

>> No.19265935

>Roman / Anglo
The Roman spirit has ZERO to do with anglx trannies who are the most Jewish race on earth, more so than Jews themselves

>> No.19266009

Instead of rolling your eyes engage with it on its merits and then discredit it.

You already are so stuck in the classic liberal (not a modern libtard liberal) view you refuse to see the world outside of that view. You’re so engrossed in the world of platonic justice you refuse to judge someone outside of in an individual level and as a platonic man and equal to everyone else.

There are other views. And ironically popper and op both agree you are susceptible to corruption becuase of your unwillingness to see them for what they are.

>> No.19266028

>Nationalism leads to this
Do you really thing the end goal for bourgeois elite is nationalism? The history of nations has long been a story of the transfer of power. You can even see it now with the WEF, who are a bunch of capitalist billionaires who run the world, suddenly come together and decide they should be taxed more to save the planet or reduce poverty or whatever the flavor of the day is. They simply want to legitimize power over nations much in the same way neoliberalism came to be in the 1970's. If you want to argue that its simply a coincidence a disproportional amount of these actors are of jewish descent then fine, but to me it shows a great deal about their character most likely stemming from factors such as their materialistic 'spiritual' views as the 'chosen' people. Reminder that no other religion views ethnicity as non transcendental as much as Judaism.

>> No.19266079

I’m referencing the platonic foundation through Hegel as popper does. But keep in mind the western view of justice is built on them while Popper argues those are nonsense and his new view is better

>> No.19266091

Platonic / Hegelian

This is agreed by popper and attacked in the book btw.

>> No.19266625

kek nice edit

>> No.19266662
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>> No.19266811

Reminder that Popper lied about Wittgenstein threatening him with a fire poker

>> No.19266870


>> No.19267244

Racism: natural. so natural it will always and forever exist
Intelligence: genetic. so freakin genetic. the current global losers will remain global losers, no matter how many winners you manage to cull. they simply cannot and will not be able to maintain the creations of their betters.
Altruism: also genetic. and currently being squeezed out and erased. look at the hippies and bleeding hearts... all going extinct along with their empathic natures
Karl Popper might know all of this. I think the simple truth is that jamming every race and creed into one megamart is the most profitable short-term move, and that's what capitalism asks of us. China is playing the long game and will probably win, if so of the above is correct. They just need to steel themselves long enough for the rest to collapse into a Babylonian heap

>> No.19267340

>Jimmy Hendrix
Stop posting

>> No.19267348

>Certianly it’s a sad tool of the European left to use the government and media to ensure no right wing party can ever exist again.
Literally never happened

Popper was strongly anticommunist

>> No.19267394

>woke redditors who claim Antifa violence against police is somehow covered under the paradox of tolerance.
never happened

>> No.19267422

>A poll revealed that a majority of Jews living in Israel think Israel should be an explicitly Jewish state.
Post the poll
>Opinions differ, but there’s a consensus among Jews both in Israel and abroad that Israel should be Jewish
Was the poll also conducted outside israel? There are more jews outside than inside.
>It involves a lot of self deception but ultimately there’s reason to believe that their behavior might stem from their genetics themselves.
Explain why the jews got their state in 1948 and not two or three centuries earlier

>> No.19267439

>the current global losers will remain global losers, no matter how many winners you manage to cull.

>> No.19267440

>reactionaries whining about why they should have free speech, a principle they would dismantle at the first opportunity when given power
The unintentional hypocrisy is highly amusing, and also fooling no-one (not least Popper)

>> No.19267477

>Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is a grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros. Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media. The group's name is inspired by Karl Popper's 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies.
>The OSF has branches in 37 countries,[6] encompassing a group of country and regional foundations, such as the Open Society Initiative for West Africa, and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa; its headquarters are at 224 West 57th Street in New York City.
>Since its establishment in 1993, OSF has reported expenditures in excess of $16 billion mostly in grants towards NGOs, aligned with the organisation's mission.

This book is partly responsible for the proliferation of anti-intellectualism and the death of discourse.

>> No.19267499

>people who hold a principle sacred and are the only reason your ideas came to exist to begin with would somehow suppress you even though history proves they didn't by your existence. who you hate only because they want people to have free speech and ironically an OPEN society.
there's no way you can dress in this up in which you are the winner, in which you are right. you're anti-intellectual, and support totalitarianism and imperialism. simple as.

>> No.19267512

>antisemites whining on 4chan about why they can't be racist in public created free speech
Again, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.19267633
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>The book Calls for open political suppression of ideologies opposed to the books political ideology.
That's literally a single speculative endnote in the book. The majority is just a mediocre critique of Plato, Hegel, and Marx. Did you actually read it?

>> No.19267730

>Explain why the jews got their state in 1948 and not two or three centuries earlier
I dont know, perhaps because usury was illegal?

>> No.19267746

You'd be surprised.