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[ERROR] No.19211676 [Reply] [Original]

Ever notice how christians can't seem to explain what the holy spirit is? Why is having a trinity important to the point that they have to pretend the Holy Spirit exists?

And before you say
>well it's like god but he's everywhere at once
Normal god already does this
>the holy spirit can occupy a person or building
Normal god already does this
>it's how god influences the world
Then it's just god, not a separate guy.

Notice how people don't have to ask "who's Jesus, and why is he a separate guy from god?" It's obvious that he's a separate aspect of god with a different name and body. Meanwhile, the Holy Ghost has no name, no body, and does all the things God normally does on his own.

Christcucks should cut their losses and admit there's no third guy already. The three-in-one thing is obviously forced and embarassing. Albeit none of this matters because all three of them are fake, but the Ghost IS faker than the other two.

>> No.19211682

The Holy Spirit isnt a person though.

>> No.19211689

Then it's not a trinity, simple as

>> No.19211727

>explain what the holy spirit is
It is to what the Greeks called the Promethean flame, what the liberalist call universal human rights. It is the scintilla all we humans share; it's your soul.

Seems easy enough to explain.

>> No.19211734

pseud cringe

>> No.19211737

Addendum - It's natural law; below God's law, but above the state's law.

>> No.19211738

It's clearly a white pigeon.

>> No.19211757

Man, if only those thousands of years of earnest theological work from some of the most thoroughly educated people who have ever lived could've been prevented by having you around from the beginning to go "actually that's stupid."
We truly are blessed to live in a time and place where you're here to set the record straight.

>> No.19211761
File: 51 KB, 333x500, 51MysLCx5CL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spirit that can be described is not the Holy Spirit

>> No.19211780

Why don't you paraphrase one of the works you're referring to? Right now you just look like a guy who can't explain what the Holy Ghost is.

>> No.19211782

I see the HS as the purely ineffable nature or aspect of God. The father is just everything, the Son is intelligible to us, the HS is the non intelligible part

This is heresy btw, not remotely what the Christians say, I just like the idea

>> No.19211783
File: 23 KB, 268x380, depositphotos_9025497-stock-photo-white-dove-flying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bird of divinity

>> No.19211784

It literally talks in Acts and Jesus refers to it as a ‘he’. Literal hersey

>> No.19211792

I don't care to do any work for you because you're an obnoxious faggot who has no legitimate interest in learning anything.
This will be my last post in the thread.

>> No.19211795

>earnest theological work from some of the most thoroughly educated people who have ever lived
Uhhhh they all believed the big choo choo in the sky choo choos all by itself.

>> No.19211798

its the one that goes scare you.boo. like you ever have any one fuck you in the ass and then they just constantly keep calling you? thats the holy ghost babe.

>> No.19211803

>doesn't talk in the old testament
>doesn't talk in the gospels
>suddenly it can talk in early church writings
Not very convincing. That was probably just God talking and they got confused.

>> No.19211808

Read Michael Servetus’s book Errors of the Trinity. Your welcome.

>> No.19211811

Shocker, you can't explain what the Holy Ghost is AND you don't actually read.

>> No.19211827

It seems very similar to the Greek concept of a daemon, which I guess pairs well with Jesus-Dionysus, the wine drinking revenant and son of God

>> No.19211868

It's the Stoic concept of pneuma; spirit or breath. It was conceived as a intermediary substance between physical matter and immaterial souls. Pneuma/spirit is an aerial demi-matter that can interact with both and shares the properties of both.

>> No.19211880

Jesus, the God-man, replaced the role of daemons in Christianity. You don't need intermediary beings between God and man anymore because Jesus as both God and man bridges the gap in his incarnation.

>> No.19211890

Ok so why did the spooky specter descend on the apostles?

>> No.19211903

my english teacher in 10th grade tried to convince us the spirits of the dead and ghosts are real because "What else would the holy ghost be?"
None of us even responded but i've been laughing about it for around ten years now.

>> No.19211904

Not sure if this helps but Muslims call Gabriel the Holy Spirit I think

>> No.19211910

That's a start, but it also convolutes things further by promoting an angel to trinity status

>> No.19211968

A vivifying energy of God, a "breath", rather than an intermediary that acts for you as much as it acts on you.

>> No.19212001

Only good answer in the thread.
City of God dwells on debunking philosophical daemons based on the problem of meditating im/material agents.

>> No.19212024

The Catholic thread where people were talking about missals got deleted but this thread is still up. Incredible.

>> No.19212027

The Janny giveth and the Janny taketh away. He sends flies to wounds that he should heal

>> No.19212038

I'm not sure that's very different, except for Christians this breath has to be a person of the one god to distinguish itself from paganism's intermediaries of gods.

>> No.19212047

Since you're a dumb nerd just think of it as the Force

>> No.19212062
File: 812 KB, 800x1873, last supper tier list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a team of writers working on the King James Bible
>some cardinals come up and say "hey the Pope wants you to mention the holy trinity in your Bible."
>your bros look at the Greek and Latin manuscrips being used to make the English translation
>tell him "sorry brosef, but if the holy trinity isn't in these older manuscripts, we won't include it in the KJB."
>cardinal fucks off back to Vatican City
>quickly scribbles down a modern Latin manuscript with the verse about the trinity your boys and the Pope want included
>go back to England and give them this forgery
>my KJB bros look at it and say, "yeah okie-doke, we'll put your weirdo trinity in our Bible now."
and that's the story of the holy ghost

>> No.19212080

The holy trinity is three things and one thing, so by definition it's not a "separate guy".

Tbh it was probably Christianity's version of universal consciousness or something. Pre council of Nicaea the Christians believed in reincarnation, and there are meditative practices within Christianity. IIRC the orthodox church is more experiential than the Catholic church which focuses more on logos.