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19251549 No.19251549 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody Know what the best English translation for the Quran is?
>inb4 ass-mad tradcath larpers

>> No.19251759

There is none.
Read the translated tafseer books, once you want to read Quran, you MUST learn Arabic

>> No.19251768

everyman's library version.
it's a shit book, though. it's not like the bible which has literary value even if you're a non-believer. the koran is just shit.

>> No.19251778
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>Every candid eye, I think, will read the Koran far otherwise than so. It is the confused ferment of a great rude human soul; rude, untutored, that cannot even read; but fervent, earnest, struggling vehemently to utter itself in words. With a kind of breathless intensity he strives to utter himself; the thoughts crowd on him pellmell: for very multitude of things to say, he can get nothing said. The meaning that is in him shapes itself into no form of composition, is stated in no sequence, method, or coherence; — they are not shaped at all, these thoughts of his; flung-out unshaped, as they struggle and tumble there, in their chaotic inarticulate state. We said "stupid": yet natural stupidity is by no means the character of Mahomet's Book; it is natural uncultivation rather.

>> No.19251794

>le heckin islam based!

You /pol/ kiddies try so hard to be edgy and b*sed

>> No.19251797
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Agreed. Tafseers are the way to go.
It's a book of "poetry", and it is not really able to be translated with the cadence and word usage intact. It can also be quite a cold book, a lot of it is rebuking and theological statements.
Arthur J Arberry tried his best, as well as Pickthall, and there indeed are emanatory surahs or verses that translate beautifully to English, my favourite would be Ayat al-Kursi and Surat al-Ikhlas. But even so, you can tell there is something missing when you hear or read the verses in its original mushaf and tajweed, compared to when you read the actual translation in English.

>> No.19251816

Forget the Qur'an. Read the Sealed Nectar instead.

>> No.19253013

I mean it came as a linguistic challenge to the people of that era since that what's they were good at. That's why, you'll need tafseer books because these books where made sequentially starting from that time.

>> No.19253066
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To actually answer your question OP, the Arberry and Pickthall translations are the ones you should choose. Avoid Sahih and Haleem.

>> No.19253103

the bible

>> No.19253108
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The Holy Bible. Islam is a Christian heresy, and a shitty one at that

>> No.19253199

Anon, I know it's hard to believe but the internet is global and some anons here actually live in muslim countries.

>> No.19253280

Tell me why it's not. I am thinking about converting in a few weeks.
>inb4 le jebus
islam makes more sense on that.

>> No.19253286

the bible is boring as fuck and drawn out and has
a million little random bullshit. at least the quran is concise and literally has poetic value

>> No.19253321

>Islam denies readily accepted historical facts such as the crucifixion of Jesus
>We are led to believe that God deceived people about what happened to Jesus for 600+ years
>Muhammad did not speak with God; his entire revelation is from an ‘angel’
>there are no prophecies which predict the coming of Muhammad
>there are no prophecies at all predicting Islam if all of the scriptures beforehand are lost and corrupted
>Muhammad was a pedophile
>Muhammad stole his adopted son’s wife
>Martin Lings (a Muslim) reports in his biography of Muhammad that Muhammad told caravan robbers in the Bani Ghifār to despoil caravans and to only give back the goods if people converted to Islam
>There is no evidence of any corrupted scriptures such as the Injeel
>The Qur’an says in surah 5:47 for Christians to judge the Qur’an based off of the Gospel, self-refuting Islam.

>> No.19253327

t. filtered by Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
So many cases

>> No.19253409

The Quran is really bad, not to mention the religions that originated from it, not that there are many good religions out there anyway.
If you want arabic literature, just read Richard Francis Burton's translation of the Arabian nights. It's very entertaining.

>> No.19253814

>Islam denies readily accepted historical facts such as the crucifixion of Jesus
Some historians deny the existence of Jesus in the first place. Does that mean he didn't exist? The Quran states challenging most (not all) christian denominations of the time, that jews didn't crucify Jesus and that he was saved by God shaming the devil and proving that God will save Jesus as stated in Psalm 91:12. The Quran also tells the jews in their face: you didn't not crucify him and none of you knows for certain that you did.
>That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not. Quran 4:157

>We are led to believe that God deceived people about what happened to Jesus for 600+ years
He deceived the jews Yes. And he continues to let them have their illicit ways on earth until his final judgment comes down like a whip on their heads.
Keep in mind that Nag Hammadi gospels say the same about the crucifixion being nothing but an illusion.

>Muhammad did not speak with God; his entire revelation is from an ‘angel’
He did speak with God and got from him the command that muslims are to pray 5 times a day and the angle Gabriel is only a carrier of the revelation. He also narrates many Hadith Qudsis (spoken by God) like
>The Heart of a Believer Is Allah's Throne

>there are no prophecies which predict the coming of Muhammad
He is mentioned by name in the hebrew bible מַחֲמַדִּ (م ح م د). And people who had the gnosis knew of his coming in the stars and some people came from persia to follow him like Salman the Persian.

>> No.19253829

>there are no prophecies at all predicting Islam if all of the scriptures beforehand are lost and corrupted
There are many.
>And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation. Genesis 17:20

Gird Your Sword upon Your thigh, O Mighty One,
With Your glory and Your majesty.
And in Your majesty ride prosperously because of truth, humility, and righteousness;
And Your right hand shall teach You awesome things.
Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the King's enemies; The peoples fall under You.
Psalm 45:3-5

"There come One after me who is mightier than I, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down and loose."

>Muhammad was a pedophile
He had a legitimate marriage with a woman of age, the fact that this makes you seethe uncontrollably is very laughable since marry got Jesus at the age of 12 and married a man older than her great-grand parent. I am not saying there's something wrong with the virgin marry I am just pointing out your dishonesty.

>Muhammad stole his adopted son’s wife
Legitimately marring someone with her will and consent is not stealing.

>Martin Lings (a Muslim) reports in his biography of Muhammad that Muhammad told caravan robbers in the Bani Ghifār to despoil caravans and to only give back the goods if people converted to Islam
Muslims and the Arab pagans were engaged in a hot war at that time
When the prophet signed a treaty it was them who transgressed and attacked a muslim tribe breaking the treaty.
And the prophet himself never robed anyone or attacked anyone who didn't attack him first. In war stealing becomes looting and if you are being constantly looted by the enemy you might want to get some of it back or forgive on condition that they join your religion and fight alongside you. He gradually abolished most of the old Arab habits like going to wars for the silliest things and looting other tribes along with the abolishment of drinking alcohol and gave slaves rights which didn't exist in many nations until after the 20th century.

>There is no evidence of any corrupted scriptures such as the Injeel
Oh there's many. Too much in fact that people don't even know if it was originally written in Aramaic or Greek and who even wrote them.
And you use the word injeel like it's some fake word for the "bible" when it's in fact the original word. Same as Allah and Elohim not ((Deus))

>> No.19253837

>The Qur’an says in surah 5:47 for Christians to judge the Qur’an based off of the Gospel, self-refuting Islam.
Why don't you Judge by these two?
Jesus said, "When you see the one who wasn't born of a woman, fall down on your face and worship that person. That's your Father."

Where were you when Jesus refuted people worshiping him in a single sentence?

>> No.19254246

There is literally nothing wrong with reading the Koran as a Christian, provided you don't stop worshipping Christ.

>> No.19254250
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>a million little random bullshit.
learn english before posting, please

>> No.19254258

>read first line
>immediately discard everything below it
You showed your hand a bit too early, christcuck

>> No.19254262


>> No.19254268

Dude, Islam’s conception of Jesus is wrong because..... because it just is, okay!!!!

>> No.19254269

There is also a long history of notation and commentaries. Averroes for one.

>> No.19254360

There’s no best translation because there is no critical edition of the original text yet to translate from.

My (secular Muslim) professor teaches from the Droge translation and considers it the outright best English edition.

>> No.19254428

>literally posting crypto-gnostic bullshit never considered authentic by orthodox church tradition and made-up shit like Q
The absolute state of Muslims

>> No.19254454

god isnt real. grow up

>> No.19254475

(You) aren't real

>> No.19254604

He's asking about converting so he probably doesn't.

>> No.19254608

Are Islam larpers the new tradcath larpers?

>> No.19254827

Dude I literally felt my IQ raise with this comment, thank you so much