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/lit/ - Literature

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19238743 No.19238743 [Reply] [Original]

Neighbor moving away was giving away plenty of their books for free. I picked up a few and this one caught my interest. What is /lit/'s opinion on it?

>> No.19238762
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According to Piero Scaruffi it's the second best novel of all time though I'm pretty sure he stole his list of books from somewhere else and hasn't actually read most of them.

>> No.19238783

Which one's the best then
I hate Stendhal, but have a bump fren

>> No.19238804

The Trial.

>> No.19238829

>The Golden Bowl
dangerously based

>> No.19238855
File: 48 KB, 612x612, 27E5CE70-21DD-4821-B156-D2AB54A01E29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Napoleon’s number one fan gets a job teaching the bible in latin to a bourgeois nitwit’s kids. High-jinx ensue. It’s wonderful.
Lit comes face to fave with their mirror image and they hate each other

>> No.19238881

Nobody here has the balls to do anything Julien does. Neither did Stendhal, he was living vicariously just like us.

>> No.19238911

It’s a fun novel. Julien is an edgelord at heart. The roasties throw morality out the window as soon as they fall in love (seemed very realistic to me)
Then throw Chad under the bus as soon as he falls for somebody else (seemed very realistic to me)

>> No.19238929
File: 97 KB, 611x415, 7195B63B-8A83-43E8-BB32-D26E1C6B7DA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the man’s biography.
And it’s a novel. Have “the balls” to live just as large

>> No.19238977

Your neighbor might be based. I might be a little skeptical of that translation but it definitely will be serviceable. Stendhal is a classic French writer. Can't go wrong with him.

>> No.19238978

>Church is le bad!
>Daddy Napoleon save me!

>> No.19238996

He’s an ambitious priest, anon. A secularist cad, but he doesn’t badmouth the church like Voltaire or Diderot.
You single issue anons. …

>> No.19239015

Why are you still not permabanned?

>> No.19239029

One of the greatest French novels ever written. The protagonist tries to climb the social ladder at any cost, tries to be cold and calculating but succeeds only when he accidentally shows his vulnerable, more authentic self. Despite his Machiavellian pretensions, his supposed amoralism, he's actually outraged by hypocrisy. An exciting, fast paced read.

>> No.19239041
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I am /lit/

>> No.19240269

Nah Stendhal was a G. If you read his memoir you would know that by his enterprising will alone he managed to elevate himself far above the narrow-minded provincials he grew up with (like Julien but more successful actually) and wrote some of the most astonishing literature of his generation, which was recognized mostly after his death. He's probably France's closest analogue there was to a Napoleon of literature--Balzac and Hugo never having fought alongside Napoleon's armies. He just had the misfortune to be born just early enough to be able to march with La Grande Armee but too late to be able to really advanced himself before everything was over. There was just simply no opportunity for much ambition in the restored Bourbon monarchy and instead plenty of danger if you had republican sympathies like he did--and that's basically half of what The Red and the Black is about

>> No.19240276

The Republic was a masonic sham and Napoleon fucked france for generations with his lenience towards the Jews and destructive secularization. Read Chateurbriand.

>> No.19240449

I have and actually think he's a better technical writer than Stendhal. I just happen to admire Stendhal's character more. Chateaubriand was backwards looking, but Stendhal's writing was that of the future. I think it's a remarkable thing that a country like France could accommodate such geniuses from all ends of life and from all political perspectives--for every Rousseau there's a De Maistre. I don't feel the need to fling shit on either side when we're talking about people who have been dead for almost 200 years

>> No.19241243

>Read Chateurbriand.

Read Bloy.

>> No.19241254

Buddenbrooks is so fucking good. I will never stop shilling it. It's basically a Tolstoy novel, but done right.

>> No.19242025

Stendhal's best. Not that that necessarily means it's worth reading.

>> No.19242033

>Best Novels
>(since 1850 and only one per writer)

>only one per writer
This alone corrupts the whole list, how can you possibly pretend the greatness of the work is secondary to the writer? On the contrary, you'd expect a genius writer to produce more great books.

>> No.19242182

You're right, but I like the rule. If you want these lists to be good sources for recommendations, it ensures more variety.
Butchering Nietzsche, but "What's the fastest way to climb mountains? Bounding from peak to peak."

>> No.19242296

What do you guys think of charter house and henry brulard?

>> No.19242345

Great book. I actually got teary eyed at the end

>> No.19243374

This list is a complete fucking wreck. His Best 100 has 63 entries? The list of best novels since 1850 includes Rabelais and Cervantes?

>> No.19243524
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>Considered as a masterpiece.
>No one trully took the time to read it.