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19259060 No.19259060 [Reply] [Original]

>current book
>how you’re holding up

>> No.19259066


Going through a tough period of OCD

>> No.19259068

Moby Dick
>Going through a tough period of OCD
same here anon

>> No.19259073

Crisis of the modern world

>> No.19259077

>The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer

Aside from no gf, things are pretty good, or at least, such problems as exist I no longer can be bothered to care about or can take care of quite easily, such as my oven, which I spent all morning cleaning

>> No.19259081

How do you treat it? I'm losing my mind

>> No.19259116

>Hapsworth 16, 1924

GRİL!!!! badminton ;( otherwise fine

>> No.19259118

sorry idk what to tell you anon, i just try to keep my mind off things. i drink chamomile tea if it starts getting bad. i haven't been to a doctor for it before but i'm considering it.

>> No.19259125


>>current book
Ethics - Spinoza
>>how you’re holding up
I can't get myself to write my thesis

>> No.19259142

Same, tea does help

I'm hoping to see a specialist soon, best of luck

>> No.19259154

>current book
As I Lay Dying
>how you’re holding up
Not great.

>> No.19259160

20 pages left of Kafka on the Shore, will then start reading Journey to the end of the Night by Celine
Not doing too well. Moved back to my home country after studying abroad for three years. None of my close friends are here, only those from high school. Had a job for 1 month at a clothing store but quit because hated it. Now realised that I probbaly should've kept the job because I have nothing else going for me right now, although I did manage to land an internship at a think-tank starting January. Considering to impulse buy a flight somewhere where I have some friends and just crash at their's for a month or so, eating dirt cheap. Have no living expenses here. Also struggling with what seems to be anxiety or depression, I genuinely don't know anymore.

>> No.19259162

Just read Private Passion from Seiobo and the guy giving the lecture sounded like some 4chin sperg, kinda funny

>> No.19259164

Bull From the Sea
My dad died recently. Just stroked out one night like his grand-daddy did. I've been really empty since. Sometimes the grief wells up and blind sides me and I get swallowed up in agony. I miss him so much.

>> No.19259166
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Mushoku Tensei
I am filled with a strange uplift, it's one of those moments of clarity where one accepts and internalizes eternity stripped of the anxieties that define their existence. I know what I must do, what I couldn't see, and what I never will be and in the knowing accept it without condition. All of these are brief as I am brief and while whatever this is, it's less than encouraged, but more than cheerful. I am glad to be alive even as I know that gladness will pass in another minute or so. In short, I'm ok.

>> No.19259167

>Evola - The Yoga of Power
>bretty good desu

>> No.19259173
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>Provinces of Night
Not well. Mentally and physically emaciated

>> No.19259178

What's your thesis about anon? How are you finding Spinoza? I found the Ethics really impactful after reading some secondary literature that cleared up the text for me.

>> No.19259179
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>current book
Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing - Kierkegaard
>how you’re holding up
not well at all anon, i hate my life.

>> No.19259185

>Considering to impulse buy a flight somewhere where I have some friends and just crash at their's for a month or so, eating dirt cheap
Fucking go for it anon, sounds pretty fun to me

>> No.19259200

I can't tell if I have generalised anxiety or OCD, and I refuse to go to a doctor because I really do not want a diagnosis attached to my name nor do I want to be prescribed anything. How does your OCD manifest itself?

>> No.19259207

>just finished The Pale King a few hours ago
>Thou should'st go mad, blacksmith; say, why dost thou not go mad? How can'st thou endure without being mad? Do the heavens yet hate thee, that thou can'st not go mad?

>> No.19259218

It was difficult to follow at first but then I got the general idea of what he was doing, and could get more into the text. I'm about halfway through. The more I read the more I discover I was already a Spinozist (though a vulgar, non formal one)
>What's your thesis about anon?
dietary treatment of epilepsy

>> No.19259227

Tales of Angria, Emily Brontë's poetry, and Emily Dickinson's poetry.
Holding up ok.

Death of a family member always hurts. Even when you know it's coming, there's a pain when it actually happens. Must be really tough losing your dad so suddenly, hope you do ok anon.

>> No.19259234 [DELETED] 

Phenomenology of the spirit
Feeling enlightened no cap

>> No.19259237

>Critique of Pure Reason
>Pretty good

>> No.19259239

Not that anon but for me usually intrusive and obsessive existential thinking.

>> No.19259252

>And Quiet Flows the Don
>Just moved to Miami. Nice to get away from the globohomo that was DC. Feel like there's so much opportunity down here. The women are beautiful, the weather is nice, the beaches are awesome. Life is good. Still working on getting situated as far as work and housing goes--need something more concrete. And as far as women go, I'm not stressing. There will always be women. Working on improving myself in the immediate future so that I can have my shit together, which will allow me to pull better quality women. Simple as.

>> No.19259272
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>thinking too much about something is OCD

Yeah ok man

>> No.19259282

All this fucking uni shit man just stopped me from reading because every time i think about reading i think 'fuck i need to do uni shit' and i dont wanna do that so i dont even read anything, fuck uni on lockdown is a fucking nightmare.

anyway reading ulysses and various shit from yeats atm.. i love yeats but im so keen for uni to be over so i can actually enjoy reading again.

fuck i want a gf so bad man.

>> No.19259283

It's wild how much this picture gets worse the longer you look at it.

>> No.19259333

about to start Bertrand de Jouvenel's book On Power
doing ok, hope my book sells well

sidenote: does anyone have any reccs for before I start reading Jouvenel or can I just dive straight in?

>> No.19259338

>Moby Dick, a textbook on abnormal psychology, The Anatomy of Melancholy, John Ashbery poems
>Kicking against the pricks

>> No.19259339

obsessively and compulsively? yes. it's in the name

>> No.19259367

what's the relation between Nietzsche and TVU? I NEED TO KNOW

>> No.19259386

I, Claudius by Robert Graves
im doing horribly, the book is the only thing keeping me in a good mood occasionally

>> No.19259389

Lou Reed was the conclusion of Nietzsche

>> No.19259427

Claudius the God is even better so you have that to look forward to. Cheer up anon.

>> No.19259454

A brief history of Islam by Karen Armstrong
Lonely, unsure of my chosen major and career path, sexually starved, struggle to wake up in the mornings. But generally this isn't a terrible time in my life.

>> No.19259456

Oh I love that book. Keep at it Anon. You'll make it.

>> No.19259521

looking forward to it, 23 chapters in and loving it

>> No.19259536


>> No.19259546

Strengths Finder 2.0
Clear minded. Doing what I have to do

>> No.19259554



Melmoth the Wanderer

Not great. Might lose my job at the library because I refuse to get the kike science juice.

>> No.19259572

>current book
The Technical Delusion - Electronics, Power, Insanity
>how you’re holding up
I have my step one exam next week and I don't feel like studying at all. I regret going into medicine and my only hope for the future is going the psychiatry then psychoanalysis route to go into the humanities. Maybe not going to Germany and studying philosophy was a mistake.

>> No.19259623

>today I argued with my mother because she complained about me not having a gf. I tried, for real, even Saturday I tried going out with a girl but there's something intrinsically wrong with me and I blame her for it. Told her the only thing I can do is choosing between a suicide and a terrorist act. She laughed. I want to rip open her uterus so never again a being shall be cursed like I was.

>> No.19259683

>marianne moore collected poetry, will durant the story of philosophy
>lonely.. but overall good, can feel myself stabilizing. feel disciplined. im lucky to have time to work on things, read.. im severely ill though. besides my studies, working on improving my body and getting a girlfriend

>> No.19259704

>The more I discover I was already a Spinozist
learning is remembering

>> No.19259732

>Household Worms and Keats poetry
>My midterm grades came back and I did well. I am talking to the girl I like and she likes me back. Life is good.

>> No.19259743
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>LotR, just restarted
>friend failed a suicide attempt yesterday, so I’m happy that he’s alive but I’m kinda fucked up about it, realize I’ve been kind of a shitty friend, knew he was going through something and didn’t reach out, also just realized I’ve been on some bullshit recently and kinda just don’t want to speak to anyone for a while while I clean up my act

>> No.19259742

Chill anon, there is no need for you to have a gf or to please your mom. Take life at your own pace and calmly master yourself. Heaven bless you anon, may you find peace, joy and wisdom soon.

>> No.19259751

A Clash of Kings
Sometimes I fear I'll never be independent. I fear that I'll never have my own house, my own spouse and children, my own job. I think that's normal for my age and country, but still.
I'm also struggling with hemorrhoids.

>> No.19259752

Baptism of Fire (The Witcher Saga)
I'm tired of being a wagie, it really feels I'm accomplishing nothing in my life besides being a cog in the machine

>> No.19259808

Thats great, the girl I liked talking to, stopped replying to me, but I have gut feeling that eventhough she is a introvert,she is a gigawhore

>> No.19259839

Wow, bunch of kids here.

The Legacy Of Totalitarianism In A Tundra
I like working from home, but my employer says I have to get vaccinated or lose my job. I applied for the medical exemption, but don't know if it'll succeed. It's difficult to get software jobs at my age, despite being really good at what I do. Age discrimination sucks.

>> No.19259841
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> libra don dellilo
>horrible, going back to a psychologist on the 30th. I have no friends

>> No.19259850

>current book
The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
>how you're holding up
I'm doing good. Looking at starting a new job at the local library soon.

>> No.19259853

>Ulysses, but I'm barely getting through it

I'm doing okay. I have a job lined up overseas but depending on the pandemic it could take a few weeks to a few months, to almost a year to get over there. Seeing other friends line up jobs and live in interesting places already while I'm stuck at home is really starting to get to me.

I fear that too, both at your age and at the age I am now. Things will get better, hopefully.

>> No.19259858

>One hundred years of solitude
>could be better, could be worse, dad asked if I'm seeing a chick since it's been almost two years since he saw my last gf
>say "Dad, I study technology, I haven't seen a woman in an entire year" as a half-joke and a half-truth
>laughs it off
>doesn't know that I'm too beta and retarded to get a gf, without abusing them emotionally
>doesn't know I'm still a virgin
I'm sorry dad.

>> No.19259866

Moby Dick and Stages on Life's Way
Eh, it was much worse this summer. I had a depressive episode that culminated in psychosis. Right now I'm just going through the motions and grinding.

>> No.19259882

A Short of History of Decay
I'm doing alright

>> No.19259898

I recommend you get around to read some Carl Jung at some point anon, I feel like it will make you feel better.
godspeed anon
what do you think "accomplish" means anon?
>software jobs
what kind of software anon?
I'm actually studying a tech related career and I have coding classes, really liked it.

>> No.19259904

>Finishing Thus Spoke Zarathustra, finally starting The Histories
>not bad actually. abstaining from porn and lifting regularly has helped improve my mental state this past month

>> No.19259918

I'm sorry for your loss anon. I lost my father at 14, and know the feeling. Keep pushing through the shit and misery, and over time you'll be able to remember your father fondly without sadness.

>> No.19259919
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>1984 and The Tain
>I'm doing alright, just trying to deal with my anxiety.

>> No.19259921

>what kind of software anon?
I've been in 8 different part of the software industry...presently in aerospace.
It's all the same challenge to me -- absorb a lot of new info, then program it.
I like programming, but like anything else, doing it for a living manages to suck the joy out of it.

>> No.19259932

Moby Dick: An Unauthorized Critical Edition with Annotations and Commentary from the World's Foremost Literary Society
Feels good man

>> No.19260080

>what do you think "accomplish" means anon?
financial instability
a house
time to raise kids

>> No.19260087

Lord of the World
Bretty gud, ngl.

>> No.19260100

>Mid twenties
>American psycho
>Not good not good at all

>> No.19260119

40 fundamental questions about the Spanish civil war, by Stanley George Payne
Things ain't too bad, I kinda like my job, and see my family and friends rather often

>> No.19260145

Celtic Spirituality (Classics of Western Spirituality), but also been listening to Fr. Hugh Thwaites' audiobook reading of Imitation of Christ
lost 10 pounds over the course of a couple weeks, then gained it all back over one week, working on getting it off again
started a job in a hotel a few days ago, it's going well and I don't feel like I'm in existential crises at it unlike the cubicle internship I had during college, been feeling weirdly manic/high energy when leaving my shift in a way I haven't felt for a long time
unsure of what I believe about the world and if I am a religious person or not, I might be, but I think I'm scared to take a full dive into any system of belief because it would mean I would need to start living seriously
for too long I've been living without a real sense of values as a cope to avoid critically viewing my own life, I think that having a solid value-system and communal/ritual life would be good for me, plus I have been genuinely being drawn closer and closer to Christianity over the past few years
I'm scared of knocking on the door, both for the reason already mentioned (a real judgement of myself) and also because I fear the judgement from/alienation I might get from friends/family/gf (none of which are religious)
not peace but a sword, ever truer as I inch closer to the holy
how's The Tain? been planning on getting around to that one for a while
and on anxiety, you'll make it brother
I suffered from pretty terrible anxiety for a few years and just recently started to make huge strides in overcoming it
improving cardio and proper vitamin/mineral intake is important on this front, or at least seems to be the biggest change I made which had real effects (as in, no longer having panic attacks or creeping feelings of dread)

>> No.19260151

Reading a book on Swedish history
Feeling butthurt because I can tell my throat is getting infected AGAIN, but otherwise pretty happy with life.

>> No.19260170

My dad lost his dad when he was 19. It happened on his birthday in fact. I also lost grandma just a month ago.
Dont worry anon, you'll get through it. The grief never actually goes away, but it does shrink and becomes easy to control.

>> No.19260173
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1. 20
2. just finished storm of steel
3. pic related

>> No.19260187

>fuck i want a gf so bad man
Ik ook bro. Worst part is that I did meet a girl who made me feel genuinely "Dante crushing on Beatrice" in love. But then it turned out she was taken, by none other than a friend of mine.
Now I mop, seethe, and cope kek. I'll find someone else (god plz let me find someone else)

>> No.19260201


>22 (for the next 2 days)
>The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
>Pretty bad, the comfy Murakami writing helps

>> No.19260203

I mean if she's in her early to mid twenties, fair assessment to make. How did you guys meet?

>> No.19260224

Age: 22
Current book: Mason and Dixon
I’m doing pretty great, last semester before I graduate and I have a lovely gf
Great book choice good luck on the thesis anon
How did you like Kafka on the shore? I read than and Journey both this year. I liked Kafka on the shore more maybe but they are quite different.
Good luck on school anon. What are you studying?

>> No.19260225

I've read the essay in dreams, pretty good. What do you recommend me?

>> No.19260360
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>current book
The Betrothed

>How I’m holding up
Honestly, I’m not entirely sure how to describe how I feel in a word. I’ve been out of work for a several months because of severe mental health issues (PTSD, violent outbursts etc.) but I’m also just a literal sperg who finds it hard to fit into most conventional roles in society. I’m not bitter or anything, but I often feel like me trying to integrate into larger society is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. I’ve been to university, socialised with different people and I’ve really only found it to be a novelty at best. Most days, I’d rather just spend an afternoon sitting at a beach or walking through the woods rather than participate in the rat race of day to day living. I just fail to see the point in it all. There’s also the fact that my PTSD and past trauma just makes me disillusioned and jaded with larger society. I just feel as though the world rewards people for being corrupt and selling their integrity, and that while good people definitely exist, they’re harder to find and are the subject of oppression by the more powerful and cruel forces. Many people will ultimately sacrifice their integrity and values just for an easier life. I don’t want to be part of that kind of world, so it makes sense that I should just live in my own bubble along with anyone who wants to join me. My family are sympathetic to the fact that I’ve got serious mental health issues that keep me from working, but at the same time I can sense a faint air of disappointment in them because I was originally poised to do a PhD before my mental health seriously deteriorated. I’m the first person in the family to have gone to university and my academic record was outstanding, so there were high expectations of me. I don’t know how I can explain to them this feeling that I just don’t belong in the world that’s knawing at me.

I don’t really know how to describe my feelings other than the fact that I feel as though there must be more to life than what the nihilistic view of the world promises. I’ve been exploring spirituality more to try and find some answers as to how I can actually live with purpose again.

>> No.19260368

just finished The Secret History, about to start on East of Eden
Okay. I recently quit my job and moved to a new city and as I have no completed college education I'm pondering signing up to train for a CDL so I can have some sort of career lined up

>> No.19260386


Norwegian Wood (really enjoying it)

pretty good, I'm enjoying the cooler weather in the North East USA

>> No.19260408

>Currently reading Heart of Darkness and Thus spoke Zarathustra
>Feeling like I am wasting a lot of my time while simultaneously having no clear direction at the moment. Trying to uphold some sort of standard for myself everyday but lacking any motivation to become someone I can be proud of.

>> No.19260450

Same age and reading east of eden as well atm. It is a comfy book.
Felt kinda depressed lately. Maybe it is the creeping winter and darkness along with it. Maybe supplimenting vitamin-d would help. The depression always awokes the need for companion as well. True love is hard to find, if it even exists at all. That I have to find out.

>> No.19260471

>The depression always awokes the need for companion as well. True love is hard to find, if it even exists at all. That I have to find out.
I'd like a companion too but more just in a physical sense. I often feel that not many people, myself included, have anything interesting to say and that conversation is extremely overrated.

>> No.19260515

The Knox Version of the Holy Bible

>> No.19260519

In a physical, but as a soul bonding level as well. For me those go hand in hand and sexual pleasure is nothing more than eating if not. Maybe I've just created heaven inside of my head that can never be reached.

>> No.19260527

Crime & Punishment
I think I'm being killed by a mysterious autoimmune disease. Having a fucking awful time.

>> No.19260539
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>Decline of the West by Spengler
>Not great especially since I live in the ultra neo liberal country of Canada

>> No.19260567

What did you think of it?
its my favorite book

>> No.19260629


The collected works of hp lovecraft

Things are going in the right direction, but nothing exceptional. A gf is probably the only thing I'm missing at the moment

>> No.19260631

on the verge of tears rn

>> No.19260636
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>> No.19260649

>Moby Dick
>Struggling to overcome my agoraphobia

>> No.19260668
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>Don Quixote and Kendall's Richard III
>Not faring well due to the fact that time is passing more quickly than I would like, on top of already being under the assumption that I've largely wasted my adolescence merely waiting for something extraordinary to me. I'm struggling to understand God's purpose for myself and contemporary society at large and have resigned to wait for 2038, when a turning point may occur.

>> No.19260672

>The Idiot
>Been better; been worse

>> No.19260722
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Book(s) I'm reading
>Moby Dick
>The Great Cat Massacre and other episodes in French cultural history
>Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
How you holding up
Been feeling pretty down but things in my life are looking up. Gonna try and write a book in November. Just wish I wasn't so lonely all the time. Anyone got recommendations for good books of poetry/about poetry? I like dirty shit and wordplay, so limericks and Ogden Nash, but I'm very open.

>> No.19260762
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I’m sad but it will pass, I’m struggling to not procrastinate from sorting through my mothers things after she passed away during the summer. Plus feeling a bit lonely, which is my own fault for not being outgoing enough recently.

>> No.19260778 [DELETED] 

Crime and punishment
School becomes harder and harder, I am addicted to league of legends and I am always sleepy. But I'm feeling fine, things could be much worse :p

>> No.19260782
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First 49 stories Hemingway
Completely lost and hate everything

>> No.19260810

The Man in the High Castle
Gonna start a two month internship in November, will be the first time in a long while I work eight hours a day. Bit anxious about it. Otherwise, pretty good

>> No.19260899

>The Exorcist
>Failed my midterms so I wanna die in a ditch.

>> No.19260911

>The Iliad, Peter Green (finished The Bakkhae earlier, Carson translation; excellent. I also finished Hour of the Star by Lispector; good but not as good as Agua Viva).
>pretty good


>> No.19260923

>No Longer Human
>I've decided to spend October completely isolated from my friends/social media to completely focus on reading/lifting/studying. It's going pretty well. I've never felt more purposeful in life.

>> No.19260932

did you know there are germs in your fingers and eyebrows and under your desk and they're multiplying and they're multiplying and they're multiplying

>> No.19260939

League of legends yes

>> No.19260947

>Child of God

After being completely clean and sober since January I’ve been on a 3 month bender of getting drunk every night. Just started getting high every night a couple weeks ago. Very depressed and I feel like I’m in a hole I can’t get out of.

>> No.19260975

Huh, I'm also 19 and reading Moby Dick. I feel a little lonely.

>> No.19260979

>Terminal Boredom
>lonely as fuck

>> No.19260997

Myths from Mesopotamia
Not great, more and more suicidal thoughts. I'd probably have done it by now if my to-read list wasn't still so large. Not sure what to do with life.

>> No.19261012

> libra don dellilo

>> No.19261019

my parents do the same shit - even called me an incel which caused me to fly off the handle. don't they understand? im a VOLCEL!!!

>> No.19261034

>Memoirs of Hadrian
>Could be worse. Struggling with loneliness, depression and a sense that I'm wasting my life but I'm unsure on how to change things. Trying to just enjoy the little things and focus on what makes me happy. Reading, lifting and spending time with the few people I have seems to be enough to keep me going, for now. Hopefully next year is a little better.

>> No.19261038

>The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
>Started a new job last week, still a bit nervy but going a lot better than expected

>> No.19261042

blood meridian
I make internet cartoons and clean toilets for a living. life's not bad. Would like to get out in nature more, I have a friend in Nevada, thinking of going out to visit and hang out in the desert.

>> No.19261043

>A Tale of Two Cities
>alright right now, working full-time is of course shite, but I've got enough stuff that I enjoy going on in my life day to day that it doesn't get me down too much. I've been convinced to go out to a nightclub on Saturday. I fucking hate clubbing, but at least I'll be out of the house and with friends. Both my parents have decided to move back to our home country, Poland, once they get the house sold, and so I'll be living independently for the first time at some point in the next year. Should be interesting considering I'm genuinely on seven fucking pound an hour at my current job.

>> No.19261048

>The Shadow of the Torturer
>getting out of crippling loneliness and depression

>> No.19261051

The World-Ending Fire

>> No.19261055

>the trial

I'm so tired and exhausted from work, family and girlfriend that I want to kill myself.

>> No.19261097

22 and 51 weeks
notes from underground
mentally checked out of my teaching job two months in. guess i'm a natural.

>> No.19261113

Euclid - Elements
Kind of depressed/apathetic

>> No.19261169

Remembrance of Things Past
Nana passed away from Alzheimer's a few weeks ago so wanted read something about memory, moved to a new city for Army study, but I'm in a beautiful part right on the beach. Just trying to look at the positives and enjoy my summer

>> No.19261187

You must change your life by Sloterdijk

Back when I had many friends and a great nightlife I always avoided planning for the future because it would always overwhelm me. Now I have accomplished more than I previously thought was possible and I also have no friends left. Feels wierd. Won everything, lost everything. Today I shoplifted at the grocery store just to feel alive.

>> No.19261220

Moby Dick
My ocd is slowly getting worse again after I thought I got rid of it on my own. Recently got a job though so hopefully that will take my mind off of it

>> No.19261226
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>current book
pic related
>how you’re holding up
Life is good

>> No.19261230


My optimism is gone. Less than a year ago, I wanted to become a lawyer and a politician. Now I think I might just wagecuck for the rest of my short life. I don't believe anything. I can't believe anything.

>> No.19261238

>Mine were of trouble
>tfw no war to fight in

>> No.19261240

> 25
> In Search of Lost Time
> Masturbated 8 times yesterday alone, I don't even watch porn - I just fucking jork it

>> No.19261261
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Pretty much feeling the exact same

>> No.19261270

I too have been insanely horny lately. Usually I jack off once at night, occasionally twice, but for the past 3 days I've jacked off 4 times each night.
I am not proud of this, and my dick hurts, books for this feel?

>> No.19261282

>all these zoomers
It's over.

>> No.19261285
File: 1.65 MB, 1024x1082, 89b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-thinking World Systems
Sucking shit through a straw

>> No.19261314

you'll grow out of it.

>> No.19261320

>Nag Hammadi Library, second reading
I'm good, I moved to Mexico 2 weeks ago to escape the kike spike

>> No.19261321

>KJ Bible
>Feelin' fine

>> No.19261975

The 25 year old jorker
Appropriately enough, in search of lost time, Proust had a masturbation problem

>> No.19261978


>> No.19262030

>winesburg, ohio
>pretty good, i love my girlfriend and have a lot of free time. i might become a smoker though and my major bores me

>> No.19262051

Im dying

Nothing has any meaning whatsoever. Everything is pointless, people just ignore this by distracting themselves and if they stopped for awhile they would realise it

>> No.19262061

Im mid 20s, got an engineering degree but would rather work some pleb job than having a "career," better to not work at all, i cant stand people, not that i hate them at all, i love them, but i have disdain for plebs

>> No.19262066

I read and use the internet most of the day, reading a variety of things, i have nobody anymore.

>> No.19262090

are you a shut-in?

>> No.19262159

The Gospel According to Mark
Pretty lonely. I don't have a lot of friends where I've moved to and working on my PhD applications have been pretty draining. Please pray for me cause I'm really missing my family and my nieces.

>> No.19262192

Sex and Character
I'm good, just not perfectly motivated for university to start on Monday again...

>> No.19262204

closest I've ever been to getting pussy

>> No.19262215

>Rabbit, Run
>Wish I could pull a Rabbit and leave everything behind.

>> No.19262252
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>heart of darkness
>my shit's fucked up

>> No.19262273

Some Conan stories in my spare time
I regret picking an essay topic where I have to answer if I find Spinoza's parallelism as an account for mind/body interaction 'convincing'. I really haven't figured out what to do or where Spinoza goes wrong easily, if anywhere. It's rough.

>> No.19262282

That books contains a very moving passage where the narrator reflects upon the death of his own grandmother, you have chosen well.

>> No.19262297

I can't ever finish reading any book. Feels like whenever I'm focused in a specific story and idea, thoughts will come telling me to not be trapped here and that there's something a lot more important to be worried about.
I arrived into the unbreakable conviction that life has a purpose and physical death is not the end of all, which holds me from ever falling into the deepest pit. But the confusion about what I am and what to do in life is still here.
I'm just waiting for some big revelation at this point.

>> No.19262306

Nigga, really?
You read and you are antivaxxed?

>> No.19262313

Paradise Lost
Holding up okay apart from uni shit and work taking up most of my time

>> No.19262316

Current have three on the go:
Là- Bas by J.K Huysmans
History of Canada by Conrad Black(abuse of the ignorant "had had")
...and a collection of Alexander Pope poems, including Rape of The Lock, and an Essay on Man..
I just turned 36 on the 18th

>> No.19262321

Shitting on STEM is this board's second favorite pastime, after shitting on each other's taste. Are you really surprised people don't trust the vaxx when they're convinced STEM majors are drooling retards?

>> No.19262329

> Reading about third Reich
> Cleaning oven

This is not a suggestive post at all.

>> No.19262336

>Solaris, by Lem
I'm pretty anxious right now. I've got some big life changes coming in the next few weeks and they've got me on edge. I'm not sleeping well as a result.

>> No.19262401


Currently reading: A History of the Conquest of New Spain, Penguin Island, Flashman at the Charge and Cloud Atlas

Trying to decide between a job at a state college or a very good job totally out my current field that I have a shot at due to nepotism. Having trouble differentiating between what I want and what’s expected of me— desu I’m not even interested in contributing to society I just wanna cruise for 30 years and gtfo of the workforce.

>> No.19262419

La Maisons De Rendez Vous
Ok. I owe tens of thousands to a certain agency, I must find a new job and confront it before I apply for school. I have maybe a month of care free leisure before I am in debt and abject poverty for ten years or more. My birthday is tomorrow.

>> No.19262422

>The Essential Ananda Coomaraswamy
>Eating cheesecake and drinking expensive porter at 3am in the morning, the fuck you think

>> No.19262426

Dude wtf just be single. It’s not a curse unless you’re so unlikable even you can’t stand your own company

>> No.19262428

Happy birthday, anon

>> No.19262435

Geneology of morality
Ride the tiger



>> No.19262438

Reading through the Bible
Sick of college

>> No.19262474

Public libraries are pretty chill. Pay is kinda shit but the benefits are nice. Sometimes you’re hit with the realization that the work you’re doing isn’t even worth half of your pitiful wage though and if you any modicum of decency you feel like a loser. I just completed my MLIS earlier this year and have been trying to land a university job. I’m also considering a career change. It’ll be hard to walk away from the possibility of a teachers pension and early, albeit modest, retirement

>> No.19262486

Archetypes and the collective unconciouss.
Makes you understand where these perceptions and attitudes come from, in a Freudian way, psychoanalisis, but but instead of being SEX SEX SEX it looks at the subject with an emphasis on how we percieve the world was kids and how that affects in adulthood.
Also has parts about dreams and the images or tales that humanity has given to godlike figures, how many tropes we can find across multiple religions and much more.

>> No.19262500

not bad. very enjoyable, but as a ww1 combat memoir i like somme mud better.

>> No.19262509

>Currently, a collection of Tolstoy's short stories. A girl from high-school (more accurately, the love of my life, but that's another matter) recommended me One Hundred Years of Solitude, so I bought a copy. I've only read the first chapter, but Márquez's prose is enthralling.

Okay, for the most part. Everything in my life is generally fine. I have good friends and prospects. But I can't shake this immutable feeling of dread. It astounds me, to walk around campus, seeing everyone so jubilant and full of life. I want to scream at them: "Don't you know, it's all going to come to an end! Our time is limited! How can you not see the suffering around you!" Tolstoy definitely isn't helping with this sentiment.

>> No.19262510

Inactivity will ruin your life. Fucking do something anon. Even if you fail you’ll have some experience to show for it

>> No.19262532

>almost 20
>The Count of Montecristo
>like absolute shit. I wish I could find a job in this shithole, not even to make money, but so my family see me occupied with something other than reading and running.

>> No.19262547

>The Way We Never Were by Stephanie Coontz and A Swim in a Pond in the Rain - George Saunders
Teaching is hard this year. Kids missed a whole year of social emotional development so my 9th graders are acting like 6th graders

>> No.19262550


>just finished Stoner and am starting Jung’s treatises on dreams

Doing okay. Final year of engineering is buttfucking me rn but I think I’m gonna line up a good job soon.

>> No.19262554

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.19262557

>The Symposium/Anathemas and Admirations/Poetry magazines
>My health has gone to absolute shit, but I'm extremely proud of the writing I've been doing of late. Had a call with my editor earlier, and my latest project has very nearly been green-lit for publication. Dating three women at the moment, despite being very ill. It's a mixed bad, really.

>> No.19262558

Moby dick
I just got hired to my new job at five below

>> No.19262573

Do you enjoy teaching? My school offers a consecutive degree in education, and I'm considering that over graduate school.

>> No.19262583

I'm at a private school, so my students were always autistic. I can only imagine how annoying it must be for you, fellow teacherbro.

>> No.19262603

Move away anon, get out of this toxic relationship

>> No.19262614


>'Religion within the Bound of Bare Reason' by Immanuel Kant

>I'm doing fine, I've been working on Kant for about 3-4 years now (for uni) and I think I've got a fairly good understanding of his work. If you had asked me the same question a year ago it would have been:

> 'Critique of Pure Reason'
>I want to blow my brains out.

>> No.19262650

Crimes of Love (Eugenie and Franval specifically)

>> No.19262660

I enjoy it a lot. I post here often so some of you may have seen this before, but I always tell people - do not get into teaching unless you like working with kids. Teachers, especially us Literature teachers, tend to be very self-important and egotistical i.e. the content is what matters, which on some level true, but kids aren't going to learn from you if you don't take the time to build relationships with them and act like a human being instead of a content robot. Classroom management is something you have to learn. You may not get to design your own curriculum. I am in a very lucky position where I get to design my own units and stuff.

I work public schools. This is my 5th year teaching. I'm normally fine but the pandemic hit really fucking hard with the year of online school and these kids are acting like fuckin clowns this year.

>> No.19262668

>The Old Man and the Sea

I am pretty good. No gf though.

>> No.19262685

>The History Of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Kindred spirts bro

>> No.19262686

Also, I'm lucky that I get to teach what I want in terms of grade level
I teach
2 classes of 9th grade
2 college courses in the high school - 101 (rhetoric and composition) and 130 (Intro to lit)
and 1 of creative writing

I'm not doing it this year but for intro to lit next year I want to take the DFW approach and use pop fiction to teach serious literary analysis

I take a very craft-based approach to my creative writing class too, like working on structure, voice, diction, character, etc. because I've seen high school creative writing classes before, and they're always really lousy. Mine's very get better at your craft and learn how these things are created rather than write in these genres by the end of the month

>> No.19262712

>Orestis Tragoedia by Dracontius

My PhD is kicking my ass. I love what I work on but am more socially isolated than I have ever been in my life. I now know what it means to be atomized.

>> No.19262734
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Plato Protagoras, Tolstoy Death of Ivan Ilyich
Going through spiritual dryness hard. The prince of the world is tempting me almost beyond my ability. I haven't had sex in over a year, haven't masturbated in 6 months. Met a 19 y/o girl who likes me and I'm extremely tempted. Pray for me, brothers

>> No.19262766

The trojan war
I finally feel like an adult after taking responsibility for my life. Society (i know...i know...) feels so emasculating, I feel that if you were to peel away my skin there'd be nothing behind it, I don't even feel human. The only emotion that stirs me into action is hatred, and my sense of pain has been so dulled its become inseparable from a feeling of pleasure. I think this internet stuff is bad for me, and so I don't think I'll be coming back here again. Thanks for all your help, goodbye.

>> No.19262778

this is my first year. i have all 9th graders in the lowest level science class. it's really disappointing. i haven't had a meaningful conversation unrelated to sports or trap music in two months. i didn't expect (or want) to be best buds with 14 year olds, but the maturity gap is a lot deeper than i had expected.
building relationships is what i was looking forward to the most, but even then it feels like i'm wasting my time when they're more concerned about tiktok and tapping through snapchat stories (of people they don't even give a shit about) mindlessly.

>> No.19262894

That maturity gap is huge; you model for em. You take time out to explicitly teach things.
Like, for instance, I've been having trouble with my 5th hour ninth graders and volume, and eventually they asked me "why are you so mad at us when we talk?" and I said "It's not that you're talking, it's that you're not using an inside voice. You don't realize this, but you talk louder than hell. So we're going to practice." and then we practice. I don't expect parents to do their jobs anymore. So I model and I explicitly teach the behavior and attitude I want to see.

I also start with guilt tripping too. I was out sick for a week, and all I asked them to do was two things
1.) be good
2.) get started on the essay
and none of them did. Not even my college kids. So I was like "Wow, I asked you to do two simple things and you couldn't even do that. I'm disappointed. I thought you guys were better than that. Y'all brag a lot about representing and school pride, and you couldn't even represent me or your school. I thought you could step up to the plate, and you failed completely. I don't think I can trust you anymore. I can't even be sick and feel good about taking a day off." and that stopped em shitless.

With cellphones, I keep brown paper bags in my desk. If I see one, it's a warning. If I see it again, I stop everything for everyone and wait until they put it in the bag. I then staple it shut and it sits there mocking them. If it's open I send em down to the office and write a referral.

You have to be open and honest and explicitly teach what you want out of their behavior, because they don't know better. You can't let em walk all over you, but you can still be kind. It's a line you balance between authoritarian and hippy.

>> No.19262900

but also it takes time to do that. They say most teachers suck until their 5th year. It's somewhat true but not entirely. Just self-reflect constantly

>> No.19262914

Want to be friends?

>> No.19262920

God bless you anon, we need more teachers like you

>> No.19262944

>I’m struggling to not procrastinate from sorting through my mothers things after she passed away during the summer
Doing the same with my fathers' things as well. I know that pain, and I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine losing my mom.
Thank you all, truly.

>> No.19262958
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Moby Dick (still...)
Somewhat better. Had a break from med school and blew the money I was saving up to fly to a big city and run around the art museums. I'm finally able to read again

>> No.19262999

genre fiction
Been a NEET since I graduated from college. I have money though, but not enough to be called "independently wealthy". I own my own house, car, and other stuff. My expenses are extremely low and I live in the middle of nowhere. Mental illness has really wrecked my life but that's not something I'm able to care about any longer, or much else for that matter. I used to be angry and depressed where everyday was an existential crisis, but avolition and emotional flattening did away with that. Now I have little to no concern about whatever happens in my life. Almost complete indifference is certainly interesting.

>> No.19263010

hunchback of notre dame
i dont care about anything

>> No.19263020

Lev Shestov - All Things Are Possible
I have built a life that I can't escape from, and have no idea what I would even want to escape to. I'm already in check-mate, but it came as a surprise. So, basically a normal middle-aged man

>> No.19263031

>The Penguin Book of the Contemporary British Short Story
>I am successfully using literature to distract myself from the problems piling up around me

>> No.19263044

thank you anon. i've received no shortage of advice or "ohhh i remember MY first year" stories with no grounding in 2021 realities, but i appreciate your perspective.
self-reflection has never been my deficiency, but i suppose it's tread into navel-gazing territory. ultimately, i feel, to the detriment of my presence in the class, that anything short of perfection is resigning these children to failure. the system seemingly already thinks they are beyond repair.
i truly want to be that beacon of behavior and attitude, but it feels so disingenuous knowing that i don't necessarily feel that way myself. i'm teaching precisely because i wasn't disciplined enough in my studies in med school. 5 years seems too long to wait. 2 months has done a number on my self-perception...steady as she goes, i suppose

>> No.19263058

I hear ya. Remember as well - it's not everyday too. I model behavior as it's needed. In my personal life, I'm lazy as hell. Sometimes that pops up in my class. I get asked why I don't grade everything. I'm honest with the kids: "I'm lazy and I'm not going to grade that". I grade one thing per week. I'm not even disciplined, but I can both fake it and be genuine at the same time. I model behavior, but I called a kid a dick to his face the other day because, well, he was being one. But then for the rest of class, I was on my best and showed them what I wanted to see

>> No.19263087

24 in a few weeks
Old School by Tobias Wolff, going to be starting the dialogues of Plato after
I have a degree from a top college but fucking bag groceries for $10 an hour like a fucking loser and I want to die

>> No.19263094

alright I guess.

>> No.19263098

i'll continue to think back to this to make it through this year--i really needed to hear this. the neutered language of admin and veteran colleagues makes me think that my trepidation is a sign that teaching is not for me. these struggles, as with all endeavors, are necessary to reach the highest peaks.
>fake it and be genuine
this has been the eternal balancing act. these kids are endlessly inundated with simulacrum bullshit, and it doesn't sit right with me to add onto that by alternating personas. particularly ones i can't maintain from day to day/scenario to scenario

>> No.19263112

>tfw skip anyone who's under the age of 26

>> No.19263248

Thank you friend :)

>> No.19263259

25. Meditations. Never better.

>> No.19263260

>American Lion (Meacham)
>Not well

>> No.19263285


>> No.19263327

The Tartar steppe
A little bit lost in life and in what I want to do in the future

>> No.19263348

fuck you and that picture

>> No.19263365

I don't read anymore I just reminisce about the books I have already read
I'm fooked and university is dicking me raw

>> No.19263366

I have a masters degree in chemical engineering from u of T, the vax is untested poison possibly meant to depopulate the west, and college students in general are drooling retards, which is why most of them trust fauci, who "coincidentally" funded the research lab that the virus escaped from (this was all a "conspiracy theory" before the mainstream media started talking about it). The vax destroys your immune system and causes many other issues like heart inflammation, i can show you top research scientists openly talking about this. You'll be getting boosters for the rest of your life while big pharma who has given billions to the media continues to rake in more tens of billions each year without halfwits like you having any suspicions, because you refuse to be ahead of the curve. You quite honestly are a fucking idiot and an NPC if you line up to get the vax, so wear the mask and put on horseblinders while you're at it, dumb slave.

>> No.19263379

>Monkey grip by Helen Garner
>unemployed and just getting out of covid lockdown (Australia) kind of not ready for things to open back up

>> No.19263380

do you have any good citations I can use to convince autistic provax normies

>> No.19263385
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1455091502760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dune messiah
poorly, but i can feel a comeback emerging. it's comes in waves man, and right now I'm in a big crash but soon I'll be up there again

>> No.19263392

Why and how?

>> No.19263407

>Locke - Treatises of Government
I'm beginning to feel more than I think.
I didn't like it at first, but once you know yourself, it really just makes things more challenging that are otherwise simple without overriding any values or purposes.
Still, I'd rather go back and ascend to wizardry

>> No.19263415

King warrior magician lover
Going through OCD and some loneliness

>> No.19263421
File: 249 KB, 1437x1156, 81MqKalafYL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gen x-er
>All The Light We Cannot See
>not sure if I should stay at my decent money job that takes all my time or
>get a lower paid job so I have time to write

>> No.19263431

Nothing readily available. Just look through alt media and check out their sources for yourself, then if they're good (sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't) send them to people and try to have a discussion. But i should warn you, you can basically show them the proof that will shock them, and they will simply refuse to believe it in the sense that they will downplay it or say the risk is still worth it or some other excuse to cope. I think this is a spiritual thing, people ultimately have to come to the inner realization that they're being deceived on their own, most people don't want to believe things are this bad. They want to be comfortable and feel safe. That is what i have seen when trying to "wake up" different people.

>> No.19263443
File: 55 KB, 720x824, (research.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay your course

I second the source request. But

Best bet for a layman is to strawman the supervaxxers who cheer at the people losing their jobs over the mandates and talk about how insensitive they are and how they're taking it too far. Few individuals can manifest the same destructive passion as the mass unless they are in the influencer role themselves, so this is effective for smale-scale deescalation of agitation propaganda.

>> No.19263460
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>psychologist who works in prison told me few people can compete with my anxiety, and that the main difference between me and many neurotic criminals are some life choices, not to mention the intrusive suicidal thoughts were especially bad today and I'm autistic
>also my left eye is blurry and bloodshot

>> No.19263486

>Knowledge of hell - Lobo Antunes
>Noticeably more focused and better adjusted than I've been in years, still feeling like I'm wasting my life. Haunted by Stoner's "What did you expect?' in the ending.

>> No.19263518


Im reading ulysses, instead of partying at college guess how im doing……

>> No.19263546

Red Dragon
Thinkin bout becoming a dragon

>> No.19263613

Hamlet's Mill
I'm dropping out

>> No.19263726

>The metamorphosis
>I’m having a bed bugs problem and can’t sleep anymore

>> No.19263750
File: 38 KB, 498x421, 46A925B7-C279-4F75-A3B8-8F6B281EC344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the Miso Soup
>have been in a personal hell for like the last 5 years. Hopefully will turn around soon. Going to try and go to a local CC college to try and get a certificate in land surveying early next year. Hopefully that isn’t a bust and I don’t fall back into this same cycle I keep putting myself through

>> No.19263766

The hungry caterpillar
qt decided to hold hands with me during arts and crafts today. Gods in his heaven, all’s right with the world.

>> No.19263769

>current book
De Brevitate Vitae
>how you’re holding up
Everyday, I wake up feeling fine and go through the most of the day without any problems but then I suddenly get depressed for no reason, sit in front of a blank wall with a knife in my hand and think about suicide for an hour

>> No.19263778

>Just started rereading the first Red Rising book after finishing Dark Age a few days ago
>Hoping I feel under the weather enough from my 2nd covid shot to not have to go to work tomorrow

>> No.19263813

>>Hoping I feel under the weather enough from my 2nd covid shot to not have to go to work tomorrow

Have you heard of lying?

>> No.19263817

The Secret History
I’ve been in the best groove of my life lately, almost where I can taste freedom. But it’s something so trivial, I realise, that can pull you back into that rut. It’s up to me to get out of it and get back on that upwards trajectory.

>> No.19263826

>Current book
Hells Angels - Hunter S. Thompson
>How you're holding up
Well I've decided the idea of living my life to the fullest instead of denying myself a good time is pretty cool so I have that going on.

>> No.19263846

How are you finding Heart of Darkness?

>> No.19263904

>world as will and representation volume II
>on a cocktail of prescription drug and unable to realize my latent potential due to extreme anxiety and an overwhelming sense of cosmic pessimism

>> No.19263919

fanged noumena
i'm in my own personal hell

>> No.19263928

the lou reed biography
barely at all

>> No.19263931

La Possibilité d'une île (The Possibility of an Island)
most likely going to kill myself soon

>> No.19263932
File: 80 KB, 500x565, that-twentysomething-goober-me-sad-what-if-no-one-really-43963077-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys tried not being bored

>> No.19263938


Introduction to the study of the Eastern doctrines

Not doing good. I can't hold up and develop a contingent world view. I'm jumping from materialistic moral relativism to Tradition idealism. I just never feel wholesome and want a worldview I can hold on to so I feel that life somewhat makes sense

>> No.19263943

Hey man almost the same story but I dropped all entertainment.

>> No.19263988

What Is This Thing Called Science by Chalmers
Spent the last two years pretty much always in my bed, most of the time obsessively programming stuff, with a fucked up sleep schedule. not rock bottom but not far away. I have almost no friends. I’ve been doing a bit better in the past few days but it’s not going to last.

>> No.19264011

full pic?

>> No.19264059

Just started my first job and got my first paycheck, I'm now realizing how lonely I am and don't really have someone to share my success with

>> No.19264096

The Affluent Society

>> No.19264172

What the buddha taught by Walpola Rahula (rereading forb2nd time)
Im really desiring nonexistence

>> No.19264189

>26 years and 11 months old
>The Presocratics

I'm doing very bad for the past month due to lovesickness. I want to move on but I just feel more comfortable in waiting for her to become single again even though that's uncertain.

I'm seeing a therapist for it, perhaps you should take the same approach

>> No.19264234

Light reading/reclining, calisthenics+music, focused note-taking reading/study (organically developed self-curriculum) calisthenics+music, practice arithmetic, practice Latin, go for several miles jogging, calisthenics+music, light reading, focused-note taking reading, etc…. Ad Infinitum. Reading and studying is somehow easier when you are constantly drenched in sweat and sore. Regrettably I take coffee before every calesthenics+music tard-rage—it helps.

>> No.19264277
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i feel like hes not for everyone but on the off chance it helps you out watch some charls carroll videos. watching him has helped me out a lot with my issues but just make sure to keep an open mind with what he says

>> No.19264291

William Blake - Complete Poems/Lovecraft - Complete Fiction
Almost killed myself drinking but now things are better

>> No.19264361

What the fuck happened to all the oldfags on this board?

Surely they didn't all find a romantic partner and find pleasure outside of /lit/. Not after all these years. Am I really the only one left? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.19264364

Enjoying it thus far. The prose feels a bit isolated in terms of the protagonist's experience and in what direction the story evolves, but then again it is a retelling of a story by one of the characters + I am a slow reader, but overall there are some beautiful passages in there.

>> No.19264365

>Hostage to the Devil
>I'm quite hopeful atm

>> No.19264374

They've all given in and spend their time watching tv shows and marvel movies anon. It will happen to you one day, too.

>> No.19264385

I am ashamed to post because I'm still here in this shithole among people 10 years younger than me who have probably achieved more than I did. Really makes you think about your life choices.

>> No.19264420

Yes. And have been for about 7 years.

>> No.19264447

>mein kampf, again
>pretty good, pretty rich from le funny money, own a house and have children. Life's good but jews are getting worse

>> No.19264524

alice in wonderland
finally come to terms with the fact my schizoid ideas will not let me produce great art of any kind and instead will categorize me as someone never to talk to, someone you walk past on the street and tell your children not to make eye contact with
at least it will be soon (

>> No.19264528
File: 387 KB, 1052x1312, 1619787189251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parerga & Paralipomena
Very unstable. Some days are cool and great, others are fucking awful. Today I had a very fruitful meditation (second time in a couple weeks) and I get to work from home on a quiet, sunny day. Yesterday I was on constant edge and overwhelmed with paranoia, I even hallucinated a guy on the sidewalk coming at me with a knife (it was actually his phone, he was talking on speaker).


what was project chanology like, grandpa

>> No.19264530

you are so young anon, please if anything learn to try

>> No.19264533
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Art - Auguste Rodin

>> No.19264577

We're both depressed /lit/ users


>> No.19264595
File: 35 KB, 960x540, 5785-trtworld-318625-355612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broom of the system
I'm okay. Work and money makes me content

>> No.19264597

>under the weather enough from my 2nd covid shot
>that means its working

>> No.19264598

C&P (just started reading)
mentally bad, soon physically.

>> No.19264602

Maybe you should read something that doesn't directly feed into your pessimism. Probably won't turn your life around but at least it won't drag you further down.

>> No.19264633
File: 2.84 MB, 3024x4032, bigsur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Runaway Horses
Adapting to a world without her in it, realizing there is no world without her in it.

>> No.19264635

It would really be a better idea to avoid relationships with mentally ill people, they are incredibly boring, never, ever shut the fuck up about their problems, and their thinking focalizes everything around their individual problem. It's a hackneyed idea at this point but it still holds incredibly well up: don't spend your time with sick people because they will eventually make you sick too.

>> No.19264644
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Illiad and the Odyssey
pic related for holding up

>> No.19264647

>Mindset by Carol Dweck
I'm feeling like less of a loser than a year ago, but I'm pretty sure that no matter what great things I may accomplish, I'll still be a loser in one way or another.

>> No.19264664
File: 57 KB, 462x500, 1588692528139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Prisoner of Zenda
I have wasted my life and think about suicide daily

>> No.19264724

>he fell for the hamlets mill
work the mill, take the pill

>> No.19264859
File: 55 KB, 384x600, books-desolation-angels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Desolation angels
>Woke up this morning after a party next to a girl reading a book I told her she should read. I think I like her but I don't know where I should go with it.

>> No.19264868

>Moons of Mirrodin
>Surprisingly well, considering all of the death in my family lately

>> No.19264871

Society's lack of care towards the virgin problem is indicative of how sick and backwards we all truly are.

>> No.19264873

book of the new sun
pretty good most of the time

>> No.19265177

King James Bible, New Testament
Trying to get my health together. Lost 20lbs in the past 2 months, target is 200... 180 left

>> No.19265188
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210917-165642_Arts & Culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice book.
>22, 23 soon
>The glass bead game
>At the moment, spectacularly. Got into medical school starting next year. Things could get bad but for the moment things are good. Beginning to understand how to live. I was about to start a relationship this year but I cut it off because of family issues but I miss her now. It's not right starting a relationship that is doomed no?

>> No.19265203

are you from london, do we know eachother?

>> No.19265205

fuck off normalfag

>> No.19265228

nice, what book you on

>> No.19265259
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Nah wish I could live in London however. In the anglosphere however

>> No.19265285

khv, i finally am completely detached from anything sexual

>> No.19265376

To amuse myself I'll be doing stats in a while since the thread bump limit is approaching.

>> No.19265387

aw, hope med school goes well!

>> No.19265522
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Range 18-52
Mean 24
Median 24
Mode 24

For simplicity, I'm establishing 1997 as the cut-off for being a Gen Z, in other words, being 24. Because the year is mostly over I'm dispreading that some may not have yet had their birthday this year.

GEN Z: 64%
GEN Y: 35%
GEN X: 1%
Literal Boomers: 0 (minimum age 57)

This isn't that different overall from other age samples I've seen. It's on the younger side though, but I think that's to be expected. 23-24 is rather prevalent in this sample. I have to wonder if it's because of 2016, which was 5 years ago, and brought a lot more traffic to the site. At the time those users would've been 18-19.

See image for age breakdown chart
18-22 66 37%
23-24 48 27%
25-29 49 27%
30+ 16 9%

As noted at the top, 4chan is 18 years old now. Even accounting for joining at the site at 13 years old, that's only 7% who could've been here from the beginning or thereabouts.

Of course, it's unclear how much self-selection bias is involved as this isn't a random sample in the slightest.

I also did a very subjective analysis of mood content in the posts and ended up with:
124 69% Bad
33 18% Neutral
16 9% Good
6 3% Unknown

Most reported that their lives were bad, though considering the context, this is is to be expected. Negative reports probably have a higher self-selection rate due to 4chan culture.

>> No.19265540

They made me read that in college and it was one of the best books i've ever read

>> No.19265542

dispreading should be "disregarding", so goes not proofreading.

>> No.19265547

I am unironically an overweight, unemployed wizard. I have not touched another human being in something like 6 years

>> No.19265577

I've been on 4chan since 2004 and I'm not leaving ever. We are here brother.
Please contact your local janny about the creation of a much-needed /old/ board

>> No.19265586

You know that would be almost entirely filled with ironic posting by those who aren't /old/ at all.

>> No.19265600

I'm one of the 30+ users. I don't think we all left, the site was much smaller in 2004. We're outnumbered and too busy to post as frequently, but people tend to stick around

>> No.19265612

I think weed was the only thing that was keeping me sane. I ran out of it three days ago; day one was fine, day two and today are hell. I no longer have the prescription for schizophrenia, I tore it in pieces half a year ago and regret it, as it means I'll have to pay for a psychiatrist to get a new one. I'm also not sure which is the better drug

>> No.19265636

Don't go on the meds my aunt was paranoid schizophrenic and she commited suicide a year after being convinced to go on drugs by my family. She did not need to die

>> No.19265637

Yeah, same for me. 30+ and around that time. We're very outnumbered and there are various considerations that impede frequent posting. As to what percent of people have left, I don't know. It's definitely difficult to tell since as you said it's such a small percent overall now of the total.
When I made that, I didn't expect there to be quite the 23-24 bulge that there is, but I guess I continue to underestimate how many and joined and stayed from that time.

>> No.19265645

Yeah that would be hilarious too though

>> No.19265647

The Selfish Gene
I love the cold weather

>> No.19265668

I don't like /s4s/ and I don't think it'd be much different.

>> No.19265729

I have dealt with severe OCD symptoms since I was about 11. I was diagnosed by a professional when I was 17 (I'm in my mid twenties now). My primary symptom is constant sexually violent, pedophilic, and other ego-dystonic intrusive thoughts. I am certainly not a pedophile nor a rapist; I have an extreme irrational fear of committing the worst acts imaginable to me, and these happen to be violent and pedophilic acts.

Mindfulness meditation and similar practices have helped me greatly, and these are what I recommend. For example, you could practice simple Vipassana meditation, which involves silent, closed-eye observation of the sensation of the breath on the nostrils and the upper lip. This practice among many others leads not to a remission of intrusive thoughts and compulsions, but rather a gradually increasing capacity to accept them. This may sound bleak and inadequate--who doesn't want a complete remission of their symptoms--but in reality it is neither of these. I'm by no means enlightened, but after years of consistent practice the thoughts simply don't bother me anymore (usually), because I see them for precisely what they are: meaningless images generated by a mind predisposed by genetics to this function.

Many people on this site characterize the wisdom of eastern thought, which is derived in large part from meditation practices, as "nihilism," but it's nothing of the kind. A disciplined meditation practice will allow to see thoughts for what they are, and hence allow you to penetrate the misconceptions you have about what constitutes "you." OCD causes mental anguish by attacking the idea you have of your "self." When you spend a long time observing the action of the mind, you will understand intuitively that the symptoms of OCD have no capacity to harm you; thus your mental anguish abates.

>> No.19265732
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>Call of the Crocodile
>hanging by a thread (barely)

>> No.19265878

>The Denial of Death
>Bored, regretful and self loathing

>> No.19265901

>Fear and Trembling
It's never me, I'm never good enough I'm...AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.19266055
File: 769 KB, 1280x1664, Cheerful Slaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro, glad to hear you've made progress in overcoming your anxiety. I've actually tried to stay more /fit/ ever since Covid and I think that, and trying to stay offline, has helped me a lot.
Good luck with your own spiritual journey as well my man. I'm a Catholic and think it's the best way to happiness, but take your time and explore your own feelings. It's a journey and there's no need to rush into anything.
Tain is excellent by the way, at least the Kinsella translation of it. Started reading it because I like the comic series Kaine and it's amazing all the stuff he got from it.
>The Betrothed
My sisters were actually reading that. They love all of that author's stuff, it's supposed to be fun mindless fantasy. Hope it can help you along with everything you're going through.
Glad you're doing good anon!

>> No.19266094

>Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius
I'm living my best life. Going to see the symphony at my local theatre tomorrow.

>> No.19266104


Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth

>> No.19266131

>Laurus, by Vodolazkin
very overwhelmed and i have strep throat but this book is so goddamn good it makes everything okay

>> No.19266174

Gardening books, I've been learning to graft trees. Not the sort of thing you'd care about here.
I'm tired. My dog died at the beginning of August and I didn't expect the grief to last this long. I got him when I was 17. He was a good dog.

>> No.19266181
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>Eumeswil personally, Sophocles' Trachiniai for a Greek class and selections of Roman elegy for a Latin class
>Fine, just going through the motions of the semester at this point and having a good time. I do really want to do some DMT soon, to see if I can "break through" or just have a really intense psychedelic experience.
read the Aeneid next, and Roman elegy for some nice erotic poetry
If making art is what you think makes you happy, why not do it anyway? Why care about the opinions of strangers?
nice books, anon. Hope you're doing well
based beyond belief
you should read All Things Are Possible (Apotheosis of the Groundless) by Lev Shestov

>> No.19266214

I am bought a used copy of The Collapse of The Third Republic by Shirer at Savers and it had 150$ in it.

Don Quixote
I have been suffering from anxiety and paranoia for the past 5 years; leaving the house is rare, other than when I walk my dog before dawn and after dusk. I recently started medication and I am feeling a little better.

>> No.19266221
File: 109 KB, 873x1332, Undercut-Haircut-for-the-Curly-Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Going through a internal crisis after graduating from high school. I was basically living life as an auto pilot now I know I need to get my shit together and get disciplined. Been learning history these past couple of years and it made me extremely grateful that im living In the best times but also completely depressed. Itll get better
Anyway have a good day.

>> No.19266232

>current book
the third brilliant friend book and god emperor of dune
>how you’re holding up
a guy at work younger than me died and i have to pretend that i'm sad rather than jealous

>> No.19266246


How new to 4chan are you guys?

>> No.19266270

Patrick O'brien - Post captain (just started another aubrey maturin read through)
Its actually running great, only it has been running even greater 6 months ago, and I am spoiled. But it seems like it will be picking up again soon

>> No.19266273


>> No.19266278


Pride and prejudice

Not bad I guess. I will be leaving to Japan next year with a scholarship I got this year. Will start working as an engineer soon in the meantime.

I have been thinking though, that juman relationships are also important, and not only your goals. I have almost no friends, never go out, never had a gf, virgin, etc. Even though academically I have succeeded, I feel I have wasted some of my youth. Once I get to Japan I will start having a social life and fuck women. I think I will regret it if I dont

>> No.19266300

youare the first person ihave talked to in months, i will remember your number 181, have a good semester
i love art

>> No.19266321

How'd he croak?

>> No.19266372

This very true, and based on that it would probably be better to never come here, as from this thread it seems everyone is 20 years old and depressed.

>> No.19266553

Closer to 24, though 20s in general. I don't know "depression" was the majority or not. Also, you're a public tripcode.

>> No.19266871

nerve gas

>> No.19266922

I don't read lmao

>> No.19267079

Would occasionally lurk within the past two years but only became a frequent user in January.

>> No.19267258
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Pretty good but I have like 10+ hours schoolwork a day right now, just unbearable. Applying to Yale which is exciting, I feel I have a decent shot.

>> No.19267546

Revolt against the modern world
I've been reading this book for nearly a year, as in I have been barely been reading. It can be hard to sit still. I want to understand what I am reading, so I may have to reread the page over and over again until I am confident I understand. Other than this, I often feel disgusted.

>> No.19267555

Is that a normal hazard where you work?